

About Us
The Association “Rondine Cittadella della Pace” is active in the promotion of the culture of
dialogue and peace through the running of the International Hall of Residence, based in the
medieval village of Rondine, Arezzo (Italy). Here students who come from areas of conflict in
the Balcans, the Caucasus, the Middle East and Africa live together and have the opportunity to
experiment with an experience of comunal life, training and study. Once their studies
(undergraduate degree or MA) are completed the young students return to their home countries
as testimonies to the possibilities of dialogue and peaceful coexistence within their professional
and civil lives.
Mission Statement
To promote a culture capable of resolving conflict through dialogue and peaceful
The Association Rondine Cittadella della Pace is the fruit of an original and compelling idea. It
brings together young people from the opposing sides of countries experiencing conflict who,
seen as potential enemies at home, share their living space within a neutral context. This
“forced”, but voluntary, experience of communal life has demonstrated that differences and
reciprocal doubts tend to evaporate when removed from the lacerated context within which they
have grown up, showing that dialogue is in fact possible, if founded on recognised and shared
Once they have completed their studies the students return to their home countries to embark on
high visibility academic, institutional or industrial careers, furthering the cause of dialogue and
Their prolonged stay at Rondine (one and a half years minimum, three and a half years
maximum) is an occasion to meet with people from other cultures: the diverse cultures
represented by the Association Rondine as well as the cultures of Arezzo, Tuscany and beyond.
The students’ experience at the International Hall of Residence also encourages them to reflect
on the existential and cultural roots of every conflict and the possibility of transforming the
violent presupposition of conflict into an occasion for personal and comunal growth.
Rondine Cittadella della Pace, Casella Postale n° 46, 52100 Arezzo
Codice Fiscale 92006970518
Presidenza e Uffici: Via Mazzini n. 6/a Arezzo, Tel: +39.0575.299666 Fax: +39.0575.353565
Studentato Internazionale: Loc.tà Rondine n. 1 Arezzo, Tel e Fax: +39.0575.364460
Sito internet: www.rondine.org e-mail: asso.rondine@libero.it
1977: the then Bishop of Arezzo, Mons. Telesforo Cioli, hands over to a group of young
families the use of the church and other nearby buildings in the village of Rondine, already
abandoned several years earlier. The Community of Rondine is set up, committed to restoring
the village to its original beauty. In the years that follow its founding members are joined by
young people from two other local Communities: the Comunity of Sacro Cuore in 1979 and the
Saione Youth Comunity group in 1984. Rondine becomes a training centre aimed specifically at
young people and families, while also serving as a shelter and service provider to young families
in need.
1986: Rondine houses a community pilot project for conscientious objectors. Shortly after,
Caritas Italy will organise the first national pilot project for young women who choose to do
voluntary civil service.
1988: inspried by Giorgio La Pira, the comunities of Rondine organise a tour of the Soviet
Union with a musical on the life of St. Francis of Assisi, as a message of dialogue and peace.
During the trip many important friendships are formed.
1990: the Association Rondine is founded. Over the years stable relationships are established
with the Russian Federation and the Association begins working in the field of international
solidarity and cultural exchange.
1995: the first war in Chechnya starts. Rondine’s Russian friends call on the Association to work
towards a cease-fire. Feverish negotiations are carried out in secret, leading to an intial 72 hour
cease-fire that is, however, never to be completed. The Association is born out as a “friend” of
both the Russian and Cechnyan peoples. General Dudayev solemnly promises that once the war
is over one of the main squares in Grozny will be named after St. Francis, in remembrance of the
work of their Italian friends.
1997: The Association welcomes the first five Chechnyan and Russian students to Rondine, thus
beginning the life of the International Hall of Residence. The Association changes its name to
Rondine Cittadella della Pace. The village has begun to be restored but is still not suitable for
premanent residential use. The International Hall of Residence is initially based in an
appartment in the centre of Arezzo.
1998: the Association makes its first trip to Georgia (Southern Caucasus). Following this
experience and the friendships made during the trip, the international horizon of the Association
widens to ecompass new countries that have become theatres to conflict. Students begin to
Rondine Cittadella della Pace, Casella Postale n° 46, 52100 Arezzo
Codice Fiscale 92006970518
Presidenza e Uffici: Via Mazzini n. 6/a Arezzo, Tel: +39.0575.299666 Fax: +39.0575.353565
Studentato Internazionale: Loc.tà Rondine n. 1 Arezzo, Tel e Fax: +39.0575.364460
Sito internet: www.rondine.org e-mail: asso.rondine@libero.it
arrive from Abkhazia, Inguscezia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Romania, Israel, Palestine,
Ossezia, Sierra Leone, Macedonia, Lebanon and so on.
2003: in the Town Hall of Arezzo, in the presence of the Mayor and other authorities, the first
two “Rondine d’Oro” are awarded to a young Russian and a young Chechnyan student,
certifying the completion of their study courses at the International Hall of Residence.
Recent History
May 2006: on request from the Cultural Project of the Italian Episcopal Conference the
Association organises “Piazze di Maggio”; an international programme of events on the theme
of citizenship, fifth preparatory appointment for the National Congress of Verona.
June 2007: thanks to the success of “Piazze di Maggio” and the Association’s long term
experience in running the men’s section of the International Hall of Residence, the planning of
the women’s section begins in earnest.
September 2007: the Women’s Section of the International Hall of Residence is officially
opened with a series of women’s based events. In particular a round table discussion with the
participation of the Right Honorable Rosy Bindi (MP), Elisa Mussaeva (Association Memorial),
Nelida Ancora (politician active in the field of International Cooperation) and Giovanna
Ceccatella Gurrieri (Professor of the University of Florence).
Rondine Cittadella della Pace, Casella Postale n° 46, 52100 Arezzo
Codice Fiscale 92006970518
Presidenza e Uffici: Via Mazzini n. 6/a Arezzo, Tel: +39.0575.299666 Fax: +39.0575.353565
Studentato Internazionale: Loc.tà Rondine n. 1 Arezzo, Tel e Fax: +39.0575.364460
Sito internet: www.rondine.org e-mail: asso.rondine@libero.it