- St. Michael in Old Town


- St. Michael in Old Town
Our Mother of Perpetual Help
St. Michael in Old Town
Eleventh Sunday in
Ordinary Time
June 12, 2016
Jesus forgives the woman
because of her great love
(Luke 7:36 — 8:3 [7:36-50]).
This Week at St. Michael
For more information or to participate in any of the
activities listed below, please call the Parish Office at
(312) 642-2498.
Sunday, June 12
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
6:00 p.m.
Church Tour
Monday, June 13
8:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m. Mass
6:30 p.m.
ACA Meeting
7:00 p.m.
Stillpoint/Contemplative Prayer
7:00 p.m.
Baptism Preparation Class
Tuesday, June 14
8:00 a.m.
Mass with Our Mother of
Perpetual Help Devotion
12:00 p.m. Mass with Our Mother of
Perpetual Help Devotion
8:00 p.m.
AA Meeting
Wednesday, June 15
8:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m. Mass
6:00 p.m.
AA (Women Only)
7:00 p.m.
Parish Pastoral Council Meeting
Thursday, June 16
8:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m. Mass
7:00 p.m.
Friday, June 17
8:00 a.m.
12:00 p.m. Mass
8:00 p.m.
AA Meeting
Saturday, June 18
8:00 a.m.
4:15 p.m.
5:00 p.m.
Sunday, June 19
9:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
10:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
1:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
Church Tour
Knights of Columbus Meeting
Baptism Service
From the Pastor
Dear Parishioners,
Well, this week I know my information is correct. We have reached and
even surpassed our goal for the To Teach Who Christ Is campaign. As of
the time I am writing this letter, Wednesday morning June 8, we are at around
103%! I will report our final figure once I am sure that all of the pledges are
in. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Remember, June is our special month for honoring Our Mother of Perpetual
Help. This week, I want to share the second section of the presentation on
The Icon of Love by Serafino Fiore, C.Ss.R. Please take advantage of the
copy of the Icon on the front page of the bulletin as you read his thoughts.
“The two hands of our Mother of Perpetual Help have an extraordinarily
symbolic reach. The center of the icon is, for many, represented by the right
hand of Mary which Jesus’ hand grasps. It reminds us of her intimate relationship with Jesus Christ. It is a relationship that a mother lives in a unique
and unrepeatable way, having carried her child in her womb. It is a relationship that is strengthened when a child is afraid. It is a relationship that the
believer enjoys by means of the sacraments and prayer.
The left hand of Mary holds the body of Jesus. The symbolism of this type of
icon recalls the gesture with which a bishop holds the book of the Gospels
during liturgy. Mary holds the Word made flesh with her left hand. This is the
same Word that she pondered in her heart (Lk 2: 51), especially when he was
a child, conceived by the Holy Spirit. This is the same Word that raised questions and, at times, anguish for her.
The Word continues to be made flesh in the life of the baptized, in their manner of acting, in their choices, and in their struggles against sin. To enflesh
the Word means to follow the command of Mary at Cana: “Do whatever he
tells you” (Jn 2: 5). These are her last recorded words in the Gospel. Her spiritual legacy for us. To strive to live an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ,
strengthened by being able to recognize and to follow the voice of the Spirit.
Today, more than ever, we use the metaphor “the way” to speak of life. For
many people today, absolute truths do not exist, but for the believer, they do.
And even this we gradually discover in the things that happen to us, in our
experiences, and in the sufferings and disappointments that come our way in
life. The metaphor of life as a “way” was always a manner of speaking of
Christianity. From the beginning, Jesus’ disciples were recognized as people
of “the way” (Acts 9:2; 19:9). Christianity is a way of living - to be considered and pondered in freedom. One of many ways possible, even if for us
baptized, it is the only one that brings us the fullness of life.
In the face of reason, faith was often seen in the past as “darkness,” “a leap in
the dark.” The metaphor used by Lumen Fidei turns things upside down:
human opinions are important, shining light on relationships and society. But
we’re speaking always of “little lights,” capable of enlightening the path in
front of us, but not much more. Only the great light of faith shines bright
enough in our lives so that we can discover a reason - for example for fostering the common good, or for perceiving the line that separates good from
evil. This difference between the great light and little lights is seen without a
doubt in political life, the mass media, in the hidden control of the great economy and in the news events of everyday life.
