certification requirements


certification requirements
Exemplar Global Qualification-Based Training Provider Certification Program
Exemplar Global is accredited by the Joint Accreditation System of
Australia and New Zealand
(JAS-ANZ) and INMETRO as meeting the requirements of the International
Standard for Personnel Certification Bodies, ISO/IEC 17024:2003 ‘General
requirements for bodies operating the certification of persons’.
This program is not covered under the Exemplar Global scope of
accreditation with JAS-ANZ and INMETRO.
While every effort is made to ensure that the process for evaluating applications for certification
is effective, Exemplar Global does not accept liability for the performance, conduct or services
provided by the certified person or organisation.
© Copyright Exemplar Global
This Certification Program and associated Intellectual Property is subject to Exemplar Global
Copyright©. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of application, review or reference, as
permitted under the Australian and United States of America Copyright Acts, no part of this
Program may be reproduced by any process without the written permission of the Chief
Executive Officer of Exemplar Global.
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Document Ref: PCD37-AS9100 Aerospace Auditor Certification Requirements © Edition: 10
Issued: 2015 March
Table of Contents
Grades of Certification
Aerospace Auditor (AA) Requirements
Aerospace Experienced Auditor (AEA) Requirements
Aerospace Industry Experienced Auditor (AIEA) Requirements
Online Application and Application Review Process
Pay First Annual Installment Fee
Confirmation of Certification
Expansion of Certification Grade
Annex A: Certification Requirements for Exemplar Global Certified AS9110 Auditors
Annex B: QMS Auditor Recognition Alternative Requirements
Annex C: Auditors Transferring from Auditor Authentication Bodies
Annex D: General Definitions and Abbreviations
Annex E: Personal Attributes
Annex F: Conditions for Audit Experience
Annex G: Continuing Professional Development
Annex H: Terms and Conditions
Annex I: Fee Schedule
Annex J: Summary of Certification Requirements
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Document Ref: PCD37-AS9100 Aerospace Auditor Certification Requirements © Edition: 10 Issued: 2015-March
The AS9100 Aerospace Auditor Certification Program has been developed by Exemplar
Global in liaison with industry representatives.
The Program provides international recognition for auditors of Aerospace Quality
Management Systems (AQMS) who conduct audits using International or National
Standards, recognized by Exemplar Global.
Confidence and reliance in the audit process depends on the competence of personnel
conducting the audit.
The Program has been developed to meet the following key objectives:
To meet the requirements of SAE AS9104/3, issued 2007-03;
To ensure that auditors meet or exceed the audit competencies defined by Exemplar
Global, using ISO19011:2002;
To assist organizations in selecting competent auditors; and
To enhance the professional recognition of Exemplar Global certified auditors.
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Grades of Certification
There are three grades of AS9100 Aerospace Auditor certification.
Please select your Grade:
Aerospace Auditor (AA) grade recognizes that an applicant has demonstrated the
competencies to conduct a AS9100 Aerospace audit and perform as a member of an
audit team. Continue to page 6 for details of the requirements for AA certification.
Aerospace Experienced Auditor (AEA) grade recognizes that an applicant has
demonstrated Aerospace Auditor competence and has provided evidence of some
aerospace industry work experience. Continue to page 7 for details of the requirements
for AEA certification.
Aerospace Industry Experienced Auditor (AIEA) grade recognizes that an applicant
has demonstrated Aerospace Auditor competence and has provided evidence of full
aerospace industry work experience. Continue to page 9 for the details of the
requirements for AIEA certification.
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Aerospace Auditor (AA) Requirements
The information contained on this page provide Applicants with the requirements that must
be demonstrated and documented, in order to obtain AS9100 certification at the Aerospace
Auditor (AA) grade. All AA applications will be evaluated against the following requirements:
Applicants must submit evidence (Certificate of Completion) of successful completion of the
following training:
Option 1:
Approved AS9100 Aerospace Auditor Transition Training Course (previously AS9100
C Foundations Course), and/or 9101E/9101:2014 Revision Training; and
QMS (ISO 9001:2008) auditor training course, completed within the last three
consecutive years from the date of application; or
Option 2:
Approved AS9100 Aerospace Auditor Transition Training Course (previously AS9100
C Foundations Course), and/or 9101E/9101:2014 Revision Training; and
Approved AS9100 C AQMS Standard Auditor Course, completed within the last three
consecutive years from the date of application.
The Exemplar Global register of Certified Training Providers is available at
Applicants must submit evidence (i.e. certificate or ID card) of certification as an ISO
9001:2008 auditor, by a nationally-recognized Auditor Authentication Body (AAB).
Alternatively, evidence of meeting the education, work experience, auditor training, and audit
experience requirements of ISO 19011:2002, Section 7.4 is acceptable for meeting the
Auditor Recognition Alternative Requirements. Refer to Annex B, page 19, for details.
Applicants must provide evidence of 20 onsite audit days, conducted within the last three
consecutive years from the date of application. The 20 audit days must include at least four
complete audits and have been conducted to the ISO 9001:2008 or AS9100 Standards.
All audits must be logged on the Exemplar Global Audit Log available from the Program
Exemplar Global AS9110 certified auditors seeking equivalent AS9100 Certification, refer
to Annex A, page 18, for requirements.
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Aerospace Experienced Auditor (AEA)
The information contained on this page provides applicants with the requirements that must
be demonstrated and documented, in order to obtain AS9100 certification at the Aerospace
Experienced Auditor (AEA) grade. All AEA applications will be evaluated against the
following requirements.
