Proposed Automobile Dealership for CAR AAM NY ALB TOY AUD
Proposed Automobile Dealership for CAR AAM NY ALB TOY AUD
PRELIMINARY/FINAL SUBMISSION NARRATIVE DESCRIPTION Proposed Automobile Dealership for CAR AAM NY ALB TOY AUD L.L.C. Audi Albany 723 Loudon Road Town of Colonie County of Albany State of New York Prepared by: Hershberg & Hershberg 18 Locust Street Albany, NY 12203-2908 Phone 518-459-3096 Fax 518-459-5683 Email June 11, 2013 Revised: January 13, 2016 INTRODUCTION: Hershberg & Hershberg, Consulting Engineers and Land Surveyors, were retained by CAR AAM NY ALB TOY AUD L.L.C. applicant for a proposed facility at No. 723 Loudon Road, as consultants on site planning and design. The applicant for approval of this project is CAR AAM NY ALB TOY AUD L.L.C. c/o Rik Woldring, 723 New Loudon Road, Latham, NY 12110,Phone: (518) 783-5003,Fax: (518) 782-7872. DESCRIPTION OF EXISTING SITE: PARCEL AREA The existing site has been merged from three separate parcels including a 1.82 acres (79,244 S.F.) which currently operates an Automobile Facility, Langan Audi. The existing building is approximately 8,867 s.f.. The parcel adjoins the Toyota dealership (727 New Loudon Road) which is also controlled by the applicant and shares common access and parking. In addition, the applicant has recently acquired the vacant property known as 124 Old Loudon Road. The site, prior to the deed merger consists of three parcels as follows: Tax Map Parcel No. Address Parcel Area 31.06-2-22 723 New Loudon Road 1.82 Acres 31.06-2-23.1 727 New Loudon Road 4.95 Acres 31.06-2-40 124 Old Loudon Road 2.27 Acres The merged parcel is known as 723 Loudon Road, Tax Map Parcel 31.06-2-22 PARCEL ZONING The majority of the site lies within the Commercial Office Residential (COR) Zone. There is a 50 foot strip of land (approximately 8,763 s.f.) which has frontage along Old Loudon Road that lies within the Single Family Residential (SFR) Zone. Narrative Description for Proposed Audi Albany – 723 New Loudon Road Page 1 WATERCOURSES There are no protected watercourse areas that exist on the site. EXISTING WETLANDS There are Federal Wetlands (Waters of the United States of America) that exist on the site. No NYS Freshwater Wetlands exist on the site nor does any portion of the site fall within a buffer area for NYS Freshwater Wetlands. FLOOD PLAIN The site to be developed lies entirely within Zone C (Area of Minimal Flooding) as shown on Flood Insurance Rate Maps. EXISTING USAGE One two-story building, parking, access driveways and vacant area, currently occupy the site and it is being use as operations for Colonie Motors, Inc ,Langan Audi of Latham. The site is currently landscaped. There are two parcels to be merged with the site, 727 New Loudon Road and 124 Old Loudon Road. These parcels are used as Northway Toyota and vacant land, respectively. EXISTING SOILS Much of the site has been graded and paved so that the original soil profiles were, in all likelihood, disturbed. The Albany County Soil Survey (see map in Appendix 3) indicates the following soils within the limits of the project: Ug - udorthents, loamy dark brown silt loam about 5 inches thick to a depth of 60 inches or more, of brown and yellowish brown silt loam and loam that contains as much as 40 percent rock fragments seasonal high water table at a depth of 36"-72". depth of bedrock is more than 6 feet.. Narrative Description for Proposed Audi Albany – 723 New Loudon Road Page 2 Us - urban land-udipsamments complex brown loamy fine sand or fine sand that is as much as 10 percent gravel a depth of 60 or more inches are layers of brown and yellowish brown loamy fine sand or fine sand that is as much as 10 percent gravel seasonal high water table at a depth of 4' to 6'. depth of bedrock is more than 6 feet. Ur-Urban land. This map unit consists of nearly level to strongly sloping areas where asphalt, concrete, buildings, or other impervious materials cover more than 85 percent of the surface. Slopes range from 0 to 15 percent. In order to design the new building and site improvements a site specific geotechnical review was required. Test borings have been conducted by Dente Engineering and the observed information. Infiltration tests were conducted on areas where either porous pavement or an infiltration basin would be employed. This information is contained in Geotechnical Report in Appendix 4. The Schenectady-Niskayuna Sole Source Aquifer impacts many areas within the Town of Colonie. The area of this project is inside the sole source aquifer as shown on the map below: Narrative Description for Proposed Audi Albany – 723 New Loudon Road Page 3 SITE Schenectady Niskayuna Sole Source Aquifer EXISTING DRAINAGE Existing drainage runs generally from the west to the east to a drainage course along the rear of the property. There does not appear to be any existing stormwater management