Parents` Handbook - Prescott College


Parents` Handbook - Prescott College
Parents’ Handbook
Dear Parents and Families,
The sense of family that exists within the Prescott College community
serves to enhance each student’s connection with the campus, current
students, and alumni. Prescott College is committed in our efforts to
support you and your student’s educational success and tie the bonds of
a lifelong affiliation with the College. This Parent Handbook is just one
way in which we would like to reach out and provide you with valuable
information about Prescott College and the Prescott community.
The Office of Parent Relations and the Student Life Office work together
to provide parents and families with information and resources about the
Prescott College campus and to promote an understanding of topics relevant to your student’s college
years. Valuable information is available for you at the Parent Programs website at
parents/ and through the monthly parent enewsletter Trails Home. To ensure you receive Trails Home
please keep your contact information updated at
We encourage parents to display their Prescott College pride and participate in information sharing.
The purchase of “Prescott College Parent” polo shirts and hats is a great way for every parent to get
involved, and profits from sales support opportunities for current students to expand their educational
curriculum. By contributing to the monthly parents enewsletter Trails Home, parents can connect with
each other and share their experiences.
I look forward to meeting you when you visit campus, and I invite you to contact me with any
questions you may have.
With Warmest Regards,
Marie Smith
Office of Alumni & Parent Programs
(877) 350-2100, ext. 4502
Prescott College Parent Logo Clothing
Proceeds benefit the Prescott College Parents Supporting Field Studies Scholarship.
Polos and baseball caps are available online at
Residence Life
In keeping with the College’s philosophy that students
develop valuable life skills through independent living,
most students live in off-campus housing. The Student Life
Office assists incoming students with securing housing in
the local community. Housing options are plentiful, varied,
and, typically, more affordable than in larger, more urban
helping to support their classmates to new heights of achievement
and self-assurance.
Weddle Gilmore Architects and Haley Construction Company
completed the housing project with a college-wide steering
committee on design and build stages. The Village is on track for
a LEED Gold designation from the US Green Building Council.
Central Campus Commons
The College is nearing the final stages of
transforming the center of campus into a hub
of activity, community building, and learning.
Aesthetic and structural improvements provide
a multitude of opportunities for the community
and visitors to learn, gather, collaborate, socialize,
and simply relax. The Campus Commons
Plan, guided by Weddle Gilmore Architects,
was a culmination of ideas and expertise from a
broadly represented Prescott College committee.
Student Housing
Prescott College is proud to announce The
Village, our newly constructed housing
for first-time freshmen. The College
undertook the $6 million housing project
to create on-campus student housing for
up to 104 freshmen. The Campus Village
Apartments consist of 13 new multi-story
townhome style apartment units, housing
up to eight students in each three-level unit.
Additionally, one unit houses the College’s
Director of Residential Life.
The Village includes new ADA accessible
paths and other improved pedestrian connections
to the central campus, as well as expanded parking for cars and
bicycles. The Village also maintains the high environmental
standards that define Prescott College. Environmentally sound
aspects of The Village include material and product selection,
use of recycled and recyclable floor covering, energy modeling
optimization of heating and cooling systems, integration of
passive and active solar energy technology, low-flow fixtures
and water conservation strategies, and EnergyStar appliances.
The Village offers a living and learning environment with
multiple academic housing themes; these themes are designed
to educate and sustain our first-time freshmen to assist the
students on their road to maturity and confidence. The
strong support system created is an opportunity for likeminded students to study some of the same courses, while
Design charrettes and meetings provided integral input from the
greater community and created a vision of pride for the entire
community. The project began in 2008 with the closure and
acquisition of the prior alleyway that cut through the main section
of campus. In addition to the other benefits, the closure created
a safe environment for pedestrians and bicycles. Other amenities
will include outdoor meeting and event spaces, bike parking,
and areas for native landscaping as well as edible plants and trees.
Storage tanks will be used to provide a good portion of the water
needed for the upkeep of the vegetation. Kiosks and signage will
provide an enhanced communication hub for directional and
informational purposes.
Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
Prescott College intends to comply fully with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (as amended).This federal law was designated
to protect the privacy of education records, to establish the right of students to inspect and review their education records, to provide guidelines for
the correction of inaccurate or misleading data through informal and formal hearings, and to submit an explanatory statement for inclusion in the
education record if the outcome of the hearing is unsatisfactory.
