Earnings Release
Earnings Release
Market Cap R$ 211 Million Closing Price May 14, 2014 HRTP3 R$ 0.71 1Q14 Conference call May 15, 2014 Webcast: www.hrt.com.br/ir Portuguese 11 a.m. (BRA) 10 a.m. (NYC) Tel: +55 (11) 3193 1001 +55 (11) 2820 4001 Password: HRT English 10 a.m. (NYC) 11 a.m. (BRA) Tel: +1 (786) 924 6977 Toll Free (USA): +1 (888) 700 0802 Password: HRT The teleconference will be in Portuguese, with simultaneous translation into English Investor Relations Contacts www.hrt.com.br/ir ri@hrt.com.br +55 21 2105 9700 Eduardo Larangeira Jácome Organizational Management and Investor Relations Officer Sandra Calcado IR Manager Tainah Costa IR Senior Analyst 1Q14 Earnings Release May 14,2014 1Q14 Earnings Release HRT – 1ST QUARTER 2014 EARNINGS RESULTS Rio de Janeiro, May 14, 2014 – HRT Participações em Petróleo S.A. – “HRT”, “HRTP” or “Company” (BM&FBovespa: HRTP3 and TSX-V: HRP.V) announces its results for the first quarter of 2014 (“1T14”). Unless otherwise indicated, the financial and operational information below is presented on a consolidated basis and stated in thousands of Brazilian Reais (R$) according to the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS), including our direct subsidiaries: HRT O&G Exploração e Produção de Petróleo Ltda. (“HRT O&G”), Integrated Petroleum Expertise Company – Serviços em Petróleo Ltda. (“IPEX”), HRT Africa Petróleo S.A. (“HRT Africa”), HRT Netherlands B.V. (“Netherlands”), and HRT America Inc. (“HRT America”), and their respective subsidiaries and branches. 1Q14 HIGHLIGHTS AND SUBSEQUENT PERIOD ■ First operating results of HRT since its foundation, with revenue, cash, EBITDA and net profit generation; ■ SSM and ASM with the election of new Board of Directors and Fiscal Council members and establishment of new strategic guidelines for the Company; ■Restructuring of the Company and new governance structure; ■ Start of HRT’s activities as the operator in the Polvo Field, sale of two crude oil shipments in Q1 with forecast of a new shipment for Q2; ■ Signing of a final agreement with Rosneft for the assignment of a 6% participating interest in the Solimões Blocks, the sale of 4 drilling rigs, its capacity to take over operations, with a 51%participating interest, and the grant of a loan facility to cover HRT`s future investments in the Solimões consortium of up to US$ 40 million by a 12-month period; ■ New boost for efforts to farm down HRT`s licenses in Namibia; ■ Early full payment of the loan with Credit Suisse, turning HRT debt-free; and ■ Publication of Reserve and Resource reports issued by DeGolyer & MacNaughton (“D&M”) for Namibia, Solimões and Polvo, with effective date on 12/31/2013. | Page 2 | 1Q14 Earnings Release MANAGEMENT REPORT To the shareholders of HRT, HRT ended the first quarter of 2014 with a cash position and liquidity of R$308, almost the double of the figure posted at the close of the previous quarter. With the completion of the purchase of a 60% participating interest in the Polvo Field, which ANP approved in December 2013, HRT became the operator of the field as from January 2014, and in the first quarter of the year produced a total of 480 thousand barrels (net HRT). The Company concluded two crude oil offtakes during the quarter, with the sale of approximately 630 thousand barrels of oil (net HRT). With these two sales, HRT can announce, for the first time, net operating revenues of R$143 million, EBITDA of R$36 million, and net income of R$1.7 million, all consolidated results. These financial results justify in quantitative terms our confidence that we would obtain positive results, since we started talking to BP at the beginning of 2012, when we decided to consider this opportunity. The commercial transaction with BP involved a long and complex process, and we had a long wait for ANP’s approval for the transfer of the operatorship. However, as mentioned before, we were always optimistic due to the certainty that this deal was a business opportunity for the Company to generate value for shareholders. Moreover, since January 2014, we have started to reap the rewards of the hard work and study that the HRT team has put into closing this deal. The first quarter of 2014 and the months coming after have seen major adjustments in the Company’s management structure. New Officers have been appointed, who will contribute to the soundness of our Organizational Management, Corporate Governance and Business Development. New members have been elected to the Board of Directors and the Fiscal Council, and overall compensation for 2014 has been cut to R$9.8 million, some 78% less than the aggregate amount approved by the shareholders for the previous year. We are convinced that, under the guidance of the Board of Directors and the current Executive Board, and with