Control - ISIR
Control - ISIR
Multi‐modal control of an anthropomorphic hand in the p p context of grasping and in‐hand manipulation context of grasping and in‐hand manipulation Kien Cuong NGUYEN kien‐ ki @ f PhD St d t f PhD Student of Prof Véronique Perdereau and Prof. Mohamed Abderrahim Prof. Véronique and Prof Mohamed Abderrahim ISIR Intelligent Systems and Robotics Institute ISIR ‐ I t lli t S t d R b ti I tit t Pierre and Marie Curie University of Paris France Pierre and Marie Curie University of Paris, France Main Objective Simulation Tools Control of C t l f an anthropomorphic hand th hi h d Matlab, Marilou Simulation b d based on a multi‐sensorial system for l l f Environment and ODE – Open the tasks of grasping and in‐hand Dynamics Engine y g manipulation. The work will be driven by quality criteria such as yq y dexterity, stability, compliance and de te ty, stab ty, co p a ce a d manipulability. Shadow hand with diverse types of sensors: position, force, visual and p , , tactile sensingg • Position control • Force – Torque control q • Tactile Sensing control g • Visual Servoingg • Multi‐Finger Coordination Control Parameters: Control Parameters: Learning g Engine Action Decomposition Action Decomposition The whole action that the control system is involved in can be y decomposed into 5 basic tasks: p T d Di Tendon‐Driven Basic Bricks: They are essentially the gains or They are essentially the gains or parameters that are specified based on parameters that are specified based on robot–object characteristics control robot–object characteristics, control strategy and some specific needs strategy and some specific needs. Experimental Platform Experimental Platform Force Sensor for f each tendon each tendon Control Architecture Control Architecture Control Parameters High‐Level Planning Control Monitor Position Control Force Control R hi Reaching In‐hand Manipulation p Tactile sensing i Camera System Camera System Position Sensor Position Sensor for each joint j G Grasping i Transporting Releasing Each basic task need a specific E hb i t k d ifi control strategy. l www.handle‐ FP7‐2008 – 231640 Sensing System Obstacles Tactile Control Visual Servoing Visual Servoing Object b Interaction with Learning & High‐level Planning: High level Planning: g p Online Learningg & High‐level planningg will y monitor the execution of the tasks by determining the type of control and the g yp corresponding parameters. HANDLE: Developmental p pathway towards autonomy y y and dexterity in robot in‐hand and dexterity in robot in hand manipulation, is a Large Scale manipulation, is a Large Scale Integrated Project coordinated by the University Pierre and Integrated Project coordinated by the University Pierre and Marie Curie of Paris and includes a consortium formed by nine Marie Curie of Paris and includes a consortium formed by nine partners from six EU countries: France UK Spain Portugal partners from six EU countries: France, UK, Spain, Portugal, Sweden and Germany Sweden and Germany.