Geofest 2006 - City Montessori School
Geofest 2006 - City Montessori School
December 2006 Issue No. 8 Quanta 2006 brings children of 22 countries together on global platform Aro und 500 budding sci enti sts, sci enti sts and experts from 22 countries including Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, Hong Kong, Iran, Macedonia, Malaysia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, So uth Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Ukraine, USA and India came together on a global platform to compete in various competitions Young scientists from Russia expressing their views at Quanta Press Conference held at the 4-day International Science Festival ‘Quanta-2006’ the world closer and afford them an organised by CMS, Chowk. Different opportu nity to exchange their interactive competitions were organised experiences, knowledge and views on with the aim of bringing the children of various matters of human interest. see details on page 4 Russian and Indian students win honours at International Astronomy Olympiad Around 300 students of various countries of the world including Russia, Bulgaria, Czech Republic and variou s st ates of India participated in the 7th International Astronomy Olympiad organized by CMS Chowk at CMS Kanpur Road auditorium.Renowned astronomers and scientists of various countries delivered illuminating lectures at the olympiad. The global event was Young astronomers with renowned astronomer, inaugurated by the Chief Guest, Mr Arcady Brook from Russia.(details Dr Tarun Sauradeep from Pune on page 4) Former CJ Mr Justice V N Khare to inaugurate the Chief Justices' Conference on 8 December Former President of Mauritius arriving as special guest Chi ef Justi ces, Judges, legal luminaries and renowned peace promoters from 88 countries of the world will assemble on a common platform to hold discussions and find solutions to formulate and enforce int ernational l aws for safeguarding the future of the 2 billion children of the world and to strengthen the United Nations Organization. These eminent personalities are arriving here at Lucknow to part icipate in t he 7 th International Conference of Chief Justices of the World being organized by City Montessori School, Lucknow from 8th December 2006. The conference will be inaugurated by the former Chief Justice of India, Hon'ble Mr Justice V N Khare while Hon'ble Mr Justice P N Bhagwati, former CJ India and Chairman, Human Rights Committee, Geneva will preside over the inaugural ceremony and Hon'ble Justice C G Weeramantry, former Vice President, International Court of Justice and former Judge, Sri Lanka, will deliver the keynote address. Former President of Mauritius, Hon'ble Mr Cassim Uteem is specially arriving here to attend the Conference. Resolve for a clean and green earth at Geofest International 2006 by CMS Mahanagar Students of Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Mauritius and India participat ed i n the fi ve-day International Geography Olympiad Geofest-2006, organized by CMS, Mahanagar(III) at CMS, Kanpur Ro ad audit oriu m from 5 to 9 November 2006. The grand festival was inaugurated by Mary Lee Elden, renowned geographer and Director, National GeographyOlympiad, USA while Municipal Commissioner, Mr Ms Mary L Elden, Director, National Geography Ram Bodh Maurya, gave away the Olympiad, USA, inaugurating Geofest 2006 prizes. (see details on page 3) SAARC Youth Fest sends message of unity CMS Rajajipuram organises International Youth Fest Students from 70 schools and col leges o f USA, Germany, Canada, England, Denmark, Austral ia, Paki stan, Iran, Philippines, Sweden, Yorkshire, Costa Rica, Singapore, Indonesia, Dubai, Bhutan, Brazil, Columbia, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Taiwan, Thailand, P ortu gal, Nepal and various states of India participated in the International Youth Festival Mayor of Lucknow, Mr Dinesh Sharma and organised by CMS, Rajajipuram on Mr G.G. Gulati, Editor, United Bharat, 11 November at the scho ol inaugurating the festival premises. The Mayor of Lucknow, while, Mr Girdhar Gopal Gulati, Editor, Dr Dinesh Sharma, i naugurat ed t he United Bharat, gave away the prizes. International Youth Fest and Exhibition see results on page 6 Minister in President's Office, South Africa, H.E. Mr Esso Pahad admiring the posters CMS, Rajendra Nagar(III) organised SAARC Youth Festival on 10 November. Over 2000 entries from Pakistan, Maldives, Bhutan, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal and India were received for various competitions. Chief Guest, Mr R K Mi ttal, IAS, Co mmissio ner, Lucknow Division honoured the pri ze winners. Mini ster in President’s Office, South Africa, H.E . Mr Esso Pahad was the special guest.(results on page 6) CMS delegations return from Japan and Indonesia Beg and Ayushi Singh for Mathematics Olympiad. Eureka International reveals an ocean of talent Eureka 2 006, an international festival organised by CMS, Anand Nagar, from 24 to 27 November revealed high literary and cultural talents of participants. Students of Iran, Pakistan, Nepal, Sri Lanka and India parti cipated in t his event.It was a unique event organised for the primary and junior level students. see details on page 7 RESULTS Team leaders lighting the lamp of learning International Sports Olympiad EXSPO 2006 organised by CMS, RDSO (28 October to 1 November) on page 5 & World Peace Festival organised by CMS, Indira Nagar (27 to 29 October) on page 8 IYMC 2006 begins on 1 December CMS, Gomtinagar, is organising the 2nd International Young Mathematicians’ Convention (IYMC) at World Unity Convention Centre, CMS, Kanpur Road ,from 1 to 4 December 2006. Over 500 young mathematicians from 13 countries of the world including Nepal, Egypt, Iran, South Korea, Thai land, Bu lgaria, Russia, England, So uth Afri ca, Bhut an, Philippines, Nigeria and various states of India are participating in this Convention. A 9-member delegation of CMS, Jopling Road and Gomtinagar participated in the 3rd International Mathematics and Science Ol ympi ad ( IMSO) or gani zed by the Directorate of Kindergarten and Primary Schools Department of Education, Indonesia at Jakarta, Indonesia. Members included : Principal, CMS, Jopling Road, Mrs Manju Nautiyal (leader), teachers, Mrs Kahkashan Saleem and Ms Vaishali Bharadwaj (deputy leaders) and students, Vedansh Singh, Damini Rani Shankar and Tanya Anshu for Science Olympiad and Shashwat, Shahnoor The del egation to J apan, which represented India at the International Youth Forum 2006 held at Tokyo, Japan under the aegis of Goi Peace Foundation, Japan in cooperation with UNESCO Asia Pacific Cultural Centre, comprised Senior Principal of CMS, Rajendra Nagar, Ms Sudersh Kaur and two student members, Priyanka Singh of CMS, Kanpur Road and Saurabh Singh of CMS, Gomtinagar. on TIPS ON HEALTHY LIVING page 7 By Dr Amitabh Pandit Listen to MR JAGDISH GANDHI Founder-Manager, CMS everyday on 1. 2. 3. 4. Aastha T V channel at 9.20 am Sanskar TV channel at 5.25 pm Local TV channel (CMS Activities) 6.30 pm Sadhana TV channel at 7.25 pm (1) CMS is the Guinness World Record holder as the world’s largest school by pupils (with 31,000 students on roll now) (2) CMS is the First school of the world to be awarded the UNESCO Prize for Peace Education (2002) and (3) The only school to organise and host 20 international events annually. See CMS BULLETIN - GUIDANCE AND FM SCHEDULE DECEMBER 2006 (2) Educationwatch English daily 'Pioneer' carries a weekly column titled 'Educationwatch/Jagdish Gandhi' every Sunday on the apostle of World Unity and Founder Manager of CMS, Mr Jagdish Gandhi's talks. Printed below is a clipping from the Pioneer dated November 12, 2006: YOU CAN WATCH CMS Educational programmes on Local Cable Network from 6:30pm DAILY Highlights: Programmes/ Activities based on Functions and Events organised by CMS Words of Wisdom of Shri Jagdish Gandhi IF YOU ARE NOT ABLE TO WATCH OUR PRO GRAMMES YOU MAY CONT ACT THE FOLLOWING CABLE OPERATORS : 1. Universal Cable: Charbagh, Alambagh, Old Lucknow, Rae Bareilly Road, Sadar ( 2456630 2. Manoranjan: Cant, Sadar, Raibarelly Road ( 2615042 3. Navgrah: Indira Nagar (: 2354900 4. ACN: Alambagh ( 9335299777 5. Home Entertainment: Aliganj ( 2762874 6. Lucknow Cable: Chowk ( 5529753 7. Vardaan:Gomti Nagar ( 9335916223 8. Surya: Gomti Nagar ( 2392172 9. Pharmaish: Rajajipuram ( 2416385 10. Home Cinema (Jolly): Jopling Road ( 2209410 11. Sikka: Hazratganj/Mahanagar ( 2616864 12. We TV: Mahanagar/Gomti Nagar ( 3297334 **For any assistance please feel free to call: 9415015030/ 9415015039 or 9335816600/9839030795 YOU CAN WATCH 9 CMS Educational Films on Local Cable Network made by CMS FILMS DIVISION 6:30pm Maa, Ravi, Sabak, Seeker of World Unity, Sahi Raah, Pacchtava, Roshni, Anmol, Ratan, Aao Dosti Karein DAILY CMS FM Radio (90.4 MHz) schedule for December 2006 From CMS, Gomti Nagar: 7.00 am to 10.00 am and again 4.30 pm to 7.30 pm from CMS, Kanpur Road : 7.30 pm to 10.00 pm (daily) Programme begins with: Signature Tune, Vandana (from various