magazine - Essex Young Farmers


magazine - Essex Young Farmers
essex yfc
July / August 2013
Past Presidents of Essex YFC.
Essex YFC
70th Anniversary Ball
22nd June 2013
July / August
The President
County Chairman
Competitions Committee
Life Vice President
Get Well Soon Roy Boreham
Diary Dates & Membership
5-A-Side Football
AGM Awards
Show Report
Countryside Committee
Celebrating 70 Years Book Sale
Activities Committee
Subscribers Committee
70th Anniversary Ball
Ashdon & Saffron Walden YFC
Braintree YFC
Brentwood YFC
Chelmsford YFC
Colchester YFC
Dunmow YFC
Halstead YFC
Maldon YFC
Mersea YFC
Public Speaking
Ongar YFC
Southminster YFC
Essex Young Farmers Doing it Their Way!
Essex YFC is the official journal of the Young Farmers Clubs throughout
Essex and is published six times a year.
Editor: Harriet Baines
c/o Essex YFC, Whitbreads Barn, Whitbreads Lane
Chatham Green, Chelmsford, Essex, CM3 3LQ
All advertising enquiries and press releases should be sent to:
Essex YFC Centre
Whitbreads Barn, Whitbreads Lane
Chatham Green, Chelmsford, Essex, CM3 3LQ
Tel: 01245 360442
Origination & Printing:
The Printing Place, Hanbury Road
Widford Industrial Estate, Chelmsford
Essex, CM1 3AE
Tel: 01245 251001
Fax: 01245 267393
All artwork for advertisements should be sent to The Printing Place.
The views expressed by the contributors are not necessarily those of Essex
Young Farmers Clubs or The Printing Place. Every care is taken to ensure
that the contents of the magazine are accurate.
Harriet Baines
Hello all. Another magazine is here, and
Essex Young Farmers have experienced
some fantastic events over the past few
months. Congratulations to Charles Ford
and his committee for another amazing and
successful show, have a look at Charles
Ford’s report to catch up if you weren’t able
to make the show.
You will see a lot of mention of the 70th
Anniversary Ball in most reports, as it truly
was an amazing night. It was such an
inspiration to see the array of people on
the evening all there for the same reason to
celebrate Essex YFC.
Harriet Baines
Charlie Webber and Robert Smith have hung up their hats as County Chairman and
County President and you will find their last reports in this magazine. We wish Sam
Iddison and Charlie Willett all the best for their time as County Chairman and County
President, and they will be reporting in these magazines as of the next edition.
The County AGM was a good evening, with an excellent turn out. We saw awards
going all over the room to a variety of clubs which is fantastic to see, you will see
all the winners further in the magazine, with photos of them collecting their awards.
With harvest just around the corner, good luck to all the farmers out there, be safe
and I hope you get a good yield from your crops despite this years weather. I will
be continuing as magazine editor for the next six editions, so please do let me have
any feedback on my time as magazine editor, any ideas are always welcome to help
improve the magazine.
I look forward to welcoming in the new sub committee chairman’s for their reports
next edition, and the new club representatives in a few magazines time. Good luck
to everyone who has taken on a role at County level this year. I look forward to
working with you all (and hopefully not having to chase too many of you).
Have an enjoyable summer, all the best.
Harriet x
Exec Awards
July - Nut of the Month
Marie Smith for asking where to get sky hooks from to hang some trellis during Ball
set up week!
July - Elmbridge Trophy
The 70th Ball Committee!
sept / Oct
11 th September
Cover photos: By Essex Young Farmers
Robert Smith
Robert Smith
01371 876622
Fuel Consumption for Subaru Range in mpg(L/100km) Urban 20.0(14.1) to 41.5(6.8) ExtraUrban from 33.6(8.4)to57.6(4.9)
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Hi all and welcome to my
final report! I never thought
the last two years could go
so quickly and what a two
years it has been! I have
thoroughly enjoyed being
County President and it
has been a great pleasure
working with so many
young people, especially
seeing them grow through
gained from being a member.
As a County, there have been
so many achievements this year. These include the new mobile office
which will be a great assess to the County and members providing
working space when activities are not based at the building. We
have celebrated, in true style, 70 years of Essex Young Farmers, I
hope you all enjoyed the fantastic evening which was well organised
by the committee. If you have not done so already, make sure you
purchase a copy of Anniversary Book, the book is packed full of
memories and is a great chance to look back over the last 70 years.
It has been a great pleasure working with Charlie Webber, who
worked hard throughout his year as County Chairman and this can
be seen from the recent increase in membership. Charlie has been
and will continue to be a great asset to the members, through his
enthusiasm and encouragement members are keen to get involved
in everything that Essex Young Farmers has to offer.
I am pleased to report that Essex continues to have teams go all the
way to National level this year with Tug of War, Stock Judging, Five a
Side Football and Public Speaking. Congratulations must go to the
Public Speaking Team from Halstead/Ashdon & Saffron who came
an amazing first place and to Wix who came second in the Five-a
-Side Football. Well done to everyone involved and good luck to all
clubs in future competitions.
Call Stephen on:
07816 349192
Finally, I would like to thank everyone for their help and support over
the last two years especially all the Trustees and Vice Presidents
and in particular those retiring this year, Andrew Upson, (Trustee),
Chris Chamley, Nicky Lyon and Sarah Sell (Vice Presidents). Mary
and Jackie provide day to day support to all members and without
them my job would not have been as easy and enjoyable as it was,
I must take this opportunity to say a big thank you to them both.
A special thank you to Roy Boreham, our Life Vice President, for all
his continued help, support and friendship. I also wish Roy a speedy
My time as County President has been hard work, enjoyable and
a great deal of fun, there are so many moments I will remember
forever. The federation is going from strength to strength and I wish
Charlie Willet and those taking Essex Young Farmers into its next
chapter a great deal of success!
All the best.
‘‘I also wish Roy a speedy recovery’’.
Charlie Webber
James Cook
To be at the end of another
Young Farmers year again
just amazes me, this year
seems to have flown past
which only means one
thing “time fly’s when you’re
having fun!” and for me this
has certainly been the case
and I hope you all agree. The
county diary has been very
busy again this year, this on
top of the club diaries full
Charlie Webber
of great activities to keep
everyone busy and amused.
While there are lots of very good events arranged for everyone
it is so important that they are supported well and this is where
Essex Young Farmers really flourishes. It is so important to have
something for every member to get involved in and these are the
foundations we have to be able to still be increasing membership
and will continue to grow and improve.
Next on to the highlight of the year, the Show! This year was another
successful Show and it was good to see so many new faces there
getting stuck in and helping. Full credit to Charles Ford and Emily
Bush for chairing and running the Show Committee and doing a
fantastic job!
This year saw the 70th anniversary of our Federation of Essex Young
Farmers, and as I’m sure you are all aware, the Ball was held on the
22nd June. A lot of hard work, time and effort went into organising
this event and seeing it through. And what a fantastic evening it
was! With 1300 people gathered to meet, dine and dance with
old friends the atmosphere was electric! So thank you to Sarah
The County office is the HQ for all County events and activities, but
it is only thanks to Mary and Jackie for all their hard work throughout
the year and putting up with me. Thank you for being so helpful and
making Essex Young Farmers such a successful Federation.
I’d like to thank the VP’s and Trustees for their help and guidance
to all the members over the past year. Having people that have
been there and done it before to guide you into the right direction is
crucial. I’m sure there are many club chairmen that can agree with
me on that.
Throughout this year the County President Rob Smith has always
been there for any issue, dilemma or question that I may have had
through the year. I’m sure you will all agree that Rob has been a
great County President for the past 2 years and thank you to Julie for
supporting him throughout. Best wishes and good luck must go to
Charlie Willett, our new President, who I know you will do a great job.
I have been supported this year by a great Vice Chairman, Sam
Iddison who has been out and about with me at almost all the
events throughout the year and has covered for me when there
have been two events on the same night. I wish him all the best for
next year.
Being County Chairman of the Essex County Federation of Young
Farmers’ Clubs is the proudest achievement of my life. This is a great
organisation to be involved in and provides support to its members
through various stages of their lives. One thing to remember is you
only get out of it what you put into it; this has certainly been the case
for me this year.
So thank you to everyone that has helped me throughout this year.
Charlie and Sarah.