Mary is the woman of faith par excellence. One of the first descriptions that
the New Testament gives her is: “She who believed” (Lk 1:45). Mary made
her life “a pilgrimage of faith.” The great light of faith helped her to overcome the dark moments of her journey and to believe ultimately in the Risen
One without needing to run to the tomb. The right hand of the Mother of
Perpetual Help participates not only in the earthly destiny of Jesus, but it
shows us the Way to follow if we want to live as children of God.
St. Michael in Old Town
From the Pastor
Please be sure to plan on attending the special celebration here at St.
Michael’s on Monday, June 27. We have a special notice below with all the
details listed. Be sure to pray that this celebration is a success
and our
devotion to Our Mother of Perpetual Help is renewed.
God bless you in the coming week!
In the Redeemer,
Fr. Ted Lawson, C.Ss.R.
Spiritual Living Commission
Commission Head: Susan Cass
The Spiritual Living Commission offers programs that nurture living in the presence of God.
Catholic in its roots and ecumenical in its outreach, the Commission strives to assist all in
their desire for meaning, purpose, and community built on the foundation of God’s unconditional
Ministries include: Adult Confirmation, Religious Education, RCIA, Young Adult Ministry,
Marriage, Single Life Development & Enrichment, Pathways/Stillpoint, Bible/Scripture studies.
Contemplative Prayer Group
3rd Floor Chapel in the Rectory
Monday from 7:00-8:00 p.m.
Come experience the profound impact of silent
meditation in a group. If you'd like to learn how to
meditate, contact Fr. Ken Sedlak at 312-642-2498
or email kcssr148@gmail.com.
It only takes 15 minutes to learn - and a lifetime to
Our Mother of Perpetual Help
150th Anniversary
June 27, 2016
You are invited to the Redemptorist’s celebration of the 150th anniversary
of being entrusted with the icon of Our Mother of Perpetual Help by Pope
Pius IX in 1866, to make her known throughout the world.”
Mark your calendar now and join us for the celebration.
6:00 p.m. Prayer service in St. Michael’s Church
6:30 p.m. Process to the Parish Center Café for refreshments
7:00 p.m. View a simulcast of the celebration from
St. Alphonsus Liguori “Rock” Church in St. Louis
Father's Day Mass Enrollment Cards
St. Michael's offers an opportunity for parishioners to remember their
beloved fathers, living or deceased, or some other significant man in your life
in a spiritual way on Father's Day. Your father will be remembered in a
monthly Mass throughout the coming year. Mass enrollment cards are available at the back of the church. Simply fill out the card, enclose your donation,
and drop it in the collection basket.
St. Michael in Old Town
Rosary Prayer Group
Ancilla Domini Chapel
Saint Louis De Montfort writes in "The Secret of
the Rosary", "Somebody who says his Rosary
alone gains the merit of one Rosary, but if he says
it together with thirty other people he gains the
merit of thirty Rosaries. This is the law of public
prayer. How profitable, how advantageous this
Looking for a way to enrich your spiritual life?
Join in praying the Rosary weekly with your fellow parishioners. The group meets on Thursdays
at 7:00 p.m. in the Chapel.
Roles in the Mass
We are seeking additional lectors, servers, and
Eucharistic ministers for all our masses To sign
up please call the Parish Office at 312-642-2498
or email information@st-mikes.org.
Mass Schedule
Mass in the Church
Saturday: 5:00 p.m.
Sunday: 9:00 a.m.; 11:00 a.m.; 6:00 p.m.
Daily Mass in the Ancilla Domini Chapel:
Monday through Saturday: 8:00 a.m.
Monday through Friday: 12:00 p.m. (Noon)
Our Mother of Perpetual Help Devotions:
Tuesdays after the 8:00 a.m. and 12:00 p.m.
For all chapel masses please enter through the east
door when possible.
In the Church: Saturdays 4:15 - 4:50 p.m.
At the Rectory: When a priest is available or by
First and third Sundays of each month at
1:00 p.m. except during Lent
Parent preparation sessions are normally held on
the second Monday of each month at 7:00 p.m. or
the fourth Sunday of the month at 2:00 p.m. Holiday weekends are the exception. To schedule a
baptism and/or register for a parent preparation
session, please contact the Parish Office at
(312) 642-2498 or see our website for information.
Fridays: 3:00 p.m.
Saturdays: 12:00 and 3:00 p.m.
Other wedding times are possible when mutually
agreed upon with the pastor.