religions), Thought for the day/Amrit Vichar and Zodiac Zoom 01.12.2006 (Friday) Panchtantra Ki Kahaniyan, Special Feature, CMS News, Sargam, Raag Jai Jaiwanti, Job Watch, Computer Studies: Introduction To MS- Access, My Dream, Economics: Meaning & Characteristics Of Public Enterprises, Biology: Water Management In Animals & Plants, Young Talents 02.12.2006 (Saturday) Rhyme Time, FM Team Aapke Ghar Mein, TeacherParents Interaction, Glimpses Of International Events, “Hello! CMS FM”, Personality Development 03.12.2006 (Sunday) Rhyme Time, Doctor-Parents Dialogue, Flash Back, Aaina-e-Lucknow, Fire Side Stories, Career Junction, Discover India, Dadi Ki Kahaniyan, FM Mehmaan 04.12.2006 (Monday) Special Feature On Constitution Day, Maths: Special Products In Algebra, CMS News, Science: First Aid, Lucknownama, Aao Batein Karein, English: Auxiliary Verbs, Hindi: Balkrishna Rao’s Poem, Biology: Response & Coordination In Animals & Plants, Personality Development 05.12.2006 (Tuesday) Rhyme Time, English: Punctuation, Maths: Ratio & Proportions, An Apple A Day, CMS News, Sargam, Raag Jai Jaiwanti, Special Feature, Chemistry: Acid, Bases & Salts, Science: The Respiratory System, Economics: The Advantages & Disadvantages Of Public Enterprises, Biology: The Excretion In The Human Body & Plants 06.12.2006 (Wednesday) Story Time, Value Based Teaching, English: Punctuation, CMS News, Body Bhasha, Aao Batein Karein, Economics: Different Forms Of Public Enterprises, Science: The Respiratory System, Biology: Transportation & Circulation In Human Beings, Personality Development 07.12.2006 (Thursday) Rhyme Time, Hindi, English, CMS News, Science: The Nervous System & Sense Organs, Rang Manch, Maths: Ratio & Proportions, Value Based Teaching, My Dream, Personality Development, Bio-technology: The Production Of Bio-diesel From Jatropha Plant, Biology: Reproduction In Animals & Plants 08.12.2006 (Friday) Panchtantra Ki Kahaniyan, Bollywood Yadein, CMS News, Sargam, Raag Kalingra, Job Watch. Special Feature, Commerce: The Functions Of Indian Small Industries Corporation, Science: The Nervous System & Sense Organs, Economics: Different Forms Of Public Enterprises 09.12.2006 (Saturday) Rhyme Time, Fm Team Aapke Ghar Mein, TeacherParents Interaction, An Apple A Day, Hamare Parv Aur Tyohar, Glimpses Of International Events, “Hello! CMS FM”, Personality Development 10.12.2006 (Sunday) Rhyme Time, Doctor-Parents Dialogue, Flash Back, Aaina-e-Lucknow, Career Junction, Feature: Human Rights Commission-Manavta Ki Aviral Yatra, Discover India, Dadi Ki Kahaniyan, FM Mehmaan 11.12.2006 (Monday) Story Time, Feature: UNICEF, CMS News, Bollywood Yadein, Lucknownama, Economics: The Forms Of Business Organization, My Dream, Commerce: Types Of Mutual Funds & Their Advantages, Biology, History: The Kingdom Of North India 12.12.2006 (Tuesday) Rhyme Time, English, Economics: The Forms Of Business Organization, An Apple A Day, Cms News, Sargam, Raag Kalingra, Computer Science: Using Scanners & Digital Cameras, Our Forum, My Dream, Geography: Basic Concepts Of Geography, Commerce: Meaning & Types Of Market, History: The Kingdom Of South India 13.12.2006 (Wednesday) Story Time, Science: Safety Measures During Disasters, Economics: The Forms Of Business Organization, CMS News, Body Bhasha, Aao Batein Karein, Computer Science, Maths: The Usefulness Of Factors In Algebra, My Dream, Geography: Basic Concepts Of Geography, Biology: The Circulatory System, Commerce: Meaning & Types Of Market 14.12.2006 (Thursday) Rhyme Time, Hindi: Panchvati Me Laxman, Special Feature, CMS News, Environment Science: Acid Rain, Rang Manch, Maths: Vectors, Value Based Teaching, My Dream, Health Science: The Importance Of Onion, Commerce: The Mutual Funds, Science: Nutrition 15.12.2006 (Friday) Panchtantra Ki Kahaniyan, Personality Development, Special Feature On The Death Anniversary Of Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel, CMS News, Sargam, Raag Ramkali, Job Watch, Science, Value Based Teaching, My Dream, Commerce: The Working Of U.T.I., Biology: Healthy Eyes, Young Talents 16.12.2006 (Saturday) Rhyme Time, FM Team Aapke Ghar Mein, TeacherParents Interaction, An Apple A Day, Hamare Parv Aur Tyohar, Glimpses Of International Events, “Hello! CMS FM”, Personality Development 17.12.2006 (Sunday) Bollywood Yadein, Doctor-Parents Dialogue, Flash Back, Aaina-e-Lucknow, Fire Side Stories, Career Junction, Discover India, Dadi Ki Kahaniyan, FM Mehmaan 18.12.2006 (Monday) Story Time, English: The Affirmative And Negative Sentences, Biology: Healthy Eyes, CMS News, Commerce: The Functions Of National Industrial Development Corporation, Lucknownama, Computer Science: Introduction To SQL, Great Personality, History: Social Reform Movements In India, Health Science: The Importance Of Lauki 19.12.2006 (Tuesday) Rhyme Time, English: Common Confusable Words, An Apple A Day, CMS News, Sargam, Raag Ramkali, Our Forum, Bio-technology, Civics: My Dream, Health Science: The Importance Of Chilly, Geography: Constitution Of The Earth’s Interior, Economics: The Forms Of Business Organization 20.12.2006 (Wednesday) Story Time, English: Common Confusable Words, Cms News, Body Bhasha, Aao Batein Karein, Computer Science, Value Based Teaching, Geography: Origin Of The Earth, Biology: The Functions Of Excretory Organs, Mathematics: The Algebraic Expression. 21.12.2006 (Thursday) Rhyme Time, Hindi, English: Common Confusable Words, CMS News, Health Science: The Importance Of Jeera, Rang Manch, Maths: Problems Based On Time, Speed & Distance, Value Based Teaching, My Dream, Geography: Origin Of The Earth, Biology: The Functions Of Excretory Organs 22.12.2006 (Friday) Panchtantra Ki Kahaniyan, Maths: Problems Based On Time & Work, CMS News, Sargam, Raag Vibhas, Job Watch, Science, Personality Development, My Dream, Commerce: Working & Management Of The State Finance Corporation, Geography: Origin Of The Earth, Young Talents 23.12.2006 (Saturday) Rhyme Time, Fm Team Aapke Ghar Mein, TeacherParents Interaction, An Apple A Day, Special Programme On Farmer’s Day, Glimpses Of International Events, “Hello! CMS FM”, Personality Development 24.12.2006 (Sunday) Rhyme Time, Doctor-Parents Dialogue, Flash Back, Aaina-e-Lucknow, Fire Side Stories, Career Junction, Discover India, Dadi Ki Kahaniyan, FM Mehmaan 25.12.2006 (Monday) Story Time, Feature On Christmas, CMS News, Maths: The Unitary Method & It’s Application, Lucknownama, Great Personality, Geography, My Dream, Hindi, Biology, Economics: The Advantages & Disadvantages Of Cooperative Societies 26.12.2006 (Tuesday) Rhyme Time, English, Maths: Profit & Loss, An Apple A Day, CMS News, Sargam, Raag Vibhas, Aao Batein Karein, Literacy Today, Biology: Structure Of Leaf, Geography, My Dream, Science: The Human Body And It’s Functions, Chemistry: Allotropes Of Carbon, Economics: The Need Of Cooperative Societies 27.12.2006 (Wednesday) Story Time, Bollywood Yadein, English, CMS News, Body Bhasha: The Essence Of Personality, Aao Batein Karein, Computer Science, Maths, My Dream, Hindi, Economics: The Joint Stock Company & It’s Features 28.12.2006 (Thursday) Rhyme Time, Hindi, English, CMS News, Science, Rang Manch, Maths, Value Based Teaching, My Dream, Geography: Earth’s Movements, Biology: The Importance Of Cytogenetics, Economics: The Merits & Demerits Of Joint Stock Company 29.12.2006 (Friday) Panchtantra Ki Kahaniyan, CMS News, Sargam, Raag Sohni, Job Watch, Science, Personality Development, My Dream, Geography: The Soil Erosion & Conservation, Biology: Basic Properties Of Life, Young Talents 30.12.2006 (Saturday) Rhyme Time, FM Team Aapke Ghar Mein, TeacherParents Interaction, An Apple A Day, Hamare Parv Aur Tyohar, Glimpses Of International Events, “Hello! CMS FM” Personality Development 31.12.2006 (Sunday) Rhyme Time, Doctor-Parents Dialogue, Flash Back, Aaina-e-Lucknow, Fire Side Stories, Career Junction, Discover India, Dadi Ki Kahaniyan, FM Mehmaan Every programme concludes with: Words of wisdom by Mr Jagdish Gandhi, CMS Songs/Geet and next day's Highlights “Live your beliefs and you can turn the world around.” —Henry David Thoreau CMS BULLETIN - GEOFEST 2006 DECEMBER 2006 (3) International Geography Olympiad 'Geofest 2006' organised by CMS, Mahanagar (III) 'How much geography do you know?' asks quizmaster Barry O' Brien Yo ung geography enthusiast s representi ng prestigious schools of Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Mauritius and various states of India expressed the view that the welfare of human race was possible only when man lived in harmony with his natural environment. Through their participation in the 5-day 5th International Geography Olympiad organized by CMS, Mahanagar(III), the young geographers from India and abroad called upon the people to save humanity by keeping the earth clean, green and prosperous. These 700 geography students, teachers and experts had arrived here from 84 different schools of the world to participate in Geofest-2006 organized at the World Unity Convention Centre, CMS Degree College, Kanpur Road from 5 to 9 November 