Gunfighter Rendezvous


Gunfighter Rendezvous
Cowboy Fast Draw Association’s
Gunslinger’S Gazette
Journal of the Cowboy Fast Draw Association ~ August/September 2010
Modern Woodmen of America’s
Gunfighter Rendezvous
2010 CFDA U.S. National Cowboy Fast Draw Championship
June 24-27
Scribbled by: Mississippi Marshal- Life 26
HPTC Champions Miss B Haven and Buzzard Cooper
2010 High Plains Territorial
Deadwood, South Dakota
June 19th-20th
Magnificent 7 Men and Women
s the afternoon sun started to
heat up the Boise Mountains
Wednesday, gunfighters from all
over the country started making
their way into historical Idaho City,
Idaho to see where the U.S. National
Championship was to be contested.
10 states were represented by many of
the best gunfighters in the world. As
in years past, the registration list read
like a Hall of Champions as many
of CFDA’s champions both past and
present were on hand to vie for the
title. Competitors ranged in ages from
nine years to eighty two. By the end
of the day all the equipment
had been tested and the
targets lasered. Folks
were a itchin to get
this one underway.
m o r n i n g ’s
registration went
quickly and right
on schedule the
The Idaho Shootists
upped the X count to
3 so folks could get a
good chance to practice.
As usual, the Idaho Shootists
range consisted of 6 lanes whilst the
Resurrection Range had 4. That’s a
total of 10 targets but don’t be fooled,
The Idaho Shootists run those 10 lanes
with extreme efficiency. With Jebediah
(Cactus) Tubbs and Blackjack running
the main range and Curly Calhoun
running the Resurrection range things
moved at a quick event pace. The great
thing about these practice matches is it
gives the shooters a chance to shoot
the ammo to be used in the contest. It
also gives the host a chance to teach
the shooters how the ranges will be ran
so when the main match starts most
folks know where and when to be, and
where and when they are supposed to
be there. The practice match featured
46 shooters competing for their share
of the purse. With practice matches
we always like to get done
kinda early so folks can get
a good meal in their belly
and plenty of rest for the
main match. I gotta tell
ya, both Deerslayer
and Connecticut Cat
came to shoot. In
the end Deerslayer
bested ole Short Keg
for the win for the
men. Connecticut Cat
came within one shot
of winning the ladies
practice but Sparrowhawk
held her off for the win.
Let’s not discount Gentleman
Jim and Sweetpea’s efforts for solid
3rd place finishes.
With the practice match in
the books it was time to get ready
(Continued on page 8)
By: Fannie Blue
he High Plains Territorial problems. For the shooters that
Championship was a great were here, there were free concerts
success. We had seventy shooters ages performed by Shuppe and the Rubber
10-70+. Our Friday Charity Shoot Band on Main Street.
earned $1,400 for the SD March of The wind was certainly against
Dimes. About half of the shooters us most of the week during setup, but
returned from previous years. In the finally slowed down some late Friday
celebrity category we had shooters night. The rain at least waited until we
from the Deadwood Chamber, First were done shooting on Saturday night
Interstate Bank, local media KEVN, to settle the dust.
Black Hills Pioneer, even Joe Cannali Saturday morning began
from Colt was present to help many with Deacon saying a short prayer
others support the March of Dimes. thanking the Lord for the beautiful
The first place Men’s Amateur winner day and our shooting family followed
was Kevin Kuchenbecker from by the Pledge of Allegiance. We had
Deadwood Historic Preservation, a long day of competition on Saturday
Combined Amateur was John getting through eight rounds of men
Ainsworth from First Interstate Bank, and six rounds of ladies. We had only
Men’s Professional was Short Keg four Billy the Kid shooters, so we put
and Combined Professional first place them all in a bucket and let them have
went to Spud.
a four man contest. They finished their
Once we got all the timers and competition by the end of the day with
targets up and running, the rest of the Spud finishing first as the only two
weekend brought on no equipment
(Continued on page 11)
Cowboy Fast Draw Association
PO Box 5
Fernley, NV 89408
Shoot this to:
Page 2
August/September 2010
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Mern ick l e H olste r s
Bob is no newcomer to the shooting world. Over the past 30 years, he has won State, US Nationals, Canadian and World Championships
in Fast Draw. Using this experience, he created a holster company that was based primarily on speed and accuracy, but also with a touch of
elegance added to the designs. When Cowboy Fast Draw became a new sport in the shooting world, it caught Bob’s interest big time. Bob
and wife, Sherrie, were so excited about shooting in this new medium, they became LIFE members of the CFDA (Bob is No. 10 and Sherrie
is No. 11).
