Insight - South Carolina Association of Opticians


Insight - South Carolina Association of Opticians
Fall 2012
The South Carolina Association of Opticians
Association Officers
Amy Stutsman
Vice President
Ronnie Harbert
David Gosnell
Danny Gosnell
Past President
Margie Chapman
OAA Representative
Dick Davenport
Area Representatives
Wayne Ham
David McClam
Doug Clarkson
Wayne Minton
Michael Watkins
Website Coordinator
Kenneth Davenport
Apprentice Education
Keith Hayes
Newsletter Editor &
Vince Miles
At the Spring Convention, the Association was pleased to award Harry Demosthenes 2011 Optician of theYear. Thank you for all your hard work
and long years of dedication to our profession. Nominations are currently being accepted for 2012 candidates. If you know of someone that is
deserving of the honor, please let someone on the association board know ASAP!
3024 Plymouth Rock Rd.
Columbia, SC 29209
The South Carolina Association of Opticians
President Report:
By the time you receive
this newsletter, fall will
have arrived and the
temperature should be
more comfortable. We
only have 11 weeks left
in 2012 and then we start
the new year.
Our next continuing
education classes are
January 27, at the Embassy Suites in Columbia. We will have
Mike Della Pessa providing optical hours, and are still working on
the contact lens speaker.
If you were not able to attend the meeting at the beach, you missed
a great time. Dr. Warren McDonald provided all the education,
and as usual, kept everyone’s attention. Thanks to Ronnie and
Connie Harbert for the wonderful meet and great on Friday night.
The food was fabulous, everyone had a great time catching up, and
many did not want to go home. If you usually attend the Columbia meeting, consider coming to the beach. You will have a great
The Association Board is looking into the possibilities of computerizing the CE process. We are checking into the success of other
states around us. It will be a positive change, but could challenge
all of us until we get comfortable. We will keep you posted. Our
phone numbers and e-mail addresses are listed on the website if
you have any questions.
See you in Columbia,
State Board Report:
Dear Fellow Opticians,
The Opticiansy Board is in the process of rewriting parts of the laws governing opticians. We should be finishing this rewrite by the end of the
year in order to present it to the legislature.
Filing a complaint:
If you have a complaint against an optician, employer, or business, please
present it to the LLR office in writing. Please do not call a state board
member. If a board member has prior knowledge of a complaint, they
may not be able to sit at a hearing if it should come to that.
Membership update:
Licensed opticians 523
Contact Lens Licenses 266
Registered apprentices 112
23 candidates took the exam in June and 14 passed. (A good pass rate)
Daniel B. Gosnell
Chairman Opticianry Board
Dates to Remember!
January 27
Winter Education at Embassy
Suites on Greystone Blvd.
Feb. 27 - Mar. 3 SECO International
March 14-17
Vision Expo East
April 18-21
SC Association Convention
Pawleys Island, SC
News of Interest
Area Reports
Charleston - Michael Watkins
There will be a meeting Nov. 8th at 6:30pm at Ryan’s Steakhouse on St. Andrews Blvd and West Ashley. It will be an
open forum of Q and A concerning current issues impacting the
association. My number # 843-442-4157.
Columbia - Doug Clarkson
No Report
Although it had already been mentioned at our spring meeting, the
Association would like to acknowledge the passing of Mr. Jack
Foline. If you have not already heard, we lost a great man and a
champion of opticianry march 23rd. The spring newsletter had
already been printed before the news got to me. Our thoughts and
prayers are with him and his family still. He will be missed by
many and we will always be remembered for the numerous opticians lives that he touched.
We also lost Jamilla Burgess. A license since 1988. She was a
well respected and loved optician in her area I am told. She was
79. Warm thoughts and prayers are with her and her family from
the association as well.
If there are any fellow opticians that have passed you wish to
be “in memorium”, please let me know. Every opticain in our
state is special and deserve the recognition they deserve. You
can email them to me at
An apprentice review course is currently being developed. It is
scheduled to be sometime in Spring 2013. It will be designed as a
review for the practical portion of the state exam. It will be a
“hands on” workshop. We will keep you informed as more details come about.
Florence - Wayne Ham
I had a meeting October 25. We discussed current issues being
Our own Keith Hayes was elected the newest member of the State
brought up by the association and got your feedback on those
Board. Please congratulate him next time you see him. We know
he will be a great addition.
Greenville/Spartanburg - Wayne Minton
No Report
The association is always seeking members that are interested in
serving on the executive board. If there are any of you that want
Myrtle Beach - David McClam
to get involved, and feel like there are changes to be made or want
We will be having a meeting Nov. 29th, so clear your schedules
to make our current state of opticianry better, we urge you to call
on that day. I will be in touch with you about the location and
your nearest area representative or board member. The numbers
time. If you need to reach me, please call my cell #843-424and e-mail addresses are listed on our website
Spring Convention 2012
The Friday morning golf outing at The River Club was great! We could not have asked for better weather. The course was beautiful
and in pristine condition. We even had a friend (top right) give us moral support on a par 3. There has been increased interest in the
golf. Next year, I plan to book more tee times so we can have larger participation. If you want to play, let me know EARLY so I
can reserve your spot.
Friday Night Social
Thanks to Everyone who had a hand in the Friday night social. It was a HUGE success. All that attended, had great food and libations. If you did not attend, you missed a wonderful night of fellowship and a few surprises.