Kathleen Haiden - Memorial Medical Center


Kathleen Haiden - Memorial Medical Center
Your source for MMC News & Views magazine
Special Edition
Annual Report
Kathleen Haiden
shares her robot-assisted surgery story
New ENT Provider
Coming to Ashland Pages 7
Inside the Northwest
Wisconsin Cancer Center Pages 8-9
Caring for Our Community
Page 11
Issue 10 Spring 2016
Investing in Our
Thank you for taking the time to read this special issue of HealthWise, which
includes our annual report. In it, you will find a number of updates and stories
about recent additions to MMC, all of which signify some major investments
we’re making to take care of our community.
In May, we opened the Northwest Wisconsin Cancer Center of Memorial Medical Center, in collaboration with
Essentia Health. This center signals a strong partnership and investment in providing more comprehensive
treatment options for our friends and neighbors, right here in the place we love. We couldn’t be more proud of
everyone who worked so hard to make this vision of enhanced cancer care in our community a reality.
Another investment I’m excited about is the addition of an Ear Nose and Throat Clinic at MMC. Dr. Terrence
Tuominen joined our medical staff in May and will be splitting his time in Ashland and Hayward. This is a muchneeded service in the Chequamegon Bay area.
Last fall, we decided to invest in the da Vinci robot. In this issue of HealthWise, our first patient shares her story
about what this robot-assisted surgery meant for her both in recovery time and pain. To date, we’ve completed
over a dozen of these surgeries, which allow families to stay closer to home while still receiving the best medical
treatment possible.
These investments are built upon our core commitment to improve the health and wellness for our community.
It is something we’re continuously evaluating and I look forward to sharing information about some additional
investments in the coming months.
As always, if you have any questions, comments or concerns about MMC, please send them
my way by emailing healthwise@ashlandmmc.com. I’d love to hear from you.
Jason Douglas
Chief Executive Officer
Memorial Medical Center
1615 Maple Lane
Ashland, WI 54806
2 Cover Photo: Hannah Stonehouse Hudson
Our Mission
Improve the health
and wellness of the
people of our south shore
region of Lake Superior.
Our Vision
To be vital partners in healthy lives.
da Vinci
“I thought it was a bug,” Washburn resident and
Bayfield County Jail Administrator Kathleen Haiden
says of some stomach issues she had in the
Fall of 2015.
Kathleen Haiden
But, she quickly discovered, after ending up in the
had just purchased the da Vinci Xi. The da Vinci
Emergency Room at Memorial Medical Center, that
Xi allows a surgeon to work through tiny surgical
the bug was actually her gallbladder that needed to
openings. By avoiding the large incisions of traditional
be removed.
open surgery, this robot-assisted surgery, which is
minimally invasive, helps avoid complications and
“I’ve only had one other surgery in my life. It was
speeds up your recovery. For many patients, Robot-
definitely something I was not looking forward to,”
Assisted surgery means: smaller incisions, less pain,
she explains. As she met with her surgeon, Dr. Fall,
limited chance of infection, less blood loss and faster
she learned that a new option at MMC could expedite
recovery time.
continued on next page >
recovery time and be less invasive. The hospital
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continued from page 3
“Dr. Fall explained how using da Vinci would help with
Haiden spent one night at MMC before being
recovery time.” She goes on to say, “he also talked about
discharged the next morning. “It was a short, but great
less scarring and bleeding. But, it was the faster and
stay. The nursing staff were all caring and tentative. You
easier recovery time I was most intrigued about.”
could just tell the overall attitude of the entire staff was
In November, Haiden became the first patient to have
Robot-Assisted surgery at MMC. Within hours, she was
Looking ahead, Haiden is happy to be back working the
moving around. “I had zero pain. I didn’t even want
job she loves and spending time with her 7 beautiful
Tylenol, that’s how little it hurt. Within three hours, I was
grandkids. While she hopes to never have surgery again,
up and walking around.”
she says she’s happy to know the surgery services of
MMC are available close to home.
“The da Vinci provides better visualization of the
anatomy that I am dissecting, which allows me to better
“If I had something on the horizon, I wouldn’t hesitate
control the bleeding,” Dr. Fall says. “In terms of the
to come back. The staff deals with you on a personal
incision, the ports that are inserted in the abdominal
level. They get to know who you are as a person. There
wall are less than a centimeter in size and are so precise
is so much more the surgeon can do with this tool as
in their maneuvering that it exceeds what a surgeon can
well. It is pretty amazing.”
do with his hands or through traditional laparoscopic
surgery. This allows patients to recover quicker.”
