KHASHOGGI AUDITION PACKET - Royal Caribbean Productions
KHASHOGGI AUDITION PACKET - Royal Caribbean Productions
KHASHOGGI AUDITION PACKET KHASHOGGI SIDES WWRY – RCCL 2015 SIDE #1 START A ray of light descends on GALILEO and he finds himself immobilized in a laser cage. A TEACHER enters with KASHOGGI, the sinister Chief of Globalsoft police. KHASHOGGI You say this boy wants to make his own music? TEACHER Yes. The little freak says he hears it in his dreams. KHASHOGGI He is aware that music, other than that programmed by the Globalsoft Corporation, is illegal? The act of an individual. TEACHER Of course, but he doesn’t care. KHASHOGGI (to Teacher) Has he ever tried to make an instrument? TEACHER Once in technical studies he was caught trying to stretch plastic string across an empty lunch box. KHASHOGGI Did he…pluck it? TEACHER I regret to say he did. Plucked it. Twanged it. And slapped it. KHASHOGGI has one of GALILEO’S books. He reads from it. KHASHOGGI We have found your books, Galileo. Tell me, what is the meaning of (from book) "A wop bop a loo bop a lop bam boom"? 1 KHASHOGGI SIDES WWRY – RCCL 2015 GALILEO It means "A wop bop a loo bop a lop bam boom". KHASHOGGI Why are you so concerned with the condition of your Blue Suede Shoes? GALILEO I don’t know!! Just don’t step on ‘em, that’s all. KHASHOGGI What do you want, boy? GALILEO I’ll tell you what I want, what I really, really want. I really, really, really wanna zig a zig ah. KHASHOGGI circles GALILEO’S cage. KHASHOGGI Don’t play games with me boy! I’ll make you wish you’d never been born at all. GALILEO Don’t you think I wish that every day? COP 1 Where is the Hotel California? COP 2 What is a Yellow Submarine? KHASHOGGI Underground. Overground. Wombling Free. Where do you find this rubbish, boy? GALILEO I wish I knew! I just wrote it, that’s all! It appears in my head! KHASHOGGI Tell me Galileo, do you know, what…a Bohemian is? 2 WWRY – RCCL 2015 KHASHOGGI SIDES GALILEO Haven't you got it yet? I don't know what anything is. KHASHOGGI Excellent! I see we've found you just in time. Take him away. END 3 KHASHOGGI SIDES WWRY – RCCL 2015 SIDE #2 START As the song concludes in an orgy of self -congratulation, KHASHOGGI enters. He’s very nervous. KHASHOGGI Madam, I bring splendid news! KILLER QUEEN It better be. I’m in the middle of a very important meeting. Later. So. KHASHOGGI My officers have been successful in breaking up the Bohemian strong-hold! KILLER QUEEN Khashoggi, we’ve won! KHASHOGGI Yes! Unfortunately the Dreamer and his bad arsed babe escaped. Well gotta go… KILLER QUEEN You lost them! KHASHOGGI Lost them? No, we didn’t lose them…we just don’t know where they are. KILLER QUEEN I am sick of your excuses, Commander! And I am also sick of you. KHASHOGGI Madam. KILLER QUEEN With your weary, sneery, posey, schmozie “look at me I wear my sunglasses indoors” crap. Oiling around the place, with your snooty little booty in your Armani suity. KHASHOGGI Actually ma’am it’s M and S. They’ve really raised their game lately don’t you think. KILLER QUEEN You know what happens to people who disappoint me. I think it’s time to blow your mind. 4 END WWRU - Vocal Score KHASHOGGI SIDES SEVEN SEAS OF RHYE Words & Music by Queen Vocal Score arr by Mike Dixon & Brian May C F/C C F/C C C F/C C F/C C D‹ D‹9 G 4 4 Piano 4 4 5 Khashoggi Fear me you lords and la dy preach ers I des cend up on your Earth from the skies C I com mand F 9 2 4 your ve ry souls you un be liev ers Bring be fore C me what is mine The D‹ 4 4 Se ven Seas of Rhye G 2 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 13 4 4 Can C F/C C F/C C C F/C C F/C you C 4 4 4 4 © 2015 RCCL Productions Seven Seas of Rhye KHASHOGGI SIDES 2 WWRU - Vocal Score 15 hear me you peersand pri vy coun cil lors I stand be fore you na ked to the eyes I will de Doctors & Bohemians Ooh Ooh C F 19 stroy a ny man who dares a buse my trust I sweat that you'll be mine Ooh C D‹ 22 the Se ven Seas of Rhye C Seven Seas of Rhye F/C C F/C C C F/C C F/C C KHASHOGGI SIDES WWRU - Vocal Score 3 25 Sis ter C5 I live and lie for you Mis ter B¨5 F C5 Do and I'll die B¨5 You are F5 29 2 4 mind I pos sess you Be long to you for e ver Ahh! 2 4 Ah C5 34 C for e ver D5 F/C E‹ C F/C F C 4 4 e ver e C/E C F/C 4 4 ver Ahh D‹7 C F/C 2 4 4 4 2 4 4 4 C Seven Seas of Rhye JOHN (FATHER) & ENGINEER AUDITION PACKET (Pop or Khashoggi) *Note: Father (John) is a non-singing role THE GIFT – CHARACTER DESCRIPTIONS JOHN (FATHER) JOHN (FATHER) (Played by “Pop” or “Khashoggi”): (Irishman, a befuddled and ‘lost’ mime). Reads from late 30’s to 70’s. He wears a long-sleeved, white pullover, with a collarless top and buttons that go part way down. He has suspenders and black, wool pants. He has the look of poor man who might have worked hard for a living. He has a cap and round glasses. THE ENGINEER THE ENGINEER (Played by “Khashoggi” or “Pop”): (Liverpool, Rocker, edgy, mischievous) Sooty and unkempt, he works in the engine of the ship. Can read more mature – 30’s to 50’s. He is the mechanics of the show – the engineer setting things into motion. Though his appearance is rough, he is a likable character who keeps the machine and the show rolling. He is our rocker and leads with a mischievous air. He emits a strong power and seems to have magical abilities in this world. Though his job denotes a lower-class status, he holds a great deal of power over all the other storytellers and aligns with THE LADY OF THE TRANFORMATION with whom he may have had a closer relationship in their past. Songs include: RIGHT NOW BREATH OF LIVE SOAR LIFE IS A HIGHWAY LOVE IS EASY KYRIE HAPPY
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