the support of all our staff, we will continue the work of transforming HRT into a prominent Brazilian producer of oil and gas, with continuous growth targets. In parallel, we continue to seek new opportunities for investments in production assets, putting priority on finding new partners for our exploration assets. The initiatives we introduced to cut costs and protect the Company’s cash led to a fall of approximately 83% in personnel expenses, 42% in recurring expenses, and we have not stopped there. Studies are underway and measures are still to be taken to reduce even further the Company’s corporate costs and the Polvo Field operating costs. As of now, we are pleased to announce HRT’s first positive operating outcome from the oil production; and we reiterate our commitment to go on developing HRT, strengthening its financial position, managing properly its risks and constantly seeking new business opportunities. Milton Romeu Franke CEO of HRT | Page 3 | 1Q14 Earnings Release CORPORATE GOVERNANCE At the beginning of the first quarter of 2014, the HRT’s management called a Special Shareholders’ Meeting (“SSM”) to fill rapidly the vacancies on the Fiscal Council and the Board of Directors. Accordingly, in March 2014, the shareholders attending the SSM approved a reduction in the number of members of the Board of Directors from eleven (11) to seven (7), the election of the Board members, proposed by the HRT’s management, including the Chairman, Mr Helio Costa, and the Deputy Chairman, Mr Vinicius Carrasco, as well as the election of new members of the Fiscal Council. At a meeting held on March 27, 2014, the new Board of Directors appointed Mr Eduardo Larangeira Jácome as the Organizational Management and Investor Relations Officer, and Mr José Carlos de Araújo Pedrosa as the Chief Business Development Officer for the Company, to reinforce the Company`s activities related to Organizational Management, Corporate Governance and Business Development. On April 22, the Board of Directors decided to suppress the position of Chief Technical Officer of HRT. In light of this resolution, the CEO of HRT, Milton Romeu Franke, accumulated the CTO functions and the position of CEO of the subsidiary HRT O&G Exploração e Produção de Petróleo Ltda., with the supervision of the Exploration and Production technical areas. On April 30, 2014, the Company held its Annual Shareholders’ Meeting (“ASM”) and the following matters on the agenda were approved by a majority of the shareholders in attendance: i. The Management accounts, Annual Management Report, Company Financial Statements and the Opinion of the Independent Auditors for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013; ii. The allocation of the loss for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2013, to the accumulated losses account, as Management Proposal; iii. The establishment of the overall annual compensation of the Company’s senior managers at up to R$9.8 million, to be distributed by the Board of Directors among all the members of the Company’s management; iv. The installation of the Company’s Fiscal Council for the current fiscal year, to remain in operation until the date of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting to consider the accounts for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2014; v. The election, with a term of office ending on the date of the Annual Shareholders’ Meeting to consider the accounts for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2014, of Messrs Elias de Matos Brito, Roberto Portella and Gilberto Braga, as sitting members of the Board of Directors, and Ronaldo dos Santos Machado, Anderson dos Santos Amorim and Luiz Alberto Pereira de Matos as alternate members; and vi. The establishment of the compensation of the Fiscal Council members at the minimum legal limit. In 2014 to date, the Board of Directors and the Executive Board endeavored to seek solutions for issues involving former members of the Fiscal Council and the Board of Directors of the Company, and determined a set of agreements submitted to the necessary approvals at the Shareholders’ Meeting and the Board of Directors’ Meeting. Thus, all lawsuits and arbitration proceedings have been or will be suspended. HRT is thus free of conflicts in the scope of Corporate Governance, and we are confident that the new Management, now that the newly elected members of the Board of Directors and the Fiscal Council have taken office, is fully aligned with the aim of achieving all the targets set for this year and the years to come. | Page 4 | 1Q14 Earnings Release HRT GROUP COMPANIES – 1Q14 HIGHLIGHTS AND SUBSEQUENT EVENTS HRT OIL & GAS SOLIMÕES ■ HIGHLIGHTS On March 21, 2014, final agreements were signed for the assignment of a 6% participating interest in