INCO LN OG - Lincoln Amateur Radio Club
INCO LN OG - Lincoln Amateur Radio Club
April Lincoln Amateur Radio Club Lincoln Log 2016 April Meeting 19:30, Wednesday, April 13 Firespring, 1201 Infinity Court, Lincoln, Nebraska April Meeting — Extreme Weather 2015 A Review of Nebraska and U.S. Severe Weather Dr. Ken Dewey, Applied Climate Researcher at UNL, will give an overview of the nation’s extreme weather events of 2015. He will review the 2015 tornado season and compare it to the normals for the U.S. and Nebraska. Ken will also preview the Annual Central Plains Severe Weather Symposium, Weatherfest, and Spring Spotter Training workshop that will all take place in Hardin Hall, East Campus of UNL on Saturday, April 16. Check out the details at –Ken Dewey, WDØBIV Coming Events Th Sa Sa W W W Sa W Sa Tu 04/07 04/09 04/09 04/13 04/13 04/13 04/16 04/20 04/23 04/26 Su M Th Sa W W W Sa W Su Tu 05/01 05/02 05/05 05/07 05/11 05/11 05/11 05/14 05/18 05/22 05/24 18:30 09:30 11:00 12:00 18:30 19:30 13:00 19:00 08:30 23:59 19:00 18:30 12:00 18:30 19:30 11:00 19:00 23:59 VE Exams SENRC Meeting HPQRP Homebrewers QCWA Luncheon Field Day Committee LARC March Meeting Storm Spotter Training LARC Board Meeting Convention/Hamfest LOG Deadline APRIL Northside Café 2701 N 48th St, Lincoln Café Metro 901 Central Ave, Auburn Breadeaux Pizza 1425 Silver St, Ashland Valentino’s Buffet 70th & Van Dorn, Lincoln Firespring 1201 Infinity Ct, Lincoln Firespring 1201 Infinity Ct, Lincoln Hardin Hall 3310 Holdrege St, Lincoln Red Cross 220 Oakcreek Dr, Lincoln Lancaster Event Ctr 84th & Havelock, Lincoln Email articles & ads to Lincoln Marathon LOG Prep VE Exams Spring Fling Bike Ride QCWA Luncheon Field Day Committee LARC March Meeting HPQRP Homebrewers LARC Board Meeting Oak Creek Bike Ride LOG Deadline MAY Lincoln Red Cross 220 Oakcreek Dr, Lincoln Northside Café 2701 N 48th St, Lincoln Eagle / Louisville Valentino’s Buffet 70th & Van Dorn, Lincoln Firespring 1201 Infinity Ct, Lincoln Firespring 1201 Infinity Ct, Lincoln Breadeaux Pizza 1425 Silver St, Ashland Red Cross 220 Oakcreek Dr, Lincoln Valparaiso Email articles & ads to Lincoln Amateur Radio Club, Inc. PO Box 5006 Lincoln, NE 68505-0006 Club Repeater KØKKV 146.760 (-) Packet APRS KØKKV 144.390 DX Packet Cluster telnet:// President Vice President Secretary Treasurer LARC Web Site Facebook 2016 Board John Mardock KRØP Connie Zehr NØGMA Greg Brown KTØK Marlene McLaughlin KDØHYM Aaron Rogge NØADR Mike Lauver KØLVR Ed Holloway KØRPT Mike Long KØSHC Executive Director and Club Station Trustee Reynolds Davis KØGND of Directors 402/525-6111 402/202-2805 402/937-3540 402/617-0234 402/580-4602 402/326-1139 402/770-2427 402/488-3706 ARRL Nebraska State Convention / Hamfest This year’s convention will be held Saturday, April 23. The date for this year’s event was moved because of the availability of the facility. See the flier on page 6 for more information. See you there! Storm Spotter Training – April 16 Mark your calendar! Our annual spotter training will be at Hardin Hall on Saturday, April 16, as part of Ken Dewey’s CPSWS (Central Plains Severe Weather Symposium). Sign in will begin at 13:00, and the training program will start at 14:00. Training will be led by Brian Smith from the Valley office of the National Weather Service. State spotter certification will be offered for those who need it. If you passed the state spotter credentials in 2013 or before, you will need to recertify. State certification is good for three years. In addition to attending the April 16 training, new and renewed spotters must complete two online courses and take the written exam in order to receive the state credentials. Go to You will need to complete these two modules and have the certificate sent to ReynoldsD1@aol. com. Role of SKYWARN® Spotters SKYWARN® Spotter Convective Basics If you are unable to attend the NWS training for Lancaster County, you can qualify by attending NWS training in another county. —Reynolds Davis, KØGND 2 President’s Column As I write this month’s column we are in the midst of Weather Awareness Week. Last season most were pretty