

THE ICON—Newsletter of the Interactive Computer Owners Network JULY-2011
Page 2 Program Schedules
Term of the Month
Page 3 Interesting Sites to
Visit on the Internet
ICON Minutes
Page 4 Windows Q & A
Page 5 Mastering the iPad
Page 6-7 How to Remove
Rogue Anti-virus
Page 8-9 Family Tree Maker
Review (Sources)
Page 10 Your Mobile Phone
is Watching You
Page 11 Flat Ears
Page 12 Did You Know
Editor‘s Note
Page 13 Converting DocumEnts to PDF
Page 14 Help Line Answers
Cards Sent
Basis Computer
Page 15 ICON Membership
ICON Officers
New Members &
Page 16 Announcements
Mission Statement
I’ve been thinking…As many of you know, Mary Phillips and I, along with Shannon Rumley, Margaret
Schatz and John Somers, teach the Seniors Computer
Class at St. John‘s Hospital. One of the things we‘ve
all noticed over time is the difficulty many of our students have in grasping the basic concepts of how to
use a Windows computer. What for many younger
folks seems to be almost second nature is very difficult for those who
have not grown up with it.
In a recent class there was a student, I‘ll call her ―Mary Jo.‖ She received a laptop computer as a gift from her family 3 years ago and they
encouraged her to learn how to use it so she could write letters, surf the
internet, communicate with them by email and keep up with them on
Facebook. While she sincerely appreciated the gift she was left with a
huge learning curve. Her grandkids did not understand her very real
fears of this new (to her) technology.
So, the computer sat for 3 years until she took the Basic Computer
Class at St. John‘s. I‘d like to say that at the completion of the class she
was ready to use her computer to do all those things her family wanted
her to do but this was not the case. What she did do was to leave the
last class with a bit more confidence and understanding than when she
started the class. The concepts that she had been exposed to were
pretty overwhelming to someone who has never encountered them before but she knew they could be mastered over time.
It‘s impossible to provide a novice user with the skills they need to
tackle their computer in just 7 ½ hours of classroom time. What we try
to do is to give them enough knowledge so that they can look at their
computer and not consider it some sort of monster. Then they can take
the next step and try to learn more about what it can do for them.
Those of us who use computers, smart phones, iPods and the like day
in and day out, whatever our age, sometimes forget that there are
many folks out there who are still in the ‗technological dark ages‘ but
who get along in their life just fine.
Our society is moving in a direction that those who don‘t have even
basic skills in computer use are finding it harder and harder to do many
things. We‘ve had a couple of people in the Seniors Computer Class
comment that as they were looking for work they were asked about
their computer skills (which were minimal). And, how many periodicals
have moved to web-only versions and eliminated their print versions?
We live in times where change is occurring more rapidly than ever and
some days it‘s really hard for even a ‗geek‘ to keep up.
If you know someone who is like ―Mary Jo,‖ that is someone who
wants to learn how to use a computer but is not sure how to get started,
bring them to an ICON meeting where they will learn some of the things
they can do. That‘s the primary mission of the ICON Users‘ Group;
make what seems to be difficult about computing easy. And, have them
give the St. John‘s Seniors office a call (417-841-0333) and encourage
them to sign up for the Basic Computer Class. Owning a computer is
not a prerequisite but it sure helps!
Art Irish
JULY 2011
Program Preparations for July 2011
Dates, Times, & Topics
Saturday, July 9, The Library Station (Frisco Room)
10:00 a.m. Digital Imaging SIG
Revisiting Picasa and comparing it to Paint.net and the Gimp.
11:30 a.m. Brown Bag Lunch and 1-on-1 Help Desk
12:30 p.m. Mini-Seminar — Stretching Your Dollar
2:15 p.m. Advanced Technology Forum — Open Group Discussion
4:00 p.m. Using the Linux Operating System
Saturday, July 16, The Library Center (Harrison Room)
3:00 p.m. Using the Linux Operating System
Saturday, July 23, The Library Center (Meeting rooms A & B)
10:00 a.m. Genealogy SIG —
Genealogist’s Toolbox, Part 3 The Process of Advanced Search
11:30 a.m. Brown Bag Lunch and 1-on-1 Help Desk
1:00 p.m. Monthly Meeting — Using PowerPoint and Open Source Slide Show Applications
to Share Photos, Videos, and Audio
3:00 p.m. Windows SIG — Windows Live Mail
Tuesday, July 26 , The Library Center (Harrison Room) (Mick Topping’s Class)
10:00 a.m Spreadsheets: Excel, Open Office, Libre Office, Google Calc -- Basics, plus a little.
