

En Roveray 198 • Case Postale 54 • CH - 1170 Aubonne
T +41 21 807 34 11 • F : +41 21 807 31 60 •
A simple, vibrant
and real story
In order to ensure quality advice and service, ELITE utilises a network of dynamic stockists.
Chosen for their knowledge and ability, they are able to offer you detailed information and personal advice.
Your quality ELITE advisor
1895: the 20th century, which is recently behind us, had
not yet begun when Jules-Henri Caillet, master saddler
in Aubonne, was already producing mattresses which
were highly reputed throughout the region.
A shrewd entrepreneur, he aimed at adapting
progress, a key word of the Ancients,
At ELITE, we are still faithful to this method of production which dates
from over a century ago. And on the original site, our methods
continually evolve with each generation that passes. Together
with the master-craftsman, we have moved from a life expectancy
of 44 years to double in our time thanks to progress in hygiene
in general and progress in bedding in particular.
to his business. For him, as for the following
The advantage offered by a more than century old enterprise
generations, progress was an integral part
is that respect for tradition is, within each generation, combined
of the production of a good mattress comprising
with constant research to try to surpass the generation before
traditional craftsmanship and inevitable
and thus produce goods of which the client is the prime beneficiary.
mechanisation as well as constant quality
research, the highest standard of natural raw
materials and passion for work well done.
At ELITE, tradition and technique come together to produce
the leitmotif of a simple, vibrant and true story.
And thus ELITE bedding and mattresses bring
together, today as in the past, the savoir-faire
of the craftsman and the quality of natural supporting
Images non binding (products may vary from sample photography)
materials which are rigorously selected.
How to choose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - 8
Materials . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 - 13
Spring mattresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 - 17
Pocketspring mattresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 - 31
Foam mattresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 - 37
Memory foam mattresses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 - 41
Soya foam mattresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 - 45
100% natural latex mattresses. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46 - 49
Horse-hair mattresses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 - 51
Ticking choice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 52 - 53
Toppers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54 - 55
Mattress protectors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 - 57
Duvets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 - 59
Options and finishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
Partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
Pillows and decoration cushions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 - 61
How to choose
Far in the past
A good night’s sleep starts in the master-craftsman’s workshop.
According to a process passed down by tradition, bedding professionals
prepare and assemble the natural raw materials to achieve ultimately
The master-craftsman of your sleep
From the straw bed of Job to King Solomon’s couch, and the Lebanese cedar bed which encompassed
the fiancés of the Song of Songs, the mattress has been associated with sleep. “Blessed be he who
Here, with the addition of our savoir-faire, your hand-made bedding,
each one a unique article, is created with the care of a master-
invented sleep!” exclaimed Don Quixote.
Etymologically, the Arab word “matrah” preceded the “materasso” of the Italian Renaissance.
Such are the distinctive signs of ELITE bedding…
Historically, the Gaulois are considered to be the inventors of a simple mattress which was progressively
to become more comfortable with the inclusion of horse-hair and wool and later, with the addition
of bedding with straps.
The ELITE master-craftsman knows his history well and the lessons which are to be learnt. He knows
that at this beginning of the 21st century in which new technologies succeed each other at a dizzying
pace, the secret of good bedding lies in the choice of natural materials assembled with rigorous order
and crafted by hand. Of all the good things which can be shared on this earth, sleep remains
a personal affair which entails an individual approach.
a product of the highest quality.
Your well-being…
physiological problems, psycho-physiological stress, a feeling of acute fatigue and
What is the ideal bedding system?
principal elements to be taken into consideration when creating the ideal bedding
low reaction levels. Anatomical adaptation and the sleeping position are the
– to achieve high quality sleep, and thus by definition, a better quality of life.
A distinguishing feature of the human species, the standing position, has had as
its corollary an “s”-shaped body-back conformation. This standing position,
A person’s morphology, ectomorph, mesomorph, overweight, slim, and the various
perfectly adapted for vertical movement, can unfortunately lead to painful physical
positions adopted during sleep (mainly fœtal position, on the back and on the
conditions such as dorsalgia, lumbar pain, lumbar osteo-arthritis and discal hernia.
side ) determine the distribution of body weight in a sleeping position. These
To avoid these conditions it is of fundamental importance to use bedding which
allows the spinal column to maintain, even while horizontal, an identical position
various elements in themselves suggest that normal or standard bedding is often
inadequate and can even have negative effects on the body.
to that of when standing.
What are the possible negative effects of an incorrect sleeping position?
There is a considerable difference between people of tall or average height,
between a sumo wrestler or the sinuous body of a ballerina. Offering standard
• Painful conditions resulting from intervertebral disk pressure on nerves
in the spinal column;
• prevention of muscular relaxation caused by the body’s constant search
solutions for these different kinds of person can often lead to mattresses where
the load bearing zones do not concord with a person’s anatomy.
These various considerations explain the new objectives taken into account by
for a good sleeping position;
ELITE to guarantee each client total bedding comfort.
• undue pressure placed on the vascular lymphatic system at body-mattress
contact points.
Bedding too soft: leads to muscle stiffness as the body tries in vain to find
an adequate position for the spinal column.
Good quality bedding must offer the following features:
• correct spinal column support from the orthopedique point of view
• relaxed muscular system
Bedding too rigid: leads to undue pressure on the lymphatic system at body-mattress
Ideal bedding: by adapting to each section of the body in an elongated position,
both an ideal orthopedic position and a relaxation of the vascular lymphatic
• facilitate blood circulation to enable cellular regeneration
• maintain a correct body temperature
• excellent hygiene
system are achieved.
• to counter in one night the day’s accumulation of tension
Being unable to achieve total relaxation while asleep can seriously hinder a person
to reach the various deep-sleep phases (paradoxal sleep) and can provoke
• be comfortable and provide total body support.
How to choose
contact points and forces the spinal column to adopt an incorrect sleeping position.
If you sleep in a side position, a less-rigid multi-zone mattress should be
Sleep well to live well…
chosen to limit the pressure in the shoulder and pelvis areas.
This facilitates blood circulation and thus aids cellular regeneration.
As we have seen, good bedding can provide that additional extra for a good night’s sleep. Simply
stated, if we are going to spend at least a third of our lives asleep, we should choose a good mattress –
If you sleep on your back and have a pronounced back arch then you
an essential component to good sleeping.
should choose a mattress which permits your back to sink into it thus
ensuring for correctly supported back bones.