Earlier this year, MMC hosted a
reception to welcoming more than
two-dozen providers to the region.
We are fortunate to have so
many quality providers,
... Right here
in the place
we love.
Here are just a few of the providers new to the region.
Pictured Back Row:
Amy Jacobson, AuD – Ashland Audiology
Aistis Tumas, MD – St. Luke’s Chequamegon Clinic
Barry Sewall, MD – Essentia Health – Duluth Clinic
Erika Bullert, PA-C – Essentia Health – Ashland Clinic
Jacqueline Redmer, MD – NorthLakes Clinic
Front Row:
Mark Lim, MD – NorthLakes Clinic
Kristine Matson, MD – NorthLakes Clinic
Dedra Davis-Wallace, DDS – Bad River Health and Wellness
Anna Ellason, DPNP – NorthLakes Clinic
Haley Stellmacher, CNP – Essentia Health – Ashland Clinic
ashlandmmc.com 1615 Maple Lane Ashland, WI 54806 x 715-685-5500
Hello da Vinci Xi
Robot-Assisted Surgery is Here
The da Vinci Xi
• The da Vinci Xi is a robotic surgical tool that is operated by a surgeon.
• The surgeon controls tiny instruments attached to the robot to perform
complex minimally invasive surgeries.
• Memorial Medical Center is the only Wisconsin Critical Access Hospital with
the latest, most advanced da Vinci robotic surgery system—the da Vinci Xi.
• The next-closest facility with the da Vinci Xi is in the Twin Cities.
Minimally Invasive Surgery
• Minimally invasive surgeries allow surgeons to operate through tiny incisions.
Benefits for Surgeons
• The da Vinci Xi has a three-dimensional, high definition vision system that
gives the surgeon a close up view of the area he or she is operating on.
• The surgeon uses special instruments and computer software to operate with
greater precision, dexterity and control.
The Surgical Team
• A highly skilled surgical team works with
the surgeon as he or she uses the da Vinci.
• Having technology like the da Vinci means
the surgical team at Memorial Medical
Center can perform more complex
minimally invasive procedures.
Benefits for Patients
• Smaller incisions
• Minimal scarring
• Shorter hospital stays
• Faster recoveries
da Vinci Option for Patients
• Not all surgeries can be performed using a minimally invasive technique like
the da Vinci surgery.
• It is a good idea to talk with your doctor about minimally invasive options that
mean less time in the hospital, less scarring and getting back to work and life faster.
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Meet the Staff
With Dr. Herbert White
Dr. White
Behavioral Health Services
of Memorial Medical Center
Last fall, Dr. Herbert White joined the MMC family
as the newest psychiatrist at Behavioral Health
Services. He primarily works with our inpatient
Behavioral Health Services patients. Here, he offers
a little more information about himself and his role
in the healing process.
What brings you to Ashland?
to share any change in both your physical and mental
I’m here because I want to work with the Behavioral
health since your last appointment. The two really are
Health team. I’ve been practicing in Rhinelander and
acquired a great deal of respect for the Behavioral Health
addressing the Behavioral Health needs of this area so
What can a patient expect from you
during their first visit?
I’m excited to be a part of that process now.
I want people to tell me a story. A story of what brings
team in Ashland. They have a long history in Ashland
them to see me at that time in their life. And so, I
What are your areas of interest?
really begin with a conversation. By the end of the first
In general psychiatry, I have a somewhat focused interest
meeting, I hope to have some understanding of this
in mood disorders and various chemical addictions. A
person. And what’s happening in their life today so I can
close third would be psychotic disorders.
understand my role in helping them.
What information should patients
always have with them?
What should patients be asking you?
It is really important that patients always carry a list of
plan, how does this apply to them? In other words,
current medications. This includes not just psychiatric
I do have an expectation that the patient and I will
medications but all medications. In addition, be sure
become a team and to the best of their ability, they will
They should always ask me to the extent of my treatment
continued on next page >
ashlandmmc.com 1615 Maple Lane Ashland, WI 54806 x 715-685-5500
ENT Clinic
bring whatever understanding of what
they have about themselves and their
condition to the appointment so we can
work together.
of Memorial Medical Center
to Open in Ashland
What is one of the largest
misconceptions about your
I think that the thing that comes to mind
Dr. Terrence C. Tuominen has joined the MMC medical staff and will be
is Rodney King and the saying, can’t we
practicing full-time in northwest Wisconsin, splitting his time between
all get along. There is a lot of wisdom in
Ashland and Hayward.
