2010 Great Northwest Territorial Championship CFDA Nevada State


2010 Great Northwest Territorial Championship CFDA Nevada State
Cowboy Fast Draw Association’s
Gunslinger’S Gazette
Journal of the Cowboy Fast Draw Association ~ June/July 2010
2010 Great Northwest
Territorial Championship
By: Sparrowhawk
he second annual Great Northwest
Territorial Championship started
out on Friday May 28, 2010 shooting
the categories. The match was set up
on the main range with 10
targets. The categories
were run one by one
with the shooters
only competing
folks in their
The match was
the traditional 3X
best 3 out of 5 format.
Despite the bone chilling
wind and a few bugs in the targets,
the GNTC crew managed to cycle 90
shooters through the match. At the
conclusion of the match, awards were
given out and everyone prepared
for the hospitality dinner provided
by the Treasure Valley GunSlingers
and the Snake River Gunslingers.
Good vitals and a fire burning in a
burn barrel helped everyone forget
how chilled they got shooting and
watching the match.
The main match started
the next day with chilly
temperature, but less
wind. Both ranges
were operational
with a total
of 16 targets
in use. This
sounds like a
lot of targets, but
with the largest
number of shooters
to date for a CFDA
Territorial Championship at 113, it
was a good thing! This included 72
men folk, 29 women, and 11 kids.
These shooters came from all over
the United States to battle it out for
braggin’ rights and some mighty fine
prizes. When the smoke cleared,
Boothill Bryce (SD) and Alotta Lead
(Continued on page 8)
CFDA Nevada State Championship
By: Quick Cal
Ladies Champion- Miss B Haven
Mens Champion- Omaha Outlaw
he inaugural CFDA Nevada State
Championship was sponsored
by the Reno Rodeo Foundation,
which funds 26 children’s charities
in Northern Nevada. Bartley Ranch
Regional Park provided a great
venue, as we shot in a grassy park
environment with a large shaded area
for the shooters. The only negative
was the weather, as Friday was windy
and Saturday was unseasonably
cold. Cowboy Fast Draw is a rain or
shine event and as usual we just all
cowboyed up and got through it and
had a great time despite the weather.
The shooting was fast and
furious with .3’s being cheap in the
Men’s Finals, with Omaha Outlaw
besting Quick Cal in the final bout
and winning his first CFDA title.
Miss B Haven was also back to her
winning ways taking the Lady’s
Finals against Misty Few; and shot
quite a few shots in the .4’s in the
entire contest.
The Spud Challenge
The more young people we
have shooting Cowboy Fast Draw
the better the future is for our sport.
Unfortunately, sometimes our Youth
(Continued on page 11)
3rd Annual
John Taffin
Shootist Challenge
old to 80+ years old
shoot nothing but the
long barreled revolver.
We had 3 of the 4
Calhoun (2008) and
By Mississippi Marshal
Bounty Hunter (2009)
and Magnolia Blu
as well as a host of
olks started arriving early for the
3 Annual John Taffin Shootist Shootist Category State, National and
Challenge to find a coat of frost on World Champions in attendance. By the time we said
everything but the spirits of those who came, for this gunfight couldn’t the Pledge of Allegiance the sun was
be chilled. 19 men and 7 ladies out and the gunfighters were ready.
donned the California styled Slim Introductions and a safety briefing
given, we were
Jim holsters and
ready to get started.
7 ½ inch barreled
It was our pleasure
sixguns in Idaho
to have John Taffin
City, Idaho for a
and his lovely wife
showdown unlike
Diamond Dot on
hand to inspire us
in the country.
and share some
This is where the
stories with. We shot
category began.
the traditional 4X
That’s right, those
Last Man Standing
of you who know
format with C&R
the story of how
Wax and shotgun
primers. When the
Category” started
know it was John Taffin who gave first shooters were called to the line
it life. John is one of the founding we knew it was going to be a tough
day cause some of the times we
members of The Idaho Shootists. As the targets got greased already in the upper fours. WHAT?