There are a few golden rules for choosing a good mattress. To start with, height-body mass ratio which
defines the weight per square centimetre – the higher this is, the firmer the mattress should be.
A person’s age is another element of importance. When young,
a person can adapt to a hard mattress but with age and a greater need
The chart below will help you determine this factor: ª
for comfort, a person prefers softer or medium support.
At ELITE, the wide choice of mattresses, our experience and savoir-faire
< 50 kg
51-60 kg
61-70 kg
71-80 kg
helps us find the mattress which is the most appropriate for your body
81-90 kg
91-100 kg
< 1.50 m
> 100 kg
type and sleeping habits.
If your partner’s body type is considerably different from yours,
choosing the most suitable mattress is of course difficult. At ELITE,
1.51m - 1.60m
S iz e
difficult, but not impossible if you choose our “ELLE et LUI”
1.61m - 1.70m
made-to-measure, multi-zone option on the same mattress.
1.71m - 1.80m
Perfect harmony and yet sleeping independence : the keys to a good
night’s sleep!
1.81m - 1.90m
Our individual-based research has naturally led us to adapt
1.91m - 2.00m
our considerable experience to the latest technological research.
The “rhumaless” system enables real-time on-screen visualisation
> 2.00 m
of the various body pressure points when you are in your favourite
sleep position. Science and experience come together to enable you
to choose the best mattress.
These images show you which bedding is the most appropriate
and the one which should be avoided.
The colder (green-blue) colours show a mattress correctly adapted to the various
pressure zones, while the warmer (red) colours in the diagram on the right show
Your bed… a friend that wishes you well…
incorrectly adapted pressure points.
If you belong to that growing category of people who find it hard to sleep well
you might be tempted to look for the cause elsewhere… and yet the answer could
Head and
Head and
well be in your mattress.
A wide-scale survey showed that the average human being slept 7 hours
and 6 minutes per night.
Another European-based survey suggested that half of those asked said that
they changed their mattresses every 10 years. Bedding experts however show that
this is in fact every 13 rather than 10 years.
Research carries out by a neurologist at the University Hospital of Montpellier
Using the same technology, the images below, of a lateral sleeping position,
suggests that a person will gain an additional 53 minutes of deep sleep in a new
show that the mattress on the left is more suitable than the one on the right.
Thus, as we have already mentioned : good bedding has an essential role
Head and
Head and
in achieving quality sleep and thus better overall health!
Some advice for a good night’s sleep
We have all heard of people around us complaining of a bad night’s sleep and early
morning back pains. And yet a better-adapted mattress could alleviate these
exerting the most pressure – the shoulder and pelvis areas and supporting the total
length of the body.
Because we produce your own mattress on site, we can recommend
It is an old wive’s tale that a good mattress must be hard, or… soft. The following
the best option for your particular needs.
diagrams illustrate examples of this:
How to choose
symptoms. The golden rule: a quality mattress leads to quality sleep, adapting to zones
Beware of mattresses which are too rigid!
Different mattress types play an important role in back problems. When these occur
Too soft mattress,
wrong spine positioning
the patient is often told to use a harder mattress when in fact a less rigid one would
perhaps solve the problem.
A rigid mattress cannot adapt itself to the weight of the thorax and pelvis areas.
The other parts of the body and the muscles are unable to relax during sleep.
The thorax and pelvis are compressed thus leading to inefficient blood circulation
and incorrect spinal support during the night.
A bed which is too soft does not support the spinal column correctly. The heaviest
parts of the body such as the thorax and pelvis sink into the mattress resulting
in discomfort. As the bed is inadequately adapted to the body, muscles and column
Correct mattress,
perfect spine positioning
contract and cannot relax.
Too firm mattress,
wrong spine positioning
The best possible solution must be found in terms of your height, your body type,
your weight and above all your personal preferences. A person who weights
45 kilogrammes clearly cannot need the same mattress as a person who weights
How to choose
120 kilogrammes. The diagram below shows the ideal mattress which adapts
to the body and supports the various pressure zones.
The best natural materials…
to provide sleep fit for a king
As opposed to bigger producers who are often limited in their choice of materials by economic
considerations, our status as craftsmen gives us the freedom to choose the best raw materials
and the most natural and healthy for your well-being.
Since the time of our founder, Jules-Henri Caillet, the freedom of being able to choose
the best product after a vigorous procedure of selection is one of the distinguishing features
of the “craftsman of your sleep”. Better than anyone, he knows how to assemble these natural
materials to create your quality bedding.
This characteristic of wool is particularly interesting when one realises
The most noble of natural materials, the virgin wool chosen by ELITE comes from the Merino breed
Another less well known property of virgin wool is its highly efficient
and from the Ile de France, both bred in the open air throughout the year.
capacity to replace positive ions by negative ones which are natural
that the body releases 0.5 litres of water each night.
and favourable to the human body.
These two breeds produce a high quality wool, with scales overlapping like shingles on a roof
and an excellent crimp of great finesse.
In the same way it has the ability to isolate the body from static
electricity. Wool also aids in the prevention of problems which cause
Over the years, experience has taught us that this keratin-based natural fibre is an essential component
bad sleep and of those which can result in rheumatism.
for the production of a good mattress as it possesses numerous properties.
On top of this long list of wool’s qualities is the fact that it has a low
Firstly, by its structure, wool presents an excellent resistance to twisting and pulling while offering
good elasticity. Also, its crimp which keeps in a great quantity of air, increases thermic protection both
from the heat and from the cold. With this unique quality of thermic regulation, wool offers
degree of inflammability and is 100% bio-degradable.
So why go without wool?
a welcome, natural comfort.
Another important quality of wool is its great hygroscopic capacity . It is not a well-known fact that
wool can absorb water to one third of its weight without producing a feeling of humidity. At the same
time as keeping the body dry, it can absorb damp and odours. With these “breathing” qualities,
wool can release humidity and its accompanying odours easily and rapidly.
It is on the high Himalayan plateau at an average altitude of 4’000 metres that the Pashmina
goat which has made the name of cashmere famous throughout the world can be found.
This long and silky wool doubled by a tight duvet protecting the goats from glacial winds and
temperatures of between -30˚C to -40˚C is used at ELITE principally for the winter side of our
During sleep cashmere produces a feeling of comfort, softness and warmth.
