newsletter-2015-0903 - Sherwood State School
newsletter-2015-0903 - Sherwood State School
Creative happy life-long learners Cnr Sherwood & Oxley Rds Sherwood 4075 Ph: (07) 3716 2111 Fax: (07) 3716 2100 Absence Line: (07) 3716 2160 Emails: P&C: Web: Parents & Citizens Association meets on the last Monday of each month at 7.30pm. All parents are welcome Please note that ALL newsletter articles are to be received in the office by 11am on Wednesdays. You can email your article to Late articles will appear in the following week’s newsletter. No. 28 3 September 2015 FORTHCOMING EVENTS SEP Fri 4 Thu 10 Fri 11 Fri 11 Tue 15 – Thu 17 Fri 18 Fri 18 Father’s Day Stall (Old Hall) Sherwood Arrows at Good News Lutheran School (8.0011.00am) School Disco (Old Hall) (4.00-5.30pm – P-Yr 3) School Disco (Old Hall) (6.00-7.30pm – Yr 4-Yr 6) Sherwood Arrows Tour Yr 1 Planetarium & Botanical Garden Excursion Final Day Term 3 OCT Mon 5 Tues 6 Thu 8 Tue 13 Mon 19 Tue 20 Wed 21 Thu 22 Sat 24 – Sun 25 Labour Day Public Holiday First Day Term 4 Sherwood Arrows at St Joseph’s, Bardon (8.00-11.00am) Strings Workshop (New Hall – All Day) Pupil Free Day Band Workshop (New Hall – All Day) Yr 6 Reverse Garbage Workshop Instrumental Concert Night (New Hall) Brisbane Bands Festival at Centenary SHS - Times TBC 2015 SCHOOL TERMS Term 3: Mon 13 Jul to Fri 18 Sep Term 4: Tue 6 Oct to Fri 11 Dec E-NEWSLETTER - To receive our Newsletter via email type the link below in the address bar of your browser. PRINCIPAL’S MESSAGE Dr Greg Nelson Email: Don’t forget – Our Father’s Day stall on Friday, 4 September. Various presents to purchase valued from $2 to $5. Please see your class teacher as to the time your class will be attending!! What a fantastic Book Week celebration – so many colourful costumes at the Book Week Parade! Mrs Lynch and our library staff have done a fabulous job making our Library look fantastic too – it’s so inspiring. Disco News: The Disco is Friday afternoon and evening next week (Friday 11 September). The Junior Disco is from 4 to 5:30 pm and the Senior Disco is from 6 to 7:30 pm. The cost is $5 per student of $10 for a family. There will be glo sticks, a sausage sizzle and drinks for sale. All children are welcome. Student Leadership Reports: During the last week of this Term we will send home a Student Leadership Report to all students in Years 4 to 6. The five dimensions in the leadership Report are: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Care and empathy for others Service and initiative Effective communication Being well organised Preparedness to be a good role model. As you can see, there are a lot of parallels between the Student Leadership Framework and our Sherwood Best. This is not an accident. The Student Leadership Report is an important document and is used for the school to help select our Student Leaders including School Captains for next year. Our Teachers are asked to have high expectations of student behaviour and the way they demonstrate their Sherwood Best and aspects of our Student Leadership Framework. It is meant to be challenging for students to demonstrate high achievement at each level of the Report. The Skill Streaming lesson for this week is Using Self-Control 1. 2. 3. Stop and count to 10. Think of how your body feels. Think about your choices: a) Walk away for now. b) Do a relaxation exercise. c) Write about how you feel. d) Talk to someone about it. 4. Act out your best choice. What a wonderful conversation to have with your child/ren. FONA WORKING BEE Mike Frost I am hoping to have a short working bee on Saturday 5 September from 10am until 12pm. It is hoped that with some parental support that the FONA area can be cleaned up, weeded and mulched in preparation of our school tree planting day. I apologise for the short notice, but it is envisaged that if we get 8-10 people along on the day that the whole event will be well and truly finished within the two hour time slot. Morning tea will be supplied and this will be a fantastic chance for you to see just what is happening with our fantastic nature area. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please email me at if you are able to assist. MUSIC NEWS Rebecca Starr Classroom Music We are back into the swing of classroom lessons and I am surviving being full-time (well, 4 days) at Sherwood! Students are working on their performance and music literacy skills in class and everything I have been studying at the Conservatorium is being utilised when it comes to their voicework. Don't forget we have a Sherwood Music Room Facebook page where you can hear snippets of lessons and rehearsals that we have recorded. Choirs Cantori and La Bella Voci are sounding great when they are in full voice. We have made it through the cold and flu season and the Year 6 camp so I hope we can have all choristers at rehearsal this week so that the full effect of their voices