Arkhangelsk Region_presentation


Arkhangelsk Region_presentation
of the Arkhangelsk region
Arkhangelsk region
and investment
Arkhangelsk 2010
of the Arkhangelsk region
Arkhangelsk region
Arkhangelsk region is situated in the North of the European part of Russia. Its
coast is washed by the waters of the seas of the Arctic Ocean. The territory of the
region is 410,7 thousand square kilometers or 2,5 % of the territory of Russian
Federation. The region includes Nenets autonomous district.
The population of the region is 1,2 million or 0,8% of the population of Russia. The
level of urbanization is 74 % and it coincides with the middle Russian index. The
density of population is 3,0 persons per 1 square kilometer, and it is three times
less than the average rate of Russia. The able-bodied population comprises 64,3 %
of the regional population.
The administrative centre of the region is the city of Arkhangelsk. The largest cities
of the region are Severodvinsk, Kotlas, Novodvinsk, Koryazhma.
The economic development of Arkhangelsk region is generally based on
enterprises of timber industry, machine-building, mineral resources, transport,
fish complexes, agriculture and construction industry.
of the Arkhangelsk region
Transport Infrastructure
At present the Arkhangelsk region is a strategic centre of transport logistics in the
North, where automobile, railway, river, sea and aviation routes meet together. The
Arkhangelsk region is also the main Russian gateway to the space: every year
dozens of space satellites are launched to the Earth's orbit from the space
launching site Plesetsk. Strategic importance of the Arkhangelsk region for the
Russian State let confidently forecast successful future for the regional transport
logistics, which is also connected with the development of new huge oil, gas and
other mineral resources fields on the Arctic shelf.
Arkhangelsk is an oldest commercial sea port in Russia. It is the first northern
gateway of the country to Europe, Siberia and the Arctic. Today JSC «Arkhangelsk
Commercial Sea port» is:
- a multifunctional commercial harbour for transshipment of general cargo,
including pulp, cardboard, metals, sawn timber; containers, heavy equipment and
bulk cargo;
- an all-year-round navigation harbour, where ice conditions are practically the
same as in the Gulf of Finland;
- a powerful infrastructure, which is capable to handle up to 4.5 mln. tones of cargo
- the gateway to the Arctic. This is the place where the Northern Sea Route starts,
which is the shortest way for delivering cargo as compared to the traditional routes
from Europe to the markets of the South-Eastern Asia;
- a principal base for the oil and gas developments on the Arctic shelf, first of all
those in the Barents and in the Kara Seas;
- a big and up-to-date container terminal.
of the Arkhangelsk region
Vacant capacities at the Northern Railway are a strategic reserve allowing to
increase considerably volumes of deliveries to the North within a very short period
of time. According to data provided by experts at the Ministry of Transport session
in Arkhangelsk in summer 2009, today vacant capacities of the Northern Railway
allow to pass about 3 dozens of extra trains per day.
JSC «Nord Avia – Regional Airlines» is a daughter company of JSC «AeroflotRussian Airlines» which has 80-year-old experience of deliveries in the North. The
base airports are in Moscow, Arkhangelsk, Murmansk, St.-Petersburg, and
Naryan-Mar. JSC «Nord Avia – Regional Airlines» has a modern stock of aircrafts.
Besides, «2nd Arkhangelsk United Air Group» is based in Arkhangelsk. It operates
helicopters and can perform complicated works for transportation of outsized
cargo in different climatic conditions: from Africa to the Polar Circle.
of the Arkhangelsk region
Perspective investment projects in
transport and logistics complex
«Deep-sea harbour Severny
in the Arkhangelsk sea port»
Project goal:
to construct a new deep-sea harbour to the North of Arkhangelsk with a direct and
independent access to the World Ocean, to meet the demands of Russian and
foreign shippers for extra harbour facilities.
Location – north-eastern part of the Dry Sea bay in the Dvina gulf.
Brief project description:
The project provides the construction of a modern deep-sea cargo harbour of the
sea port which will admit vessels of up to 100 thousand tones deadweight for
handling about 30 mln. tones of cargo per year.
Implementation period – 5 years.
Total volume of capital investments – about 30 bln. rub.
The project will be realized on the basis of private and public partnership.