Tussah silk
Pure horse-hair
Silk is most certainly the most precious of those natural
After a vigorous washing and disinfection process the horse-hair
materials which are used in the creation of a mattress.
is steam-heated and then dried. This treatment gives it its permanent
A list of its natural qualities speaks for itself.
spiral form.
The Tussah silk used at ELITE is spun from silk worms
Thanks to this spiral form, horse-hair padding gives a mattress
living in the wild in India, China and Japan.
additional softness and elasticity. People who sleep mainly
on their sides will appreciate these qualities above all at the shoulder
The combination of these different silks creates a
and hip pressure zones.
material which is both sensual and luxurious.
Horse-hair also has excellent ventilation properties thus guaranteeing
Among its many qualities, silk has hygroscopic
a feeling of well-being.
and thermo-regulatory properties which allows it
Horse-hair’s hygroscopic
to absorb up to 30% of its own weight without
characteristic enables it
producing a feeling of humidity and at the same time
to absorb and neutralise
dispersing heat and creating a resulting freshness.
perspiration. This quality
is appreciated by sleepers
who are sensitive to heat
as it enables them to have
a full night’s sleep.
At ELITE we select only the highest quality horse-hair: it is purchased from a Swiss
producer who has been in this specialist field for six generations and has worked
with Elite for five.
In our daily task of assembling the best natural materials, experience has
taught us to use horse-hair which has a long life quality – exactly the characteristic
of an ELITE mattress.
A tried, tested and certified quality
At Elite, there is no question of using petrol-derived rubber (SBR). We aim
for quality, comfort and for all that is natural.
ELITE 100% natural latex products are permanently subjected to independent
and reputed laboratory quality-control testing. All the various qualities mentioned
in our brochures are certified to QUL norms (“Qlatex” – Ecology latex mattress
quality control) as well as to Öko-Tex Standard 100 norms!
100% natural latex
100% natural latex is a raw vegetal material harvested in Asia from rubber trees.
Rubber tree forests prevent soil erosion, produce wood for the wood industry
and provide heating material, thus creating employment. From its far-away Asiatic
origins, it is exported to Europe in the ballast tanks of huge cargo ships. A means
of transport which does not call for the use of additional energy!
Another fact which pleads for latex’s already excellent eco-energy reputation
is reported in “Rubber Developments”, the English specialist magazine. To produce
one ton of latex SBR (Butadiene Styrene Rubber) 130 gigajoules of energy
are necessary which is the equivalent of approximately 10000 litres of petrol!
To produce one ton of natural rubber only 13 gigajoules are necessary: 5 for each
tree’s fertiliser, 3 for production and 5 for transport; in other words…10 times less
The great quality of 100% natural latex
At ELITE the natural latex mattresses, veritable gifts of nature, are 100%
guaranteed synthetic rubber-free. It should be repeated over and over again:
only the very best natural materials are used for our mattresses. It is therefore
not surprising that the latex core ( made from Hevea Brasilensis rubber milk) offers
an incomparable elasticity to all products carrying our signature.
It should be stated that there are no specific norms as to what constitutes “natural
latex”. In fact, many mattresses on the market with a “natural latex” label contain
between 15 and 30% synthetically-produced latex.
What is “100% natural latex”?
Cotton is a vegetal fibre which surrounds
the cotton grains. It is the most
Ingeo is a 100% environmentally friendly natural material which derives
important natural fibre produced in the
from the process of the transformation of maize. It occasions decreased CO2
world and most certainly the best
production, is bio-degradable and has renewable constituents.
adapted to the human skin.
Ingeo marries a natural material with the advantages of the synthetic.
It is therefore natural that this fibre is
As it is hypoallergenic, it offers considerable resistance to impacts and has good
used in the creation of an ELITE mattress.
stability. It also absorbs body humidity and regulates its temperature.
It also possesses natural anti-acaroids properties.
The 100% natural cotton which we use
offers excellent ventilation properties; your mattress “breathes” and thus feels
Besides this, cotton’s hygroscopic properties allows it to absorb perspiration easily
For centuries the coconut has been one of the world’s main cultures. It is a palm tree
– of cardinal importance for a mattress padding.
with a crowning sheaf of leaves and produces the coconut which within its very
Experience has also taught us that used in thick layers its elastic characteristics
tough shell contains coconut milk.
allow for a feeling of comfort and softness. The mattress becomes not simply
This tropical tree also gives us the coconut fibres surrounding the hard shell.
“bedding” but a comfortable nest.
In India and Sri Lanka the coconut is harvested not only for the milk inside but also
for the outer fibres. These are soaked, beaten, combed, carded, spun and sun-dried
sea and feel
thus resulting in the mattress fibre which has been used for over a century
as mattress padding.
Used as the primary layer of padding,
coconut fibre covers the core
SeaCell® fibre offers a number of algae-linked properties. It favours skin care by liberating
of the mattress. Its great resistance
vitamin E and mineral salts, calcium and magnesium and possesses anti-irritation
guarantees stability and acts as a perfect
and scar-healing characteristics. Lyocell also possesses “breathing” qualities and is soft
base for the various other layers. Woven
to the touch.
to provide for excellent long-term
homogeneity it has good air permeability
SeaCell® Active is a Lyocell fibre which is combined with algae fibres and silver. The amino
acids and mineral salts present in the algae are liberated by the body’s light humidity thus
qualities and gives the finished product
very good elasticity.
having a equilibrating effect on the body. The mineral salts in the SeaCell® algae aid
in the mineralisation of the skin while silver has anti-bacterial properties.
It is worth noting that coconut fibre
is a 100% natural and renewable organic
Permanently bacteriostatic, SeaCell fibre allows for a refreshing night’s sleep.
Sisal (agave) is a plant which originates from Mexico and whose leaves give us the sisal fibre.
As with the coconut fibre, sisal is used as a primary layer in mattress padding. It surrounds
the mattress core and is highly resistant, providing great stability and acting as an excellent base
for the various mattress layers. The sisal nappe is compact and homogeny and guarantees good air
permeability and excellent elasticity.
Sisal is a 100% natural and renewable organic material.
Lyocell is a 100% cellulose fibre manufactured via a process which respects the environment.
