Welcome to SDBS! - McMaster Children`s Hospital
Welcome to SDBS! - McMaster Children`s Hospital
Welcome to SDBS! Specialized Developmental and Behavioural Services This slide show answers these questions What is SDBS? What are our values? What does SDBS do? Throughout this presentation, click on words that are underlined to get more information Who provides SDBS services? How can you access our services? Where do you go for SDBS services? Where can you get more information? In order to get back to this presentation after you click on an underlined link, just click on the ‘’ (Back) button on your internet browser. What is SDBS? We are part of the Developmental Pediatrics and Rehabilitation (DPR) program We are located at the Chedoke site of McMaster Children’s Hospital (MCH) MCH is one of the hospitals at Hamilton Health Sciences SDBS Developmental Pediatrics & Rehabilitation McMaster Children's Hospital Hamilton Health Sciences What are our values? We are committed to family-centred care. Parents and caregivers know their child best. You are part of the health care team. Hamilton Health Science’s Vision, Mission and Values We will help your family reach its goals. What does SDBS do? Within the Hamilton-Wentworth Region, we provide services to: Children 2 to 6 years of age with significant developmental delays and social, emotional, and behavioural concerns Children 2 to 18 years of age with intellectual disabilities. We assess and treat children and teens: One-on-one In groups We provide consultation and support to: Parents Childcare centres Schools Community agencies Who provides SDBS services? Developmental Pediatrician Early Childhood Resource Specialist Speech and Language Pathologist Depending on your needs, you may work with one or more service providers Social Worker Psychologist Nurse Clinician Residents and other learners Psychometrist Behaviour Therapist Helping children 2 to 6 years old SDBS services include: Support from Early Childhood Resource Specialists (Français) Early Words speech and language services Psychological assessment (internal referral only) You can support your child’s language development too! Helping children 6 years and older For parents of children with intellectual disabilities, we offer: Behavioural consultation, and Supportive counselling For children with intellectual disabilities, we offer: Individual and group counselling (see page 4 of “Welcome to SDBS”) How can you access SDBS services? Call our Intake Service at 905-521-2100, ext. 77950 for information about referrals to SDBS and DPR services A referral from your family doctor or pediatrician is needed for your child to see a Developmental Pediatrician Where do you go for SDBS services? SDBS is located: in the Evel Building at Chedoke Hospital 555 Sanatorium Road, Hamilton ON Map of Chedoke Hospital Parking and Directions Public Transit routes & schedules Parking Parking at Chedoke costs $5 (flat rate) You will need exact change to exit the parking lot Use our change machine if needed Details about Parking at Chedoke Coming to the Evel Building Evel Building (Pavillion) Our front door Registering Before your first visit, register at the desk on the first floor The Business Clerk will guide you to the right floor Bring your child’s Ontario Health Card! Finding SDBS The Business Clerk will direct you Take the elevator to the right floor Most of our services are on the 3rd floor, and some services are on the 4th floor Waiting area Our waiting room on the 3rd floor Assessment area An example of an assessment area for a young child Interview room An example of an interview room Family Resource Centre The Family Resource Centre is also in the Evel Building Check out books, DVD’s and brochures on many topics including medical conditions, children’s development, and parenting Cleaning your hands The best way to stop the spread of germs and infection is to clean your hands often. You can clean your hands with hand sanitizer or soap and water. Protecting your personal information We are committed to protecting the privacy and security of the personal health information that you share with us. Privacy at Hamilton Health Sciences Where can you get more information? Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/DPRpage Visit the Community Education Service to read the latest edition of “Growing Together” Kids Health http://kidshealth.org/ Kids Health and Safety http://healthycanadians.gc.ca/kids-enfants/indexeng.php Caring for Kids http://www.caringforkids.cps.ca/ Best Start http://www.beststart.org/ Motor development – CanChild Centre for Childhood Disability Research www.canchild.ca Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario http://www.ldao.ca/ Mental health services – Contact Hamilton Call 905-570-8888 or Email info@contacthamilton.ca We hope this information was helpful If you are referred to SDBS, we look forward to welcoming you and your child! For questions about services, call 905-521-2100, ext. 77950 For questions about your first visit, call 905-521-2100, ext. 77297