and the coffee was brewing the Already? Yup, Desperado jumped out
sun began finding its way over the there quick sending a message to the
mountain. There was an excitement rest of us that he came to play. Heck,
in the air equal to any sanctioned some of the ladies were jumping out
title match I’ve ever been to. I heard there in the upper sixes. By the time
“this is one of my favorite matches” we finished the first round John had
and “I’ve been waiting for this one” jumped on the Range Master podium
and a few others. The picture I’m and was watching the action. As the
trying to paint here is – everybody day wore on the weather got better
was excited. We folks from 12 years
(Continued on page 9)
Cowboy Fast Draw Association
PO Box 5
Fernley, NV 89408
Address Service Requested
Shoot this to:
Page 2
June/July 2010
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Mern ick l e H olste r s
Bob is no newcomer to the shooting world. Over the past 30 years, he has won State, US Nationals, Canadian and World Championships
in Fast Draw. Using this experience, he created a holster company that was based primarily on speed and accuracy, but also with a touch of
elegance added to the designs. When Cowboy Fast Draw became a new sport in the shooting world, it caught Bob’s interest big time. Bob
and wife, Sherrie, were so excited about shooting in this new medium, they became LIFE members of the CFDA (Bob is No. 10 and Sherrie
is No. 11).
Being a holster maker, and working with CFDA in order to comply with the rules, Bob created some cutting edge holsters, reminiscent of the
past but allowing the gun to come out faster than anything a shooter might have used in the past.
Bob and Sherrie hope you like the holsters presented here and invite you to join them shooting in this fast growing “fun” sport
The CFD5 is a vertical holster system that allows the shooter to get into a slightly crouched position. With a built-in twist in the shank,
the holster can be worn in a forward position. When the light comes on, the shooter can lift the upper body, straighten the legs, and
draw the gun. This is called leverage, allowing the gun to clear the holster without even drawing it, focusing the shooter’s concentration
on leveling the gun to target. The more snap in body movement, the faster the gun is going to clear the leather. The CFD5 is non-collapsing and allows the cylinder to turn in the holster. The CFD5 comes with our CFDA approved “SAFELEG”.
Rough Out CFD9 REF1 $339.95
also available in smooth finish $289.95
This holster was designed to look similar to the holster used by Clint Eastwood in his
famous Spaghetti Westerns. The difference here is, this one is dedicated to Cowboy
Fast Draw and is hard molded so the cylinder will turn in the holster with no restriction.
The CFD9 comes with our CFDA approved “SAFELEG”.
CFD3 REF1 $289.95
For those who do not wish to, or lack the ability to snap the body, we have designed the
CFD3 so the shooter does not have to break the wrist back to grab the gun. The holster
meets all CFDA requirements and, simply said, is a cut above the normal. Like the
CFD5, the shank has a built-in twist, allowing the holster to be worn in a forward position,
aligning the gun on target. When the gun is drawn, the shooter is not reaching back to
bring the gun forward. The CFD3 comes with our CFDA approved “SAFELEG”
Internet: www.mernickleholsters.com
Email: sales@mernickleholsters.com
1875 View Court, Fernley, Nevada USA 89408 Tel: 775-575-3166
Toll Free: 1-800-497-3166
Fax: 775-575-3188
Gunslinger’s Gazette
June/July 2010
Precision Shooting Timer II
The Official Timer of The Cowboy Fast Draw Association
* Practice Mode
* Two LED Amber Light arrays
* Connection and adjustment for hit sensor
* Two standard Cat 5 Timer to LED 50 foot cables
* Power Supply- can also operate from 12 volt battery (not included)
* One year warranty on timer, three year warranty on LEDs.
*Additional accesories are also available.
$799.99 + S/H
Visit www.cowboyfastdraw.com
or call (208)287-0971
* Compatible to existing precision shooting timers
* Time desplay to 1/1000th of a second
* Jack for handheld foot start switch
* History of last five shots and delay time
* Multiple units can be connected and controlled from the Start Switch on any unit
* Select one winner per timer ot winner overall.
* Capable of updates for additional shooting scenarios
Approved for World Fast Draw Association
~3 Year Additional Extended Warranty Available~
Includes future updates for $99.00 (with purchase)
or $125.00 (within the first year after purchase)
Page 3
Page 4
June/July 2010
Cowboy Fast Draw Association,
Cal Eilrich “Quick Cal” Life #9
Erika Frisk ,“Hannah Calder”
Life #46
Marshall Hopper ,“Mississippi
Marshal” Life #26
Copy Editor
Erika Frisk, “Hannah Calder”
Life #46
Marketing and Sales
Marshall Hopper, “Mississippi
Marshal” Life #26
Erika Frisk, “Hannah Calder”
Life #46
Memberships/Product Orders:
www.cowboyfastdraw. com
hannahcalder@cowboyfastdraw. com
Please send Letters to the Editor
Summer Shooting Season
mitted as soon as you can after
your contest. It is a first come bai Everyone! sis, but we would like to make sure
every State and Territorial Shoot is
I hope every- covered. This is free advertising
body is enjoy- for your contest, so I highly suging a safe and gest you submit an article asap.
fun shooting
season so far.