Lenpur is made from the pulp of the Canadian white pine tree
As it comes from a mixture of wood pulp, Lyocell satisfies the strict conditions those ELITE demands
and is highly ecological as it originates not from felling whole trees
of its products.
but from lopping branches. This process excludes all deforestation –
an important point emphasized by the manufacturers. Besides being
This bio-degradable fibre possesses excellent properties: it is highly resistant, has a high degree
of absorption and is very supple. It is silky and soft to the touch.
a 100% natural product with anti-odour properties, it is also very soft
to the touch, is absorbant and yet releases humidity.
literie d’exception
literie d exception
The dynamic comfort of a BONNELL spring mattress core speaks for ELITE’s generations-long savoir-faire.
Dynamic comfort
This tried and tested technique has contributed to the reputation of some of the best 5-star hotels.
Resisting and durable
Hand assembled by craftsman, as all ELITE mattresses, this “prelude” to a good night’s sleep is composed
of five comfort zones which support the back while at the same time taking into account the shoulder
High finished quality
and pelvis pressure zones.
Consistance and uniformity
The skilful arrangement of the surface is supported by a fibre padding which is 100% natural and set
100% natural padding
in layers to guarantee a welcoming softness.
5 zones core
with 115 Bonnell springs
per square metre
Ticking Allure composed of natural
materials for a softness to the touch
Height: 20 cm
Lyocell fibres, 200 gr/m2
Cotton 90°, 200 gr/m2
Sheep’s wool, 500 gr/m2
Sisal, 1100 gr/m2
Bonnell springs
Sisal, 1100 gr/m2
Sheep’s wool, 500 gr/m2
Cotton 90°, 200 gr/m2
Large side handles
for easy mattress positioning
Lyocell fibres, 200 gr/m2
Dynamic comfort
Thanks to an innovative coil spring technique, the BONNELL LFK spring core offers dynamic comfort.
The high density of the materials enables a progressive compression thus affording soft body-surface
Progressive compression
Flexibility and high quality
The five comfort zones of the mattress’s surface offer a perfect distribution of body-surface contact
points, whether you sleep on your back or on your side.
Reduced partner disturbances
Besides these qualities, our craftsmen have added a supplementary note – a different surface
100% natural high quality
summer/winter padding
5 zones core
with 231 LFK springs
per square metre
for the different seasons. The cashmere and wool winter surface is warm and soft while the Tussah silk
summer surface provides the freshness required of the season.
Ticking Chevrons composed of natural
materials for a softness to the touch
Height: 20 cm
Tussah silk, 300 gr/m2
Lambswool, 400 gr/m2
Woven coconut fibres, 950 gr/m2
LFK springs
Woven coconut fibres, 950 gr/m2
Sheep’s wool, 500 gr/m2
Cashmere, 200 gr/m2
Cotton 90°, 200 gr/m2
Large side handles
for easy mattress positioning
4 ventilation points
literie d’exception
literie d’exception
literie d exception
For the first model in the pocketed-springs range, the craftsman has chosen demanding criteria:
326 springs per square metre.
In an agreeable marriage of softness and resistance, progressive compression “softouch” technology
favourises an initially soft body contact while keeping the mattress core firm. This guarantees progressive
anatomical adaptation and “motion separation” ensuring virtually no partner disturbance during sleep.
Distributed comfort zones
Softtouch technology
Soft and progressive contact
This technique, mastered long ago, reaches what may be called artistic levels; a mattress which
is considerably different, with five surface-body contact zones which maintain the spinal column
and limit the pressure on the neck, shoulder and pelvis region.
Reduced partner disturbances
With the CRESCENDO the harmony of sleep derives from virgin sheep’s wool, cotton and Tussah silk.
Nested springs
5 zones core with 326 nested softtouch
pocketed springs per square metre
100% natural padding
Ticking Bronze composed of natural
materials for a softness to the touch
Height: 20 cm
Tussah silk, 150 gr/m2
Cotton 90°, 200 gr/m2
Sheep’s wool, 500 gr/m2
Pocketed springs
Sheep’s wool, 500 gr/m2
Cotton 90°, 200 gr/m2
Large side handles
for easy mattress positioning
Tussah silk, 150 gr/m2
Hi-Low technology
The core of this mattress is composed of pocketed springs of different lengths. This specificity
of the “craftsman of your sleep” is combined with a layer of memory foam. This complex process
Anatomical support
favorises anatomical support pressure zone by pressure zone – an ideal distribution of cervical,
Soft contact
lumbar and dorsal pressure zones. This process also guarantees “motion separation” ensuring
Memory foam layer
virtually no partner disturbance during sleep.
Reduced partner disturbances
Seeking for a fresh, cosy sensation, ELITE uses 100% natural padding composed of 850 gr/m2 virgin
100% natural padding
sheep’s wool, maize fibre and Tussah silk.
Core with 260 alternated springs
per square metre
Ticking Silver composed of natural
materials for a softness to the touch
Height: 22 cm
Tussah silk, 150 gr/m2
Ingeo fibres, 200 gr/m2
Sheep’s wool, 500 gr/m2
Memory foam
High-Low pocketed
Memory foam
Sheep’s wool, 500 gr/m2
Ingeo fibres, 200 gr/m2
Large side handles
for easy mattress positioning
Tussah silk, 150 gr/m2
4 ventilation points
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5 zones core with 305 pocketed springs
per square metre
Ticking Bamboo composed of natural
materials for a softness to the touch
Height: 23 cm
Lyocell fibres, 200 gr/m2
SeaCell fibres, 200 gr/m2
Soya fibres, 200 gr/m2
Sheep’s wool, 300 gr/m2
100% natural latex, 3 cm
Cotton pocketed springs
100% natural latex, 3 cm
Sheep’s wool, 300 gr/m2
Soya fibres, 200 gr/m2
SeaCell fibres, 200 gr/m2
Large side handles
for easy mattress positioning
Lyocell fibres, 200 gr/m2
4 ventilation points
Each mattress spring is enveloped in a hand-stitched cotton sheath. The qualities of this top-of-the-range
model are emphasized by a honeycombed spring arrangement which increases the density of the mattress.
Combining all the aspects of his art, the craftsman of your sleep offers you not just a mattress, but
a “piece of furniture” which provides for excellent spinal column and lumbar support and “motion
separation” ensuring virtually no partner disturbance during sleep.
Traditional handcrafted
Handmade finishing
Nested and sewn pocketed springs
Distributed comfort zones
This exceptional creation contains a 30 mm 100% natural latex layer, padding of pure virgin
sheep’s wool, soya fibres, Lyocell fibres and active SeaCell fibres which, among other properties,
has an equilibrating effect on the body.
