Saflok: setting standards in the hospitality market The future


Saflok: setting standards in the hospitality market The future
No. 38, Edition 2/2008
page 4
page 16
A report from Detroit.
Access management at BNP Paribas in Geneva and Zurich.
Saflok: setting standards
in the hospitality market
Total Access for major
page 14
page 30
Kaba launches new RCID technology.
A visit to Elan Lam, COO Wah Yuet Group.
The future has arrived
“The new Security update
reflects the modern world
of Kaba.”
You’ve probably noticed that we’ve given our magazine a
makeover. Over the last few years Kaba has developed into
an international technology group, and today the company
enjoys a position at the very top of the security technology
business. This transformation is also increasingly reflected
in the way we present ourselves to the market. We are pleased
to provide you with an even more exciting and informative
picture of Kaba’s world in this edition of the magazine.
I am particularly excited about the article from Hong Kong:
Now the glitz and glamour of the Beijing Olympics is over, we
take a look behind the scenes. We paid a visit to Elan Lam,
Chief Operating Officer of our Chinese subsidiary Wah Yuet
Group, and on page 30 you can read about the day-to-day life
of a woman who manages around 4,000 people. Frank M.
Rinderknecht: a name that will already be familiar to many of
you. Rudolf Weber, CEO of Kaba Group, met up for a chat with
the inventor, visionary and lateral thinker. More on page 10.
Happy reading!
Jean-Luc Ferrazzini,
Chief Communications Officer
Jean-Luc Ferrazzini
Publisher Kaba Management+Consulting AG, Corporate Communications, 8153 Rümlang, Switzerland, Design Wirz Corporate AG, Zurich.
Publishing System Multimedia Solutions AG, Zurich. Editors Jean-Luc Ferrazzini (editor in chief), Volker Bachmann, Simone Fischer, Anita Giger, Sophie Knecht,
Werner Kühnlein, Carole Leubler, Jürg Nyffenegger, Joachim Schmidt, Daniela Schöchlin. Photography Klaus Andorfer (page 4–6, 10–13, 16–18, 30), Jonas Kuhn
(page 36). Reproduction is subject to permission from Kaba. Security update is published in spring and fall in English and German.
Kaba®, Com-ID®, Ilco®, La Gard®, LEGIC®, SAFLOK®, Silca®, etc. are registered trademarks, CardLinkTM, etc. are trademarks of the Kaba Group. Due to countryspecific constraints or marketing considerations, some of the Kaba Group products and systems may not be available in every market.
Saflok: setting standards in the hospitality market
Saflok systems control access to the tallest all-hotel skyscraper
in the western hemisphere.
p. 4
Creativity can be steered
Rudolf Weber, CEO of the Kaba Group, in conversation with
inventor and visionary Frank M. Rinderknecht.
p. 10
The future has arrived
Solution delivery for New Zealand Post
Moving mountains in Switzerland
Biometrics in the Arctic
Kaba launches a new technology which will make
our lives more convenient in a whole new way.
A new access system keeps things running smoothly
in around 300 post offices across the country.
Switzerland’s new Lötschberg Tunnel is one
of the most modern rail tunnels in the world –
and one of the safest.
Total Access for major bank
Kaba systems provide secure, reliable and user-friendly
access control for BNP Paribas in Geneva and Zurich.
p. 16
Proper security is essential even under Arctic
conditions. A report from Greenland.
Security and convenience for star architecture 28
In the “Centro Meridiana Le Torri” in Lecco, Italy, design
and function combine perfectly.
Close-up: Elan Lam
What is
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification)?
Security update 2/2008
Saflok: setting
in the hospitality market
At 73 stories, the Detroit Marriott is the tallest all-hotel
skyscraper in the western hemisphere. This luxury hotel
boasts 1,300 rooms and suites, as well as well-equipped
meeting rooms for business travelers and conference
participants. Saflok solutions control access to and within
the hotel complex.
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Over the past one year, Saflok systems have secured
approximately half a million reservations to the
1,300 rooms in the Marriott Renaissance Center.
“The new Saflok system is a real win-win.”
Jeff Coates, Multi Unit Director of Loss Prevention, Detroit Marriott
Security update 2/2008
he security requirements at a luxury hotel are
tral location.” This is particularly useful in the insurance
demanding, and even more so in an international
claim process. Above all, “our front desk can help in explaining
metropolis close to the national border. Some
why a guest room key failed to open a door. It would surprise
time ago, the management of the Detroit Marriott
you how many guests in a 1,300-room hotel use their key on the
decided to upgrade the electronic access system dating from
wrong door.”
1992 and to bring its security solution up to the latest technological standard. Jeff Coates, Multi Unit Director of Loss
Optimized energy management
Prevention, evaluated the market: “We were looking for the
Upgrading to the new Windows-based System 6000 began
newest version of electronic locks with automatic deadbolt.”
in 2005. The year after, Saflok switched the existing locks to
As well as providing a high level of security, the locks also
the MT lock. The newly installed systems – Messenger and
had to be easy to use for guests and staff. Central retrieval of
Windows-based System 6000 – are interfaced with a third party
access rights and lock data, multiple-keying plans, and all
called energy management company. If necessary, the tem-
the Windows-based system applications had to be part of the
perature can be set in the individual rooms on a centralized
package. Through his existing contacts with Saflok, a new
basis. When a guest checks out, the thermostat can be reset
wireless access system was brought to his attention. The sys-
automatically. And the temperature can be raised again just as
tem proposed by Saflok provided “features and functions
efficiently, ensuring a pleasant environment for new arrivals
that went beyond the current conventional electronic lock sys-
when they enter their room. This helps to reduce the hotel’s
tems,” says Coates.
operating costs and optimize energy use on a lasting basis.
Compelling advantages
A smooth transition
The solution in question was Saflok’s online Messenger system.
The project team’s expectations of the new access system
The Marriott team were able to gain a precise picture of what
have been more than met. As always when new equipment is
the system offered in another Marriott property, where it was
installed, the staff first had to get used to many additional
being beta tested. It was quickly recognized that the package
functions on offer. But feedback was very positive from the
was able to do significantly more than had been specified. All
onset, according to Coates. He was particularly impressed
lock data from staff keys can be retrieved centrally, and data
with the collaboration between the different teams: “From the
can be sent to the locks via staff smart keys. This makes time-
first sales contact, we had optimum support from our supplier
consuming manual checks unnecessary. Access rights to all
Saflok.” The design engineers were always available, and cus-
doors in the hotel are remotely controlled and can be changed
tomer satisfaction was checked from start to finish. The flow
very easily; all the necessary information is stored on a central
of information worked outstandingly. Coates has unqualified
server and can be reviewed by the system administrator at any
praise for the Saflok team: “From Sean Case, our sales man-
time. Another feature of the Messenger when combined with
ager, to Mark Pratt (field operations supervisor), Jeff Starkey
System 6000 is that key cards can be encoded to access mul-
(director of customer service), Curtis Gordon (product
tiple areas, if necessary: access to a range of areas can thus
engineer), Tony Trapp (product and repair supervisor) and
be provided on a single badge.
Ernie Mitchell (director of engineering), we had a great
team to implement the project with.” Guests, whose security
“From a risk management perspective the lock data we receive
needs are served by the changes, felt almost nothing of the
have been very helpful,” explains Coates. This “has stream-
upgrade work. “All our guests had to do was stop at the front
lined investigations as we can pull this information from a cen-
desk to pick up their new key,” concludes Coates.
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Interview with Jeff Coates
Detroit – music to many ears
The roaring engines and legendary car designs of Detroit
Jeff Coates, you are responsible for loss prevention at the Detroit Marriott. What has been your
experience of the new access system?
The new Saflok system is a real win-win. Our staff
of the car industry has also brought the world some great
music: big names of rhythm ’n’ blues, soul and pop, such as
the Supremes, Stevie Wonder and Marvin Gaye, were signed
up to the trend-setting Motown label. They inspired artists in
have a better overview and can work more effi-
the generations to follow and remain a popular draw for
ciently. We now know when a guest enters and exits
audiences. Sporting heroes of this great Michigan metropolis
a room. We can track a door ajar that did not close
are the Detroit Red Wings (ice hockey), the Pistons (basket-
properly and respond. We can track any master key
used throughout the building. And we have become
a lot more flexible in assigning access rights. They are
ball) and the Tigers (baseball).
But the biggest historical milestone originating in Detroit was
set by the work of Henry Ford in 1909. The Ford Model T was
easier and quicker to handle, especially in excep-
the first car to be produced on a conveyor belt. A revolution in
tional situations.
industrial history from which Detroit benefited for decades.
Do staff and guests share your satisfaction?
Absolutely. I don’t recall any adverse reaction, not
even during the transition period from the old to
the new system, beyond what is typical in a project
Since the 1990s, this birthplace of cross-Atlantic aviator
Charles Lindbergh has been on the up. A very visible sign of
this are the seven impressive high-rise buildings of the
Renaissance Center, or “RenCen” for short. This is the world
headquarters of General Motors Corporation (GM). The tallest
of this type. The installation crew was very profes-
tower in this development on the Detroit River, at 73 stories,
sional, so all our guests had to do was stop at the
is the Marriott.
front desk to pick up their new key.
What difficulties were encountered during the
implementation behind the scenes?
We had issues with our Ethernet infrastructure: this
required us to rework the wiring and install a parallel
Ethernet. Saflok was a great partner in this as well,
as they offered solutions in the process while it was
really our Ethernet network at the time that could
not handle the system.
fascinate fans all over the world. This great pioneering city
Security update 2/2008
“We jointly want to take advantage of the
global building boom.”
Eddy Rosenberg, General Manager Kaba Lodging Systems
More is being invested in lodging capac-
(173,000 guest rooms) are planned; the
Hoteliers around the world want to be
ity around the world than ever before.
equivalent numbers in the Asia-Pacific
able to improve their guests’ overall ex-
The Kaba Group is at the forefront with
region are 1,500 (367,000 rooms) and in
perience of their stay while controlling
acess solutions for the hotel industry.
Kaba Lodging Systems, with the product
North America 5,800 projects (780,000
costs. This includes ensuring that the
rooms). In the US and Canada, the growth
guests feel secure at all times. Kaba sys-
against last year is almost 10%.
tems provide this assurance without
brands Ilco and Saflok, is one of the
hampering movement with unnecessary
world’s leading providers of access sys-
The Kaba Group aims to make best use of
technical barriers. And proprietors appre-
tems for the hotel industry. Whilst Saflok
the positive trends in the lodging indus-
ciate the time-saving features. In an in-
focuses with great success on mid- and
try. Ilco and Saflok are continually devel-
dustry with high staff costs, these sys-
upscale hotels, Ilco enjoys a strong posi-
oping their systems – systems which are
tems help achieve significant cost savings
tion in the mid-tier and economy market.
already technological leaders – and bring-
while also maintaining the same level of
In the latter market, strong growth is ex-
ing new and sophisticated products to
convenience for guests.
pected for the industry, while at the
the market. For example, the recently
higher end the market is already boom-
launched 790 RFID lock (Ilco) and the
ing. At the end of the first quarter of this
Messenger ZigBee Prostack (Saflok). The
year, what may be a record number of
latter is an access control system which
construction projects was registered
enables wireless bidirectional communi-
globally. In Europe 1,000 new develop-
cation between all room locks of a hotel
ments or renovations of existing hotels
and a central server.
Access rights for the doors in the hotel are centrally controlled
and can be changed quickly and easily at any time.
The Detroit Marriott is fitted with MT locks
(multi-technology locking system).
Security update 2/2008
can be steered
Year after year, Rinspeed AG unveils its latest concept car
at the Geneva Motor Show. Whether transparent or as smooth
as a fish in water, the cars regularly blur the boundaries
between dream and reality. Rudolf Weber talks to Frank M.
Rinderknecht, visionary car designer and CEO of Rinspeed.
Security update 2/2008
“I can’t imagine a life without dreams
and visions.”
Frank M. Rinderknecht (FMR) Dreams
FMR When I ask people about their
RW In an industry like ours there defi-
are one of the most important things in
dreams, they usually spend ten seconds
nitely has to be a major visionary ele-
life. I can’t imagine a life without dreams
telling me about their dream, and then
ment. Obviously, we’re under even more
and visions – it wouldn’t be exciting.
another ten minutes explaining why it
pressure than you to deliver concrete re-
couldn’t possibly come true. I think that’s
sults. If you haven’t got ideas about how
Rudolf Weber (RW) On your Web site,
a great pity. I always try to turn the whole
the business might develop and you live
there is a quotation from Walt Disney: “If
thing around by encouraging people to
in the mistaken belief that the future will
you can dream it, you can do it.” Is that
describe their dream in detail for me. If
just be a logical continuation of the pres-
your motto in life?
they’re worried about risks and side ef-
ent, then you’re a poor entrepreneur.
fects, I refer them to a doctor or pharmaFMR I am guided by the motto “Live your
cist. Only joking.
dreams”. But the greatest joy for me is to
FMR A company’s culture of innovation
can be steered. You can support and
turn things into reality when everyone
Being able to realize dreams is a wonder-
nourish it, but you can also cramp it. Un-
says it’s impossible. I must have heard
ful thing. You can’t let yourself be con-
fortunately, innovation and vision are dif-
people say “That won’t work” a hundred
trolled by the buts. Of course, certain
ficult to get a solid grip on. They are ab-
times. And again and again I have enjoyed
steps have to be taken against possible
stract and can’t really be explained in a
proving that, actually, it will work – if you
risks, but you also need to be a bit daring.
PowerPoint presentation. Often gut feel-
want it to.
Often, people are just too lazy and com-
ing plays a part. I think it’s important for
fortable or don’t have the courage to face
a company that its employees are given
RW We Swiss are not known for being big
possible setbacks. I’m sure that’s not the
sufficient emotional freedom.
risk takers…
case at Kaba, is it?
Rudolf Weber, CEO Kaba Group
Security update 2/2008
RW Management behavior is also key to a
company’s culture of innovation. In general, if people can’t give expression to
their ideas and dreams in their job, they
eventually resign themselves to this and
become unproductive. They feel caught
up in a structure which doesn’t give them
enough room for their own ideas. That is
very problematic.
FMR It needs to be understood at management level that not everything can be
put in place down to the last detail in the
decision-making process. How does it work
at Kaba?
RW We allow our employees’ creativity as
much free rein as possible to begin with.
Then it’s a matter of analyzing it all systematically and evaluating it critically.