Program Preparations for August 2011
Dates, Times, & Topics
Saturday, August 13, The Library Station (Frisco Room)
10:00 a.m. Digital Imaging SIG
Using a Story Board to Movie Making
11:30 a.m. Brown Bag Lunch and 1-on-1 Help Desk
12:30 p.m. Mini-Seminar — To Be Announced
2:15 p.m. Advanced Technology Forum — Open Group Discussion
4:00 p.m. Using the Linux Operating System
Saturday, Aug 20, The Library Center (Harrison Room)
3:00 p.m. Using the Linux Operating System
Saturday, Aug 27, Brentwood Library (Auditorium)
10:00 a.m. Genealogy SIG
Genealogist’s Toolbox, Part 4 Site Search & Resurrecting Web Sites
11:30 a.m. Brown Bag Lunch and 1-on-1 Help Desk
1:00 p.m. Monthly Meeting — To Be Announced
3:00 p.m. Windows SIG —
Term of the Month for July
Windows 7 Speech Recognition
Tuesday, Aug 30 , The Library Center (Harrison Room)
(Mick Topping’s Class)
(Find the definition elsewhere in this issue)
10:00 a.m "What do you like? Come and share
your favorite tips, tricks, and web-sites."
JULY 2011
Minutes and Report of the June 25, 2011
ICON General Meeting
Today was ICON‘s 21st birthday. Cake and ice
cream were served in celebration.
President Art Irish opened the meeting and welcomed everyone. Art then reminded everyone that
ICON‘s webpage will list any changes to meeting
places because it can be quickly updated. The
June meeting was actually scheduled for The Library Center, but the newsletter listed Brentwood
and several of us went to Brentwood. When we
found out, a sign was put up and we went on. It‘s
important to check the website to confirm programs and places.
Art described our St John‘s Seniors classes (not
just for seniors), and stated, ―That‘s why ICON is
here...to help people to use current technology.‖
Upcoming programs were reviewed. The Minutes
of May 28 were read and approved; and the
Treasurer‘s report was read and approved.
Meeting was adjourned to the program presented
by Sarah Marshall Roberts, Finding What You
Want Wherever You Are (Location Based Services.
Respectfully submitted,
Mary Phillips, Secretary
Interesting Sites to Visit
on the Internet
Nancy Preffitt
Since it‘s too hot to do much that
taxes your brain, I‘ve collected
some games that you can enjoy
without venturing outdoors. (It also didn‘t tax my
brain to put them together!)
Big Solitaires 3D is a collection of 40 solitaire
games with 3D rendering. Most of these are
names you‘ll recognize, but the style and setup
are new. It‘s presumably in 3D, but I can‘t see it.
Something different from the ones in Windows
that you‘ve played a thousand times. Watch out
when you win! Linux users can play, too.
This is a very simple, almost moronic, little game,
but it does have a certain fascination. You get
only one mouse click per level. This causes a
bubble to expand and burst other bubbles. You
have a certain goal for each level so you have to
determine where to start to burst enough bubbles.
When it gets to a goal of fifty percent of the bubbles, it‘s time to quit – at least in my opinion.
You can play golf without going out in the heat.
This is an eighteen hole mini golf course that requires a small degree of skill to play. You don‘t
even need a golf bag, just your trusty mouse.
All lovers of mystery stories need to check this
one. You can help solve mysteries or just read
them. They are quick to solve, so you can do one
for a coffee break. There are daily and monthly
mysteries, and if you‘re so inclined, you can chat
with others about these or other stories. There are
also classic mysteries to read.
This site has lots of puzzles from rather abstract
to Van Gogh. You‘re bound to find something you
enjoy. You can scroll down to make the puzzle
pieces small enough to move around. When the
page first loads, they‘re so crowded you can‘t
even begin. http://www.jigidi.com/
Thank you from Center City Christian Outreach
Well of Life Food Pantry to Marion Garrett for fixing their computer.
Dear Marion,
Thank you for giving new life to the computer
used at Well of Life. Computers are an important
part of our effort to help people in need and we
certainly appreciate your contribution to that
Sincerely, Pat McMurtrey
CCCO Secretary
JULY 2011
Windows Q & A
Mary Phillips
Q1. In Windows 7, how do I get
the menu bar back?
A1. To bring up the Menu bar:
1. Press the Alt key.
2. On the Menu Bar, click View—Toolbars.
Click in the box beside Menu Bar, and it will stay.
Q2. How do I customize the Favorites and
Links bars to have handy websites I visit often?
A2. First let me explain that in Windows 7, the Favorites toolbar is located across the top of the
Internet Explorer web browser while the Links
toolbar is at the bottom right corner of the Task
Bar. The same single-click shortcut links are listed
on the Favorites Toolbar and the Links list. To add
a website to these shortcuts, navigate to the site,
click on Favorites, then click on Add to Favorites toolbar. To remove a link, right click on the
tab then click Delete. To rearrange the order of
items, right click and drag the tab to the desired
position, watch for the black ―I beam‖ and release
the mouse button.
back to zoom out. If you need to increase the size
of the text or a picture, press and hold the Ctrl key
and roll the scroll wheel forward to zoom in.
Q4. How do I get Windows Updates?
A4. You will need internet access. To get Windows Updates or ―fixes‖ from Microsoft for the operating system:
1. Click on Start—Programs and scroll to Windows Updates and click on it. (There are also updates included for MS Office.)
2. Click on Check for updates
3 If there are updates listed, click on Important
updates, then select the one or ones you want.
4 Click on Install updates. Some updates have
to be installed along while others can be grouped
together. Often the computer will need to be restarted to complete the installation.
Q5. What are good places to find Windows 7
The advantage to having both is that you have a
choice about whether you want to give up workspace for an extra toolbar or have Links show on
the taskbar. To show Links, right click on the
Taskbar, click Toolbars, and click Links.
Q3. Since I downloaded Internet Explorer 9,
the windows are too large for my screen. How
do I fix this?
A3. To reduce the size of the window, press and
hold the Ctrl key and roll the mouse scroll wheel
A5. One excellent place is SevenForums.com/
Tutorials/. Another is YouTube.com for video
tutorials; simply type in the search box the words
Basic Computer and a bunch of suggestions will
drop down for your selection. If you want Windows Vista or XP tutorials, just type the words
Windows Vista Tutorials or Windows XP Tutorials,
However, when you go to YouTube be prepared
to ignore some vulgar stuff that will invariably be
JULY 2011
Mastering the iPad
Pamela Tabak
There is never an end to the tasks that
you can perform on your Apple iPad
and I have found so many that you will
be reading about them in many future
issues of this newsletter.
Copying text is as easy
as double tapping a word.
But when you want to
copy a whole paragraph
you can stretch the little
blue knobs or tap any editable text four times. This
will highlight the whole
Did you know that you can set your mail to preview more than two lines? The iPhone has this
option as well and it‘s easy to delete the unwanted emails without opening them; same applies to the iPad. To make this feature work, click
on Settings, Mail, Contacts and Calendars and
select "5 lines" under Preview.
Did you know that every
time you open an APP it
stays running in the
background? While it is
running it is using your
battery power so tap twice on
the Home Button, located in the center of the bottom of the screen and a extra line of icons will appear at the bottom of your screen. These are the
APPs that you have recently opened. They will
stay open until you close them but hidden from
view until you tap twice on the Home Button.
Press down on one on the
icons and all the icons will
begin to shake. Then click
on the minus sign that appears on the top left top
corner of each icon and it will close. Press the
Home Button again to return to your desktop.
If you are working on several APPs at the same
time, you can jump from one to the other using
the same method above. This time you will just
access the open APPs and tap each one that you
wish to work on. (You will notice that the Mail Icon
shows how many emails are waiting to be
opened.) Don't forget to close them, using the
method above, after you have completed your
Make sure that you activate MobileMe on your
iPad as well as your computer. If you ever forget
where you left your iPad, iPhone or iPod you can
locate it, disable it, wipe it, leave a message on it
or make it sound for two minutes. Of course the
device needs to be on for this to work.
Never lose your device again with this very handy
APP. I have tried it and it works perfectly on both
my iPad and iPhone. If you need more information
or a tutorial for this feature contact me at: http://
computer_questions.htm and I will send you a
FREE tutorial.
Want to know how to create "speech marks" without having to change keypad views?
Just press on the Key and it will appear.
To create an
just press on the
apostrophe with speed
and it will appear.
Key and it will
lock the caps.
CAP LOCK tap once.
tap twice on the Shift
turn bright blue. This will
To turn off the
Don't worry about adding a period to the
end of a sentence. Just tap the Space Bar twice
and a period will be inserted and automatically a
capital letter will be formed at the beginning of the
next sentence.
How easy is this? It's easier than working on a
computer! Portable and light to carry anywhere
and it even corrects your spelling or typos and
suggests frequently used words as you type!
I wrote this article on the Notes App while flying
home to Toronto. Then I copied and pasted it from
this App into an email on my iPad and sent it to
myself so that I could forward it to your editor for
publication. Of course I took the pictures with my
camera to add later so that it makes it easier for
you to understand.
Let me know what you think about these tips and
if you have any tips to share with other users. I
look forward to hearing from you.
Get Pamela‘s New Book: Computer Tips for SENI
ORS – First Edition
Visit: www.computertutorinc.net/order
JULY 2011
How to Remove
"Rogue Anti-Virus"
by Ira Wilsker
This has been a very busy week
for me; not just the final exams I am
typing and the papers that I am grading for the
end of the semester, but I have been inundated
with requests for help in removing what is known
generically as "rogue anti-virus". These recent
frantic requests for assistance have been from a
prominent local attorney, a local politician, a small
business owner, fellow faculty members, students, neighbors, and a panoply of other people,
all of whom had inadvertently downloaded one (or
two!) of the hundreds of variations of the same
malware under a variety of names. While I have
been removing this malware from a handful of
computers every week for the past few years, last
week may have set some type of record for me.
According to Wikipedia (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Rogue_antivirus), "Rogue security software (or
rogueware) is a form of computer malware that
deceives or misleads users into paying for the
fake or simulated removal of malware, or that installs other malware. Rogue security software, in
recent years (2008–2011), has become a growing
and serious security threat in desktop computing.