Arrangements should be made a minimum of four
months in advance of a wedding date. Please
contact the Parish Office at (312) 642-2498 and
ask for Christine Kordiuk to receive additional
Anointing of the Sick
Please call the church office at (312) 642-2498 if
you have a family member or friend who is homebound, in a nursing home, or in the hospital who
would like to receive the Anointing of the Sick or
other sacraments.
Rectory Hours
Monday: 9:00 a.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Tuesday through Friday: 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Saturday: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Sunday and Holidays: Closed
Visit our website at www.st-mikes.org
Join our “St. Michael in Old Town”
Parish Directory
Church Tours
Rev. Ted Lawson, C.Ss.R.
Associate Pastors
Council Chair Pro Tem: Doug Macleod
Rev. Ramon Dompke, C.Ss.R.
Rev. Joseph Morin, C.Ss.R.
Rev. Ken Sedlak, C.Ss.R.
Redemptorists in Residence
Rev. John Paul Andree, C.Ss.R.
Rev. Tom Donaldson, C.Ss.R.
Rev. Tat Hoang, C.Ss.R.
Rev. Jim Keena, C.Ss.R.
Rev. John Phelps, C.Ss.R.
Rev. Gregory Schmitt, C.Ss.R
Business Office/Parish Manager
Finance Council
Parish Pastoral Council
Council Chair:
Communications and Special Events
Commission Head: Jean Cocozza
Spiritual Living Commission
Commission Head: Susan Cass
Human Concerns and Needs
Co-Commission Heads:
Barbara Pope and Jeanne Sanna
Monthly Meetings: 2nd Wednesday
7:00 p.m., Parish Center
Pat Krier
(312) 642-2498, ext. 215
Parish Life Commission
Administrative Assistant
Respect Life Commission
Barbara Giannoni
(312) 642-2498, ext. 210
Toni Dunning
(312) 642-2498, ext. 211
Wedding Co-ord./Parish Center Mgr
Christine Kordiuk
(312) 642-2498 ext. 301
Music Ministry
(312) 642-2498
Coordinator of Religious Education
Elizabeth Kabacinski
(312) 642-2498, ext. 303
Ray Perpignani
(312) 642-2498, ext. 239
John Steigerwald
(312) 642-2498, ext. 210
Maintenance and Housekeeping
Kendra Koldan
Victoria Reyes
Roxana Vieira
Evalds Zemmers
Commission Head:
Commission Head: Del Ramirez
Worship Commission
Commission Head:
Diane Kelley-Thompson
Stillpoint/Contemplative Prayer
Director: Fr. Ken Sedlak, C.Ss.R.
Weekly Gatherings: Monday
7:00 p.m., Rectory Chapel
Diane Kelley-Thompson
Social Media Sites - Check us out!
St. Michael’s Moms Group
St. Michael in Old Town
Oktoberfest 5K Run
Young Adults of St. Michael in Old
Town (Public group)
St. Michael in Old Town Young Adults
Breakfast With Santa
Spring Fling Gala
St Michael in Old Town
St. Michael in Old Town
St. Michael in Old Town
Saint of the Day
Mass Intention
Ministry Schedule
Monday, June 13
8:00 a.m. Mass
12:00 p.m. Mass
Fr. Lawson Fr. Lawson
Fr. Dompke Fr. Dompke
Tuesday, June 14
8:00 a.m. Mass
12:00 p.m. Mass
Fr. Lawson Fr. Lawson
Fr. Dompke Fr. Dompke
Wednesday, June 15
8:00 a.m. Mass
12:00 p.m. Mass
Fr. Lawson Fr. Lawson
Fr. Dompke Fr. Dompke
Thursday, June 16
8:00 a.m. Mass
12:00 p.m. Mass
Fr. Keena
Fr. Keena
Fr. Dompke Fr. Dompke
Friday, June 17
8:00 a.m. Mass
12:00 p.m. Mass
Fr. Keena
Fr. Keena
Fr. Dompke Fr. Dompke
Saturday, June 18
8:00 a.m. Mass
3:00 p.m. Wedding
4:15 p.m. Confession
Fr. Keena
Fr. Lawson
Fr. Lawson
Saturday, June 18
5:00 p.m.
Sunday, June 19
9:00 a.m. Mass
11:00 a.m. Mass
Fr. Morin
Fr. Lawson
Fr. Lawson
Sunday, June 12
Sacred Heart
9:00 a.m. Fr. Richard Thibodeau, C.Ss.R.
