- St. Joachim Catholic Church


- St. Joachim Catholic Church
21250 Hesperian Blvd.
Hayward, CA 94541
From the Pastor’s Desk:
As the pastor of St. Joachim I can
rightly feel a sense of pride and
happiness over the growth of our
parish. Four years back when I took
charge of the parish, as per our records,
our parish had a little above 1500
active registered parishioners. But now
our record says that we are almost 4000 active registered
families. This may be due to the fact that in past there were
many unregistered families yet regularly coming for the
mass or due to the fact that in recent times our office
encouraged families to register in our parish prior to
receiving sacraments. But certainly one can see the growth
of our parish during feasts and festivals. In order to cater to
the large number of people coming for the feast of
Guadalupe and Ash Wednesday celebrations, we have been
live telecasting our mass in the Gym as well as in the St.
Joachim Hall. But the crowd seen in our church during this
year’s Easter Sunday masses makes me feel that we may
have to live telecast our mass in the hall in spite of having
seven masses on Easter Sunday! Though it is my 4th Easter
celebration in our church, for the first time I saw all our
masses having over flowing crowd.
If someone were to ask me the reason for this growth, I will
certainly attribute it to the wonderful liturgical celebration
we have in our church. The main credit goes to our
liturgical committee consisting of the Choir, the Eucharistic
ministers, the Lectors, the Ushers, the ministers of
environment, and the Altar Servers. The role of our St.
Joachim School, Department of Faith Formation and Youth
Core Team can never be underrated in the growth of our
parish. The various ministries we have in our parish do
play their role in the growth of our parish. In particular I
would like to mention the silent work of our St. Vincent de
Paul Society, the Events committee, the Guadalupanos, the
Simbang Gabi committee, the Knights of Columbus, The
Legion of Mary, Amigos de Cristo, Hencrafters, and the
Ministry to the Sick. God bless all of you who work with
so much of commitment and dedication. You are certainly
missionaries in your own way. Your contribution and
commitment to Christ and his Church is the reason for the
increase in the membership of our church. May God look
upon you and your families kindly and shower his choicest
blessings upon you, your children and your families. May
you continue to be a blessing to our church.
----------------------------------------------------------------------A priest was forced by a traffic policeman to pull over for
speeding. As the cop was about to write the ticket, the
priest said to him, "Blessed are the merciful, for they shall
obtain mercy." The cop handed the priest the ticket, and
said, "Go, and sin no more."
----------------------------------------------------------------------The story is told of a politician who, after receiving the
proofs of a picture, was very angry with the
photographer. He stormed back to the man's studio and
screamed at him: "This picture does not do me justice!"
The photographer replied, "Sir, with a face like yours, what
you need is mercy, not justice!"
Como Pastor de San
Joaquín, con razón
tengo un sentido de
orgullo y felicidad sobre el crecimiento de nuestra
parroquia. Cuatro años atrás cuando me hice cargo de
la parroquia, según nuestros registros, nuestra
parroquia tenía un poco más de 1500 de feligreses
registrados activos. Pero ahora nuestros records
indican que somos casi 4000 familias registradas
activas. Esto puede ser debido al hecho de que en
tiempos anteriores había muchas familias aún no
registradas viniendo regularmente a Misa, o debido a
que ahora, nuestra oficina requiere del registro de las
familias a la parroquia antes de recibir los
sacramentos. Pero sin duda, uno puede ver el
crecimiento de nuestra parroquia durante fiestas y