―Once installed, the rogue security software
may then attempt to entice the user into purchasing a service or additional software." The current
crop of rogue software is explicitly designed to bypass or defeat most installed anti-virus and other
software, and will often disable or destroy the installed security software, allowing for additional
follow-on attacks. Almost all of the computers I
cleaned recently had major name-brand security
software installed which had been recently updated prior to the infection, but which had been
neutralized by the rogue software. The original
security software will often still appear in the toolbar near the clock, and even appear to function
and update, but it is likely deactivated. While there
are several hundred official sounding titles of this
rogue software (en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
List_of_rogue_security_software), they tend to
be somewhat similar in that they mostly popup a
window indicating that the computer is badly infected with a large number of viruses and Trojans,
or that there is pornography stored on the hard
The appearance and name of the pseudo secu-
rity software may be very similar to a legitimate
product, even illicitly using the logo and trademarks of legitimate security software. Almost all
have a "click here" button to remove the allegedly
detected malware or pornography, and then open
another window that requires that the user enter a
credit card number in order to activate the rogue
software and remove the listed malware. This is
all a scam, and there have been media reports
that the software to write these illicit programs are
"licensed" similar to a multi-level marketed product, with the proceeds divided up among the levels of the criminal bureaucracy. One recent published report told of a 14 year old Russian boy
who makes over $100,000 a month from this activity. A report listed in Wikipedia says, "An investigation by security researchers into the Antivirus
XP 2008 rogue security software found just such
an affiliate network, in which members were
grossing commissions upwards of $150,000 over
10 days, from tens of thousands of successful installations." As an added insult, if the victim does
provide his credit card information to the scammer
to pay for this useless product (often $30 to $50),
not just will the alleged infections not be removed,
but now his credit card information may be posted
for sale or rent on other criminal websites. Sadly,
this may only be the beginning of the problems
that the user will likely encounter unless the rogue
software is totally annihilated, as the rogue antivirus may also install keyloggers (records key
strokes to steal user names, passwords, account
numbers), zombies (turns the computer into a
spam sending machine under the control of a
"bot" master), and other types of malware.
The instant the computer is infected, often from
clicking on an email link, link on a major search
engine, opening up a compromised PDF file, or
other vector, the initial takeover of the victim computer has been accomplished. One of my faculty
members, whose computer was protected by an
up-to-date major security product, was searching
for images using Google to incorporate in a
PowerPoint presentation, and clicked on a listed
image; rather than the image opening, he instantly
infected his computer. A window opened with a
knock-off name similar to another major security
product, informing him that his computer had over
300 viruses and Trojans infecting it, and that they
had to be removed immediately. Every time he
tried to close the pop-up window telling him that
his computer was infected, it re-opened.
Continued on Page 7
JULY 2011
Continued from page 6 Rogue Anti-Virus
An icon appeared in the toolbar adjacent to his
clock that had a balloon that said that his computer was infected. He rebooted his computer,
and at boot it warned that it was infected, and
would not run any programs after the boot, only
displaying the warning window. He was unable to
connect to any website using either Internet Explorer or Firefox, and a secondary security program installed on his computer would not execute
when he clicked on its icon. His computer had
been effectively disabled except that clicking on
the rogue antivirus window opened another window where he could enter his credit card information that would immediately activate the program,
removing all of the infections. From up the hall I
heard a terse, "Ira can you come here? My computer says that it has a virus!"
On the flash drive always attached to my car
keychain I carry several anti-malware products,
knowing that I will likely be called on to clean an
infected computer. I try to keep these updated,
frequently downloading updated files. The three
programs on my USB flash drive that I use most
often to clean computers infected with a rogue
antivirus or other malware are the portable version of SuperAntispyware, MalwareBytes, and the
Emsisoft Emergency Kit.
The first program that I use to clean an infected
computer is the portable version (free) of SuperAntispyware (superantispyware.com). This program is continuously updated throughout the day,
and is usually fairly up to date when downloaded.
I download the portable version to my USB flash
drive (or to the computer's hard drive and then
copy it to the flash drive). The filename will typically begin with "SAS" followed by a numerical
segment, and then a ".com", and is run directly
from the flash drive without any installation. The
reason for the random ―SASxxxxxx.com‖ filename
is that it would be difficult for malware to specifically block its execution, and being a ".com"
rather than a ".exe" makes it easier to load without interference. To use the SuperAntispyware
portable version, I reboot the computer into "Safe
Mode" by pressing the F8 key every few seconds, tapping F8 immediately after restarting the
computer. When given the choice, I prefer "Safe
Mode with Networking", although just "Safe Mode"
would be adequate; do not select "Safe Mode with
Command Prompt". Boot into Safe Mode (do not
choose to restore the computer if offered the
choice), insert the flash drive, and run
"SASxxxxx.com" (xxxxx are the random numbers
in the file name). SuperAntispyware will load and
offer the user the choice to update the SuperAntispyware signature files (usually OK if Safe
Mode with Networking was selected), perform a
quick scan, or perform a full scan. A quick scan
will search for the most likely infections in the
most common locations, and may only take a few
minutes; a full scan may take much longer, sometimes over an hour, but is much more comprehensive and thorough. I quarantine or remove whatever it finds, sometimes requiring a reboot in order to complete the cleaning process. SuperAntispyware has proven to be an effective and reliable
utility to remove the rogue antivirus, and for most
users is totally adequate to clean a computer of
the malware. I recommend to the user that he
download and install the free standard version of
SuperAntispyware on his computer, and periodically rescan his computer to verify its lack of malware. To users of the free version, SuperAntispyware often offers a very reasonably priced deal for
a "lifetime" upgrade to the Pro version, which offers real time protection and frequent automatic
updates, and works in addition to whatever security software that is already installed on the computer. This added layer of security, on top of the
other security software, provides substantial additional protection from future malware infections.