Social and economic effect:
The construction of a new deep-sea harbour in the port will make it possible to
- independent departure of large vessels to any foreign harbour of the world;
- intensification of the economic activity in the northeastern region of the
European part of Russia;
- solutions for many challenges related to the oil and gas developments on the
Arctic shelf, operation of production units, development of coastal shipping;
- establishment of industrial facilities for the processing of hydrocarbons in the
North of Russia;
- significant improvement of the investment attraction of the Arkhangelsk Region;
- development of industrial, innovation, technical, living, entertaining, cultural and
of the Arkhangelsk region
service facilities near the harbour;
- 9000 new work places in the Arkhangelsk Region;
- extra taxes to the federal budget – about 400 mln. rub., to the regional budget –
about 800 mln. rub., to the local budget – about 280 mln. rub.
The project has been considered and approved by the Federal Agency
«Rosmorrechflot» in the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation. There is a
positive resolution from the FSU «Directorate of State Contracting Authority for
Marine Transport Development Programs». The Ministry of Regional Development
of the Russian Federation has included the project in the Conception of long-term
social and economic development of the Russian Federation: «to provide, among
other things, operation of the Northern Sea Route and involve huge mineral and
natural resources of the northern Russian areas».
of the Arkhangelsk region
Investment project «Belkomur»
The development of the deep-sea harbour in the Arkhangelsk sea port is in close
connection with the implementation of the Belkomur project (the White Sea – Komi
Republic – the Urals), i.e. construction of the railroad Solikamsk– Gajny –
Syktyvkar – Arkhangelsk (1155 km long). Belkomur project is included in the
«Strategy of the Railroad Development of Russia up to 2030», which is approved
by the RF Government on June 17, 2008 and will be implemented on the basis of
private and public partnership.
Project goal:
- to get rid of infrastructural dead ends, to provide access to the mineral resources
which are not in use at present,
of the Arkhangelsk region
- to make a new short transit route connecting the
Urals and Siberia with the northern Russian harbours.
- Total length of the railroad – 1252 km
- Total cost of the railroad construction – 118 bln. rub.
- Total private investments in the related local projects
on the territories of three regions – more than 442 bln.
- Period of project realization - 2014-2015 years
On August 7, 2009 Belkomur project was approved by
the Investment Commission for selection of projects
claiming to get budgetary allocations from the
Investment Fund of the Russian Federation. Belkomur
project and the Deep-sea harbour «Severny» in the
Arkhangelsk sea port are included in the «Integrated
program for industrial and infrastructural
development of the Komi Republic, the Perm Krai and
the Arkhangelsk Region». The Memorandum about
joint implementation of the program was signed in
June 2007 by the Heads of participating regions.
However the project is especially relevant for shippers
only if it is implemented simultaneously with the construction of the new deep-sea
harbour in the Arkhangelsk sea port, thus providing the best transshipment and
logistic scheme (the shortest railroad, cheap and efficient modern harbour giving
convenient access to the Northern Atlantic) aimed at the development of relations
between the Russian Federation and its business partners in the European Union,
Northern and Southern America, Central and South-eastern Asia.
Basic advantages of the Belkomur railroad construction are:
- A shorter route for cargo delivery from the Urals to the Arkhangelsk and
Murmansk harbours
- A solution for the problem of dead-end railroad junctions on the territories of
three regions of the Russian Federation
- Involvement of unreachable natural resources in the economic life, development
of uncultivated areas.
of the Arkhangelsk region
Machine-Building Complex
Arkhangelsk region has a developed machine-building complex with a great
potential which creates attracting conditions for investments. The main engine of
regional machine-building is shipbuilding enterprises.
JSC “PO “Sevmash” is the largest shipbuilding complex in Russia. At present it is
the only shipyard in Russia where nuclear submarines are built.
Foundation year: 1939
Number of employees: 25 000
The yard performs the following works:
- construction of submarines and surface ships and vessels with nuclear power
- construction of vessels, pontoons, barges, and other floating facilities of
different classes and functions
- construction of oil and gas offshore ice-resistant jack-up platforms
- design, manufacturing and testing of the equipment for production,
transportation and processing of oil and gas.
of the Arkhangelsk region
JSC “SC “Zvezdochka” is a leading Russian shipyard specialized in repairing and
re-equipping of submarines, surface vessels and ships of any class and function.
In recent years the yard has mastered construction of vessels, fishing trawlers,
jack-up drilling rigs for oil and gas production on the Russian Arctic shelf.