Applicants must submit evidence (Certificate of Completion) of successful completion of the
following training:
Option 1:
Approved AS9100 Aerospace Auditor Transition Training Course (previously AS9100
C Foundations Course), and/or 9101E/9101:2014 Revision Training; and
Approved AS9100 Aerospace Industry Specific course; and
QMS (ISO 9001:2008) auditor training course, completed within the last three
consecutive years from the date of application; or
Option 2:
Approved AS9100 Aerospace Auditor Transition Training Course (previously AS9100
C Foundations Course), and/or 9101E/9101:2014 Revision Training; and
Approved AS9100 C AQMS Standard Auditor Course, completed within the last three
consecutive years from the date of application; and
Approved AS9100 Aerospace Industry Specific course.
The Exemplar Global register of Certified Training Providers is available at
Applicants must submit evidence (i.e. certificate or ID card) of certification as an ISO
9001:2008 auditor, by a nationally-recognized Auditor Authentication Body (AAB).
Alternatively, evidence of meeting the education, work experience, auditor training, and audit
experience requirements of ISO 19011:2002, Section 7.4 is acceptable for meeting the
Auditor Recognition Alternative Requirements. Refer to Annex B, page 19, for details.
Applicants must provide evidence (Audit Log) of 20 onsite audit days, conducted within the
last three years prior to application. The 20 audit days must include at least four complete
audits and must have been conducted to the ISO 9001:2008 or AS9100 Standards. Please
note, that once the four complete audits have been met, partial audits can be used to make
up the remaining 20 audit days.
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Aerospace Experienced Auditor (AEA)
Requirements (continued)
For more information on the acceptable auditing experience, refer to Annex F, page 24,
Conditions for Audit Experience.
Evidence of two complete AS9100 or AS9110 audits, witnessed by an approved Aerospace
Experienced or Aerospace Industry Experienced Auditor.
Witnessed audits must be logged on the Exemplar Global Review of Auditor Performance
Report form available from the Program Examiner.
Applicants must provide evidence of at least two years full-time aerospace work experience
within the past 15 years.
Work Experience must:
Be in the aerospace industry directly involved in engineering, design, manufacturing,
quality, or process control for a major airframe manufacturer, prime supplier, auxiliary
equipment supplier and/or appropriate official civil, military, or space organization,
such as, National Aviation Authorities [NAA], domestic Space Agency (e.g., European
Space Agency [ESA], National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA],
Canadian Space Agency [CSA]), Department/Ministry of Defense [DoD/MoD]; and
Have included direct involvement and/or knowledge of aerospace industry specific
aspects (e.g., aerospace industry quality, regulatory and/or military aerospace
requirements, first article inspection, airworthiness and safety requirements,
aerospace material traceability requirements, aerospace sub-contractor approval and
control, variation management of key characteristics, flow-down of AQMS
requirements, Foreign Object Damage/Debris [FOD] prevention program, use of
customer supplied products, calibration controls and positive recall system,
acceptance authority media, nonconforming material management, sampling
inspection/statistical process control requirements and limitations, special processes,
configuration management/requirements control, manufacturing techniques, tool
control, design development verification and validation).
Work experience shall be documented on the Work Experience Documentation form
available from the Program Examiner.
Exemplar Global AS9100 certified auditors seeking equivalent AS9110 Certification, refer
to Annex A, page 18, for requirements.
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Aerospace Industry Experienced Auditor
(AIEA) Certification Requirements
The information contained on this page provides applicants with the requirements that must
be demonstrated and documented, in order to obtain AS9100 certification at the Aerospace
Industry Experienced Auditor (AIEA) grade. All AIEA applications will be evaluated against
the following requirements.
Applicants must submit evidence (Certificate of Completion) of successful completion of the
following training:
Option 1:
Approved AS9100 Aerospace Auditor Transition Training (previously AS9100 C
Foundations Course), and/or 9101E/9101:2014 Revision Training; and
QMS (ISO 9001:2008) auditor training course, completed within the last three
consecutive years from the date of application; or
Option 2:
Approved AS9100 Aerospace Auditor Transition Training (previously AS9100 C
Foundations Course), and/or 9101E/9101:2014 Revision Training; and
Approved AS9100 C AQMS Standard Auditor Course, completed within the last three
consecutive years from the date of application.
The Exemplar Global register of Certified Training Providers is available at
Applicants must submit evidence (i.e. certificate or ID card) of certification as an ISO
9001:2008 auditor, by a nationally-recognized Auditor Authentication Body (AAB).
Alternatively, evidence of meeting the education, work experience, auditor training, and audit
experience requirements of ISO 19011:2002, Section 7.4 is acceptable for meeting the
Auditor Recognition Alternative Requirements. Refer to Annex B, page 19, for details.
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Aerospace Industry Experienced Auditor
(AIEA) Certification Requirements
Applicants must provide evidence of 20 onsite audit days, conducted within the last three
years prior to application. The 20 audit days must include at least four complete audits and
must have been conducted to the ISO 9001:2008 or AS9100 Standards. Please note, that
once the four complete audits have been met, partial audits can be used to make up the
remaining 20 audit days.
Audit experience must be logged on the Exemplar Global Audit Log, available at
For more information on the acceptable auditing experience, refer to Annex F, page 24,
Conditions of Audit Experience.
Applicants must provide evidence of at least four years full-time aerospace work experience
within the past 10 years.
To meet this requirement, the experience must:
Be in the aerospace industry directly involved in engineering, design, manufacturing,
quality, or process control for a major airframe manufacturer, prime supplier, auxiliary
equipment supplier and/or appropriate official civil, military, or space organization,
such as, National Aviation Authorities [NAA], domestic Space Agency (e.g., European
Space Agency [ESA], National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA],
Canadian Space Agency [CSA], Department/Ministry of Defense [DoD/MoD].