Charles, Charlie and Rob.
As the Young Farmers show
drew closer , Prelims day
was up on us and the days
big competitions, Tug of War
and Lawn Mower racing
were both well organized
and we had plenty of entries!
Wreathall and the Committee for enthusiasm and commitment,
without which the event wouldn’t have happened.
meant they couldn’t race, which was disappointing after seeing the
mud dog in action at prelims! Anyway, we started with Chelmsford
Dunmow and Mersea and straight away the others left Mersea
standing!!! But low an behold Hannah the Honda plodded through
slow and steady wins the race as the others both broke down
which gave Mersea 1st place! Then Southminster and Brentwood
went head to head. Both mowers had been tuned up incredibly well
and it was a brilliant race to watch, after taking the times Mersea
Southminster and Brentwood had been placed in the final. This was
such a brilliant race between Brentwood and Southminster which
ended up a close finish with Southminster edging in front. It was
great to see so much work had gone into most of these machines
(apart from Mersea’s) and I have a feeling this will only get bigger
and better next year. I would like to say a massive thanks to Jordan
and Jess for doing the live commentary; they certainly saved me
stuttering over the microphone!
Once again Colchesters
reign of Tug of War continued
with them tearing everyone
out of the ground! Once
again the Halstead girls
James Cook
proved their place at the top
with another win and them
heading to show as favourites. But this year every team proved they
have been training harder and harder and I’m sure next year will be
even more entertaining to watch. And then there was Tug of War - the final showdown between the
teams in Essex. Again everyone had really been training hard, but
there was only one winner...Colchester! They dominated again and
even tore the Mersea/Maldon team out of the ground who came
in second. Good luck to everybody pulling at Nationals, do Essex
proud Colchester.
We then come to the biggest day - SHOW...Tug of war, Lawn Mower
racing and Super Young Farmer being the main competitions.
Super Young Farmer was the standard obstacle course with a twist
when water, flour and jam are involved! We had most clubs enter
which is brilliant as there was a decent crowd evolving round the YF
ring. Brentwood came out on top but it was a close call with just a few
seconds in it, this wasn’t without everyone having a laugh with people
falling over the bale stack and getting covered in flour and water.
I would like to finish up and say it has been a massive learning curve
for me this year and to say I’m am most certainly not organised!!
But I have enjoyed it and I look forward to just taking part in the
competitions next year. And I hope everyone has enjoyed what
I have done this year but I couldn’t have done it with out Mary
and Jackie in the office who have really done most of the hard work
for me!
Then the long awaited lawn mower racing which seemed to gain a
huge crowd around the ring. We had 6 mowers enter the race but
a pre warm up resulted in AB messing up Maldons mower which
Competition Points Table­
Taster Day
Public Speak.
Farm Valuation
Clay Shoot
Exhibition Hall
Roy Boreham
Get those diaries out…
“Time stops for no man” is
so true, although sometimes
we would all like a little
more time. It seems ages
now since the Essex Young
Farmers’ Show by kind
permission of Mr and Mrs
Chris Philpot, and I am told
numbers of visitors were up
again this year helped, I’m
sure with the much better
Many hours of
Roy Boreham
work went into the Show
with Chairman Charles Ford
and his very able Secretary Emily Bush. Lots of fun building up to
the Show with plenty of helpers but can we have a few more helping
to clear up next year? Club nights are an ideal time to get everyone
along and there’s usually a get together afterwards.
Well done to the County Senior Public Speaking team, who came
first at National. Well done, as the top team in the country you are
all really something special.
The 70th Ball was an incredible occasion with 1300 sitting down
to a three course meal, catching up with some familiar faces from
the past, although it was impossible to see everyone. This event
was sold out weeks beforehand and preparation started months
before. The sheer logistics of organising, working out the size of
marquee and what a marquee or three! I’ve never seen anything
like it before. There was ample room for all the tables and dancing,
even the car parking and taxi arrangement worked very well,
everything was thought of and it was one hell of a night. Thanks to
Sarah Wreathall, the committee and all the helpers who went along
to set up beforehand. The Anniversary Book is a great souvenir of
the 70 years of Essex YFC, put together by Hannah Parradine and
Kate Smith, such a great collection of photographs and memories.
Last, but by no means least, huge thanks for the use of the Lord
Rayleigh’s premises, which was a perfect venue.
At the County AGM the new President, Charlie Willett was well on
the ball, already a favourite with the girls – watch our Chrissy! Lots
of shiny cups presented to Young Farmers, who have all really earnt
them, and a very good speaker to make yet another great evening.
I was not happy to miss the Exec AGM, which is when we all get
to know who is chairing all the sub-committees for the next year.
A year in the chair is always enjoyable and a great learning curve for
life. Unfortunately I was stupid enough to trip into the conservatory
at home and fall on Whisky my dog on the morning after the Ball.
I had eaten my breakfast, having cooked it on the BBQ, and
tripped as I was coming in the door, ending up with a broken hip.
Some of you will say I was drunk from the night before, but that
was certainly not the case, I just don’t know how it happened.
Thanks to everyone for their kind wishes for a speedy recovery,
but it feels like a slow process so far! Hoping to see everyone
at County really soon. It’s been nearly three weeks now since I’ve
been driven round the crops with Richard so a lot has happened in
that time with the good weather we’ve had lately. I am expecting
a good tonnage of rape, as it has looked good all year, and we
had a few more acres this year as we cut out the beans. Most of
the Wheats are looking good, although last year they looked good
but produced chaff, however, with more sunshine as it is at the
moment, I am looking for an average crop.
get well soon roy boreham
Everyone in Essex Young Farmers, and indeed, many people
in the world of farming in Essex, and beyond for that matter,
know Roy Boreham, Essex YFC’s Life Vice President. He is
one our greatest supporters, probably for more years than he
cares to remember and probably for more years than some of
us can remember. I must say at this point, that this is not an
obituary and that Roy is very much alive and, well not kicking
quite literally, but he is kicking metaphorically speaking!
Roy unfortunately had a fall at home on Sunday 23rd June and
managed to break his hip. Luckily, he had his phone with him,
and eventually managed to phone for help. This took quite
some time, and Roy had lain on the floor for an hour before
he was taken to Broomfield Hospital, where, out came the
hacksaw and Black and Decker, and they managed to fit a
new bearing in the hip joint and also gave him a 10,000 hour
service. His request for a new big end was met with incredulity
and the advice that if it were fitted, a whole new chassis would
be needed too, and that a new on-board computer would need
to be installed to be compatible with younger models. Also, the
existing fuel pump could not possibly cope with the new energy
demand and could result in total system failure!
Actually Roy was quite lucky that Whisky played a part in his
escapade. Whisky of course is the name of his adoring dog
(the feeling is mutual) and luckily for him Whisky was there to
cushion his fall without any injury to her. After a couple of weeks
in hospital, Roy is now recovering at home with, I am sure, lots
of Whisky.
I am sure that everyone, like me, would like to wish Roy a very
speedy recovery and we look forward to seeing him out and
about on the Essex YFC circuit as soon as the new parts have
bedded in, been greased up and the service engineer signs off
the job sheet.
P.s. I wonder if they checked his hydraulics?
Fri 30th / Sun 1st Sept
Membership figures on July 2013
Wed 4th
Exec Meeting
Ashdon & Saffron Walden..................................... 32
Sat 7th / Sun 8th
Stockjudging Competition
Braintree................................................................. 6
Sat 14th / Sun 15th
Barleylands Country Show
Brentwood........................................................... 44
Wed 18th
F & GP Meeting
Chelmsford........................................................... 55
Wed 25th
Subs Committee meeting
Colchester............................................................ 35
Sat 28th
Cookery & Floral Comp.
Dunmow............................................................... 46
Halstead............................................................... 67
Wed 2nd
Exec Committee meeting
Maldon................................................................. 38
Fri 4th
Dunmow YFC Party
Mersea................................................................. 33
Sat 5th
County Ploughing Match
Ongar................................................................... 48
Wed 9th Show Committee meeting
Southminster........................................................ 26
Wed 16th
F & GP Committee meeting
Wix ...................................................................... 52
Wed 23rd
Subs Committee meeting
Total.................................................... 482
5-a-side Football Competition at nationals
Joel Ivell reports:
After getting in at 3am from the Tendring Show Ball, the alarm clock
went off just 3 hours later at 6am and the boys had to shake their
hangovers off and head up to Stafford for the Nationals final after
winning the County & Eastern Area rounds.
