The Communicator


The Communicator
Church of the Holy Communion, an Episcopal Church in the center of Memphis,
seeks to be a sacred presence, grounded in the servant ministry of Jesus,
offering spiritual growth opportunities for all.
A Deacon To Serve Holy Communion
Place label here.
Weekday Services
8:10 a.m. Morning Prayer (Monday-Friday)
Wednesday 12:15 p.m. Holy Eucharist Rite II with Healing Prayers
Wedensday 5:30 p.m. Holy Food, Holy People
The Rev. C. Mark Rutenbar
The Rev. Ollie V. Rencher Rector
Pastoral Care &
Congregational Development
The Communicator, (USPS.) #015-799, is published Monthly
except December and August when biweekly
4645 Walnut Grove , Memphis, TN 38117-2597.
POSTMASTER: Send address change to
Church of the Holy Communion,
4645 Walnut Grove Rd., Memphis, TN 38117-2597
Louis Jehl, Sr. Warden + Jerry Scruggs, Jr. Warden +
John Lewis, Treasurer + Elizabeth Smith, Clerk + Keith Leach,
Margaret Taylor, Therese Despeaux, Wayne Ferguson, Todd Photopulos,
Robert Campbell, Carol Duke, Ken Roberts, Barbara Boucher,
Dorothy Brownyard, Dan Duncan, Jeanne Hollis, Gina Scott
Ministry Area Coordinators
Brad Boucher, Church Growth & Development +
Denise Ward, Congregational Care + Sherry Thornton, Congregational Life
+ Eileen Olewinski, Spiritual Formation + Cliff Sulcer, Stewardship +
Brad & Pat Cannon, Social Outreach + Bill Falvey, Worship & Music
Sarah Acuff
Associate for Communications
Hayley Arehart
Intern for Youth Formation
Christy Beesley
Associate for Youth Formation
Teresa Boone
Associate for Finances and Human Resources
Charlie Cunningham
Martha Earnest
Facilities Staff
Julie Fike
Associate for Recreation and Wellness Ministries
Laurie Harwell
Associate for Administrative Operations
Tim McCormack
Associate for Facilities Management
Dr. David Ouzts
Associate for Music and Liturgical Ministries
John Palmer
Associate for Music Ministries
Debra Satterfield
Associate for Children’s Formation
Jim Sawicki
Jamie Shaw
Greg Ward
Associate for Membership Development
If you would like to e-mail any of the above clergy or staff use the first initial of their first name followed by their full last name @ holycommunion.
org. For example:
From the Rector:
Church of the Holy Communion
Worship Schedule
December 2010 • Issue No. 29
Church of the Holy Communion...a sacred presence, in the center of Memphis...
Church of the Holy Communion
4645 Walnut Grove Road
Memphis, Tennessee 38117
Phone (901) 767-6987 Fax (901) 767-7034
7:30 a.m. - Holy Eucharist Rite I
9:00 a.m. - Holy Eucharist Rite II (Nursery available)
10:15 a.m. - Christian Education (Nursery available)
11:15 a.m. - Holy Eucharist Rite II (Nursery available)
5:30 p.m. - Taizé/Celtic Eucharist
(Taizé 1 & 3 Sundays/Celtic 2 & 4 Sundays)
Why is this issue so short?
The next issue of The Communicator will be our
Winter/Spring Program Guide full of new
formation offerings. The new guide should make
its way to your mailbox later this month.
I am pleased to announce that our parish will be
served by a Deacon beginning this month. The Rev. Randolph McCloy, MD, who was ordained last November as
a vocational Deacon, will be joining our parish ministry
team as of Sunday, December 19. Randy is familiar to
many in our congregation as he was an active lay leader in
our parish for many years. He has been serving an internship at St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Collierville for
the past year.
Randy brings with him the skills and compassion
of his other vocation as a physician, which he will continue
to exercise concurrently with his diaconal ministry. The
role of Deacon is a non-stipendiary ministry that models
the servant ministry of Christ and serves as a bridge from
the church to the world and vice versa. This is symbolized
in the three unique liturgical roles carried out by the Deacon in our Eucharistic liturgy: reading the gospel lesson,
setting the altar, and giving the dismissal at the end of
our worship. Randy’s ministry among us will focus on the
areas of healing and pastoral care.