2006. ‘Geofest-2006’ was inaugurated in a grand way on 5 November 2006. Chief Guest, Ms Mary Lee Elden, renowne d ge ogra pher and Directo r, Natio nal Geography Olympiad, USA lit the lamp of learning to inaugurate the function. Teams from 84 schools of India and abroad were introduced at the opening ceremony. CMS st udents presented a scintill ating cu ltural programme. During the next four days these students participated in a series of exciting events and spread the message of green and clean earth and peace and unity in the whole world. Addressing the students from various countries at the inaugural ceremony, Ms Elden said that CMS is worthy of high praise for its laudable initiative of organizing this international level geography contest. She said that the society had high expectations from these young geography enthusiasts and they should rise to the occasion to fulfill their moral duty of keeping the earth green and glowing. The Principal of CMS Mahanagar and Convener of Geofest 2006, Mrs Prema Subramaniam, said that the purpose of organizing this Geography Olympiad is to awaken the students towards keeping the earth clean and green. At the same time, it aims at developing students’ skills and confidence for participating in the coming International Geography Olympiad. E xtending a warm welcome to t he participating students’ teams, scientists and experts from India and abroad, CMS Founder, Mr Jagdish Gandhi said that through intermingling of thoughts and ideas, this International Geography Olympiad will encourage the feelings o f Wo rld Peace, World Uni ty and brotherhood. The competitions held at Geofest 2006 included Geotalk, Create Your Taste, Voice and Vision, Geotech, Paste Your Taste, Catchy Caption, Through the lens’ Eye, Geoquiz, Model Display, Model Making etc. The contests began with a lively Geotalk Debate on Display of talents at collage contest the topic ‘Urbanization is a blessing.’ This highly interest ing and informat ive debate was very ably conducted and chaired by Mr Carlyl Mac Farland. In the junior section, a wonderful collage contest, ‘Create Your Taste’ was organized on the topic ‘Contribution of Collage industry in protection of environment.’ Around 84 students participated in it. In Voice and Vision contest, the teams formed choreographic groups and presented a musical saga with dance and music melting together on the theme ‘Trees adorn the earth.’ Debate held on the topic ‘Human Geography rather than physical and regional geography needs greater attention’ was equally interesting. Young geo graphers’ expressed thei r vi ews with great confidence. Mr Carlyl Mac Farland chaired the debate with great expertise throwing in expert comments at the end and lacing it with his quick wit and humour. In the Geotech competition, the students made Geo scientists at work multimedia presentation on the topic ‘The Ever-expanding universe’ and threw light on the latest discoveries in space research. They exhibited extra-ordinary enthusiasm and a desire to do something new in this field. In Paste Your Taste (Collage) contest organized for seniors, the topic was ‘The economic development of your nation.’ Students of various countries went all out to highlight the progress made by their country in different sectors of the economy. They gave full expression to their thoughts and ideas and revealed profound knowledge and understanding. In Catchy Caption (slogan writing) contest, around 87 teams jumped into the fray. They made interesting slogans on the topic ‘Green Wealth for Good Health.’ The slogans were well decorated with pictures. In ‘Through the lens’ eye’ contest, there were 79 teams comprising 2 members each. Each team had to submit 2 photographs whi ch the children had themselves shot. The photographs were accompanied by a write-up exceeding not more than 150 words. The Mo del Display Cont est saw 42 students' teams participating, each represented by 2 students. The students had to assemble and display their self-made useful models on rain water harvesting. In the Model Making Contest for juniors, as many as 85 teams participated. There were 2 students in each team. The students used paper, cloth, cotton, colours etc with clay, plaster of paris and water to make their models in the sand trays provided to them. The topic was ‘Landforms made by tectonic movements’. Renowned academicians and experts judged the various events. The International Geography Olympiad concluded with a grand prize distribution ceremony organized at the venue on 9 December. Chief Guest of the ceremony, Mr Ram Bodh Maurya, Municipal Commissioner, Nagar Nigam, Lucknow, gave away the prizes to the winners. Results Catchy Caption (Juniors) First Nitin & Vlbhasha Second Akansha Sharma Vinay Seth Third Shreya Narang Sumedha Rai Co ns. Tanya Paul Nitica Sakharwade Create Your Taste (Juniors) First Divya Verma Divya Prab hakar Second Tarun Gup ta Ritika Kohli Third Tanya Paul Nitica Sakharwade Co ns. Pragya Rai Sho bhit Maheshwari Model Making (Juniors) First Shubhendu P. Singh Aishwarya Ag arwal Second Deepak Kumar Rahat Ali Third Tanya Ve rma J. Akhila Co ns. Fatima Jaffar Sandra Riaz Sunbeam Schoo l, Bhagwanpur,Varanasi Bal Bharti Public School, Pitampura Delhi St. Anthony’s Junior College, Agra Ryan International Schoo l, Noida Co ns. Geo Talk First Second Third Co ns. Apeejay School, New Delhi St. Mark’s Sr. Sec. Public School, Delhi Ryan International Schoo l, Noida Sunbeam School, Lahartara, Varanasi D.A.V. Public School, Korba Jawahar Navod aya Vid yalaya,Sultanp ur Ryan International Schoo l, Noida The Lords International School, Pakistan National Geography Olympiad First Deepak Kr Singh St John’s Dlw Varanasi Second Shobhit Shubhankar St John’s Dlw Varanasi Third Prasoon Shukla CMS Kanpur Road Through The Lens Eye (Juniors) First Dilan Herath D.S. Senanayake College, Colombo, Dinuka Gunawardana Srilanka Second Arpit A Prasad Sunbeam School, Varuna, Varanasi Saket Shukla Third Somy A Sharma S.D. Public School, Muzaffarnagar Geo Talk First Second Third Co ns. Prateek Sharma Rajat Singla Avni Garg Third St. Xavier’s High School, Panchkula (Group-A) — Seniors Amrisha Tripathi Lucknow Public School, Lucknow Salam Khan La Martiniere College, Lucknow Aayush Jain Manav Sthali School, New Delhi Shubhika Bilgrami Bhawan’s BP Vidya Mandir, Nag pur (Group-B) — Seniors Ramandee p Neetu Yadavindra Public School, Mohali Soumya B. Iyer Anandalaya, Anand Ne ha Bhatiya St. Anthony’s Junior Collage, Agra Disha Chand ra Geo Tech (Seniors) First Akash Gupta Chakresh K. Singh Second Mad hav Bhag at Utsav Dangh Third Akash Dixit Anrit Tib rewal Co ns. Satyam Shakher Mayank Tiwari Paste Your Taste (Seniors) First Renuka Toppo Soumyashree Patel Second Salman Khan Arp an Agarwal Third Pratee k Mahe shwari Mad hav Bhag at Co ns. Aleeza Tauseef Atiqa Hassan Bal Bharti Public School, New Delhi Puranchandra Vjdyaniketan, Kanpur St. Peter’s College, Agra Seth Anandram Jaipuria School, Kanpur CMS Kanpur Road Delhi Public School Korba Chha Tisgargh Lamartiniere Colle ge, Lucknow St. Peter’s College, Agra Co ns. Krishna Singhania Ap urva Verma Pallavimavle Nitesh Rao Geo Quiz (Seniors) First B Vishwanath Ankit Verma Second Akash Dixit Ankit Tib rewal Third Pranav Se thi Priyanka Sho keen Co ns. Vareesha Sachan Mayank Tiwari Seth Dwaraka Prasad Bajaj Edu. Centre Mirjap ur Lord Jesus Public School, Gurgaon St.John’s School, Varanasi Seth Anandram Jaipuria School, Kanpur Bal Bharti Public School, New Delhi City Montessori School, Kanpur Road Voice & Vision (Seniors) First Yadavindra Public School, Mohali Second St. Anthony’s Junior Collage, Agra Third Ryan International Schoo l, Noida Co ns. St. Marks’ Sr. Sec. Public School, Delhi Overall Championship Trophy (Juniors) Ryan International School, Noida Overall Runner Up Trophy (Juniors) D. S. Senanayake College, Colombo, Sri Lanka Overall Championship Trophy (Seniors) Yadavindra Public School, Mohali Overall Runner Up Trophy (Seniors) La Martiniere College, Lucknow The Lord Interna Tio nal Lahore Pakistan Model Display (Seniors) First Ankit Kapil St. Mark’s Public School, New Delhi Nitesh Shanna Second Satyam Shakher City Montessori School, Kanpur Road Sudhanshu Gautam When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves. — David Orr Nature never betrayed the heart that loved her CMS BULLETIN - QUANTA AND ASTRONOMY OLYMPIAD 2006 DECEMBER 2006 (4) International Science Festival 'Quanta 2006' organised by CMS, Chowk Debate on environment infused new light in Quanta The four-day International Science Festival ‘Quanta2006’ organized by CMS, Chowk was inaugurated amidst a grand ceremony by Chief Guest, Hon’ble Mr Justice Vishnu Sahai, Chairman, UP Law Commission and F ormer Acting Chief Justice of Allahabad High Court by lighting the lamp of learning at the World Unity Convention Centre, CMS Degree College, Kanpur Road. The presence of about 500 young scientists, scientists and experts from 22 countries including Austria, Brazil, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, Hong