that. What I mean by that, we all relate to
people that are important in our lives but
throat conditions for patients of all ages. Areas of focus include sinus
yet conflict develops or our understanding
surgery, septoplasty and rhinoplasty, tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, ear
of the world is different from them. Part
surgery, surgery for sleep apnea, treatments for dizziness and vertigo,
of my job is to try and help people with
swallowing difficulties and respiratory allergies.
their understanding and perception. In
other words, whether it is a problem in
since the retirement of Dr. Hamp left a void in the market. “Currently,
communication or understanding, people
ENT services are available on a very limited basis. By recruiting Dr.
with thought disorders have an awful
Touminen to the market full-time, we are providing our community an
lot going on in their mind that interferes
ENT clinic closer to home on a more convenient schedule. We couldn’t
with their thinking. People with mood
be more thrilled to add superior ENT care to our services.”
disorders have very unstable moods and
they misinterpret themselves and also
Minnesota-Duluth and the University of Minnesota Medical School. He
others in their environment. My job is to
completed his residencies in surgery and otolaryngology at the Medical
try and help sort that out.
College of Wisconsin. Previously, Dr. Tuominen worked for Health
Memorial Medical Center is pleased to announce the addition of
an Ear, Nose and Throat (ENT) clinic on its campus starting in mid-May.
Dr. Tuominen is qualified in the full spectrum of ear, nose and
MMC CEO Jason Douglas says he’s been actively recruiting an ENT
Dr. Terrence C. Tuominen is a graduate of the University of
Partners in Western Wisconsin. He also
Sometimes medicine plays a role in that.
worked at the Bell Memorial Medical
This is the first time you’ve heard me use
Center in Ishpeming, Michigan. He
the word medicine. We prescribe a lot of
is certified by the American Board of
medicines because it is helpful. We don’t
make incisions. We don’t use stitches. We
may prescribe medicine or we may talk
“ I am very happy to join
to people about the natural holistic ways
MMC and provide the most
of healing. So that’s another part of our
advanced, cutting edge ENT
job to understand our patients and what
services in Ashland and Hayward.
has been successful ways for them to
deal with life situations and how can we
build on that so that they use their own
Twitter: @ashlandmmc
I am very fortunate to be a
Dr. Tuominen
ENT Clinic of
Memorial Medical Center
physician working in such a
beautiful area, doing something
that I really love .”
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After five years of planning, the Northwest Wisconsin Cancer Center
(NWCC) opened its doors to patients in May.
The $12 million dollar facility is located on the east end
is the most advanced accelerator in the entire Northland.
of the Memorial Medical Center (MMC) campus and is a
Medical Physicist Brian Morabito joined the cancer center
collaboration between MMC and Essentia Health.
team in February and has been working to get the new
equipment ready to begin treating patients starting in June.
The NWCC will offer area cancer patients the ability to
receive many of the same services provided at larger,
Over the summer, he will work closely with visiting
regional cancer centers including radiation therapy.
radiation oncologists from Essentia’s cancer center
“Having the ability to offer radiation therapy here in our
in Duluth to provide radiation therapy to area cancer
community will make a world of difference to patients
patients. In August, Morabito will be joined by full-time
already going through such an ordeal as cancer,” says
radiation oncologist Dr. John Boyle, who comes to the
NWCC Manager Terri Kramolis.
cancer center from Duke University.
NWCC features a $4 million state-of-the-art Varian
“Radiation therapy is just one of the many services we
TrueBeam Linear Accelerator. The machine pinpoints the
will provide,” says MMC CEO Jason Douglas. “Our cancer
proper dose of radiation with remarkable accuracy, and
center also houses infusion therapy, medical oncology and
continued on next page >
ashlandmmc.com 1615 Maple Lane Ashland, WI 54806 x 715-685-5500
access to the latest in clinical cancer trials.
Our extensive research shows this is what our
A look inside the NWCC
patients want and need.”
While the new cancer center is very beautiful
and offers many modern technologies and
amenities, Kramolis and Douglas agree that it
is the people who provide the care to patients
that make the cancer center truly special. “We
have a team of professionals from MMC and
Essentia in roles ranging from chaplaincy to
oncologists” says Douglas. “Many of these
staff and caregivers are familiar faces to our
Oncologist Mihailo Lalich, MD, will continue to
care for patients at the cancer center as well
as Essentia’s Clinics in Hayward and Spooner.
Dr. Lalich’s colleagues, Peter Kebbekus, MD,
PhD, and Nurse Practitioner Hillary Lambert,
will also continue to travel from Duluth to care
for patients at the cancer center one day per
“The planning and construction of this facility
has truly been a team effort,” says Douglas.
