Beretta`s Fastest Gun Alive ~ The Reunion


Beretta`s Fastest Gun Alive ~ The Reunion
Cowboy Fast Draw Association’s
Gunslinger’S Gazette
Journal of the Cowboy Fast Draw Association ~ November/December 2008
(continued on page 6)
Shoot this to:
some RV hookups right behind the
concession area. The Dry Gulch
Saloon is a 4,000 Sq/Ft building that
is situated only a hundred feet way
from the grandstands and serves as
our collection center for evening
activities. The entire layout is very
convenient for the shooters and
has great potential for growth and
accommodating spectators. There
are almost 600 reasonably priced
motel rooms, a number of very good
restaurants, and also casinos for
the shooters to enjoy. The Fallon
Convention Authority was a major
sponsor of our event.
On Thursday we had the
formation meeting of the Regulator
Posse, which is a group of CFDA
members with a very high level
of training, who will represent
CFDA in many ways. There will be
much more information on CFDA
Regulators in the coming months.
At 10:00 a.m. we had the Celebrity
Charity Shoot which featured local
personalities including a Sheriff from
a neighboring county, the Fallon
Police Chief, however the match
was won by local radio celebrity
Trey Valentine. Then we had another
jackpot shoot and later
t was finally here, after all the
months of promoting, planning,
recruiting and getting equipment
ready. On October 1st – 5th, Beretta’s
Fastest Gun Alive – the World
Championship of Cowboy Fast
Draw came to Fallon, NV and 110
Cowboy Fast Draw shooters entered
from across the U.S. and Canada to
compete for over $30,000 in cash,
prizes and titles.
On Wednesday morning it
all started with Mississippi Marshal
teaching the CFDA Range Officer
Course and Quick Cal teaching
part of his Level II Shooting Class
just before lunch. Then a bunch of
shooters entered a Jackpot shoot with
things winding up in the Dry Gulch
Saloon that evening.
For those not able to make
it to Fallon this year, let’s give you
a picture of the venue. The event
was held at the Churchill County
Fairgrounds with our main event
being held in the rodeo arena. The
arena features large grandstands and
the CFDA backstops were set up
about 60’ in front of them. Behind
the grandstands is a paved pavilion
area with a permanent concession
stand and restroom area. Beyond
that is a very large parking lot with
2008 Beretta’s Fastest Gun Alive Overall Winners
Ken Gentry a.k.a “Short Keg” and Dinah Eilrich a.k.a “Alotta Lead”
The Reunion
By: CFDA Staff
Mississippi? That,
2008 Idaho State
my friends, is an
Championship of CFDA
excellent question.
Those of you up on
As witnessed by Mississippi Marshal
your Cowboy Fast
Draw history know
the Idaho Shootists
of historic Idaho City,
Idaho have played a
huge role in growing
the sport. The Idaho
Shootists compete
all over the country
and have made
hundreds of friends
who we consider
part of our family.
When we first started
hosting the Idaho
State Championship,
shooters started coming from off format to establish the category
Montana, Oregon, Washington, State Champions. We wound up with
Canada, Nevada, and California 54 shooters in that contest. WOW!
as well as a large faction of Idaho Category winners will be listed at
Shooters. Since that time we have the end of this article.
For the second year in a row,
cultured lasting friendships and developed that “family” feeling we limited the Main match to the
that is the driving force behind the first 75 registered shooters. Why 75
Cowboy Fast Draw Association. Mississippi? Another good question.
(continued on page 10)
This year while we were talking and
planning the event the
phrase “it’s like a big
reunion of our friends”
was made. –Brilliant!
– It IS like a big
reunion so we decided
to title the Idaho State
Championship as The Reunion. Nuff
the Reunion started
19 with a category
modeled after our
great friends, The
Colorado Pistoleros
out in Castle Rock,
Colorado. The weather
was mild in the low
70s and sunny but by
the end of the day it
was changing quickly.