Kong, Iran, Macedonia, Malaysia, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Slovakia, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Ukraine, USA and India created a mini world filled with the feelings of unity and brotherhood. CMS students presented several educational-cultural items in honour of the participating students from India and abroad and these students teams introduced themselves in style. Speaking at the inaugural function, the Chief Guest, Hon’ble Mr Justice Vishnu Sahai said that there is an urgent need today to combine science with humanity. Progress in science is the surest way towards human development. The computer, internet, website, aeroplane, television etc. are all gifts of science and these are symbols of human upliftment. If we have to bring about quality in our lives, it is necessary to take help from science and technological progress. CMS students presented a scintillating educational-cultural programme in honour of the experts and young scientists from various countries. According a warm welcome to the foreign students, scientists and experts besides students’ teams from various prestigious schools of India, the Founder-Manager of CMS, Mr Jagdish Gandhi said that this grand science festival aims at encouraging the feelings of World Peace, World Unity and brotherhood through exchange of culture, civilization, language, scientific outlook and thoughts between the students of various countries. The Convener of International Science Festival ‘Quanta-2006’ and Principal of CMS Chowk, Mrs Sadhana Bedi said on the occasion, that this event will be very helpful in giving a human direction to the scientific attitude of today’s youth. On the basis of the review of the scientific development in present scenario we can conclude that the new millennium will have excellent scientific possibilities. The competitions which began on the second day of the fo ur-day Internationa l Sc ienc e F e stiv al ‘QUANTA-2006’ saw interesting views presented by students of various schools and colleges of the world Eminent judges from P oland, F inland, Austria, Slovakia etc. judged the competitive events. The debate focussed attention on the burning problem of environmental protection. Students came up with surprising performance in the debate held on the topic ‘Environmental awareness is a fashionable diversion. The debate was skilfully conducted by Mr Carlyl MacFarland of Lucknow Christian College. In the Collage Contest, the topic was ‘Progress beyond fossils : New fuels for the new age.’ The time allowed was three hours. Students were awarded marks for their creativity, artistry, neatness and interpretation of idea. Colour and art mingled to make each presentation new and unique. Around 58 teams of students from various countries participated in the collage contest. Judges were full of praise and appreciation for the students imagination and presentation of ideas. The Acta Mathematica Quiz held special interest as it explored the various branches of mathematics and tested the maths brains gathered at Quanta with a series of questions ranging from simple to complex. Students came out with spontaneous answers astonishing the audience with their powers of mental calculation. In the Mental Ability Quiz, 10 teams which took part in the final quiz were tested for their sharpness of brain, memory, ability to perform in stress and quick and logical thinking and reasoning powers. In the Astronomy Quiz, students explored the world of stars, planets, celestial bodies, comets and their relationship with each other and the earth. The judges were all praise for the curiosity and talents of the young astronomers. All the quizzes were conducted by renowned English Reader, Lucknow Christian College, Mr Carlyl McFarland in his inimitable style. In Science Model Display Contest, the students displayed several socially useful self made science models. 39 teams participated in the Computer Software Solutions competition. The languages used in this contest were C, C++ and Java and students had to answer 5 questions in 4 hours long computer programming. International Astronomy Olympiad 2006 organised by CMS, Chowk Dr Tarun Sauradeep, renowned astronomer from Pune inaugurates the closing ceremony Renowned astronomers and scientists of various countries delivered enlightening lectures and satisfied the eagerness and curiosity of students in the growing science of astronomy at the 2-day International Astronomy Olympiad organized by CMS, Chowk on 19 and 20 November 2006. Students from different countries of the world were apprised of the vastness of the universe which is limitless with no beginning and no end, wherein man is but a speck of dust but nevertheless, the highest creation of God. We should forget our mutual differences and live together as one human race. Associate Professor of Harish Chandra Research Institute, Allahabad and renowned astronomer, Dr J. S. Bagla, Dr Tarun Sauradeep, a renowned astronomer from InterUniversity Centre for Astronomy and Astrophysics, Pune and renowned astronomer and former Director of Nehru Planetarium, Col. J. E. S. Singh were among the key speakers. Results First Second Astronomy quiz in progress Rishab Mehrotra Moin Adil Ankit Singh Third Ale xey Rogo zhnikov Third Abhinay Mehro tra Hon. Mention Shubham Gupta Nitish Sethi Prashant Mo han Siddharth Das City Montessori Scho ol, Chowk City Montessori Scho ol, Chowk City Montessori School, Kanpur Road Mo sco w Chemical Lyceum, Russia City Montessori Scho ol, Chowk City Montessori School, Kanpur Road City Montessori Scho ol, Chowk City Montessori School, Kanpur Road Blessed Sacrament High School Budding scientists from Nigeria display their models Computer brains vied for supremacy in this keenly contested event. After this, renowned English Lecturer, Mr Carlyl, McFarland conducted the Science Quiz in his witty style. After the written quiz, 15 teams were selected to participate in the final quiz. The questions raised covered various aspects of science. Students unleashed their talents and answered the questions with amazing speed and alacrity to the surprise of the audience. The four day International Science F estival Quanta -200 6 co ncluded with a g rand P rize Distribution and Closing Ceremony held at the venue on 18 November. CMS students presented a highly entertaining cultural programme in honour of the participants of 22 countries. The Chief Guest, Shri Akhilesh Singh, Bureau Chief, Time s of India, Kanpur gave away the prizes to the winners of the various competitions and awarded them medals, certificates, shields and trophies. Results of ‘QUANTA-2006’ Debate (FOR) First Second Third First consolation Second consolation D.B.M.S. English School, Jamshedpur Loyola School, Jamshedpur Vid yaniketan, Rajkot City Montessori School, Go mti Nagar Delhi Public School, Nepal Debate (AGAINST) First Second Third First consolation Second consolation City Montessori School, Station Road GRD Acad emy, Dehradun Lyce um Artis, Bulg aria City Montessori School, Aliganj DAV Sushil Kedia Vishwa Bharti School, Nepal Collage First Second Third First consolation Second consolation D.B.M.S. English School, Jamshedpur Lyce um Artis, Bulg aria First Private Language Grammer School, Russia Carman Residential & Day School, Dehradun Bluebells School International, New Delhi Acta Mathematica Quiz First D.B.M.S. English School, Jamshedpur Second St. Joseph’s Academy, Dehradun Third Korea Science Academy, South Korea First consolation Army Public Schoo l, Lucknow Second consolation Mahidol Wittayanusorn, Thailand Mental Ability Quiz First Second Third First consolation Second consolation Third consolation Sri Kuala Lumpur Secondary Schoo l, Thailand Manavsthali School, New De lhi Mahidol Wittayanusorn, Thailand Korea Science Academy, South Korea Beaconhouse School System, Lahore, Pakistan St Mary’s Convent Inter College, Allahabad Astronomy Quiz First Second Third First consolation Second consolation City Montessori Scho ol, Chowk Bal Bharti Public School, New Delhi St. Xavier’s School, Bokaro Sri Kuala Lumpur Secondary Schoo l, Thailand St Thomas’ Church Scho ol, Ho wrah Model Display First Second Third First consolation Second consolation Sri Kuala Lumpur Secondary Schoo l, Thailand Ulsan Science High Schoool, South Korea Bhatnagar International School, New Delhi DAV Sushil Kedia Vishwa Bharati Higher Secondary School, Nepal GRD Acad emy, Dehradun Science Quiz First Second Third First consolation Second consolation D.B.M.S. English School, Jamshedpur Beaconhouse School System, Lahore, Pakistan Mahidol Wittayanusorn, Thailand City Montesso ri Schoo l, Mahanagar Secred Heart Convent School, Jameshedpur Software Solutions First Second Third First consolation Second consolation Mahidol Wittayanusorn, Thailand Korea Science Academy, South Korea City Montessori Scho ol, Chowk St. Joseph’s Academy, Dehradun D.B.M.S. English School, Jamshedpur Astronomy compels the soul to look upwards and leads us from this world to another. Second Runners-up Championship Trophy Mahidol Wittayanusorn, Thailand