With so many
in As you all know by now, the new
the next few website has gone active. A great
I new feature is the photo gallery,
just wanted to where you can upload your own
write a few reminders.
photos instead of having to send
them all to Marshall. You can cre!!!IMPORTANT!!!
ate your own account, and upload
your own shooting albums. So far
As some of you may know, I am only 2 shoots have taken advandue to have a new little baby at tage of this great feature. With
the beginning of September. So all the contests that we have had
I MUST have articles for the Au- so far, that is not very many. This
gust/September issue NO LATER is such a great way for people to
than AUGUST 10th. Due to the share in memories and for others
high volume of shoots in July and to see what a great time people
August, I highly recommend get- had. Plus it makes it easy for me
ting your articles and pictures sub- to get pictures for the Gazette so
Gunslinger’s Gazette
you do not have to send them by
I also wanted to point out that all
State Championships get a free
1/4 page ad and all Territorial
Championships get a free 1/2 page
ad leading up to your contest. I
am happy to make the ads, but
if you would like to create your
own, please send the in PDF ready
to print format. I have only had
a few clubs submit their own ads,
and the rest I have created on my
own to make sure you get the advertising you deserve. So, if you
see your State or Territorial ad featured in the Gazette and you would
like a few changes made, or if you
would like to replace it with your
own ad, please feel free to contact
Best Wishes,
Hannah Calder
Copyright 2010 by Cowboy Fast Draw
Association, LLC. All rights reserved
under international and Pan American
Copyright Conventions. Reproduciton in whole or in part without written
permission of the publisher is strictly
Printed in the U.S.A.
www.cowboyfastdraw. com
quickcal@cowboyfastdraw. com
Readers: Be advised that there may
be products represented in this magazine as to which the sale, possession,
or interstate transporation thereof
may be restricted, prohibited, or subject to licensing requirements. Nothing herein is intended to constitute a
manual for the use of any product or
the carrying out of any procedure or
process. The CFDA, its publications,
officers, authors, consultants and
employees accept no responsiblity for
any liability, injuries, or damages arising out of any person’s attempt to rely
upon information contained herein.
Great Northwest Territorial..........1
John Taffin Shootist.....................1
Nevada State................................1
Inside CFDA................................5
Mississippi Message....................6
Mongo’s Musings........................7
esse James Territorial................10
Rooster Range Officer................13
Territories & Regulators.............16
Gunslinger’s Gazette
June/July 2010
condition than how you found it. For
some, it is helping new shooters get
started or participating in starting
a club; it could also be helping to
By: Quick Cal. Director
organize and run quality contests
I consider the shooters themselves or serving as a U.S. Marshal or a
to be the ultimate sponsors since it CFDA Regulator. From time to time
is they who spend their hard-earned some of our members will place the
money and choose to support the good of our sport above their own
contests not only with entry fees, interests, as Match Directors do
but the large majority of shooters quite often. Please be careful to not
are also there to help out in any over do that, sometimes you can love
way that they can. Our sport could something so much and do so much
not survive without this dedication for it that you will burn yourself out
from our members who volunteer in the process and then the sport
their time and talent; and I would will really suffer because we could
like to take this opportunity to thank lose a very valuable member. As a
CFDA Sponsors
010 is a busy year for CFDA, we each and every one of you from the competitor, please always take the
time to thank those who make our
have 15 Titled Championships bottom of my heart.
enjoyable contests possible.
this year, which is 3 times the
Definition of Sportsmanship
amount we had just a few years
Winning or Losing
If you look it up in the
ago. It is a major undertaking
It is the goal of this
to keep track of all of the Titled dictionary, you’ll come up with Championship contracts, results, a basic definition; winning or organization to make everyone feel
points and gather the buckles and accepting defeat with grace, while like every match they go to was
other prizes; and I can’t say enough playing a game within the established worthwhile, whether they win, lose
about Ruger and Beretta for being rules. However, I believe it means or draw (pun intended). In a sense,
so supportive of our sport. We also far more than that. To me, it goes as long as this is accomplished then
have many other sponsors to thank well beyond just winning or losing, there are no losers.