Protection and Disclosure of Student Records
Prescott College accords all the rights under the Act to students who are declared independent. No one outside the College shall have access to,
nor will the institution disclose any information from, a student’s records without the prior written consent of the student, except as follows: to
persons or organizations providing student financial aid; to accrediting agencies carrying out their accreditation function; to persons in compliance
with a judicial order; and to persons in an emergency in order to protect the health or safety of students or other persons. All these exceptions are
permitted under the Act.
Education records do not include employment records (except where an enrolled student is employed as a result of his or her status as a student),
alumni records, student health records, or records of instructional, administrative, and other personnel which are the sole possession of the maker and
are not accessible or revealed to any individual except a temporary substitute.
Within the Prescott College community, only those members, individually or collectively acting in the students’ educational interest, are allowed
access to student educational records. These include personnel in the Financial Aid, Business, Admissions, Student Life, and Registrar’s offices,
Academic Deans, advisors, and faculty, within the limitations of their need to know.
Directory Information: At its discretion, the College may provide Directory Information in accordance with the provisions of the Act to include:
• student name
• home and local addresses
• email and website addresses
• all phone numbers
• date and place of birth
• photographs
• fields of study, including competence, breadth, and primary degree/program area
• dates of attendance and full-time/part-time status
• all degrees earned and awards received
• anticipated graduation/completion date
• advisor(s) name(s)
• recently attended previous educational institution(s)
• participation in officially recognized activities
Students may request to withhold Directory Information (“Directory Hold”) by notifying the Office of the Registrar in writing. Directory Holds
will be removed from students’ records when they graduate or withdraw from the College.
Right to View and/or Amend Records
Prescott College students have unrestricted access to their own records and may have copies made of their records at their own expense, except for
the following: in cases of outstanding debt to the College or copies of transcripts from previously attended institutions.
Students who believe their education records contain information that is inaccurate or misleading, or otherwise in violation of their privacy or other
rights, may discuss their concerns informally with the Registrar and/or with the academic personnel involved. If the decisions are in agreement with
the student’s request, the appropriate records will be amended. If not, students will be informed by the Registrar of their right to file an “academic
grievance,” which will serve as a formal hearing. See Student Grievance Procedures for details on that process.
Right to File a Complaint
A student alleging College noncompliance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act may file a written complaint with the Family
Compliance Office, U.S. Department of Education, 400 Maryland Avenue, S.W., Washington, D.C. 20202-5920; Phone: 1-800-872-5327. Additional
contact information for the Compliance Office is as follows: 1-800-872-5327 and
Prescott College informs students about the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act in each semester’s enrollment materials.
Staying in Touch
5 Easy Steps to Assisting a College Student in Transition
Sending Mail
1. Encourage self-reliance while acting as a safety net
A big transition such as entering college or going on an extended backpacking course
inspires excitement, wonder, and feelings of connection and unity. Everyone deals with
change differently. Occasionally people experience periods of stress, sadness, or fear.
Each of us has the ability to handle our hard times through our own self-care or coping
Every on-campus undergraduate student currently
enrolled at Prescott College is issued a student
mailbox. Student mailboxes are housed within
the Service Center, which is located on the first
floor of the San Juan Building (Prescott Campus).
Student mail and packages are distributed to student
mailboxes throughout the day. Students can check
their student mailboxes Monday to Friday anytime
between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.
For your student’s protection, valid photo
identification is required for all mail and package
pickups.There are no exceptions to this requirement.
Valid forms of photo identification include the
following: Prescott College Student ID, Passport, or
State Issued Driver’s License/Identification Card.
When sending mail and packages to your student,
please utilize the following address formats to
expedite the handling process:
During Wilderness Orientation:
(For Care Letters/Packages
Going to Students in the Field)
Student’s Full First and Last Name
(No Nicknames, Please)
Wilderness Orientation
Prescott College
220 Grove Ave.
Prescott, AZ 86301
For Everything Else:
Student’s Full First and Last Name
(No Nicknames, Please)
Prescott College
220 Grove Ave.
Prescott, AZ 86301
Questions Regarding Mail?
Please direct all mail questions to Service Center
personnel at (877) 350-2100, ext. 2200, or by
All students are issued a Prescott College e-mail
address through the technology department.
Typically, student e-mail addresses are first letter of
student’s first name plus last
For example, John Doe’s email address would be Please check with your son or
daughter for his or her correct email address.