And allowing the good ideas to crystallize
out. Creativity usually comes about in
vation arises and is fostered at our com-
FMR I always try to be three steps ahead.
small teams. Or in social interaction after
pany. When we started on the development
I tend to overdo the things that appeal to
work when you sit together and chat.
work about three years ago, our develop-
me. I want to impact on people and polar-
ers had a free hand. And we were also
ize them. Rinspeed AG is a bit like a mar-
FMR If you suggested an innovation work-
prepared to put a lot of money in it. An
keting tool for the big manufacturers. In
shop to me involving ten people, I would
investment which will be well worth it, of
the 1980s, I invented a car steering wheel
politely decline. Ten people with ten opin-
that I’m convinced.
ions don’t produce anything useful. But
nor do innovation and creativity take
FMR Creativity can be steered. Some
fortunately unable to patent. In 2001, we
place in splendid isolation. You need to be
time ago I was invited to a creative meet-
were the first to develop environmentally
able to interact. Our basic rule is: no more
ing. They were talking about three days. I
friendly concept cars. Things people were
than four people, and three is better. We
asked whether we’d be going skiing. The
doubtful about at the time are practically
often have a troublemaker in there to pull
organizer was a bit ruffled and said, no,
standard now.
the ideas of the other two apart if they
we needed all this time to develop ideas.
reach a consensus too quickly.
In the end, the meeting lasted from nine
RW The media often portray you as an
till half past eleven. Sometimes, you also
innovator or visionary. How do you see
RW I think innovation is always a combi-
have to be able to say, we need the ideas
nation of various elements. The makeup
now. That can be very effective.
of team plays an important role. Our think
tanks involve not just electronics experts
with integrated remote control for radio
and telephone. An invention we were un-
FMR I am always presented as someone
RW You’ve unveiled your latest concept
who points the way to the future. But in
but also people from completely different
car at each year’s Geneva Motor Show for
fact I don’t really think that far ahead. I
areas, lateral thinkers so to speak. With
some years now, and you’ve become
just do things that everyone recognizes
the Rinspeed eXasis, your 2007 concept
more or less the think tank for the whole
but no one thinks they can bring off. The
car, we worked together on a joint proj-
car industry. Whilst the industry is sub-
diving car, for instance, the sQuba, which
ect: Our new RCID technology (see article
ject to commercial considerations, you
we unveiled at this year’s Geneva Motor
on page 14) could revolutionize the mar-
have total freedom of movement on the
Show – we were all familiar with this car.
ket and is a typical example of how inno-
path from vision to reality.
Security update 2/2008
“Management behavior is key
to a company’s culture of innovation.”
Rudolf Weber, CEO Kaba Group
RW Of course, the white Lotus from
times. Why? I don’t think the diving was
FMR The more ideas and dreams I can
the James Bond movie “The Spy Who
the key element, but the dream that had
realize, the more I develop myself, the
become reality. The confirmation, so to
more successful that makes me. Obvi-
speak, that dreams can come true. That
ously, I want business success as well, I
Loved Me”.
FMR The innovation involved didn’t en-
fascinates people.
tail any more than turning fiction into
reality. This spring, mention of our car
have to earn money at the end of the day.
But that is secondary for me. What does
RW What do you see as success?
could be found on six million Web sites at
Frank M. Rinderknecht was born in 1955 in Zurich. After spending time in California, and
dropping out of his mechanical engineering studies at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Zurich, he started importing sunroofs from the USA in 1977. In 1979, he founded his company
success mean for you as the CEO of an
international security technology group?
RW I have a great deal of responsibility in
my job: for the company I manage, and
for the people who work for us. I want to
Rinspeed AG, specializing in car conversion and design. In the same year, Rinderknecht pre-
do everything I can to ensure our group
presented his first invention at the Geneva Motor Show: a headlight grill with rectangular
flourishes over the long term. If, during my
lights. Since then, the Swiss visionary has made a name for himself in the car industry, and his
period in charge, I can provide positive
latest creation is eagerly awaited at each year’s Geneva Motor Show. The concept car eXasis,
impetus which helps achieve this goal,
presented in spring 2007, was transparent and showed off Kaba’s new locking technology RCID
for the first time. Frank M. Rinderknecht is married with one teenage daughter.
then I regard that as personal success.
Security update 2/2008
The future has
Frank M. Rinderknecht (see interview on pages 10–13) is an innovator. Since 1991, he
has unveiled a new concept car every year at the International Geneva Motor Show.
In 2007, he presented the Rinspeed eXasis, a completely transparent car made of
plastic and full of brand new security technology: Rinspeed eXasis knows whether
a person is authorized to start the car, to turn the light on or switch music on – and
all this without the use of a key, just by touch. The impossible is made possible by
newly developed Kaba technology (RCID) and a medium carried about the person
which transmits the authorization data.
A milestone in locking systems: Kaba
by touch alone. The access medium was
products were brought out which were
has developed a new technology which
carried about their person, in their trou-
suitable for the mass market. That was,
enables a lock to be opened just by
ser pocket for instance. That makes it not
until the team led by Dr. Andreas Häberli,
touching the door handle – provided, of
only convenient but also very safe. Expe-
Head of Development at Kaba Wetzikon,
course, the person doing so has access
rience tells us that no matter how sophis-
developed RCID (resistive capacitive
ticated a solution, it also needs to be con-
identification) for the marketplace. “This
venient if it is to be of practical use. A
technology will make our lives more con-
The next generation of identification
classic example is the annoying door
venient in a whole new way,” says Dr.
and locking systems
which is propped open with a wedge of
Engineers at Kaba have spent the last
wood – making all security arrangements
three years researching a system which
was first presented to the public at the
RCID: convenience which complements
2007 Geneva Motor Show, as part of the
The idea is as old as “Star Trek”. Even in
Although RCID has nothing to do with
Rinspeed eXasis concept car. If someone
the 1960s, inventors were playing around
RFID (radio frequency identification) in
wanted to open the door on this entirely
with it. But their solutions were rudimen-
technical terms, it nonetheless comple-
transparent car, they were identified au-
tary and anything but effective. No pat-
ments this well-established technology in
tomatically. Not through use of a key, but
ents proved commercially viable and no
a unique way. Unlike RFID, which trans-
Security update 2/2008
mits energy and data via a magnetic field, RCID makes use of
the body’s own static. This means the access medium does not
need to be taken out and used, but simply touching the metal
receiving electrode – the door handle for instance – is sufficient.
The static charge is millions of times weaker than the charge
that is sometimes created in winter when you put on or take off
a woolen pullover; the absorption rate is a small fraction of that
of a mobile telephone and poses no danger to health.
An RCID medium transmits actively: it can therefore bridge rela-
Dr. Andreas Häberli, Head of Development
tively large distances and sends signals very accurately. The
“We did not invent the concept of transmitting data via the human
receiver filters the signals out and guides the security system. If
body. In the mid-1990s in particular, researchers at the Massa-
a person has the right authorization, the door or the drawer
chusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and at some multinational
opens, whatever the application might be – simply through
companies were working very hard on the idea. But they were
touch. If you release the handle, the lock automatically bolts
unable to come up with a marketable solution. When I heard about
it, I was enthused. I wanted to develop the technology further: RCID
This new technology could prove very useful in a wide range of
lives. Four years ago, three of us started working on it, just playing
different settings: for example, at a doctor’s surgery, to keep the
around with it to start with, to sound out the boundaries of what
medicines cabinet safe; in an office building, to regulate access;
was possible. Over the course of the project more than 20 people
or in a jeweler’s shop, so the jewelry drawers do not need to be
have now been involved. We are currently in the process of
constantly locked and unlocked with the key. What may sound
preparing the first products based on RCID. As to what their poten-
somewhat futuristic will very soon be reality: the first Kaba
tial use might be, we will see as soon as the first products go on
products based on RCID technology will be on the market in the
the market. For me, RCID offers the potential of massively simplify-
is technically very complex, but has the potential to change our
summer of 2009. The future has arrived.
ing our dealings with technical devices in general; it makes security
convenient – and thus all the more secure.”