lucky in that we only had one storm which required a call out. What are the chances of a repeat season? Not likely, I should think. So, are you current on your storm-spotter training? If not, work on correcting the issue now so you are ready to participate when needed. Is your “go kit” ready? Think now about what you might need later for yourself, your communication needs, and your vehicle. Each person’s requirements are different, so there is no perfect list of items. One thing is certain: Now is the time to think, make a list, and create the kit. Once you are on site it’s too late. Another reminder: April’s club meeting features Ken Dewey, PhD. You will not want to miss his weather presentation! At the March Board meeting your Board passed a group of budget changes en masse. The two largest were Field Day and the Annual Christmas Party. Your Board voted not to fund either event. Does that mean we will not have these events? I suggest that both events will be held and do just fine. Instead of the entire club funding these events, those participating will fund the event. Isn’t that the way you would want it? Addressing the LOG, the Board decided to attempt to find funding options and/or less expensive printing before making any changes in print volume or distribution. Speaking of Field Day, Firespring has graciously allowed us use of their facility one hour early before each club meeting through June for our Field Day meetings. Plan on being there for Field Day planning. GL es 73 —John Mardock, KRØP 3 Silent Keys Anton Warta, KBØCYK, SK Anton Warta passed away on March 8, 2016, at the age of 100. He farmed east of Wilber, and was retired from Petersen Manufacturing Company in DeWitt. He was a veteran of World War II in the 23rd Armored Engineer Battalion Third Armored Division as a radio operator for Division advance forward command post. He was a member of the American Legion Louis Milan Post 101. In later years, he was a HAM radio operator KBØCYK with license Amateur Extra and was past president of the Crete Amateur Radio Club. Until recently, he was active on a range of HF nets. Lyle Quinn, WØUS, SK Lyle Quinn, WØUS, who operated over 83 years as a licensed amateur radio operator, having received his license in 1935, passed away March 14th at the age of 97. Prior to moving to the Heritage Care Center several years ago, Lyle was active on all Nebraska HF nets and was NCS for many sessions. Before he retired, Lyle operated the Budweiser distributorship for the Fairbury area and was a regular on the KØKKV repeater as he made his rounds. Lyle celebrated his 97th birthday last November 26. He resided in an assisted living facility in Fairbury. Many of us remember Lyle checking into various nets from his Budweiser delivery truck. Kirwin Kolb, KBØBUM, SK Kirwin Kolb, KBØBUM, passed away on March 20 after a long battle with cancer. Kirwin was a long-time member of the club and had been active in SKYWARN® and public service before his health problems. He was first licensed in 1988 and held an Amateur Extra license. Kirwin worked as a communications specialist with the Nebraska State Patrol before moving to security at the State Capitol for many years. I remember trying to enter the employee parking lot just south of the Capitol in order to teach a CERT class there. I pushed the “help” button at the traffic arm and asked how to get in. A familiar voice answered “Is that you Reynolds…..this is Kirwin” and the problem was solved. Kirwin helped with the Cornhusker State Games in 2005 and 2006. Kirwin lost his multi-year battle with cancer at age 62. Reminder – Tech Class It’s not too late! If you missed the first session April 5, you can still complete the course with ease. Tuesday nights, 18:00 to 21:00, Room 130, Krueger Hall at Union College. The last session is May 10. Call Reynolds Davis for more information. –Reynolds Davis, KØGND 4 Silent Keys Bonnie Moon, KAØDWK, SK We lost Bonnie Moon on March 23. Bonnie participated in a range of club events through the years. Junior ‘Fred’ Wegelin, NØGMS, SK Fred Wegelin, NØGMS, passed away on March 17 at the age of 78. Fred