We shot a 2X – 3 out
of 5, Top-5 Shoot
Cowboy Fast Draw Association
PO Box 5
Fernley, NV 89408
~ Beretta’s Fastest Gun Alive ~
World Championship of Cowboy Fast Draw
Page 2
November/December 2008
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Me r n i c kle H o l s te r s
“always on the cutting edge”
Bob is no newcomer to the shooting world. Over the past 30 years, he has won State, US Nationals, Canadian and World Championships in Fast Draw. Using this experience, he created
a holster company that was based primarily on speed and accuracy, but also with a touch of
elegance added to the designs. When Cowboy Fast Draw became a new sport in the shooting
world, it caught Bob’s interest big time. Bob and wife, Sherrie, were so excited about shooting
in this new medium, they became LIFE members of the
CFDA (Bob is No. 10 and Sherrie is No. 11).
Being a holster maker, and working with CFDA in order to comply with the rules, Bob created some cutting
edge holsters, reminiscent of the past but allowing the
gun to come out faster than anything a shooter might
have used in the past.
Bob and Sherrie hope you like the holsters presented
here and invite you to join them shooting in this fast
growing “fun” sport
CFD3 REF1 $279.95
CFD5 REF1 $279.95
The CFD5 is a vertical holster system that allows the shooter to get into a slightly crouched
position. With a built-in twist in the shank, the holster can be worn in a forward position.
When the light comes on, the shooter can lift the upper body, straighten the legs, and
draw the gun. This is called leverage, allowing the gun to clear the holster without even
drawing it, focusing the shooter’s concentration on leveling the gun to target. The more
snap in body movement, the faster the gun is going to clear the leather. The CFD5 is
non-collapsing and allows the cylinder to turn in the holster. The CFD5 comes with our
CFDA approved “SAFELEG”.
1875 View Court, Fernley, Nevada USA 89408
Tel: 775-575-3166 Toll Free: 1-800-497-3166
Fax: 775-575-3188
For those who do not wish to, or lack
the ability to snap the body, we have
designed the CFD3 so the shooter does
not have to break the wrist back to grab
the gun. The holster meets all CFDA
requirements and, simply said, is a cut
above the normal. Like the CFD5, the
shank has a built-in twist, allowing the
holster to be worn in a forward position,
aligning the gun on target. When the
gun is drawn, the shooter is not reaching back to bring the gun forward. The
CFD3 comes with our CFDA approved
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Fastest Gun Alive..........................1
Idaho State.....................................1
Inside CFDA..................................4
Mississippi’s Message Board.........5
Young Guns.................................12
Lightnin Jesse’s Thunder.............13
The Cowboy Little Ron...............14
Happy Trails Childrens Foundation.14
The War Wagon..........................15
New Top Gun Point System........15
CFDA Club info..........................18
Shooting Schedule......................18
November/December 2008
hat a great
s h o o t ing season we
just ended. 2009
looks to be adding up to a great
year with many
new clubs and
great shoots being
planned. So don’t
forget to advertise
your shooting competions in the Gazette so we can all start making our
plans for 2009.
I would like to thank everyone who has contributed articles and
pictures for the Gazette over the last
year. I have really enjoyed being a
part of the CFDA, and putting the
Gazette together has been such a
great experience. A year sure goes
by fast when you are having fun! I
look forward to hearing from you in
2009, and having another great year
working on the Gazette. Especially
now that I have a little helper, although she may still be a bit to young
to help with the layout yet. But she
already helps me look through all the
pictures, so I see a promising editor
career in her future.
I wish you all well during the
Holiday Season, and look forward to
seeing you in 2009.
Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year!
Best Wishes,
Hannah Calder
Page 3
Cowboy Fast Draw Association,
Cal Eilrich “Quick Cal” Life #9
Erika Frisk ,“Hannah Calder”
Life #46
Marshall Hopper ,“Mississippi
Marshal” Life #26
Copy Editor
Erika Frisk, “Hannah Calder”
Life #46
Marketing and Sales
Marshall Hopper, “Mississippi
Marshal” Life #26
Erika Frisk, “Hannah Calder”
Life #46
Memberships/Product Orders:
www.cowboyfastdraw. com
hannahcalder@cowboyfastdraw. com
Please send Letters to the Editor
Copyright 2008 by Cowboy Fast Draw
Association, LLC. All rights reserved
under international and Pan American
Copyright Conventions. Reproduciton in whole or in part without written
permission of the publisher is strictly
Printed in the U.S.A.
www.cowboyfastdraw. com
quickcal@cowboyfastdraw. com
Readers: Be advised that there may
be products represented in this magazine as to which the sale, possession,
or interstate transporation thereof
may be restricted, prohibited, or subject to licensing requirements. Nothing herein is intended to constitute a
manual for the use of any product or
the carrying out of any procedure or
process. The CFDA, its publications,
officers, authors, consultants and
employees accept no responsiblity for
any liability, injuries, or damages arising out of any person’s attempt to rely
upon information contained herein.