festivales. Con el fin de atender a la gran cantidad de
gente que viene para la fiesta de Guadalupe,
celebraciones del Miércoles de ceniza, hemos estado
televisando la Misa en el gimnasio, así como en el
salón social de San Joaquín. Pero la multitud que vino
a nuestra Iglesia durante las Misas del Domingo de
Pascua de este año me hace sentir que podemos
televisar en vivo, la transmisión de la Misa en el salón
social a pesar de tener siete Misas el Domingo de
Pascua! Aunque es mi 4ta celebración de Pascua en
nuestra Iglesia, por primera vez vi todas nuestras
Misas más concurridas que nunca. Si alguien me
preguntara la razón de este crecimiento, sin duda yo lo
atribuiría a la maravillosa celebración litúrgica que
tenemos en nuestra Iglesia. El crédito principal va para
nuestro comité litúrgico que consiste en el Coro,
Ministros Eucarísticos, los Lectores, los Acomodadores,
los Ministros de Decoración, los Monaguillos, etc. No
puede subestimarse el papel de la Escuela de San
Joaquín, el Departamento de Formación de Fe, y el
Ministerio de Jóvenes en el crecimiento de nuestra
parroquia. Muchas asociaciones que tenemos en
nuestra parroquia juegan su papel en el crecimiento de
ella también. En particular me gustaría destacar el
trabajo silencioso de la Sociedad de San Vincent De
Paul, el Comité de Eventos, los Guadalupanos, el
Comité de Simbang Gabi, los Caballeros de Colón, la
Legión de María, Amigos de Cristo, Ministerio de
Costura, Ministros para los enfermos, etc. Que Dios
bendiga a todos ustedes quienes trabajan con mucho
compromiso y dedicación. Sin duda son misioneros en
su propia manera. Su contribución y compromiso con
Cristo y su Iglesia es la razón por el aumento del
número de miembros de nuestra Iglesia. Que Dios les
mire a ustedes y sus familias amablemente y derrame
sus más selectas bendiciones sobre ustedes, sus hijos
y sus familias. Que puedan continuar siendo una
bendición para nuestra Iglesia.
-------------------------------------------------------Un sacerdote se vio obligado por un policía de tráfico a
detenerse por exceso de velocidad. Cuando el policía estaba a
punto de escribir el ticket, el sacerdote le dijo: "Bienaventurados
los misericordiosos, porque ellos obtendrán misericordia". El policía
le entregó al sacerdote el ticket y dijo: "Id, y no pecar más.”
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Se cuenta la historia de un político que, después de recibir las
pruebas de una fotografía, se puso muy enojado con el
fotógrafo. Él se dirigió hacia el estudio del hombre y le gritó:
"esta foto no me hace justicia!" El fotógrafo respondió: “Señor,
con una cara como la suya, lo que necesita es misericordia, no
Nota de nuestro pastor:
Parish Office
Readings for the week of 4/3/2016 Parish Fax
Parish Email
Acts 5:12-16/Ps 118:2-4, 13-15, 22-24/Rv 1:9-11a, office@saintjoachim.net
Parish Office Hours
12-13, 17-19/Jn 20:19-31
Monday-Friday 10 AM-7:30 PM
Bilingual available T,W,F 4Mon/Lun:
Is 7:10-14; 8:10/Ps 40:7-11/Heb 10:4-10/Lk 1:26-38 7:30 PM
Saturday 10 AM-4 PM
Bilingual available 10 AM-4 PM
Sunday 9 AM-4 PM
Acts 4:32-37/Ps 93:1-2, 5/Jn 3:7b-15
Bilingual available 12 PM-4 PM
Rev. Joseph Antony Sebastian,
Acts 5:17-26/Ps 34:2-9/Jn 3:16-21
Monday, Tuesday,
Acts 5:27-33/Ps 34:2, 9, 17-20/Jn 3:31-36
Wednesday, and Friday
10 AM to 12 PM
5 PM to 8 PM
(with appointment)
Acts 5:34-42/Ps 27:1, 4, 13-14/Jn 6:1-15
lunes, martes, miércoles, y
10 AM a 12 PM
Acts 6:1-7/Ps 33:1-2, 4-5, 18-19/Jn 6:16-21
5 PM a 8 PM (con cita)
Next Sun/Dom:
Acts 5:27-32, 40b-41/Ps 30:2, 4-6, 11-13/Rv 5:1114/Jn 21:1-19 or 21:1-14
~Saturday and Sunday
April 2nd & 3rd
Rev. Stephen Ayisu, SVD
Parochial Vicar
Monday, Wednesday
Thursday, and Friday
10:00 AM to 12:00 PM
5 PM to 8 PM
(with appointment)
lunes, miércoles , jueves y
10:30 AM a 12:00 PM
5 PM a 8 PM (con cita)
Sisters Clarisas Franciscanas from
Mexico are back again selling their
handcrafted items at the Placita after
all Masses this weekend.