I like redundancy, just to make darn sure that
the computer is clean and free of malware, so I
use a second utility to verify that the computer is
safe to use. On my flash drive I have the installer
for the free version of MalwareBytes
(malwarebytes.org), which I use to install Malwarebytes on the computer; I choose to do this
even if Malwarebytes is already installed on the
computer, as some rogue antivirus explicitly targets the Malwarebytes files, rendering them inert.
This installation can be done either in Safe Mode
(with networking), or on a normally booted computer. After the install, Malwarebytes will ask to
update its database (yes!) before doing its scan.
Clicking on the "Scanner" tab will offer the user
the choice of a quick scan or a full scan; as with
other products the quick scan may only take a few
minutes, while the full scan will take much longer,
but is more capable of detecting deeply hidden
It is extremely rare that the dynamic duo of SuperAntispyware
Continued on page 8
JULY 2011
Continued from page 7 Rogue Anti-Virus
and Malwarebytes does not perform a 100%
cleanup of the malware that was on the computer,
as they are both individually extremely effective
and reliable at detecting and killing malware. For
those almost unheard times that something undesirable may still inhabit the computer, I use a third
program that I have installed on my flash drive,
Emsisoft Emergency Kit (www.emsisoft.com/en/
software/eek/). This program is large and extremely powerful, and is run from the flash drive
on which it has been installed. The malware database used by Emsisoft is one of the largest in the
industry (over 5 million digital signatures) which is
very frequently updated, and due to its size, may
take several minutes just to perform the update.
Emsisoft Emergency Kit may be run from the flash
drive in Safe Mode with Networking, or from a
fully booted computer; I prefer the Safe Mode with
Networking, but always attempt an update before
scanning. Since the file on the flash drive is an
exe file with a known name, some malware products may block its execution. This is precisely why
I tend to use the portable version of SuperAntispyware first to clear the path, which may then enable the Emsisoft Emergency Kit to run. Due to
the massive database which it uses, which makes
it one of the most capable anti-malware products
on the market, Emsisoft Emergency Kit is also
among the slowest taking the longest to scan, as
it very thoroughly detects and cleans even tiny
fragments of malware from the infected computer.
Because it is so sensitive, this software may also
detect some "false positives", which is legitimate
software that has been detected as malware; for
this reason, I explicitly choose to quarantine whatever it detects, rather than delete it. If I later find
that an item is in quarantine in error, it is a simple
process to restore that item.
Since many of the rogue antivirus products kill
the legitimate security software that was originally
installed on the computer, it will likely be necessary to install or reinstall a comprehensive security suite after the computer had been cleaned of
It would be a good idea to install these three
malware scanners to a flash drive, and keep them
up to date, as you may likely need them in the future when least expected. To quote an old proverb, "It is better to have it and not need it, then to
need it and not have it."
Family Tree Maker 2011 (Part 4)
Review by Mary Phillips
Tab 4 Source — Documenting our sources —
recording where we get our facts about our families is one of the most important parts of our research because it proves to others which records
our facts are based upon. If the documentation is
detailed and correct, others will be able to follow
our steps.
Each time information is added to your tree, a
source and a source citation should be created.
Example: In the Media section for J D Weaver, I
have a scanned image of a lace shirt collar belonging to my great grandfather in a scrapbook
created by a first cousin and in the possession of
her son. Now I need to document where I found it.
A source contains unchanging facts about an
item; for example, the author, title, and publication
information for a book. In this case, it‘s: J D
Weaver’s Lace Collar.
Source Citations are individual details that explain where a fact is found, such as the page
number of a book. In this case, Citation Detail is:
Vivian G DeGraffenreid Sheffer’s scrapbook in
the possession of James Talbert Sheffer, (and
includes his address, phone number, and
email address).
A third section is Citation text: The collar was in
the scrapbook in an envelope with the writing
"Letter from Grandpa Weaver" and "Grandpa
Weaver's Collar". Jasper Dasher Weaver was
Vivan's great grandfather. It was scanned 12
July 2004 by Mary Paula Jones Phillips.
Another example: Source — 1880 United States
Federal Census.
Citation text — James Jones household, Kaufman, Kaufman County, Texas. Page 27, Enumeration District 39.