Include direct involvement and/or knowledge of aerospace industry specific aspects
(e.g., aerospace industry quality, regulatory and/or military aerospace requirements,
first article inspection, airworthiness and safety requirements, aerospace material
traceability requirements, aerospace sub-contractor approval and control, variation
management of key characteristics, flow-down of AQMS requirements, Foreign Object
Damage/Debris [FOD] prevention program, use of customer supplied products,
calibration controls and positive recall system, acceptance authority media,
nonconforming material management, sampling inspection/statistical process control
requirements and limitations, special processes, configuration management/
requirements control, manufacturing techniques, tool control, design development
verification and validation).
Exemplar Global AS9100 certified auditors seeking equivalent AS9110 Certification, refer
to Annex A, page 18, for requirements.
Work experience shall be documented on the Work Experience Documentation form
available at http://exemplarglobal.org/myexemplar/document-library.
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Online Application and
Application Review Process
Online Application Process:
To apply for certification, you will need to complete the Online Application Form at
https://exemplaronlineportal.cloudmch.com.au/. This process includes: confirmation to
observe the Exemplar Global Code of conduct, payment of Application Fees; and
uploading evidence of the certification requirements for the grade of certification sought, as
detailed in the previous pages of these certification requirements.
1. If review determines that application is missing the required evidence, the Examiner
will notify the applicant, and provide 10 calendar days for the applicant to submit the
information. All information not submitted within the 10 day timeframe, will cause significant delays in the application process, and will result in the file being closed.
2. In the event that the file is closed, the applicant will have 10 days to request that the
review process is reopened, without penalty. All requests received after the 10 day
window, will result in the applicant being required to reapply for certification.
Review Process:
Once you have submitted the online application, your application will be assigned to an
Exemplar Global Personnel Certification Examiner, who will complete the application review
process, as follows (estimated times subject to change):
Initial Review - Applications are processed in the order they are received. The
Examiner assigned to review your file will evaluate the documentary evidence
uploaded during the application process against the certification requirements for the
grade of certification sought. The initial review process, which begins after the
required documentation is uploaded, typically takes 10 days to complete.
Technical Review - Upon verification of a complete file, the Examiner will work with
Aerospace Subject Matter Experts to verify the technical merits of the supporting
evidence provided in support of your application. During this process, Exemplar
Global will verify auditing experience, work experience and/or training records. To
assist our Examiners and SMEs with completing the review process in a timely
manner, please ensure that you have provided the accurate and complete
information. The inability for Exemplar Global to verify any of the information you
have provided in support of your application, may cause significant delays in the
application process. The Technical Review process typically takes 14 days to
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Online Application and
Application Review Process (continued)
AAQG’s AAQG-RMC Endorsement - Upon successfully verifying the technical
merits of your application, Exemplar Global will make recommendation for approval to
the AAQG-RMC for endorsement. The AAQG-RMC endorsement process typically
takes 20 days to complete.
Final Review - Following approval from the RCMAR, your application will be reviewed
by the Examiner and their supervisor, this process typically takes 5 days to complete.
Once an application has been approved by both AAQG-RMC and an Exemplar
Global supervisor, an email will be sent to the applicant requesting to make payment.
After payment has been made, within 5 business days the OASIS Database will be
updated and an ID card will be shipped .
1. If the AAQG-RMC endorses the application, the applicant will be sent an invoice for
the First Annual Installment. Upon payment of the First Annual Installment, see
Pay First Annual Installment Fee, page 13 for details, Certification will be confirmed,
see Confirmation of Certification, page 14 for details.
2. If the AAQG-RMC does not endorse the application, the applicant will be allowed an
opportunity to submit the requested information for deliberation. If the application is
denied following the second submission, the applicant may submit an Appeal.
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Pay First Annual Installment Fee
When all certification requirements have been demonstrated, verified, and approved,
Exemplar Global will notify the applicant that the application has been approved.
An invoice for the First Annual Installment Fee will be provided with this notification.
Details on acceptable methods of payment are provided on the invoice.
Payment of this invoice must be received by Exemplar Global before certification is
Payments may be made in US$, AU$ or €. All fees are non-refundable and subject to
Please refer to the fees listed for each region on the website
http://www.exemplarglobal.org/personnel-certification/fee-calculator/ for details.
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Confirmation of Certification
When payment for the First Annual Certification Fee has been received by Exemplar Global,
a certificate and ID card is issued to the Auditor and the Auditor’s certification details will be
added to the OASIS database.
Certificate & ID Card
The certificate includes the following information:
Certified auditor’s name;
Exemplar Global customer number;
Type and grade of certification;
Date certification awarded; and
Date certification expires.
The ID card includes the following information:
Certified auditor’s name;
Exemplar Global customer number;
Type and grade of certification; and
Date certification expires.
Certificates and ID cards remain the property of Exemplar Global and must be returned if
certification is suspended or withdrawn. Auditors are required to immediately notify
Exemplar Global if a certificate or ID card is lost or stolen.
Updated certificates and ID cards will be issued at each recertification.
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Confirmation of Certification (continued)
Online Aerospace Supplier Information Systems (OASIS) Database
As part of the Confirmation of Certification Process, Exemplar Global will enter the following
details in the OASIS database (within 5 business days of AAQG-RMC approval). The
OASIS database includes the following information:
Certified auditor’s name;
Certified auditor’s contact details;
Family of Standards (i.e. 9100, 9110, etc.);
Certification status;
Certification issue date (date certification was issued by Exemplar Global);
Certification expiration date (Exemplar Global recertification date);
Auditor type (grade); and
Auditor type start date.
Once entered into the OASIS Database, auditors will receive confirmation of their username
and password for accessing the OASIS Database, directly from the SAE site.
The OASIS Certified Auditor’s issue date and expiration date are updated at each expansion
and/or recertification.
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To maintain certification, all certified auditors are required to demonstrate continuing
compliance with the current certification requirements for the grade of certification awarded.
Exemplar Global will provide reminders with the invoice for Recertification Fee when the
date for recertification is due and the information required.
Every three years from the date of initial certification and each subsequent recertification,
auditors must demonstrate continuing compliance with the current certification requirements
by providing:
Evidence of participation in at least four AQMS audits in three years, in accordance
with the Conditions for Audit Experience in Annex F page 24. Audit logs can be
downloaded from Exemplar Global at http://exemplarglobal.org/myexemplar/
Participate in a minimum of 15 hours Continuing Professional Development (CPD), in
accordance with sectorial training requirements, that require a review of changes to
the AQMS standards, auditing methods, aviation authority requirements and ISO
requirements. CPD guidance is available in Annex G, page 25. CPD Logs can be
downloaded from Exemplar Global at http://exemplarglobal.org/myexemplar/
Confirmation that the Exemplar Global Code of Conduct has been adhered to and any
complaints against performance have been resolved. Code of Conduct Forms can be
downloaded from Exemplar Global at http://exemplarglobal.org/myexemplar/
Approved Aerospace Auditor Transition Training Course, and/or 9101E/9101:2014
Revision Training.
Recertification Fees
These fees are payable every 3rd anniversary of initial certification and each subsequent
recertification. The Recertification Fee includes the Annual Certification Fee. The applicable
fee will be invoiced by Exemplar Global.
Recertification Review Process
Recertifications are processed in the order they are received. Recertification approval
of AQMS auditors is delegated by the AAQG-RMC committee to the authenticating
AAB, this process typically takes 14 days to complete from the day all required
documentation is submitted.
Recertification approval of AB Assessors that are re-authenticating their auditor status
shall include the approval of the AAQG-RMC committee and follow the same AAQGRMC committee approval steps as initial authentication. The recertification process
for AB Assessors follows the same steps and estimated timeline as the Online
Application and Application (Page 11) Review Process without the need for the
“Technical Review”.
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Expansion of Certification Grade
Exemplar Global certified AS9100 auditors can apply to expand their certification grade to a
higher level at any time, by following these steps:
Review and gather evidence of the certification requirements, relevant to the
certification grade you wish to expand to;
Log into the Online Portal, by clicking the “Online Portal” button from the Exemplar
Global website homepage at www.exemplarglobal.org. If you are unsure of your
login details, please contact an Exemplar Global representative for assistance;
Click the “Approved and Pending Payment Programs” link;
Scroll down the page to find the line that contains your current AS9100 Certification;
Click on the Expansion icon; and
Follow the steps to complete the online application process.
During the application process, you will be required to submit the Application Fees for
Expansion of Grade and upload evidence of the grade-specific requirements.
For details on the grade-specific requirements refer to the following page:
Aerospace Experienced Auditor (AEA) - page 7
Aerospace Industry Experienced Auditor (AIEA) - page 9
Payments may be made in US$, AU$ or €. All fees are non-refundable and are subject to
change. Please refer to the fees listed for each region on the website http://
www.exemplarglobal.org/personnel-certification/fee-calculator/ for details.
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Annex A—Certification Requirements for
Exemplar Global Certified AS9110 Auditors
All auditors holding a valid Exemplar Global AS9110 Certification must submit the
requirements listed in this Annex. Please note that these requirements refer to AQMS
auditors applying for the same grade of certification.
Knowledge - Applicants must submit a Certificate of Attainment as evidence of successful
completion of approved AS9100 C Foundations Course (now AS9100 Aerospace Auditor
Transition Training course).
AQMS Auditor Recognition - Copy of valid Exemplar Global AQMS ID card or certificate.
In addition to the knowledge and AQMS Auditor Recognition requirements detailed above,
AEA and AIEA applicants must provide the following:
AEA Grade - Witnessed Audit Experience - Evidence of two complete AS9110
audits, witnessed by an Exemplar Global approved Aerospace Industry Experienced
Auditor or Aerospace Experienced Auditor certified by an approved AAB. Witnessing
Auditor must be authenticated in the OASIS Database.
AIEA Grade - Work Experience - 2 years full time experience performing repair/
maintenance in the last four years.
Be in the aerospace industry directly involved in engineering, design, manufacturing,
quality, or process control for a major airframe manufacturer, prime supplier, auxiliary
equipment supplier and/or appropriate official civil, military, or space organization,
such as, National Aviation Authorities [NAA], domestic Space Agency (e.g., European
Space Agency [ESA], National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA],
Canadian Space Agency [CSA], Department/Ministry of Defense [DoD/MoD]; and
Have included direct involvement and/or knowledge of aerospace industry specific
aspects (e.g., aerospace industry quality, regulatory and/or military aerospace
requirements, first article inspection, airworthiness and safety requirements,
aerospace material traceability requirements, aerospace subcontractor approval and
control, variation management of key characteristics, flow-down of AQMS
requirements, Foreign Object Damage/Debris [FOD] prevention program, use of
customer supplied products, calibration controls and positive recall system,
acceptance authority media, nonconforming material management, sampling
inspection/statistical process control requirements and limitations, special processes,
configuration management/requirements control, manufacturing techniques, tool
control, design development verification and validation).