A fax machine for incoming and outgoing faxes
is available at the Service and Mail Center. The
fax number is (928) 776-5256. Be sure to include
your son/daughter’s name, and put “OCU Student”
on the fax so that it is delivered promptly. For
students sending faxes, local and Phoenix faxes are
free, in-state faxes are $1, out-of-state are $2, and
international are $5.
In case of emergency, you can call the OCU Dean’s
Office at 877-350-2100, ext. 2000, to get in contact
with your child.
2. Help students to connect with appropriate resources
When assistance is needed in strengthening one’s self-care system, Prescott College makes
every effort to educate and empower students. One way we assist students is through
personal counseling. Personal counseling sessions for students are limited to short term,
solution based therapy. After an initial intake assessment with the college counselor, a
student is offered three to five sessions of counseling. These sessions usually incorporate
educational materials, journaling, visualizations, and behavior tracking techniques to raise
awareness. All counseling contact is confidential. For those students who require more
extensive or additional services than are available through the college counselor, a referral
to local therapists will be made. Students may also meet with a counselor to explore
career options and resources.
3. Stay connected and provide supportive encouragement
Write an email or a letter, call, and remember special occasions. Care packages are
welcome anytime. Make sure to get involved in the Parent’s Association! Praise
accomplishments and be enthusiastic about your student’s goals.
4. Provide balance
Students may not realize that while their transition may be uncomfortable, it is
temporary and they will likely flourish in time.
5. Encourage active involvement in campus clubs and activities
College-sponsored activities, student groups, and individuals throughout the College
provide opportunities for students to meet and enjoy themselves outside of classes. Music
and dance performances, photography exhibits, slide shows, poetry and fiction reading,
yoga, lectures, panel discussions, plays, talent shows, and numerous campus-sponsored
clubs all serve to bring students together.
Focusing on the Future
What career planning is available to students?
The Student Life Office maintains job listings and
internship possibilities for students. The College
counselor is available to students for one-on-one
career counseling, consisting of interest identification,
role playing interviews, and resume review.
What direction is given to students in planning
their coursework with career objectives in
Students can receive career counseling from several
sources and are expected to take the initiative in
shaping their course of study to their career objectives
by working with their faculty advisor. Most of our
faculty have worked in their field professionally
before entering academia and can help in planning
coursework and in identifying internship and job
Prescott College’s flexibility and emphasis on
experiential learning allows students to build a resume
as well as a transcript.
Will the student get enough of a traditional
education at Prescott College to be accepted
into a graduate program in the student’s field
of study?
Prescott College students have an excellent track
record in getting into graduate programs of their
choice. It is important to recognize that much of
the Prescott College curriculum, especially on the
introductory level, is similar to curriculum studied
by undergraduates preparing for graduate school at
more traditional colleges. What is different at Prescott
College is the approach to learning. We find that our
relatively small class size results in students learning the
foundations of their chosen field more effectively, with
substantial motivation to purse advanced studies. Also,
the quality of independent study available to students
allows them to focus on specific academic interests in
ways that are compatible with graduate study programs.
The narrative transcripts used by Prescott College are
well accepted throughout higher education.
Any student who aspires to graduate study should
inform his or her advisor as soon as possible so that an
appropriate course of study can be undertaken.
The feedback we receive from our graduates who
go on to graduate school indicates they were well
prepared for advanced study; they consider themselves
more motivated and more self-directed than their
fellow graduate students; they have a better working
understanding of their chosen field than graduates
from more traditional colleges.
Above all, it is our students’ skills as learners which
seem to set them apart. Genuine motivation for
advanced academic work and a demonstrated ability
to envision, plan, and carry out an independent
project are probably the most highly valued attributes
in the graduate admissions process. The narrative
transcript provides an advantage over the conventional
transcript’s course list and grade point average because
it is more holistic and comprehensive.
Prescott College FAQs
What is the relationship between the College and the people of
• Prescott is a college town with two other colleges in the community
(Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University and Yavapai College).
• Prescott is also an artist colony, a tourist haven, a ranching center, and a
retirement community.
• Prescott College is often seen as the environmental conscience of the
Prescott area and the nucleus of its progressive thought and action.
Prescott College enjoys a good relationship, founded in mutual respect,
with the Prescott Community. Throughout the academic year, the
College sponsors many educational and social events that are open to the
public. Many of our faculty, staff, and administration take active roles in
community organizations and in the Prescott area schools. Students are
also encouraged to take part in the Prescott community and frequently
find internships and other learning opportunities there.