The first game showed no sign of a hangover when the boys
smashed it 2 – 0, winning against Shropshire, then show Devon
how to really play and again another 2 – 0 victory to the Wix crew!
By this time, tiredness (and probably a lot of alcohol in the
system) started to kick in and a draw of 1-1 was the score against
Staffordshire. However the boys still came 2nd in the Group which
qualified them for the Semi – Finals against Cumbria.
Giving all their energy to get into the final the boys made a brilliant
effort, Matt Eaves scored a great free kick making it 1 – 0 but
Cumbria managed to pull a last second goal out the bag to equalise
1 – 1. Extra time kicked in and Ben Bacon did a steaming run down
the middle and scored a blinder with a bit of lucky deflection, making
the final score 2 – 1 to Wix!
After a long day the final was now in sight, Essex (Wix) v
Carmarthenshire. The game was equal after full time, it was still
0 – 0, and even after extra time both teams held position and it was
still 0 – 0. All time was up and it was down to the dreaded penalties
– which no England players have ever been known to be great
at! Matt Robinson took the first and was saved, Matt Eaves then
scored the second. However Carmarthenshire just nipped Essex
to the post and won 3 – 1 on penalties, which left Carmarthenshire
winning the trophy and Essex in 2nd place.
‘‘Extra time kicked in and Ben Bacon
did a steaming run down the middle
and scored a blinder.’’
2013 Winner
Benedix Cup for best trade stand at Show & Rally under 20m
Agrii Ltd
The Edward Baker Cup for Best Trade Stand
Di's Supplies
Dalgety Spillers Trophy for the club gaining the most points on Prelims Day
Chelmsford YFC
The Violet Robson Cup - Women's Institute Cup for the best cake in the Exhibition Hall
Hilary Lester
Stansted YFC Cup for the most points in the Exhibition Hall
Alderman & Mrs A. Craig Bowl for the individual gaining the most points in the Exhibition Hall
Chris Haylock A&SW
Stuart Poutney Rally Challenge Cup for the club gaining most points in Show competitions
Southminster YFC
Harlow Young Farmers Shield for Girl's Tug of War
Halstead YFC
Paragon Petroleum Cup for Men's Tug of War
Colchester YFC
Maldon Young Farmers Team Challenge Clay Shoot Cup
Maldon YFC
JA Hunter Salver for Intermediate Public Speaking
Cup for Senior Public Speaking / Pattullo Higgs
Chelmsford YFC
Essex Agricultural Society Award for overall individual in Stock Judging
Tom Cuppleditch Chelmsford
Award (gift not a cup) for consistently high presentation & content of reports for the magazine
Gemma Long Colchester
Mrs Tom Howard Cup for the club who gained the most points in non-sporting events
Ashdon & Saffron Walden
Ernest Doe & Sons Victor Ludorum Shield for the most points gained in competitions
Richard Seldon Award for the highest percentage increase in membership for active clubs
Ongar (78%)
Colonel Crawford Cup for club efficiency
Maldon YFC
Elmbridge Trophy for Endeavour ( Norman Smith Cup)
Kate Smith / Hannah Parradine
DJ Ewing Essex YFC cup for achievement
Andrew Cawtheray
President's Award for services to Essex YFC not previously recognised
Patricia Fulcher
Kings Seeds Cup for the best chairman
Steve Mynott
Gilbert Aukland Trophy for the Senior Men's Young Farmer of the Year
Matt Oliff
Mrs Percy Hasler Meerit Cup for the Senior Ladies Young Farmer of the Year
Rachel Bush
Essex Club Cup for the Intermediate Mens Young Farmer of the Year / James Hines
Rob Sykes
Bramton Shirley Award for the Intermediate Ladies Young Farmer of the Year
Claire Speakman
W. A. Church (Bures) cup for the Club of the Year
Halstead YFC
Essex YFC Chairman's Shield
C Webber
Essex YFC Award for Best Club Secretary
Joel Ivell
Essex YFC Award for Junior member of the year
Sophie Panayi / Emily Dimond
President's Show award
Charles Ford
The Wix Fundraising Award
Colchester YFC
Personality of the Year
Kate Smith Dunmow YFC
Strutt & Parker Farm Valuation Shield
Maldon YFC
Senior Public Speaking Best Chairman Cup
Duncan Howie
Ursula Boreham Intermediate Speaking Best Chairman Cup
Hew Willett Chelmsford YFC
Alderman and Mrs A Craig Bowl - A&SW
WA Church Club of Year - Halstead YFC
Best Club Secretary - Joel Ivell
Colonel Crawford - Maldon YFC
D J Ewing achievement Andrew Cawtheray - Mersea
Ernest Doe & Sons Shield Brentwood YFC
Harlow YF Shield TOW girls - Halstead
Wix fundraising Award - Colchester YFC
Essex Club Cup - James Hines
- Rob Sykes
Strutt and Parker Farm
Val Shield - Maldon YFC
Presidents Award - Patricia Fulcher
Ursula Boreham - Hew Willett Chelms
Presidents Show Award - Charles Ford
Gilbert Auckland - Matt Oliff Smin
Mrs Percy Hasler Meerit Cup -
Paragon Petroleum Cup
Rachel Bush - A&SW
TOW Mens - Colchester
Dalgety Spillers Trophy - Chelmsford YFC
Elmbridge Trophy - Kate Smith
& Hannah Parradine
Essex YFC Chairmans Shield - Charlie Webber
Maldon YF Clay Shoot Cup - Maldon YFC
Junior Member - Sophie Panayi
Edward Baker Cup - Di’s Supplies
Richard Seldon - Ongar YFC
Stuart Poutney - Southminster YFC
Pattullo Higgs - Chelmsford YFC
Stansted YFC Cup - Brentwood
POY - Kerry Herbert
Tom Howard Cup - A&SW YFC
JA Hunter Salver PS - Wix YFC
Benedix Cup - Agrii
Senior Public Speaking
Best Chairman - Duncan Howie
and Emily Dimond
Charles Ford
Tom Sanders
Wow, what a Show! Nine
months of hard work by a
group of Essex Young Farmers
resulted in 100 trade stands and
over 13,000 people attending
our 2013 Show at Boyton Hall.
When the gates first opened at
9:30 on Show morning and the
crowds began to flood in it was
a fantastic feeling for everybody
involved as everything had
Charles Ford
come together in our favour,
even the forecasted downpours held off for us. Throughout the
day the full ring schedules and other attractions kept the masses
entertained. The Essex police dogs were a highlight in the Horse
Ring, with crowds three deep during their performance.
The Game Fair attracted many people and the demonstrations
worked well to educate and inspire people to take part in Country
Sports. The ever popular Festival of Food showcased Essex’s finest
products giving locals the chance to sample our fantastic local food.
A packed out Subscribers marquee enjoyed a delicious lunch and
showed off the true extent of support for Essex Young Farmers.
The Mayor was particularly impressed by scale of the event and the
team behind it.
Hello magazine readers! This
is Tam coming at you thick
and fast for your reading
I can’t believe this is my
final report as countryside
chairman, where has the
year gone?
Tom Sanders
I’ll keep this short and sweet
(mainly because countryside
has been slightly inactive the
last couple months!!)
Can I just take this chance to
say a massive thank you to all the members and subscribers and
VP’s that have helped me with countryside events this year, you
know who you are and you have all done a sterling job. Be it lending
us a venue or being a fully integral part of the running of the events,
it really would not have happened with out you, so thank you.
Good luck to James Hayward as next year’s countryside chairman, I
wish him luck in the role and hope he will enjoy it as much as I have.
Peace out home dogs!
The Young Farmers themselves were very busy throughout day
taking part in competitions including the Super Young Farmer, the
crowd pleasing lawn mower racing and the traditional end of day
Tug of War Finals. As well as this, each club was assigned duties
around the site which kept the whole event running smoothly. At the
top end of the show ground the Craft Hall, Bar and Horticultural Tent
attracted swathes of people creating a busy atmosphere. There
were record numbers of Steam Engines and Vintage Tractors.
These traditional machines help to uphold the agricultural element
of the Young Farmers Show and are still as popular with the public
now as they were 50 years ago.