worked for the INS in Lincoln and is survived by his wife Kimiko, NØROO. She was preceded in death by her husband Harold, KBØWB, who had been active in the club through the ‘80s including LARC President in 1985. —Reynolds Davis, KØGND Bonnie was 79 years old. Fox Hunt Schedule W Sa W Su 4/13 4/16 4/20 4/24 Evening 19:00 23:59 09:00 – 19:00 146.475 146.565 146.475 146.43 Beacon on Air (club meeting night) County Fox Hunt: Meet up at Walmart (north 84th) Beacon off air Park Hunt @ Mahoney City Park W W Sa Su 5/11 5/18 5/21 5/22 Evening 23:59 19:00 09:00 – 19:00 146.475 146.475 146.565 146.43 Beacon on Air (club meeting night)[Coordinator: KD0VMI] Beacon off air County Fox Hunt: Meet up at Walmart (north 27th) Park Hunt @ Pioneer Park W W Sa Su 6/8 6/15 6/18 6/26 Evening 23:59 pending 09:00 – 19:00 146.475 146.475 146.565 146.43 Beacon on Air (club meeting night) Beacon off air County Fox Hunt: to be announced Park Hunt @ Holmes Lake Get the Word OUT! Advertise for as low as $15/month Email for details! Advertise Your advertisements not only allow you to reach out to potential customers, they also help offset the cost of producing the LOG. For more information and a current rate sheet email —Aaron Rogge, NØADR 5 ARRL Nebraska State Convention “First First of Spring Hamfest #9” Sponsored by the Lincoln Amateur Radio Club Saturday April 23rd 2016 Flea Market – Forums – FCC Testing Tech Demos – Vendor Displays Lancaster Event Center 84th and Havelock Ave., Lincoln, NE. HOURS EXHIBITORS: General Adm. Saturday 8:30 am to 2:00 pm Associated Radio, D & L Antennas, Antenna Grapevine Ham Radio, Rigol Technologies, Flea Market & Vendor table setup 2:00–5:00 5:00 pm Friday and 7:30 am Saturday PROGRAMS / FORUMS ORUMS 10:00 am 11:00 am 12:00 pm 01:00 pm 02:00 pm WBØW & Others TECHNICAL DEMOS EMOS / DISPLAYS Ken Bailey ARRL HQ – Emergency Comm K1FUG “Emergency Emergency GO kits for HF and VHF” VHF”, KØNEB Nebraska ARRL Officials, Matt Anderson KA KAØBOJ ARRL Forum – KØDAS and KØAIZ AIZ Prize Drawings DX Packet Cluster Digital Modes Software Logging VE Exams – 10:00 am ADMISSION DMISSION & TABLE PRICES GREAT REAT PRIZES! PRIZES Entry for 18 yrs and over is $8.00 each & includes 1 raffle ticket. Under 18 yrs free free. Attendance Prize Drawings every Quarter Hour LARC members $5.00 & includes 1 - Raffle Ticket (LARC membership is $20.00 .00 / year year). Flea market tables (8 ft.) – are $10 each. You can use PayPal by clicking the link at: Three Grand Prize Drawings at 2:00 2: pm Icom IC-T70A T70A-HD HT Icom IC-2730A, Icom ID-880H ID For all prizes, you MUST be present to win General Manager – Marlene McLaughlin, McLaughlin KDØHYM Treasurer – Greg Brown, KTØK Secretary – Larry Frisch, Frisch KDØRTK (Visit for latest updates) Staybridge Suites Official ARRL Convention Hotel Ask early for Group code “ARR” for $99 ARRL Convention Rate 1501 North 86th street, 402-486-4329 6 2016HamfestFlyer(4).docx Free Parking North of Event Center 200 RV Camper Hookups TALK--IN K KKV 146.16/76 D-Star 145.25(-) APRS beacon on 144.39 Search Google MAPS, MAP “Lancaster Lancaster Event Center Lincoln NE” March Marc 8, 2016 W8IO Rooftowers LLC April / May Special $20 off regular price mention LARC LOG Electronic LOG Did you know there is a way to help your club save money? You can access the LOG online at or you can elect to receive it via email. This is an Adobe PDF version and usually contains color images as well. If you would like to opt out of the hard copy mailed version and save the club some money, just let any board member know or drop a short email to —John Mardock, KRØP Best Choice UPC Labels Please bring UPC labels from Best Choice products purchased at Russ’s or Super Saver to �lub meeting each month. Deposit them in the large jar on the sign-in table. Labels are submitted annually to Best Choice. Thank you for your help! HF R adio Purchase - Final Numbers This is a follow-up to last month’s article on funding the new Yaesu radios. The rebates finally came in and all the radios are sold. Here is the final breakdown. Qty 2 2 2 1 1 1 Description Purchase Yaesu 1200 Unit Value Total $2,759.90 Funding Yaesu Rebate Icom 718 Icom 718 Icom 730 LDG 100 for 718 Insurance General Fund $300 $500 $450 $200 $100 $338.00 $71.90 Total $2,759.90 Notes $1,379.95 Received Sold Sold Sold Sold Received —John Mardock, KRØP LARC Programs April - Ken Dewey, WDØBIV Ken will be back for his annual meeting to discuss weather happenings and events May – Social Conversations Divide into groups for social conversation June – Joe Eisenberg, KØNEB Hamvention 2016 in Dayton, Ohio July – A Night at the Movies Navassa Island DXpedition August – Weather Balloon Launches —Connie Zehr, NØGMA 7 VE Exam Sessions—March This month we had two sessions, our regular session at the Northside Café on Thursday, March 3, and the session after the Amateur Extra Class at Union College on Tuesday, March 29. We had a total of thirteen candidates between both sessions, of which eleven passed for either a new or upgraded license. They are as follows: New Technicians Cory Hull, KEØIBU, Fremont Joshua Sorensen, KEØIBV, Omaha Eric Hayward, KEØIBW, Raymond Malachi Rittenburg, KEØIBX, Valparaiso Mark Robertson, KEØIBY, Lincoln Jeremy Rican, KEØIBZ, Lincoln General Upgrades Michael Arter, KEØHMN, Lincoln Abdul Salam, KEØHMO, Lincoln Scott Delunger, WØPBS, Lincoln Extra Upgrades Earl Pate, KDØBCT, Eagle Michael Wilkins, NØWLX, Lincoln Congratulations to these new and upgraded licensees! Volunteer Examiners (VE’s) who participated this month are ACØLD, ACØLN, KØGND, KØKTZ, KØLVR, KBØQH, KCØPJR, KRØP, NØSCE, and WØBCL Upcoming exams are April 7, May 5, and June 2 at the Northside Café. For testing details, please visit —Chris Evens, KCØPJR LARC Facility Survey At the end of last year, the LARC Board put out a survey to see if there was support among the membership for pursuing the potential acquisition of its own facilities for meetings, club station, storage, etc. There were 147 respondents to the survey. Of those, 59.03% were in favor of pursuing obtaining a facility, 18.75% were against, and 22.22% were undecided. The largest concerns raised delt with the cost of obtaining and maintaining the facility. There were also a number of suggestions for ways to offset the maintenance costs and how the facility would benefit the �lub. Thank you to everyone who responded. Your input is truly appreciated and being looked at by the Board. —Aaron Rogge, NØADR 8 March LARC Meeting The February LARC meeting was held at Firespring, 1201 Infinity Court, Lincoln. Meeting convened 19:30 by John, KRØP KRØP introduced special guest Jim Davidsaver, director of Lincoln/Lancaster County Emergency Management. Davidsaver made a short presentation, thanking the amateur radio community and LARC for their service and invited all to come to the next Lancaster County Board meeting for the presentation of a certificate of appreciation. service plaques from the Cornhusker State Games. Awardees were Mike Ruhrdanz, NØFER, Bruce Steyer, KBØKA, Lois Steyer, NØOLK, and Bob Mitchell, WBØRJJ. Congratulations! State Games 2016 will be the weekends of July 15 and 23. Public Service Mike, KØSHC: The public service calendar for 2016 is nearly complete. See the LOG calendar for events. The Marathon this year will have 13,000+ runners. Sign up sheets are ready. Transmitter Hunts Cliff, KBØTXE: Beacon is active on 146.475 the week following the meeting. Locate, take a picture, and send to Points for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd places. A park hunt is upcoming. Club Program Committee Notes: Lincoln Repeater Club (146.85-) Lonnie, WDØAOP, announced that a Yaesu FT 2900R will be raffled off; Chris KCØAOO will take memberships and sell raffle tickets. Cornhusker State Games awards Aaron, NØADR, presented 30+ year Movie Night! Films on the DXpeditions to Navassa Island and Scarborough Reef. R affle Sales $53. $35 to raffle winner Curt, NØGVK (our host!). $18 to LARC. Meeting adjourned by KRØP about 21:45. Attendance: 62 —Greg Brown, KTØK 9 Public Service From the desk of your friendly Public Service Chair. Hey! Winter is almost over and our season of public service is just around the corner. Hope you like the calendar