How is the student’s advisor chosen?
Advisors are selected according to the student’s primary area of academic
concentration. Advisors are assigned prior to a student’s arriving at
Prescott College for orientation. Students meet with their advisors
before registration to discuss program interests and long-range academic
and career goals. If the student’s area of academic interest changes, he or
she would be assigned a new advisor whose focus is more in line with
the student’s new program area.
With such small classes, how can students be certain of getting
into the classes they desire?
Some areas of the curriculum such as Outdoor Action, Human
Development, Photography, and Environmental Studies are becoming
more and more popular with students. We have added significantly to
the core faculty in these areas to accommodate student needs, and we
hire adjunct faculty to teach additional courses as needed.
Students register for classes in person at the Records and Registration
Office. Registration times are assigned by student rank (seniority), hence
priority is given to seniors, then juniors, sophomores, and freshmen,
The Registrar may request that the Dean add extra sections of classes
when indicated by demand.
How do we encourage a sense of community within the
The atmosphere at Prescott College encourages a sense of community.
Our size, informal ambience, and commitment to individual attention
and respect promote that atmosphere. School-sponsored activities and
student directed days bring the community together for social, cultural,
athletic, and intellectual events.
Student Leadership and Event Coordinator
DeeAnn Resk is the Student Leadership and Event Coordinator at Prescott College. DeeAnn
prepares programs and events for Prescott College students and the Prescott College community,
including planning, publicizing, and implementation. These programs and events include lectures,
workshops, dances, movie nights, field trips, service opportunities, musical concerts, graduations,
on-campus orientation, and other co-curricular events. DeeAnn also advises student government,
clubs, and projects and works to foster community by providing enriching educational, social, and
cultural experiences for students.
DeeAnn Resk, Student Leadership & Event Coordinator
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., plus event hours
(928) 350-1007
Services for Students
The Student Life staff provides essential services and programs that promote and ensure an effective living and learning environment for our
students. The office serves as a resource center to help students take advantage of the many opportunities available at Prescott College. The Student
Life office also helps students attain their full potential at the College and as members of the community. Services include the following:
Academic Counseling
Educational Access and Disability Services
Services include assistance with general study and reading skills, time management strategies, general advising questions, and other matters related
to academic success. Students with documented learning-related disabilities/ challenges are eligible to receive reasonable and appropriate ADA
accommodations. Services include, but are not limited to, professional tutoring with the Learning Specialist, peer tutoring, testing accommodations,
note-takers and audio textbooks, and sign language interpreting.
Personal and Career Counseling
Short-term, confidential counseling and referral services are available at no charge to all students. Sessions usually incorporate educational
materials, journaling, visualizations, and behavior tracking techniques to increase awareness. All counseling contact is confidential. For those
students who require more extensive or additional services than are available through the College counselor, a referral to local therapists will be
made. Students may also meet with a counselor to explore career options and resources, including résumé, cover letter, and portfolio development;
interviewing techniques; job search strategies; networking opportunities with the Prescott College Alumni Association; and access to local and
national volunteer and service-based learning opportunities through the Ripple Project.
Chris Hout, M.Ed.
Prescott College Personal Counselor
Student Life Center (Corner of Grove Ave. and Sheldon St.)
Office Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Phone number: (928) 350-1003
Chris began his relationship with Prescott College as a 17-year-old freshman in 1988. He graduated in 1992 and went
on to be employed by a variety of social service organizations in Oregon, Pennsylvania, and Arizona. After completing
a master’s degree and gaining state licensure in counseling, Chris returned to Prescott College. He provides enrolled
students with three to six confidential personal counseling appointments a semester and is able to refer students to a
variety of professionals in the community.
Student Accident and Sickness Insurance
All resident undergraduate students are required to have insurance coverage. Complete policy information describing the College’s group insurance
benefits, procedures, and exclusions is available on the Prescott College website in the Student Life section. Contact the Student Life Office for
specific details: or (928) 350-1005.
Student Events and Activities
Working together, the Student Union Board and the Student Leadership and Events Coordinator produce meaningful student events and activities
that both enrich the learning environment as well as unite the Prescott College community with the greater community of Yavapai County. Events
include live musical performances, guest speakers, community forums, community dinners, films and plays, open mic events, and dances.