11:00 a.m. † Helen Jaccarino and
Joseph Jaccarino (Liv)
6:00 p.m. Parishioners of St. Michael’s
Monday, June 13
St. Anthony of Padua
8:00 a.m. St. Michael’s Foundation Members
12:00 p.m. † Jerry Radogne
Tuesday, June 14
8:00 a.m. † Mary J. Wedenoja
12:00 p.m † John Raymond Hallsberg
Fr. Keena
Fr. Lawson
Fr. Lawson
J. Pecot*
M. McGowan
R. O’Brien
Fr. Morin
D. Eagan
C. Jaccarino
Fr. Lawson
T. Dunning*
D. Sajous-Brady T. Malec
J. Sennott
M. Santana
L. Schreiber
Fr. Lawson
R. Graham*
D. Kelley
B. Rahn
R. Roach
C. Donnellan
K. Verret
1:00 p.m. Baptism Service Fr. Lawson
6:00 p.m. Mass
Fr. Morin
Fr. Morin
J. Bachmann
Wednesday, June 15
Servant of God Orlando Catani
8:00 a.m. † John and Marie Reiff
12:00 p.m. † William and Angela O’Connell
Thursday, June 16
8:00 a.m. † Margaret Gillespie
12:00 p.m. †
Friday, June 17
St. Albert Chmielowski
8:00 a.m. Redemptorist Vocations
12:00 p.m. † D’Arcy Orde
Saturday, June 18
8:00 a.m. † Raquel Perez
5:00 p.m. Parishioners of St. Michael’s
Sunday, June 19
St. Romuald
9:00 a.m. † Jo Leiting
11:00 a.m. † Anthony Zagar
6:00 p.m. † Emmett Steele
*Minister to prepare host/wine and assignments
This Week’s Readings
Looking for a Ministry?
This is your invitation to join the Docents of Saint Michael in Old Town. We
have a wonderful tradition of conducting tours to expand everyone's
knowledge of our church, the rich history about the founders of our parish
and the people who joined it. All training will be provided to fit your schedule. Please join us and train for this worthwhile ministry.
Email tours@st-mikes.org if you are interested in joining or if you have any
St. Michael in Old Town
1 Kgs 21:1-16; Ps 5:2-3ab, 4b-7;
Mt 5:38-42
1 Kgs 21:17-29;
Ps 51:3-6ab, 11, 16; Mt 5:43-48
Wednesday: 2 Kgs 2:1, 6-14; Ps 31:20, 21, 24;
Mt 6:1-6, 16-18
Sir 48:1-14; Ps 97:1-7; Mt 6:7-15
2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20;
Ps 132:11-14, 17-18; Mt 6:19-23
2 Chr 24:17-25; Ps 89:4-5, 29-34;
Mt 6:24-34
Zec 12:10-11; 13:1; Ps 63:2-6, 8-9;
Gal 3:26-29; Lk 9:18-24
Human Concerns & Needs
News & Announcements
Co-Commission Heads:
Barbara Pope and Jeanne Sanna
Pastor’s Representative: Fr. Joe Morin, C.Ss.R.
Monthly Meetings: 2nd Thurs., 7:00 p.m., Parish Center
Current Projects where your help makes a big
Ongoing Collections
• Toiletries for Marquard Center, non-perishable
food for Catholic Charities, Boxtops for Education and Campbell’s labels for Manierre School
Food Service
• Marquard Center—bake, cook, and serve a
meal monthly on Saturday. Contact R. Yanku
Contact Mary McCarthy for the following volunteer
opportunities (mary.loretta.mccarthy@gmail.com)
• Catholic Charities—serve dinner one Tuesday
of each quarter
• Deborah’s Place—serve dinner the fourth
Wednesday of the month
Finance Council
Commission Head: Pro Tem: Doug Macleod
Pastor’s representative: Fr. Ted Lawson C.Ss.R.
The Finance Council advises the pastor on the
tangible assets of the parish community including
financial resources, buildings, and the church’s
grounds and provides financial oversight for all
parish events. The Council consists of parishioners with skills in finance, accounting, legal,
construction and architecture.
Membership is by invitation of the pastor, Fr. Ted
Lawson, C.Ss.R..
Remember in Your Prayers
For health and healing:
Rev. John Paul Andree, C.Ss.R., Bernice Baumgarten,
Mamie Colacino, Addie Gallagher, Michael James and Lauren
Hohler, Therese and Paul Kunach, Mary Jane Liang, Dorothy
Meyers, Carl, Diane, and Lyla Neubek, Rev. Ken Sedlak, C.Ss.R.,
Marie Sineni, Robert Taylor, Drew Michael Williams, Ted and
MaryAnn Wiszowaty, Lawrence Worobec, Frances Zuvich
Repose of the Soul:
Ida Tedesco
To place or keep a name on our sick list,
please call the rectory every 3 weeks to let us know that you,
a loved one, or friend are still in need of prayers.