Thanks must be given to all of those Subscribers, supporters,
sponsors and Young Farmers who helped with the organisation and
setup of the Show. Special thanks must be given to R W Crawford the main Show sponsor and Chris Philpot for his continued support
of Young Farmers and agreeing to a new five year contract for the
Essex Young Farmers Show at Boyton Hall.
Congratulations must also go to Agrii and Di’s Supplies for winning
the best trade stands awards for the year. It is great that businesses
put in such a big effort to make the Show look fantastic.
On a personal note I would like to thank Jackie Harper in the County
Office for all her help and hours of hard work to help us make the
Show the success that it was.
‘‘Thanks must be given to all of those Subscribers,
supporters, sponsors and Young Farmers who helped
with the organisation and setup of the Show.’’
Victoria French
Wow what a year, I cannot
believe it is nearly coming to
an end. I hope everyone has
enjoyed themselves as much
I did!!! Since my last report
we have been very busy with
AGM, the Young Farmers
Show and of course our 70th
Ball. AGM was great fun very
messy but great fun. Well
done to Charles Ford and
Emily Bush for a fabulous
Victoria French
Essex Young Farmers Show,
the weather was beautiful
and it had a great atmosphere, it certainly was a success. Finally
the 70th Ball what a night! I think I can speak for everyone and
say what an unforgettable evening! Well done to Sarah Wreathall,
Charlie Webber and to all the committee. Hannah Parradine and I
were in charge of the flowers, luckily for me Hannah has a true talent
for flower arrangements, so I knew we were in safe hands!! I have
to thank the flower ladies who helped on the day, Wendy French,
Thelma Thorogood, Sue Cole, Clare Ford, Bill Boon, Emma and
Lucy Brice, Jackie Harper, Julia Baines, Lynne Squir, Bridget Eyre
and Sandra Smith.
An anniversary book commemorating EYFC’s last 70 years
has been put together with photos and reports from each
decade along with members memories from their time in Young
Farmers. It’s sure to bring back countless of your own memories
as you’ll be spotting faces you know on every page. A light
hearted touch on what has made EYFC what it is today - a real
celebration of our success as a Federation. Copies of the 60 page book are available to buy and collect
from the County Office for £15. Books can also be posted
to you for an additional £2. Please make cheques payable to
Essex Young Farmers and send to EYFC Centre, Whitbreads
Barn, Whitbreads Lane, Chatham Green, Chelmsford, Essex
CM3 3LQ with a return address. Get your copy
now for only £15
Example photos from the magazine
Back to the beginning of the year my first job was our annual
Personality of the Year Ball, the venue was the top of my to do listBoreham House the theme was a masquerade ball and I have to
say everyone made such an effort and looked fabulous. I have to
thank Katie Gaymer, Jennifer Carroll, Charles Ford, George Bulgin,
Robert Wild, Robert Black
and Zoe Smith - Wix YFC
ionship at
Ploughing Champ
Brentwood YFC
id Stevens,
tember 1945 - Dav
Nellie Ford, Janet
Mr Orr, Bob Madle,
Wallis and Peter Me
Frank Fisher, Arthur
Fundraising through Pantomimes
dy Simpson
r, An
, David Ker
ugh Pegrum oad - 1988
Featuring H
Julia Baines
Sophie Rooney and Sarah Mizen Ashdon and Saffron Walden YFC
Blackpool 2008 - Annabel Bunting, Sarah Hampshire,
Matt Bunting, Alyson Starling and Chris Wood
nabel Bunt
Matt and An
Tug of War Ref
Brian Lofthouse
County Ball 1962 - Featuring
Braintree YFC
Barn Dance Featuring Ange
la Hare and Ra
y Du
You don’t need to be
between the ages of 16-26 to
be an Essex Young Farmer.
If you are older and keen to
get involved with an array
of activities and different
events, then please consider
joining up as an Essex Young
Farmer Subscriber!
We currently have well over
370 people subscribing and
without their support to the
Julia Baines
Federation, Essex Young
Farmers would not be as strong as it is today. So on behalf of myself
and every Essex Young Farmer in the Federation we would like to
take this opportunity to thank you for all of your support and time
you have given us.
Emily French and my mother Wendy French for all the help they
gave me on the day and the night.
Within a blink of an eye it was time to organise New Year’s Eve.
The theme to this event was Apris Ski (I decided to celebrate the
New Year in warm cosy clothes!). By the kind permission of the
Bolton family we were allowed to use one of their barns for the
party. Thanks must be said to Charles Ford, Ed Ford, and Charlie
Webber for clearing the barn and helping to decorate all day before
the event. Another big thank you must go to Anna Brown who not
only came and help set up (with some lovely helpers) but also kindly
provided many many skis and even a shot ski, which many people
enjoyed on the night. There were many other people that helped
before, during and after so thank you to everyone.
I must say a few big thanks to certain people that have helped
throughout the year and really without their help I would have
forgotten my own head (if it wasn’t screwed on!!) Firstly thank you
to Mary and Jackie for keeping me in check and giving me lots
of useful advice. Thank you to my Activities committee; hope you
enjoyed yourselves as much as I did. A massive thank you must
go to Charlie Webber for being such a fantastic chairman. Finally
I want to congratulate Rob Smith for being an outstanding county
chairman for the last two years!!!
This year has been truly great fun, I was really nervous at first but I
am so pleased I have had the opportunity to have been a member
of the committee and hopefully making your year more enjoyable.
Young Farmers is a great organisation and it just shows what we
can truly do with a little bit of hard work. I wish next year’s Activities
Chairman all the luck for their year ahead, enjoy it and have fun.
Since I have stepped up to the role of Subscribers chairman, Essex
YFC Subscribers have been invited to a vast array of activities and
events. Last autumn subscribers were invited to attend a Harvest
Service hosted by Wix Young Farmers Club at St Peter & St Pauls
Church, St Osyth. At Christmas, the Subscribers had their very own
Christmas party held at the county office. Subscribers have also
been encouraged to take part in all the county competitions, such
as Farm Valuation and Prelims. This year, Prelims which was held
on Sunday 14th April saw subscribers coming together to earn
points for their clubs. Some of the classes they competed in were
Harry Potter’s ATV Handling Course, Super Young Farmer and Welly
Wangling, so a very large thank you has to go to Jess Roche for
organising the day. This was then followed by Colchester’s Auction
of Promises, in aid of Teenage Cancer Trust, and again a big thank
you has to go out to all the subscribers who attended the event to
help raise money for this worthwhile cause. Maldon’s Charity Clay
Shoot followed shortly after where all proceeds were donated to
Essex & Herts Air Ambulance.
So if you haven’t already joined up to become an Essex Young
Farmer Subscriber, please do not hesitate to do so, pick up the
phone and contact the County Office: 01245 360442 or have a look
at the Essex Young Farmer Website:
After a year of planning, Wednesday 12th June 2013 quickly
arrived (10 days prior to the event) - this was when the marquee
began to be erected. It was a very exciting day for everyone
involved. The build began to move very swiftly, the marquee was
up and flooring laid by Monday evening. At last we could begin
so see the event taking shape and it was not until this point that
we could begin to appreciate the sheer size of the event. To allow
seating for all 1,300 people we had to join three large marquees
together then have additional smaller marquees for the catering
and mess areas.
Throughout the week, we had a small number of Young Farmers
on site helping to organise different areas. A special thank you
must go to Andrew Sell and Charlie Webber who were on site
planning all site activities from the Bar through to the organising
and marking out of the car park. In true Young Farmer spirit
whenever there was an issue it was resolved quickly and without
any hassle, which many of the external companies were in awe
of. Ollie Wass, Charlie Willet and Andrew Upson took control of
organising the garden/viewing area. Even though the weather
wasn’t perfect, I saw people enjoying the evening sun and the
glorious view of Terling House while sipping on their champagne.
As the week progressed more members and helpers arrived at
the site to show their support. Thursday saw the arrival of all
The committee always knew that there would be high demand
for the event, though when we took the decision to allocate 100
tickets per club, plus an additional 100 for Clubs there are no
longer active (totalling 1,300 tickets), we did not expect them to
sell out as quickly as they did. Though, by doing this we were
able to accommodate everyone that wanted to be involved in this
monumental evening.