Prescott College Student Clubs, Organizations, and Leadership Opportunities
Opportunities for leadership and involvement include participating in student government, clubs, and organizations. Students are encouraged to
run for positions and to form and join clubs as part of their academic and personal journey at Prescott College. Oftentimes, student senior projects
or independent study projects continue on as established student organizations.
Aztlan Center – Dedicated to celebrating and increasing diversity, particularly through bringing Latino and Anglo communities closer together.
Contact: Dr. Anita Fernández at or (928) 350-2272
Book Club – Reading for fun, education, and community building! Monthly discussion for each book chosen. Contact: Prescott College Library
(928) 350-1300 or Helen Manion at
Civic Engagement & Volunteer Group – Want to make a difference in your community? Get involved! Many opportunities are available, particularly through
our partnership with Serve Yavapai and the local AmeriCorps VISTA team. Contact: DeeAnn Resk at or (928) 350-1007
Consent in Action – Let’s talk about sex! … And healthy relationships, communication, boundaries, and more. This group leads workshops, dialogues, and
performance skits to talk about empowerment, choices, and consent. Contact: or Pamela Zigo at
Diversity & Multicultural Club – Discussion, support, and activities for Prescott College’s diverse student population. Contact: Désirée Dorsainvil at
Environmental Advocacy Club – For sustainability, green initiatives, the environment, and more. Contact: Kara Kukovich at or
Anthony Gamboa at
Gender & Sexuality Alliance (GSA) – A club that strives to create a safe place for those who want to discuss, celebrate, and understand topics/issues around
sexual and/or gender identity and would like to discuss these matters within an environment that is risk-free environment. We support having LGBTQ and allies.
Contact: Miriel Manning at
HUB (Helping Understand Bicycles) – Provides an on-campus community workspace, offers events and workshops on biking and bicycle advocacy, and
promotes bicycle use as an alternative form of transportation. Contact:
The Prescott Jugglers & Hoopers – Provides an opportunity for learning skills and sharing the circus arts while providing camaraderie and exercise that is
good for the body and the brain. Contact: Frank Cardamone at
Meditation Club – There are many potential benefits of meditation including physiological, psychological, emotional, and spiritual. Come meditate and be in
community with one another. Contact: Ariel Ruben at
Peace and Justice Center (PJC) – Utilizes research, action, and education to promote a more just and peaceful world. Contact: Dr. Randall Amster at ramster@ or (928) 350-2238.
Peer Education Resource Center (PERC) – Encourages students’ success by providing information and support to the Prescott College community. The
Peer Educators communicate with faculty, staff, and students in an effort to provide programs and events that are accurately representative of student needs.
Contact: or (928) 350-2266
Prescott College Muppets Coed Softball Team – Participates in the summer recreational city league of coed slow-pitch softball. Contact: William Seabaugh
at or Rich Lewis at
Student Arts Council – Working to involve the Prescott College and greater community through art appreciation and creation.
Contact: Daniel Fitzgerald at or Kerry Skarbakka at
Student Alumni Association / Student Initiative Council (SIC) – Fostering school spirit, tradition, and pride throughout the College, SIC is a student-run
organization residing within the Prescott College Alumni Association. SIC is a place for students to meet new people, network with alumni, attend
exciting social/professional events, develop leadership skills, and gain real-world experience. SIC also prepares students to be great alumni after graduation.