Upcoming Weddings
III—June 17, 2016
Ms. Sara Telezyn
Mr. Andrew Markowitz
III—June 18, 2016
Ms. Kelly Coyne
Mr. Corwin Battin
III–June 20, 2016
Ms. Stephanie Garfinkel
Mr. Michael Knapp
II—June 25 2016
Ms. Courtney Darlington
Mr. Ryan Lavorgna
II—June 25, 2016
Ms. Kala Tiongson
Mr. Cristian Barrero
I—July 1 2016
Ms. Stephanie Small
Mr. Jon Lind III
I—July 2 2016
Ms. Dana Ferm
Mr. Panit Hompluem
I—July 2 2016
Ms. Kristin Deitos
Mr. Alec Bernstein
I—July 3, 2016
Ms. Kristy Scifo
Mr. Christopher Hynes
Volunteers Needed!
Financial Report as of
June 6, 2016
Sunday Collection through June 5, 2016
Envelopes and Checks $
Electronic Giving $
Cash $
Total through June 5, 2016 $
On July 9th (and every second Saturday of the month) our Human Concerns
and Needs Commission will be preparing and serving a meal at the Marquard
Center, a Franciscan outreach soup kitchen at 1645 W Le Moyne St, Chicago,
to over 100 homeless persons. Volunteers from St. Michael’s shop, bake
cookies or brownies, prepare, cook and serve the meal each month. It takes
many volunteers to keep this going and we could use YOU! If you can donate
any time for this outreach program, please email
marquard.center.volunteers@gmail.com. You can sign up for a specific month
that fits into your schedule or every month! The Human Concerns Commission
appreciates every minute you can spare!
Upcoming dates are August 13th, September 10th, and October 8th. Save the
date and join in. This is a fun day to be a part of.
St. Michael in Old Town
News & Announcements
Religious Education Registration Information
St. Michael’s Spirituality Resource
Director: Fr. Ken Sedlak, C.Ss.R.,
Contemplative Prayer Gathering:
Mondays, 7:00 p.m. Parish Rectory
2nd Floor Chapel
Registration for the 2016/17 Religious Education Program has begun! Register now to receive your early submission discount! In formation can be found
on our website under the Religious Education tab st-mikes.org, under the
Inner Views
Parish Life tab to download and print the appropriate paperwork. You can
Summer Rerun
also stop by or call the parish Office (312-642-2498) for a printed copy of the
registration forms. Our new CRE, Elizabeth Kabacinski, has many exciting
Last week's column ended abruptly. That wasn't supplans for next fall!
posed to be a cliffhanger, just an oversight on our
part. Since I think this column is describing a very
important development in our shared spirituality I
would like to repeat it, this time with the ending in
Religious Education Catechists Needed
The Religious Education Program and Children’s Liturgy of the Word is
We are fortunate, the spiritual hunger that drives so
looking for adult catechists and high school student assistants for the 2016/17 much of our motivation from deep inside is showing
school year! No experience necessary, just an enthusiasm for the Christian
itself in our everyday awareness. We are being brought
faith! Please contact Elizabeth Kabacinski, CRE, if you are interested, email
face to face with a profound spiritual hunger. When we
ekabacinski@st-mikes.org or call 312-642-2498 x - 303.
get hungry our stomach gurgles and growls. Here at the
start of the twenty first century our culture is growling
and gurgling for spiritual living that is felt not just
thought, meaningful not just emotional, applied to our
actual life and not just an ancient tradition. The spirituality we grew up with fit its time in history but now
we’re at a time of spiritual development that is hungering for a spirituality that is more effective for all God’s
Yoga of 12 Step Recovery at St. Mikes
The Yoga of 12 Step Recovery (Y12SR) combines the practical tools of a 12
step program with yoga, addressing the physical, mental and spiritual aspects
of addiction. Modeled from the meetings of 12-step programs, Y12SR is a
group sharing circle coupled with an intentional, themed trauma-informed
yoga practice. Y12SR meetings are open for anyone dealing with their own
addictive behaviors or affected by those behaviors in others. Y12SR deepens
any work participants may be currently doing or jumpstart the journey of self
–discovery. Meetings are free, donations optional. Please wear comfortable
clothes. More information available at www.Y12SR.com or email Christine
Kordiuk, ckordiuk@st-mikes.org or call 312-642-2498, ext. 301. This class
will be meeting every other Tuesday from 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. in the
Parish Center, 3rd floor. Please enter at 1711 N. Cleveland Ave door.