Ariel Mayormita
Music Director/
Director de Música
Phone Ext. #223
~Monday April 4th
Flor Herce
Liturgy Committee — 7:00 PM in the Bookkeeper
fireside room. All members are encouraged to attend.
Pat Ludwig
Administrative Assistant
Faith Formation Office
Oficina de Formación de Fe
Glenda Aragón
Director of Faith Formation
Abraham Gonzalez
Faith Formation Coordinator /
Youth Minister
550-6878 /
Bertha Cruz
Administrative Assistant
St. Vincent de Paul
Office hours
1:00-2:30 PM ONLY
San Vicente de Paul
Gary Enos, President
St. Joachim School
Escuela de San Joaquín
Armond Seishas
Sandra Garzon
School Secretary
St. Joachim Pre-School
Marisa Melgarejo
We welcome these 12 new
members of St. Joachim
Catholic Church. They were
baptized and received First
Communion this past
Saturday at the Easter
Vigil. It is a joy to have
you officially as members
of St. Joachim Catholic
Vivienne Malig
Sheila Bacallo
Anita Z. Ruedas
Helen Karas
Ken Freitas
Cynthia Crutchfield
Tina Gonzales
Leonor J. Enrique
Arsenio S. Reyes, Jr.
Felicisima Buendia
Primo Cosico
Cynthia Crutchfield
Angel Estuardo Vidal-Cardenas
Geraldeen Mae McKinnom
Teresa Salvador
Luz Datayan
St. Vincent de Paul
Food offering for next
March 20, 2016 March 27, 2016
The Plate Collection
EFT Collection
$ 1,105.00
$ 155.00
On Line Giving
TOTAL for the WEEK
$12,773.20 $16,004.00
Continued …Despite the many
difficulties, the Franciscans continued
to perform their pastoral duties in the Holy Land and are still doing so
today. There are now nearly 400 Franciscan friars and nuns in and
around Israel. Their calling includes three principal elements: prayer
in the Holy Places; welcoming pilgrims; and looking after Christians
and the poor.
The daily prayer of the friars in the Holy Places is a reminder that
these places are not museums. Each place commemorates a
particular moment in the life of Christ and of His disciples. The
Franciscans care for 54 Christian shrines and sanctuaries in and
around Israel. Praying there and commemorating the Salvation
Story means making Christ Himself present.
The task of the Franciscans is not only to support pilgrims from all over the world during their stay in the
Holy Land but also to assist them in their walk of faith. There are many tours of the Holy Land available,
most conducted by Israeli tour companies. But a Franciscan pilgrimage of the Holy Land is one journey that
addresses a new dimension to Christian faith. Through an integration of prayer, reflection and relaxation,
you will feel a spiritual awakening touch your hearts. As you follow in the footsteps of Christ, you will see
the stories of the Bible come to life. Picture yourself in Bethlehem as you pray inside a cave and wonder at
the mystery of Christ’s birth. Think about crossing the Sea of Galilee, climbing the Mount of Beatitudes,
celebrating Eucharist while overlooking the Sea. Walk the Way of the Cross, the Via Dolorosa, and listen for
the sounds of yesteryear along the narrow streets of Old Jerusalem. Many say a pilgrimage of the Holy Land
has changed their views, attitudes & faith.