Foundation year: 1954
Number of employees: 14 000
The yard performs the following works:
- repairing and upgrading of nuclear submarines and surface vessels;
- manufacturing of marine equipment and facilities for oil and gas production;
- civil shipbuilding;
- manufacturing of industrial and technological products for mechanical
engineering, metallurgical, oil and gas, and other industries;
- Utilization of nuclear submarines and surface ships;
- Manufacturing of propellers;
- Faceting of diamonds, manufacturing of jewelry.
of the Arkhangelsk region
Timber-Industrial Complex
Arkhangelsk region is one of the leading timber-industrial regions in Russia. Total
area of forest land is 29.1 mln. hectares, including commercial forests – 21.6 mln.
hectares (74%). Arkhangelsk region ranks second in the North-western Federal
District of the Russian Federation in terms of timber reserves. Total reserves of
forest forming species are 2.5 bln. cubic meters, including old-growth and overmature forests – 1.7 bln. cubic meters (65,3 %), coniferous forests – 2.1 bln. cubic
Timber reserves available for commercial use and processing are 1.8 bln. cubic
Coniferous trees in reserves – 83.0 % (of which fir-trees are 70 %), soft-wooded
broadleaved – 17%. Annual allowable calculated cutting area in the region is 22
mln. cubic meters, including coniferous forests – 16.7 mln. cubic meters.
Maximum possible volume of harvesting, with tending of forest, is 5.3 mln. cubic
Vast timber reserves make possible to develop manufacturing of fiberboards and
furniture, as well as construction of wooden houses, manufacturing of different
things of wood and wood wastes, including alternative fuels.
Key regional timber-industrial enterprises are:
Pulp-and-Paper Mills:
Filial of JSC “Ilim Group” in Koryazhma (Kotlas PPM)
JSC “Arkhangelsk PPM”
JSC “Solombala PPM”
of the Arkhangelsk region
Large Wood-working Factories:
JSC “Timber Plant №25”
JSC “Onega Wood-working Plant”
JSC “Solombala Wood-working Plant”
JSC “Timber Plant № 3”
JSC “Timber Plant №2”
JSC “Arkhangelsk Wood-working Plant № 3”
JSC “Arkhangelsk Plywood Manufacturing Plant”
The priority Investment Projects for Development of Forests in the Arkhangelsk
Region are:
- Upgrade of manufacturing facilities for production of cardboard and white paper
(Filial of JSC “Ilim Group” in Koryazhma). Volume of investments: 9900 mln.
- Renovation of manufacturing facilities for production of cardboard at JSC
“Arkhangelsk PPM”. Volume of investments: 5451.9 mln. rubles;
- Upgrade of wood-working facilities owned by “Solombalales Holding” and
establishment of objects of forest infrastructure. Volume of investments: 2718
mln. rubles;
- Construction a wood-working plant in Arkhangelsk with production capacity 95
thousand cubic meters of laminated veneer lumber and planed elements for
carcass house-building per year (“KharviSeverLes” ltd.) Volume of investments:
1235.4 mln. rubles;
- Establishment of a wood-working complex on the basis of “Ustjyansky Forestry
Enterprise”. Volume of investments: 800 mln. rubles;
- Establishment of manufacture of oriented strand boards (OSB). Volume of
investments: 7158,4 mln. rubles.
of the Arkhangelsk region
Construction Complex
Regional construction complex is
presented by construction, installation
and specialized organizations, which are
capable to provide whole range of
construction and repair works, companies
producing construction materials,
engineering and survey organizations.
The potential of the construction complex
in the Arkhangelsk region is rather high.
Construction companies have qualified
personnel, high-capacity machines and
equipment and can construct facilities of
any complexity level: from multi-storey
blocks of flats and industrial buildings to
complex out-of-class bridges and hydro
technical structures. Engineering
organizations employ highly qualified
specialists who use advanced
technologies for design and up-to-date
materials for construction.
There are factories in the region producing
construction structures and materials.
They manufacture whole range of steel
and reinforced concrete structures for
industrial and civil construction,
supplying sufficient amount of them for all
the regional construction projects.