Work experience shall be documented on the Work Experience Documentation form
available at http://exemplarglobal.org/myexemplar/document-library.
Witnessed audits must be logged on the Exemplar Global Review of Auditor Performance
Report form available at http://exemplarglobal.org/myexemplar/document-library.
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Annex B—QMS Auditor Recognition Alternative ISO 19011:2002, Section 7.4
As an alternative to meeting the Auditor Recognition requirements, applicants may provide
evidence of meeting the education, work experience, auditor training and audit experience
requirements of ISO 19011:2002, Section 7.4, to satisfy Auditor Recognition requirements.
Applicants should refer to the Standard for information on each of the requirements. The
information below is provided as guidance on what evidence Exemplar Global will accept as
meeting each of the requirements.
All applicants are required to provide evidence of the following education, work experience,
audit training, and auditing experience:
Education - Secondary education or higher; (a copy of Diploma, Degree, official or
unofficial transcripts is required).
Work Experience - Five years, with at least two of the five being in the QMS field (a
Resume or CV is required).
Audit Training - 40 hours minimum of audit training (Certificate of Attainment from
training provider is required).
Auditing Experience - AA Grade - 20 onsite audit days, conducted to the 9100,
9110 or ISO 9001:2008 Standards. The 20 audit days must include at least four
complete audits. The applicant must have performed in the role as auditor-in-training,
under the direction and guidance of an auditor competent as an audit team leader. All
audits must have been completed within the last three consecutive years from the
date of application. After the four complete audits have been demonstrated, any
combination of partial or complete audits may be used to make up the remaining 20
Auditing Experience - AEA/AIEA Grade - 35 onsite audit days conducted to the
9100, 9110, or ISO 9001:2008 Standard. The 35 days must include seven complete
audits, for a total of at least 35 audit days. Four of the seven complete audits and at
least 20 of the 35 audit days, the applicant must have been in the role of an auditor-intraining, under the direction and guidance of an auditor competent as an audit team
leader, completed within the last three consecutive years from the date of application.
The remaining 3 complete audits and 15 audit days, they must have been conducted
in the role of an audit team lead auditor under the direction and guidance of an auditor
competent as an audit team leader, completed within the last two consecutive years
from the date of application. Once the seven complete audits have been
demonstrated, any combination of partial or complete audits may be used to make up
the remaining 35 days.
1. Evidence of the observing Lead Auditor’s competence must be submitted with the
application. Evidence may include QMS certification with an approved AAB (for QMS
audits) and/or AEA/AIEA authentication in the OASIS Database (Aerospace audits).
2. All audits must be logged on the Exemplar Global Audit log available at http://
3. Contact and/or certification details for the Observing Lead Auditor will be documented
in Column 10 of the Aerospace Audit Log.
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Annex C—Auditors Transferring from
Auditor Authentication Bodies
When transferring Auditor Authentication Bodies (AAB), after you’ve applied, please contact
Exemplar Global at either 1-888-722-2440 or info@exemplarglobal.org; please state your
contact details, the program and grade that you’ve applied for (ie. AS9100-AEA), and the
AAB that you are transferring from.
Initial applicants who are certified with an IAQG Sector approved AAB, may apply for
certification through the Exemplar Global online application process. The documentation
required to support the application is listed below:
Current AQMS Auditor Recognition - Evidence of current AQMS Auditor
recognition, relevant to the grade of certification being sought. A copy of the
certification ID card or certificate may be submitted as evidence. Additionally, a
screen print from the OASIS database may be submitted;
Past QMS Recognition – Evidence of QMS certification by a nationally-recognized
Auditor Authentication Body. Exemplar Global will accept a copy of an expired QMS
certificate or ID card, as long as the certification dates are within the timeframe of the
original AAB AQMS certification;
Knowledge - Evidence of approved AS9100 AATT Training, and/or
9101E/9101:2014 Revision Training
Audit Experience - Evidence of 20 onsite audit days, conducted within the last three
(3) consecutive years from the date of application. The 20 audit days must include at
least four complete audits and may have been conducted to the ISO 9001:2008 or
AS9100 Standards;
Witnessed Audit Experience (AEA Grade) - Evidence of two complete AS9100
audits, witnessed by an approved Aerospace Experienced or Aerospace Industry
Experienced Auditor, within the last three (3) consecutive years from the date of
application. Witnessed audits used to obtain the initial certification may be submitted
for consideration.
Work Experience (AEA Grade) – Applicants must provide evidence of at least two
(2) years full-time aerospace work experience within the past 15 years.
Work Experience (AIEA Grade) – Applicants must provide evidence of at least four
(4) years full-time aerospace work experience within the past 10 years.
All work experience must meet the requirements below:
Be in the aerospace industry directly involved in engineering, design, manufacturing,
quality, or process control for a major airframe manufacturer, prime supplier, auxiliary
equipment supplier and/or appropriate official civil, military, or space organization,
such as, National Aviation Authorities [NAA], domestic Space Agency (e.g., European
Space Agency [ESA], National Aeronautics and Space Administration [NASA],
Canadian Space Agency [CSA], Department/Ministry of Defense [DoD/MoD]; and
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Annex C—Auditors Transferring from
Auditor Authentication Bodies (continued)
Have included direct involvement and/or knowledge of aerospace industry specific
aspects (e.g., aerospace industry quality, regulatory and/or military aerospace
requirements, first article inspection, airworthiness and safety requirements,
aerospace material traceability requirements, aerospace sub-contractor approval and
control, variation management of key characteristics, flow-down of AQMS
requirements, Foreign Object Damage/Debris [FOD] prevention program, use of
customer supplied products, calibration controls and positive recall system,
acceptance authority media, nonconforming material management, sampling
inspection/statistical process control requirements and limitations, special processes,
configuration management/requirements control, manufacturing techniques, tool
control, design development verification and validation).