published in the LOG (next page). Cut it out and place it somewhere you can check dates once in a while! Just a reminder: Sunday, May 1, is the annual Lincoln Marathon. There are 13,500 runners this year, so please sign up. I will have a sign up sheet at the April meeting. Spring Fling has been moved to Saturday, May 7. The Oak Creek bicycle ride in Valparaiso, Nebraska, is Sunday, May 22. No repeaters here, so bring your HF rig if you want and join in the fun. Check those dates and I look forward to seeing you at these events! Advertise From your public service chair, 73! —Mike Long, KØSHC H e r e ! Email for details! Saline Regional Weather Seminar Sunday, April 10, 12:30 Saline Center The location of the seminar will be held at the Saline Center, on Highway 15, one mile north of Highway 41. The event will feature the Dewitt Area Recovery Team, which has assisted people in recovery from last spring’s severe flooding. Dr. Ken Dewey, UNL climatologist and National Weather Service Warning Coordination Meteorologist, and Mike Moritz of the Hastings National Weather Service office will participate in the event. There will be weather spotting displays and information on storm shelters and weather measuring equipment. As one of the participants, the Salvation Army SATERN (Salvation Army Team Emergency Radio Network) will be showing the emergency communications trailer as well as serving dinner from one of their canteens. —Dale Douglas, KDØWVD 10 Public Service Calendar May Lincoln Eagle / Louisville Valparasio June Trail Trek Lincoln July -- Cornhusker State Games Opening Ceremonies Seacrest Field CSG Various CSG Various CSG Various CSG Various Su Sa Su 05/01 05/07 05/22 Lincoln Marathon Spring Fling Oak Creek Bike Ride Su 06/26 Fr Sa Su Sa Su 07/26 07/27 07/28 07/23 07/24 Su Sa Sa Sa Su 08/04 START Lancaster County Fair 08/13 END Lancaster County Fair 08/20 Mud Run 08/27 MLT-Triathlon 08/28 Heat Stroke 100 Su 09/18 Lincoln Y-Triathlon Sa 10/08 TBA TBA Market to Market Crop Walk EYE RUN Su Good Life Halfsy 11/06 August Lancaster Event Cntr Lancaster Event Cntr Lincoln Lincoln SAC Museum September Branched Oak Lake October Cass County Lincoln Holmes Lake November Lincoln Lincoln Lancaster County Lancaster County Lancaster County Lancaster County Lincoln Lincoln Ashland, NE Lancaster County Lincoln Cut out and save this calendar for future reference. Have a great season! —Mike Long, KØSHC Public Service Chair Club Fundraising Opportunity The Lincoln Chamber of Commerce has contacted LARC with a fundraising opportunity. They are looking for people to help run concessions stands during the Guardians of Freedom Air Show on May 7 and 8. They are paying participating clubs $55/person each day worked and extimate needing approximately 15 people. Funds raised would go to the LARC general fund. If you are interested in coordinating or participating, please contact John, KRØP. More details are available on the website: —Aaron Rogge, NØADR 11 CY SE EN SA ICES RV EMERG Salvation Army SATERN The next Salvation Army SATERN meeting is Thursday, April 21 at 19:30. The meeting will be held at the Salvation Army (2625 Potter Street – 27th and Holdrege) Lonnie Rech, WDØAOP, is the featured speaker. Lonnie has been active in the Nebraska Amateur Radio community for many years and currently serves as the ARRL Nebraska Section Emergency Coordinator (SEC). TERN Lonnie will speak about the responsibilities and activities of the Nebraska SEC position. In addition, he will talk about the Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES), what they typically do, and the ARES organizations currently active in Nebraska. He will overview passing traffic protocols and procedures that the ARRL/ARES recommends. Since SATERN is heavily involved in emergency planning, this should be a very relevant talk for members. SATERN meetings are open to all those interested. —Chuck Bennett, KDØPTK April Transmitter Hunt Report The past winter months have been challenging for the transmitter hunt effort in terms of weather, with very cold temperatures, snow and icecovered roads, and more. Beacon Hunt: Many issues were evidenced during the week of this hunt. It was located mid-block on North 24th between Potter and the trail. KDØVMI gets first finder, KØNE gets second finder and KGØBU gets third finder. County Hunt: [Normally 3rd Saturday monthly] Working the southeast quadrant, our fox [KGØBU] started his transmissions at 19:30 and successfully hid until 21:24 when KDØVMI made the first find. Yours truly was able to find the fox around 21:30. KØNE, KDØWVD, and KBØNP offered assistance and/or encouragement from mobile or home-based transmissions. Park Hunt: [Normally 4th Sunday monthly] Located at Woods Park, the transmitter was encased in aluminum foil to hinder the transmission signal. Congrats to KEØNC for being first finder at 10:15 and to KGØBU as second finder at 18:30. —Cliff Mackey, KBØTXE 12 From Estates the estate of and Darrel McGhghy, NØDOP For Sale Category Brand Model Description Asking Item # Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Accessories Amplifiers Antennas Antennas Accessories Books Books Books HF Radios HT’s Microphones Misc Power Supplies Receivers Receivers Scanners Scanners Test Gear VHF Base VHF Base VHF Base VHF Base VHF Mobiles AEA Heath Heath Autek Atus Sony Sony Archer Unknown Spaulding (Rohn) Heath ARRL ARRL ARRL HyGain ICOM Turner Misc Home Brew Kenwood Heath Realistic Radio Shack Eico Yaesu Heath Kenwood ICOM Kenwood PK-900 GC-1000 AD-1013 QF-1A AM-100 JE-510 MDR-NC50 15-1121 Unknown 48-foot tower SA-2060 1975 Handbook 1976 Handbook 1977 Handbook 3750 IC-2AT “+3” None TNC Clock Audio scope SSB/CW/AM Filter Stereo Mixer Mini audio disc deck Stereo headset TV RF amplifier 6-element tri-band HF beam HF transceiver 2-meter HT Desk Mic Box of books R-1000 AR-1500A 2026 Pro-94 430 FT-480R HW-24 TR-2400A IC-271A TR-7400A 200 kHz to 30 mHz AM/FM receiver Scanner Scanner 2-inch scope 2-meter all mode transceiver Duo-band transceiver 2-meter transceiver Two-meter all mode 2-meter transceiver $40.00 $25.00 $150.00 $50.00 $25.00 $50.00 $20.00 $15.00 $75.00 $125.00 $85.00 $5.00 $5.00 $5.00 $650.00 $85.00 $25.00 $5.00 $25.00 $150.00 $75.00 $70.00 $50.00 $25.00 $150.00 $85.00 $40.00 $175.00 $150.00 1 kW antenna tuner 102 106 111 114 116 117 120 118 115 127 128 121 122 123 100 109 119 124 101 104 110 108 126 125 105 107 112 113 103 Contact Reynolds Davis, KØGND ( – 402-488-3706) for details. Advertise here Email for details 13 The Quickies 20 Years Nice turnout at the March 15 County Commission meeting, where LARC was presented with a certificate of appreciation for our community work, including SKYWARN®. Darrell Best’s, WAØQYI, Butternut HF vertical took a final bow this winter! Mike Wasserstein, KBØDNP, is having great fun using digital modes. We’re sorry to note the passing of comedian Garry Shandling, who had been KQ6KA some years ago. Dale Douglas, KDØWVD, continues to add equipment to his shack. We look forward to a tour! See you at the club meeting! —de KØGND Have a Great Idea for LARC? Have you brewed up a great idea for education, social outings, fundraisers, �lub meetings, or more? Email your ideas to 14 LOG For the April 1996 LARC meeting, Roger Ghormley, WØKK, presented “Something Old” (electronics that brought us to the modern era), “Something New” (demonstrated how much of the old still applies) and “Something Blue” (a look into the future)….Thanks to Matt Brinkhoff, KBØRXC, the LARC website was up and filling with information. —Reynolds Davis, KØGND Roger Cox’s, W8IO, (formerly WQBØDGF) log-periodic design program – LPCAD – was referenced in the March edition of QST. Jim McKenzie, KCØML, (formerly KFØSY) asked the first question in “The Doctor is In” column in the March QST. He asked about using galvanized steel wire for ground radials. ago in the Join LARC today! LARC membership is yearly, January through December. See the back cover of this LOG for additional details. 