Their production capacities allow
increasing the volume of manufactured
construction materials more than three
The region has considerable mineral and raw material resources which make it
possible to develop long-term strategic planning within this industrial sector.
of the Arkhangelsk region
Mineral Resources Complex
The development of the mineral resources complex of the Arkhangelsk region is
firstly connected with such minerals as diamonds, bauxites, various building
materials and underground waters.
The largest diamond-field area in Europe is explored in the Arkhangelsk region
(18% of reserves of Russian Federation). This is implication for development of
faceting manufacture.
On the territory of the region there are possibilities for developing of basalt
extraction (reserves – near 4,6 bln. tones), and also manufacture of crushed
chippings and paving tiles. On the territory of the region there are deposits of
limestones, which are convenient for organization of cement plant with production
capacity of more than 1,8 mln. tones. There are also clay deposits which give
opportunity for creation of brick manufacture.
of the Arkhangelsk region
Potential for Offshore Development
Arkhangelsk region has a potential for
developing of oil-and-gas fields on the
shelf of the Arctic seas, including the
greatest gas distillate deposit
The Arkhangelsk region can offer the
Local companies can be involved as
suppliers of materials, goods and
Distribution centre and integrated
logistic base for the project
development can be located on the
territory of the region. Background:
well-developed infrastructure of the
Arkhangelsk sea port, vacant
production sites, reserves in energy
supplying capacity and upcoming
gasification, proximity to the large
industrial centers of the country.
Shipyards of Severodvinsk with their
potential can construct offshore and
subsea facilities: drilling rigs, supplier vessels on the “turn-key” basis,
specialized oil and gas equipment. In cooperation with foreign partners these
of the Arkhangelsk region
plants can manufacture templates, manifolds, subsea completion equipment,
Mobilization of local construction
companies for participation in projects
can be used.
Local qualified personnel and
establishments can be used to train oil
and gas specialists for the project.
At present regional companies are
already involved in servicing huge oil
and gas projects in the Arctic and
transportation hub is a largest
transshipment base for such supplies.
of the Arkhangelsk region
There are possibilities in the Arkhangelsk region for development of
agriculture especially dairy farming and milk production. Ecologically clean
potatoes, various types of vegetable crops are grown on the territory of the
Arkhangelsk region on the open ground and also in hothouses. Meat and milk
cattle breeding, production of eggs and poultry are developed in the region.
Fishing sector
Available outlet to the White Sea gives an opportunity for access to fish
resources. Annual catch of fish made by regional enterprises is more than 100
thousand tones. The Arkhangelsk region has a great potential for future
increasing of fishing and it also has a base for fish processing.
of the Arkhangelsk region
Investment Climate
The Government of the Arkhangelsk region has assumed some measures to
increase investment attraction of the region.
1.The regional law «On state policy of the Arkhangelsk region in the sphere of the
investment activity» has been adopted. This law will establish uniform standards
and rules for organization of investment activity in the region. It is the basis of
investment legislation of the region.
2.The regional law «On tax benefits for investment activity on the territory of the
Arkhangelsk region» has been adopted. According to this law, new companies
registrated on the territory of the Arkhangelsk region in the form of legal entities
are given corporate income tax benefits for that part of the tax, which goes to the
regional budget, and property tax benefits in case of implementation of large
investment projects. At present amendments simplifying the procedure of
providing facilities to big investors are worked out and will be introduced in
regional Assembly of deputies.
3.The Procedure of support of investment projects, implementing and planning for
implementation on the territory of Arkhangelsk region has been adopted. It
establishes uniform universal procedure of investors' and applicants' support
with cooperation with executive authority of the Arkhangelsk region within
implementation or preparation for implementation of investment projects.
4. Committee of investment policy under the Governor of Arkhangelsk region has
been created and functions today. It is created for solving any problems of
investors with which they meet during implementation of investment projects.
5.The investment portal of the Arkhangelsk region ( has been
created in Internet and it functions today. It is created to provide investors with online access to information about investment propositions and production areas
which are perspective for implementation of projects.
of the Arkhangelsk region
Personnel Resources
Arkhangelsk region has competitive labor resources which are trained in the
region, and also a well-developed system for training professionals for different
industries and specialities. Most of the specialists are trained by 5 largest federal
higher educational establishments.