We took the decision at the early stages of planning to involve an
events company who were able to take control of the marquee
and catering at the ball, this made things a little easier for the
committee knowing that these items were in such good hands.
The preparation for the 70th Anniversary Ball began over a
year before the ball took place - back in May 2012. We pulled
together a committee from across the County with different skills
sets and experience. The next feat was then trying to find a
location. This took a great deal of time, but in September 2012
I was very excited to receive a call from Robert Smith (Retiring
County President) who informed me that he had been able to find
the glorious venue of “The Lord Rayleigh Estate”.
Sarah Wreathall
7oth anniversary ball
drinks for the evening, which included over 1,000 bottles of wine
and champagne. Annabel Bunting and her team did a great job
at organising all the wine into pre-ordered groups and having it
ready on the tables. An excellent job was done here.
Past Chairman of Essex YFC.
Friday saw one of the key activities take place - flower arranging…
Here the reins were taken up by Hannah Parradine, Victoria
French, Lynne Squier and around 15 other helpers, including
some of our wonderful Subscribers, who had been drafted in for
the morning. I think everyone will agree that the marquee was
beautifully decorated. Also on Friday, Sarah Belchambers (and
Cubs) along with Will Wreathall, spent most of the day cross
checking and organising the name places (expertly designed by
Kate Smith!) into the correct tables.
Finally Saturday arrived - we had a few last minute jobs to do and
some small issues to resolve, such as where to put the reception
band in the marquee. Although by 5.30pm (just in time) we were
nearly ready to go!! People began arriving from 5pm to enjoy the
champagne and canapés reception. 7pm arrived quickly… and
I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for sitting
down for their three course meal so promptly!! Charlie Webber,
Charlie Willet and Peter Fairs did an excellent job keeping
everyone entertained throughout the meal with their witty and
entertaining speeches. Barclays Bank did a great job with selling
all the raffle tickets - thank you to everyone who purchased them
and all the kind people that donated the amazing prizes. Before
we knew it (2 minutes behind schedule) it was time to dance
to the international band Zig Zag, who played a huge variety of
music to accommodate all ages. When the clock struck midnight
it was time for the evening to end and I saw a lot of people
wanting the evening to continue!
As Charlie Webber mentioned during his speech, we would
not have been able to put on an event of this size without the
generous sponsorship from all of our supporters so we thank
you all.
Sunday morning saw many of people at the ball site beginning
to get everything cleared away including Stewart Robinson
loading all the generators and track mat that he so kindly lent us.
Unfortunately, I haven’t been able to thank everyone individually
who helped, so thank you to everyone who put the time into
making the event a success - as always this really was an Essex
Young Farmers Team effort.
proud sponsors of the ball
Andrew Upson
- Essex Field Fencing
Di’s Supplies
Lord and Lady Rayleigh
P Tuckwell Group
Dunmow Waste Management
Lord Rayleigh Farms
R C Boreham & Co
Atlasfram Group
Ernest Doe
Lynne Squier
Sonic Rail Services
Mobile Thrones
C Humphreys & Sons
HP Flowers
Strutt and Parker Farms
CJ Wood Plant Hire
Harlow Agricultural
New Holland
Tolhurst Fisher
Country Conveniences
Wicks Manor
Dengie Crops Ltd
LJB Photography
Oliver’s Nurseries
Writtle College
70th ball committee
Robert Smith
County President
Julia Baines
Charlie Willett
Vice Co President
Vicki Brooks
F&GP Chairman
Charlie Webber
County Chairman
Patricia Fulcher
Minute Secretary
Sarah Cullen
Kate Smith
Print & Design
Annabel Bunting
Mary Priest
Co Organiser
Bex Smith
Vice Treasurer
Sarah Belchambers
Andrew Sell
Site Manager
Hannah Parradine
Sam Iddison
Oliver Wass
Jenny Stratton
Ticket Sales
EYF raised
£877.50 in
returned tokens
on the night
for RABI.
Victoria French
Chris Scott
Bar Manager
Ashdon & Saffron Walden YFC
Braintree YFC
Jessica Juhl reports:
Bonjour! I hope that everyone enjoyed the Show back in May, well
done to Charles Ford and Emily Bush for organising such a fantastic
day! It was also a very successful day for Ashdon and Saffron
Walden who came 2nd in the Exhibition Hall and thanks to Chris
Haylock, got the prize for the most individual points as well. On top
of that, the Halstead Girls Tug of War team (featuring our very own
Lydia Hodge and Rachel Bush) fended off all competition becoming
the Essex Female Tug of War Champions! Ash and Saff is evidently
going up in the world!
A fortnight after the show, the club hosted a Charity Clay Shoot in
aid of Essex Air Ambulance. A huge thank you is in order to Mike
Cargill and Chris Haylock, as well as everyone who supported the
event, namely Carter Jonas. Around 120 people attended, shooting
170 cards. There were several classes: Wix YF won the Young
Farmers Class, Johnny Price won the Men’s Class, Dick Arbon won
the Pool Shoot and Justin Garrod won the Colts Class. A whopping
£2,600 was raised for Essex Air Ambulance and the Essex Young
Farmers building fund!
Over the incredibly hot weekend, A&SW hosted Linnea – an
exchange from Sweden who had the pleasure of staying with Will
Anstee. She settled in extremely well, enjoying playing rounder’s
with the club and going to a BBQ at Callum Hendry’s house on the
Friday evening. We hope she enjoys her time in Hampshire!
Over the same weekend, Rachel Bush travelled up to the National
After Dinner Speaking Competitions in Stafford with the Halstead
team and won first place! Congratulations to the whole team, you
should be incredibly proud of yourselves for becoming national
I hope that everyone is enjoying the beautiful weather we’re having
at the moments, love from Ashdon and Saffron Walden.
Quote of the month:
“Stay off the champagne and drink plenty of gin” –
Pandora Kiddy’s Grandma to Pandora
Girls at
RAGT talk.
Apart from fundraising and going to balls, A&SW have had some
great Tuesday evenings spent learning about coppice designs by
Andrew Basham in Ashdon, and completing a First Aid Course
thanks to St Johns Ambulance. I’m sure the club will agree that we
are now fully prepared for any medical emergency! We also went
along to support Lydia Hodge’s art exhibition in Cambridge, who
is Ash and Saff’s extremely talented artist. Most recently, we had a
tour around RAGT seeds in Ickleton to see some of their trail plots.
It was a very interesting talk, rounded off by the lovely BBQ they
laid on for us.
David doing
the Heimlich
on Annie.
Hello everyone, well we have done lots, it’s the end of the Young
Farmers year almost and I haven’t got enough fingers and toes to
tell you about everything we’ve done. We had a party back in April and now everything’s been calculated
and we have made a massive profit of £621! Which is really good.
THANK YOU to everyone who helped us.
Then we had the event of the year, the 70th Ball, the night was
amazing, everything was perfect and although 5.30pm start is
halfway through the day, Laura and I had 30 minutes to get ready so I
jumped in her bath water and continued to rub the cow muck off me
and job was a good’un, we were actually early. (The Bacons were
early). We won the Golden Welly once for always being late)! We
had a wonderful night, sooooo many brilliant characters from when
I was 18 and worked with Laura in The Spotted Dog in Barnston.
The speeches really were very close to our heart, especially Charlie
Willets, he’ll know why. The dancing was brilliant apart from sitting
eating for so long our dresses were slightly, tight.
We had a fab meeting at Does in Ulting with Brentwood and
Southminster clubs. We tried five different pieces of machinery.
Sam Baldwin our chairman loved the T9 with Mark Cooper, Does
Demonstrator. We got some fantastic pictures for our publicity
board and this magazine. He he, Marie Smith from Brentwood
A brilliant night was had by all at the 70th Anniversary Ball held
at Terling Place in Chelmsford. We were treated to a delicious
three course meal, although some of us, naming no names,
especially enjoyed the champagne reception and wine on the table!
Cough, Pandora Kiddy. The evening was topped off by the lovely
commemorative book, touching on some of the highlights from 70
years of Essex Young Farmers.
Before the 70th Ball.
Cara Bacon reports:
winning slowest person on the digger, that cracked me up when
she won a prize for it. Thank you to Colin Doe for having us and for
the lads who gave up their evening to help us, Karl etc, you know
who you are, sorry for asking so many questions about everything
that evening!