the Solimões Blocks to Rosneft Brasil, in line with the preliminary agreement signed in November 2013. At the beginning of April 2014, HRT initiated the process to obtain ANP’s approval in respect of the mentioned transfer. Once ANP’s approval has been given, Rosneft will be the operator with 51% participating interest, and HRT will be its partner with a 49% participating interest in the Solimões Basin concessions. The total amount of the transaction was US$96 million, of which: • • • US$54 million were received in the fourth quarter of 2013; US$18 million were received in the first quarter of 2014; and The balance of US$24 million will be paid when ANP approves the transfer. The total of US$96 million relates to the sale of a 6% participating interest, and the transfer of the operation of the Joint Venture in the Solimões Sedimentary Basin to Rosneft, the sale of four helitransportable drilling rigs and the settlement of cash calls by Rosneft outstanding up to October 2013. There was also an agreement for a loan of up to US$40 million to be granted by Rosneft to HRT to finance its investments in Solimões, for a period of 12 months from the completion of the transaction with the ANP’s approval. The transition process between the teams of both companies has been started and HRT and Rosneft Brasil are working on finalizing the process, with the transfer of HRT staff and operations to Rosneft Brasil. The intention is that this will be a continuous and seamless process, observing the standards of safety, efficiency and quality. During the quarter, HRT submitted seven (7) discovery evaluation plans (PADs) regarding the natural gas to ANP, including work plans and planned investments. These evaluation plans are now under discussion. At the same period, HRT submitted to ANP a request for an extension of the exploration phase of blocks SOL-T-195, SOL-T-148 and SOL-T-149. The regulatory agency is still analyzing such application. ■ NEXT STEPS In respect of the natural gas monetization project, HRT and Rosneft are in discussions with companies interested in a share in the business, and with the Federal Government about alternative uses for the | Page 5 | 1Q14 Earnings Release natural gas discovered in the Solimões Basin. These discussions are based on the results of studies carried out jointly with Petrobras, giving priority to the options involving its conversion into LNG and electric power generation, both of which are inputs deemed fundamental to the development of the region and the country. POLVO ■ HIGHLIGHTS At the beginning of January 2014, HRT and BP Energy do Brasil Ltda (“BP”) completed the commercial transaction for the acquisition of a 60% participating interest in the Polvo Field. Payment was made by HRT, on the same date, in the amount of US$101 million (including the US$13.5 million paid at the time of signing the PSA in May 2013), which includes certain payments required under the PSA. BP’s preliminary operating result from the field in 2013 was US$67 million (corresponding to the 60% stake). The parties are reviewing this result, the final price for the transaction must be determined by the end of 2Q14, in accordance with the criteria and terms set forth in the PSA. On that occasion, HRT took over the stocks of oil produced and not yet off taken, stored in the FPSO, amounting to 270 thousand barrels, and the cash balance held by the Joint Venture. The field produced a total of approximately 4.2 million barrels of oil in 2013. In February 2014, HRT decided to make the early payment of the outstanding balance of the loan obtained with Credit Suisse in May 2013, to acquire a 60% participating interest in the Polvo Field, in order to release a set of guarantees and material liabilities linked to the financing agreement, mainly related to cash and receivable ratios, which were directly affecting liquidity. The original amount of the loan was US$75 million. The first amortization, amounting to US$40 million, was made on October 15, 2013. Thus, in the first quarter of 2014, HRT freed itself from all liabilities under loans and/or financing and guarantees that restricted its liquidity. The field produced a total of approximately 901 thousand barrels of oil (100%) in the first quarter of 2014, producing 1,218 thousand barrels of oil (100%) until April 2014. The natural gas produced, amounting to 30 thousand cubic meters per day, is fully used as fuel for the field operations. HRT is currently the sixth largest operator of oil fields in Brazil, or seventh if gas production is included. In the first quarter of 2014, HRT also concluded two crude oil offtakes from the Polvo Field, with an approximate total volume of 630 thousand barrels of oil (net HRT). The average discount on Brent prices was about 10%, taking into account the