Contact: or
Students for Education Reform – The Prescott College SFER chapter is part of a national organization that empowers students as stakeholders in the
education system and connects them with tools to advocate for change. Contact: Elizabeth Yorke at or visit
Student Union Board (SUB) – All enrolled students are members of the Student Union and may elect student leaders as members to the Student Union Board
(SUB). Weekly SUB meetings are the main forum for students to discuss and debate College issues and policies, meet with College administrators, etc. SUB also
endorses and supports a variety of activities and student-run organizations and is responsible for disbursing funds collected from student activity fees. Contact: su@ or (928) 350-1005
Village Life – African inspired dance gatherings, drumming, and workshops. Contact: Liz Faller at or (928) 776-5135
Women’s Empowerment Breakthrough (WEB) – A women’s empowerment group that meets once a week, plans events to raise awareness about feminist
issues, holds an annual conference for teenage girls that is staffed by college women, and hosts year-round programming and workshops at Prescott College and in
the community at large. Contact: or (928) 350-2298
Resident Degree Program
2012-2013 Academic Calendar
Helpful Contact Information
Fall 2012
August 28
Block Classes Begin
September 3
Labor Day – No Classes
September 21
Block Classes End
September 24-28
Student Directed Days
October 1
Semester Classes Begin
October 8
Indigenous People’s Day – No Classes
November 12
Veterans Day – No Classes
November 21-23
Thanksgiving Break
December 14
Last Day of Classes
December 15 Baccalaureate
December 16
December 24–January 1, 2013
Winter Break
Toll Free Spring 2013
January 8
January 21
February 1
February 4-8
February 11
February 18
March 11-15
March 29
May 3
May 4
Prescott College Website
(877) 350-2100
Alumni Relations
(928) 350-4502
(928) 350-4307
Business Office
(928) 350-4000
Crossroads Café
(928) 350-1400
Financial Aid
(928) 350-1111
Kino Bay
Block Classes Begin
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day – No Classes
Block Classes End
Student Directed Days
Semester Classes Begin
Presidents’ Day – No Classes
Spring Break
Intercultural Day – No Classes
Last Day of Classes/Baccalaureate
Office of the Registrar
(928) 350-1102
Parent Programs
(928) 350-4502
RDP Dean’s Office
(877) 350-2100 ext. 2000
Service Center/Mail Room
(928) 776-5105
Student Services/Housing
(928) 350-1005
Student Billing
(877) 350-2100 ext. 4004
Glossary of Common Terms
Block and Quarter Blocks are approximately four weeks in length and take place during September, January, and, if desired, in
May. An 11-week quarter follows each block. During the block, students enroll in only one course and learn through intense
involvement in the subject. During the quarter, students enroll in three classes to balance and integrate their coursework.
Breadth A concentration of related courses relevant to a minor field of study.
Competence A concentration of related courses relevant to a major field of study.
Experiential Education Many courses have strong field components, and some are conducted entirely in the field. Internships,
apprenticeships, independent studies, community service, and study abroad are encouraged so that students may study and live in
cultural contexts outside your normal experience.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) Used to apply for all Federal aid.
Interdisciplinary Designates a combination of subject matter from two or more disciplines within a course or program.
Internship Involves working with an organization related to a student’s major program and/or career plans. Usually involves
earning college credit and may involve receiving payment.
Portfolio A collection of work (e.g., paintings, writings, photos, etc.) used to demonstrate competency in an academic area.
Prerequisite A requirement, usually the completion of another course, which must be met before a student may register for a course.
Registration The process of enrolling in and paying tuition and fees for courses each term.
Student Employment Part-time jobs made available to students with financial need through a federally-funded program (Work
Study) and to students without need through the Student Employment Office.
Transcript A copy of a student’s permanent academic record including all courses taken and quarter hours. Transfer Credit Credit
earned at another accredited institution and accepted toward a Prescott College degree.
Visitor Information
Hiking Trails and Outdoor Recreation
Forest Villas Hotel, 3645 Lee Cir. Prescott, AZ 86301 (5 miles from College)
(928) 717-1200
(800) 223-3449
Hampton Inn, 3453 Ranch Dr. Prescott, AZ 86303 (4.7 miles from College)
(928) 443-5500
Hassayampa Inn, 122 E. Gurley St.
Prescott, AZ 86301 (1/2 mile from College)
(928) 778-9434
(800) 322-1927
Holiday Inn Express, 3454 Ranch Dr. Prescott, AZ 86303 (4.7 miles from College)
(928) 445-8900
Hotel St. Michael, 205 W. Gurley St.
Prescott, AZ 86301 (1 mile from College)
(928) 776-1999
(800) 678-3757
Hotel Vendome, 230 S. Cortez St. Prescott, AZ 86303 (1 mile from College)
(928) 776-1999
(888) 468-3583
Prescott Resort Center, 1500 Hwy. 69 Prescott, AZ 86301 (2 miles from College)
(928) 776-1666
(800) 967-4637
Springhill Suites by Marriott, 200 E. Sheldon St.
Prescott, AZ 86301 (1/2 mile from College)
(928) 776-0998
(888) 466-8440
America’s Best Value Inn, 1105 E. Sheldon St. Prescott, AZ 86301 (1 mile from College)
(928) 776-1282
Comfort Inn, 1290 White Spar Rd.