facilities in place serving the subject site. There is 24” pipe which accepts drainage from the site and appears to run westerly under New Loudon Road. EXISTING WATER SYSTEM A distribution main is within the right of way of New Loudon Road, which provides service to developed site. The existing building is served by water service connection which is proposed to be reused. Narrative Description for Proposed Audi Albany – 723 New Loudon Road Page 4 EXISTING SEWER SYSTEM The Town of Colonie Department of Public Works, Pure Waters Division maintains a sanitary sewer collection system within the right of way of New Loudon Road, which provides service to developed site. The existing building is served by a sewer lateral which is proposed to be reused. EXISTING DEMOGRAPHICS The site lies within the North Colonie Central School District, which is served by Bought Hills Elementary School, Shaker Junior High School & Shaker High School. DESCRIPTION OF INTENDED SITE DEVELOPMENT AND USE The Applicant proposes to demolish the existing building and build a two story building in its place. A merger deed shall be filed to combine the existing three parcels. The merged parcel shall have two buildings along with associated utility connections, driveways, grading, site lighting, landscaping and stormwater management in the form of porous pavement where new parking is proposed in the rear of the site. BUILDING STATISITCS The construction of the building will be completed in a one phase. The proposed gross floor area of the new building is 34,786 SF which includes parts storage, service bays, office space and a mezzanine. The roof peak will be approximately 27’-6” feet above ground level. BUSINESS STATISITCS Hours of operation will be as follows: Monday to Saturday – 9:00 AM – 8:00 PM Sundays – 11:00 AM 4:00 PM Narrative Description for Proposed Audi Albany – 723 New Loudon Road Page 5 The maximum employees per shift to occupy this building upon completion is estimated to be 50. SITE STATISITCS The proposed and existing site statistics are shown on the site plan. They are as follows for the existing site: Description Area (SF) Area (acres) % Building 34,440 0.78 8.75 Green Space 190,079 4.36 48.26 Pavement 169,313 3.89 42.99 Total 393,832 9.04 100.0 The statistics for the site if developed as shown on the site plan is as follows; Description Area (SF) Area (acres) % 50,462 1.16 11.83 165,144** 3.79 41.93** Pavement 178,226 4.09 42.26 Total 393,832 9.04 100.0 Building Green Space ** 8,763 S.F. (2.22% OF THE TOTAL GREEN AREA) LIES WITHIN THE SFR ZONE. TOTAL GREEN AREA PROPOSED IN THE COR ZONE IS 39.13% INCENTIVE ZONING Since the minimum required green space of 35% will be exceeded, incentive zoning will not be necessary. If at any time in the future the Applicant or any future owner chooses to buildout the parking to where the green space would fall below 35% an incentive zoning payment would be required at that time. Narrative Description for Proposed Audi Albany – 723 New Loudon Road Page 6 PARKING The Zoning Ordinance requires 1 parking space per 225 SF of office floor area, 1 parking space per 500 SF of warehouse floor area and 2 parking spaces per service bay. Based upon 15,638 SF of office space, 8,659 SF of warehouse space and 35 service bays 106 parking spaces are required. The Applicant believes that a total of 410 parking spaces would meet the potential demand for parking and vehicle storage/display/inventory. Additional future potential parking has been shown which will provide a net additional 51 spaces. These future potential parking spaces are not part of this application. Two parking spaces will be identified for Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging stations. WAIVER REQUEST The applicant has requested waivers to permit the building to be set further back from Route 9 and a eliminate the minimum of 20 sq. ft. of landscaped island included in the interior of the parking area where vehicle storage is proposed. See Appendix 2 for the request for waiver letter in accordance with Article 9 of the COR design standards. These waiver requests were reviewed by the Applicant in front of the Planning Board on April 14, 2015. With regard to a waiver request as per §180-40 – Commercial Office Residential (COR), we request that the Planning Board “waive these standards to the extent it deems necessary in order to secure a reasonable development of the site. In such case, the applicant must establish that there are no practical alternatives to the proposed waiver that would conform to the standard”. We list below the two waivers which apply to this site and provide the justification for the issuance of this waiver. We have differentiated between those standards which are identified as mandatory (i.e., must or shall) and requiring waivers and those that are recommended and identified as “should”. A. Site