The Franciscans have always been committed to not only caring for the sanctuaries in the physical sense,
but also the “living stones” of the Holy Land, that is the believers and local Christian communities that live in
very difficult conditions. In all the countries of the Middle East the Christian communities are a tiny minority
compared to Muslims or Jews. There are about 150,000 Arab Christians in the Holy Land, (currently less
than 2% of the population) and about 500 families leave each year. Christian in Gaza now number about
2,500. The extremely difficult situation created by the Arab-Israeli conflict has led to a constant migration
away from the area. All this gives rise to unusual problems, which the Franciscans strive to solve concretely
in the best possible ways by promoting the moral uplifting of the Christian communities. The “preference for
the poor” is not limited to Christians: the Franciscans are committed to serving the poorest within the
population, regardless of their religious persuasion. They remain faithful to their task as missionaries and
prophets of reconciliation and peace, and the simplicity of style and the openness to dialogue what St
Francis taught. The Good Friday Collection required by the Pope in every Catholic parish brings in each
year about $12 million for the support of the Holy Land. It increases a little each year.
Sources: pbs.org., catholicnewsagency.com , franciscanpilgrimages.com, myfranciscan.org
This weekend after all Masses come visit with the Sisters Clarisas Franciscanas from The
Diocese of Cuernavaca in Mexico. They are back again selling religious and other handmade
items to raise money for the Construction of their Monastery. Come and check out all the
beautiful items that they will have for Sale. They thank you in advance for purchasing from
them and remind you that in purchasing items you too are participating in the work of the
Church for the Glory of God.
They will be at the placita after ALL Masses this weekend.
Tuesday 8:30 AM Jayson C. Garcia
April 2-9, 2016
Saturday 4:30 PM
Pat Marcelo & Grace Hernandez †
Saturday 6:00 PM
Luis Ramirez Martinez † (6th aniversario)
Jose Refugio Martinez † (aniversario)
Ezequiel Perez Jr. † (aniversario)
Salvador Haro †
Jesucita Orantes† (20th aniversario)
Ma. De Jesus Medina †
Sunday 7:30 AM
The Community of St. Joachim
Sunday 12:15 PM
Glenda Aragon (birthday)
Jose F. Acorda †
Sunday 2:00 PM
Rosendo & Celia Pulido †
(9th aniversario)
Guadalupe & Tranquilno Garcia †
Ramon & Olga Rodriguez † (aniversario)
Margarita Cruz † (1st aniversario)
Zenaida Zaragoza †
Sunday 6:00 PM
Paula & David Cruz †
Jose Avila & Miguel Herrera †
Coinda Razo†
Ricardo Preciado †
Sunday 9:00 AM
Bernadette & Robert Hammond
(45th wedding anniversary)
Tran Thi Nhieu †
Monday 7:00 AM
David, Stella, & Terence Pereira †
The Community of St. Joachim
Dominguez & Gonzalez families †
Ella Clemente †
Monday 8:30 AM
Felix Sosa † (30th anniversary)
Alvin Marquez (birthday)
Sunday 10:30 AM
Talaue Famiy (thanksgiving)
Teresa Zabalzo † (1st anniversary)
Pura Doria Viray †
Apolonia Aranda † (anniversary)
Tuesday 7:00 AM
Eva Joy Parras (birthday)
Wednesday 7:00 AM
The Community of St. Joachim
Wednesday 8 :30 AM
The Community of St. Joachim
Wednesday 7:00 PM
Paula & David Cruz †
Teresa Zabalza † (1st aniversario)
Jose Nery Mendoza †
Consuelo Carrasco † (aniversario)
Jesus Cida †
Thursday 7:00 AM
The Community of St. Joachim
Thursday 8:30 AM
Mothusi Pahl (birthday)
Friday 7:00 AM
The Community of St. Joachim
Friday 8:30 AM
The Community of St. Joachim
Saturday 8:30 AM
The Community of St. Joachim
Thank You Very
Much !!!
We would like to thank Richard Ogle,
owner of Hayward Body Shop at
25087 Mission Blvd. for so generously
donating this cart to St. Joachim
Church. You may have seen it during the Live Stations of the Cross on Good Friday,
and you will see it for other outside processions we have here to help move the
sound system around so that we can hear. We also plan on using it to move
heavy or large amounts of items from one building to another building. Thanks to
Mr. Ogle’s kindness he has helped us improve our outdoor sound and to “lighten
our load”. When we get the time we will get its proper name painted on it —-
Joachim 1. Look for Joachim 1 in our next outdoor event!!!