Security update 2/2008
A single access system for several offices, over
1,500 people and almost 400 centrally managed
entrance points: Kaba systems provide secure,
reliable and user-friendly access control for BNP
Paribas in Geneva and Zurich.
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ecurity – the major issue for banks around the world.
“Kaba proved a reliable partner in an important area,” stresses
For Christof Kilchherr, Chief Administration Officer at
Kilchherr. “A partner that offers lasting, modular solutions
BNP Paribas Zurich, this could not be clearer: “If
we can build on in the future.” Focusing on a single partner
security cannot be guaranteed, a bank simply doesn’t
paid off – not least in the summer of 2007, when a fire upset
work.” Keeping the heavy doors to the vaults in the cellar
relocation plans and time-tabling in particular. The direct chan-
closed to safecrackers is only part of the story. It is the careful
nels of communication proved particularly important. And
management of access for visitors and staff which throws
these same channels of communication will be of value for years
up the more complex challenges. Security at the Swiss head-
to come, when the system is extended to other locations, as
quarters of BNP Paribas (a major bank with 140,000 staff world-
well as for service provision and operational support.
wide) in Geneva and at its branch in Zurich presents an
example of how these challenges may be successfully resolved.
Access control with CardLink
With plans to relocate the Zurich branch – along with the Kaba
a CardLink solution. CardLink integrates electronically secured
The BNP Paribas branch in Zurich has been equipped with
installations already in place for protecting valuable assets
doors of varying kinds into a central access authorization
(vault with client safe deposit boxes) – it seemed an ideal time
system – regardless of whether these doors are wired (online)
to review the access system and to organize access autho-
or unwired (stand-alone). For stand-alone doors, installation is
rization on a unified basis. Entrance doors, garage doors, office
obviously more straightforward. For areas which require
doors, security barriers and many other access points with
detailed monitoring and analysis, an online system offers
differing functions were to be provided with appropriate, userfriendly security. Reliable barriers to entry were to be put
in place where needed, while unnecessary hindrance was to
be avoided.
The single-source philosophy of the Kaba Group is ideal for our
needs. This approach makes the collaborative work a whole
Kaba was the only provider to offer a comprehensive solution
lot easier. Marcel Schär, our Key Account Manager at Kaba,
put together from a single source. Once again, Kaba’s
talks my language and sees what we need. He has the techni-
Total Access strategy proved its worth: all the various elements
cal expertise and comprehensive detailed knowledge and
involved in managing access are administered through one
can explain even complex technical matters in a way I under-
central system; visitors and staff need only a single access
medium (a badge or key ring) to get into the building, onto
their floor and into the office, or to pass through the security
At BNP Paribas we prefer to procure what we need from a
barriers into the high-security areas of the building.
single source whenever we can, and to use a professional partner with a solid reputation. We were impressed with Kaba,
Efficient planning, close collaboration
which delivered optimal solutions in all areas of Total Access.
The number of people involved in the planning was relatively
small. Christof Kilchherr at BNP Paribas and Marcel Schär,
Key Account Manager at Kaba, worked in close and efficient
collaboration. “I am not alone in preferring to work with a
small number of very professional partners. This is a philosophy
followed by our entire company,” says Kilchherr. As well as
reducing planning complexity, the solution by Kaba apparently
also offered good value for money. Security is paramount for
Christof Kilchherr
Chief Administration Officer
BNP Paribas Zurich
a bank, but cost consciousness plays a role, too.
“CardLink is very flexible and a
compelling solution.”
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“We are very satisfied with the service
which Kaba offers us.”
Christof Kilchherr, Chief Administration Officer BNP Paribas Zurich
Top: Christof Kilchherr, BNP Paribas Zurich, in conversation with
Marcel Schär, Kaba.
Top left: thanks to CardLink, access to all doors at the Zurich branch
is managed using one central system, irrespective of whether the doors
are wired (online) or unwired (stand-alone).
Far left: Kaba security barriers protect the bank’s more sensitive areas.
Left: secure client safe deposit boxes are central to any bank.
convenience and security at the highest level. This is the case,
The system is to be extended to the bank’s Basel and Lugano
for instance, in high-security zones at the bank, at the main
offices in the near future. This will bring the benefits of Total
entrance and at the lift and floor entrances. For offices and
Access to all 1,800 BNP Paribas staff in Switzerland.
meeting rooms, on the other hand, the focus is on flexibility
and selective access authorization. Here the doors are fitted
with digital stand-alone components (Kaba elolegic c-levers).
“CardLink allows the benefits of both solutions to be combined.
This was compelling,” explains Christof Kilchherr.
Centralized data management, decentralized access control
Now, the two BNP Paribas offices in Zurich and Geneva grant
access authorization rights independently of each other,
but all staff data are managed centrally in Geneva. “Being
able to issue access rights on a regional basis was a deciding
factor for us,” says Kilchherr. At the two locations, access
rights are issued independently by their respective security
officers. Authorization can be given for differing lengths of
time; when this time is up, the person’s authorization expires
and has to be reset, if necessary.
Security update 2/2008
Solution delivery for
New Zealand Post
Kaba is equipping all branches of New Zealand Post with
an access system that offers the latest in convenience and
security while at the same time reducing costs.
ew Zealand Post makes 1 bil-
no expensive wiring and thus also offer-
authorization can be temporarily sus-
lion deliveries a year to its 1.5
ing low-cost upgrade capability for the
million customers, with some
of these deliveries going to
To ensure as smooth a transition as pos-
the remotest parts of the country. To en-
The solution being installed by Kaba is
sible to the new system, new post shops
sure that its post shops, which number
based on four products which combine
will be equipped with the new solution
over 300, can provide a smooth and reli-
convenience, flexibility and security. At
straightaway, whilst existing branches will
able service, the company has chosen
customer post office boxes, security will
be reequipped on an ongoing basis as
Kaba for its new security solution.
now be provided by the E-Plex 3000
soon as the old solution gives out. A total
pushbutton lock, whilst staff access to the
of 31 branches already have the solution
It is about a year since the first steps were
post shop will make use of the Kaba
fully installed, and more are continually
taken in a full-scale reequipping of the ac-
elolegic c-lever and Legic cards. Using the
being added. “The locks have been great
cess systems at all branches of New Zea-
Kaba elo manager software, access
– cost-effective, reliable, and packed full
land Post. Following an evaluation of what
is centrally managed and altered as re-
of features. They are now our lock of
was needed, the decision was taken to re-
quired. The software also provides the
choice for internal door security in and
place the existing solution with one which
functionalities required by the customer:
around our counter environment,” says
would provide greater performance and
thus, each instance of access is recorded,
New Zealand Post. “And Kaba have been
be more cost-effective. Kaba standalone
giving audit capability, while access can
great to deal with as well. What more can
components proved compelling, requiring
also be limited to certain time frames and
you ask for?”
