saGrAo DT)C vA BAo T~O ..---
saGrAo DT)C vA BAo T~O ..---
UBND TiNE DONG NAI GrAo DT)C vA BAo T~O CQNG HOA sa S6: xA HQI cHiJ NGHiA VI:E:T NAM DQc l~p - T\f do - H~nh phuc a&~ /SGDDT-GDTX Dong Nai, ngay/J thdng 3 ndm 2016 vIv thong bao tuyen dung giam khao mon N6i (Speaking Examiner - SE) cho cac ky thi tieng Anh cua Hoi d6ng Khao thi Cambridge tai D6ng Nai. Kinh goi : - Cac Phong Giao due va Dao tao - Cac don vi giang day Ti~ng Anh Ti~p tuc trien khai viec t6 chirc cac ky thi Chirng chi Anh van quoc t~ cua Hoi d6ng Khao thi Ti~ng Anh Dai hoc Cambridge - Vuong quoc Anh (Cambridge English) trong nam 2016 tai D6ng Nai, b6 sung them doi ngii giam khao mon N6i cho cac ky thi nay, S6 Giao due va Dao t(;10D6ng Nai thong bao tuyen dung Giam khao mon N6i (Speaking Examiners) cu th~ nhu sau: 1. D6i nrong tham gia dir tuyen: Giao vien Ti€ng Anh cac c~p 2. Tieu chuan va 10 trinh tuyen chon: Xin xem van ban tuyen dung cua Cambridge English duoc dinh kern. 3. Thai gian nhan h6 sa xin tuyen dung: Ung vien nop h6 sa xin tuyen dung lam giam khao rnon N6i (bao g6m don xin tuyen dung va sa y€u ly lich bang Ti~ng Anh; ban san van bang, chirng chi c6 lien quan) v€ van phong S6 Giao due va Dao t(;10D6ng Nai, s6 2 Nguyen Thai HQC, thanh ph6 Bien Hoa. Tren bi thir d€ ro : DANG KY DV TUYEN GrAM KHAo MON N6r cAc KY THr CHUNG CHI ANH VAN CAMBRIDGE. 4. Thai gian nhan h6 sa : ill ngay ra thong bao cho d€n ngay 22-4-2016. 5. S6 se lien lac true ti€p bang di~n thoai voi cac irng vien duoc chon van vong phong v~n d~ x~p lich phong v~n. Vi the, yell c§u cac trng vien ghi di~n thoai sa lien lac trong don xin d\f tlly~n cua mlnh, 6. MQi thac m~c v€ chuang trinh, xin vui long lien he phong Giao due Thuong xuyen, S6 Giao due va Dao t(;10D6ng Nai, qua s6 dien thoai 0613 842467 trong gio hanh chinh. S6 yeu c§u cac don vi thong bao kip thai cho giao vien Ti€ng Anh thuoc don vi minh diroc biet v~ thong bao nay.f ~ . , x. »: Nui nhiin: - Nhu tren; - Luu: VT, GDTX.lL ..--- ~~GIAM DOC 'CAMBRIDGE Language ENGLISH Assessment IQrt of the University SE APPENDICES B: SE PROFilE '. of Cambridge PROFILE OF A CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH SPEAKING EXAMINER 1 Role Specification A Cambridge English Speaking Examiner (SE) is regarded by the organisation as having a key role in the whole process of assessing a candidate's English language ability. The mark for speaking skills constitutes at least 20% of the overall score of a Cambridge English candidate and can clearly make a significant difference to whether a candidate is awarded a certificate or not Furthermore, the examiner-delivered Speaking test provides the candidates with personal contact with direct representatives of Cambridge English. In regions where the Cambridge English Speaking tests are relatively new, applicant centres are required to provide PSLs/RTLs with CVs of potential examiners as part of the centre approval process. 1.1 Exclusivity and Confidentiality Because of the commercially sensitive nature of examining work, and in order to avoid any potential conflicts of interests in the future, Cambridge English would expect examiners not to work for any other providers of ESOL examinations and tests. SEs must at all times maintain confidentiality and security in all aspects of Cambridge English examining work (test materials, candidate assessments, training and other procedures, etc.) and uphold the good reputation of Cambridge English in all examining and public environments. Note that SEs must not, without the written permission of the Chief Executive of Cambridge English Language Assessment, allow their name to be used in association with Cambridge English, for example for the public endorsement or promotion of any materials, products or services. Citing this status in formal job applications/CVs is acceptable. 1.2 Minimum Professional Professional Requirements background .:. The Minimum Professional Requirements (MPRs) for SEs are: education to first degree level or equivalent;* a recognised language teaching qualification;* proof of substantial, relevant, recent teaching experience. * An applicant may be exempt either from the formal teaching qualification or from the first degree/equivalent requirement (but not both) in the light of considerable relevant teaching experience supported by positive references. The TUSETC should refer all such cases to the PSURTL before a prospective SE goes through Registration. The PSURTL's decision is final. .:. For centres that run exams for candidates under the age of 16 (including Cambridge English Young Learners tests, and any for Schools exams), applicants must have recent experience of dealing with