organization. Narrative Description for Proposed Audi Albany – 723 New Loudon Road Page 7 (1) Building placement. (b) A minimum frontage build-out of 80% is recommended to create a near continuous facade along the sidewalk. This frontage may consist of a combination of the building and a small landscape fencing made of wrought iron, common brick or some other natural material. The intent is to create continuous frontage to more clearly define a pedestrian environment and an improved aesthetic setting. The plan proposes to create the “continuous façade” along New Loudon Road through the employment of landscape materials and keeping the existing mature stand of street trees. Therefore, we believe that this recommendation require any waiver. (c) Maximum setback. [2} On a major road, the maximum setback shall be 25 feet. The Applicant believes that locating this building 25 feet from the street line of New Loudon Road presents difficulties allowing no practical alternatives to the proposed waiver. The following factors create this condition: o Placing the building 25 feet back from New Loudon Road rather than at the proposed building location would reduce the main drive lane around the building and reduce the parking. o Placing the building 25 feet back from New Loudon Road rather than at the proposed building location would require that the building encroach in the public utility easement making construction difficult and would require greater encroachments upon this easement. Therefore, the Applicant believes that granting the waiver for maximum setback is warranted. Narrative Description for Proposed Audi Albany – 723 New Loudon Road Page 8 (3) Off-street parking. (d) For parking areas greater than 20 stalls, a minimum of 20 square feet of lands landscape island shall be included in the interior of the parking area for each stall. An island shall be considered to be in the interior of the parking area if at least 75% of its perimeter abuts the parking pavement. Maximizing the availability of vehicle parking spaces for this facilities use is a factor in the success of this project. Since the majority of the parking is in the rear of the site and the intent of these spots are for vehicle storage and not to be visible by the general public (as would be the case for a parking lot for other uses), the visual impact of deleting the landscape island would be, in the opinion of the applicant, minimal. Therefore, the Applicant believes that granting the waiver for no landscape islands for vehicle storage parking is warranted. IMPACTS OF PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT TRAFFIC Existing access to the site is by three curb cuts located along New Loudon Road. These curb cuts are all full access. New Loudon Road in this location is posted as a speed limit of 45 MPH. The Applicant proposes to close the two northernmost driveway and proposes to install one full access and maintain the southernmost driveway to access the site. The following table defines estimated traffic movements for the proposed and existing use and quantifies each movement based upon Land Use Codes (source: Trip Generation 9th Edition as published by the Institute of Transportation Engineers). LUC 841 is for New Car Sales. Since the existing Narrative Description for Proposed Audi Albany – 723 New Loudon Road Page 9 and proposed facilities buildings occupy approximately 27,630 s.f., the estimated traffic movements are estimated to be equal. Land Use Code Quantity Average Total Entering Exiting 10 8 Trip Ends 841 8,800 SF 18 Existing AM Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic Land Use Code Quantity Average Total Entering Exiting 12 13 Trip Ends 841 8,800 SF 25 Existing PM Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic Land Use Code Quantity Average Total Entering Exiting Trip Ends 841 Land Use Code 34,786 SF 76 42 Proposed AM Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic Quantity Average Total Entering 34 Exiting Trip Ends 841 34,786 SF 98 46 Proposed PM Peak Hour of Adjacent Street Traffic 52 VISUAL The Applicant intends to set the building back from the road approximately 22’ which will allow a green area in front of the site and between the front of the building, parking lot and the pavement on New Loudon Road. A view of the existing site is included in Appendix 1. Building elevations have been provided. Narrative Description for Proposed Audi Albany – 723 New Loudon Road Page 10 The Applicant proposes to maintain existing trees where possible primarily along the border of the property and provide quality landscaping at the site. The proposed landscaping will be in accordance with the design standards of Commercial Office Residential (COR) Zone. COMMUNICATIONS State of the art communication facilities will be provided to building. New utilities will be placed underground. GAS & ELECTRIC Electric lines and