Security update 2/2008
Aker Yards
Stuttgart – “We give your future a home”: everyone in the
Wismar – Almost 900 new ships have been launched at Aker
state of Baden-Württemberg knows the slogan of their
Yards Germany over the last 60 years. The two shipyards at
regional home loan and savings association (Bausparkasse),
Wismar and Rostock-Warnemünde are part of the Norwegian
a respected provider of financial solutions for building and
group Aker Yards with operations in Europe, Brazil and Viet-
home purchase. Protecting the data of 1.3 million depositors
nam, and are among the most modern shipyards anywhere in
required a new security solution. The close partnership
the world. Their efficiency is also demonstrated in their online
between Kaba and SAP and the design of the B-Net terminals,
solution for time and enterprise data recording, coupled with
which blend harmoniously into the overall environment,
access control, installation of which began in 2004. Combined
proved an attractive proposition. In Stuttgart and Karlsruhe,
with over 40 Kaba terminals, the IDOL system from UCI –
access readers are now installed at all the necessary points.
which is easy to extend – verifies the different actions, recog-
Four revolving doors for individual access through the main
nizes shifts automatically, ascertains their wage type and
entrance in Stuttgart and an interlock at the computing cen-
ensures data communication between the applications. The
ter round off the comprehensive system of access control.
result: fewer data entries and greater transparency. A high
“This flexible system operates smoothly and can grow as we
level of stability and top-class hotline support add the final
do,” reports Project Manager Uwe Oswald contently.
Security update 2/2008
The Dolder
Zurich – Situated high above the city, with fine views over the
Madrid – When an identification system needs replacing,
lake and the distant mountains, the Dolder Grand opened its
ensuring effective access control and management of visitor
doors to guests again on 3 April 2008, after four years of
and possibly tenant access are generally important factors. At
renovation work. As well as the historic original building, the
Leche Pascual, by far the biggest milk and dairy products
hotel now also boasts two spectacular curving wings designed
manufacturer in Spain, staff absences and breaks were also an
by top British architect Lord Norman Foster. The Dolder Grand
important issue. The existing magnetic stripe-based system
offers 173 rooms and suites, an extensive spa, top cuisine – in
was not adequate because, among other things, it allowed
fact, everything one could wish for, where only the best will
staff to clock in and out for each other. Iberkaba developed a
do. And this also applies, of course, to the hotel’s access secu-
solution which built on the customer’s existing ERP system.
rity solution. The Kaba exos electronic access system, inter-
The new Kaba exos 9300 access system is based on B-COMM-
facing with the hotel reservations system, is combined with a
ERP and integrates biometric B-Net terminals, Argus half-
mechanical Kaba star locking system: a total of 350 online and
height sensor barriers and Kerberos tripod barriers into one
36 stand-alone doors, 2,500 mechanical cylinders and 300
overall solution. Separate function keys are used on the bio-
locker locks provide a reassuring level of security for the hotel
metric terminals for time recording and access control – thus
guests. And in order to ensure overall harmony of design, the
removing any temptation to cheat the system.
access readers are built unobtrusively into the doors themselves – noblesse oblige!
Security update 2/2008
Premier Foods
The Ritz Carlton,
Palm Beach
Palm Beach – Tourists love Palm Beach for its superb cli-
London – When the UK’s leading food company (maker of
mate and cool breezes. The Ritz Carlton’s attractions include
some of the nation’s favorite foods including Hovis, Mr Kipling,
acres of golden beaches and expansive views over the Atlan-
Branston, Cadbury Cakes and Batchelors) decided to imple-
tic. As part of its overall renovation, the hotel chose Saflok
ment a time + attendance solution for its staff, only a provider
again. After 15 years of service from the existing equipment
with a proven track record would do. Premier Foods’ success-
– an easy choice: Saflok products are always state-of-the-art
ful candidate would have to offer a certified interface with
and continuously improving. “It’s a pleasure to work with a
SAP HR and make use of the latest SAP XI technology. The
company that has the same high standards that we have,”
future-proofed investment the company sought was soon
says Mike Bigerton, Director of Engineering for the hotel.
realized: Kaba’s SAP-certified solutions have already been
Saflok’s System 6000 software and Messenger are at the
installed for over 1,000 customers. It is this expertise which is
heart of the operation, providing remote wireless communi-
so important to Premier Foods that has over 20,000 employ-
cation between the infrared locks and the central server. The
ees spread over 60 sites. Kaba exos 9300 with CardLink now
elegant locks in the 310 freshly renovated rooms are con-
provides flexible access control and an accurate time record-
nected to the property’s energy management system that
ing system that will grow with Premier Foods over the foresee-
controls the room lights and the air conditioner, thus provid-
able future.
ing energy savings, too.
Security update 2/2008
One Island
East Tower
Hong Kong – Sliding doors which open inwards rather than
Sochaux – Citroën and Peugeot, synonymous with France’s
outwards, with the wings being concealed in recesses on
proud automobile industry, maintained the separate brands
each side – is there such a thing? Since the end of March
after their merger in 1976. With 90,000 staff worldwide, PSA
2008, this novel system has been in operation in One Island
Peugeot Citroën was Europe’s second-largest auto manufac-
East, an office building developed by Swire Properties Inc. in
turer in 2007 (3.23 million vehicles sold, with turnover of 60.6
Hong Kong. At a height of 308 m and with a total area of
billion EUR) – but was the technology leader in terms of
141,000 m2 on 70 floors (including 59 floors of state-of-the-
energy-efficient cars. The company is currently working very
art office space), this is the landmark commercial develop-
hard on the development of its diesel hybrids, which it plans to
ment at the center of Swire Properties’ Island East portfolio.
bring out in 2010. Kaba turnstiles provide external security for
Commissioned by Schindler Lifts (Hong Kong) Ltd., Kaba
the 265-hectare site at Sochaux near Belfort, the company’s
Gilgen installed 416 specially designed automatic sliding
main plant with 15,000 staff; in the interior area, Geryon
glass doors for 28 high-speed elevators within the space of
revolving doors and Orthos interlocks are installed. Other PSA
six months. The doors fit seamlessly into the overall archi-
assembly plants are now quickly following the example of
tecture. Kaba has applied for a patent for the unique drive
effective access control without the need for entrance secu-
rity personnel.
Security update 2/2008
in Switzerland
No other rail tunnel in continental Europe is as long as
Switzerland’s new Lötschberg Tunnel. And none in the world
is as modern, sophisticated and safe. Let’s take a closer look.
Security update 2/2008
“I was impressed with the work we did
with Kaba.”
Markus Näf, Signal Engineer for the Lötschbergbahn transport operator
magine: red alert in the control
This cannot be taken for granted, as the
center – fire in the tunnel! If such
timetable has to be adhered to the min-
an eventuality should occur, it is
ute. Coordination is essential. And this
crucial that the fire safety installa-
was also true of the complex construc-
tions work perfectly. Safety was writ
tion work. “As well as the civil engineer-
large in the construction of Switzerland’s
ing challenges, coordinating all the dif-
new Lötschberg Tunnel. “The safety re-
ferent project partners was the most
quirements were huge,” says Bruno
difficult task,” relates Näf. To ensure that
Köchli, in charge of installation design at
the whole would be greater than the sum
Kaba Gilgen. “For instance, the emer-
of its parts, it was his job to work out, ad-
gency exit doors have to be able to with-
just, monitor and check the interfaces
stand fire for 90 minutes and pressure of
between the different partners.
up to three tons per square meter.”