We’ve been having our weekly meetings at the Cricketers with a
couple of potential new members, they are really pretty so I am
hoping that is going to encourage a few hot blooded males along
too. We are getting new club shirts so that’ll be cool for summer,
Sam and I have just got to decide on shades of red and green. Get well soon to Sam Lyon, who is even sexy in a hospital bed. I
had to pretend I was his girlfriend to get in to see him three hours
early. Laura, Lil and I hid under his bed because the nurse was
coming to say, “can you please leave as your being too loud and
one and half hours over visiting hours” He he,
See you guys really soon, Cara B Xxxxx CLUB REPORTS
Brentwood YFC
Marie Smith reports:
Hello everyone. Hope you are enjoying the sun. Well, what a couple
of busy months Brentwood have had. We started May off with a
few of us going down to Blackpool for the annual AGM, we had a
busy few days and visited the local pool and pleasure beach, and
we also fitted in a game of golf. We attended the Watergardens at
night where we meet young farmers from all over.
As summer is drawing near and people will be getting busy with
harvest we will still be meeting up on a Monday. We meet at the park
in West Hanningfield where we play football, rugby or rounders. We
then go to the local pub after which is the Three Compasses.
Hope you all have a great harvest and we look forward to telling you
about our summer.
AGM Blackpool the boys.
We then had the Start of show week where a few of Brentwood
camped on site and helped set up the show, which was great fun
and we really enjoyed doing it. A big well done to Charles Ford,
Emily Bush and their committee for a great show.
‘‘Thank you to Southminster for asking us to
come and join them, thank you to all of Does
staff at Ulting for a great night.’’
At the end of May Brentwood helped out at Blackmore Fair which
is held near Brentwood. We helped run the BBQ for the three days
the Fair was on. By the end of the weekend we were all great at
cooking sausages and burgers. I would like to thank Blackmore
for asking us to help them out and the donation they gave us for
running the BBQ.
444-11_6614_Hosplant_128x90.indd 1
29/6/11 09:26:03
The same weekend as the Blackmore Fair four of Brentwood
members went to Peterborough for the Eastern Area Stock
Judging competition. Brentwood preformed really well and won
the top three places. Leanne Eyre came first, Andrew sell came
second with Robert Pearce and Zoe Copping coming joint third. So
congratulations to all of you.
The 70th Ball.
We started off June with a tour at the East Essex Hunt Kennels,
which is in Earls Colne. This was a great tour which we learnt a lot
from as I know nothing about hunting. I would like to thank them
and would recommend all clubs to go and have a look around if
they get a chance.
Southminster asked us to go to a joint meeting with them to go to
Ernest Does in Ultings, where we were allowed to drive all different
types of machinery. They also had a competition on the mini digger
and on a fork lift which Harry Pearce and Tony Laing won both.
Thank you to Southminster for asking us to come and join them,
thank you to all of Does staff at Ulting for a great night.
Colchester held a foam party and a lot of Brentwood attended,
which was really fun. The following night Brentwood went down
to the Eastern Area competition weekend which was held in
Peterborough. This was a good day and night and was well
attended by Essex.
The Essex 70th Ball saw Brentwood get three club tables up. We
all got a mini bus from Harrys and Clare’s and arrived at the ball
together in style. This was a fabulous night, and it was great to
see all the different generations of Young Farmers. It was just a
lovely night which the whole club enjoyed. (I think some more than
others). So congratulation to Sarah Wreathall, Charlie Webber and
your whole committee. It will be a night that will be talked about for
years to come.
The girls.
Chelmsford YFC
Colchester YFC
Elizabeth Ecclestone reports:
Gemma Long reports:
Hello hello! Seems like ages since I sat down to write the last report
and haven’t we been busy.
Hello there and welcome to summer, it’s amazing how a few days
of sunshine can brighten everyone’s mood! We have certainly been
enjoying the sunshine at Colchester YF these past few weeks by
grabbing any opportunity for rounders in the park! With the weather
like this Harvest 2013 is starting to feel like the not-too-distant future
– here’s hoping it’s a good one.
As we all know show has been and gone for another year and once
again has not failed to disappoint. A massive well done must be said
to Charles Ford, the show committee and all helpers throughout
the week for creating such a well organized and thriving event.
Chelmsford Young Farmers of course got involved in the publicity
day drawing up attention with a tractor, cow suit and this year’s new
attention drawing tactic … balloons!
Back in May we have a very successful time at the Show and Rally.
As usual we were located in Subscriber’s Catering giving us the
perfect opportunity to mingle with everyone and catch the action
in the Young Farmer’s ring. It also gave us great chance to cheer
Rhianna Longman on in Super Young Farmer – boy was that messy!
Once again our boys did us all proud by winning the Tug of War and
progressing onto Eastern Area. Our slideshow of the ‘voucher tree’
also proved popular and attracted a lot of attention from the public.
The 22nd of June marked the Young Farmers 70th Anniversary
Ball and what an amazing night. With so many attending, the
night was incredibly well planned and a massive thank you must
go out to all those involved in making the event such a successful
night. Chelmsford definitely found their feet on the dance floor and
somehow managed to stay upright after rather large quantities of
tokens were redeemed! Our subscribers BBQ has this year also
turned out to be a massive success, with beautiful weather and
plenty of food and drink it was lovely to see so many subscribers
attend, thank you for your continued support.
We have finished up our meetings for this year with a fun but
competitive game of rounders with Ongar and a tour of Lord
Rayleigh’s estate in Terling, we were very lucky again with the
weather and it was brilliant to see so many members attending. So
after our last meeting we have now begun visiting our summer pub
June 15th saw the boys repeat their success at Eastern Area with
yet another impressive display and qualification through to Nationals
for the 4th year in a row. We wish them every success with the finals
in August. It was a successful day for Essex all round with Maldon
boys, Halstead and Southminster girls all pulling well.
the Three Compasses for drinks and a good catch up, if you fancy
a chat this is where we can be found Tuesday evenings from 8pm!
Have a fantastic summer and hope to see you all soon!
Aside from Tug of War, we held our annual foam party on the 14th
June. As usual it proved very popular and everyone thoroughly
making the most of the additional foam this year. A massive thank
you to all those who cleared up-no easy task with foam that deep
and with Eastern Area the next morning; don’t worry Barron no one
saw you napping en-route to Peterborough :P
In between all of this we have had time for some very enjoyable
Monday evenings including crabbing down at Mersea. It was a
lovely evening and great to see both clubs having a good laugh. We
held a dog walk back in May – who knew Colchester had so many
canine companions? Thankfully all the pooches seemed to behave
and get along – although some were better trained than others!
Bank holiday Monday saw us venture to Dedham for a boat trip for
a very civilised tour of Dedham – we’ve certainly been broadening
our horizons recently. We also had a lovely evening strawberry
picking at Willow Farm in Polstead, with a tour included as well by
our very own Christopher Howard, we all left much the wiser on fruit
and punnets full of delicious strawberries.
June 22nd saw many of us attend the 70th Anniversary Ball. What
a fantastic night it was, great food and company and so lovely to
see everyone in their glad rags for an evening of dancing. It was a
great chance to see so many faces old and new that have been
involved in Colchester Young Farmer’s over the years, as well as
many people from a county level.
Over the forthcoming weeks we will continue our schedule and
meeting at the Cricketer’s, Eight Ash Green for more Rounders
and outdoor games and a great chance to catch up with all our
members who are returning from University for the summer.
Lastly on behalf of everyone at Colchester Young Farmer’s,
Congratulations to Neil Pulford and Katie Maclean who were
married on 29th June 2013, we wish you every happiness together.
‘‘June 15th saw the boys repeat their success at
Eastern Area with yet another impressive display
and qualification through to Nationals for the
4th year in a row. We wish them every success
with the finals in August.’’
Colchester with their
Side Show at the YFC Show.
Colchester Mens Winning Tug of War Team
at the Eastern Area Competition.
Dunmow YFC
Halstead YFC
Hilary Lester reports:
Katie Kempster reports:
Hi Everyone!
