healthy sugar substitutes


healthy sugar substitutes
healthy sugar substitutes
from your core NUTRITION journal
Demerara, Sucanat, Xylitol, or any dry,
1 cup
and any molasses-rich
sugar, at-
tracts moisture, so baked goods stay moist longer. Note: the molasses flavor will change the
flavor of your recipe--usually
for the better. Also,
unrefined sugars and syrups will darken the color
of the flour.
Raw Honey, Dark or Light Agave Nec-
3/4 cup
tar, Barley Malt, Brown Rice Syrup
Reduce liquid by 1/4 cup.
11/4 cup
Reduce liquid by 6 1/4 TBSPs
(5 TBSPs per cup molasses).
3/4 cup
Reduce liquid by 3 TBSPs, or by about half.
Stevia Plus* or Stevia Powder**
*2 TBSPs or **1/3-1/2 tsp.
Rapadura, Muscovado, Maple Sugar,
1 1/4 cup
or any dry, unrefined sugar
1. Add 1/4 cup liquid.
2. Add 1/4 tsp. baking soda to neutralize the
acidity of the honey, if the recipe does not
already call for it.
Rapadura or any dry, unrefined sugar.
1 cup
Use a coffee grinder (clean or new). Grind until
sugar is a powder (no grittiness). Or pulverize
to a fine powder.
Maple Sugar, Maple Syrup, Rapadura,
Simple Syrup is usually made with white sug-
or Muscovado
ar. Make your own using 1/4 cup water to 1/2
cup Maple Sugar, Maple Syrup, Rapadura, or
Muscovado. Boil until bubbles form on sides
of pot (a soft boil).
With "Healthy Sugar
from a refined, white
over your ccokbook's
recipe. It also makes
Substitutes" you can take your favorite recipe and convert it
sugar product to a healthier one. Simply slip the elastic ribbon
cover and recipe page to read the conversions as you follow the
a great bookmark.
The sugars we recommend here are limited to those that still contain enough mineral
and vitamin nutrition to make them worthwhile as a food ingredient. Refined white
sugar has a stimulating, drug-like effect on the body while nutrients have a nutritional
effect. Now you can choose!
"Your Core Nutrition, Journal of Self-Health literacy" is an online publication of
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