Sun., Jan. 10 6:00 PM Mon., Jan. 11 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 2:00 PM 6:20 PM Tues., Jan. 12 10:00 AM 6:30 PM Wed., Jan. 13 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 6:30 PM Thurs., Jan. 14 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 11:00 AM Sunday Evening Fellowship Group, FH Prep for WIC Mtg., FH Men’s Bible Study Group, Choir Room Ladies Mon. Afternoon Group, Judy Evan’s Home Ray Z’s Bible Study, Sanctuary WIC Luncheon, FH Tues. Evening Bible Study, FH Maris’ Ladies Bible Study, FH Grief Share Support, Admin Office “Creation & Prophecy” Study Group, FH Prayer, Sanctuary UMD Mtg, Choir Room Pastor’s Bible Study, FH Fri., Jan. 15 10:00 AM Choir Sat., Jan. 16 Sun., Jan. 17 8:00 AM 8:30 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM 6:00 PM Men’s Breakfast, FH Worship Fellowship Worship Mark Trammell Quartet Concert UPCOMING CONCERTS Wednesday, January 27, at 7:00 PM - The Hyssongs Dinner precedes the concert at 6:00 PM, with advanced prepaid tickets. Sunday, February 14 at 6:00 PM - The Whisnants Sunday, February 21 at 6:00 PM - The Taylors MARK TRAMMELL QUARTET IN CONCERT GREAT OUTDOORS COMMUNITY CHURCH SUNDAY, JANUARY 17 @ 6:00 PM An Interdenominational Christian Church “Connecting people to God and to one another.” THE DAY OF OUR LORD January 10, 2016 ORDER OF SERVICE Choral Call to Worship Welcome and Announcements *Scripture and Invocation: “Shout for joy to the LORD, all the earth. Worship the LORD with gladness; come before him with joyful songs.” Psalm 100:1,2 *Hymn #210 “My Jesus, I Love Thee” Pastoral Prayer and the Lord’s Prayer Responsive Reading: Old Roman Creed We welcome each of you today. We have come as the family of God to worship the Lord through Praise, Prayer and the Scriptures. Please join us after the service for a time of fellowship and refreshments in the Fellowship Hall. Please fill out the visitor card located in the pew rack and place in the offering basket. *Hymn #550 “I’d Rather Have Jesus” Offering Offertory: Fields Young, “Surely the Presence” *Doxology Choir: “Jesus Be the Center” Sermon: “God Has Made Me Forget All My Troubles” Genesis 41:50-51 (page 64 in pew Bible) Dr. David W. Price Communion *“Family of God” *Benediction NEWS & EVENTS CHURCH SERVICE 9:30 AM FELLOWSHIP TIME AFTER THE SERVICE FLOWERS TODAY ARE GIVEN BY Nicky Lemon in memory of Leon Lemon. W.I.C. –Happy New Year luncheon January 12 at 10 AM. Please bring 1 food item. All ladies are invited to this event & bring a friend. Tickets are $10.00 each and will be available during Fellowship Hour TODAY. MEN’S BREAKFAST—Saturday, January 16, 8:00 AM. Speaker: Brevard County Sheriff Wayne Ivey. Tickets are $8.00 each are available during Fellowship Hour Sunday, January 3 & 10. Contact Bill Miller at 321-474-0785. MONDAY AFTERNOON GROUP “How to Hear From God” by Joyce Meyer meets each Monday @ 2:00PM in the home of Judy Evans. Sarah Adams is the leader. If you have questions please contact Sarah 317-513-8789. WHAT IS A CONNECTION GROUP? What is the purpose and goal of such a Group? How does one conduct a Connection Group? Starting Sunday January 17 for 3 consecutive 1 1/2 hour sessions (Jan. 24 & 31st too), J.B. Kump will conduct a Connection Group Course that will answer these and many other questions about these home-based, vision fulfilling groups. The class will meet at the home of Dave & Bonnie Murton, 526 Fairways. If you are interested , give J.B. a call at the Church Office (321-383-0303), or send him and email: MARIS’ WEDNESDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY has begun an 8 week study of selected chapters in Psalm. Please join us Wednesday mornings at 10:00 am in the Fellowship Hall. OUTREACH MINISTRY COMMITTEE will meet on Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 2:00 pm in the Choir Room. PRAYER REQUESTS Bieberich, Jeanine Cheseldine, Bert Herrity, Alex Peel, Pat Persinger, Carole Roberts, Annette Scott, Charlie Tracy, Bob Tracy, Peg Wagner, Dee PRAYERS FOR FAMILY MEMBERS IN WAR ZONES Sgt. Wayne Smith V Grandson of Art & Anna Upshaw NOTE: Email Beverly Baker at or call her at (321) 264-7235 for any additions or changes. WORSHIP TEAM Dr. David W. Price—Lead Pastor W.I.C. WEDNESDAY MORNING Bible Study books available $10, “Amen” by Max Lucado. Bible study begins Feb. 3 @ 9:15 Dave Murton—Minister of Visitation NEW 2016 CHURCH DIRECTORY 2nd photo session has been scheduled for January 12-15. Today is the last day to sign up. J.B. Kump—Minister, Small Groups, Retreats, Visitation ANNUAL CHURCH MEETING will be held on Sunday Evening January 24, 2016 at 4:00 PM. Please mark your calendars. THROUGH EYES OF CHILDREN” - We’re up to 264 pairs of glasses here at GOCC. Keep ‘em coming! Thanks JANUARY MESSENGERS and DAILY BREADS are available in the Narthex GENERAL OFFERING - Jan. 3, 2016 $11,875 Patricia Hopper—Director of Music Lector—Marilyn Herbers Phone: (321) 383-0303 Email: Website: