юя 4 6 0 7 - JazzDays.ru


юя 4 6 0 7 - JazzDays.ru
arkhangelsk jazz party's publication
«ITOGI of Arkhangelsk Region» magazine supplement
summer – 2008
The word “jaz z ” is of ten
associated with a light genre,
with restaurants, dancing on
verandas and in clubs. It is
definitely so. But… jazz has long
become an important genre
of performance, composer
and artistic music. This music
has many streams, trends and
names. Being a musician and
organizer of cultural events, I
am attracted by combination of
different styles. “Polystylistics”,
as critics say. We should recall
our experience with the Dmitry
Pokrovsky Ensemble, State
Academic Northern Russian
Choir, Arkhangelsk Choir – the
combination of Sviridov’s music
and jazz improvisation and so
on. That is why we had the
idea of organizing a traveling
music festival “Warm Sounds
from Nord”.
We have an intention to
intern the new festival in our
region, Norway and so on. We
are looking for partners and
interested parties. In the 21st
century we have an opportunity
to download information from
sites, discs. But the demand for
cultural events won’t become
lower. Concert halls, the sea shore,
Ha r a ld
warm sounds from north
International festival at a spectecular site with some
of the finest artist from Russia and Norway
he festival arena – the
labyrinth – is ex tremely
beautiful and the per fec t site
for exciting ar tistic events with
it s proximit y to nature and to
the dark side s of it s his tor y.
Not all ar tist s are able to work
in this kind of environment
without technic al aids. It
means that the per former s
must be both highly competent
ar tis tic ally and excellent
communic ator s.
Through the centuries,
Sovlovky has been a centre of
power in the Barents Region. A
place not just with a dramatic
history but also of enormous
contrasts, which include the
most beautiful of human
creations such as the monastery
with its icons, and the most
abhorrent example of human
bestiality – Stalin’s gulag period.
The archipelago har traces of
civilisation going back several
thousands of years, and was
probably used as a Sami burial
ground before that. On the beach,
not far from the monastery,
there is a maze which is also
probably several thousands
of years old. It is remarkably
similar to another maze in
Nesseby in Norway’s Eastern
Finnmark, and is evidence of
the close connections over the
millennia between the different
peoples of the north.
a public room or a restaurant hall
of a hotel, a cruise tour and so
on – these are all stages for the
invite people from our region and
guests from other regions to visit
a new performance. For more
details and leaving suggestions,
please, turn to our web-site www.
Sincerely yours,
Vladimir Turov,
Director of the Jazz
Development Fund
a r k h a n g e l s k j a z z p a r t y ' s p u b l i c a t i o n #10 j u n e, 2 0 0 8
Arkhangelsk jazz friends –
Musikk i Finnmark:
Arkhangelsk jazz musicians’ project
» This contact continued despite
the cold war and has blossomed
after the fall of the Berlin Wall
with the establishment of
the peace project known as
“Barentssamarbeidet” – Barents
Musikk i Finnmark and Jazz
Foundation Archangel have
now come together and are
developing several projects in
the spirit of this cooperation.
Through concrete interaction,
relations are formed and cultural
codes broken and the people
of the region are coming closer
together. The idea of the Pomor
music festival was born after a
concert given by Mingus Dynasty
from the USA. The atmosphere
and spiritual calm of the place
gave birth to the idea of an annual
festival with warm music from
the north bringing people closer
together and nor least marketing
this wonderful place in Norway.
The idea of the festival is to
nuture the balance between
the people on the island, without
creating a gigantic arrangement
that would destroy its ecology
roject exists from 1997, being
in fact creative laboratory,
which nearly all jazz musicians
have passed: from the most
well-known to the musicians only
starting to play in mainstream style.
“Arkhangelsk Jazz Friends” is one
of the leading jazz ensembles in
“Artil” jazz club (in the “Merchant
Yards”). The repertoire basis are
jazz standards, ballads, blues and
authorized music.
Nikolay Klishin
double bass
Nikolay Klishin, Konstantin
Vladimir Turov, Nikolay Kovalev
in various years have passed a
rough school of Jazz group
“Arkhangelsk”, working under
Vladimir Rezitsky leadership.