The highest levels of safety
Coordination is essential
Kaba was one of these project partners: all
Stretching 34.6 km between Frutigen and
the automatic door systems are driven and
Raron, the Lötschberg Tunnel is the third-
controlled using technology from Kaba
longest rail tunnel in the world. Only the
Gilgen. The demands placed on door sys-
Seikan Tunnel in Japan and the Channel
tems for emergency exits and the control
Tunnel between France and the UK are
center as well as on barriers and access
longer. This Lötschberg base tunnel is the
and tunnel doors were even greater than
first stage of Switzerland’s New Rail Links
usual. A lot of things had to be redevel-
through the Alps (NRLA), project ap-
oped from scratch, as there were no stan-
proved by voters in 1992. The NRLA pro-
dard parts which would meet these de-
vides an alternative to the Gotthard route
manding requirements. The work was an
for freight transport between north and
ongoing process of refinement towards
south. The objective is to shift freight
the perfect system. “Most components
transport from road to rail.
did not exist in the sizes we needed,” explains project manager Bruno Köchli, “it
The new tunnel was a mammoth under-
was a real challenge.” Nonetheless, Kaba
taking: work began in 1999, and the tun-
Gilgen delivered and installed all drive
nel was opened eight years later by Swiss
and control systems on time. Bruno Köchli
transport secretary Moritz Leuenberger.
remembers the day when he saw the fin-
Since operations officially began on
ished product for the first time: “I was
9 December 2007, everything has run
amazed at the size of it, unimaginable…”
without a hitch, confirms signal engineer
Markus Näf: “Even when train times are
very close together, everything works
Top: every 333 m, a transverse tunnel connects the two
main tunnels. These transverse tunnels provide emergency
exits and are fitted with special doors which, in the event
of an emergency, can be operated centrally.
Bottom/left: the huge tunnel doors (for a tunnel diameter
of 7.6 m) are unique in size. They meet the most stringent of
safety requirements and are mainly closed during maintenance work.
Security update 2/2008
in the Arctic
Kaba solutions function perfectly even in Arctic conditions.
A report from Greenland.
n the native language, the country
and hunting. Pilersuisoq, like Pisiffik, be-
was at least as important: “We wanted a
is called Kalaallit Nunaat, “land of
longs to parent company KNI S/A.
well-adapted solution which would allow
the people”. And these Greenlanders, like everyone else, have to meet
our staff to verify their identity clearly
Secure, simple and convenient
and easily even in difficult conditions.”
their day-to-day needs – even in extreme
Pisiffik recently evaluated a new time re-
climatic conditions. This is the difficult
cording solution for its staff, who number
Pisiffik has installed ten enrolment sta-
task undertaken by retail chain Pisiffik. It
around 700. Danish company Dansk Tid-
tions for entering fingerprint templates
operates 41 stores spread across the in-
skontrol A/S, one of Kaba’s partners, ad-
and 38 B-Net 93 20 terminals from Kaba.
habited parts of the island, supplying
vised the retailer in its evaluation process
“All data are processed using Wintid, a
Greenlanders with their groceries and
and recommended the use of biometrics.
time management and staff deployment
other day-to-day requirements.
Biometric identification is secure, simple
planning application,” according to Jens-
and convenient, requires only minimal
Ove Schou, the man responsible at Dansk
Those living in remote areas are served
administration and is now very afford-
Tidskontrol. Brian T. Pedersen is confi-
by Pilersuisoq, which sells food, fuel, tools
able. But for Brian T. Pedersen, Chief Fi-
dent he has made the right decision:
and all the equipment needed for fishing
nancial Officer at Pisiffik, another factor
“Kaba’s biometrics system is a 21st-cen-
Security update 2/2008
tury technology with low follow-up costs,
mate. Fishing thrives here, as the sea does
lated: in theory at least, every Green-
bringing a huge improvement in security.”
not freeze in winter because the West
lander has 40 km2 for themselves. If it
Only those whose fingerprints have been
Greenland Current brings warm water in
were not for the cold…
verified can make entries, and there is no
from the Gulf Stream and the North At-
room for abuse. Furthermore, a finger,
lantic. The country is very sparsely popu-
unlike a badge, cannot be mislaid or left
at home.
40 km2 per inhabitant
Greenland is the world’s largest island
and more than six times as big as Germany. In geographical terms, it is part of
Arctic North America, whilst in political
terms it is an autonomous territory of the
Kingdom of Denmark. Only a sixth of the
country is free of ice, the rest lies under
the Greenland ice sheet, which in places
is more than 3 km thick. The 58,000
A global success: the biometrics
terminal B-Net 93 20.
inhabitants – most of them of Kalaallit descent – live in the ice-free part, with almost everyone choosing to live on the
west coast with its comparatively mild cli-
Security update 2/2008
Security and
convenience for
star architecture
The “Centro Meridiana Le Torri”, the work of top Italian
architect Renzo Piano, provides modern living and work
space for 1,000 people. Kaba systems ensure security.
Security update 2/2008
“Kaba is a pioneer in mechatronic
locking systems.”
Roberto Pavan, Administrative Manager of the Quartz Srl
e created the sweeping wave
was needed was an access control system
The apartments on all twelve floors are
forms of the Zentrum Paul
which would ensure efficiency, safety and
protected with digital lock cylinders. Re-
Klee near Bern, and his unmis-
user-friendliness. In addition, they wanted
mote readers ensure security for the
takable signature can be seen
a minimum of electronic wiring for the
automatic doors to the communal en-
in a landmark building in Lecco, Lom-
doors in the building. The solution, using
trances. If necessary, the event memory
bardy. Renzo Piano’s “Torri” – towers –
Kaba elolegic digital cylinders, proved
system can be very easily loaded from
stand out for all to admire in this lakeside
compelling in terms not just of security
the network.
city. An internationally celebrated archi-
but also of aesthetics.
tect, Renzo Piano is a master of the art of
The tenants like this convenient solution
building, with a reputation for daring, un-
Modern design, established values
and are very happy with it, says Roberto
conventional designs. When it comes to
Kaba’s elolegic access control system
Pavan. Initial experience with the system
security in the apartment block and the
also excels in being user-friendly. The
has shown that tenants particularly like
two office blocks in Lecco, he depends on
software manages all the necessary ac-
the fact that access can be altered or can-
reliable technology. And on a provider
cess authorization efficiently and reli-
which has proved its worth in major de-
ably; residents can open all the different
through the lock system itself in the event
doors using a single access medium. The
of theft or loss. It has been demonstrated
system enables access authorization to
once again that modern design is en-
Roberto Pavan, Administrative Manager
be written directly on the medium. Thus,
tirely compatible with security and con-
of the Quartz Srl, the tower’s owner, com-
the length the time authorization is valid
ments, “We decided on Kaba because the
can be set individually for every single
company is a pioneer in mechatronic
lock. Access for extra people is added
locking systems. And Kaba’s name stands
and cancelled again in real time.
for reliability and professionalism.” What
The new Kaba elolegic access control system is used to manage all entrances to the “Torri” – securely, efficiently and reliably.
Security update 2/2008
Elan Lam
Elan Lam, COO Wah Yuet Group
Elan Lam was born in Hong Kong. She completed her studies with a Bachelor Degree in
International Business and an MBA from Kellogg Northwestern University/Hong Kong
University of Science and Technology. After four years as a trainer at the Yaohan department store in Hong Kong, she continued her own training in Japan and worked for five
years in sales, acquisitions and accounting. In February 2003, Elan Lam joined the Wah
Yuet Group as Senior Marketing & Sales Manager. A year later she became the Chairman’s
personal assistant and she recently took charge of the operations of the Kaba affiliate.