Being a holster maker, and working with CFDA in order to comply with the rules, Bob created some cutting edge holsters, reminiscent of the
past but allowing the gun to come out faster than anything a shooter might have used in the past.
Bob and Sherrie hope you like the holsters presented here and invite you to join them shooting in this fast growing “fun” sport
The CFD5 is a vertical holster system that allows the shooter to get into a slightly crouched position. With a built-in twist in the shank,
the holster can be worn in a forward position. When the light comes on, the shooter can lift the upper body, straighten the legs, and
draw the gun. This is called leverage, allowing the gun to clear the holster without even drawing it, focusing the shooter’s concentration
on leveling the gun to target. The more snap in body movement, the faster the gun is going to clear the leather. The CFD5 is non-collapsing and allows the cylinder to turn in the holster. The CFD5 comes with our CFDA approved “SAFELEG”.
Rough Out CFD9 REF1 $339.95
also available in smooth finish $289.95
This holster was designed to look similar to the holster used by Clint Eastwood in his
famous Spaghetti Westerns. The difference here is, this one is dedicated to Cowboy
Fast Draw and is hard molded so the cylinder will turn in the holster with no restriction.
The CFD9 comes with our CFDA approved “SAFELEG”.
CFD3 REF1 $289.95
For those who do not wish to, or lack the ability to snap the body, we have designed the
CFD3 so the shooter does not have to break the wrist back to grab the gun. The holster
meets all CFDA requirements and, simply said, is a cut above the normal. Like the
CFD5, the shank has a built-in twist, allowing the holster to be worn in a forward position,
aligning the gun on target. When the gun is drawn, the shooter is not reaching back to
bring the gun forward. The CFD3 comes with our CFDA approved “SAFELEG”
1875 View Court, Fernley, Nevada USA 89408 Tel: 775-575-3166
Toll Free: 1-800-497-3166
Fax: 775-575-3188
Gunslinger’s Gazette
August/September 2010
Long Hunter Shooting Supply
“From Box to Holster - Guns and Holsters”
With Cowboy Fast Draw
Action Job
With Cowboy Fast Draw
Action Job
With Cowboy Fast Draw
Action Job
~Cowboy Fast Draw Action Job on Your Gun~
$125.00 plus return shipping
Contact: Jim Finch, AKA “Long Hunter”
Visa & Mastercard Accepted
Phone # (806)342-0000 • Web Site:
3403 SW 6th Ave. • Amarillo, TX 79106
Precision Shooting Timer II
The Official Timer of The Cowboy Fast Draw Association
* Practice Mode
* Two LED Amber Light arrays
* Connection and adjustment for hit sensor
* Two standard Cat 5 Timer to LED 50 foot cables
* Power Supply- can also operate from 12 volt battery (not included)
* One year warranty on timer, three year warranty on LEDs.
*Additional accesories are also available.
$799.99 + S/H
or call (208)287-0971
* Compatible to existing precision shooting timers
* Time desplay to 1/1000th of a second
* Jack for handheld foot start switch
* History of last five shots and delay time
* Multiple units can be connected and controlled from the Start Switch on any unit
* Select one winner per timer ot winner overall.
* Capable of updates for additional shooting scenarios
Approved for World Fast Draw Association
~3 Year Additional Extended Warranty Available~
Includes future updates for $99.00 (with purchase)
or $125.00 (within the first year after purchase)
Page 3
Page 4
August/September 2010
Cowboy Fast Draw Association,
Shooting Season is in Full
Cal Eilrich “Quick Cal” Life #9
Hi Everyone!
With the summer
drawing to an
end, it has been
one heck of a
busy shooting
I have
been enjoying
reading all the
great articles
that have been
submitted, and would like to say
thank you to everyone who has taken the time to write an article. This
is what our sport is about. It is so
fun to get to read about all the great
things that clubs are doing to make
their contests unique and better each
year. I’m sure this also gives other
clubs some great ideas of what they
can also do to improve thier own
contests. So keep up the great work
I would also like to say thank
you to everyone who has posted pic-
Erika Frisk ,“Hannah Calder”
Life #46
Marshall Hopper ,“Mississippi
Marshal” Life #26
Copy Editor
Erika Frisk, “Hannah Calder”
Life #46
Marketing and Sales
Marshall Hopper, “Mississippi
Marshal” Life #26
Erika Frisk, “Hannah Calder”
Life #46
Memberships/Product Orders:
www.cowboyfastdraw. com
hannahcalder@cowboyfastdraw. com
Please send Letters to the Editor
tures to the website. I think this is
another great way to get to show off
the CFDA, plus it helps me have pictures to put into the gazette.