Prescott, AZ 86303 (2 miles from College)
(928) 778-5770
(800) 889-9774
Best Western Prescottonian, 1317 E. Gurley St. Prescott, AZ 86301 (1½ mile from College)
(928) 445-3096
(800) 528-1234
Motel 6, 1111 E. Sheldon St. Prescott, AZ 86301 (1 mile from College)
(928) 776-0160
(800) 466-8356
Granite Mountain
Continue driving north on Grove Ave. until you reach Iron Springs Rd.
Take a left onto Iron Springs Rd. and drive west approximately 3.5 miles
until you arrive at the Granite Basin turnoff. Take a right onto Granite
Basin Rd. and continue driving to the Playa or Metate Trailhead parking
lot. Here you can access a variety of trails from easy to difficult terrain.
$3 parking fee.
Watson Lake
Drive south on Grove Ave. back to Gurley St. Take a left onto Gurley St.
heading east through downtown. Continue on Gurley St. until you see
the junction of Hwy. 89N and Hwy. 69. Go left onto 89N and continue
driving until you reach your first traffic light. At this traffic light take a
right into Watson Lake Recreational Area. Fee is due upon entry.
Thumb Butte
Drive south on Grove Ave. back to Gurley St. Take a right heading
west onto Gurley and continue on as it bends southwest and turns into
Thumb Butte Rd. Follow Thumb Butte Rd. approximately 1 mile and
enter right into the parking lot for the recreation area. Trails are located
across the street from the parking lot. $3 entry fee.
Lynx Lake
Drive south on Grove Ave. back to Gurley St. Turn left (east) onto
Gurley and continue on as it turns into Hwy. 69. Follow Hwy. 69 to
Walker Rd. (just pass the mall) and turn right (south). Follow Walker Rd.
approximately 3 miles to the North Shore parking area; turn left into the
entrance drive. $2 entry fee.
Grocery Stores
Trader Joe’s
253 N. Lee Blvd. (928) 443-9075
Fry’s Food
950 Fair St.(928) 778-6494
New Frontiers Natural Foods
1112 W. Iron Springs Rd.
(928) 445-7370
Outdoor Gear
Visit the Prescott National Forest Website’s camping information
The Hike Shack
104 N. Montezuma
(928) 443-8565
Manzanita Outdoor
377 N. Montezuma
(928) 778-0980
Granite Mountain Outfitters
320 W. Gurley St. (928) 776-4949
Chef Bryan’s Bistro (L/D) (5% off Prescott College Parents) 436 Goodwin St.
Apple Pan (B/L)
510 W. Gurley St.
Café St. Michael Restaurant (B/L/D)
100 S. Montezuma St.
Coyote Joe’s Bar and Grill 214 S. Montezuma St.
Genovese’s Ristorante (L/D)
217 W. Gurley St.
Firehouse Kitchen (L/D)
218 W. Goodwin St.
Prescott Steak House (L/D)
520 Miller Valley Rd.
Gurley St. Grill (L/D)
Gurley & Granite streets
Hugo’s Mexican Cantina (L/D)
Montezuma & Shelton streetss
Iron Springs Café (B/L)
1501 W. Iron Springs Rd.
Lone Spur Café (B/L)
106 W. Gurley St.
Murphy’s (L/D) 201 S. Montezuma St
Prescott Brewing Company (L/D)
130 W. Gurley St.
Raven Café (B/L/D)
142 N. Cortez St.
Taj Mahal (Indian L/D)
124 N. Montezuma St.
The Sharlot Hall Museum
415 W. Gurley St. (928) 445-3122
The Spot…a Child’s Museum
3250 Gateway Blvd. (928) 771-0241
Movie Theatres
Harkins Prescott Valley 14 7202 Pav Way, Prescott Valley (928) 775-2284
Granite Performing Arts Center
& Sam Hill Gallery
m Hi rforming A
ll Ga
llery ts Center
From Flagstaff:
It’s a two-hour drive (or less). Take Exit 278 off I-17 at Highway 169
Cherry Road to Prescott. Turn right on Highway 69. Coming into
Prescott, take Gurley Street. Pass Courthouse Plaza. Right on Grove
Avenue (major traffic light). The Prescott College Welcome Center is on
the left-hand side of the street at the intersection of Grove and Western.
From Phoenix:
It’s a two-hour drive. Take Exit 262 off I-17 at Highway 69
(Cordes Jct. exit, to Prescott). Coming into Prescott, take Gurley
Street. Pass Courthouse Plaza. Right on Grove Avenue (major
traffic light). The Prescott College Welcome Center is on the lefthand side of the street at the intersection of Grove and Western.