School of Community and Health Studies


School of Community and Health Studies
School of Community and
Health Studies
Acting Dean’s 1
Our school is
School Meeting, Jan 4
Being a Com- 4
munity Leader
People for the
World that
KPI Awards
Ore student’s
in action
Faculty and
10Program News 12
3 ,
2 0 1 2
Acting Dean’s Corner...Sue Wells
Beyond the Yuzz...
It is with tremendous pride that our school celebrates the promotion of Dean,
Dr. Sandra Murphy to Vice President Academic and Chief Learning Officer
here at Centennial College. It was as a result of her vision that our school has
been able to achieve remarkable heights and solidify our role as leaders in this
college. We excel in quality programming, great teaching, research, innovative
project development and scholarship of practice. We are the first to implement
college strategic direction and are creative and thoughtful about it’s application
to our programs. We treat our students with integrity and respect and as a result enjoy high student satisfaction scores. We are a great School and Sandra
helped to make us that way.
Sandra’s promotion has triggered a change of leadership in our school and
while this selection process is underway I am doing my best to keep things
running smoothly. Well actually, I am doing my best to stay out of the way
while the faculty, support staff and administration of this school keep things
running smoothly. I thought that, given my almost 20 years full time at this college, and in this school, I had a good understanding of the breadth and depth
of what we offer students. However, every day in this role has been a school
day. Not only is the volume and diversity of what this School does is huge but
the speed in which it happens is incredible. So my days have been a whirlwind
and most people have noticed that look of stunned disbelief on my face. But
the disbelief is not because of the workload that I have to accomplish, it is
about my awe of the exciting and inspirational work that you are each accomplishing.
As we continue to move forward, Centennial and our School will be going
through additional transitions. In response to a Ministry initiative the college
(with Sandra in the lead) has created a new mandate. Many of you participated in this development on Centennial Day. In addition, Centennial has proudly
accomplished it’s Book of Commitments and we will be undergoing the process of creating a new strategic direction. These pieces of work will be integrated into our School Business Plan and together we will continue to be leaders in the college.
Note: the content of the SCHS Newsletter is based on contributions received. If you wish
to contribute to the SCHS newsletter, please email at
Our school is growing...
Our school is growing!
We have had several new hires and portfolio changes within the SCHS in the last
New hires in Nursing:
few months beginning with Rita McGillivray,
Carol Gottwald
former Chair, Community Studies, joining
Carol Stefopulos
COLT on secondment for this academic
Roya Haghiri-Vijeh
Susan Doyle is the new Department Assistant in the Nursing Program area
September 2013, Rita will be re-joining the
Edward Cruz is taking a two year LOA
Community Services faculty team.
to pursue his PhD and Lisa Dibari is replacing him as Program Supervisor
New hires in the Collaborative
programs area:
Changes with SCHS
Donna SimpsonAdministrative
BScN Year 2
Support Staff:
Kimberley MackMargie Schultz is the
BScN- Year 2
new Department AssisHuasheng (Jimmy)
tant for the Health &
Chen- Bridging to
Wellness Area
Fidela Garcia has moved
New hires in the
to the Ashtonbee CamHealth & Wellness
pus and is now the DeFabiola Takla has
partment Assistant for
been here for a
the Community Services
year, but never forprogram
mally announced
as a new hire for the in Pharmacy Tech- Sama Bassidj, previous Department
nician Program
Assistant for Community Services is now
OTA/PTA faculty Celia Mirco has rePart-time faculty as of September 24th at
signed and joined Georgian College as Ashtonbee campus
full-time faculty. Pat Lee has taken over
the role of Program Coordinator
Welcome to Melinda Ferguson the new
Clinical Placement Officer for the Nursing
New hires in Community Services area: and Health & Wellness Programs
Shelley Ince, Community and Justice
Services faculty
Congratulations to Linda Ramage, who has
Blair Fewster, the Social Service Work- assumed the role of Lab Manager, Morner program
ingside Campus
Welcome all
new hires to the
School of
Community &
Health Studies
New hires in the Child Studies area:
Lorne Hilts, Rec & Leisure
Jodie Adams, CYW
New cook at Progress Child Care Centre-Nicolae (Nick) Gologan
Congratulations to Nancy Chung, who became the successful candidate for the fulltime Lab Tech position!