This coming into consciousness of our deep seated spiritual hunger is having a profound impact on religious
institutions. Ritual observance is no longer enough.
Going through the motions does not satisfy the need for
a deeply felt and embracing relationship with God and
one another. To tell the truth I’m very excited by this
because it’s been in the background of my searching
since I was ordained. I’ve felt a longing for something
more substantial than obligations and good intentions.
We often hear the statement “I’m not religious I’m
spiritual.” Its meaning is very concrete. These are people who want their faith to make a difference in the way
they experience their relationship with God and how
that effects all the rest of their relationships. They see
religion as teaching dogmas and making moral demands in a way that has little to do with helping us live
these out in the complex situations of our daily lives.
They want to live consciously, aware of the choices
they make and the reasons for those choices. It’s not
enough to just fall into line and do what we’re told.
Alan E. Nelson describes these expectations this way:
“People…are seeking leaders and organiza ons that
The next meeting of the St. Mike's Book Club is Thursday, June 23 at
nurture their souls and the other parts of their lives.
7:00 pm in the Parish Center; we will be discussing, The Little Paris
They won’t’ be sa sfied working for or being part of
Bookshop written by Nina George.
organiza ons that are in opposi on to their spiritual
As per the review by Amazon,
health. People want more out of work and church.
They want to find significance in what they do. They
“Monsieur Perdu can prescribe the perfect book for a broken heart. But
want to follow leaders who treat them as whole peocan he fix his own?
ple who have hearts that need to be nourished and
… Internationally bestselling and filled with warmth and adventure, The Litcared
for. This means findings leaders who understand
tle Paris Bookshop is a love letter to books, meant for anyone who believes in
needs and who are in tune with their own souls
the power of stories to shape people's lives.”
as they lead.”
Everyone is welcome to join us for snacks and a lively discussion of our next
– Spirituality & Leadership, Alan E. Nelson
St. Michael Book Club
fascinating book selection. If you would like more information, contact Toni
Dunning at 312-642-2498 or email tdunning@st-mikes.org.
St. Michael in Old Town
We’ve been given theological and moral conclusions
but little help with developing the personal experience
and perceptions needed to act from the depths of our
soul self. Jesus taught in a whole different way. He
wants to set us in a world that is larger than our mind
(ego), which he calls the "Reign of God.” Jesus taught
not by lecturing in a classroom or preaching from a
pulpit; instead he draws us into a relationship with
himself, the Father and Spirit. He creates a foundation
of love that can grow into a love that overflows our
souls to others.
People have little patience for ideals that do not help
them here and now. Waiting for a heavenly reward is no
longer an option that makes sense. Happily it also was
not Jesus’ intention. As he says so clearly; “The reign of
God is here in your midst.” (Luke 17:21)
For the last four years I’ve been leading a class for
adults who want to become Catholic (RCIA). They have
made a decision as adults to find something that feeds
their spiritual hunger. But they are not willing to be
boxed into a simplistic moralism and ritualism. They
are looking for help in facing their dilemmas and examining the meaning of their faith.
These people are very much aware of their “issues” and
have spent a lot of effort in facing them as honestly as
possible. Although they’ve dealt with much of this they
still feel something is missing: and they look to spirituality for clues. They will go wherever they find something that feeds their hunger.
I identify with this because it’s exactly what I’ve been
looking for in my own life. As long as I can remember
I’ve felt something is missing in my life that my seminary formation is unable to satisfy. As I grew older I’ve
felt that only a much more intimate relationship with
God, with Trinity, is what I’ve been hungering for. I’ve
found that this develops most fruitfully in my relationships with other people. Now I’m beginning to see that
this is “my way” but other people are diligently working
to find their way. Anything less is not enough. And
“Jesus’ Way” makes room for all of us because the
“Reign of God” includes all Creation. Christians call
this compassion and Buddhists call it loving kindness;
spiritual directors and therapists call it presence. These
are different metaphors but basically they are awareness
without judgment.
Let me leave you with Jesus’ revelation – God loves you
intimately and with more passion than you can imagine.