We at ELITE think that this mattress is a piece of nature itself.
Reduced partner disturbances
100% natural latex layer
finest natural materials
Ergonomic comfort zones
with 252 softtouch pocketed springs
per square metre
Ticking Chevrons composed of natural
materials for a softness to the touch
Height: 24 cm
Tussah silk, 300 gr/m2
Lambswool, 400 gr/m2
100% natural latex,
3 cm
Pocketed springs
100% natural latex,
3 cm
Sheep’s wool, 500 gr/m2
Cashmere, 200 gr/m2
Cotton 90°, 200 gr/m2
Large side handles
for easy mattress positioning
4 ventilation points
Anatomical zoning
Softtouch technology progressive compression
100% natural latex layer
An excellent ergonomical distribution of comfort zones is associated in this model with progressive
compression “softtouch” technology. This technique provides for an initially soft body contact while
maintaining a firm core and above all, progressive anatomical adaptation. It offers “motion
separation” ensuring virtually no partner disturbance during sleep. ARPEGE is primarily made
for those people who sleep on their stomachs.
Reduced partner disturbances
100% finest natural summer/winter
Elle et Lui option
For the padding our craftsmen have chosen a 30 mm layer of 100% natural latex and two-season
padding; for the winter surface, the softness and warmth of cashmere and for the summer surface,
the freshness of Tussah silk.
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This exceptional mattress boasts at its core, 613 micro-springs. Here, the increased number of springs
Outstanding body support
provides for optimal back support and unequalled comfort. It is more than true that a real craftsman
thanks to the springs density
is able to provide spinal support for both sleeping positions – on the back and on the side. This bedding
technique eases the shoulder, neck, pelvis and leg pressure zones thus providing more efficient blood
circulation. Another characteristic which should be mentioned is “motion separation” which ensures
virtually no partner disturbance during sleep.
Pure horse tail hair
Reduced partner disturbances
Such a “piece of furniture” calls for 100% natural padding of pure horse tail hair, lambswool, Tussah silk
and active SeaCell fibres. All these elements provide the body with excellent heat regulation resulting
in comfort for the most demanding of sleepers.
5 zones core with 613 micro springs
per square metre
Distributed comfort zones
100% finest natural padding
Elle et Lui option
Ticking Gold composed
of natural materials
for a softness to the touch
Height: 25 cm
Tussah silk, 300 gr/m2
SeaCell fibres, 200 gr/m2
Lambswool, 400 gr/m2
Pure horse-hair,
1000 gr/m2
Micro pocketed springs
Pure horse-hair,
1000 gr/m2
Lambswool, 400 gr/m2
SeaCell fibres, 200 gr/m2
Large side handles
for easy mattress positioning
4 ventilation points
Tussah silk, 300 gr/m2
1065 pocketed springs per square metre
for a perfect body support
Handcrafted comfort zones
The core of this model is composed of 1065 micro-springs per m2. This impressive number of micro-springs guarantees great
flexibility and affords excellent anatomical adaptation for the most demanding of body types. This very high level of mattress
technology offers soft body-mattress contact and total back support in all sleeping positions.
Here, the five comfort zones are perfectly distributed to cope with the sensitive pressure points : the shoulders, neck, pelvis
and legs, thus aiding correct blood circulation and the resulting cellular regeneration. A model of this quality naturally offers
“motion separation” ensuring virtually no partner disturbance during sleep.
Distributed comfort zones
Thick layers of white horse-hair
Reduced partner disturbances
100% finest natural summer/winter padding
For this piece of “quality furniture” a thick layer of specially selected, woven white horse tail hair is used in combination with
a 100% natural padding: Tussah silk, lambswool and active SeaCell fibres for the summer surface of the mattress and cashmere,
cotton and pure virgin sheep’s wool for the winter surface. Entirely hand-stitched, the interior quilting provides for cohesion
of the various thick layers which make up the Opera and ensures excellent body heat regulation.
Elle et Lui option
5 zones core with 1065 micro
pocketed springs per square metre
Ticking Plume composed of natural
materials for a softness to the touch
Height: 26 cm
Tussah silk, 300 gr/m
SeaCell fibres, 200 gr/m2
Lambswool, 300 gr/m2
Pure white horse-hair,
1250 gr/m2
100% natural latex, 3 cm
Micro pocketed springs
100% natural latex, 3 cm
Pure white horse-hair,
1250 gr/m2
Sheep’s wool, 500 gr/m2
Cashmere, 200 gr/m2
Large side handles
for easy mattress positioning
Cotton 90°, 200 gr/m2
4 ventilation points
Double sewing with handcrafted
internal quilting
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Core with 1196 springs
per square metre in three layers
Ticking Edelweiss composed of natural
materials for a softness to the touch
Height: 30 cm
Tussah silk, 200 gr/m
SeaCell fibres, 200 gr/m2
Cotton 90°, 200 gr/m2
Lambswool, 300 gr/m2
Pure white horse-hair,
1250 gr/m2
3 layers of pocketed springs
Pure white horse-hair,
1250 gr/m2
Sheep’s wool, 500 gr/m2
Cotton 90°, 200 gr/m2
Hand made tufting
Large side handles
for easy mattress positioning
SeaCell fibres, 200 gr/m2
Cashmere, 200 gr/m2
4 ventilation points
The totality of ELITE’S savoir-faire goes into the production of this model which redefines comfort
standards for mattresses.
1196 springs per m² on three levels are the core of this magnificent “piece of furniture”. The central
layer provides stability and firmness while surrounding this are two more supple layers providing a soft
comfort which gives the impression of sleeping on a cloud.
SYMPHONY consists of 100% of the best natural materials: pure white, specially selected and woven
horse tail hair sandwiched between 900 gr/m2 padding for the summer surface and 1100 gr/m2 padding
for the winter surface.
The art of the master craftsman can be seen in the hand-finished quilting which guarantees solid
support for the various layers, re-inforces the sensation of soft comfort and underlines the elegance,
the charm and the luxury of this top-of-the-range model. “Symphony oblige”…
3 layers of pocketed springs
1196 springs per square metre
Pure horse-hair
Reduced partner disturbances
100% finest natural summer/winter padding
Elle et Lui option
Exceptional comfort
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literie d exception
(Baby mattress)
With its high quality, non CFC core, this mattress has been created for babies. It provides a soft
surface while the heart of the mattress stays firm. The quality of its virgin sheep’s wool padding
High density Evopore foam
Good back support
Thermic regulation
100% natural padding
offers a snug softness while at the same time ensuring good body heat regulation.