The same Source can be used with different Citation Texts, for example — Addison Weaver
Continued on page 9
JULY 2011
Continued from page 8 FTM Sources
family, Kaufman, Kaufman County, Texas,
Page 27, Enumeration District 39.
Citation text if found through Ancestry.com
and merged with FTM: Ancestry.com and The
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, 1850
United States Federal Census (Provo, UT, USA,
Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2010),
www.ancestry.com, Database online. Year: 1880;
Census Place: Kaufman, Texas; Roll: 1315; Family History Film: 1255315; Page: 135C; Enumeration District: 39; Image.
The Source tab above has four panels: 1) The
Source Groups Panel can be sorted by Titles,
People, or Repositories from the drop down
menu. 2) The Source Citation Information Panel
includes the Source Title, Repository, Citation
text, and a Reference Note. 3) The Source Citation Panel shows what citations have been entered for a specific source; and 4) the tabs at the
bottom show the individuals linked to the source,
a notes tab, and a media tab.
Family Tree Maker lets you create sources in two
ways: 1) Using one of the 170 templates based on
Elizabeth Shown Mills‘ book Evidence Explained
(a preferred reference format for citing genealogy
sources) or 2) a basic format. The templates
make it relatively easy because you just have to
fill in the fields with the information.
Adding a source for a fact can be done on the
Family tab in the People Workspace. Do this:
1. In the right-side editing panel, click the
New source citation button next to the
fact to which you want to add a source.
Then choose
Add New Source Citation from the dropdown list.
2. The Add Source Citation window opens. Click
either ―Create a Source from a Template‖ or
―Create a Source Using the Basic Format.”
Sources and source citations can be created for
both Facts and Media. Sources can also be
added on the Person tab by:
1. Click on a fact in either the Fact view or the
Timeline view.
2. In the Information Pane, click Add a source
3. If the source already exists, click the drop–
down list and select the correct title,
OR if not click New and enter the source informa
tion, citation detail, and citation text.
A Repository stores a group of sources. The
most common repositories are libraries and courthouses or other buildings that house legal documents. Ancestry.com is a newer type of repository
that houses electronic documents. Knowing the
repository helps you to find the source more easily. Family Tree Maker makes it easy to record a
repository and link several sources to it.
I strongly suggest you click on Help on the Menu
bar and print out all the instructions for Source.
The Companion Guide that is installed in PDF format with the program has some graphics.
The following websites have helpful information
about creating source citations.
JULY 2011
Your Mobile Phone is Watching You
(Contributed with permission)
Dick Eastman
This article has nothing to do
with genealogy. However, a
newsletter reader sent a message today asking a question about technology,
and I thought others might be interested in the answer:
“Have you heard of some type of computerized
system or tool that works with a cell phone? A
friend told me that when she received a cell
phone call, the caller claimed that he could use
this complimentary tool to tell her exact location.
She lives on a farm down South. Her caller friend
claimed that he could tell exactly where she was
standing on the farm, while her friend was on a
cell to cell call with her. Have you ever heard anything like this?”
Most cell phones today include GPS (Global Positioning System) hardware although there are a
few exceptions. If your cell phone does include
the GPS hardware, the cell phone company can
determine the location of that cell phone, often
within ten feet or so. If you have one of the cell
phones without GPS hardware, the cell phone
company can still determine which cell phone towers are within range of your location. If three or
more cell towers are picking up your signals at the
same time, the cell phone company can use
"triangulation" to determine your location, plus or
minus a mile or so, and sometimes even more
All cell phone companies share this information
with law enforcement agencies on request.
The law enforcement agencies and cell phone
companies are the only ones who can legally see
the information without the customer's permission.
Of course, it is always possible that some dishonest person bribed a police officer or a cell phone
company employee to gain access to the information. Likewise, a dishonest police or cell phone
company employee might use the information for
illegal purposes.
Police departments use this information frequently
to solve crimes, to find kidnappers, to find stolen
cars (once they find the thief's cell phone number), and to find Alzheimer's victims who have
wandered off (assuming the Alzheimer's victim
So, yes, it is possible for your cell phone company
or a law enforcement agency to determine where
you are, sometimes plus or minus a very few feet.
Next, there is VOLUNTARY sharing of that information.
For instance, my
daughter and I
share permis
sion to see each
other's location
at all times. I can
see where she is
at any time, plus
or minus about
ten feet or so,
and she can see
my location as
well. That as
sumes that we
have our cell
phones with us.
Of course, I don't keep many secrets from my
We use Google Latitude to share our locations.
You can see a typical screen shot from Google
Latitude to the left. You can learn more about
Google Latitude at http://www.google.com/latitude
Google Latitude is one such service, but there are
One service that I love is Apple's "Find Your
iPhone or iPad." If the iPhone or GPS-equipped
iPad is ever lost or stolen, you can determine its
exact location. The service does require configuration of the iPhone or iPad BEFORE it is lost or
stolen, however. More information can be found at
If you don't want your cell phone to tattle about
your movements, turn it off!