Divine Love is that actual life giving energy that makes
you who you are. You and I and every human being is a
beloved child “in whom I am well pleased.” (Mt. 3:17)
But we have built in resistances to accepting this as our
personal reality. Spirituality is about dealing with these
resistances and opening to our soul. Jesus’ ministry
helps us let go of everything that keeps God, without
knowing it, at arm’s length.
If this makes sense to your experience I invite you to
join me in doing our best to follow Jesus’s original
agenda. It’s all in the Gospels, but we’ll have to let go of
many of the interpretations we’ve heard over the years.
And like our “beloved” sisters and brothers we’ll need
to search through anything that attracts our spirit. This
may include Buddhism, psychology, energy work, body
work; journaling; yoga; dream work; reading; art; scripture: anything that we find to feed our spirit.
(Continued in column to the right)
News & Announcements
Oktoberfest 5K Run and Walk
In the Park
St. Michael’s 6th Annual Oktoberfest 5K Run/Walk in the Park is on
September 15th! Early registration has begun so sign up NOW! Sign up 10 or
more and additional discounts will apply!
Sponsorships are being solicited, monetary and in-kind, so keep the 5K in
mind when looking for space to advertise your business or service. You have
access to over 700 participants. Contact Toni Dunning for more information
at 312-642-2498 or email tdunning@st-mikes.org. This is a great event to be
involved in!
Looking for a Ministry?
This is your invitation to join the Docents of Saint Michael in Old Town. We
have a wonderful tradition of conducting tours to expand everyone's
knowledge of our church, the rich history about the founders of our parish
and the people who joined it. All training will be provided to fit your schedule. Please join us and train for this worthwhile ministry.
Email tours@st-mikes.org if you are interested in joining or if you have any
A Prayer for “Renew My Church”
Lord Jesus, you speak to us today, as you spoke to holy men and women
who have gone before us.
In every age and in our own time, you call to us and say: Renew My
Pour out the gift of your Holy Spirit upon us, and so enable us to hear you
to listen to each other attentively
to imagine our future boldly
to discern your direction wisely
to persevere in your holy will courageously
to stay together in charity
to surrender own plans readily
to embrace the greater good
to hand on your gifts to future generations.
May we remain in the holy company of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the apostles, and all the saints. May their example and presence inspire us with
patient confidence in the work of your grace. We ask this of you who live
and reign with the Father in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, forever
and ever.
Inner Views
(Continued from column to the left)
In my life, after searching through a great variety of possibilities, the Gospels
have become a center that draws it all together for me. This has meant learning to relate to the Gospels in a new way that surpasses our mind (ego) in
favor of our soul. Soul is where God is loving us into existence at every moment. As we’ll see in the next offering Jesus’ method invites us to wander
with him and learn from his way of dealing with our hunger. Instead of trying
to give us information he will lead us through our life experience to the presence of the unconditional love of God.
St. Michael in Old Town
News & Announcements
Adult Faith Formation Series
St. Ignatius Parish
6559 N. Glenwood Avenue
Chicago, IL 60626
On April 8, 2016 the Holy Father released an Apostolic Exhortation on the
life of the family. It represents a summary and sharing of the spirituality of
the Pope in understanding the work of the Bishops` Synod on Family which
concluded this past fall.
The document encourages mercy and discernment as the pathway in addressing the needs of the modern Catholic family.
Deacon Larry Rossow will make a presentation of the Pope`s summary on
Wednesday, June 15th at 7 pm in the Holy Name Room. Deacon Lawrence
Rossow is Professor Emeritus from University of Oklahoma where he
taught Religious Studies and Theology for Newman University.
Other topics for the summer will include:
July 13
Works of Mercy
August 17
Virtues and Vices
September 14 The 12 Apostles
All presentations will be in the Holy Name Room beginning at 7:00 pm
and ending at 8:30.
For more information, please contact the parish.
Parish Pastoral Council
Council Chair:
2016 Parish Pastoral Council Members
Alice Huff
Jean Cocozza
Joe Tully
Annie Pecoraro
Alice Huff
Jim Theisen
Commission Representatives
Special Events: Jean Cocozza
Spiritual Living: Susan Cass
Human Concerns: Jeanne Sanna
Parish Life:
Diane Kelley-Thompson
Fr. Ted Lawson, C.Ss.R.
Parish Staff
Representatives: Fr. Joe Morin, C.Ss.R.
Christine Kordiuk,
Toni Dunning
Music Ministry
Pastor’s Representative: Fr. Ted Lawson C.Ss.R.