I am delighted that Bishop Johnson has decided to
place The Rev. Randy
McCloy at Holy Communion and I know
you will join me in
enthusiastically welcoming Randy and
his wife, Linda Kay,
back to their spiritual
Holy Communion in December:
Preparing for His Coming
First Sunday of Advent, November 28
7:30, 9:00, 11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist
5:30 p.m. Celtic Holy Eucharist
Second Sunday of Advent, December 5
7:30, 9:00, 11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist
5:30 p.m. Advent Lessons & Carols
6:15 p.m. Parish Advent Party
Third Sunday of Advent, December 12
7:30, 9:00, 11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist
5:30 p.m. Celtic Holy Eucharist
Fourth Sunday of Advent, December 19
7:30, 9:00, 11:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist
5:30 p.m. Taizé Holy Eucharist
Wednesday, December 22
5:30 p.m. Prayers for the Longest Night
with Holy Eucharist
Christmas Eve, Friday, December 24
4:00 p.m. Children’s Christmas Pageant/Holy Eucharist
6:00 p.m. Festival Holy Eucharist (NEW TIME)
10:30 p.m. Vivaldi Gloria
11:00 p.m. Festival Holy Eucharist
Mild incense will be used at the late service.
Christmas Day, Saturday, December 25
4:00 p.m. Holy Eucharist with hymns (Quilling Chapel)
First Sunday after Christmas, December 26
7:30 a.m. Holy Eucharist
9:00 & 11:15 a.m. Christmas Lessons & Carols
with Holy Eucharist
5:30 p.m. A Celtic Christmas Holy Eucharist
Church of the Holy Communion + 4645 Walnut Grove Road + Memphis, Tennessee + 38117 + (901)767.6987 +
Advent Lessons and Carols and
Parish Advent Party December 5
For the first time, the combined choirs of Church of
the Holy Communion will sing a special service of
Advent Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 5,
at 5:30 p.m. All of our parish choirs, St. Nicholas Choir
(grades 1-2), Boys and Girls Choir (grades 3-8), Parish
Choir and Motet Choir (adults), and Holy Communion Ringers (handbells) will present beautiful music
of the Advent season for this service. The service will
be the normal order for Lessons and Carols, where
scripture lessons telling the story of the coming of
the Christ Child into the world will be read, each followed by an anthem or Advent carol relating to the
specific lesson. The lessons will be read by children,
youth and adults. Children’s Chapel will be available
during the service and will include time for stories,
music & art.
Following the service, Congregational Life
will host a Parish Advent Party. Join us in Cheney
Parish Hall at 6:15 p.m. for festive food, drink and
live music. There will be a “Kids Korner” at the event
where children under the age of 8 can work on holiday crafts. The nursery will be available from 5:15
until 7:30 p.m. To RSVP please email Greg Ward at or call 767-6987 ext. 21.
Christmas Flowers and Music
Again this holiday season Church of the Holy Communion will be adorned for Christmas with beautiful flower displays and festival music accompanied by chamber
orchestra and organ. The Christmas Prelude at 10:30
p.m. Christmas Eve will feature the oratorio Gloria by
Antonio Vivaldi, sung by the Parish Choir. Help make
Christmas beautiful this year by making a special gift to
Christmas Flowers and Music; your gift may be made in
honor or memory of a loved one. Gifts must be received
by Friday, December 18 at NOON to be acknowledged
in the Christmas Eve/
Day service bulletin.
(Gifts received after
that will be acknowledged in a later Sunday morning bulletin.)
Contact Teresa Boone
in the finance office,
767-6987 ext. 29.
Checking In
with John Burruss
After three months
Theological Seminary, the chapel
burned down. Our chapel, a place where worship
takes place at least three
times a day, is now gone
and the jury is still out
whether to rebuild, start over new, or move locations.