Every size available on request
High density Evopore
foam core
Ticking Cashmere composed of natural
materials for a softness to the touch
Height: 15 cm
Sheep’s wool, 500 gr/m2
Sheep’s wool, 500 gr/m2
5 comfort zones
Cold-moulded foam of the highest quality creates the base for this five-comfort zone mattress
which can prevent possible back problems while providing excellent support for the cervical,
Good back support
Good thermic regulation
100% natural padding
dorsal and lumbar regions. This model is perfect for children’s single or bunk beds.
ELITE’S team of craftsmen has done its best to guarantee good body heat regulation by using
a 100% natural padding consisting of virgin lambswool, Lyocell fibres and ingeo fibres.
High density Evopore foam
5 zones high density
Evopore foam core
Ticking Fée
for a softness to the touch
Height: 18 cm
Ingeo fibres, 200 gr/m2
Lyocell fibres, 200 gr/m2
Lambswool, 500 gr/m2
Profiled Evopore foam
Lambswool, 500 gr/m2
Lyocell fibres, 200 gr/m2
Ingeo fibres, 200 gr/m2
Large side handles
for easy mattress positioning
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5 zones high density Evopore
foam core
Ticking Esprit Satin composed
of natural materials for a softness
to the touch
Height: 20 cm
Tussah silk, 150 gr/m2
Soya fibres, 200 gr/m2
Sheep’s wool, 500 gr/m2
Evopore foam
Sheep’s wool, 500 gr/m2
Soya fibres, 200 gr/m2
Tussah silk, 150 gr/m2
Large side handles
for easy mattress positioning
Three layers of high quality air-permeable foam, make up the core of this top-of-the-range mattress.
3 layers of Evopore foam
The central part assures stability and firmness of the sleeping surface and the two other layers offer
5 comfort zones
a progressive, soft support. Careful analysis demonstrates the attention given to the five comfort zones
Good body support
which are ideally distributed to provide an easing of pressure on the cervical, dorsal and lumbar regions.
Good thermic regulation
The 100’% natural padding consists of virgin sheep’s wool, soya fibres and Tussah silk providing warmth
High elasticity and homogeneity
in the winter and freshness in the summer.
High aging resistance
Good climatic stability
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literie d exception
With its alveolated visco-elastic core which “memorises” the sleeper’s body type, this model
is a perfect marriage between science and technique. This innovative memory foam guarantees
perfect anatomical adaptation over seven comfort zones ensuring a relaxing sleep, soft contact
Thermosensitive memory foam
Pleasant climate
Anatomic body support
and a sensation of agreeable repose.
Its 100% natural padding consists of virgin lambswool and Tussah silk.
7 comfort zones
100% natural padding
7 zones core of 3 layers of viscoelastic
memory foam
Ticking Douceur composed
of natural materials
for a softness to the touch
Height: 20 cm
Tussah silk, 150 gr/m2
500 gr/m2
Memory foam
500 gr/m2
Tussah silk, 150 gr/m2
Large side handles
for easy mattress positioning
The difference between the SONATA and SERENADE resides in the different summer/winter padding.
Thermosensitive memory foam
Pleasant climate
The summer side consists of cotton, Tussah silk and active SeaCell fibres while the virgin sheep’s wool
Anatomic body support
and cashmere of the winter surface will keep the most demanding sleeper warm.
7 comfort zones
100% finest natural materials summer/winter
Elle et Lui option
7 zones core of 3 layers
of viscoelastic memory foam
Ticking Edelweiss composed of natural
materials for a softness to the touch
Height: 20 cm
Tussah silk, 150 gr/m2
SeaCell fibres, 200 gr/m2
Cotton 90°, 500 gr/m2
Memory foam
Sheep’s wool, 500 gr/m2
Cashmere, 200 gr/m2
Large side handles
for easy mattress positioning
4 ventilation points
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literie d exception
This model’s 100% soya foam core provides five comfort zones which helps prevent possible back
100% natural soya foam
problems by providing excellent support for the cervical, lumbar and dorsal regions.
5 comfort zones
This model is perfect for children’s single or bunk beds.
Another quality to be noted is that the padding is composed of 100% natural plant fibres such
Vegetal fibres padding
as cotton, soya, ingeo and active SeaCell fibres.
100% natural
5 zones profiled soya foam core
Ticking Esprit Satin
composed of natural materials
for a softness to the touch
Height: 18 cm
Ingeo fibres, 200 gr/m2
Soya fibres, 200 gr/m2
SeaCell fibres, 200 gr/m2
Cotton 90°, 200 gr/m2
Soya Foam
Cotton 90°, 200 gr/m2
SeaCell fibres, 200 gr/m2
Soya fibres, 200 gr/m2
Large side handles
for easy mattress positioning
Ingeo fibres, 200 gr/m2
Innovative soya memory foam
As opposed to the ROMANCE model, this has a visco-elastic non-alveolated soya foam core
which “memorises” the sleeper’s body type and eases his sleep thanks to the agreeable sensation
Anatomic body support
Vegetal fibres padding
100% natural
it provides.
Such models enter the realm of modern technology with innovative memory foam materials which,
with their seven comfort zones, offer supple body-mattress contact and excellent anatomical
The padding consists entirely of Lyocell, maize and soya fibres as well as active SeaCell fibres.
7 comfort zones
7 zones core of 3 layers of soya
memory foam
Ticking Bamboo composed of natural
materials for a softness to the touch
Height: 22 cm
Ingeo fibres, 200 gr/m2
Lyocell fibres, 200 gr/m2
SeaCell fibres, 200 gr/m2
Soya fibres, 200 gr/m2
Soya memory foam
Soya fibres, 200 gr/m2
SeaCell fibres, 200 gr/m2
Lyocell fibres, 200 gr/m2
Large side handles
for easy mattress positioning
Ingeo fibres, 200 gr/m2
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A 100% natural latex core with perforations to ensure perfect air circulation, this model provides
100% natural latex
seven comfort zones. The characteristics of this tried and tested material make this mattress one
of the most innovative on the market today. The elasticity of the 100% natural latex enables
progressive anatomical adaptation as it adjusts harmoniously to the form of the body.