Recertification/re-authentication applicants:
In addition to the recertification applicant meeting the requirements on Page 16,
please ensure that the below requirements are obtained as well:
All the records to support the re-authentication of the auditor is required from
the previous AAB.
If the auditor has been authenticated for less than 6 years, then all
records that were submitted for the initial authentication and any
subsequent re-authentication, are required to be obtained by the new
If the auditor has been authenticated for more than 6 years, then all
records for the previous 6 years are required to be obtained as well as
the resume that was submitted for the initial authentication.
Applicants are required to apply through the Exemplar Global Online Application process at
https://exemplaronlineportal.cloudmch.com.au/, pay the fees specific to the grade of
certification sought, and upload evidence of meeting the requirements outlined in the Annex.
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Annex D—General Definitions and
In addition to definitions and abbreviations specific to Exemplar Global, for the purpose of
these certification requirements, the definitions provided in ISO 19011:2011 ‘Guidelines for
Quality and/or Environmental Management Systems Auditing’ and ISO/IEC 17024:2003
‘General Requirements for Bodies Operating Certification of Persons’ and the International
Aerospace Quality Group (IAQG) are shown.
AS9100 Aerospace Auditor: An Aerospace Auditor, Aerospace Experienced Auditor, or
Aerospace Industry Experienced Auditor, certified by Exemplar Global as having
successfully met the requirements in this document.
Audit: Systematic, independent, and documented process for obtaining audit evidence and
evaluating it objectively to determine the extent to which audit criteria are fulfilled.
Audit Criteria: Set of policies, procedures, or requirements (used as a reference).
Auditor: Person with the competence to conduct an audit.
Auditor Approval Body (AAB): A body recognized by an International Aerospace Quality
Group (IAQG) Sector that has the primary responsibility for the approval of Auditors to
Quality Management System standards, such as Exemplar Global.
Certification (Exemplar Global): Conducted at the request of an auditor. When individual
certification is granted, it provides the individual with Exemplar Global AS9100 credentials
(certificate, ID Card and OASIS entry), that serve as acknowledgement and evidence that
the auditor may conduct AS9100 audits for a CB or other organizations. In this case, the
individual holds credentials with Exemplar Global as a certified auditor and are also entered
into the OASIS database.
Expansion: Movement from one certification grade to another via demonstration of the
requirements for that grade.
Online Aerospace Supplier Information Systems (OASIS): Website that represents the
online comprehensive assessment data repository application representing the output of
business processes undertaken by IAQG
Exemplar Global Program Examiner: Employee of Exemplar Global with responsibility
for management of designated programs and evaluation of applications.
Reduction: Movement to a lower grade of certification.
Registration Management Committee (AAQG-RMC): An industry group charged with the
oversight and management of the AQMS certification program and supporting processes,
systems, and documentation for the Americas sector.
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Annex E—Personal Attributes
In Applicants must exhibit the personal attributes, as shown below. The personal
attributes required by Exemplar Global are related to the personal behaviors defined in
ISO 19011:2011 Guidelines for Auditing Management Systems.
Ethical - fair, truthful, sincere, honest and discreet;
Open-minded - willing to consider alternative ideas or points of view;
Diplomatic - tactful in dealing with dealing with people;
Observant - actively observing physical surroundings and activities;
Perceptive - aware of and able to understand situations;
Versatile - able to readily adapt to difference situations;
Tenacious - persistent and focused on achieving objectives;
Decisive - expedites decisions methodically;
Self-reliant - able to act and function independently whilst interacting effectively with
Acting with fortitude - able to act responsibly and ethically, even though these
actions my not always be popular and may sometimes result in disagreement or
Open to improvement - willing to learn and respectful to the culture of the auditee;
Collaborative - effectively interacting with others, including audit team members and
auditee’s personnel.
These personal attributes will be verified by Exemplar Global Program Examiners with
audited organizations provided on an applicant’s audit log, references, and employers as
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Annex F—Conditions for Audit Experience
Only eligible audit experience completed in the three years prior to application is considered.
Only independent audits satisfy the audit experience requirements. The auditor shall be
independent from the audited organization.
First party audits cannot be used to meet audit experience requirements.
Internal audits, sometimes called first party audits, are conducted by the organization
itself, or on its behalf, for management review and other internal purposes (e.g. to
confirm the effectiveness of the management system or to obtain information for the
improvement of the management system). Internal audits can form the basis for an
organization's self declaration of conformity. In many cases, particularly in small
organizations, independence can be demonstrated by the freedom from responsibility
for the activity being audited or freedom from bias and conflict of interest.
External audits include second and third party audits. Second party audits are
conducted by parties having an interest in the organization, such as customers, or by
other persons on their behalf. Third party audits are conducted by independent
auditing organizations, such as regulators or those providing certification.
All audits must be for determining conformity to ISO 9001:2008 or AS9100 management
systems. The auditor cannot audit his/her own work. The auditor may have no part in the
set up of, ongoing development of, or maintenance of the organization being audited unless
the audit occurs at least 24 months subsequent to this activity.
Audits that are combined with consulting activities cannot be used to meet the audit
experience requirement for initial certification, expansion, or recertification.
Examples of consultancy audits include:
Audits where advice was given on an action plan for developing/improving the system
as part of the audit;
Audits where the auditor had a part in setting up the system; or
Audits where the auditor was involved in the ongoing development of the system.