market conditions and the type of oil from the Polvo Field. HRT generated net operating revenues of R$141 million in 1Q14 from the sale of these crude oil shipments. | Page 6 | 1Q14 Earnings Release The charts below show the average daily and monthly oil production in 2013 and the first months of 2014, taking 100% of the Polvo Field output: POLVO FIELD (100%) MONTHLY OIL PRODUCTION (bbl/d) Source: Monthly Report of Oil and Natural Gas ANP and HRT POLVO FIELD (100%) DAILY OIL PRODUCTION (bbl/d) 14,000 Accumulated Volume (bbl) 1,400,000 12,000 1,200,000 10,000 1,000,000 Daily Volume (bbl) 8,000 800,000 6,000 600,000 4,000 400,000 2,000 200,000 0 1/1 8/1 15/1 22/1 29/1 5/2 12/2 19/2 26/2 Produced Oil (bbl) 5/3 12/3 19/3 26/3 2/4 9/4 0 16/4 23/4 30/4 Accumulated Oil (bbl) In mid-February 2014, HRT carried out a preventive stoppage of wells POL-001, POL-002 and POL-004, due to the low efficiency of the wellstream cooler. At the end of February, HRT suspended production in the field to repair the wellstream cooler located on the outside of the platform. Production was resumed after 8 days, once the referred equipment had been repaired. At the end of March, the seawater lift pump in well POL-011 failed and had to be repaired. Operations at this well were resumed at the beginning of April. This was the first intervention conducted by HRT in a well that had ceased production. The rig on | Page 7 | 1Q14 Earnings Release board the Polvo platform was used, and the operation, which was a total success, took only 11 days from start to finish, without incidents nor indirect costs. HRT thus entered the second quarter of 2014 with all 10 productive wells in the Polvo Field working normally, with average production of between 10.5 and 11 thousand barrels per day. ■ NEXT STEPS HRT anticipates that the third shipment, of approximately 600 thousand barrels, will be completed late May or early June 2014. The increase in the frequency of oil sales and the corresponding increase in the volume of shipments sold is the result of optimization of the sale process, which has been introduced by HRT. Larger shipments mean lower costs and better usage of the FPSO to store the oil produced. In addition, we are expecting better final prices for oil sales, with lower discounts on the Brent price, partly as a result of the increase in volumes. HRT AFRICA NAMIBIA ■ HIGHLIGHTS In September 2013, Tullow Oil, a European E&P company, farmed in a 65% stake of Pancontinental, located in Walvis Basin, in a block adjacent to the Petroleum Exploration License (“PEL”) where HRT drilled the Wingat-1 well. Tullow Oil announced that it estimates an investment of up to US$130 million in 2D and 3D seismic acquisition, and in the identification of a prospect to be drilled. The weekly magazine Upstream also reported that Tullow Oil intends to start developing the Kudu Field, of which it is the operator. At the end of April 2014, the Spanish company Repsol started drilling the Welwitschia-1 well, in Walvis Basin, at a distance of about 200 km to the north of HRT’s Wingat-1 well. Welwitschia-1 will intercept up to five target reservoirs ranging from the Paleocene-Maastrichtian to the Albian Carbonate, with a total depth (TD) estimated at 3000 m. Repsol estimates that it will take up to 46 days to complete the drilling. The government of Namibia has given permission to the US company Murphy Oil to explore two blocks in the Lüderitz Basin. Murphy Oil plans to start drilling in 2015 or 2016. Finally, Shell has signed a concession agreement with the South African government for the block immediately to the south of HRT PEL-28. All these activities demonstrate the industry growing interest in the region where HRT owns 10 blocks over an area that exceeds 53,000 km2. ■ NEXT STEPS In view of the interest of oil companies in the Namibian assets, three international oil conventions are to be held in Windhoek, the country’s capital, in 2014. Representatives of HRT will take part in these events, with a view to initiating negotiations for future operations in its license areas, and to pursue the data room process in HRT America’s office in Houston, in the USA, where information related to seismic surveys and drillings carried out so far is kept. | Page 8 | 1Q14 Earnings Release DIVESTMENT PROGRAM During the quarter, HRT was negotiating the sale of two large helicopters and an Embraer plane, and these negotiations near completion. Income during the quarter included the sale of one medium helicopter (Bell 212) and an advance on the deal with Rosneft, which includes the sale of 4 onshore rigs. HEADCOUNT We show below changes in HRT’s headcount, showing consistent progress in line with the initiatives implemented since early 2013, and the current allocation by project: CONSOLIDATED STAFF 700 600 