30 years ago in the LOG Those attending the April 1986 club meeting were treated to a tour of the ‘original’ Back-to-the-Bible headquarters at 12th and M Street. Guide included Fred Jones, KCØCI; Cliff Bean, NØEMJ; Beth Jones, KAØKPV; Bob Mitchell, WBØRJJ, and Brian Erickson, KØUJU….Ron Samson, WØDCB, was elected to the Lincoln Electric System Board….The annual NPTV auction was in the final planning stages with everyone looking forward to the mayhem….A 04:00 net coordinated folks looking for Halley’s Comet with several sightings reported….Fifty-five folks attended the annual storm training presented by Jim Sanford, NØAIH and Mitch Gagne, NØAZF. —Reynolds Davis, KØGND Lincoln Repeater Club 146.850 — KØLNE/R We are looking forward to the ARRL Nebraska State Convention, and will have a few tables there. If you are a LRC member, and have something you would like to sell, bring it along and price it with our members. Please stop by and visit. We will have a membership person available if you would like to join. Please join the Lincoln Repeater Club, or renew your annual membership. Membership is still ONLY $10/year. I am writing this as I listen to the first tornado watch of the year. Guess we went from winter to summer really quickly. We are starting 2016 with a bang of a raffle this year. The raffle prize this year is a Yaesu FT - 2900 VHF FM Mobile Transceiver. This rig offers simple programming directly from the microphone and provides several power settings, with the top setting being a BOOMING 75 Watts. The annual raffle helps to support our repeater operations. We encourage you to use our repeater as much as you like, and as always it is an OPEN repeater. If your part of the hobby would like Used Eyeglasses Needed to hold nets on the repeater, please contact me, WDØAOP, Lonnie (, or The Lions Clubs International of Lincoln one of our board members, and we will get will have a used glasses collection box your net reserved, advertised, and on the at the April 13 club meeting. Donated air. glasses are cleaned, graded, and provided to Doctors Without Borders Please send memberships to (https://donate.doctorswithoutborders. org) and other distribution organizations Lincoln Repeater Club to be given to people in the Third World, C/O WØCHV with some distribution in North America. 6705 W Mill Rd Raymond, NE 68428-4308 Thank you for your support. 73 —Lonnie Rech, WDØAOP Please bring any broken or used glasses to the next meeting for donation to the Lions Clubs. —Dale & Kay Softley, KDØPTE / KDØTPP 15 About the Lincoln Amateur R adio Club The Lincoln Amateur Radio Club, Inc., (LARC) is a nonprofit organization devoted to the promotion of Amateur Radio. The club sponsors activities and programs to promote growth in Amateur Radio, as well as furthering the experience of those already licensed, and to create international good will. The Lincoln LOG is mailed monthly to all paid members of LARC and to all Lancaster County, Nebraska, Hams. If your label says, “COMPLIMENTARY,” please consider joining the club and supporting its activities. Even if you are not currently active, your contribution will help to ensure the future of Amateur Radio. Annual dues are only $20. For your convenience, please join by completing and mailing in the form below or visit and use PayPal. The LOG solicits your input. If you have an idea for an article, wish to contribute an article or photo, or want to place an ad in the LOG, contact the editors at The deadline for each issue is generally the last Tuesday of the previous month. The LOG and other Lincoln Amateur Radio Club information are available at and at and may be used freely. Permission is granted to other publications to reprint articles, provided that source credit, author, and previous print source appear in the reprint. Lincoln Amateur Radio Club Registration Form Personal Information Name: Address: City: Phone: Call Sign: State: Email Address: Zip+4: License Class: Novice Tech General Advanced Extra Membership Information Year: LARC ($20 / Calendar Year: Jan - Dec) ARRL: National Association of Amateur Radio ($49 / year) New Renewal Administrative use only: Cash Credit Card Check Data Uploaded Make checks out to: Lincoln Amateur Radio Club, Inc. Bring to the next Club meeting or mail to: Lincoln Amateur Radio Club, Inc • PO Box 5006 • Lincoln NE 68505-0006 16 v2016.01