Two of the institutions are technical: Arkhangelsk State Technical University
(ASTU) and SEVMASHVTUZ, which is a branch of the St.-Petersburg Marine
Technical University. These institutions educate modern personnel for the most
significant regional industrial sectors – mechanical engineering, shipbuilding,
timber-industrial complex, construction and oil and gas industries. There is an “Oil
and Gas Institute” in the structure of ASTU. Its graduates work at oil and gas fields
in Russia and outside it.
Pomor State University named after M.V. Lomonosov is a large classical university,
research, scientific, educational and innovation complex which is highly
evaluated in Russia and abroad. It provides high-quality education and trains
qualified professionals of international level. The University is a multifunctional
centre of education, science and culture in the Northern Europe, Russia and the
Arkhangelsk region. There are 44 specialities in the University.
Northern State Medical University (NSMU) over the last decade has been a leader
uniting medical educational establishments from 5 regions in the north-west of
Russia (Vologda, Petrozavodsk, Syktyvkar, Yaroslavl, and Arkhangelsk regions) to
find solutions for challenges related to the quality of medical education. There are
9 different institutions in the structure of the University, including Polar Medicine
R&D and Maritime Medicine R&D. Leading professors and scientists from NSMU
of the Arkhangelsk region
are well-known in the scientific community all over the world.
Russian Distance-Learning Finance and Economics Institute (Arkhangelsk
branch) is a largest state specialized distance-learning higher educational
establishment which is a recognized leader in the sphere of in-service training of
specialists for the following financial and economic fields: “Finances and Loans”,
“Accounting and Audit”, “Company's Management”, etc. Huge number of highly
qualified professionals has been trained in the Arkhangelsk branch.
According to the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 2009 the
Northern (Arctic) Federal University has been established in Arkhangelsk. This
University is to be the center of development and production of advanced
technology and training personnel who has modern core competence firstly for
the most competitive economic sectors of northern territories of Russia.
The Strategy of the Northern (Arctic) Federal University directs to:
- Implementation of transfer to professional education, meeting requirements of
innovation economic development.
- Innovation, scientific, educational and personnel supply of balanced solving
problems of economics, nature and society of European North and Artic area of
Russia, and also problems of sustainable development for present and future
generations, and problems of improvement of life quality of population.
- Improvement of effectiveness of fundamental studies, increase of
commercialization of applied developments, growth of intellectual potential of the
northern region.
- Development of international cooperation in the sphere of professional education
and organization of scientific researches and increase of international
of the Arkhangelsk region
Tourist and Recreational Potential
The Arkhangelsk region is unique in its
tourist and recreational potential and
takes leading positions in Russia in terms
of the number of historical and cultural
Historical and cultural complex of the
Solovetsky archipelago, which is a
UNESCO monument uniting about 200
monuments from the 3rd century to the
present days, is rightly considered to be
the region's trademark.
Special attention should be paid to the
wooden architecture monuments which
have made the Russian North as a peak of
the Russian wooden architecture.
Considerable resources for cultural
tourism are museum collections (more
than 500 000 exhibits), folklore, rites,
music art of Pomors.
The key role in developing eco-tourism is
played by the national park “Kenozersky”
and Pinega wildlife reserve – pieces of the
untouched relic Russia.
Four active monasteries attract those
people who are keen on religious tourism:
the Solovetsky Spaso-Preobrazhensky
(Transfiguration) Stauropegial Monastery
(the 15th century), the Antoniyevo-Siysky
(Antony of Siya) Monastery (the 16th
century) in the Kholmogory district, Artemy-Verkola Monastery (the 17th century)
in the village of Verkola in the Pinega district, Sursky Ioanno-Bogoslovsky (St.
of the Arkhangelsk region
John the Theologian's) Nuns' Convent (the 19th century) in the village of Sura in
the Pinega district.
The Arkhangelsk region has numerous mineral springs and therapeutic muds.
Annually about 30 thousand people undergo treatment at the regional therapeutic
For those who are fond of extreme tourism the Arkhangelsk region can offer water
routes, excursions to the Pinega caves (approx. 350), the most famous of them
(Konstantinovskaya and Golubinsky gap) are natural monuments of global
significance, and also a natural monument – Kiy Island.
The Arkhangelsk region is ready for cooperation and for propositions. In case of
any question, please, contact the Section of investment policy and external
economic activity of Ministry of economic development of Arkhangelsk region.
Tel.: +7-8182-288-360, +7-8182-288-386, +7-8182-288-390, Fax: +7-8182-215-298.