600 500 400 383 300 200 100 214 197 192 4Q13 1Q14 0 4Q10 4Q11 4Q12 BREAKDOWN OF CONSOLIDATED STAFF - 1Q14 IPEX 13% Corporate 24% Namibia 10% Solimoes 37% Polvo 16% | Page 9 | 1Q14 Earnings Release FINANCIAL RESULTS – 1Q14 At the beginning of 1Q14, HRT settled the transfer of BP’s 60% participating interest in the Polvo Field, effectively becoming an oil producing Company with cash and revenues generation. CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENT 1T13 1T14 ∆ Net Revenues 2.1 143.3 141.2 Gross Income Operational Expenses Dry well write off and Impairment EBITDA EBITDAX 1.6 46.0 44.4 -99.2 -10.2 89.0 0.0 0.0 -97.6 35.8 133.4 -97.6 35.8 -4554% 25% Depreciation & Amortization -6.4 -25.4 -19.0 Financial Results 4.8 -7.1 -11.9 Margin EBITDAX Income Taxes Net Income Net Profit Margin (in millions of R$) CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENT 0.0 -1.5 -1.5 -99.2 1.7 100.9 -4628% 1% 1T13 4T13 1T14 ∆ Total Cash 828.8 427.5 308.3 -119.3 Available Cash 687.3 154.5 308.3 153.73 2.6 81.5 0.0 -81.543 Gross Debit (in millions of R$) The main facts with financial impact during the period were: • • • • • • • Net disbursement of R$160.9 million resulting from the acquisition of a BP’s 60% participating interest in the Polvo Field; Early settlement of the debit balance, of approximately R$95.6 million, of the loan with Credit Suisse Bank to acquire the interests in the Polvo Fild; Revenues of R$134.7 million from sales of oil, about 630 thousand barrels produced in the Polvo Field; R$59.5 million received from partners relating to Cash Calls from Exploration and Production (E&P) Oil Campaigns; Inflow of R$40.7 million related to the second instalment of the sale of a 6% participating interest in the Solimões Blocks and 4 onshore drilling rigs to Rosneft Brasil, totalling US$96 million; R$6.5 million received from the sale of a Bell 212 helicopter, as part of the Company’s divestment program; and R$2.5 million received regarding third-party services provided by the subsidiary IPEX(Laboratory). | Page 10 | 1Q14 Earnings Release The following table presents the consolidated results of the Company, including its direct subsidiaries HRT O&G, HRT Africa, HRT America, IPEX, and their respective subsidiaries and branches: 1Q14 1Q13 1Q14/ 1Q13 143,303 2,143 6587% Cost of Production (85,636) (499) 17061% Royalties (11,658) - - Gross Profit 46,009 1,644 2699% Total Expenses (10,221) (99,233) -90% (5,012) (11,230) -55% Personnel (10,773) (63,127) -83% General and administrative expenses (13,659) (6,832) 100% Third-party services (2,793) (16,847) -83% (638) (3,599) -82% Dry well write-offs - - - Impairment - - - 22,654 2,402 843% 35,788 (97,589) -137% (25,434) (6,419) 296% 10,354 (104,008) -110% Financial Revenues 10,710 17,718 -40% Financial Expenses (17,820) (12,891) 38% 3,244 (99,181) -103% Income Taxes (1,545) - - Net results (loss) 1,699 (99,181) -102% INCOME STATEMENT Net Revenues Geology and Geophysics Taxes and Fees Other operating income EBITDA Depreciation/Amortization EBIT Income before taxes (In thousands of R$) The EBITDA for 1Q14 was positive at R$35.8 million, an increase of R$133.4 million, when compared to the same period of last year, representing a consolidated EBITDA margin of 25%. The positive impact is mainly explained by the oil sale margin during the period, representing a Gross Profit of R$46 million and a change of R$89 million in Operating Expenses, representing a decrease of 90%, against the previous period. The Personnel Expenses had a decrease of 83%, due to a significant reduction in the Company’s headcount in approximately 50%. It is also worth mentioning that, in 1Q13, 100% of Personnel expenses were allocated to HRT, due to the cash calls, provide for the Joint Operating Agreement (JOA) with Rosneft. Personnel expenses for 1Q14 are net of the amount allocated to the Polvo and Solimões projects, different from what happened in the same period of the last year. Moreover, it is worth mentioning the recognition made, in 1Q13, of expenses relating to share-based bonuses granted to employees in January 2013, in the amount of R$20 million, nonrecurring in 2014. Under the international financial reporting standards, any difference between acquisition cost and market value must be recognized on the grant date, although only 3% of the shares have been exercised. In light of the nonexistence of well drillings in 2014, general and administrative expenses were not capitalized, which explains the negative change in this line item, particularly to expenses arising from | Page 11 | 1Q14 Earnings Release maintenance of the structure of Solimões. The focus on cost reduction had a positive effect on third-party services, which together with the cash calls from partners in the project, represented a decrease