For the time being the students, staff, and faculty have
moved into Scott Lounge to worship. Scott Lounge
is located right outside of our dining facility and is a
place where students gather before meals. It is a large
room that in a way reminds me of a much larger Carrick Room or Room 308. There are even paintings of old
Bishops much like our wall of vestry leaders.
Yet, after losing our central place of worship
students seem to be more connected to each other than
before. In a lot of ways, the church body of our seminary community seems healthier. We listen to each
other, yet look forward to the opportunities ahead. All
of us missing the chapel and what it offered the seminary, yet I am reminded in this time and space how little
a physical structure has anything to do with a church.
I am reminded that the church is really just a body of
people, worshiping together, sharing meals and discussions, and just being present in each other’s lives. It also makes me sad to be so far away
from my home parish, but of course that is a part of this
formation process. I look forward to being back with
my church community and catching up with many of
you over the holidays. Thanks for your continued support and prayers.
John Burruss
Parish Choir sings Vivaldi Gloria
on Christmas Eve
The Parish Choir will present Antonio Vivaldi’s Gloria
as the Prelude to our 11:00 p.m. Christmas Eve service.
The oratorio for choir and soloists will be accompanied
by chamber orchestra and organist John Palmer and
directed by Dr. David Ouzts. This choral work is a beloved favorite of many, especially at holiday seasons.
The 30-minute musical work will begin promptly at
10:30 p.m. Christmas Eve. Bring your friends and don’t
miss this monumental experience.
Sharing the Feast
with Grateful Hearts and Generous Lives
Thank you very much for your financial commitment to assist with
the building of God’s Kingdom through the mission of Holy
Communion. Below is a list of people who pledged
between October 16- November 15, 2010.
Carmine & Bill Vaughan + Mr. & Mrs. John Grayson, Jr. + Paul & Rosanne
Anderson + Helen Carey + Art Cruthirds & family + Anne Carroll Bunting + Katherine & John Dobbs + Bill & Bettie Clemmons + Andy & Shirley Pouncey + Mr. & Mrs. Louis Parotte + Adrienne & David Roth + Esther Brady + Mr. & Mrs. Donald Malmo + Robert & Kendra Propst + Jay
& Diane Williams + Aleine Hansen + Virginia Nichols + Chuck & Cyndi
Donlin + John & Tommie Horne + Alison England + Milton Rogers +
Debra & Richard Satterfield + Ann McDonnell + Cheryl Caldwell + Keith
& Julie Barton + Margaret & James Smith + Joyce & Lester Gingold + Dr.
& Mrs. Chapman Smith + Lea Davis + Pat Newberry + Mark & Niki Roberts + Mr. & Mrs. James Breazeale + William McKee + Helen C. Phillips +
Brenda & Bob Kremser + Daniel & Judith Amsler + John & Barbara Snyder + Liza Knapp & Dave Martin + Michael Walls + Sarah Doyle + Rob &
Vicki Baird + Jane & Jim Yarbrough + Jeanne & Richard Hollis + Ben &
Jean Ward + Ruth & Ron Thompson + Linda & Neely Mallory + George
& Susan Wortham + Jim & Margaret Brooks + Ruth & David Dando +
Diana Crump + Gordon Lohnes, Jr. + Elizabeth Lathram + Pamela Carr
+ Brown & Ashley Baine + Mr. Troy Thomason & Dr. Sheila Crawford +
Mrs. Charles Veitenheimer + Peggy Frazer + Lisa & Hugh Holt + Kendall
& David Visinsky + Elizabeth & Hubert Minton + Katie & Ward Collier
+ Jeff & Catherine Walker + Mary P. Black + Dale & Linda Thompson +
Ron & Fran Whitmore + Mr. & Mrs. Rick McClanahan +Allison Rogers
+ Margaret Eldridge + Nick & Amanda Goetze + Mrs. Armour Bowen,
Jr. + Mary Priest + Drs. Wes & Sue Atwood + Cameron & Taylor Taylor
+ Mr. & Mrs. Michael McDonnell + Charles Martin + Henry Loeb + Ann
McCormack + Susan Peterson + Kay & Neel Gammill + Cliff & Jennifer