First Runners-up Championship Trophy Sri Kuala Lumpur Secondary Schoo l, Thailand Championship Trophy D.B.M.S. English School, Jamshedpur —Plato CMS BULLETIN - RESULTS OF EXSPO 2006 DECEMBER 2006 (5) Results of International Sports Olympiad ‘EXSPO-2006’ organised by CMS, RDSO Badminton — game for fitness and health Racing towards success and glory JUNIOR GROUP (BOYS) Second Vishal Third Ab inav Shakya Judo 30 kg junior boys First Chahat Srivastava CMS Hope Team Second K V Udaya Kumar Judo Asso., Sri Lanka Third Umar St. Francis, Lucknow Third Santo sh Megnathan Navyug Radiance , Lko Judo 35 kg junior boys First KRM Ratnaike Judo Asso., Sri Lanka Second Vikky Shrestha Malpi School, Nepal Third Abdul Samad St. Francis, Lucknow Third Arpit Narayan Navyug Radiance , Lko Judo 40 kg junior boys First J G Sugatapala Judo Asso., Sri Lanka Second Rake sh Thakur Nep al Third Nikhil Gautam CMS Hope Team Third Anirudha Tri. St. Francis, Lucknow Judo 45 kg junior boys First Bishal Rauniyar Parsa Judo Dojo, Nepal Second Shashank Singh CMS Peace Team Third Viplav CMS Hope Team Third K. Igad awatta Judo Asso., Sri Lanka Judo 50 kg junior boys First Binod Dhimal Parsa Judo Dojo, Nepal Second Ajendra Sharma CMS Unity Te am Third K. Veeratunga Judo Asso., Sri Lanka Third Subham Srivastava CMS Unity Te am Judo 55 kg above junior boys First Sye d Minhaz CMS Unity Te am Second Mohd. Aarish St. Francis College, Lko Third I. Udagendra Judo Asso., Sri Lanka Third Hasnain Raja CMS Unity Te am Chess junior boys First Shikhar Pandey Sunbeam Scho ol, Varanasi Second Shivam Shukla CMS Love Te am Third Mithesh Kaladi St. Francis School, Lko Table-tennis (singles) junior boys First Ad itya Goyal CMS Unity Te am Second Mukesh Mohorajan Puspa Sadan, Nepal Third Parth Arora Mahanagar Boys, Lko Table-tennis (doubles) junior boys First Bipin & Mukesh Puspa Sadan, Nepal Second Aditya & Dileep CMS Unity Te am Third Aditya & Ritu Raj CMS Hope Team Badminton (singles) junior boys First Kshitiz Rastogi St. Mary’s Convent, Lko Second Pronit Sinha Mahanagar Boys, Lko Third Sanchit Srivastava Aditya Birla, Sultanpur Badminton (doubles) Junior boys First Kshitiz & Prashant St. Mary School, Lko Second Partik & A. Afonso Manovikas School, Goa Third Sahil & Utkarsh CMS Hope Team Shotput junior boys First Shubham CMS Hope Team Second Rud ra Pratap CMS Unity Te am Third Srijan Singh CMS Love Te am Discuss junior boys First Shubham CMS Hope Team Second Rud ra Pratap CMS Unity Te am Third Sahib Khurana BCM Arya, Punjab Long jump junior boys First Arjun Singh Sherwood College, Nainital Second Md. Aneeq Ali Salamat School, Pakistan Third Pratik Mishra Aditya Birla, Sultanpur 100m race junior boys First Anshul Anand St. Mary’s School, Lko Second Arjun Singh Sherwoo k College, Nainital Third Ceasar Alemao Manovikas School, Goa 200m race junior boys First Arjun Singh Sherwoo k College, Nainital Second Saad Talha Salamat School, Pakistan Third Gurpreet Singh BCM Arya P School, Lko 400m race junior boys First Hamza Mehboob Salamat School, Pakistan Second Saurabh Kumar St. Paul’s School, Bihar Third Vishal CMS Hope Team 800m race junior boys First Vishal CMS Hope Team Second Dharmend ra Yadav Mahanag ar Boys, Lucknow Third Hamza Mahboob Salamat School, Pakistan 1500m race junior boys First Dharmend ra Yadav Mahanag ar Boys, Lucknow 4 x 100m relay race junior boys First Salamat International School, Pakistan Second She rwoo k Academy, Nainital Third St. Mary’s School, Lucknow Soccer First Second Third CMS Hope Team St. Mary’s School, Lko junior boys Kanchanjunga Team-B, Ne pal Kanchanjunga Team-A, Ne pal Manovikas School, Goa JUNIOR GROUP (GIRLS) Judo 27 kg junior girls First Bhavya Awasthi N. Radiance School, Lko Second Prag ya Srivastava CMS Peace Team Third Saania La Martiniere School, Lko Judo 32 kg junior girls First Shivangi Sharma N. Radiance School, Lko Second Deepti Negi Loreto Convent, Lko Third Radha CMS Hope Team Third Stuti Yadav CMS Unity Te am Judo 36 kg junior girls First Ayush Gup ta La Martiniere Collge, Lko Second KM Anusha Kumar Sri Lanka Third Richa Saxe na CMS Hope Team Third Khushboo Yawar La Martiniere Collge, Lko Judo 40 kg junior girls First Anita Lamba Parsa Judo Dojo, Nepal Second Saima CMS Hope Team Third Priya Kashyap N. Radiance School, Lko Judo 44 kg junior girls First K. Nirashni Judo Asso., Sri Lanka Second Zo ya Rizwan La Martiniere Collge, Lko Judo 48 kg junior girls First Sushila Adhikari Parsa Judo Dojo Nepal Second Hasini S. Judo Asso., Sri Lanka Third Zeb a Rizwan La Martiniere College, Lko Third Nupur Shukla Loreto Convent, Lko Judo (above 48 kg) junior girls First W. Kaushlya Judo Asso., Sri Lanka Second Sarita Chaudhary Parsa Judo Dojo Nepal Third Payal Loreto Convent, Lko Third Rene Pierce La Martiniere School, Lko Chess junior girls First Meghna Kaladi Loreta College, Lucknow Second L R Vijay Priya CMS Third Sanjivani Ratnam CMS Love Te am Shotput junior girls First Karisham Sharma Child ren’s Academy,Jaipur Second Areej Shoeb CMS Hope Team Third Aditi Seth Mayo College, Ajmer Discuss junior girls First Aditi Seth Mayo College, Rajasthan Second Zara No or Salamat School, Pakistan Third Areej Shoeb CMS Hope Team Long jump junior girls First Shruti Pathak Aditya Birla, Sultanpur Second L R Vijay Priya CMS Unity Te am Third Arantxa M. Vidya Vikas School, Goa Table-tennis (singles) junior girls First Diksha Rai CMS Unity Te am Second Apoorva Bhatia CMS Hope Team Third Neha CMS Love Te am Table-tennis (doubles) junior girls First Apoorva & Saloni CMS Hope Team Second Anila & Selisha Puspa Sadan, Nepal Third Diksha & Shreya CMS Unity Te am Badminton singles junior girls First Raunika B Vidya V. Academy, Goa Second Monika Ve rma CMS Hope Team Third Shreya Garg CMS Love Te am Badminton (doubles girls) - junior First Raunika & Simran Vidya V. Academy, Goa Second Anika & Prema CMS Peace Team Third Saumya & Monika CMS Hope Team 100m race junior girls First Arantxa Mascarenhas Vidya V. Scho ol, Goa Second Jennifer Lal St. Maria Gore tti, Bareilly Third Itisha Sharma CMS Hope Team 200m race junior girls First Arantxa Mascarenhas Vidya V.School, Goa Team from Nepal won the football championship Second Jyo tsna Pandey CMS Hope Team Third Itisha Sharma CMS Hope Team 400m race Junior girls First Bhawna Mishra Gurukul Acad emy, Lko Second Varsha Agarwal St. Maria Gore tti, Bareilly Third Manramya May Colle ge, Ajmer 800m race junior girls First Aishwarya Singh Mayo College, Ajmer Second Priya Kumar CMS Hope Team Third Jyo ti Bansal St. Kabir School,Haryana 1500m race junior girls First Aishwarya Singh Mayo College, Ajmer Second Jyo ti Bansal St. Kabir School,Haryana Third Priya Kumar CMS Hope Team 4 x 100m relay race junior girls First Aditya Birla School, Sultanpur Second St. Maria Goretti Collge, Bareilly Third Mayo College, Ajmer, Rajasthan SENIOR GROUP (BOYS) 100m race senior boys First Alok Kumar Singh St. Francis School, Lko Second Chama Kumar Sherwood College, Nainital Third Aquib Kazmi CMS Hope Team 200m race senior boys First Chama Kumar Sherwood College, Nainital Second Vivek Kr. Giri Aditya Birla School, Lko Third Alok Kumar Singh St. Francis School, Lko 400m race senior boys First Paramvir Singh St. Kabir School, Haryana Second Chaman Kumar Sherwood College, Nainital Third Vivek Yadav Aditya Birla, Sultanpur 800m race senior boys First Paramvir Singh St. Kabir School, Haryana Second Arbor Masood Fatima School, Pakistan Third Rishab h Mahanagar Boys, Lko 1500m race senior boys First Pankaj Rana St. Kabir School, Haryana Second Md Shahnawaj CMS Hope Team Third Ad itya CMS Love Te am 5000m race senior boys First Pankaj Rana St. Kabir School, Haryana Second Ad itya CMS Love Te am Third Devesh Pant Sherwood College, Nainital 4 x 100m race senior boys First Aditya Birla School, Sultanpur Second St. Kabir Residential School, Hisar, Haryana Third Sherwood College, Nainital 4 x 400m race senior boys First St. Kabir Residential School, Hisar, Haryana Second Sherwood College, Nainital Third Salamat International School, Pakistan Marathon senior boys First Pankaj Rana St. Kabir School, Haryana Second Kuldeep Singh St. Kabir School, Haryana Third Manish Bora St. Kabir School, Haryana Shotput senior boys First Siddharth Ahuja CMS Unity Te am Second Upe ndra Gaur Mahanagar Boys, Lko Third Satish Kaul CMS Love Te am Discus throw senior boys First Siddharth Ahuja CMS Unity Te am Second Ab hinav CMS Love Te am Third Md Hasani CMS Hope Team Javelin senior boys First Randeep Singh BCM Arya School,Punjab Second Sachin Singh CMS Hope Team Third Upe ndra Gaur Mahanagar Boys, Lko Long Jump senior boys First Mrinal Mani Sherwood College, Nainital Second Piyush Chauhan CMS Love Te am Third Shubham Tripathi St. Francis Collge, Lko Chess senior boys First Arpan Gupta La Martiniere College, Lko Second Ashish Lilha Sunbeam School, Varanasi Third P. Naresh Johnson G. School, Hyderabad Table-tennis (singles) senior boys First Vatsal Khanna DPS Lko Second Tanay Hazari La Martiniere Boys, Lko Third Kritagya Pandey St. Francis College, Lko Table-tennis (doubles) senior boys First Akshat & Shivam St. Francis College, Lko Second Yashvardhan & Aman CMS Hope Team Third Aashish & Ajesh Puspa Sadan, Nepal Badminton (singles) senior boys First Nilay Rasto gi CMS Unity Te am Second Akhilesh Singh St. Francis College, Lko Third Abhishek Verma CMS Hope Team Badminton (doubles) senior boys First Ariz & Kanishka St. Francis College, Lko Second Praval & Arif St. Paul’s School, Bihar Third Mayank & Nilay CMS Unity Te am SENIOR GROUP (GIRLS) 100m race senior girls First Nikita Chaud hary All Saint’s School, Nainital Second Priyanka Aro ra CMS Hope Team Third Parnavi Singh CMS Unity Te am 200m race senior girls First Priyanka Aro ra CMS Hope Team Second Madhuri St. Paul’s School, Bihar Third Vibha Verma Aditya Birla, Sultanpur 400m race senior girls First Kritika Rathi Mayo College, Ajmer Second Ro ma Mahajan CMS Love Te am Third Saima Aftab All Saint’s Co llege,Nainital 800m race senior girls First Ranjana Yad av CMS Hope Team Second Nawreen Jahan Mayo College, Ajmer Third Juhi CMS Unity Te am 1500m race senior girls First Ranjana Yad av CMS Hope Team Second Avanika Kho sla Mayo College, Ajmer Third Versha CMS Peace Team 3000m race senior girls First Ranjana Yad av CMS Hope Team Second Avanika Kho sla Mayo College, Ajmer Third Jyoti Tak St. Kabir School, Haryana 4 x 100m race senior girls First CMS Unity Te am Second All Saints College, Nainital Third Mayo College, Ajmer, Rajasthan Marathon senior girls First Arnika Khosla Mayo College, Rajasthan Second Ranjana Yad av CMS Hope Team Third Jyo ti Bansal St. Kabir School, Haryana Chess senior girls First Nikita Patra CMS Love Te am Second Deepa Singh CMS Hope team Third Anupriya Khanna St. Agnes School Shotput senior girls First Aastha Chikara Mayo College, Rajasthan Second Nikita Tirkha St. Mary’s School, Lko Third Akansha Singh St. Maria College, Bareilly Javelin senior girls First Aastha Chikara Mayo College, Rajasthan Second Akanksha Dubey St. Maria School, Bareilly Third Vaishali Srivastava CMS Love Te am Discus throw senior girls First Aastha Chikara Mayo College, Rajasthan Second Rahema Hasan Salamat School, Pakistan Third Swati Hitkari CMS Hope Team Long jump senior girls First Parnavi Singh CMS Second Shagun Kichlu Mayo College, Ajmer Third Pre rna Aditya Birla, Sultanpur Table-tennis (singles) senior girls First Sonal Chauhan CMS Love Te am Second Mehzabee n Mirza CMS Hope Team Third Shab anam Bisho College, Sri Lanka Table-tennis (doubles) senior girls First Heena & Susan Puspa Sadan, Nepal Second Mahzabeen & Vidhi CMS Hope Team Third Aluha & Pragya CMS Unity Te am Badminton (singles) senior girls First Vasudha Malhotra St. Agnesh Loreto School Second Mallika Tiwari CMS Unity Te am Third Rajende r Kaur CMS Peace Team Badminton (doubles) senior girls First Shilpi & Prunima St. Maria Gore tti, Bareilly Second Rajender & Vareesha CMS Peace Team Third Swati & Smriti Navyug Radiance , Lko “I don’t know anything that builds the will to win better than competitive sports.” —Richard M. Nixon CMS BULLETIN - SAARC AND INTERNATIONAL YOUTH FEST DECEMBER 2006 (6) Results of International Youth Fest 2006 organised by CMS, Rajajipuram PHOTOGRAPHY COMPETITION Group A First Vishu Vinay Ruhela Second Rid isha Sarkar Third Palash Ag arwal Group B First Madhumanti Laha Second Didhi Dugar Third Girija Sharma Group C First Nashra Javed Second To shi Agarwal Third Rakshita Nath Sunbeam School, Lahartara, Varanasi Carmel School, Durgapur Steel City Hiranandani Foundation Schoo l, Mumabi Sunbeam School, Lahartara, Varanasi Thakur Public School, Mumbai Hiranandani Foundation Schoo l, Mumabi Lucknow Public Inter Co llege, Lucknow Sunbeam School, Lahartara, Varanasi CMS Rajend ra Nagar, Lucknow SHADING COMPETITION A view of World Parliament Group A First Yash Bhan Second Apratim Mishra Third Hanu Dixit Group B First Geetika Kumar Second Aanchal Jauhari Third Navya Agarwal Group C First Samil Pal Second Kunal Nath Third To shi Agarwal CMS Go mti Nagar, Lucknow CMS Go mti Nagar, Lucknow CMS Go mti Nagar, Lucknow Hartmann College, Bareilly Hartmann College, Bareilly Hartmann College, Bareilly Tribeni Tissues Vidyapith, Hooghly Tribeni Tissues Vidyapith, Hooghly Sunbeam School, Lahartara, Varanasi POSTER MAKING COMPETITION Moral values imparted through cultural items Group A First Ankit Chaturvedi Second Suyama Gup ta Third Vedant Sunb eam School, Bhagwanpur, Varanasi Lilavati Podar Sr Sec. School, Mumbai Sunbeam School, Lahartara, Varanasi Group B First Koyal hattacherjee Second Jahnvi Mistry Third Meg hna Agarwal Group C First Smriti Ag arwal Second Barira Hasan Third Ankush Jaiswal Steel Carmel School, Durgapur Sophia High School, Mount Abu St. John's School, Marhauli, Varanasi Sunbeam School, Lahartara, Varanasi CMS Rajend ra Nagar, Lucknow Doon Cambridge School, Dehradun COLLAGE COMPETITION Group A First Diksha Asthana Second Projukta Halder Third Garima Rawat Group B First Roopal Singh Second Geetika Kumar Third K. Vasen Dev Rao Group C First Swati Gup ta Second Ammar Yasir Third Ranjusree Mo ndal Regency Public School, Sitapur Tribeni Tissues Vidyapith, Hooghly Doon Cambridge School, Dehradun St. Conrad's Inter College, Agra Hartmann College, Bareilly Sunrise Eng. Medium School, Kolkata Sunbeam School, Lahartara, Varanasi Sunbeam School, Lahartara, Varanasi Tribeni Tissues Vidyapith, Hooghly WEBSITE DESIGNING Group B First Bhavyanshu & Rajal CMS Kanp ur Road Second Vishesh & Abhishek Hiranandai Foundation School, Mumbai Third Atul, Mandeep & Brigu Holy Heart Presidency School, Amritsar Group C First Soumya & Vivek Second Aakash & Prakash Third Sachin Srivastava CMS Rajend ra Nagar, Lucknow Lucknow Public School, Lucknow Lucknow P. Inter College, Anand Nagar Results of SAARC Youth Festival-2006 organised by CMS, Rajendra Nagar (III) Representation of various countries at SAARC Youth Festival Tiny tots eagerly perform at the festival G RE E T IN G S G AL ORE Group A First Sushmita Chakraborty Second Shoma Chatterjee Third Yuvraj Co ns. Riffat Parveen Group B First Charande ep Kaur Second Farhana Malik Third Dipannita Ghosh Co ns. Sakshi Ag arwal Group C First Riddhi Jasrap uria Second Kavita Mishra Third Chitwan Bhard waj Co ns. Zahee n Rehman F AN TASI E S Group A First Akriti Didwania Second Ashi Srivastava Third Shreya Sinha Co ns. A. Ajay Group B First Anjali Singh Second Anshul Ranjan Third Vidushi Singh Co ns. Ridhi Singh Group C First Piyush Dhoundiyal Second Minakshi Mohanta Third Smriti Singh Co ns. Murali Krishnan R The Golden Web Link Group A First Ajay & Akhil Nayak Second Kushag ra Third Shrishti Shah Cons Naina Kumari Group B First S. Arvind & S Balaji Second Niharika Gupta Third Siddharth & Devki Co ns. Nidhin G. Mathew & Nissin Ann Mathew Group C First Mohua Ghosh Second Praveen & M. Leenus Third Abhishek & Rahul Co ns. Deepak Singla Hartmann College, Bareily Sunbeam Scho ol, Varanasi H. Heart Presidency School, Amritsar Shah Faiz P. School, Ghazipur All Saints College, Nainital Rama Int. School, Indonesia Pine Mount School, Shillong Carme l Inter Co llege, Lucknow Jt. John's School, DLW, Varanasi Central Academy, I.Nagar, Lko Swami Hariharanand P School, Harid war LPC, Rajajipuram, Lucknow K ALE I DO S CO P I C HU E S Group A First Ayushi Jaiswal St. Mary's Christian School, Sahibabad Second Rishabh Singh Sunbeam Scho ol, Varanasi Third R. Sud harsan Jeevana School, Madurai Co ns. Athira R. S. Army Schoo l, Lucknow Group B First Paridhi Gupta Uttam School for Girls, Ghaziabad Second Abdul Qulbuddin MSB Educational Institute, Nagpur Third Arushi Gupta CMS, Indira Nagar Co ns. Renu Singh Army Schoo l,Lucknow Group C First Varuna Bhanrale LPC, Sahara States, Lucknow Second Smriti Ag arwal Sunbeam Scho ol, Varanasi Third Radhika Sahay Army Schoo l, Lucknow Co ns. Akansha Gupta St Conrad's Inter College, Agra A cultural presentation which delighted the audience TH E GO LDEN WE B Group A First Melwyn Marcus Second Sourav Third Manisha Pant Co ns. Diksha Group B First Akash Joshi Second Varun Soni Third Shubhanshi Dixit Co ns. Rahul Kumar Singh Group C First Shahenshah Samrat Second Pallavi Gupta Third Avery Ivy Basu Co ns. Amir Khan Sunbeam Scho ol, Varanasi Carme l Inter Co llege, Lucknow Uttam School for Girls, Ghaziabad Lakshmi Scho ol, Mad urai City Mo ntessori Schoo l, RDSO St. John's School, DLW, Varanasi City Montessori School, K.Road Shah Faiz P. School, Ghazipur Hartmann College, Bareilly W.W.A. Cossipore School, Kolkata Cathedral College, Jhansi Good Earth School, Naduveerapattu Lakshmi Scho ol, Mad urai Sunbeam Scho ol, Varanasi CMS, Aliganj (OB), Lucknow Gems English School, Bihar Lakshmi Scho ol, Mad urai Hartmann College, Bareilly Army Schoo l, Lucknow St. Thomas English High School, Gudalur St. Conrad's Inter College, Agra Jeevana School, Madurai St. Mark's Sr Sec. School, New Delhi St. Mary's Christian School, Sahibabad “The Youth of a Nation are the trustees of posterity.” — Benjamin Disraeli LI NK St. John's School, DLW, Varanasi Dr. V. Swarup P School, Lucknow CMS, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow LPC, Sahara States, Lucknow Hiranandani Foundation Schoo l, Mumbai St. John's School, DLW, Varanasi Dr. V. Swarup P School, Lucknow St. John's School, DLW, Varanasi Cathedral College, Jhansi St. Conrad's Inter College, Agra Pine Mount School, Shillong Army Schoo l, Lucknow November 5, 2006 CMS BULLETIN - EUREKA INTERNATIONAL 2006 DECEMBER 2006 (7) International Literary and Cultural Festival 'Eureka 2006' organised by CMS, Anand Nagar A cry against terrorism contest the teams comprising 5 members each had to launch a campaign against terrorism. They made skilful and effective use of music and voice at the campaign. In Sleight of Hand (collage) contest primary students expressed their artistic abilities and wisdom through their collage-making at this contest. The topic was ‘My journey into the world of fantasy.’ A time limit of 2 hours was given for making colourful collages. Messages were highlighted through slogans written on the collages and pictures from magazines Musical talents revealed Children competing in Kaleidoscopic dawn contest The time has now come for binding the entire student community with a cord of unity and enkindle in them an urge to work for the welfare of humanity, said Mr Naveen Joshi, Resident Editor, Hindustan, while inaugurating ‘Eureka-2006’ as the Chief Guest. Around 800 students of primary and junior classes from 55 prestigious schools and colleges of Iran, Pakistan, Ne pal, Sri Lanka a nd v ario us state s of India participated and exhibited their creative and intellectual skills in different competitions including poetry recitation, dance, music, collage, reporting, slogan making, a dvertisement and c ampaig n against terrorism etc held at the 4-day 2nd International Literary and Cultural Festival Eureka 2006 organised by CMS, Anand Nagar at the World Unity Convention Centre, CMS, Kanpur Road. renowned quizmaster, Mr Carlyl McFarland. Questions were based on general knowledge, science, mathematics, literature etc, which were answered by the contestants with lightning speed. In the Eureka Reportage contest, the juniors participated with great eagerness. Each team had 2 students and they had to prepare a report on the activities at Eureka. Then they had to present this report as a broadcast in an eloquent and powerful voice. Renowned educationists and experts judged the various Dance and drama combined to create a scintillating effect Speaking at the inaugural ceremony, Founder of CMS, Mr Jagdish Gandhi expressed his hope that the students coming from different parts of the world will participate in a healthy exchange of ideas here and will go back to unfurl the flag of World Unity and World Peace in their respective homes and become the light of this world. Convener of Eureka-2006 and Principal, CMS Anand Nagar, Mrs Abha Anant said that Eureka is one such talent hunt where students learn the lessons of unity, love, peace and togetherness through different contests so that they become the true citizens of the world. For the next 3 days the students performed with great enthusiasm in va rious competitions and delighted the audience. In Rhetoric Chanteuse, the chi ldren eagerl y performed in si nging elocut ion combining their poetic talents to the tune of music. In Kaleidoscopic Dawn, the students proved their talents through multimedia presentation on the topic ‘Evolution in technology.’ Around 60 teams participated in this contest that combined technology with all art and knowledge. In Tintinnabulation on Wall Street, the primary class students participated in teams of 5 members each. Each team had to advertise an idea or a product. The judges were amazed to see students’ skills in organizing their advertising campaigns. In Vox Populi: HEALTH COLUMN It is winter time and the best time for you to fill up your child's reserves with the abundance of vital nutrients which are available at this time of the year. Now with the exams coming closer, her study hours would be increasing. Students preparing for the BOARD exams would be working double time. Her body requires the best that is available to support this stressful regime of School, Study, Tuitions and Entrance Exam preparation. Give her this daily dose of MEGANUTRITION: A TALL GLASS OF JUICE OF CARROT, T OMAT O, GINGER AND AMLA (300 ml) Rhetoric chanteuse brought poetic talents to the fore pasted to reinforce the main idea and concept. In Vanity Fair contest each team comprising 5 students had to present their skit in 12 minutes with 2 minutes for stage presentation. In F ree Your Mind contest, the participating students displayed their projects on the theme – ‘A world where fear has no place.’ Each team had 5 students. These primary level children were given a sand tray and they made their models on it. Through the pro ject s, t he children showed how terrorism, war and violence, the anti social activities leading to destruction of mankind can be eradicated. In Laudable Wisecrac ks competition the students presented an example of their spontaneity by answering different questions. In a sporty manner, the students’ contestants’ all round personalities were tested. Merry Queries (Quiz) contest was conducted by Result of Eureka 2006 Tintinabulation in wall street — the advertising campaign events. Eureka 2006 concluded on 27 November with a grand prize distribution and closing ceremony organized at the venue at which the Chief Guest, Shri Govind Pant Raju, Bureau Chief, Aajtak honoured and gave away the prizes to the winners. PRIMARY SECTION JUNIOR SECTION Laudable Wisecracks First Umang Jaiswal Navrachana Schoo l, Vad odra Second Nritya Gane sh CMS Anand Nagar, Lucknow Third Vikas Arora PMS Public School, Moradabad Co ns. Aryan Tand on CMS Mahanagar 3 B, Lucknow Co ns. Hina Ishaque Beaconhouse School System, Pakistan Tintinnabulation In Wall Street First Beaconhouse School System, Pakistan Second Navrachana Schoo l, Vad odra Third Sunb eam School, Bhagwanpur, Varanasi Co ns. Bhatnagar International School, New Delhi Sleight Of Hand First Anas & Nehil Seth Dwarka Prasad Edu. Centre, Mirzapur Second Shamily & Tanya Sunbeam School, Lahartara, Varanasi Third Srishti & Nritya CMS Anand Nagar, Lucknow Co ns. Tanya & Prakhar CMS Cho wk, Luckno w Co ns. Vikas & Gauri PMS Public School, Moradabad Free Your Mind First Navrachana Schoo l, Vad odra Second Sunbeam School, Annapurna, Varanasi Third Army Public Schoo l, Lucknow Consolation Bhatnagar International School, New Delhi Consolation CMS Kanpur Road, Lucknow Merry Queries First Chirag & Amav Army Public Schoo l, Lucknow Second Vikas & Rishi PMS Public School, Muradabad Third Moksha & Sukriti Navrachana Schoo l, Vad odra Co ns. Nritya & Ajay City Montessori School, Anand Nagar, Lko. Co ns. Aviral & S.N.Aditya Loyala School, Jamshedpur Ove rall Championship Navrachana Schoo l, Vad odra Rhetoric Chanteuse First Mandavi, Apoorva CMS Indira Nagar,Lucknow Second Shubhangi,Ruchika Army School Cantt,Lucknow Third Rajkanya,Titas Sunbeam School Bhagwanpur,Varanasi Third Rutul Shah, Aesha Vid yani Vidyalaya,Vado dra Co ns. Reetika, Sania Alex Army Public School,Lucknow Co ns. Vishesh, Vidushi CMS Kanpur Road,Lucknow Vanity Fair First CMS Aliganj Se ctor O,Lucknow Second Sunb eam School, Annapurna,Varanasi Third Omkaranand Saraswati Nilayam,Rishike sh Co ns. Shahid Mahdavi Educatio nal Co mplex,Iran Co ns. Bhatnag ar Internatio nal School,Ne w Delhi Vox Populi First Ryan International School,Delhi Second CMS Kanp ur Road ,Lucknow Third Sunbeam School Bhagwanpur,Varanasi Co ns. Beaconhouse School System, ,Pakistan Co ns. Huddard High School,Kanpur Kaleidoscopic Dawn First Harshil, Abdul Khan PMS Public School,Moradabad Second Pious Yadav, Nikhil Sunb eam School Bhagwanpur, Varanasi Third Aditi, Gaurav Bal Bharti Public School,Delhi Co ns. Aastha, Kanchi St. Anthony’s Junior College, Agra Co ns. Priyali, Shashank CMS Mahanag ar OB,Lucknow Eureka Reportage First Twisha, Gayatri Army Public School,Lucknow Second Aayesha,Swadha Sunb eam School,Annapurna,Varanasi Third Mo nika,Gunjan Bhatnag ar Internatio nal School,Ne w Delhi Co ns. Rahul, Manisha Narb heram Hansraj School,Jamshe dpur OVERALL CHAMPIONSHIP Sunbeam School Bhagwanpur,Varanasi Your magic pill for winters GIVE AT 12.00 on holidays or just as soon as child returns from the school, 1/2 hour before lunch. WATCH how she recovers from the tiring day at school AND retains the Pep and Zing for the rest of the day. This super potent mix provides your body with: 1. Carrot — Beta carotene, Zinc — Protects against toxins and controls the chemical balance of the body. 2. Tomato — Bioflavanoids — Increases immunity, rich source of minerals. 3. Ginger — Zinc — Protects the li ver, natural anti inflammatory. 