of 83%. Depreciation/Amortization line was impacted by the start of HRT operations in the Polvo Field. Of the total of R$25 million in consolidated depreciation and amortization, R$22 million relate to amortization of amounts preliminarily allocated as bonus and Polvo abandonment costs. The financial result of 2014 was impacted by finance charges regarding the loan taken from Credit Suisse in May 2013 for the acquisition of a 60% participating interest from BP in the Polvo Field. Such loan was settled on February 21, 2014, and costs related to the early full payment were recognized in the quarter. The following charts present the quarterly variation of the main group of accounts in HRT Consolidated Financial Statement for the past two years, in millions of Reais: OPERATIONAL EXPENSES* NET REVENUES 150 0 130 110 -50 90 -99 - 87 -6 -8 -26 50 -100 1Q13 2Q13 30 10 2 1 2 -1 1Q13 2Q13 3Q13 4Q13 EBITDAX** 1Q14 Operational Expenses Termination Expenses 1Q14 Depreciation/Amortization 2 -99 -500 -546 -700 -113 -900 3Q13 4Q13 -300 -68 2Q13 3Q13 NET RESULTS (LOSS) -25 1Q13 -25 36 -100 -98 -10 -150 -10 60 40 20 0 -20 -40 -60 -80 -100 -120 -140 -10 -1 143 70 - 69 -24 4Q13 1Q14 1T13 2T13 -724 - 868 3T13 4T13 1T14 (in millions of Reais) *Does not include write-off and impairment ** EBITDAX is an operating measure commonly used in the oil and gas industry, calculated as follows: EBITDA + Return on Expenses with dry well write-off and impairment TOTAL CASH, CASH EQUIVALENTS AND INVESTMENTS The Company ended 1Q14 with a total consolidated cash position of R$308 million, an increase of 99% in the available cash. As for the existing funds in escrow accounts on December 31, 2013, they were used to pay the acquisition of the Polvo Field and the early full payment of the debt with Credit Suisse. The change in total cash position was primarily impacted by the following factors, as mentioned above: (i) Disbursement of R$161 million resulting from the acquisition of BP’s 60% participating interest in the Polvo Field; (ii) early settlement of the debit balance, approximately R$96 million, for the loan with the Credit Suisse Bank to acquire the interests in the Polvo Filed; (iii) revenues of R$135 million from sales of oil produced in the Polvo Field; (iv) R$60 million received from partners relating to Cash Calls from Exploration and Production (E&P) Oil Campaigns; (v) revenues of R$41 million related to the second | Page 12 | 1Q14 Earnings Release instalment of the sale of a 6% participating interest in the Solimões Blocks and 4 onshore drilling rigs to Rosneft Brasil, totalling US$96 million, remaining US$24 million to be received; and (vi) R$6.5 million received from the sale of a Bell 212 helicopter. The chart below presents the evolution of the Company’s consolidated cash and cash equivalents as from 4Q12 and the amounts held in an escrow account during this period. The Company has no debts or cash collaterals: EVOLUTION OF CASH, CASH EQUIVALENTS AND RESTRICTED CASH 1,200 1,000 908 800 687 600 449 451 400 273 200 365 157 155 3Q13 4Q13 308 141 144 4Q12 1Q13 2Q13 Cash, Cash Equivalents and Marketable Securities 1Q14 Restricted Cash (in millions of Reais) The chart below presents the cash flow stating its main inflows and outflows, highlighting disbursements, inflow from revenues and receivables due to loans: SUMMARIZED CASH FLOW 700 600 47 96 140 500 161 400 50 300 200 428 308 100 Beginning Cash4Q13 Inflow from revenues Inflow from Divestment Program Warrants & Loans Nonrecurring Recurring Final Cash - 1Q14 Disbursements Disbursements | Page 13 | 1Q14 Earnings Release (in millions of Reais) The table below presents the breakdown of disbursements recorded in the periods ended March 31, 2014 and March 31, 2013, by project, and grouped into recurring and nonrecurring disbursements: CONSOLIDATED DISBURSEMENTS Breakdown Recurring E&P Operations Seismic (G&G) Solimões Namíbia Polvo Corporate 1Q14 29 5 5 43 7 3 1 50 86 42 92 174 -47.1% 3 7 34 -79.4% 11 11 25 -56.0% G&A, Taxes & Financial Expenses (-) Cash Calls from Partners Non-Recurring Fixed Assets -41.9% (17) (3) (40) - (60) (147) -59.2% - - 257 - 257 4 6325.0% - - - - 4 -100.0% 161 161 - Exploration Rights and Acquisitions Loans Total 11 1Q13 1Q14/1Q13 96 29 5 262 11 96 - - 307 90 241.1% (In millions of R$) Operating costs of R$92 million as of March 31, 2014 , which represents a 47% decrease against 2013, refer to disbursements for exploration, production and logistics activities (air, fluvial and land), as well as personnel expenses and third-party services, directly related to the project. Disbursements for seismic (G&G) activities, totalling R$7 million, are related to exploration activities in Solimões, Namibia and Polvo, and include seismic data survey, processing and acquisition services, and