Audits shall be recorded in man days and shall not be less than eight hours per day.
The Exemplar Global Audit Log is available at http://exemplarglobal.org/myexemplar/
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Annex G—Continuing Professional
Development (CPD)
All certified auditors are required to provide evidence of Continuing Professional
Development (CPD) upon recertification. All auditors are required to undertake at least 15
hours of appropriate CPD every three years, that includes a review of changes to the AQMS
standards, auditing methods, aviation authority requirements, and ISO requirements.
The Exemplar Global CPD Log is available at http://exemplarglobal.org/myexemplar/
The CPD Log should show the duration and type of activity undertaken and details of the
provider. The following are examples of acceptable CPD activities:
Participation in formal/short courses;
Participation in in-house courses/workshops;
Attendance at conferences, seminars, and workshops;
Attendance at Professional Body/Association meetings;
Participation in relevant committees and working groups;
Delivery of publicly presented papers;
Preparation of published articles;
Presenting a training course (only one time per recertification period can be
considered); and
Developing new training course material.
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Annex H—Terms and Conditions
Exemplar Global has defined Terms and Conditions for certification, as shown in this Annex.
Code of Conduct
All certified auditors have an obligation to improve the standing of their profession by
observing the Exemplar Global Code of Conduct (Code). Compliance with the Code is a
condition of certification and all applicants are required to sign their agreement to comply
with the Code at time of application for certification. All certified auditors are required to
confirm that they have complied with the Code at each period of recertification.
Exemplar Global Code of Conduct:
I will act professionally, accurately, and in an unbiased manner.
I will strive to increase the competence and prestige of my profession.
I will assist those in my employ or under my supervision in developing their
professional competencies.
I will not undertake any assignments that I am not competent to perform.
I will not represent conflicting or competing interests and will disclose to any client or
employer any relationships that may influence my judgment.
I will not discuss or disclose any information relating to any assignment unless
required by law or authorized in writing by the client and/or my employing
I will not accept any inducement, commission, gift, or any other benefit from client
organizations, their employees, or any interested party or knowingly allow colleagues
to do so.
I will not intentionally communicate false or misleading information that may
compromise the integrity of any assignment or the personnel certification process.
I will comply with any Exemplar Global Certification Requirements, procedures and
advisories which are relevant to my profession or certification.
I will comply with industry specific standards, including international standards which
are relevant to my profession or certification.
I will not act in any way that would prejudice the reputation of Exemplar Global or the
personnel certification process and will cooperate fully with an enquiry in the event of
any alleged breach of this code.
I will submit myself to this Code of Conduct and Exemplar Global complaints, appeals,
and disciplinary procedures.
I understand that any breach of this Code of Conduct may lead to warnings,
suspension, or withdrawal of certification, in accordance with the Exemplar Global
disciplinary procedures.
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Annex H—Terms and Conditions
Reduction of Certification
Certified persons can reduce their certification at any time by providing written notification to
Exemplar Global.
A reduction in certification may also be advised to an Applicant by the Exemplar Global
Program Examiner after evaluation of the Application. Acceptance of a reduction of
certification must be provided in writing. Exemplar Global does not refund fees to any
certified persons when reducing certification.
Exemplar Global reserves the right to suspend certification as a result of investigations into
the conduct or performance of certified persons. Refer to Complaints for further details.
Exemplar Global does not refund fees to any certified persons when suspending
Exemplar Global reserves the right to withdraw certification as a result of investigations into
the conduct or performance of certified persons. Refer to Complaints for further details.
Certified persons may withdraw their certification at any time by notification in writing to the
Exemplar Global AS9100 Aerospace Program Examiner.
If certification is withdrawn due to non-compliance of certification requirements, the Auditor
may not reapply for Certification for 12 months from the date of withdrawal. Exemplar
Global remains the sole owner of any certificates and ID cards issued to certified auditors.
In the event of withdrawal of certification, the certificate and ID card issued must be returned
to Exemplar Global. Exemplar Global does not refund fees to any certified auditor when
withdrawing certification.
Against Auditors:
Complaints against the actions or conduct of a certified auditor will be reviewed and
investigated by Exemplar Global using documented procedures. A valid substantiated
complaint may result in withdrawal of certification.
Against Exemplar Global:
Complaints against Exemplar Global must be submitted in writing to Exemplar Global via the
email, info@exemplarglobal.org. Each complaint will be reviewed, investigated, and
resolved in a timely manner through a formal documented process. In appropriate
circumstances, the Exemplar Global Program Committee will investigate complaints against
Exemplar Global.
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Annex H—Terms and Conditions
An appeal against adverse certification decisions or withdrawal of certification must be
submitted in writing. The written appeal will be reviewed, investigated, and resolved in a
timely manner through a formal documented process.
Appeals may be made on the following decisions:
Refusal to grant initial certification;
Refusal to grant continuation of certification;
Refusal to grant an expansion of grade of certification;
Reduction in certification grade;
Withdrawal; or
All appeals shall be submitted in writing to Exemplar Global via email
(info@exemplarglobal.org). The applicant is required to submit their appeal to Exemplar
Global no later than 30 days after notification of the decision. The appeal must include
appropriate substantiation for the appellant’s position and it shall contain any additional or
updated information.
Appeals against certification decisions made by the AAQG-RMC, will be heard and resolved
by the AAQG-RMC. Exemplar Global does not have the authority to overturn certification
decisions made by the AAQG-RMC.
Certification Information
For information on the Exemplar Global:
Certification processes;
Applicants’ rights and responsibilities;
Complaints and appeals process;
Conditions of use for certificates, ID cards and Exemplar Global logo; and
Please contact Exemplar Global via email info@exemplarglobal.org with any questions
regarding Terms and Conditions of certification.