Page 4
November/December 2008
Gunslinger’s Gazette
it even more fun for them. Only then between, it was truly a CFDA event Billy 2 Guns and Noah Chance are
do you fall, hook, line and sinker into made possible by all of our members driving over to help out. There are
the sport of Cowboy Fast Draw and working together. I must admit that a lot of western activities going on
discover that your new found friends Alotta Lead and I are still recovering in Las Vegas in early December like
become more than that, they become from the time and commitment that it Cowboy Christmas and the National
your extended family. You will make took and I have fallen a little behind Finals Rodeo.
life long friends in CFDA, it will getting caught up here in our office, In January, I will be traveling
become part of your lifestyle forever due to some other responsibilities to the Shot Show in Orlando and
attempting to secure more sponsors
and I’m so proud to be associated that I have.
The U.S. Marshal’s Muster for the 2009 Season. I also hope to
with such a great bunch of folks.
2008 brought us the best discussions are something that visit a new club in the process of
Inside the CFDA
contests that we have ever had and Mississippi Marshal and I have yet forming in that area.
I would like to thank our
2009 looks even brighter. Our shoots still to sort through before we finalize By: Quick Cal
run like a well-oiled machine with the Gunslinger’s Guidelines, which member Joe Bowman and his lovely
t’s our last issue of Gunslinger’s almost all of our competitors on the we plan to publish and send out with wife Betty for being our Guests of
Gazette of 2008 and it’s time to same page when it comes to the rules the January/February Gazette. I can Honor at Beretta’s Fastest Gun Alive.
look back and reflect upon what’s and contest procedures thanks to the tell you that putting any limitations Joe travels the world representing
on so called, “Gut Shots”, is an Ruger Firearms and is a true American
happened in CFDA over the past CFDA Range Officer Course.
overwhelmingly dead issue. Also, Icon and World War II Hero. Joe put
year. It has been a great year of
progress and building of our sport major milestones as we are about to the U.S. Marshals felt strongly on a great show and entertained us
and the CFDA organization. It’s pass Membership Badge #1500 as about not allowing hammers to be all on Saturday, at 88 years young he
also been a time of building strong I write this column, that is not bad interchanged between models, such does a wonderful presentation. He
relationships and trust with all of the since in April of 2006 we had 352 as between the New Vaquero and is a very big supporter of CFDA and
members. Also in April of 2006 we the CFDA Vaquero. More on those has helped forge many contacts in
members and clubs.
the firearms industry for us.
Most importantly, 2008 also had about 8 affiliated clubs, as of discussions next issue…
I wish you all a very happy
brought us to realize that we have
become not only an organization affiliated or in the process of doing is coming up December 4 – 7 and safe Holiday Season and I
built on friendships, but an extended so. We have at least one if not two at the Riviera Hotel & Casino in can’t wait for the new season to
family for our members who go clubs forming in Canada and 4 Las Vegas. SASS has invited us start up again with the Texas State
through the tough trials that life has clubs under the CFDA Australian to have a Town Folk Alley set up Championship in March.
Chapter. Our goal is to surpass inside the convention center and I
in store for each of us.
I think that when most of us Membership Badge #2000 and have will be instructing a SASS Seminar Hit’em Fast,
join CFDA we get hooked on the over 50 CFDA Affiliated Clubs called Cowboy Fast Draw -101. shooting and the fun we have when a year from now when I write this Mississippi Marshal will be there and we attend our first club practice or column. CFDA is bigger than any
contest. We may notice that there one person or club, it needs to get to
selfare a lot of nice people gathered with
a smile on their face and they seem sustaining thus securing the future
eager to help you get started. They’ll of the Sport of Cowboy Fast Draw
lend you their personal equipment, for generations to come. Mississippi
ammunition and give you pointers. Marshal and I have had many long STILL ONLY $5.00!
Then you probably momentarily talks concerning the preservation of
wonder why they are treating you our sport, we hope that you join us to
so nice, you might even think that accomplish these goals.