Ann Vasilopoulos, was the successful candidate for the Program Information Officer
role at our Progress Campus department
School Meeting, January 4th 2012
School of community & Health Studies—
school meeting and professional
development day, August 20, 2012
The School was joined at this full day meeting by COLT, who led a training session
in Crucial Conversations. In this Crucial Conversations Training, participants gained
the skills and best practices to radically improve results to have successful relationships in both our personal and professional lives. It allowed for individuals to develop
a set of skills that promotes safe and healthy dialogue when stakes are high, opinions vary and emotions are strong.
Participants were encouraged to further develop their skills in this area by
ing for part 2 of this training.
Interested individuals are to contact COLT.
Emergency Management & Public Safety
Institute (EMPSI)
Smart planning can keep an emergency from becoming a tragedy.
Being a Community Leader...
Two new courses from Centennial College’s Emergency Management and Public Safety
Institute (EMPSI) can teach you the theory and practice behind emergency preparedness, response and recovery planning. You’ll learn how to develop a plan, implement it,
and communicate it to others. These courses aren’t just practical; they’re lifesavers.
Managing and Operating a Virtual Emergency Operations Centre (VEOC) is the first
course of its kind in Canada. Designed for those seeking careers as emergency management practitioners, incident managers, incident commanders, and responders managing and operating VEOC’s, this 30-hour course will teach you how to apply modern
technology and social media toward planning, leading, and participating in emergency
response activities. This course will ensure your knowledge is up-to-date and effective,
whether you’re operating in a physical space or a virtual one.
Classes will be held simultaneously in the live classroom and virtually for distance learning. This means distance learners students can view classroom and participate live to
the discussions as they happen, participating remotely. Classes will be archived as well,
allowing you to review them later.
To enroll, you must have completed a Basic Emergency Management (BEM) course
and/or an approved equivalent, and/or have hands-on experience in Emergency Management, or have knowledge of emergency operations centre concepts. Classes started
October 2, 2012.
Exercise Program Management is a two-day, instructor-led course that prepares you to
design, develop, conduct, control, evaluate, and implement the requirements for discussion-based exercises. Being an Exercise Program Manager means being able to identify
and assess peoples’ levels of preparedness, assign them roles, and communicate clearly the strategies being developed. You’ll learn how to bring together groups of people to
discuss emergency response strategies before those strategies ever need to be executed.
Graduates of this weekend-long course earn provincial Emergency Management Ontario
(EMO) certification. Centennial is the first college in the province to enter into such an
agreement with EMO.
To enroll, you must have completed EM 125 Exercise Programs: a self-study training
program offered by EMO through its training portal; along with Basic Emergency Management (BEM) course and Basic Emergency Management First Nations, EMO provincial certification.
For course information, please contact Ginette Soulieres, Manager, Emergency Management and Public Safety Institute (EMPSI) at (416) 289-5000 ext. 8373, or email her
at or visit
Preparing people for the new world that awaits...
The Resource Centre for Students and
Their Families
The Resource Centre for Students and Their Families has been very active this fall. We
were happy to be invited to the Fall Service Fairs held at all of our campuses, where we
were able to share upcoming offerings and to highlight accomplishments of the past
Currently, we are in the middle of our second Clothing Drive for our students and their
young children. We have been collecting donations at all campuses, knitting and crocheting hats, gathering our resources in preparation for the mid November day at Progress Campus. On November 15, 2012 in the Student Centre at Progress Campus,
donations were distributed. At Ashtonbee campus we will have a clothesline of caps
and hats, that students are welcome to choose from for their children.
Later in November, we ran a successful workshop dealing with exams, stress and managing the demands of the family. As part of this workshop, participants also received a
small booklet of child friendly, healthy snack recipes.
These one-hour BLAST workshops took place at the Progress Campus Tuesday,
Wednesday and Thursday, November 20, 21, and 22.
Service Fair at Progress Fall 2012
Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Awards...
Early Childhood Assistant
Massage Therapy
Early Childhood Assistant
Massage Therapy
Child and Youth Worker
Comm. & Child Stud. Foundation
Community and Justice Services
Developmental Services Worker
Early Childhood Assistant
Massage Therapy
Pre-Service Fire. Education & Training
Bridging to University Nursing – Flex
Early Childhood Assistant
Food Service Worker
Massage Therapy
Occupational Therapist Assistant and Physiotherapist Assistant
Personal Support Worker
Pharmacy Technician
Bridging to University Nursing – Flex
Child and Youth Worker
Early Childhood Education
Personal Support Worker
Pharmacy Technician
Police Foundations
Practical Nursing
Social Service Worker
Ontario College Information Fair October 23rd, Direct Energy Centre
Our Students in Action….