If you are interested in advertising a
product or a company related to our
sport in the Gazette, please contact
me, as we have very reasonable rates.
We love supporting our members in
their endevours, just as you have
supported the CFDA. You can either
submit your own ad print ready or I
would be happy to assist in helping
create your ad for you. Please contact me if you have any questions.
As I am sitting here writing
this, I am about 1 week away from
welcoming my second daughter into
the world. So as you can imagine I
have been working like crazy trying
to get the Gazette done before that
happens. But have no fear, the Gazette will still be on schedule, and
the Fall Edition will also come out
as planned in November. But be
sure to get articles submitted ASAP,
as the Fall Edition will be handed
out at the SASS Convention and the
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Shot Show, and will be an expanded
Let’s have a great rest of the
shooting season, and I look forward
to hearing about all the great memories made at the many great contests
Best Wishes,
Hannah Calder
Deadline to submit articles
for next Gazette is:
November 1st
Please submit all articles and
pictures to:
Copyright 2010 by Cowboy Fast Draw
Association, LLC. All rights reserved
under international and Pan American
Copyright Conventions. Reproduciton in whole or in part without written
permission of the publisher is strictly
Printed in the U.S.A.
www.cowboyfastdraw. com
quickcal@cowboyfastdraw. com
Readers: Be advised that there may
be products represented in this magazine as to which the sale, possession,
or interstate transporation thereof
may be restricted, prohibited, or subject to licensing requirements. Nothing herein is intended to constitute a
manual for the use of any product or
the carrying out of any procedure or
process. The CFDA, its publications,
officers, authors, consultants and
employees accept no responsiblity for
any liability, injuries, or damages arising out of any person’s attempt to rely
upon information contained herein.
CFDA Nationals...........................1
High Plains Territorial..................1
Inside the CFDA..........................5
Fun Historical Fact.......................5
Mississippi’s Message.................6
Mongo’s Musings........................7
Virginia State Championship.....12
Territories & Regulators.............16
Gunslinger’s Gazette
August/September 2010
Inside the CFDA
By: Quick Cal. Director
and making sure that they say what
they mean to say is a continuous
process. Our commitment has
always been to keep our rules clear,
concise and simple; and we hope it
will always be that way in the future.
What is more important this year is
coming up with ideas that can help
new clubs get off the ground, as
clubs are the true foundation of our
he 2010 CFDA Season is
moving right along with 15
Titled Championships this year.
The CFDA clubs that host these
contests do a great service to the
sport. It takes a lot of work to put on
a shoot of any size and especially a
State, Territorial, National or World
Title. We are actually working on
a check list that will be available to
all clubs, it is a working document
and hopefully it will become a
definitive one that will guide Match
Directors to even more successful
events in the future. I can tell
you from first hand experience as
a Match Director, especially the
week before a major match, of the
times in the middle of the night
waking up to jot things down on my
trusty notepad so I could remember
them come morning. Hopefully
we can alleviate many of these
concerns with a comprehensive list
to follow.
Marshal’s Muster
Right now we are finalizing
the agenda for the U.S. Marshal’s
Muster which will be held at
Beretta’s Fastest Gun Alive (BFGA).
Most of the U.S. Marshals will
discuss the agenda with their club
so they get a feel for the opinions
of their members before attending
the Marshal’s Muster. However,
since the format is a round table
discussion between the Marshals
and CFDA Management many
thoughts and ideas are traded in
the discussion of each agenda item.
Most of the time a general consensus
is gained from the discussions and
CFDA Management relies on this
information when making any
rule or policy changes. Generally
speaking the U. S. Marshals are a
very conservative group when it
comes to changing or making any
new rule, although defining rules
Beretta’s Fastest Gun Alive
As of the writing of this
report applications for Beretta’s
Fastest Gun Alive are well ahead of
last year’s event in which we had
144 registered shooters. It could
be due to the special offer that we
enclosed in the last Gazette, but it
could also be due to the fact that our
organization keeps growing even in
a bad economy. It is our goal to
get over 200 shooters and we are
at about 130 entrants at this point.