Climatic stability
7 comfort zones
The padding of this ultra-modern mattress is 100% natural and consists of virgin lambswool,
Lyocell and maize fibres, as well as Tussah silk – all of which aid the body to regulate heat.
Anatomic body support
100% natural padding
7 zones 100% perforated natural latex core
for a vertical and horizontal ventilation
Ticking Allure composed of natural
materials for a softness to the touch
Height: 20 cm
Tussah silk, 150 gr/m2
Lyocell fibres, 200 gr/m2
Ingeo fibres, 200 gr/m2
Lambswool, 500 gr/m2
100% natural latex
Lambswool, 500 gr/m2
Ingeo fibres, 200 gr/m2
Lyocell fibres, 200 gr/m2
Large side handles
for easy mattress positioning
Tussah silk, 150 gr/m2
100% natural latex
Only the padding differs from that of the ADAGIO model. Here the pure horse tail hair offers an initial
Excellent thermic regulation
soft body contact while keeping the heart of the mattress firm. It also increases air circulation within,
thus ensuring relaxing sleep in all the seasons.
Pure horse-hair
Excellent elasticity
Progressive body support
100% natural
Elle et Lui option
7 zones perforated 100% natural latex core
for a vertical and horizontal ventilation
Ticking Edelweiss composed of natural
materials for a softness to the touch
Height: 23 cm
Tussah silk, 200 gr/m2
Sheep’s wool, 500 gr/m2
Pure horse-hair,
1000 gr/m2
100% natural latex
Pure horse-hair,
1000 gr/m2
Sheep’s wool, 500 gr/m2
Tussah silk, 200 gr/m2
Large side handles
for easy mattress positioning
4 ventilation points
literie d’exception
Capella & Celesta
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literie d exception
The pipped/tape edge finish (bourrelet) of this mattress gives it particular elegance.
Humidity regulation
Prevent rheumatism
100% handcrafted
This mattress “à l’ancienne” in pure horse tail hair and virgin sheep’s wool offers a snug
and soft sensation for a good night’s sleep.
100% natural
Special cotton damask for horse-hair mattresses
Pure horse-hair
and sheep’s wool padding
Traditional finishing
with pipped/tape edge
100% cotton
Robust handles
Pure horse-hair
and sheep’s wool padding
100% cotton
Robust handles
Choice of ticking
Soft and flexible ticking of innovative
anti-allergic fibres.
Cotton and Lempur woven
with satin side.
Satin-woven, combining bamboo,
cotton and viscose.
Satin-woven of viscose reinforced
by polyester.
Satin-woven of viscose reinforced
by polyester.
Satin-woven of viscose reinforced
by polyester.
Satin and flexible ticking of cashmere
and innovative anti-allergic fibres.
Satin-woven composed of flax
and cotton.
Woven of cotton and viscose
with Aloe vera.
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literie d exception
Choice of ticking
From its very conception, each mattress is attributed ticking in the natural materials which are most
suited to a particular model. If, however, you prefer a different ticking, ELITE’s approach to quality
service enables you to choose the ticking you prefer without any additional expense. At ELITE, client
satisfaction is of the greatest importance, so offering a demanding and personalised service to its clients
is part and parcel of ELITE’s philosophy.
100% natural
Esprit Satin
Satin-woven of viscose and cotton.
Soft and downy viscose-polyester ticking.
100% viscose woven with satin side.
The soothing properties of virgin sheep’s wool which
eliminate the tensions accumulated over the day characterise
this mattress topper made in wool. It is well known that wool
eases the pressure on the sensitive zones of the body:
the head, neck, shoulders, pelvis and legs thus favourising
blood circulation. Contact with this material provides a rapid
feeling of relaxation.
Magnolia [silk mattress topper]
Trimmed entirely in Tussah silk and finished with Aloe vera
ticking, this mattress topper provides a feeling of enchanting
freshness for those sleepers who tend to feel the heat during
the night.
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Coquelicot [wool mattress topper]
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Mattress topper
To reach sublime comfort, ELITE offers you a range of mattress toppers. They can be adapted
to all mattress types and provide your bed with softness and thermic regulation.
[mattress topper with springs]
With its core made of very flexible microsprings, this models gives something “extra”
to a comfortable night’s sleep. Through the softness
of the initial contact you will feel as if on a cloud.
The equilibrating effects on the body of active SeaCell
fibres subtly combined with Tussah silk, re-inforces
this feeling of well-being and comfort. Sleep well…
The waterproof under-layer guarantees perfect hygiene
while at the same time maintaining the comfort
of the surface it protects. With elastic attachments
at each corner.
Mattress cover
This ELITE mattress cover in 100% cotton is machine
washable at 95°C. It protects your mattress and provides
excellent air circulation which is indispensible for your
Mattress covers
well-being. With elastic fittings at each corner.
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Waterproof mattress cover
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Mattress covers
A choice of three mattress covers guaranteeing hygiene and comfort and excellent mattress protection.
Stretch mattress cover
There is nothing more practical than an ELITE stretch mattress cover
in 100% cotton and machine washable at 95°C. It protects your
mattress and provides excellent air circulation which is indispensible
for your well-being. Its wide elastic straps ensure a smooth surface
and long term use.
Cashmere (Spring/Summer/Autumn)
Royal (Spring/Autumn)
A marvellously soft, light duvet, naturally refreshing
and tonifying in pure wild silk. Special anatomical stitching.
The cover is of pure satin, micro-fine Tencel®.
Pure Himalayan cashmere duvet, a luxury fabric chosen
for its lightness and its extreme softness. The cover is of pure
satin, micro-fine Tencel®.
Luxury duvet made of 90% pure new white goose
duvet and 10% feather down. Sewn-through
boxstitching or interior baffled boxstitching.
The outer cover is of fine batiste, 100% cotton.
Royal 4 Seasons
Royal Summer
Elite Luxe (Spring/Autumn)
Luxury duvet composed of two duvets, 1/3 -2/3, with
press-button fasteners. It is made of 90% pure new
white goose duvet (in big flakes) and 10% feather
down. The outer cover is of fine batiste, 100% cotton.
Luxury duvet made of 90% pure new white goose
duvet (in very big flakes) and 10% feather down.
Special stitching for this ultra-light model. The outer
cover is of fine batiste, 100% cotton.
Luxury duvet made of 90% pure new white goose duvet
(in very big flakes) and 10% feather down. Sewn-through
boxstitching or interior baffled boxstitching. The outer
cover is of soft chambrey fabric, 100% cotton.