(800) 238-6785
Beretta’s Fastest Gun Alive
there is a catch. Then you purchase a Major credit cards accepted
gun, holster and the other equipment was a huge success and I hope
together that you need, all the time
More than 10,000 items like:
they are lending you what you don’t the trip. I won’t go into a lot of
• Authentic reproduction rifles, pistols,
have yet and giving you advice. detail in this column since there is a
revolvers, military firearms and kits
You go to your first contest and then sizable article covering the event in
• Civil War arms and accessories
another and then you discover what
the catch is, and you find out it is a
• Clothing, patterns, uniforms
totally selfish reason on their part,
• Cannons, swords, knives
they want you to have as much fun as and helped out. From the set-up
• Books, period music, videos,
they are having because that makes to the tear-down and everything in
CDs and DVDs.
It’s your best
blackpowder guide
• Military and primitive camp gear
• Muzzleloading hunting gear
Looking for CFDA Products?
Visit our Website at:
• Cowboy action shooting
• Revolutionary, Mexican and
Indian War firearms
1412 Reelfoot Avenue • Dept. 101 P.O. Box 130 • Union City, TN 38281
ORDERS ONLY: (800) 238-6785 INFO PHONE: (731) 885-0700
FAX: (731) 885-0440
1/4 p Cowboy Fast Draw
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Message Board
By: Mississippi Marshal
2009 Shooting Schedule. That’s
right, it’s time to start thinking about
2009 already. Many of us are already
making plans for the coming year
and now is the time to get your dates
put together. The folks planning
vacations, shooting trips, and get
togethers are waiting for you to post
your schedules. There are more and
more opportunities to compete each
year and we need to know where
we’re going and what not.
SO- I need all the club schedules
ASAP so we can get them in the
Gazette and on the website.
Well, another official CFDA
shooting season has come to a close,
but BOY! was that fun or what?
This season Wench and I
traveled from Gainesville Texas to
Roundup Montana and from Atlanta
Georgia to Fernley Nevada. We
put over 30,000 miles on the new
Page 5
Last but not least I want to thank
everyone, everywhere across this
nation and abroad who worked
this year at putting on a contest.
If you’ve never put a contest
together, you can only imagine
all the planning, coordinating,
sometimes disagreeing that goes
on to get these off the ground.
Those who do it are definitely to be
Memberships – While the shooting commended and as the Operations
season is slowing down a little, take and Membership Manager of this
the time to renew your membership fine organization I want to say –
now. As we grow it is taking me a Thank You.
little longer to get the emails out for
Sanctioned Title Matches – If renewals so help me out and look at
you’re planning on sanctioning a your membership card, if it’s close,
titled match you will need to get renew it - if it’s not - renew it!
Season’s Greetings
owdy again all y’all! I’ll keep
it short this time.
November/December 2008
car, and it
gets much
better gas
now that I’ve figured out how to
operate it. Along the way we met
many new friends and had the
opportunity to shoot with clubs
we hadn’t visited before. We shot
with The Association of Arizona
Gunslingers twice this season. We
also shot with the North Texas
Society of Gunfighters twice this
season. We had a great time with
both clubs. Mule Camp was also a
wonderful experience. We hope we
have the opportunity to shoot with
more new clubs in 2009.
One of the highlights of our
season was attending the Montana
State Championship for the first
time. It was a pleasure meeting and
shooting with the Bull Mountain
Drifters. They put on a great match!
your deposits in to Quick Cal at the
Fernley address. You’ll need to get
an application completed and sent
to me at marshall@cowboyfastdraw.
com so I can review it and make pdf
files to get it up on the website. I can
preach from experience that early
entry is so important in planning for
a big contest. So get your material in
and let’s get 2009 taken care of.
And the TV award was priceless!
That award followed us to the Idaho
State Championship. First time we
had attended that match, although
we had been to the Idaho Shootists’
range for the National Championship.
We hope we have the opportunity to
attend more new matches in 2009.
The reason for this article is
to give a big Thank you! to everyone
involved with Cowboy Fast Draw.
It’s you (us) that make this sport the
great sport that it is. A short story
to illustrate. At the Spook Shoot in
Marysville Kansas two gunfighters
were shooting it out. The score was
shooter A 2 to shooter B’s 1. Shooter
B’s gun jammed. Shooter A managed
to clear shooter B’s gun so a backup
didn’t have to be used. Shooter B
went on to win the match 3 to 2.