can be heard! Instrumental Music The Band and Sinfonia have been entered into the Brisbane Bands Festival on the weekend of the 24-25 October. We are waiting for confirmation of times at this point, but the Strings will be playing on the Saturday morning. Band may be on either on the Saturday or the Sunday. We will let you know as soon we can. Please make sure your instrumentalist has collected a performance uniform from the Music Room so that they are ready for the performance season next term. BOOK WEEK CELEBRATIONS Mrs Lynch (for Ms Cross) and Mrs Howard The Library looks very special this week. Thanks to the following people for helping make it look so wonderful: Mr Wayne Brown, Mrs Lahey, Mrs Howard (& Mr Howard) and Mrs Thomson. It has been such fun working with them. Their ideas, enthusiasm and efforts are much appreciated. Also, at very short notice, some classes have showcased some of their work in the Library. Tuesday’s Book Week Dress Up Day was very well supported. Thank you to Mums and Dads for helping your children dress as book characters. We admired each other’s costumes at a special morning assembly. It was a great day. Also, each First Break, the Library is open for Book Week activities. A fantastic group of Year 4, 5 and 6 students are helping supervise and assist fellow students and set up and tidy up activities. As a reward, the Library is open especially for them Second Break on Tuesday and Wednesday. And lastly, each day we have guest story readers. They have generously offered their time to share favourite books with eager students. Thank you to Ms Hayler, Ms Fleming, Mr Daley, Ms Richards and Mrs Maynard. PS If anyone has a Premier’s Reading Challenge sheet, this Friday is the very last day we can accept them. It is the last day we are able to forward the data. FATHER’S DAY STALL The Sherwood State School Student Council would like you to save the date for this year’s Father’s Day Stall! When: Friday 4th of September 2015 Where: Old Hall Cost: $2 - $5 “We hope to see you there!” AFTER SCHOOL CARE Contact Details: Leanne Davey, Coordinator, 3278 1658 Hi Sherwood Families Vacation Care – The Vacation Care Program and Booking Form has been released. Approximately 20 – 25 spaces have been booked on most days so places are filling fast. Just a reminder that we are only able to take 45 children to our excursions. Please book your children in as soon as possible if they are attending on these days. The permanent price finishes on Friday 11th September but we will continue to take bookings (pending availability) after this date at the casual rate. Days of Operation – We will be open for Vacation Care from 7:00am until 6:00pm each week day during the school holidays. However, we will be closed on Monday 5th October for the public holiday. Currently, we are taking expressions of interest to determine whether we will open on the Pupil Free Day (Monday 19th October). Please complete the form on the sign in/out desk if you would like your child/ren to attend this day. We will announce next week whether we will be opening. Notes of Interest – The School Disco is on Friday 11th September in the Old Hall. Therefore, After School Care will be operating from the New Hall so please pick your child/ren up from there. Lost Property will be cleared out of Outside School Hours Care at the end of this week. Thanks. Fortnightly Statements – Our fortnightly statements for this week have been emailed. This Friday 4th September, Fortnight A accounts will have been charged with payments withdrawn. If you have any queries or would like more information, please email, phone 3278 1658 or text 0428 023 832. You may also visit our website at or view events and activities on our facebook page at TUCKSHOP NEWS Cathie Perkins, Tuckshop Convenor, 3716 2111 Wednesday, Thursday & Friday (Closed Monday & Tuesday) Tuckshop desperately requires 2 volunteers to fill a regular spot on our roster. These dates will all be next term, starting with the first week 9 October, 6 November and 4 December. Last Friday we were short these volunteers and it was only that a number of our current volunteers stepped in to fill the gap that it was possible to provide a full service, so thank you to all those who spared some time out of their busy day. Tuckshop is easy, you just make lots of lunches and have a chat :) No fancy skills required. All we ask is that you are willing to help out. This is a short trial to see if tuckshop is for you (I'm confident once you start with us you won't want to leave). Join with a friend or make a new one. It's actually quite fun and everybody says how interesting it is to see what happens behind the scenes. Talk to me ASAP as I need to fill these places before the start of next term. UNIFORM SHOP NEWS Asta Parker, Uniform Shop Convenor, 0402 858 240 OPEN: Monday 8am-9am; Wednesday 2.45pm-3.45pm; Friday 2.45pm-3.45pm Email: SHERWOOD SHARKS Sherwood Sharks Next Tuesday afternoon the Sharks will be holding Sign-On for the Term 4 swimming season. You will find us at the pool from 3.15pm. All the information you need about the Club, lesson and squad times and our fabulous Club Nights can be found on our website at Classes/Squads We offer 3 levels of Squad training and 3 levels of Learn to Swim starting from our beginners at the Squirt level. The squad program ranges from children who can swim 12.5m through to senior swimmers. All lessons and squads are facilitated by qualified swim coaches and instructors. Progression through the levels depends upon stamina, speed and ability to do each stroke. Our coaching team will advise which level is most suitable for your child. Fees…Payment due on registration. Costs per term are as follows: Squirts (one lesson per week) $90 Hammerheads/Nemos (2 lessons per week) $180 Squads (Mini, Intermediate/Senior) (unlimited) $180 A 50% discount offered for the third and later children. We also offer adult swimming in the mornings at a cost of $50 per term. At adult swimming you can choose how far you swim and whether you want a program written for you by our head coach. All swim training costs are separate from our Club Membership fees, which relate to our Friday night Club meets. To attend Club Nights, you need to become a club member. The cost is $25 per term or $65 for a family. How to sign up Sign-on day for Term 4 swimming will take place next Tuesday the 8th of September at 3.15pm at the Sherwood Pool. If your child is an existing and returning squad swimmer there is no need to physically turn up to sign on…you can re-enrol with us via email to , return your forms to the school office and update your medical details on-line or on the form. Pre squad and Squirts swimmers will however need to attend Sign-on day as there are limited spots in each lesson. New swimmers should bring togs, goggles and towel as may need to swim to have their ability assessed by our coaching staff to ensure they are placed in the most appropriate class. All families will need to complete two forms, the Payment form and the Sharks Sign-On form. These can be found on our website, at the office or at the sign on day. It would be much appreciated and a speedier process if completed forms could be brought on the day. If you have any further questions please go to our website or feel free to email us at We look forward to seeing you at the pool! SHERWOOD STATE SCHOOL TENNIS COACHING – TERM 4 School Coaching will commence from Wednesday 7th October 2015 (first week back after the holidays). Enrolments close on Wednesday 16th September 2015. Spare enrolment forms are available from the School Office, they can also be downloaded from the School Website. To ensure a place in class, forms must be returned by this date. Do not return forms to the School Office after this date contact Jim Joyce directly on 0417 771022. Special Offer – All new students in Grade 1 and 2 will receive a free tennis racquet when joining for the first time. For further enquiries please contact Jim Joyce on 0417 771022 HOLIDAY CLINIC We will be conducting a holiday clinic at West Brisbane Tennis Centre from Tuesday 22nd to Thursday 24th September 8.30am to 12noon. The cost will be $135. The clinic is for beginners to advanced children. See attached flyer. For further enquiries please contact Jim Joyce on 0417 771022. SCHOOL BANKING Concerns have been raised regarding the ‘Cosmic Light Beam Torch’ reward item due to the inclusion of four button batteries that can be accessed by unscrewing the back of the torch. Whilst this reward has been independently tested and deemed to meet relevant product standards the Commonwealth Bank have made the decision to proactively withdraw this item from the School Banking Rewards Program. Parents/Guardians are requested to dispose of any ‘Cosmic Light Beam Torches’ their child may have already received as part of the Rewards Program. Students who have previously received a ‘Cosmic Light Beam Torch’ are welcome to redeem an alternative reward item. YEAR 5 GET-TOGETHER I would like to invite Year 5 to a get-together - Sherwood Arboretum, after school on Friday 4th September. Please bring a plate to share. Hope to see you there. Thanks, Karen Parkinson (5R Parent Rep) COMMUNITY NOTICES SHOTOKAN KARATE Learn Shotokan Karate as taught in Japan to improve your Physical and Mental Fitness and build good character. Self Defence is a side effect off the disciplined training you would receive at our Sherwood Dojo. Instructor has over 40 years experience. Our principles are 1-Seek Perfection of Character; 2-Be Faithful; 3-Endeavor; 4-Respect Others; 5-Refrain from violent behaviour. Training Monday and Thursday 6.30-8.30pm. Contact: Steve Andrews, 0417007012. WEST BRISBANE REGION ASPERGER SUPPORT GROUP MEETING Please see details for our next West Brisbane