“We owe a debt of gratitude to our employees
and patient and family council members who
lent their input and expertise to the project.
We could not have completed the project
without the tireless work of the employees of
Boldt Construction, Kahler Slater and many
local contractors, manufacturers and artists.
Their craftsmanship can be seen throughout
the facility,” adds Douglas. “And lastly, I want
to thank our volunteers who graciously
donated the beautiful artwork for the new
facility and to our employees and patients
who have been so supportive and patient
The Varian TrueBeam Linear Accelerator integrates imaging and radiation delivery,
allowing patients to receive efficient and accurate radiation treatment right here in
Ashland. Utilizing 3D technology, the accelerator provides unprecedented accuracy
quickly, which shortens the time patients need to lie on the table. This radiation
treatment is currently the most advanced treatment option in the region.
The Infusion Rooms feature oversized
windows that will overlook the healing
garden. The healing garden encourages
comfort and relaxation. Similar to other
spaces within the cancer center, the
rooms are extra-large to allow space for
family, friends or caretakers to remain
with a patient during treatment. The
infusion chairs offer heat and massage
options as well to help keep patient’s
An on-site CT Simulator and X-Ray room
allow patients to complete these tests
prior to treatment without having to travel
to the main part of the hospital.
The NWCC wants to support cancer
patients throughout their entire journey.
Space is provided where patients can
try on various hats and wigs. A resource
center will provide information and
community resources for cancer patients
and the community. On-site social
workers, chaplains, dietitians and others
will also be available to provide holistic
throughout the construction process.”
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2 0 1 5 A N N UAL RE P ORT
Facility operating and expense figures
October 1, 2014–September 30, 2015
Net Service Revenue........................................................................................................... $65,374,167
Other Operating Revenue.................................................................................................. $581,255
Total Operating Revenue................................................................................................... $65,955,422
Salaries & Benefits.............................................................................................................. $29,333,739
Supplies & Other.................................................................................................................. $22,018,443
Depreciation & Interest...................................................................................................... $3,215,507
Total Operating Expense.................................................................................................... $54,567,689
Operating Margin Available
for Reinvestment in Facility
Services and Community................................................................................................... 17.3%
Newborns.......................................................................................... 234............................. 231
Total Patient Days........................................................................... 6,839.......................... 6,824
including Behavioral Health Inpatient.................................. 1,958.......................... 2,164
Surgeries........................................................................................... 3,045.......................... 2,729
ER Visits............................................................................................. 12,560....................... 14,573
Radiology Procedures.................................................................... 17,431....................... 17,276
Serving Our Communities
Memorial Medical Center serves our region in many ways: as a health care provider, as
a major employer and as a community citizen. During 2015 we employed approximately
333 full time equivalent employees. We absorbed
costs in 2015, providing
An additional
$1,037,000 in free medical care
$69,000 in charity care and
$968,000 in bad debt.
$95,000 was donated in community grants, donations
and sponsorships.
ashlandmmc.com 1615 Maple Lane Ashland, WI 54806 x 715-685-5500
Caring for our
We take pride in giving back to our community. This goes far beyond financial support.
Often times, you’ll find our staff volunteering and participating in causes they care
about. Whether it is cheering on kids at Track and Field Day, handing out granola bars
to our friends and neighbors at Book Across the Bay, sharing health information, or just
participating in one of our great regional events, we love being an active part of our
community. Next time you see us out and about, be sure to say hello!
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Residential Customer
People caring
for people
Our commitment to you, your family and everyone who lives
here in this great region we call home is reflected in the places
you’ll find us. That deep commitment is also part of our new
look and tagline—and our promise to help you live healthy
Right here in the place we love.
Relay for Life—Memorial Medical Center is proud to
sponsor this all night walk to support families touched
by cancer and help raise much-need funds to save lives.
Above and beyond our sponsorship, many of our employees
participate in numerous ways each year, including walking
on teams and volunteering.
The Right People. Right Here.
Polar Plunge—Even our senior staff get involved in the
Douglas, CEO
and their talent—represent
the expertise
our entire
All of them
together for one reason:
CFO take
in the400-member
Polar Plungestaff.
to benefit
so that you and your family receive the highest quality care. Learn how important it is for you
is ready
to raise
to have
the right people
right here
in the
place to
at ashlandmmc.com.
awareness and funds for Alzheimer’s care, support and research.
Jocelyn Langholz
Allan Forness
Robyn Cicero