Both shooters left the line laughing
about it! I believe that B is now
on A’s list though. Where else but
Cowboy Fast Draw do you see that
kind of sportsmanship and Fun?
It was great to see all of our
old friends and extended CFD family
again this season, and wonderful
meeting all of our new friends.
Thanks to Quick Cal and Marshal,
and all the members of CFDA for
another successful shooting season.
Wench and I wish all of you Season’s
Greetings and Happy Holidays!
We wish the best for you and your
families! Remember to help support
your local club in the off season, and
we can’t wait to see all of you again
next year.
I’ll try to think of something
to write about next season. Maybe
the new flooring some of you may
have heard about. Some of you may
have heard that there is new posse in
the CFDA. Could be more on that
later as well.
Mongo and Wench
Life members 57 & 58
Deadline to submit articles
for next Gazette is:
December 20th
Please submit all articles
and pictures to:
Page 6
November/December 2008
(Fastest Gun Alive cont. from pg 1)
pleasure. Callahan provided poker Vaquero, but it wasn’t just any
another gathering at the Dry Gulch chips, cards and instruction to those CFDA Vaquero, it was serial #1! Joe
Saloon, while the U.S. Marshals that needed it.
Bowman was on hand, representing
were discussing many aspects of the Saturday morning the contest Ruger, to assist in presenting this
rules and looking to the future of started with Round 8 using all 14 well-deserved recognition. Also a
lanes. Then from Round 9 on, all of very special recognition called the
Friday after the registration the main match rounds were carried “Sundowner CFDA All the Way
was completed, the drawing of the on at the Main Range. Meanwhile, Award” was presented to Sundowner
first round began and the Opening those that didn’t
for all the work
Ceremonies were held. You could survive the Friday
he has done to
feel the electricity in the air in main competition
anticipation of what the day would had a chance to
CFDA and new
bring. Quick Cal thanked everyone compete in the
who came despite high fuel prices Resurrection Match
The last and
and shaky economy, laid out the and got their revenge
biggest part of
contest procedures, introduced our on the targets at 15
Guests of Honor – Joe Bowman and feet. As the main
his lovely wife Betty, and then led match
everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance. down to the top 5 Brad Hemmah Accepting CFDA Ruger Serial our 2007 Top
Blackjack led us all in a Prayer and it Men and Ladies, # 1 for all his hard work and dedication to Guns of the Year.
was time to fire the first shots of the shootoffs
The Top 10 Men
Championship, right on schedule.
and Top 5 Ladies
held to determine
We had 2 shooting areas with the Top 6 through 20 places for the were awarded CFDA Custom Belt
8 lanes in the main area and 6 lanes Men and Top 6 through 15 places Buckles with their alias and place
in the other.
for the Ladies. Shooting on them. Our Top Guns of the Year,
So 14 lanes
for Saturday’s events were Trapper Smith for the Men and
were up and
was easily concluded by Alotta Lead for the Ladies, they were
2:30 p.m. and everyone awarded not only outstanding custom
the rounds
headed out to relax and buckles, but were each awarded a
m o v e d
get ready for the big brand new Ruger Vaquero. Well
right along.
Saturday evening event. done to all of our Top Guns!!!
Thanks to the
It was Sunday morning and
The CFDA Annual Great Basin
Award Banquet was held the excitement was in the air, it was
at the Fallon Convention the day that Beretta’s Fastest Gun
Center, a very nice facility Alive and all of our World Champions
C F D A Wench Accepting the Spirit of the Game
indeed. Alotta Lead was for 2008 would be crowned. But
in charge of providing first, we had a special event called
who showed
a dinner for over 150 the “Blast For Cash!!!” It was an
up for the Tuesday Set-Up Day. competitors and guests and what a event that everyone who didn’t fire a
Magnolia Blu, Kathie Zehr and job she did! So many people pitched shot in the main match under a .550
Alotta Lead kept the drawing going in to help, with special mention going automatically qualified for. There
with very little pause between each to Jan Isely (Hazen Vigilante’s Wife), was a 2 out of 3 / 1-X shootoff held
round. The CFDA round by round Darcy Adcock (Arkansas Smokey’s for each of 3 Brackets .550
system proved to be very efficient Wife) and Rob Kocher (Alotta Lead’s - .649, .650 - .749, and .750
(Note: all of the scoring cards from Brother). We also had Gut Shot & up, with $250, $150, and
every round in the main match can playing some fine music and Tawodi $100 going to 1st, 2nd and 3rd
be viewed on cowboyfastdraw. tending the bar. Many said it was the respectively. $1,500 was up
com). Our main announcers were best catered dinner that they ever ate for grabs! There truly was
a very talented group led by Jeb with tender brisket, chicken, baked something for everyone in
“Cactus” Tubbs. Of course the potatoes, corn, salad, baked beans, this championship event!