children, ideally in a professional capacity, and must show that they can work with Reference: TlS0039 Status/Version: Owner: TLSSWG Classification: Restricted Released Version 1.0 Date: November 2013 Page 1 of 3 : CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH ,, . SE APPENDICES B: SE PROFILE . Language Assessment I Pirt of the University of Cambridge children in line with local legislation. They must also be willing to sign a dectaratton that they are suitably responsible to conduct exams with children. It is the responsibility of the centre to ensure that no unsuitable person is appointed as a Speaking Examiner for Cambridge English Young Learners, Key for Schools, Preliminary for Schools or First for Schools. English language competencies • overall language proficiency, including linguistic accuracy, relevant to the examination level (at least two Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) levels higher than the CEFR level of the exam); • clear diction, including intelligibility outside the region/country where examining takes place; • the ability to assess the grammatical accuracy, acceptability and appropriateness English at the relevant examination level. of spoken NB: In some circumstances, e.g. where Cambridge English Speaking tests are new/unfamiliar, or where there is limited examiner resource, it may be necessary to recruit SEs whose level of English language competence needs additiomil validation. In such cases, Cambridge English provides PSLs/RTLsITLs/SETCs with an interview model and global descriptors of the language proficiency required of the interviewee which are related to the level at which the SE recruit will be required to examine. Language competencies are not defined in terms of being a 'native speaker' of English. All prospective SEs, whether English is their first or additional language. must meet the same professional requirements. 1.3 Other Requirements SEs additionally need to: be responsible, conscientious, dependable, flexible, reliable and punctual; be sensitive to local cultural norms/issues and able to interact appropriately with the type of candidates for the examination in question, in such a way as to ensure that the candidates provide an adequate sample of English representative of their speaking ability; be ready to accept and follow TUSETC advice/guidance training/certification, during monitoring or informally; • given in the context of have a commitment to Cambridge English's QA processes; be able to work to deadlines and in accordance with Cambridge English procedures; have the attention to detail necessary to complete the administrative aspects of the SE role; have ready access to, and the necessary IT skills to use, a PC with broadband certification using PSN and other online activities, and have a unique email address; for be available to attend certification meetings and to undertake assignments during a substantial proportion of the examining period of the examination for which s/he is applying; ensure their personal details on Cambridge English Online - Examiners are kept up to date. Reference: TLS0039 Status/Version: Owner: TLSSWG Classification: Restricted ReleasedVersion 1.0 Date: November 2013 Page 2 of3 ' 8 CAMBRIDGE " Language " 1.4 ENGLISH SE APPENDICES B: SE PROFILE Assessment Pirt of the University of Cambridge Termsand Conditions of Service An SE is engaged requirements. by a CEM for a period of time appropriate to local examination An SE is engaged by a CEM on the recommendation of the TL following the recruitment, induction and training procedures laid down in the QARSTs - Policy documentation, and is answerable ultimately for his/her professional conduct to Cambridge English through the network of CEMs, PSLs, TLs or other individuals with a supervisory role. An appointment will be renewed subject to satisfactory service as determined by the CEM and TL, and the availability of work. An SE must be available to carry out enough examining to meet local requirements. An SE must comply with the specific examining responsibilities for SEs, which can be found in detail in each relevant Instructions to Speakit1.9.Examiners booklet. CEMs must endeavour to offer SEs enough examining work to enable them to maintain their eligibility, i.e. an SE who doesn't examine for two years or more requires re-training. Assignments are usually allocated for one examining session at a time. Fees and expenses related to speaking examining will be agreed and paid by the CEM according to local circumstances. Reference: TLS0039 StatusfVersion: Released Version 1.0 Owner: TLSSWG Classification: Restricted Date: November 2013 Page 3 of 3