showed a 79% decrease, against the amount of R$34 million for the same period in 2013, mainly reflecting a reduced work program for the Solimões and Namibia projects. General and administrative expenses, in the total amount of R$11 million at the end of the period 2014, decreased 56%, against the same period in 2013. They include financial expenses and exchange rate variations, and are related to personnel expenses, third-party services and general and administrative expenses not directly allocated to the exploratory campaign, but incurred to support the development of the Group’s operational activities. Nonrecurring disbursements amounting to R$257 million at the end of 1Q14 increased significantly in relation to the amount of R$4 million in 2013, as they take into account disbursements related to the acquisition of the Polvo Field, and the early full payment of the loan with Credit Suisse. | Page 14 | 1Q14 Earnings Release ABOUT HRT The HRT Group consists of companies operating in the oil and natural gas exploration and production sector in Brazil and overseas. HRT Participações, the main company of the group, has six main subsidiaries: IPEX (Integrated Petroleum Expertise Company Serviços em Petróleo Ltda.), HRT O&G Exploração e Produção de Petróleo Ltda., HRT Netherlands B.V., HRT Africa Petróleo S.A., a HRT America Inc. and HRT Canada Inc. In Brazil, the Company holds a 55% stake in 19 exploration blocks in the Solimões Basin and a 60% stake in the Polvo Field, located in the southern part of the Campos Basin, where it acts as an oil and natural gas production operator. HRT is also the operator of ten exploration blocks off the coast of Namibia: eight blocks in the Orange Sub-Basin and two others in the Walvis Sub-Basin. HRT’s team is made up of masters and PhDs in geology, geochemistry, geophysics and oil engineering, most of them former employees of Petrobras and ANP. HRT is committed to minimizing possible environmental impacts on locations where it works. Our commitment to the local communities consists of reducing the impact of operations on health, safety and quality of life. For further information, visit our website: www.hrt.com.br/ri Legal Notice This document contains statements about future events. All statements contained in this document, except those relating to historic facts, refer to future events, including, without limitation, statements about drilling plans and seismic acquisitions, operating costs, equipment purchases, expectations of oil finds, the quality of the oil we expect to produce and our other plans and objectives. Readers may identify a number of these statements from the use of words such as “estimate”, “believe”, “expect” and “intend”, and similar words or their negatives. Although management believes that the expectations indicated in these statements are reasonable, we cannot give any assurance that such expectations will be fulfilled. By their nature, statements about future events require us to make suppositions and so such statements are subject to inherent risks and uncertainties. We warn readers of this document not to place undue trust in our statements about future events, since various factors can lead to future circumstances, results, conditions, actions or events that may differ substantially from the plans, expectations, estimates and intentions expressed in these statements about future events and their underlying assumptions. The following risk factors could affect our operations: assessment reports on contingent or prospective resources involving a significant degree of uncertainty, and based on projections that may not be accurate; risks inherent to the exploration and production of oil and natural gas; limited history of operating as an oil and natural gas exploration and production company; drilling and other operating problems; breakdown or failure in equipment or processes; mistakes made in agreements or by operators; failure of contractors to perform; labor disputes, interruptions or loss of productivity; increase in material or personnel costs; inability to attract sufficient personnel; intensive capital requirements for investment and maintenance expenses that HRT may not be able to finance; costs caused by delays; exposure to fluctuations in exchange rates and commodity prices; economic conditions in Namibia and Brazil; complex laws that may affect costs or the means of carrying on the business; regulations in respect of the environment, health and safety that may become stricter in future and lead to an increase in liabilities and capital costs, including indemnities and penalties for damage to the environment; the early cancellation, non-renewal or other similar factors affecting the concession agreements; and competition. We warn you that this list of factors is