other announcers were on their game rolls and dessert and a lot of it!
Top 5 Category
too with Curly Calhoun, Mississippi began
After dinner, Quick Cal shootoffs
Marshal, Mongo and Quick Cal began the evening festivities with both areas with a lot of
filling in from time to time. Our random drawings for over $6,000 fancy shooting and World
lead scorekeepers were Dakota Star, in merchandise from a prize table Champions being determined
Cool Hand Suz and of course the with some really cool stuff, much of as follows: (Billy the Kid)
ever popular Wench. Plus, a host of it sponsored by Wallace True Value Spud; (Annie Oakley) Annie B.
CFDA members filled in where ever Hardware of Fernley, NV. There Goode; (Junior Boy) Kidd K; (Junior
needed to make this one of the most were also 4 Beretta Stampedes that Girl) Babalooey; (Traditional Man)
efficiently ran contests in history. were thrown into the drawing every Trickshot; (Traditional Lady) Miss.
We got through 7 rounds easily by once in a while, just to keep it really B. Haven; (49’R Man) Logan Cross;
about 4:30 p.m.
exciting. Then match awards were (49’R Lady) Lucky Lady; (Senior
Friday night featured a handed out for all of the places and Man) Short Keg; (Senior Lady) Lil
Charity Poker Tournament at the events, up to what would be decided Missy; (Super Senior Man) Buzzard
Dry Gulch Saloon with $400 raised in the Sunday Finals.
Cooper; (Super Senior Lady) Angel
for Happy Trails Foundation and A high point of the night was Lady; (Old Timer) PG Taylor; and
Jim Standridge a.k.a. Gut Shot when CFDA Founder Brad Hemmah (Shootist) Quick Cal.
entertaining us with some great a.k.a. Kemosabi, Life Member #1, It was High Noon and it was
music for our listening and dancing was presented with a Ruger CFDA time for the Top 5 Ladies to shoot
Gunslinger’s Gazette
for final placement and the Beretta’s
Fastest Gun Alive – Overall World
Championship Title! (4th & 5th Seeds)
Stormie Weather and Magnolia Blu
started off the finals with Magnolia
Blu winning with consistency and
sending Stormie Weather over to the
1-X Bracket. Then it was time for (3rd
Seed) Alotta Lead to step to the line.
Alotta Lead started hitting the target
in the low 50’s and won the bout,
setting up a rematch of Magnolia
Blu and Stormie Weather in the 1-X
Bracket and bringing Miss B. Haven
(2nd Seed) to challenge Alotta Lead.
Alotta Lead took the lead 1 to 0
with a .528, but then Miss. B Haven
answered with a .491, .516 and a .505
winning the bout and taking over
the Winner’s Bracket. Meanwhile,
Magnolia Blu hung on winning the
bout with the faster, but not as quite
consistent Stormie Weather. These
bouts placed Stormie Weather into
5th Place and sent Alotta Lead to try
to hang on in the 1-X bracket. Next
our (Top Seed) Angel Lady came to
the line to face Miss B. Haven. Angle
Lady hit 3 out of 4 shots in the mid50’s, with Miss B. Haven still trying to
find the target and hung onto her big
advantage going into the finals in the
Winner’s Bracket. On the other two
lanes, Alotta Lead hit 3 shots in a row
and sent Magnolia Blu to 4th Place.