Definition for Word of the Month
To obtain a fresh copy of information that is already in the computer; an example is reloading a
web page that may have changed recently rather
than viewing a copy stored in a Cache on your
―The difficult we do immediately,
the impossible takes a little longer.‖
U.S. Army slogan
JULY 2011
Before we knew what he
looked like we knew him by the
sound of his call. We knew it was
a cat and we thought that perhaps he was calling for a friend. It
was unmistakably loud and clear.
He was my alarm clock waking me up at sunrise.
Months passed by before we saw him. He
was black. Getting a photo-op was almost impossible, but we did manage to capture his image. He
also had a set of ears like no other cat we‘d
known. His ears were permanently sticking out
like a set of horns. We observed him having lunch
with the other feral felines in the backyard. He
usually waited until they finished eating before he
helped himself to the leftovers. And he was the
That all changed a couple of weeks ago when
he went to the backyard fountain to get a drink. I
saw that big, bright-red, vertical gash, extending
from the top to the bottom of his left cheek. He
was injured and still unapproachable. It took a few
more days to coax him to enter the studio. The
door was open and he followed the smell of food
and walked in. Kalem was quick to close the studio door behind him. It took another day to coax
him out from under the couch. In the end the tuna
won. Kalem tempted him with a little tuna on a
small plate placed deep inside the cat-carrier. Flat
-ears went in and the door closed behind him. Flat
-ears was not amused, but he was also hurting
from the gash on the side of his face and that
made handling easier. We called our veterinarian
and told her that we had a feral feline that was injured. They would need gloves.
We had a few hours before he had his appointment with the doctor. I‘ve rescued many felines but never one with ears in a permanent horizontal position. Thanks to Google, information can
be quickly accessed. I started with ―cats‖, went to
―breeds of cats‖ and finally to ―rare breeds‖. And
there he was and he had a name. He was a Scottish Fold. I had never heard of a Scottish Fold before and neither did my vet when I told her.
Helping an injured animal is never easy and
never cheap. But it is usually interesting. The
medical staff at the Sunshine Clinic was ready
with gloved hands. Flat-Ears was not accommo-
dating. He briefly complied to holding still. While
we were trying to figure out what had to be done
and how he came to be injured in this way, FlatEars had had enough of all that poking and got off
the examination table. He roamed the vet‘s office
for awhile while we figured out what the next step
was going to be. Kalem has a way with animals.
Speaking softly and moving gently he picked up
the surprised feline and placed him in the carrier.
He locked the door and placed the towel over the
whole thing. Silence ruled supreme.
With Flat-Ears secured in the carrier we
agreed on all the essential procedures. He would
have to be anesthetized. There was no guarantee
that the animal would survive the procedure but
the bill would have to be paid just the same. Without medical care, survival was nil. I put aside all
negative thoughts, left the cat in the vet‘s capable
hands and Kalem and I went home to wait for a
call to come get him. I returned to my computer
and googled some more.
The Scottish Fold, I found out, is a relatively
new breed of cats. While other cats wear their
ears in a vertical position the Scottish Fold has
the ears permanently in a horizontal position.
Black Scottish Folds have golden eyes -- round
eyes to be exact. The unusual position of the ears
only occurs if male and female are of the same
breed. There is no half-breed Scottish Fold. Their
disposition is more like a dog. They form close
relationships with their owners and they do carry
on conversations. I can vouch for that.
Google certainly provided me with all the information I needed in order to help this injured
animal. I have always rescued whatever came my
way. If it was alive and breathing and needed help
I was there. Information needed to succeed in the
rescue attempt came from the library and from
others who were in the habit of offering a helping
hand. But most of that was a little like flying solo.
Now, with the computer there is all that marvelous
information readily available at my fingertips. I
may not always agree with my computer but I
don‘t mind thanking the good Lord for Google.
Waiting for a phone call has got to be the
slowest measure of time, but the vet finally called.
Flat-ears was going to be fine. I made arrangements for his homecoming. I had a large kennel
carrier ready and waiting for him in the studio. All
the studio cats would be dining in the green house
Continued on page 12
JULY 2011
Continued from page 11
Flat Ears
We brought flat-ears home and I placed him
in the kennel carrier. That didn‘t work out so well.
I don‘t know how he did it but in a few minutes he
had managed to disengage all locking mechanisms. He now was Lord of the Studio and he remained out of sight for several hours. By nightfall
a tiny tidbit of tuna persuaded him to come out
from under the couch. Now it was a matter of
medicating three times a day and making sure
that all the systems are GO.
It will take weeks before a full recovery can be
accomplished, not to mention changing the ways
of a feline wanderer to that of being a member of
the household. It will take lots of patience and lots
of love. But then, love is what we‘re all about. We
give love to each other; sometimes the other we
give to is human and sometimes its just one of
God‘s creatures. Love, I understand, is a means
of regaining paradise, of regaining Eden on the
planet, one little bit of loving at a time.
The Fourth of July 2011
Mary Stewart
On this day in 1776, the Declaration of Independence was approved by the Continental Congress, setting the 13 colonies on
the road to freedom as a sovereign nation. As always, this most American of holidays will be
marked by parades, fireworks and backyard barbecues across the country.
