Mary Seacole Housing Association Limited Supported
Mary Seacole Housing Association Limited Supported
Resettlement Mary Seacole Housing Association Limited The Association supports all clients through life skills training and keyworking to develop skills needed to move onto private rented accommodation or social housing. The Resettlement Officer provides additional support to clients as they move through the various stages. When they move out of the hostel setting, support is provided for as long as required to ensure that they become settled in their new home and environment. Training We have a dedicated Training Unit where accredited and non accredited courses are provided primarily to clients and also to staff. The Unit is fully equipped with 10 computers with the latest software packages. If you would like to find out more about the services we offer or have a query please get in touch with our head office or alternatively visit our website Website: E-mail: Supported Accommodation for Young Homeless People Mary Seacole Housing Association’s aims are: • • • • • • • To provide supported accommodation to single homeless people To provide a high standard working and living environment for staff and clients respectively To create an atmosphere of mutual trust and respect for clients, volunteers and staff To provide a training and development support package that is person centred for clients, volunteers and staff To liaise with other agencies in order to provide specialist services as required by clients, volunteers and staff To provide support and advice to enable clients to progress from a state of dependence to that of independence To ensure the financial stability of the organisation MARY SEACOLE INSPIRE AND SUPPORT YOUNG PEOPLE TO SUSTAIN, MANAGE AND REACH THEIR GOALS’ Supported Accommodation for Young Adults Mary Seacole House 30 - 32 Brantwood Road Luton LU1 1JJ Tel: 01582 415651 Fax: 01582 415006 Simply scan this QR code for a direct link to the Mary Seacole Housing Association website. Website: E-mail: Registered as a Friendly Society 28380R With Charitable Status. Introduction Mary Seacole Housing Association Limited is a friendly Society with charitable status established in 1986. We provide supported accommodation in six hostels in the Luton area for young single homeless people aged between 16 and 35 years. The clients live together as a community cooperating with one another and mixing together for the common good. Over the years the Association has built up a formidable reputation in the field of supported accomodation. How do I get referred? All clients are referred to Mary Seacole through various agencies such as: • Social Services, • Probation Service, • Youth Offending Team, • Luton Borough Council’s Homeless Department • And any other voluntary organisations. • Self - Referral The Assessment Process All applicants referred are assessed at an interview for eligibility for supported accommodation. All applicants have a right to be interviewed to determine their needs and whether these needs can be met by the service. After the applicant’s interview, a needs and risk assessment will be completed. A decision will be made as to whether accommodation and support can be offered. The applicant will be informed by the referring agency of the decision. If the applicant is offered supported accommodation, he or she will accept a support package which will be client centred and part of the License Agreement. Failure to engage with this support package may result in a review of the client’s support needs and a decision will be made as to whether the service meets those needs. Staff will assist applicants through the assessment process. Advice We offer support & advice to clients in areas of welfare benefits, housing and debt. Residents actual experience! “When I first became homeless I had nowhere to go but when I moved to Mary Seacole everything changed, my whole life became different. It was just like putting on a light in a dark room and I started living again. Every one showed me what life can be like, everyone here treats each other like family. The staff will support you with everything they can because they see you as part of a family. I think coming to Mary Seacole is the best decision I’ve made in my whole life”. The Support Process A support plan will be developed between the client and their keyworker. This will enable the client to develop the skills required for independent living. We work in partnership with local agencies addressing many individual issues, which a client may be facing, such as alcohol and drug dependency. All clients must participate in training and keyworking to address their support needs as identified in their application for supported accommodation. Their support plan will be reviewed regularly. Client reviews can also be initiated by the clients themselves. The keyworking sessions would cover areas such as: • Budgeting and managing finances • Independent Living Skills • Training and Employment • Education/Literacy and Numeracy • Vulnerabilities • Social Activities and Community Links • Cultural and Faith Needs Since I came to Mary Seacole over a year ago I have met many good people and friends I’ve felt supported all through my stay. I’ve worked towards my independence and feel wiser than I was when I first arrived. Mary Seacole has really helped me and I am grateful for everything that has been done for me. I am waiting to get my own place soon all thanks to the charity”. MARY SEACOLE INSPIRE AND SUPPORT YOUNG PEOPLE TO SUSTAIN, MANAGE AND REACH THEIR GOALS