If you are fortunate enough
as well and we really make an effort it is about supporting the game you to do so at all of our events. Many have chosen to play with positive to win or place high at a large
of you who have heard me say, that contributions and leaving it in better competition, then you should
Inside the CFDA
Ted Blocker Holsters
Star Cowboy Fast Draw Rig
By Quick Cal
ed Blocker founded Ted
Blocker Holsters in 1972;
and was a top Fast Draw shooter
in the 60’s through the 90’s. He
designed cutting edge competition
holsters for Fast Draw, IPSC,
Cowboy Action Shooting and
created a very successful line of
Law Enforcement Holsters.
In 1999, the Blocker’s sold
the business to Don and Shelley
Brown. Don began his career in
the holster industry in the early
80’s with the George Lawrence
Leather Company.
Don and
Shelly are both avid shooters and
participate in several shooting
disciplines including SASS &
Cowboy Fast Draw.
Don recently decided to
create a Cowboy Fast Draw Rig
and he sent a sample to CFDA to
test. It meets all of the requirements
of CFDA, so I decided to take the
holster through some shooting
tests of my shooting conditions, so I strapped
it on and shot a number of rounds
T h e with my trusty Colt. On the first
CFD series of 5 shots, they formed a
Rig I tested nice cone of fire just above the
was the forward 18 degree rake target. This is very good, since
the holster
although they
also list on
gives plenty
their website
of leverage
straightand lift while
hang as well.
drawing the
The rig came
gun. After
in black and
several more
5 shot series,
I was able to
Brown, Tan
make some
and Russet; it
is well made
in my stance
Star CFD Rig
and was able
Also provided
to hit 5 shots
was a safety deflector, which is fit in a row all in the low 40’s and
between the bottom of the boot high 30’s. I was very impressed
and the curtain. The boot is well with the short time in which I was
formed and it is obviously lined able to adapt to the holster and
with rawhide which creates a very how stable it was to draw from.
solid platform.
This rig is a real winner!
The proof of course is Also to be commended and
always how it handles under actual acknowledged is the fact that Ted
Page 5
be able to feel proud about that
accomplishment, after all, that is
the primary reason we all enter a
competition and try to do the best
we can to begin with. We should
always keep in mind that even
though there may be prizes and
maybe even some cash, which helps
offset some expenses; it certainly
isn’t going to change your financial
life. So, if you’re going to drive
home a Cadillac or a Mercedes, you
better had arrived in one.
What is it about winning
a Championship that we’re really
after? It is many things to many
people; like personal pride, having
your name entered into the Hall of
Champions, having your name or
picture published in the Gazette;
and in the end making some
history. But, the ultimate victory is
winning the respect of your fellow
competitors. After all, you could
win every contest ever held, but if
you haven’t won the respect of your
piers, you’ve won nothing.
Keep shooting, and I look
forward to seeing you at a contest
Hit’em Fast,
Ted Blocker Holsters sponsored the
Men’s and Ladies Championship
Prize Holsters for this year’s
National Championships in Idaho
City, Idaho; we are very proud
to have Ted Blocker Holsters
associated with CFDA. Their
holsters and other fine products
have been an industry standard for
almost 40 years. I can surely attest
that their CFD holsters are first
class and after personally testing
one of their Star CFD Rigs, I can
highly recommend them.
Star CFD Rig - Price
Ted Blocker Holsters –
Tigard, OR
Don & Shelly Brown
Page 6
Message Board
By: Mississippi Marshal
June/July 2010
server and like anything new, there
is gonna be a period where we have
to go through it item by item and
work out some bugs so be patient
with us and we’ll do our best to get it
working smoothly.
at the Muster, get with your U.S.
Marshal so he or she can get it on the
agenda for this year. The input of the
membership has been very valuable
in fashioning Cowboy Fast Draw as
we now enjoy it. See ya in Fallon.
Renewal Applications – Please,
when renewing your membership,
take the time to fill out the
applications completely. As we
continue to improve and develop
the CFDA Scoring System the
t’s that time again U S Marshals. information becomes more and more
Time to get with your respective important. We need birthdates, NRA
clubs and get any items or subjects #s, Club information etc. Thanks for
together for the U S Marshal’s taking the time to fill out the apps
Muster in Fallon, NV at Beretta’s completely.
Fastest Gun Alive CFD World CFDA Website Update – Well we
Championship. If you as a club have changed over to the new web
member want something discussed
Gunslinger’s Gazette
can send them to me at marshall@
cowboyfastdraw.com and we’ll pick
the best one and use it. Deadline for
the contest is August 15th, 2010. At
that time we’ll review the entries and
put the entries up with a place for our
Some folks have expressed membership to vote for the one they
a dislike or don’t care for the new like. Who knows, you just may have
“masthead” on the website and I must been a part of creating the face of
admit, I ain’t crazy about it either the Cowboy Fast Draw Association.