2.5 million
In July 1776, the estimated number of people living in the newly independent nation.
Source: Historical Statistics of the United States:
Colonial Times to 1970 <http://www.census.gov/
311.7 million
The nation's estimated population on this July
Source: Population clock <http://www.census.gov/
Thirty-one places have “liberty” in their names.
The most populous one as of April 1, 2010, is Liberty, Mo. (29,149) Iowa, with four, has more of
these places than any other state: Libertyville,
New Liberty, North Liberty and West Liberty.
Thirty-five places have “eagle” in their names.
The most populous one is Eagle Pass, Texas
I apologize to anyone who was misdirected to the
wrong meeting location due to an error in the
newsletter. Hopefully, that won‘t happen again
but it is always a good idea to double check the
Also, if you have not been attending Mick Topping‘s class at the Library Center, you are missing out on a very valuable resource. You get oneon- one help plus Mick‘s valuable information that
he shares. Attendance has been low lately and if
we do not take advantage of his expertise, I am
afraid we will lose this valuable resource. Please
plan to attend on Tuesday, July 25, and in the following months. Check newsletter for dates.
Eleven places have “independence” in their
names. The most populous one is Independence,
Mo. (116,830).
Nine places have “freedom” in their names. The
most populous one is New Freedom, Pa. (4,464).
One place with “patriot” in the name. Patriot, Ind.
Five places have “America” in their names. The
most populous is American Fork, Utah (26,263).
Source: American FactFinder <www.census.gov>
JULY 2011
Converting Documents
to PDF
Wayne Comstock
South Walton Computer &
Technology Club (SWCTC), FL
One technique I frequently use to save an online
article or publication is to convert and save it as a
PDF file. Once converted, Adobe Reader software
then becomes an excellent way to open, view and
read any converted document off of your computer screen. PDF documents can also be easily
emailed to others as an attachment.
allows any software with print functionality to
output files to PrimoPDF for quick and easy PDF
To convert a document to PDF:
1. Open a document in any printable program
(e.g. Microsoft Word, Works etc.), and select
File >Print.
2. In the printer dialog, select PrimoPDF from
the dropdown menu and click OK to complete
the print, and launch the PrimoPDF interface.
3. Select one of the Creation Profiles for the
document Quality you need to achieve. A detailed explanation can be found in the PDF
Creation profiles section of this guide. Point
your cursor at each button to define.
You can convert to PDF from any file you can
print, including Microsoft Word, Works, Excel,
PowerPoint and digital pictures. Rather than being
printed ink to paper the file becomes a PDF file. If
the document is already a paged PDF file you can
convert the file to just the pages you select and
select your PrimoPDF printer to convert.
You will need PDF conversion software to accomplish this. I recommend the Free PrimoPDF program. It's free, easily installed and available at:
1. Browse Primo web site and download one of
the two installers available for 32 and 64-bit
versions of Windows. Ensure that the version
you download corresponds to your operatingsystem.
2. When prompted, select a download location
which you can find easily, such as your
‗Desktop‘ or ‗My Documents‘ folder, and click
3. When the download is complete, double-click
the file named FreewarePrimoPDFXX.exe
(XX being a 2-digit number) which would have
appeared in the location you selected in the
previous step.
4. Follow the simple instructions to complete the
installation. A system-restart is NOT required.
PrimoPDF installs itself as a virtual printer in the
Windows Printers and Faxes device group. This
4. Select the Save As dropdown menu to set a
name and location for the created PD.
Ask when creating PDF – Allows you to re
name the PDF and select a save-location.
Specific Folder – Allows you to select a savelocation while using the name of the docu
ment which is being converted. This option
returns you to the PrimoPDF interface should
you wish to change other settings for the
same conversion,
5. Click the Create PDF button to convert your
6. Alternatively, if you wish to save the PDF un
der a different name of directory, just click
Cancel and you will be returned to the Save
As dialog.
There are many more options and features available. (Appending a PDF)
Go to the web site below and download the PDF
PDF Primo detailed User Guide.
JULY 2011
For help, you can also log onto ICON‘s Forum at www.iconusersgroup.org and post your
questions. Free registration is required in order to post questions and then you need to wait a day
or so for an email confirmation to complete the registration. However, while you‘re there, click on
Search and enter the topic about which you‘d like information and see if someone has already
started a ‗thread‘ — a series of question and responses. All questions and responses can be
read without having to register.
Basic computer classes are taught at St
John‘s Whiteside Clinic lab by ICON members
Mary Phillips and Art Irish with ICON helpers
for five sessions each month plus three sessions on Internet & email. Sign up by calling
St John‘s Seniors 841-0333. Need a refresher
course or want to be a helper, now‘s your
chance. We guarantee you‘ll learn something
you didn‘t know!
Please Notify us of Change of Address. Each time the
newsletter goes to the WRONG ADDRESS, the Post
Office charges ICON a fee to notify ICON of a change
of address. So when you move or go out of town,
e-mail: sarah@iconusersgroup.org