The School of Community & Health Studies,
along with a number of students representing various program areas participated once
again in the Ontario College Information
Fair on October 23rd.
The photo above features Paramedic students from year 1 and year 2, who volunteered their time to come and field questions from the public about college applications, the Paramedic program, and the Paramedic career. They are a motivated and enthusiastic group of students! And they are
well equipped to give people real, inside advice about admissions and about the rigor of
the program. The public is attracted to those in uniform, so the group had a continual
flow of people stopping to ask them questions.
They represented the college very well, and we are grateful to them for giving of their
most precious commodity, time.
Matthew Dickson, Pharmacy
Technician graduate
Matthew Dickson , is currently completing his 4th and final semester in the
Pharmacy Technician Program. Matthew has been actively involved with community
service in Kenya, Jamaica and here in Toronto. As a Centennial College student, Matthew is involved in the co-curricular Leadership Passport program and has participated
in the Global Citizenship & Equity Learning Experience ( GCELE) to Jamaica. In a recent conversation I had with Matthew he shared his excitement with his newest role as
a peer mentor.
Matthew’s most recent opportunity is with the UNESCO Chairs International Leadership
Training Programme: A Global Intergenerational Forum. This third regional forum was
held November 1-10, 2012 in Bangkok, Thailand and Matthew was selected from small
elite group of young leaders to contribute to the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
and United Nations Millennium Development Goals Project. The 10 day forum is an intensive week long training course that provides organized workshops, activities, team
meetings, trips and events where Matthew and the other young human rights leaders
will gather to share and discuss real world problems and possible action plans. Matthew's area of interest is dedicated to the health care inequalities affecting women and
children around the world today .
Matthew’s passion for humanity is something he lives and breathes and his contribution
to this forum is something he considers to be life changing.
Toronto Police Field Day
Saturday, October 13th saw Centennial become the first College to ever compete in
the Toronto Police Field Day. This year marked the Games 130th year. We competed against teams from the Toronto Police Service, Ontario Power Generation, Military,
Paramedics, Peel Regional Police, Toronto Fire, Waterloo Regional Police, Toronto
Jail and the Armed Forces.
Our Students in Action….
Our Men's relay and the Tug of War teams won bronze medals! This is indeed an outstanding accomplishment. Our Superstars and Women's relay teams both finished
These are amazing results especially considering the fact that the teams were only
put together within two weeks and had minimal training. The team’s results were primarily due to each members excellent athletic abilities. In all of the competitions, the
final results were very close, often separated by mere seconds.
May I congratulate all of the teams and express how proud I am for all that they accomplished today.
Centennial College also provided two teams of grounds crew for the event. The
grounds crews executed their duties flawlessly and also are cause for us to be proud.
Thank you once again to all who participated and all of the fans who supported us in
the stands.
Phil Semple, Police Foundations faculty
Our Students in Action….
Mock Disaster
On Saturday November 17, over two hundred and fifty students, faculty, staff and
volunteers practiced their interprofessional skills in this year’s Mock Disaster Exercise. Physicians and Nurses from Sunnybrook, Markham Stouffville, St. Michael’s
and The Scarborough Hospitals worked alongside community and health students
to manage a simulated chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRNE)
event which was complicated by a crash on the highway. Visitors from Public
Health Agency of Canada, Health Canada and the University of Arizona joined
healthcare and education colleagues from Halifax, Vancouver and London to observe the set-up, disaster event and debriefing exercises. The exercise, led by Dr.
Laurie Mazurik and her team, ended with a student and staff debriefing and a
presentation by Dr. Bruce Sawadsky, Medical Director, Emergency Medical Assistance Team and Tom Windebank, Regional Manager, Disaster Management Program, Canadian Red Cross.
Fa c u l t y a n d P rog r a m N e w s . . .
Hospice Palliative Care, Kath Murray
On Friday, October 19, 2012, we were very fortunate to have Kath Murray visit our
School of Community and Health Studies to meet with our faculty and students about
hospice palliative care and the integration of this important aspect of nursing into student education. Kath presented at the CAPNE conference in Victoria earlier this month
and when she mentioned
that she would be in Toronto middle of October,
we jumped at the opportunity to have her present
to our students and faculty.