Sulcer + Susan Morgan + Eugenia Noe + Andy Cobb + Mr. & Mrs. Jerald
Read + Nathaniel Johnson + Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Schadt + Peter & Mary
Pranica + Elizabeth Gordon + Ollie V. Rencher + Linda Christopher +
Herb & Dorothy Wells + Michael & Elizabeth Harber + Anna Kathryn &
Hank Word + Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Witt + Kyle & Maelyse Webb + Greg
& Susan Webb + Barbara & Bill Nixon + Margaret & William Bright +
Nell Dickerson + Don Savage + Sally & Frank Navarra + Amy & Brooks
Smythe + Bonita Lyons + Martha York + John & Anne Burruss + Barbara
Wilson + Robert & Alicia Puckett + Kati Thomas + Ellen Hammond +
Mark & Suzanne Massey + Julia Dean + J. Michael & Sherry Murphy +
Michael Sullivan + Jerry Wolfe + Ann & Dan Duncan + Kevin & Shauna
Miller + Bill & Catherine Bateman + John & Katie Monaghan + Geoff &
Sharon Fargo + Sibyl McKellar + Charles & Kathy Hill + Cheryl & Joe
McCormack + Don & Maryanne Macdonald + Laila & Richard Eckels
+ Steve & Margaret Dean + Mike & Sherri Smith Lemmi + Tom & Ruth
Ellen McQuiston + Mary Caroline & Madeline Collier + Charlton & Dianne Lyons + Evelyn & Jim McGahey + James & Carol Dupree + Eric
Hudson & Tricia Dewey + Dale & Sherry Jones + Curt & Sarah Cowan
+ Scott & Paige Smith + Michael & Eileen Olewinski + Ann Blecken +
Theresa Streibich + Karrene Snell + Diane Spence + Brent & Lee Glasgow
+ Frances Maury + John & Sharon Fairbanks + Fred & Pat Collins + Armour Barnes + James Allen + Larkin Bryant + Rosemary Adams + Elaine
Turner + Keith & Barbara Leach + Marlene & Al Shaw + Fred & Harriette
Beeson + Bill & Kathy Krieger + Mary Davis + Matthew & Paula Daniel
+ Phil & Marilyn Arensberg + Page & Marty Wick + Andy Williams + Dr.
Emily (Boo) Ruch + Walt & Jo-Ellen Reed + John & Susan Mutin + William & Keelan French + Jimmy & Lisa Guyton + Jean & Shawn McGhee +
Dr. Peggy Ingram Veeser + Walter Wills, III + David Ouzts +
The Longest Night Service
Many find themselves not feeling the cheer that
our culture tells us we should during the holidays.
On December 22 we will offer a special service for
those who feel alone or sad during the holidays.
The chapel will create a safe place to express grief
and a time of quiet comfort during the holidays at
5:30 p.m. in the chapel. The service is intended to
give comfort and hope to those whose hearts are
filled with lament and longing during this holy
season which focuses on “God with us.”
Epiphany Service
A Festival Holy Eucharist for the Eve of The Epiphany will be on Wednesday, January 5, at 6:30 p.m.
in the Church. This 45-minute service follows the
regularly scheduled Church Family Together dinner and will be led by the Parish Choir and Boys
and Girls Choir. Immediately following the service,
a ceremonial Burning of the Greens will be held in
the church parking lot. Bring your Christmas tree
and other greens to burn.
Memorials & Honoraria
In memory of Aggie Danielson
Sherry & Mike Murphy
In memory of Charles Metcalf Crump to
The Friends of Music Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Roberson
Anne & Joseph Fisher
In memory of Billy Ayres
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Roberson
Mr. & Mrs. James C. Rainer, III
In memory of Tommy Hoehn
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Roberson
In memory of Dottie Griscom
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Roberson
In memory of Joe Middleton to
The Friends of Music Fund
Jane Gamble & Catherine Nathan
In memory of Louis Parotte
Richard & Betty Hoffman
Sherry & Mike Murphy
Mr. & Mrs. John L. Salmon
Cheryl & Joe McCormack
Frances Maury
In memory of Brandon Lyon
Cheryl & Joe McCormack
In honor of Alex Green
Linda James & Suzi