This set up a rematch between Miss
B. Haven and Alotta Lead to see who
would go back and face Angel Lady
for the Title. Miss B. Haven started
out with a great shot of a .482, but
Alotta Lead answered back with 3
hits in the low 50’s and won the bout
Joe Bowman “The Straight Shooter”
entertaining the crowd
placing Miss B. Haven in 3rd. Now it
was time for the finals! Alotta Lead
stayed consistent and connected with
3 hits out of 5 in the low 50’s and this
time Angle Lady wasn’t connecting
with the target. They both now had
1-X and they switched sides for the
final match up. Alotta Lead jumped
out to a 2-0 lead shooting .524 and
.517. Angle Lady then answered
back with a .557, while Alotta Lead
had a recovery shot. The bout was
now 2-1 in favor of Alotta Lead and
Gunslinger’s Gazette
November/December 2008 the crowd held their breath while between Omaha Outlaw and Short
that commands were given, the light Keg to see would end up 3rd and who
came on and Alotta Lead nailed it would go on to challenge Arizona
with a .511 winning her first Overall Ranger for the title. They were
World Championship in Cowboy pulling hard trying to outgun one
Fast Draw. The crowd applauded another, there were some misses for
wildly for both shooters, what a great sure but they both were giving it all
final round!!!
they had. Short Key took a 1-0 lead
Next came the Top 5 Men and then Omaha Outlaw fired the
and it was anybody’s game. Quick fastest shot of the entire tournament
Cal (5th Seed)
with a .340 to tie it up,
did it from
another thousandth of
the Shootist
a second and he would
have had to back it up.
which requires
Then after a few more
the use of a
shots the bout stood at
7-1/2” barrel
“Sudden Victory” and
and a Slim
Short Keg took the
Jim holster.
last shot with a .403
He faced off
giving Omaha Outlaw
3rd place. After a brief
Seed) Omaha
break to clean his gun
Outlaw, who
Short Keg returned
said he wasn’t cutting Quick Cal any to the line to face Arizona Ranger.
slack since in their bout in round 13 Short Keg won the first shot and then
the Shootist fired a .389. Omaha Arizona Ranger answered back and
Outlaw kept true to his word and they repeated it making it 2 to 2,
dispatched Quick Cal over to 1-X “Sudden Victory or Sudden Death”.
Bracket by firing a .404, 412 and Arizona Ranger could have won
.394. Then it was time to face (3rd the title with just one more winning
Seed) Trickshot who took an early shot, but Short Keg took it to him
lead with a .412, but Omaha Outlaw with a .390 and they switched sides
still wasn’t letting up and ripped off to settle the matter once and for all.
3 straight hits at .393, .393, and .395 Short Keg won the first shot with a
to win the bout. Next up was (2nd .381 to Ranger’s .384, then he fired
Seed) Short Keg to challenge Omaha a .399 to a .416 giving him a huge 2
Outlaw, who definitely was on a roll. -0 advantage. They both missed the
They both were sizing each other 3rd shot, but on the 4th shot Arizona
up and missed their first two shots, Ranger recorded a .412, but not
but Short Keg then found the target good enough, Short Keg won the
and hit the next 3 out of 4, while championship with a final shot of
Omaha Outlaw was barely missing. .379!
Meanwhile, Trickshot and Quick Cal We hope you enjoyed this
were shooting it out on the other side, blow by blow account of Beretta’s
they both hit 3 out of 5 but Trickshot Fastest Gun Alive, we wanted
had the winning times in the low 40’s everyone who couldn’t attend this
and high 30’s, which settled Quick year’s event, to get the feeling that
Cal into 5th Place. Finally our (Top they were there at least in spirit. The
Seed) Arizona Ranger, stepped to the City of Fallon is very pleased that
line to take on Short Keg. With the they hosted our event, as it captured
other two targets featuring Omaha a lot of press coverage in Northern
Outlaw and Trickshot. In both of Nevada. Plan on attending next year,
these bouts there was not a winning the dates are already set, September
shot that wasn’t in the 30’s, and this 30th – October 4th, 2009.
was some of the fastest shooting that has ever been witnessed in one place.
In the stands were spectators and the rest of the shooters sat just under
the grandstands in chairs. It was
truly a surreal atmosphere with the
press snapping pictures, cameramen
shooting television footage and
everyone cheering each winning
shot. Both bouts went the distance
and tied at “Sudden Victory”, Arizona
Ranger won his with a final shot of
.390 and Omaha Outlaw won his
with a .396. This placed Trickshot
4th Place Overall and set up a rematch
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