As we approach the end of the Young Farmer year, and whilst we
have all began troughing down some finger lickin’ smoked chicken
wings off the barbie, Halstead have been reflecting on the successes
of the club this year. Well done to chairman Steve Mynott and the
committee for keeping the club in tip top condition and ensuring that
we get the best out of opportunities and our members. A massive
congratulations to all of those involved in the success of the public
speaking team this year. They came first at Eastern Area public
speaking and were flat out preparing for national finals. Which of
course they won!! We all very proud of the team who performed
fabulously and they all deserved it!
Hope everyone is enjoying the great weather at the moment!
Dunmow has had a very busy few months since the Young Farmers
Show. The show was a great success for Dunmow YF as we were
able to raise £129 which is going towards our chosen charity for
this year through our sideshow on the day. We were also very
pleased with all of our entries for the exhibition hall with some very
successful winners!
Since the show we have held a subscribers event at Andrewsfield
airfield which was kindly organised by Tamsin & Robert Osborn. We
were given a tour of the airfield and hangars with the subscribers
taking to the air for 15 minute flights with fantastic views of the
countryside, this was a brilliant evening enjoyed by all!
Dunmow had a brilliant turn out at the 70th ball with 12 tables full of
past and present members, everyone seemed to thoroughly enjoy
themselves, many with sore heads in the morning especially our
chairman who remembers little of the journey home and who had to
have a sofa day all day on Sunday!
Our recent club nights have included a scuba diving lesson,
rounders, virtual golf, socials and a couple of end of year BBQ’s.
We also took a walk on the wild side in early June with a trip to
London Zoo Lates!
Dunmow has had a brilliant year with lots of parties, great club nights
and charity events. We are really looking forward to the forthcoming
year and all that’s in store for Dunmow YFC.
Dunmow YFC at the 70th Ball.
At the end of April we had the highlight of the year, national AGM and
unfortunately I was not there this year to shake my booty on table
tops and potentially end up with no clothes on, which we all know
is practically AGM tradition. Although I could not attend, I know
full well that everyone enjoyed themselves and some Where’s Wally
members found themselves under the skirts of others....AHEM.
I have heard many a Young Farmer story since that weekend and I
cannot wait to go next year!
In recent weeks we have had our infamous Mr. Essex, which was
the usual night of stripping. The Mersea boys definitely won the
night and I have to say that even I, the female champion of Mr.
Essex, was impressed with the involvement of these boys. I am
very glad that grandparents do not attend this event as I expect
there would be quite a few heart attacks throughout the night! We
managed to get over 200 party goers through the door for our
Full Moon festivity, with a great success in regards to the drinks
buckets. We all loved every minute of it as we do every year, and
have seen the same banter and provocative behaviour at Wix Free
Booze which we have just had, what a great night!
On a final note, whilst some of us prepare to be harvest widows, I
know the lads and ladies who do work in harvest this year will be
busy bees for the rest of the summer. So a massive good luck and I
hope the rain clears for you all! Have a wonderful summer and I will
see you all booty shaking again in September!
Loveage and Lickage x Other events to report on include our annual charity bike ride, which
was another success raising £200 for Farm Crisis Network. Many
members joined the ‘Lash Train’ and the day was finished off with
a BBQ at the Cherry Tree in Belchamp. In the evening some went
to Ben Hopkins’s 21st and carried on the alcohol intoxication. In
addition, we had our 16 mile charity tractor pull with Dunmow, which
raised over £2000 for Essex Air Ambulance and the YF Building
Fund. Some fabulous charity fundraising occurring, let’s keep it up
next year! Another huge congratulations to Steve for gaining the
chairman of the year award, definitely a true legend and you have
done very well this year! Also, Halstead received the club of the year
award, which was a real achievement so thank you to everyone for
making Halstead so successful this year.
Along with numerous club socials including: go-karting, which
Howdykins won, and snacks and beverages down the pub,
we have had our biggest events this year in the last few weeks
Beginning with prelims party and prelims day, which were both a
great success and one of the main weekends in the Young Farmer
calendar. I have to say that the ‘Emmerdale’ episode written by
the one and only Steve and myself was LEGENDARY. I seriously
think that we have problems as everything we wrote was graphic. I
suppose it is just the natural instinct of the Lickager. Then very soon
after was the biggest day of the year, Show day!! An absolutely
fantastic day with beautiful weather and a great turn out as usual. I
got a bit too excited with the samples in the food tent and practically
managed to have a three course meal on them! Plus, well done to all
TOW teams for taking part on the day, Duncan on the microphone
was very entertaining as per usual! Then it was onto the ball of
the century to celebrate 70 years of Young Farmers and it was an
amazing night! It was fantastic to see so many people that are and
were involved in Young Farmers in attendance. It is truly inspirational
to see how much the federation has been an influence to everyone’s
lives, especially to Roy Boreham who has been involved for so long
and continues to be a true legend. It was also brilliant to catch up
with past members and of course to consume a few beverages and
canapé’s, lovely jubbly.
Girls at 70th ball.
Standard behaviour
at Mr Essex.
Maldon YFC
Mersea YFC
Jordan Shynn reports:
Hey everyone, hope you are all working on those ever attractive
farmers tans before harvest gets into full swing!
So what has been going on since the last report… #lots!
Well before everyone got super involved with show albeit tug of
war or exhibition hall entries we had those crazy few days called
AGM!!! It seems like a life time ago now but it’s definitely still worth
a mention. Maldon as per usual had a crazy crazy time along with
the rest of Essex Yfc (we even got a shout out on Radio 1) and
the locals of Blackpool. As you can imagine the usual carnage and
debauchery occurred but nevertheless we all had an amazing time.
I think the Maldon boys (aka last years’ chairman Tam) had a little
bit too much fun on the journey up there and was “asleep” before
he even arrived... Don’t worry Tam, Snapchat kept us all amused!
Once we had semi-recovered it was no rest for the wicked as the
Maldon boys and girls got back to the rope for some last minute
tug of war training before show day. Maldon this year were in the
Livestock area during the show helping out which we all thoroughly
enjoyed. Some member enjoyed themselves so much they even
considered entering each other into some of the classes to boost
the numbers up... Never a dull moment!
Maldon Yfc also had a great turnout at the 70th Ball which was
a super evening. On behalf of Maldon, a massive thank you and a
well-deserved pat on the back goes out to the 70th Ball Committee
– you guys really pulled off something spectacular and I think our
heads the next day said a lot for that! Especially for one of our “young
members at heart” Matthew Bunting who had to be escorted out of
the marquee by his parents because he had a little bit too much fun!
Since then Maldon have been keeping busy with a few local tug of
war competitions, socials at the pub, rounders at the prom and we
are starting to make preparations for our own 70th Ball which will
take place next year. Maldon have also been to the last few parties,
The Tendring Show which was a rather hot day to say the least
and the ever messy Wix Free Booze which definitely didn’t fail to
So that’s it for a few months, I hope everyone has a good summer
and long may the sunshine stay!
Happy harvest you crazy bunch!
The Blackwater team at Show.
A huge congratulations has to go to the boys tug of war team –
The Blackwater Crew – which consists of both Maldon and Mersea
members who pulled their little hearts out with full support of
both clubs to get into the final. I think there was lots of nail biting,
shirt grabbing and breath holding as the boys came up to reining
champs Colchester Yfc but they were just piped to the post in the
last pull to come a very respectable 2nd. Another well done needs
to go to the girls’ team too who tried very hard as a new and young
team – next year girls!
Public Speaking
Charlie Williett reports:
Saturday 6th July saw the After Dinner Public Speaking team
of Halstead and Ashdon and Saffron Walden, competing in the
National final at the Staffordshire County Showground. As it
was a 3 hour drive, the team drove up on Friday , in order to
be at their peak for the competition the next morning. The day
dawned bright, sunny and hot- surely this was a good omen.
Six teams were competing in the Senior After Dinner Speaking
competition and they came from all corners of the countryCornwall, Pembrokeshire, Derbyshire, Yorkshire, Shropshire
and of course our very own Essex.
A small band of loyal supporters accompanied the welltrained team, and thoroughly enjoyed the whole competition.