Elite Luxe 4 Seasons
Elite Luxe Summer
Elite Nature (Summer/Autumn/Douillet)
Luxury duvet composed of two duvets, 1/3 -2/3,with
press-button fasteners. It is made of 90% pure new
white goose duvet (in big flakes) and 10% feather down.
The outer cover is of soft chambrey fabric, 100% cotton.
Luxury duvet made of 90% pure new white goose duvet
(in big flakes) and 10% feather down. Special stitching
for this ultra-light model. The outer cover is of soft
chambrey fabric, 100% cotton.
A perfectly natural duvet made of 100% maize fibres.
Special anatomical stitching. The outer cover is of fine
satin, 100% cotton.
literie d’exception
Elite Summer Silk
literie d exception
ELITE offers you a wide choice of top-of-the-range duvets.
Pure and natural materials, down and feather down are part of the best padding
and offer perfect thermic regulation while eliminating perspiration thus providing you with
a sensation of well-being throughout your night’s sleep and in all four seasons.
Your choice of duvet will depend on your sensitivity to cold and on the seasons.
You will appreciate how nature can make your nights more comfortable.
Imperial (Spring/Autumn/Winter )
Elite Climat Royal
Luxury duvet of 90% pure new white goose duvet (in big flakes) and 10% feather
down. Sewn-through boxstitching or interior and exterior baffled boxstitching.
Fine satin cover made of 50% silk and 50% cotton.
A four-season duvet made of 90% pure new white goose duvet and 10% feather
down with a soft thermic compensation system developed by NASA and special
anatomical stitching. A 50% Tencel© and 50% cotton micro-fine batiste outer-cover.
Royal Douillet
Royal Exclusif
Pillow made of small fibre balls, 50% Tencel® and
50% polyester. The cover is of pure silk, 100% Tencel®,
quilted and lined, with a zip fastener.
The heart of this pillow is of pure new white goose
feather down. The outer cover is of resistant batiste,
100% cotton lined with 90% pure white goose down
(in big flakes), and 10% feather down.
The heart of this pillow is of pure new white goose
feather down. The outer cover is of resistant batiste,
100% cotton lined with 90% pure white goose down
(in big flakes), and 10% feather down. One surface
is firm while the other is soft.
Elite Easycare Douillet
Elite Confort ( soft / medium / firm )
Elite Luxe ( soft / medium / firm )
The heart is of polyester balls enveloped in 100% cotton
and the outer cover of 100% maize fibre. Easy care
and perfect hygiene.
This pillow is made of 20% pure new white goose duvet and
80% feather down. The cover is made of resistant serge in
100% cotton. Available in three grades of firmness.
Pillow of 20% pure new white goose duvet and 80% feather
down. The cover is made of resistant serge in 100% cotton.
Extra-flat thus ideal for people who tend to sleep on their
stomachs. Available in three grades of firmness.
Elite Climat Luxe
Elite Thérapeutique
Elite Decoline & Decoline Luxe
Pillow produced with Airballs™. The cover is of micro-fine
batiste, 50% Tencel and 50% cotton, lined with 90% pure
white goose down (in big flakes) and 10% feather down.
Special anatomical stitching.
Thermo-sensitive pillow made of 100% visco-elastic foam.
It enables anatomical adjustment for the neck and cervical
regions. The washable cover is in stretch fabric.
Cushions made of 20% duck duvet and 80% feather down.
The washable cover is of 100% cotton serge.
(Washable cover)
literie d’exception
Imperial Princesse
literie d exception
Pillows and
Thanks to our vast selection of pillows, ELITE can offer you the quality and comfort which you
personally need. Among all our different models you will find the one which, being best adapted
to your body type, will guarantee you quality sleep.
Imperial Douillet
Imperial Douceur
A pillow whose interior is of 20% new white goose duvet and 80% feather down.
The exterior is of 90% new white goose down and 10% feather down.
The cover has a wide border in fine satin and is of 50% silk and 50% cotton.
The heart of this pillow is made of pure new white goose feather down
the outer cover is made of micro-fine batiste in 50% Tencel® and 50% cotton
lined with 90% pure new white goose duvet and 10% feather down.
“Elle et Lui” option
Even with considerably different body types, ELITE enables two people to sleep
comfortably on the same mattress. This made-to-measure service combines two different
“firmness” zones which adapt to different body weights.
One bedding yet total independence – the key to a good night’s sleep!
Summer – Winter option
To ensure optimal comfort, some ELITE mattresses have summer and winter sleeping
surfaces. By turning the mattress with the seasons, you are guaranteed freshness
in the summer and warmth in the winter.
Mattress finishes
To offer you the widest choice possible, ELITE mattresses can be created in all sizes
Options and finishes
and can be realised with one or more rounded or notched corners.
A simple, vibrant
and real story
In order to ensure quality advice and service, ELITE utilises a network of dynamic stockists.
Chosen for their knowledge and ability, they are able to offer you detailed information and personal advice.
Your quality ELITE advisor
1895: the 20th century, which is recently behind us, had
not yet begun when Jules-Henri Caillet, master saddler
in Aubonne, was already producing mattresses which
were highly reputed throughout the region.
A shrewd entrepreneur, he aimed at adapting
progress, a key word of the Ancients,
At ELITE, we are still faithful to this method of production which dates
from over a century ago. And on the original site, our methods
continually evolve with each generation that passes. Together
with the master-craftsman, we have moved from a life expectancy
of 44 years to double in our time thanks to progress in hygiene
in general and progress in bedding in particular.
to his business. For him, as for the following
The advantage offered by a more than century old enterprise
generations, progress was an integral part
is that respect for tradition is, within each generation, combined
of the production of a good mattress comprising
with constant research to try to surpass the generation before
traditional craftsmanship and inevitable
and thus produce goods of which the client is the prime beneficiary.
mechanisation as well as constant quality
research, the highest standard of natural raw
materials and passion for work well done.
At ELITE, tradition and technique come together to produce
the leitmotif of a simple, vibrant and true story.
And thus ELITE bedding and mattresses bring
together, today as in the past, the savoir-faire
of the craftsman and the quality of natural supporting
Images non binding (products may vary from sample photography)
materials which are rigorously selected.
En Roveray 198 • Case Postale 54 • CH - 1170 Aubonne
T +41 21 807 34 11 • F : +41 21 807 31 60 •