SO _ I have a challenge or a request Good luck and let’s get those creative
for you computer working types. juices flowing,
I want to have a contest starting Mississippi
today for our membership to create
the masthead for the website. You
Looking for CFDA Products?
Visit our Website at:
egendary cowboy hero The
Lone Ranger has been a fictional
American hero to millions of boys
and girls for almost 80 years. He was
created by George W. Trendle and
developed by writer Fran Striker.
The Lone Ranger first came to life
as a radio program on station WXYZ
in Detroit, MI, January 30, 1933. It
became an instant hit and was soon
broadcast on stations throughout the
country, continuously till September
3, 1954, a total of 2,757 broadcasts.
Making his way to Hollywood, The
Lone Ranger starred in two popular
Republic serials, The Lone Ranger
(1938) and The Lone Ranger Rides
Again (1939)
In 1949, The Lone Ranger
became the first Western series to be
produced exclusively for the then new
entertainment medium of television.
After auditioning numerous actors,
veteran serial star Clayton Moore was
chosen to play the title role when he
stated, “I am The Lone Ranger.” First
shown in September 1949 on ABC,
as the famous masked man, Clayton’s
charismatic voice, earnest and honest
portrayal made The Lone Ranger the
most popular TV show on ABC at
the time. The half-hour show ran for
221 black & white and later color
episodes. The Lone Ranger is one of
the most fondly remembered early
TV series and has appeared in reruns
continuously since that time.
The Happy Trails Children’s
Foundation is proud to honor Clayton
Moore as The Lone Ranger this year
with Silver Screen Legend XIII. This
is the 13th year the foundation, through
the generosity of the renowned Colt’s
Co. LLC of
has used very
and holsters to
raise money for
abused children.
again this year is
a gorgeous pair of
highly collectible
Damascus steel
gorgeous Lone
The spurs were made and donated
by internationally acclaimed knife
and spur maker Charles Sauer. Jim
Lockwood of Legends in Leather
crafted the hand-carved and Sterling
silver mounted double holster rig
along with the matching spur straps.
Silversmith Michael Ekstrom produced
the magnificent sterling silver conchas
and buckle sets on the spur straps. The
exquisite engraving on the pistols,
the custom tuning of the guns and the
magnificent silver spots, conchas and
buckle sets on the belt and holsters
were provided by Conrad Anderson,
Rocktree Ranch. The exceptional
carved Ivory grips were hand crafted
by Bob Leskovec, Precision Pro Grips.
Ron Love made and donated the prop
cartridges and Silverado Silversmiths
hand cast and donated the 33 solid
sterling silver bullets in the cartridge
cases on the
people and
are enduring
of that very
s p e c i a l
spirit known
c o w b o y
entertainers Roy Rogers and Dale
Evans spent a lifetime devoted to
children and their support of childrenat-risk is well documented. The
Happy Trails Children’s Foundation is
proud to carry on the work with abused
children that were so important to Roy
and Dale. However, we need your
As a result of our association
with Roy and Dale, and the positive
and wholesome family values they
represented, the Happy Trails
Children’s Foundation is the only
known children’s charity in the
country today that actively supports
shooting sports, Second Amendment
Rights and responsible gun
ownership, and is in turn supported
by generous contributions from
shooters, collectors, organized
shooting sports and the firearms
industry! We are proud of this
unique partnership!
Order your tickets today for
this beautiful and unique museum
collectible. Tickets are $10 each or 11
tickets for $100. The drawing will be
held Saturday evening, December 18,
PRESENT TO WIN! The winner will
be notified by phone. You may check
our web site for the winner’s name,
after the drawing.
The total proceeds of this
drawing benefit the Happy Trails
Children’s Foundation for abused
children. The Happy Trails Children’s
Foundation is a charitable non-profit
organization under section 501(c)(3)
of the Internal Revenue Code. All
donations are fully tax deductible to
the extent allowed by law. You may
order tickets by phone (760) 240-3330
or online. American Express, Discover,
MasterCard and VISA accepted. Or
you may send your check to:
Happy Trails Children’s Foundation
Silver Screen Legend XIII
10755 Apple Valley Road
Apple Valley, CA 92308
(760) 240-3330