They have participated nearly
in all jazz festivals of Soviet Union,
and also in festivals and tours in
Germany, Norway, Italy, Japan,
USA, Great Britain. They all until
Alexey Barandov
Constantin Sedovin
Vladimir Turov
keyboards, vocals
Victor Khabarov
music festival
july 5
and relationships. The market
target are the avant garde and
culturally curious in both Russia
and Norway.
nowadays stay in jazz, do a lot for
this music trend in Arkhangelsk
to have development, confirming
by this confidence to the simple
rule, that their former leader had –
“constant movement, constant
development…perhaps by life”.
Our collegue and friend living in
St. Petersburg Yuri Silkin (guitar)
will join us in this project.
[ translated by Yan Turov ]
a r k h a n g e l s k j a z z p a r t y ' s p u b l i c a t i o n #10 j u n e, 2 0 0 8
Brazz Brothers
— Brass Brothers
n the last few years the
Norwegian brass ensemble
The Brazz Brothers has entered
the European music scene with
great success. The audience is
"singing their praises" and The
Brazz Brothers have gotten
overwhelming reviews for their
performances and recordings.
"The Brazz Brothers set brass
instruments in focus in a new
and refreshing way".... After years
of playing concerts and touring
the Scandinavian countries The
Brazz Brothers today have visited
Austria, Belgium, France, Germany,
England, Slovakia, Holland, Canada,
USA, Asia and Africa. During
the last years, they have given
more than 120 concerts a year.
Their reputation as great "live"
performers makes them a favorite
in every festival or concert. All
the music that The Brazz Brothers
plays is composed or arranged
by the members of the group
and represent a unique mix of
traditional jazz, modern jazz and
folk music from different parts
of the world. The Scandinavian
folk music tradition is strongly
represented. All this is presented
and performed with instrumental
virtuosity and spontaneous
humor. Often The Brazz Brothers
invite guest stars and partners in
their musical projects. Musicians
like Lester Bowie (trp.), Yousou
N'Dour (voc.), John Surman (sax),
Famoudou Don Moye (perc.),
Amina Meyers (piano, organ),
David Peaston (voc.), Rebecca
Storm (voc.), Phil Minton (voc.),
Povl Dissing (voc.), Sissel Kyrkjebo
(voc.) Hukwe Zawose (afro.) and
many others.
They also present their own
compositions and arrangements
in co-operation with other bands
like Lester Bowie's Brass Fantasy,
the Tanzanian band Tatunane
("Afrobrazz"), the Japaneze Shidara
drum ensemble, different bigbands, brass-bands and professional
Symphony Orchestras and
The Brazz Brothers were
founded in 1981 and consist
of two sets of brothers that
were born and grew up on the
small island of Sula on the west
coast of Norway. After their first
drummer Egil "Bop" Johansen
died in1998, the drums are now
played by the swedish drummer
Marcus Lewin.
trumpet/ flugelhorn.
French Horn.
Ann-Jorid Henriksen
Harald Devold
Stein Erik Tafjord
Marcus Lewin
The music is based on song and
yaik traditions from Nesseby
in Finnmark. The people in this
area lives in a cultural crossroad
of sami, norwegian, finish and
russian culture. The tradition is
influenced of this musical heritage
and the sound is rich and exiting.
The musicians are based in jazz
and the tradition of improvised
musicand has developed the
original folksongs into today
modern sound. You will hear New
Orleans, Avant Gard, classic music
and jazz. A exiting and varied
sound with room for impulses
and surprinsing turns.
Solovetskiy Islands
july 12 2008
Producer Ann-Jorid Henriksen
is head of “Sapmi Music”, being
responsible for all performances
of this organisation. Ann-Jorid
Henriksen became famous as a
singer and joik performancer. She
grown in sphere of theatre and
cinema actors. Ann-Jorid is a leader
and member of lots important
cultural Sapmi organisations.