Because of the economy we have
noticed a trend that folks are waiting
longer to send in applications to
matches this year. Many Match
Directors and clubs have been very
worried about attendance a month
before their event, only to have
applications really pick up about
2 or 3 weeks before the event with
many last minute inquiries. So
far we have not seen a drop off in
attendance at CFDA events, in fact
most report that it is slightly higher
than last year. Late entries do make
it tough to plan an event as contracts
have to be signed for dinners and
other functions well in advance.
We too, hope to see a large influx of
applications for BFGA just before
the contest and in view of the
economy that we are all currently
living with, we are changing our
application to reflect what is going
on around us. The $139 Entry Fee
will be in effect after the previously
stated September 17th date, and the
$169 Regular Entry Fee is hereby
reduced to $139. We want everyone
who can possibly make BFGA come
even if it is at the last minute, right
up to close of registration on Friday
morning. Let’s all be part of some
history and make this the biggest
fast draw contest of any kind ever
See You There!
Page 5
Fun Historical Fact
Pinkerton Detective Agency- 1850-Present
Founded by Allan Pinkerton, a Scottish immigrant in 1850, the Pinkerton Agency became one of the most crucial crime detective and law enforcement groups
in the U.S. Allan Pinkerton settled near Chicago, Illinois, and went to work as
a barrel maker. Allan had his first taste of crime solving when he found a small
deserted island where he planned on cutting down wood for his barrels. He soon
discovered that the island was being used for smugglers, after which he notified
police and helped with the stake out, and then the search for the ringleader. This
incident is what eventually lead to Allan Pinkerton’s appointment as a deputy
sheriff, and then in 1850, he bacame Chicago’s first police detective. That same
year, he founded the North-Western Police Agency.
Meanwhile, Allan’s brother Robert had started “Pinkerton & Co” in
1843. Robert’s organization originally pertained to work as a railroad detective, but also had several contracts with Wells Fargo as personal guards on stage
coaches. A year after the North-Western Police Agency was created, it abrupty
dissolved. Allan joined Robert’s company, and renamed it the Pinkerton National Detective Agency. The agency provided many detective services from
private military contractors to security guards, but they mostly specialized in the
capture of train robbers and counterfeiters.
In 1861, they successfully uncovered a plot to assassinate President Lincoln. Lincoln then called on them to organize a “secret service” that would be
used by the President.
The agency played an active role in hunting down outlaws such as Jesse
James, the Reno Brothers, and the Wild Bunch.
The term “private eye” also got its origins from the agency, due to the large
black and white eye they had on their building that stated “We Never Sleep”.
By 1870, the agency had the worlds largest collection of mug shots and a
criminal database. And during this time, the agency had more agents than the
standing army of the U.S., which lead the state of Ohio to outlaw the agency out
of fear of its possibility to be hired as a private militia.
Public support began to turn away from the agency as is became know as
a “law” in of themselves and began using heavy handed tactics and intimidation
to get what they wanted. They were also accused of inciting riots, such as during
the Homestead Strike in 1892, during which Pinkerton agents killed 11 people.
The Pinkerton Detective Ageny was family run until 1867. Today, Pinkerton’s Inc. has become a $1.5 billion organization that provides a number of
security services.
Page 6
August/September 2010
Gunslinger’s Gazette
a thinking. Ifn all you guitar pickers, Weekend in Pendleton, OR. in 2011.
harmonica players, cowbell players The Idaho Shootists wish to thank
etc. could bring an axe we could get the townsfolk of Idaho City, ID for
together one evening like maybe their support of the event but the
Friday evening at the saloon and bottom line is we have outgrown the
circle up and pick some tunes. Heck venue and the resources of the town.
we might get Boothill to sang too. Pendleton will be a great location
By: Mississippi Marshal
Just and idea. Ifn you want you can with over 1,000 motel rooms
email me and let me know you’re in available. Also – The contest will be
a great summer.
at . indoors at the Pendleton Convention
That being said, CFDA membership
See ya in the funny papers.
Center. It is our intent to schedule
is growing too. Did you know
Many of you may not know classes and make available to you the
or do you remember our CFDA
this yet so I thought I’d start getting contestant a full range of gunfighter
membership drive? For every new
the word out. The Gunfighter wares. Keep watch as we will give
member you recruit you get one entry
Rendezvous (U.S. National Cowboy updates in the Gazette as well as the
in the big drawing at Beretta’s Fastest
Fast Draw Championship) has been Forum as they come available.