Performances were very good of course, no-one makes it to
the finals otherwise, and there was much debating among the
Essex camp over the number of jokes included in the other
Claire and Megan clearly loving Blackpool.
team’s speeches. With some it seemed to be just one joke
after another and we felt that was in Essex’s favour as they had
strayed too far from the main topic. But, would the judges see it
our way? Before the results were announced, the Judges held
an adjudication session, where they said that jokes were o.k., as
they were there to be entertained. Oh no, had the flat-cap jokes
from Yorkshire, or the lorry driver/sheep jokes from Pembroke
won them over? The next 15 minutes before the results were
announced went by nail-bitingly slowly, but then... in third place
Pembroke.... in second place Shropshire... in first place Essex!
That hall must still be ringing with our cheers, my hearing has
not yet fully returned, but it was most certainly worth it. All that
training, practicing, learning. What a proud moment for all the
team, and all of Essex Young Farmer.
So, a huge well done to Steve Mynott, Rachel Bush, Will Dutch,
Jessica Middleditch, Tor Apter and of course their Trainer Will
Waterer. They have all put in such a lot of hard work and it has
paid off handsomely. If anyone is in any doubt about Public
Speaking, talk to any of this team, ask them what it felt like to be
part of a National winning team. I guarantee you will be hooked!
Essex Yfc 70th Ball.
Ongar YFC
Lianne Salt reports:
Alreet duckies!! Well what a CrAzY couple of months it has been,
the sun has been shining and Ongar YF’s have been busy little bees
as usual!
be a
You d
Firstly, think it’s pretty obvious to say, Ongar were flipping amazing
at car parking at the Show however after 4 years on the same job
it’s time for fresh pasture I reckon! Not hinting or anything...thanks
to all the members that came and helped out to make the day such
a great success, definitely a lot of burnt faces at the end of the day!
Then obviously we had the AGM...what a weekend, what goes on
in Blackpool stays in Blackpool but it was certainly a fun packed
couple of days!! A new experience with Essex as I usually go to the
AGM with my ‘northern’ young farmers but Essex definitely made
it an unforgettable weekend! Safe to say we ruined Walkabout by
dancing on tables and having endless beer showers but it has
recently burnt down, luckily we Young Farmers were out of the
county when it happened! What an experience dressing up with
4,000 other Young Farmers as Where’s Wally…definitely one of
those nights you spend most of your time looking for friends and
talking to random Wallys’ as you thought they were your friend from
a distance! Dancing the night away in Che Bar till 5am and then
watching Cat Emery demolish 3 battered sausages to cure her
drunken appetite was a dream, can’t believe the human cigarette
(Matt Gates) managed to fit himself into a small female Where’s
Wally top and Tolley tried to ride an uninflated and stationary bucking
bronco and still fell off nearly breaking his shoulder. Think it was a
shock to the system for our AGM virgins Jack Bosworth and Fraser
Parris but nothing a cheeky little nap couldn’t of sorted out hey lads!
Don’t worry you will handle the pace eventually! Possibly one of the
longest car journeys I have had, sat in a car with Special Ed and a
bottle of 22 year old port. Apparently tup north it’s too flat..lucky he
doesn’t work for the council or we’d end up with a motorway on
top of any old hill with a few 90 degree bends. Charlie wouldn’t let
us leave him at the service station unfortunately.
New friends
Public S
‘‘We managed to raise £540 from the tractor road run
too! What a great success!’’
Ongar have been training hard at cricket and rounders recently. Can
somebody buy Tim Galloway a pair of trainers please; wellies don’t
have the best grip whilst running round the rounders posts! We
managed to raise £540 from the tractor road run too! What a great
EYFC Country
The 70th Ball was truly an amazing evening, thank you to everyone
that helped make it such a memorable evening. The entire evening
as a massive success, lots of laughter and great to see so many
people coming together to celebrate. Although we all know Tim
Galloway a little bit better now and how he likes to arrive prepared
to Young Farmer events! Also well done to Andrew Metson for
knocking a full tray of glasses out of the waitress’s hands!
To finish off I think it’s definitely time to show off that we won the
award for the biggest increase in club membership with an incredible
78% increase from last year, what an achievement!
Ta Tar duckies!
New ch
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Why not find out more at www.essexyoung,
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Remember – you don’t have to be one to be
Southminster YFC
Ellie Bates reports:
Southminster have had a busy few weeks, particularly with helping
to organize and run the show, along with our regular meetings
and TOW training. Everyone gave their best efforts to ensure the
show was a success, with Southminster members and subscribers
manning the main gates for the second year in a row. Luke Oliff
did his bit by standing in the stocks, and Harry Partridge was
victorious in the lawnmower racing, leaving his opponents a lot of
smoke, and several parts of his lawnmower behind on the course.
Our girls TOW team came second, qualifying for Eastern Area
for the second year in a row, which they are currently training for,
coached by James Scott, who assures us he aims to get them to
nationals. The boys gave their all, but did not qualify to Eastern
Area this year. Several members, however, were then snapped up
by other teams and asked to pull for them. Jack Garwood showed
ultimate commitment by pitching his tent at the showground with
the intention of camping, but soon changed his mind and bailed out
when he realized how cold it was. Still, it’s the thought that counts.
The show publicity day was held in South Woodham Ferrers, run
by Matt, Luke, Ollie, Harry, Megan, Jack and Morgan, to get the
word out there for the show. Despite only a few of our members
(and subscribers) being able to make the Maldon Clay Shoot, the
ones that did attend did not let the club down, with our chairman
Matthew Oliff, Harry and George Partridge (subscriber) winning
several points for the club.
Our latest meetings include one kindly hosted by Tillingham fire
station, and a tour of Skeggs’ straw. Also, a meeting test driving
machinery and a bbq generously provided by Ernest Doe’s
Agricultural Supplies.
The Girls tug of war team also came joint second at Eastern Area
which was a very good result. The club has one an award this year
for most points won on show day and Matt Oliff won the senior
young farmer of the year award which was well deserved.
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Howdy from Wix Young Farmers! Despite the imminent end of
the Young Farmer year, the programme managers at Wix have
shown no lack of enthusiasm in their on-going attempt to keep the
members of Wix Young Farmers entertained!
c. J. Wood
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Need live music? Why not try…
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Available for weddings, birthdays, anniversaries,
or any other excuse for a good old knees up!
Call Rich on 07779 720510
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CONTACT CHRIS WOOD ON: 07855 494 406
The last meeting of May saw Wix enjoy a “rounders bash around”
on Great Bentley village green; which, interestingly, holds the title of
largest village green in England, spanning an extensive 43 acres. We provide a rental service
for refrigerated and freezer
trailers for the storage of food
and drink for any occasion.
On the 1st and 2nd of June Wix kept up their annual tradition of
assisting at the Bentley Waterways and Garden show. The exclusive
event, hosted at the private gardens of the Palmer-Tomkinson’s, is
said to be one of the finest gardening spectacular in East Anglia,
and Wix, (blessed with green fingers and adorned with green shirts),
certainly helped the event to blossom.
Ideal for catering at:
Weddings ♦ Parties ♦ Sports and social club functions
♦ Hotels ♦ Pubs ♦ County Shows ♦ Fundraising events
♦ Emergency break-down hire…
Thursday the 6th of June marked a trip down to Brightlingsea
in order to catch crabs. The venue, listed as a crabbing hotspot
by authoritative website “Crabby Days” certainly did not fail to
disappoint, and a prize for the largest specimen meant competition
to bag the largest crustacean was particularly intense.
T: 07801 751137
Woodland Regeneration Coppicing, Thinning & Timber Extraction
Iszy Lord reports:
Thursday the 27th saw the assembling of several raft-resembling
structures down at the Fairley reservoir, reminding us how important
teamwork is to stay afloat in life. As always, peppered between
- Bolt together for stability
- No preparation necessary
- Avoid damage to ground
- 40 tonne capacity
On Saturday the 22nd, Wix contributed a substantial offering of
Young Farmers to attend the 70th Anniversary Ball. Despite the
traumatic absence of the Countryfile poster-boy Matt Baker, and
slight navigation difficulties concerning the reasonably priced
transport, the evening still proved to be hugely enjoyable for all
involved. TRAKMAT
Forestry & Agriculture
Firewood & Kindling Supplies & Contract Processing
01621 788218
outings have been a healthy helping of good ol’ socials for Wix,
helping us to catch up with old friends and become acquainted with
the new ones. Wix thank everyone for coming to the annual “Free
Booze” party on the 13th of July, which promised - as always - to
be unforgettable, even if you might want too!
Call C.A. Buchanan Tel: 07904 021610