Region Asperger Support Group Meeting: Date: Thursday, September 17th Time: 7pm - 9pm ( Please arrive ready to start the meeting at 7pm) Venue: St Mathew’s Church Hall ( cnr. Oxley and Sherwood Rds. Sherwood) Topic: Coffee night - everyone is welcome Cost: Gold coin appreciated We look forward to seeing you. Kind regards, Jane and Ruth FUN, CREATIVE AND UNIQUE SCHOOL HOLIDAY WORKSHOPS The Aboriginal Centre for the Performing Arts is running DeadlyArts—indigenous culture workshops for primary school aged children this September holidays at its fabulous Kangaroo Point studios. Deadly Arts brings Aboriginal culture to life, with qualified trainers teaching children indigenous dance, totems, craft, storytelling and music! DeadlyArts opens children’s minds to a world of holiday dreamtime. Let your child learn first-hand about the inspiring and age-old culture of Australia’s first people. Contact ACPA on 33924420 for further information and bookings, or email CREATIVE KIDS BRISBANE: September/October Holiday Art Classes for 3 to 12 year olds. Each day of the September/October school holidays Creative Kids Brisbane will be running fun and inspiring art classes for toddlers and primary school aged children at the Graceville Uniting Church Hall. Under the guidance of arts educator Liz Austin-Glen children will explore a variety of art areas ranging from clay sculpture, watercolour painting, illustration, collage and craft activities. For more information please call Liz on 0405 641 363or email School Holiday Cricket Clinic HENSCHELL CRICKET ACADEMY PTY LTD will be conducting Cricket Coaching Clinics during the Spring School Holidays. Girls and boys of all standards, 6 to 17, are welcome. These “Season Preparation” Clinics will concentrate on preparing players for the coming Pre Christmas cricket season whilst having fun and enjoying the game of cricket. Non cricketers, wanting to try the game before signing on with a junior club or looking for something active to do during the school holidays, are very welcome at these Clinics. Attendees will be arranged with others of like ability and age, in groups small enough to ensure individual tutelage is provided. A Cricket Australia Accredited Coach will be allocated to each group for the duration of the Clinic to enable a structured program to be delivered and a comprehensive written report will be provided post Clinic conclusion. A Senior First Aid Officer will be in attendance in case of illness or injury. At each Clinic, one lucky player will win a Gabba cricket bat valued up to $230.00 (depending on size) simply by attending! Where: Fig Tree Pocket State School, Cubberla Street, Fig Tree Pocket When: Week 1 - Monday 21 to Thursday 24 September 2015 inclusive Week 2 - Monday 28 Sept to Thursday 1 October 2015 inclusive Time: 8:30am to 12:00pm each day What to wear: White shirt, sunscreen and hat/cap What to bring: Personal cricket gear (if owned), water, snack, positive attitude Cost: $199.00 (Incl. GST) per Clinic (family rates available) To book your place at these 4 day Clinics, or for further information, please contact Brett Henschell via email or by mobile 0458 026 224. ALSO AVAILABLE AT SHERWOOD SCHOOL Listed below are a number of extra curricula activities available to our school community both before and after school. Please contact directly. Art Classes for Children & Adults (Room 15) Mon/Wed/Thu 3.15pm-4.15pm Telephone Kim Woolley 3379 6585 Basketball Western Magic New Hall Thursday 3.30-6.30pm Telephone Gavin de la Cruz Computer Junior Engineers (Computer Lab) Tues 3.30-4.15pm Telephone Leigh: 0488 411 206 DDJ Performing Arts – Dance/Drama/Music (Music Room) Tues/Wed/Thu 3.15-4.30pm Telephone Katrina 0424 249 299 Email: Fitness & Dance (FAD) Cheerleading & Dance (New Hall) Mon 5.15-9pm, Wed 3.30-7.00pm, Fri 4-6pm Telephone Samantha 3297 7393 Go Sports (Oval) – Soccer & Netball Fridays 7.45am to 8.45am Telephone Greg Martin on 0417 614 509 iChinese – Mandarin Chinese Lessons Tue 3.15-4.15 (Rm 15) Telephone Belinda or Ruby 0402 367 332 Jim Joyce Tennis Coaching (Tennis Courts) Before and after school lessons Telephone 3375 3644 or Mobile 0417 771 022 Korean Language School (Old Hall) Saturdays 9-1pm Telephone Joung 0431 177706 Play Beautiful Football Academy (Oval) Wed 3.15-4.15pm Telephone Sam 0425 908 308 RHEE TaeKwon-Do (Old Hall) Wednesdays and Fridays 6.30pm-7.30pm Telephone Adrian Knack 0402 126 300 or Rhee TaeKwon Do HQ on 1300 132 779. Speech Pathology-Helping Speech, Language and Literacy difficulties Fri 8.00-9.00am Telephone Keirra Middleton 0425 860 310 Traditional Shotokan Karate (Old Hall) Monday and Thursday 6.30 – 8.30pm Telephone Sensei Steve 0417007012 or email Tennis Court Hire Contact Caitlin Simonson Ph: 3379 9559 or 0417 544 423 Violin Tuition (Music Room) Tue 3pm & Thu 7.15am Telephone Liz Young 0417 922 508
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