incomplete, and that investors and others basing their decisions on statements about future events should carefully consider other uncertainties and potential occurrences. The statements about future events contained herein are based on the assumption that our plans and operations will not be affected by these risks. If our plans and operations are so affected, our statements about future events may prove to be inaccurate. This legal notice applies expressly to all statements about future events contained in this document. These statements are made as of the date of this document. We do not undertake to update these statements about future events, except when required to do so by the applicable securities legislation. | Page 15 | 1Q14 Earnings Release BALANCE SHEET (in thousands of R$) ASSETS Current assets Cash and cash equivalents 31-Dec-2013 31-Mar-2014 33,582 186,937 Marketable securities 120,957 121,332 Accounts receivable 989 15,048 Assets held for sale 155,540 145,090 Taxes recoverable 42,523 40,949 Advances to suppliers 33,008 53,413 3,057 9,300 Prepaid expenses Deposit given in guarantee Inventories Other receivables Total Current assets 273,001 - - 25,856 10,593 3,436 673,250 601,361 Noncurrent assets Noncurrent assets Deposit given in guarantee Total Noncurrent assets Fixed assets 31-Dec-2013 31-Mar-2014 4,590 4,724 4,590 4,724 31-Dec-2013 31-Mar-2014 Property, plant and equipment 139,124 135,211 Intangible 988,315 1,200,929 Total Fixed assets 1,127,439 1,336,140 Total Noncurrent assets 1,132,029 1,340,864 1,805,279 1,942,225 Total Assets | Page 16 | 1Q14 Earnings Release BALANCE SHEET (in thousands of R$) LIABILITIES Current liability 31-Dec-2013 31-Mar-2014 Trade accounts payable 63,362 175,686 Loans 70,380 - Advances to suppliers 25,896 630 Labor charges 17,669 12,451 Taxes and social contribution 26,301 30,636 65 1,602 Income tax and social contribution Financial instruments Other liabilities Total Current liability Noncurrent Asset retirement obligation (ARO) Deferred income tax and social contribution Total Non current Shareholders' equity 11,163 - 8,968 3,011 223,804 224,016 31-Dec-2013 31-Mar-2014 - 114,139 126,877 133,972 126,877 248,111 31-Dec-2013 31-Mar-2014 3,821,205 3,821,205 Capital Reserve 416,914 416,914 Adjustments on equity valuation 190,955 204,756 Share Capital Accumulated loss Current accumulated gain/loss Total liability and shareholders' equity (736,606) (2,237,870) (2,974,476) 1,699 1,454,598 1,470,098 1,805,279 1,942,225 | Page 17 | 1Q14 Earnings Release STATEMENT OF INCOME (in thousands of R$) 1Q13 Net operating revenue Cost of production 1Q14 2,143 143,303 (499) (85,636) Royalties - Gross profit 1,644 (11,658) 46,009 Operation revenues (expenses) Geophysics and geology (11,230) (5,012) Personnel expenses (63,127) (10,773) General & Administrative expenses (6,832) (13,659) Expenses with third-party services (16,847) (2,793) Taxes and fees Other operation revenues (expenses) EBITDA Depreciation and amortization Financial revenue (expenses) (3,599) (638) 2,402 22,654 (99,233) (10,221) (97,589) 35,788 (6,419) (25,434) 4,827 (7,110) (99,181) 3,244 Current - (1,545) Deferred - Profit/(loss) before income taxes and social contribution Income tax and social contribution Profit/(loss) for the period - - (1,545) (99,181) 1,699 | Page 18 | 1Q14 Earnings Release CASH FLOW STATEMENTS (in thousands of R$) 1Q13 (99,181) 1Q14 3,244 Profit/(loss) for the period before taxes Adjustments for Depreciation and amortization Financial result, net Share-based compensations Subtotal 6,419 (4,827) 23,076 (74,513) 25,434 7,110 35,788 Increase (decrease) in assets Accounts receivable Taxes recoverable Prepaid Expenses Advances to suppliers Inventories Other assets Subtotal 1,320 (1,081) (2,274) (7,411) (3,754) (13,200) (14,059) 1,574 (6,243) (3,203) 23,271 19,995 21,335 Increase (decrease) in liabilities Trade accounts payable Labor charges Taxes and social contribution Advances to partners in oil and gas operations Other liabilities Subtotal 19,178 (6,544) (14,825) (16,442) (18,633) 112,324 (5,218) 5,872 (25,266) 10,862 98,574 Net cash used in operating activities Cash flow from investing activities Application of capital in Bonds and Securities Deposit given in guarantee Acquisition of fixed assets and intangible Acquisition of Polvo assets Net cash used in investing activities Cash flow from financing activities Loans Capital contribution Derivative transactions Net cash from financing activities Net increase in cash and cash equivalents Beginning balance Ending balance Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (106,346) 155,697 242,442 (122,415) 120,027 10,335 272,867 3,613 (207,614) 79,201 (630) 1,535 (2,785) (1,880) (70,380) (11,163) (81,543) 37,608 49,409 11,801 33,582 186,937 153,355 | Page 19 |