She speaks fluent English, Mandarin, Cantonese and Japanese.
Security update 2/2008
“Female Chinese managers
are dedicated, firm and very
“The most important thing my parents
gave me in life was honesty,” says Elan
Lam, Chief Operating Officer at the Chinese Wah Yuet Group since 1 July 2008.
She looks out over the Hong Kong sky-
line, it is late evening. “Wah Yuet lives on
a very strong corporate culture. We work
days are long. I start at half past eight in
Yuet was a privately owned company run
together and respect one another – at all
the morning and then work till about
by its founder. Decision making in a pri-
levels in the hierarchy.
seven. Or often later. I put a lot into serv-
vate company is always fast with simple
ing the company. Loyalty is very impor-
processes; now, we are part of a complex
Of course, problems crop up now and
tant to me.
again. Then we stand by one another. It is
network of interdependencies. A major
challenge which I find inspiring.
important to know why there’s a problem
In the evening, I relax at home and I like
or who was responsible for it for improve-
to immerse myself in biographies of peo-
ment in the future. But at such times
ple who have made a difference. It doesn’t
concerning corporate governance in the
there is no place for personal criticism:
always have to be the big events of world
rest of the world. Unjustly, I think. Our
we focus on finding a solution. We are a
history. It is often the little things that
huge country is coming closer and closer
big family, and we stick together.
move me. At the moment, I’m reading the
to the international standards, and has a
book ‘Good to Great’ by Jim Collins. It
lot of clever, well-trained and motivated
I think I’m a very balanced person. My
isn’t an easy thing to be a great leader,
managers. I like being here. But I do have
management style is a considered one
believe me.
a particular dream: I would like to visit
and always focused on the long-term
China does not have that good an image
Egypt. I am fascinated by its culture. It is
well-being of the company. I like to create
Wah Yuet is international, but strongly
a mysterious place for me. We’ll see what
and maintain a harmonious working envi-
anchored in China. The cultural differ-
ronment with strong cohesion. My task is
ences between China and the USA or Eu-
to recognize problems at the outset and
rope are huge. Europeans and Americans
to get the whole Wah Yuet family into
communicate in a very direct way, often
shape for finding a solution.
to the point of offending one another. The
Chinese are much more restrained.
There are actually a lot of women in top
positions at Chinese companies. It’s not
I direct my efforts towards a long-term
unusual for a woman to be in charge of a
collaboration with all stakeholders. This is
firm with 4,000 staff – which happens
a typically Chinese way of thinking. In the
more rarely in Europe or the United
USA, you find this less often, the time
States. Female Chinese managers are
horizon is much shorter. Europe is some-
dedicated, firm and very tough.
where in between. Though at Kaba, people are used to thinking long-term.
I always try to be open and fair. Towards
customers, towards staff and also towards
Kaba is certainly a stroke of luck for the
the owners of the Group. Obviously the
Wah Yuet Group. But integration wasn’t
job is hard sometimes, and the working
easy. Kaba is a listed group, while Wah
Security update 2/2008
Silca Optika
There is only one device in the world which is able to recognize
the profiles of flat cylinder, bit and double-bit, pump, dimple and
laser keys: Silca Optika, launched on the market in March 2008.
The machine reads key cuts with absolute precision within seconds and shows the results as a graphic display, allowing locksmiths to double-check their work when duplicating a key. Optika
can be used as a stand-alone device or a PC-driven one with
extended memory potential, providing a very valuable tool for
the locksmith. It has an on-board database with thousands
of details of key blanks. The patented combination of multiple
technologies introduces whole new features into key blank
> management
Increasingly, companies pass work which is not part of their core
business to other firms. Having external personnel increases the
security risk, as they may not be sufficiently familiar with the
company’s internal processes. It is extremely important but also
very time consuming to keep constantly abreast of the status of
projects, of precautionary security instructions, of access rights
and any areas for which external personnel are not authorized.
Entrusting this to the external company management offered by
the Kaba exos 9300 access system ensures a constant overview
and provides reassurance that access will be impossible for
unauthorized personnel. The integrated time management module also allows working hours to be billed on a project-specific
basis and reports and accounts to be checked in detail.
Security update 2/2008
PSA profile system
In combination with automatic Kaba sliding doors, the PSA profile system is the perfect solution for thin-framed glass panels.
The surrounding aluminum frame protects the glass, and the
glass panels have a light and airy look. The insulation and the
vertically interlocking profiles protect against drafts. Due to
innovative dry glazing, production of the glass panels is straightforward and swift.
The PSA profile system is also suitable for panels made of wood
or plastic with a thickness of 6, 8 or 10 mm.
In the retail and food service environments, shoplifting and
fraud are part of day-to-day business. Another frequent
problem is loss due to thefts from within, cutting deep into
profits and increasing operating costs.
With La Gard SmartPoint, Kaba Mas has introduced a biometric safe locking system which protects the in-store assets
by limiting safe access. SmartPoint allows a user’s identity
to be established based on their physical characteristics and
thus eliminates the exposure, cost and downtime associated
with lost keys and combinations. Staff fingerprints are analyzed and compared against the database in a fraction of a
second, permitting or denying access accordingly.
Security update 2/2008
Argus product range
Whether it be in office premises, government ministries or banks:
Kaba’s very effective sensor barriers can be found in operation
everywhere. The high level of demand for contactless access
control has helped push the technology forward and led to the
creation of the Argus product range. Depending on the customers’ requirements, they will now be able to choose between
sensor barriers and sensor gates. The popular HSB sensor barriers are equipped with swing gates and come in a wide variety
of materials to suit individual needs, whilst the HSG sensor
gates will be equipped with sliding wings in different heights, a
solid stainless steel housing and high-level sensor technology.
There will also be a specially designed version for use in public
transport contexts. The sensor gates will be on the market from
January 2009.
Kaba exos cDML
Ultracompact and always on duty: the new Kaba exos cDML
online reader continues to carry out its job of managing door
access even if the connection to the overall system is lost.
Developed for use in the interior of buildings, Kaba exos 9300 is
an ideal complement to the successful CardLink concept for
unwired integration of mechatronically controlled doors. The
new component is based on Legic advant technology and is also
compatible with older compact readers, making it very suitable
as a replacement or for use in extending existing systems.
Assembly and maintenance are as easy as can be with the new
Quickwire installation technology: all the wiring is done beforehand in the wall, whilst the electronics in the cover are put in
place at the end of the installation process in a very straightforward operation.
Security update 2/2008
B-Net 9120 and 9106
A new subterminal and a new offline component for access control have been added to Kaba’s portfolio. The new B-Net 91 20,
with its compact and attractive design, slots easily into any type
of architectural surrounding. The main area of application is
in access control combined with time recording. The terminal is
particularly well suited to situations in which interactivity
between the user and the control system is required. The display
and keypad offer a range of functions for users.
The new B-Net 91 06 CardLink provides controlled access to IT
cabinets, integrating them into the overall access control system without the need for expensive wiring.
Kaba elolegic L-Line
Kaba’s elolegic digital cylinder portfolio has been extended
to include new L-Line devices: these new products offer all
the main functions provided by the popular N- and T-Lines,
but are easier to program and manage and are very attractively priced. This makes the digital cylinder an appealing
proposition for individuals and small businesses in particular:
after all, efficiency, flexibility and a high level of security in
access authorization are just as important at home or in the
office or workshop as in larger settings. The L-Line cylinders
use Legic RFID technology for contactless verification of the
access medium. When the light turns green, the door can be
opened – when it is on red, the door remains locked. Another
major plus point are the power-saving electronics which significantly extend the life of the built-in batteries.