gas mains exist in the area. New electric utilities will be placed underground or through overhead wires as determined after discussions with National Grid. SEWER The Applicant proposes to reuse the existing sewer lateral, which is connected to the existing public sewer within the R.O.W. of New Loudon Road. A new grease and oil interceptor will be installed. The total water use for project may be estimated based upon the commercial use and hydraulic loading of a similar facility in operations by the applicant. The data compiled from actual water bills from the existing facility will provide an accurate basis for the proposed water use. Based upon this data, including the car wash (not for public use) an average daily flow of approximately 364 GPD can be anticipated. Peak hourly flow can be estimated at 4.0 times the average daily flow per hour or 1,456 GPH or 0.054 CFS. The local sewer has adequate capacity to accommodate this increase. Narrative Description for Proposed Audi Albany – 723 New Loudon Road Page 11 WATER The proposed development on site is located entirely within the Latham Water District. The average daily flow, computed as above, would be 364 GPD. The local water system has adequate capacity to accommodate this increase. FIRE PROTECTION The proposed building will be not be sprinklered. An existing hydrant is located across the street 90 feet from the southerly property line of the site on the west side of New Loudon Road. The hose pull length from this hydrant is less than 500 feet. A flow test at this hydrant is recommended to be considered by the sprinkler system designer in sizing pipes and determining the necessity for a fire pump. SOLID WASTE The Town of Colonie recycles 14 materials so that any hauler disposing of wastes at the Town of Colonie Landfill will have to recycle those items. The estimated solid waste generated would result in approximately 1.1 tons of solid waste per month. This is based upon 1 pound of solid waste generated per day per employee per working day. A variation in weight and or volume of solid waste generated may occur based upon the treatment of recyclables if waste is disposed at other facilities. DRAINAGE The existing drainage pattern and discharge point will be retained. Attention will be paid to sedimentation, erosion control and the quality of storm water. A Storm Water Pollution Protection Plan (SWPPP) will not be required under SPDES Permit #GP0-015-002. Porous pavement has been included where infiltration Narrative Description for Proposed Audi Albany – 723 New Loudon Road Page 12 rates permit. The standards in Erosion and Sediment Control Guidelines for New Development promulgated by New York State Department of Environmental Conservation will be met. A full SWPPP will not be required since the site disturbance will be greater than 1 acre but the Town Standards for Stormwater management plans and reports will be met. NOISE During construction, noise will be generated by construction equipment. All contracts will require that all work be accomplished at times and hours conducive to good neighborhood relationships. Once completed, these buildings will result little additional noise being generated which should not raise existing noise levels along New Loudon Road substantially above ambient levels. DUST During construction, dust will be limited utilizing dust suppression methods approved by the Town of Colonie. All contracts will require that all work be accomplished in a manner to significantly limit fugitive dust. Once completed this building or facilities will not result in the generation of any dust. APPROVALS The proposed project will require review by local, county and state agencies. A list of required approvals and submittals identified to date follows: Town of Colonie Planning Board SEQRA Review (if lead agency) Site Plan Approval (Various Departments must approve applications) Narrative Description for Proposed Audi Albany – 723 New Loudon Road Page 13 Town of Colonie Building Department Building Permit Albany Country Planning Board 239-m Submittal CONCLUSION: The proposed project will be designed to minimize the impact of items addressed herein. It is the engineer's conclusion that this project can be completed with minimum impact on the environment or on surrounding properties. This project will require a review pursuant to State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA). Prepared by: ___________________________ HERSHBERG & HERSHBERG Daniel R. Hershberg, P.E. & L.S. DRH/dan/NarrReport20150012 rev.doc Narrative Description for Proposed Audi Albany – 723 New Loudon Road Page 14 Appendix 1 Site Photographs View from New Loudon Road View from New Loudon Road View from New Loudon Road View from New Loudon Road Appendix 2 Waiver Request Appendix 3 Albany County Soil Survey Appendix 4 Geotechnical Reports & Infiltration Test Results