4. Amla - Superior class Vit C — Has antiviral effects, supports adrenal function and enhances immunity. This mega dose nutritional glass of vegetable juice gives your child the following DIRECT BENEFITS. — Raises IMMUNITY, Prevents Infection. — — — Improves digestion - helping to absorb other food nutrients. Cleanse the intestines of debris — CLEARING THE SKIN Rejuvenates the eyes - making VISION clearer and eyes sparkle. — Builds richer blood stream for enhanced ENERGY, STRENGTH AND POWER. Health Educator to CMS Children: Dr Amitabh Pandit ND (Ind), DY, BCAMP(USA) Add: 6/193, Vipul Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow Tel: 2391456, 9475410134 “As the soil, however rich it may be, cannot be productive without cultivation, so the mind without culture can never produce good fruit.” — Seneca (Roman philosopher) CMS BULLETIN - EVENTS AND WORLD PEACE FESTIVAL 2006 DECEMBER 2006 (8) Annual Sports and Parents Day celebrations Events DECEMBER 2006 1 to 4 2 (10 am) 3 (11 am) 3 (Sun) 5 (5 pm) 8 (5 pm) Sports Day at CMS Aliganj A cultural presentation at Sports Day of CMS, Station Road 8 (5 pm) 9 to 12 14 to 16 15 (8 am) 16 (8 am) 17 (10 am) 17 Students praying for World Peace at Sports Day of CMS Rajendra Nagar CMS buzzed with activities at branch level throughout the month of November with events like Annual Sports Day of CMS Aliganj(I), Rajendra Nagar and Station Road and the Annual Parents Day of CMS Aminabad organised at grand scale. The PT display, track & field events Tiny tots performing at Parents Day of CMS, Aminabad 18 (1 pm) 21 (10.30 am) and competitions as well as the cultural and edu cati onal present atio ns, all combined to create a marvelous effect on the sports grounds and stage. The parents, guardians, grandparents and teachers were amazed to see their wards performing with amaging skills. 23 (4 pm) 24 (4 pm) 28 Dec 06 to 27 Jan 07 2nd IYMC 2006 of CMS, Gomtinagar at CMS, Kanpur Road Annual Sports Day for Pre-primary and Primary section of CMS, Station Road at NE Railway Stadium Charbagh Human Rights Day of CMS, Aliganj (II) at CMS, Aliganj (I) Regional Maths Olympiad Examination at Lucknow University New Parents Evening of Montessori to class XII organised by CMS, RDSO at school campus Opening Ceremony of 7th International Chief Justices of the World at WUCC, Kanpur Road Annual Parents Day on the eve of Chief Justices Conference organised by CMS, Kanpur Road at school premises Chief Justices Conference at CMS, Kanpur Road WUCC Bio Fest organised by CMS, Rajendra Nagar (I) at school premises Meritorious Student’s Felicitation function class IX & X organised by CMS, Inspection Department at CMS, Kanpur Road Meritorious Student’s Felicitation function class XI & XII organised by CMS, Inspection Deptt. at CMS, Kanpur Road Annual Sports Day of Mahanagar at Reserve Police Line Inter-Branch Physics Olympiad for class VIII & IX organised by CMS, Inspection Department at CMS, Station Road Annual Function of Asharfabad at WUCC, Kanpur Road Annual Sports Day organised by CMS, Rajendra Nagar (II) at NE Railway Stadium, Charbagh Mini CISV Camp of Mahanagar (I & III) at CMS, Kanpur Road National Presentation of CISV Mini Camp of Mahanagar (I & III) at CMS, Kanpur Road International CISV Camp organised by CMS, Inspection Deptt. at CISV Kanpur Road Results of 8th World Peace Festival 2006, organised by CMS, Indira Nagar PEACE – POSTER (NATIONAL) Group - A First Disha Purvar Amity International School, Gurgaon Second Uma Girish DAV Girls Sr. Sec. School, Chennai Third Sanjukta Ghosh Burnpur Riverside School, W. Bengal 1st Cons. Prachi Satraval Ryan International School, Delhi 2nd Cons Saumya Malik Amity International School, Gurgaon Group – B First Purva Amity International School, Gurgaon Second Priyanka Tiwari CMS Station Road Third Lubna Khan CMS Cho wk 1st Cons Ritvik Sen Gupta Burnpur Riverside School, W. Bengal 2nd Cons Syeda Karishma Ali Akbar Road Girls H.S., W. Bengal Group – C First Sangeeta Aanjana Mody School Sikar, Rajasthan Second Simran Sachd eva Mody School Sikar, Rajasthan Third Ruchi Kuche ria Mody School Sikar, Rajasthan st 1 Cons. Manisha Kumari Sunbeam Scho ol, Varanasi 2nd Cons. Ud ichi Awasthy Sunbeam Scho ol, Varanasi PEACE – POSTER (INTERNATIONAL) Group - A First Maxine Lourraineaty St. Stephenes School, Philippines Second Hulwa Salsab ila Cissie Art School, Indonesia Third Fe rald y Natanael Visual Art School, Indonesia 1st Cons. Julius P. Setiji Cissie Art School, Indonesia nd 2 Cons. Mo chilham Visual Art School, Indonesia Group - B First Reese St. Clement School, USA Second Cheung Ling Sum School of Creativity, Hong Kong Third Polwatta & Shammi International Child Art Center, Sri Lanka 1st Cons. Group School of English, Greece 2nd Cons. Rheza Rynaldo Visual Art School, Indonesia Group - C First Chan Ching School of Creativity, Hong Kong Second Wong Wut Sum School of Creativity, Hong Kong Third Fong Puy Sze School of Creativity, Hong Kong Co ns. Risky Nuraha Cissie Art School, Indonesia. QUILT (NATIONAL) Group - A First Nup ur Arora St. Xaviers School, Punchkula Second Prachi S. Paris Ryan International School, Surat Third Ankit Amity International School,Gurgaon Cons Ushma St. Saviers School, Punchkula Group - B First Arushi Kapoor CMS Aliganj, Sector “O” Second Nahid Chowdhary Career Convent Girls College Third Deepika Nigam St. Agnes Loreto Day School 1st Cons TOSS Group Ryan International School, Gujran Group - C First Ayushi Agarwal CMS Mahanagar (N. Bld g.) Second Amrit Pal, Turang, BCM Arya Model School, Ludhiana Third Pallavi Pandey Lucknow Unive rsity CREATIVE WRITING First Aakriti Tripathi CMS Jail Road, Anand Nagar Second Priyanka Singh St. John Bosco College Third Ume sh C. Tripathi CMS Mahanagar (3rd Bldg) Cons Kapil Agarwal CMS (R.N.), N.B. II Bldg. SPEECH - COMPETITION First Alisha Singh CMS Indira Nagar, Lko. Second De vika Mishra Loreto Convent Inter College Third Maisara Khan CMS Asherfabad, Lko. Co ns. Rave ena Hajela CMS Aliganj Sec. “O” Co ns. Kaveri Ve rma CMS (R.N.), Peace Bldg. POEM - COMPOSITION First Shivi Tand on Loreto Convent Second Sarwat Imtiaz CMS Cho wk Third Naina Verma Carrie r Conve nt Third Garima Singh CMS Indira Nagar Co ns. Ram aya CMS Gomti Nagar SLIDE - SHOW First Muskan Bhatia & Nayan Jain of Loreto Convent Inter College Second Shaval Gupta & Prateek of Mahanagar Boys I. College Third Snehil & Kritika Singh of CMS Kanpur Road (LDA) Co ns. Aditya Singh & Ankur Tiwari of CMS Alig anj (Sec. “O”) Co ns. Himanshu Verma & Dhruv Behi of CMS Mahanagar (3rd Bldg) TECHNO First Second Third Co ns. - PAINT Prateek & Deepak Singh of Mahanagar Boys Inter College Manish Kakkar & Garima Singh of CMS Indira Nagar Muskan Bhatia & Nayan Jain of Loreto Convent Inter College Vineet Gupta & Naman of Lucknow Public Inter College Results of inter-branch olympiads conducted by Inspection Department Melodious talent overflowed at singing competition Inter-branch Physics Olympiad for the students of class XI & XII held on 12.11.2006 Sl. Name 1. 2. 3. Class Marks Position Branch As huto sh XI Umang XI Mrinal Trivedi XI 43 41 27 I I II Kanpur Road RDSO Mahanagar (NB) Inter-branch Biology and Chemistry Olympiad for the students of class XI & XII held on 19.11.2006 Sl. Name Class Marks Position Branch Students spoke with great conviction on World Peace HINDI SOLO SINGING First Rajat Mishra CMS Mahanagar (Old Bldg) Second Ambika Mehrotra CMS Indira Nagar Third Vaibhav Kukreti St. John Bosco College Third Divya Vavsel CMS R. Nagar (2nd Bldg) Co ns. Anub ha Te wari CMS Station Road TURN - COAT First Garima Singh CMS Indira Nagar Second Aditya Pathak Mahanagar Boys Inter College Third Angarika Dutta CMS Gomti Nagar Co ns. Monika Mishra CMS Station Road WESTERN GROUP SINGING First Ishita Singh, Priyanka Sing h, Ayush Rai St. John Bosco College Second Monika, Mansa, Anubha, Udit & Ne ha Tiwari CMS Station Road Third Ramaya, Divya, Angarika, Ud ai, Akshita, Saloni, Akash Agrahari, Spandan of CMS Gomtinagar Co ns. Alisha, Sid dharth, Ambika, Garima, Arushi, Divya, Ayush and Abhisha Kaushal of CMS Indira Nagar COLLEGE First Second Third Cons Co ns. Inter-branch Biology Olympiad 1. Abhinav Tiwari XII 139 I Gomtinagar 2. Shikha Verma XII 106 II RDSO 3. Shivam Gupta XII 90 III Mahanagar III Inter-branch Biology Olympiad 1. Abhinav Tiwari XII 148 I Gomtinagar 2. Shikha Verma XII 98 II Gomtinagar 3. Shivam Gupta XII 95 III Station Road Inter-branch Mathematical Olympiad for the students of class XI & XII held on 24.11.2006 Sl. Name 1. 2. 3. 4. Class Marks Position Branch Ankit Singh Anuj Gupta Vikas Sinha Karan Shukla XI XI XI XI 34 34 27 22 I I II III Kanpur Road RDSO Mahanagar (NB) Mahanagar (NB) Mansa Das & Anubha Tiwari of CMS Station Road Shailly Rastogi & Kaveri Verma of CMS R. Nagar (Peace Bldg) Rajshre e Anurag & Soumya Tripathi o f CMS Mahanagar (III) Vaishali Srivastava & Vani Mittal of CMS Kanpur Road Vibhu V. Singh & Mrinal Ojha of Mahanagar Boys Inter College ON THE SPOT - PAINTING First Deepak Singh Bisht Second Arushi Gupta Third To shi Mishra st 1 Cons Akshat nd 2 Cons Harish Chauhan Mahanagar Boys Inter College CMS Indira Nagar CMS Mahanagar 3rd Bldg. CMS Kanp ur Road CMS R. Nagar (Peace Bldg.) Printed and Published by Hari Om Sharma on behalf of City Montessori School, 12 Station Road, Lucknow. Phones : 2638738, 2638483, 2638606 Advisory Board: Mrs Aruna Varma, Mr R S Chandola; Editor Dr Preeti Shankar, Sub-Editor Ms Smita Khare Fax : 91 (522) 2638008 E-Mail : Web Page :