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Annex H—Terms and Conditions
Your application will not be processed until you have read and accepted the following
Exemplar Global, Inc. Terms and Conditions:
1.Nature of Relationship: I recognize and understand that I am utilizing Exemplar Global’ s
services in applying for certification, maintenance of certification and/or renewal of
certification, approval for which lies in the complete discretion of a third-party independent
committee: Americas Aerospace Quality Group- Registration Management Committee
(AAQG-RMC). Exemplar Global has no ability to affect or influence any certification
decision made by AAQG-RMC. Further, Exemplar Global will notify me of any certification
decision as directed by AAQG-RMC.
2.Limitation of Liability. In the event of any claim I bring against Exemplar Global for breach
of contract, negligence, or any other theory of law, Exemplar Global’ s total liability to me
shall not exceed two times the fees paid to Exemplar Global with respect to the certification
application or exercise in question. In no event shall Exemplar Global be liable for my lost
profits or any other type of incidental or consequential damages.
3.Alternate Dispute Resolution. In the event of any dispute arising out of my engagement in
the relationship with Exemplar Global, I will first try in good faith to settle the dispute
voluntarily with the aid of an impartial mediator who will attempt to facilitate negotiations
between myself and Exemplar Global (the parties). A dispute shall be submitted to
mediation by written notice to the other party or parties. The mediator will be selected by
agreement by the parties. If the parties cannot agree on a mediator, a mediator will be
designated by the American Arbitration Association at the request of a party. If the
mediation is not successful, the dispute will be resolved by final and binding arbitration
under the Commercial Arbitration Rules of the American Arbitration Association. The
arbitration shall take place in a location convenient to the parties. The arbitrators shall have
the authority to permit limited discovery, including depositions, prior to the arbitration
hearing, and such discovery shall be conducted consistent with the Federal Rules of Civil
Procedure. The arbitrators shall have no power or authority to award punitive or exemplary
damages. The cost of the arbitrator shall be borne equally by the parties, unless otherwise
ordered by the arbitrator.
4.Choice of Law. The construction, interpretation and enforcement of this Agreement shall
be governed by the laws of the State of Wisconsin.
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Annex I—Fee Schedule
All fees paid to Exemplar Global are non-refundable and subject to change.
Payments may be made in US$, AU$ or €.
Please refer to the fees listed for each region on the website http://www.exemplarglobal.org/
personnel-certification/fee-calculator/ for details.
Provides for the receipt and desk audit of the application. This fee must accompany all
Provides for the certificate and ID card (First Annual Certification Fee), inclusion on the
Exemplar Global Certified Personnel Register (available to the public through the Exemplar
Global website) and ongoing certification (Annual Fee).
The First Annual Installment Fee is payable AFTER your application has been approved.
Do not submit this fee with your application. Annual Installment Fees are payable annually
on the anniversary of the certification and will be invoiced by Exemplar Global.
Provides for Annual Fee, administration costs, ongoing certification, reissue of the certificate
and ID card, and inclusion on the Exemplar Global Certified Personnel Register and OASIS
This fee is payable every third anniversary of initial certification and recertification and
includes the Annual Installment Fee and will be invoiced by Exemplar Global.
Provides for the receipt and desk audit of the application, issue of updated certificate and ID
card and update on the Exemplar Global Certified Personnel Register.
This fee is payable upon submission of an online expansion of grade application.
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Annex J—Summary of Certification
Please note that this table is a SUMMARY ONLY of certification requirements. Applicants
MUST refer to the details provided in these Certification Requirements.
Aerospace Auditor
Aerospace Experienced
Aerospace Industry
(Page 7)
Auditor (Page 9)
Option 1
Option 1
Option 1
Approved AS9100
AATT Course
(previously AS9100 C
Foundations Course);
plus QMS (ISO
9001:2008) auditor
training course.
Approved AS9100 AATT
Course (previously
AS9100 C Foundations
Course); plus QMS
(ISO 9001:2008) auditor
training course; plus
AS9100 C Industry
Specific Course.
Approved AS9100 AATT
Course (previously
AS9100 C Foundations
Course); plus QMS (ISO
9001:2008) auditor
training course.
(Page 6)
Option 2
AS9100 C Standard
Auditor Course; plus
Approved AS9100
AATT Course
(previously AS9100 C
Foundations Course).
Option 2
AS9100 C Standard
Auditor Course; plus
Approved AS9100 AATT
Course (previously
AS9100 C Foundations
Course); plus AS9100 C
Industry Specific Course.
Option 2
AS9100 C Standard
Auditor Course; plus
Approved AS9100 AATT
Course (previously
AS9100 C Foundations
Quality Management
System ISO 9001:2008
auditor certification, or
ISO 19011:2002,
Section 7.4
Quality Management
System ISO 9001:2008
auditor certification, or ISO
19011:2002, Section 7.4
Quality Management
System ISO 9001:2008
auditor certification, or ISO
19011:2002, Section 7.4
2 years full-time aerospace
work experience within the
past 15 years.
4 years full-time aerospace
work experience within the
past 10 years.
4 complete QMS
(9001:2008) or AQMS
(9100) audits conducted
for a total of 20 audit
days within the past 3
4 complete QMS
(9001:2008) or AQMS
(9100) audits conducted for
a total of 20 audit days
within the past 3 years.
4 complete QMS
(9001:2008) or AQMS
(9100) audits conducted
for a total of 20 audit days
within the past 3 years.
2 complete AS9100 audits
witnessed by a certified
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