Membership to the Schola Cantorum or the
Contemporary Choir is open to all high school,
college and adult parishioners. If you would like to
learn more about our parish choirs please contact
Scott to schedule an time to visit.
Knights of Columbus
This weekend is the Old Town Art Fair. Feel free to take a break for an hour
on Saturday to join us at Sedgwick Stop for a cocktail and the Belmont
Stakes race. We look forward to seeing you.
Also, the Knights will once again be offering complimentary coffee, juice,
and donuts this summer (weather permitting), after many of the Sunday
morning masses. Stop by for a few minutes, say hello, enjoy a cup of joe,
and talk with your fellow parishioners. Anyone interested in the Knights of
Columbus should contact Tim Bracken at tdbracken.knights@yahoo.com or
call 312-953-4176.
Parish Life Commission
Commission Head:
The Parish Life Commission provides a wide
variety of programs that enhance the social
experience and sense of community for all
Parishioners. Its various activities include: Young
Adults group, Docents of St. Michael’s, Mom’s
Groups, New Parishioner Welcome Events, Gardening Group, Book Club
Church Tours
Planning a Party?
Remember St. Michael’s Parish Center Café when planning your next family
reunion (outdoor picnic?), Baptism luncheon, bridal or baby shower, or just
get together with friends to watch the “big” game together. If it’s a meeting
room you need for a condo board, homeowners meeting , fantasy sports
league draft, a quiet place to work or just to plan something important in your
life, think of St. Michael’s Parish Center. Wi-Fi is free, kitchen facilities are
available for cooking or caterers or just have food delivered. Rooms are available for all your needs and for all group sizes! There are conference room
designs, daytime retreat room setups or dining facilities for large groups. Contact Christine Kordiuk at 312-642-2498, ext. 301 or email
ckordiuk@st-mikes.org. today for details and pricing.
And remember: St. Michael’s has free parking for its guests! Priceless!
St. Michael in Old Town
Tours of the church are held most Sundays after
the 11:00 a.m. Mass in winter and after the 9:00
a.m. Mass in summer. All are welcome. Please
meet by the Offering Kiosk on the east side of the
church. Tours for groups can be scheduled by emailing tours@st-mikes.org.
Tours: June 12, 19, 26 at 10:00 a.m.
Mom’s Group
Join our welcoming group of new moms monthly
at the Parish Center. They meet the first Wednesday of the month for a playgroup, snack and craft
from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM. Please contact Toni
Dunning at tdunning@st-mikes.org for more
Support St. Michael’s
Giving Options at St. Michael’s!
We Need YOU!
Here at St. Michael we strive to make giving convenient and stay current with modern technology
choices and online giving. As you travel this summer, consider setting your donation up online so
even though you are gone, your donation won’t be!
Below you will find options for you when you find
yourself wanting to donate, If we can address your
needs in another manner feel free to email tdunning@st-mikes.org with details.
1. Giving Kiosk
On the east side of the church is a kiosk designed
for accepting donations. On the front of the kiosk
you can insert cash, checks or swipe a credit card
for “Quick” gives. No login is required. OR—if you
choose, our kiosk is linked directly to our website.
From the St. Michael’s home page, you can view
our website for information, click on any link on
our site, and gain access to our Online Giving System by clicking the Online Giving logo on the
front page, bottom right corner. Donations can be
designated to the
Outreach Fund, Maintenance Fund, Sunday Giving,
or Comprehensive
campaign in addition to any of the seasonal funds
for projects and events currently taking place at St.
2. Quick Read Code
With you smart phone you can now scan our code
with your phone and you will be linked automatically to our Online Giving system login page.
3. From any computer you can access our website
(www.st-mikes.org) and enter into our Online Giving System .
4. We accept donations of cash or checks mailed to
us (1633 N Cleveland Ave., Chicago, IL 60614),
delivered to the office or in the Offertory at mass.
5. If you would like to create a regular donation
plan and are unable to use a computer, find the systems confusing or just need help, please call Pat
Krier or Toni Dunning in the office for assistance.
6. If you wish to purchase items online in support
of any event (Christmas Gift Drive, Outreach, Hunger Relief Drive, for example) you can have your
donation shipped directly to St. Michael’s, attn.
Toni Dunning, 1633 N Cleveland Ave., Chicago, IL
60614. In the comment section when ordering indicate the event the donation is in support of or email
tdunning@st-mikes.org with your donation information.
“I have been made for heaven and heaven for me.”
—St. Joseph Cafasso