At the present moment she is
member of North Norway Cinema
Centre executive committee
(“Nordnorsk Filmsenter”).
a r k h a n g e l s k j a z z p a r t y ' s p u b l i c a t i o n #10 j u n e, 2 0 0 8
The Unknown
our people
from the Three Well-known
Article about Oleg Yudanov was
included in the second, re-processed
and more information added edition
agree with organizers’ idea
that musicians who are going
to perform in the open air, must
be “perfect communicators”.
And here the alliance of Oleg
hour is important for it. I don’t
like asking musicians different
questions concerning “out of
what” or “why”. I like listening
to them. Listening, just like they
Udanov also took part in that
musical performance. The jazz
version of Sviridov turned out to
be surprisingly accurate, multicoloured and versatile.
Before it, Alexey came to
Arkhangelsk to take part in the
“Jazz Days” festival in 2005, in 2007 he
became a participant of the “April
Jazz Theses” festival. In Moscow
he recorded his program being
part of “Novo Jazz Art Trio” with
Igor Ivanushkin (double-bass) and
(again!) Oleg Udanov (drums).
Andrey Bashev, who is supposed
to be a member of this creative
union, is one of the core musicians
in the ensemble “Round Band”
(“Krugliy Band”) – Andrey Kruglov’s
offspring, which was created in
December 1999. From the site
of the saxophone player we can
learn that “among the ensemble’s
projects are literary-musical plays,
instrumental statuesque music,
jazz and other streams. The RB’s
program is not only multi-styled,
but also multi-genre. But to combine
things that cannot be combined
is not our main objective. Our
prior unit is the sound, which is
a well of life for everything that
is happening on the stage”.
“Warm Sounds from Nord” –
is waiting for us, soon we’ll hear
[ I.K., Translated by
Kate Pilitsyna ]
of world encyclopedia of jazz in
Russian language (“Persons” part). This
wonderful book of Vladimir Feiertag –
well-know and high-authority Russian
music specialist and jazz critics was
published in 2008 by St. Petersburg
“Skifia” Publishers.
More than 1000 names of musicians
who have created contemporary art
of jazz are included in it. Big share
is given to the Russian musicians
whose deserts in creating a jazz
aura in our country and its region
are of no doubt.
A l r e a d y in 1s t e d i t i o n o f
encyclopedia (2001) articles about
Jazz group “Arkhangelsk” and its
leader – Vladimir Rezitsky were
included. Discography mentioned
in this encyclopedia gives a reader
an idea on main periods of each
artists’ life.
It is possible to order a book in
the Internet at:
Udanov (drums), Alexey Kruglov
listen to each other. Because this
(saxophone) and Andrey Bashev
process is captivating due to its
(tuba, bass-guitar) doesn’t seem
absolute unpredictability. Only
to be a mere coincidence.
here and now.
Every time, when Oleg Udanov
Alexey Kruglov has
agrees on a new idea, only one
touched me deeply in
thing can be said beforehand: we
November 2005, when
will hear something we haven’t
he was improvising in a
heard before. As every “right” joint program of the jazzimprovisation, the oncoming one
band “Arkhangelsk” and
is being prepared. It is maturating. Arkhangelsk Amateur Choir
Not known where: in his heart “Sviridov and Modern Jazz: the
Meeting in Arkangelsk”. Oleg
or in his mind. And every life
E-mail: skifiabook@mail.ru
Telephones in St. Petersburg:
+ 7 812 571 68 54,
For further details on
purchasing trips, please,
turn to “Pomor-tur”
Tel. (8 8182) 21-40-40
+ 7 812 571 72 94
Vladimir Turov
Issue prepared by:
Irina Korosteleva
Yan Turov,
Ekaterina Pilitsyna
Design: «OM-media»
Vladimir Ermolin
Costantin Orlov
Color Separation, Color Test, Printing
Address: 32 Novgorodsky Prospect, Arkhangelsk 163002, Russia
Tel./fax: 20-4444, 20-5555 • E-mail: ommedia@ommedia.ru
Address: 52, Troitsky Prospect, Arkhangelsk 163000, Russia
Tel./fax 23-68-70 • www.jazzdays.ru