Security update 2/2008
What is
(Radio Frequency Identification)
In 1992, Kaba’s subsidiary Legic presented the world’s first
13.56 MHz RFID system. Nowadays, Legic is one of the
most modern contactless smart card technologies there is.
Around the world, around 220 licensed Legic users
have 60,000 systems in operation, i.e. more than 2 million
write/read devices and well over 100 million transponders.
Security update 2/2008
FID stands for radio frequency identification.
In the past, RFID was mainly used to simplify warehousing and
It enables contactless transmission of information
distribution processes – as a safe and effective replacement for
between a data carrier (a badge, for instance) and
the older barcode system. Since then, the technology has also
a read unit (for example, a time recording terminal).
Whether you are opening your locker at the tennis club, paying
become a standard means of identifying people: this is what is
called contactless smart card technology. The data on smart
for your meal in the canteen using a credit card with a chip, or
cards are transmitted in encrypted form, generally using DES
opening the vault at the bank: RFID has become part of every-
(Data Encryption Standard), or Triple DES for the highest
day life.
level of security. If necessary, the smart card can be made even
more secure using biometrics or a PIN – depending on what
Put simply, an RFID system consists of a medium (the transpon-
level of security is required: tickets used at car park exits have
der) with integrated chip and aerial, and a write/read device
less stringent requirements, for instance, than those applying
which in turn sends and receives data via an interface to and
to access management at the entrance to a bank vault.
from IT systems or databases. The technology is based on a
tiny microchip: measuring only about 2x2 mm, it can be incor-
In future, microchips will be used to a greater extent in every-
porated into handy plastic cards (badges), keys or key rings.
day objects, such as watches or mobile telephones. A security
aspect will thus become part and parcel of the things we do
Transponders are either active or passive. Active chips are
in our day-to-day lives.
powered by a battery, while passive chips pick up power from
the electromagnetic field produced by the aerial in the write/
read device (see illustration below). Most RFID systems now
use passive transponders operating at high frequency,
generally 13.56 MHz – the ideal frequency in terms of range,
read speed and cost.
Exchange of information
through the air interface
Power for the card
Electromagnetic field produced
by the read device
Step 1
The reader (e.g. a reader attached to the wall
or a time recording terminal) actively checks, by
sending out regular signals, whether a card or
other medium is nearby.
Step 2
As soon as a card is brought close to the reader, the
card picks up power from the reader’s electromagnetic field.
It is now ready to communicate.
Step 3
Reader and card “communicate” with each other:
the chip incorporated into the card does not only
pass information to the reader, the reader can
also actively write information onto the chip. Data are
exchanged in encrypted form – both between
the reader and the medium and also, if necessary,
between the reader and the back-end system.
Security update 2/2008
No Strings Attached
The pan-European marketing campaign which kicked off under
this slogan in September will not only have an impact on Kaba’s
business – in fact, it is bound to influence the whole industry! For
the CardLink concept, which this campaign promotes, is so revolutionary that it will change the way organizations look at access
control: it integrates stand-alone locks and cylinders into an
access system without the need for wires (strings), thus requiring only moderate investment outlay. Following the successful
introduction of CardLink in Switzerland and Germany, the campaign aims to educate the market on its advantages over conventional solutions in the UK, Austria, Spain, Sweden, Finland,
France, Italy and the Netherlands as well. The campaign includes
dedicated Web sites, press releases, editorials, print and digital
advertising, direct mail, telemarketing, exhibitions, seminars
No Strings Attached
Do you get fascinated by pushing the boundaries of freedom?
Then CardLink is for you. It frees you from limits. It is a new way of thinking
about access control. That is what happens when you free your mind.
and customer visits.
The CardLink concept is secure, easy to install and easy to oper-
ferent user groups and different lengths of time, while providing an
ate. It enables limitless extension of existing access control sys-
accurate overview throughout. This is a quantum leap in organiz-
tems as well as their migration into nonwired buildings. Authori-
ing access to and within premises. CardLink is highly stable since it
zation data are transported on a smart card or key. Manual
does not rely on radio transmission, and – as with all Kaba products
update of access rights at every door is no longer necessary if
– it offers full compatibility.
credentials are lost or not returned by users. A sophisticated
validation concept also allows tailor-made access rights for dif-
New showroom in Tokyo
Having a presence in Tokyo is essential. On 30 May 2008, Kaba
therefore opened a new showroom in the prime business district
of Akasaka. The showroom gives visitors the opportunity to try
out Kaba access control systems for themselves – from digital
cylinders to security entrances such as turnstiles and tripod barriers, as well as swing doors and interlocks. In addition, there is
space for workshops, seminars and product presentations to be
held. Kaba has been in Japan, the second-biggest market in the
world, for 27 years. Nowhere else are quality standards more
stringent than in Japan, where there is a high level of security
consciousness and where producers have to meet challenging
demands in terms of quality and service.
Security update 2/2008
Official opening in
Top: Mayor Franz Zwicker (left) with Ulrich Bremi, who led Kaba in its expansion
abroad – in Austria and the UK to begin with – exactly 40 years ago.
Left: A spectacular finale crowns the event.
“The training and administration building
politics. He was one of the first to see the
building, Kaba products are to be found
which we are opening today is a logical
importance of electronics, and geared
at every step – Total Access in action
step in the dynamic development of our
the group’s strategy towards it. As part
over a space of more than 3,000 m2 from
company and symbolic of Kaba’s success
of the opening celebrations, the mayor
the revolving door to the access barriers
in Austria.” It was with visible pride that
of Herzogenburg, Franz Zwicker, pre-
and automatic doors, the electronic ac-
the two general managers, Heinz Siegel
sented Ulrich Bremi with a copy of the
cess system, mechanical locking system
and Thilo Deutsch, welcomed around
new street sign: in his honor, the road to
and the time recording terminals…
400 guests from the worlds of politics
Kaba GmbH will now be called Ulrich-
and business on 30 May 2008.
After night had fallen, the celebrations
came to a spectacular end with fireworks
Among those invited was Ulrich Bremi,
Following this, with the symbolic hand-
drawing attention to the newly opened
who took over the helm at Kaba (then
over of one Kaba key and one Gege key,
building for miles around.
Bauer AG) in 1962 and was later appointed
Ulrich Wydler, who has overall charge of
Vice-Chairman of the Board of Directors,
the relevant division, officially opened
a position he held until 2000 alongside
the building, with its modern offices and
his impressive career in national Swiss
well-equipped training rooms. Within the
Trade shows
Oracle OpenWorld 2008
21. 9.–25. 9. 2008
4. 11.–6. 11. 2008
San Francisco
Master Locksmiths Association
IHMRS 2008
2. 10.–4. 10. 2008
8. 11.–11. 11. 2008
New York
ATA Management Conference
4. 10.–7. 10. 2008
25. 11.–28. 11. 2008
New Orleans
Security 2008
Bau 2009
7. 10.–10. 10. 2008
12. 1.–17. 1. 2009
Salon RH
Intersec 2009
8. 10.–9. 10. 2008
18. 1.–20. 1. 2009
Interbad 2008
Bouwbeurs Utrecht
15. 10.–18. 10. 2008
9. 2.–14. 2. 2009
Jaarbeurs Utrecht
21. 10.–24. 10. 2008
3. 3.–8. 3. 2009