Kath has been instrumental in British Columbia
with the integration of End
of Life Care in the new
BC PN curriculum. She
has also been working
with several Ontario colleges with curriculum integration of this content for
PSW and PN programs.
Her biography from the
CAPNE Conference 2012
program states:
Left to right, Andrea Leatherdale; Practical Nursing Faculty, Kath Murray; husband Ted Murray, Linda
Ramage, SCHS Lab Manager
"Kath is a certified hospice palliative care (HPC) nurse and a fellow in thanatology
(specialist in death, dying and bereavement). Kath is passionate about nursing. She
loves to connect education with practice. Kath is founder of Life and Death Matters, author of "Essentials in Hospice Palliative Care" resources and director of LDM Online.
Her goal is to make knowledge of caring for the dying easy to understand and engaging,
and to increase the capacity of individuals to provide excellent care for the dying. Kath's
resources are being translated into Spanish and adapted for nurses working in resource
poor areas. Kath teaches across Canada, and most recently was honoured to teach in
Mexico and Nepal." (CAPNE 2012)
Kath, along with her husband Ted, met with some of our faculty for a "Breakfast Talk" to
present a portion of her keynote address from the CAPNE conference and to discuss
how this content may be integrated into our curricula. Kath's keynote address was entitled "A View to the Future: Through the eyes of a hospice palliative care nurse thanatologist". Her presentation identified emerging trends in caring for the dying, the dead and
the bereaved, globally and nationally, and suggested questions and strategies crucial to
preparing health care workers to care for these individuals and families. Following her
meeting with faculty, Kath presented to our PSW students. It was standing room only
during this presentation as some PN students and additional faculty from the PSW, PN,
Registered Practical Nursing
Faculty and Program News...
Graduates of our Practical Nursing program wrote their provincial registration examinations with the College of Nurses of Ontario in September, and received a 97% pass-rate.
The report we received from the CNO also gives some great data from the Performance Profile. In every category, our PN program is either at par with the national and
provincial averages, or in many cases above. For example, under the category of
Knowledge Comprehension, our grads scored 68%, the national average is 68% and
provincial average is 65%. For Application: Centennial 71%, national 68%, provincial
65%. For Critical Thinking: Centennial 77%, national 73%, provincial 69%. For Professional, Ethical, Legal:Centennial 75%, national 72%, provincial 70%., and for Foundations of Practice: Centennial 68%, national 66%, provincial 63%. These results
point to the strong team we have and the dedication of everyone associated with our
Practical Nursing program.
Laura Nicholson RN, MN, EdD, ENC(C)
Professor, Nursing
I completed my doctorate in August 2012. This is my journey through the doctoral program. I began the course work in August 2008. The course work finished with a comprehensive examination that was successfully written in May 2011. The dissertation
proposal was written and approved in July 2011. I underwent two ethics reviews and
began to collect data in fall, 2011. The results analysis, the manuscript completion, and
the defense of the written dissertation were completed in the spring of 2012; followed
by copious editing (40 pages had to be removed), culminating in the final paper sent to
publication in July 2012. I shared my dissertation titled, The Transformational Learning
Process of Nursing Students During Simulated Clinical Experiences with 18 staff and
faculty at a lunch and learn held on October 12, 2012.
I plan to present my work on one additional date in December for those who could not
make the initial presentation. Contact me at ext. 8095 if you would like to attend.
Nursing Professor Patricia Mazzotta, Wicken
Award Winner
Faculty and Program News...
Nursing Professor Patricia Mazzotta was Centennial's 27th recipient of the George
Wicken Memorial Award for Teaching Excellence. The George Wicken Memorial Award
for Teaching Excellence recipient is also designated as the recipient of the Board of
Governors' Teaching Excellence Award, and reflects the commitment of Centennial
College to the strategic goals for teaching excellence.
Professor Mazzotta has been with Centennial
for 5 years in the Department of the School of Community and Health Studies. She is described by her students as an extraordinary teacher who uses
her professional expertise and passion for teaching and
helping her students to inspire them. Patricia was selected from a slate of impressive nominees.
“I believe in a life philosophy to lead by example, and to show my
students that there is nothing that they can’t do. It’s not always
easy, but when you work hard, have faith, love and support anything is possible”.
Patricia Mazzota
Congratulations to Lorne Hilts, Recreation & Leisure faculty who was also nominated
for this prestigious award!