Gun Alive World Championship in
moved out of Idaho City, ID and will MM
Fallon, Nevada.
be contested over the Labor Day
Those who attended last year know
what kind of prizes were given away,
and the boss said we were doing it
as this been a great summer again this year. So! You only have a
or what? Seems there’s been about a month to get those new guys
something going on every week off the fence and get them to join the
this shooting season from Texas to CFDA.
Minnesota, Maine to Oregon and Some of you have membership
all points in between. Another new packets already in hand so let’s use
Visit our Website at:
Territorial Championship, Oregon, them.
Nevada and Virginia hosting new State I’m looking forward to seeing
Championships, The Black River everybody in Fallon for the World
Bandits now hosting the Wisconsin Championship. This year’s event is
State. New clubs affiliating and more shaping up to be bigger and better
on the way. Wow. It’s certainly been than last year and I can’t wait. I was
Message Board
Looking for CFDA Products?
Gunslinger’s Gazette
August/September 2010
Page 7
Alfredo. Just bring
I threw it all out, except the sauce, in the sink I wouldn’t have ruined
to a simmer, add
and we had another glass of wine. a wonderful dinner. I’m sure the
seasoning & Frank
Fortunately we had a frozen pizza break didn’t have a thing to do
sauce and continue
in the fridge. Eighteen minutes later with it. There is now a big bucket
to simmer for a few
dinner was served.
in the garage along with the rest of
the cleaning gear next to the spray
A pat of butter can
Had I put the cases in the dishwasher paint.
be used in either to
as usual instead of cleaning them
smooth it out.
Wench got home and we had a glass
of wine. I went to the kitchen to
start dinner. I’d fixed a grilled ham
and cheese sandwich for lunch in
the skillet I wanted to use for the
Salmon. I scrubbed it with the scrub
brush to get the stuck pieces off the
bottom and then rinsed it out. It
really shined so I did the sauté pan
too just to make sure it was clean.
I heated the skillet. I wanted it hot
so it would sear the fish. I noticed
a slight odor and thought it was
smoking a little but it’s well used
owdy again all y’all. Mongo and I’d cleaned it. I began heating
a little oil in the sauté pan for the
asparagus and started reheating the
Wench and I put a considerable sauce. I threw the fish in the pan and
number of miles on our “clown car” things begin moving along nicely.
during the CFDA shooting season After searing the fish I put it on a
and Wench puts about 1,000 miles plate to rest while I quickly sauté the
per week on it while traveling in her asparagus. Some chopped scallions
territory. Many evenings she doesn’t and a few almond slivers go in with
get home until 8 or 9pm. I usually the asparagus.
try to have a nice meal and a glass
of wine ready for her when she gets The fish is rested, asparagus is done
home instead of frozen pizza or a and sauce is warm – time to eat. We
TV dinner, although there’s nothing plate up and pour another glass of
wrong with that.
wine – all set.
The Secret
One evening Wench called me from
Durango which is about an hour
away to let me know she is on the
way. I planned to have pan seared
salmon with Cajun sauce and fresh
asparagus sautéed in olive oil and
fresh lemon juice. Should be easy.
I set the Salmon out to come up to
room temperature and fix the cream
sauce which I’ll reheat.
Cajun Sauce
2 cups heavy
(whipping) cream or
1-15oz jar of Alfredo
1 Tbls (or to taste)
Cajun seasoning
2 or 3 Tbls (or to
taste) Frank Sauce
Reduce cream by ½
or so
Add seasoning &
frank sauce
Simmer for a few
If using Alfredo then
no need to reduce the
Holy Moly!! – This tastes worse than
the cheap gas I used to siphon from
Dad’s car when I couldn’t afford
to buy gas! But the sauce is good!
I had practiced that afternoon. After
practicing I cleaned the cases in the
sink instead of wiping them off and
putting them in the dishwasher as
usual. I liberally sprayed the scrub
brush at the sink with WD 40 to
get the cases nice and clean. After
cleaning the cases I took a break and
sat down and had a beverage or two
while waiting to hear from Wench.
I forgot to clean the brush before
cleaning the pans for dinner. I kinda
thought the water beaded real well
when I rinsed the pans out. That
explains the really shinny skillet,
beaded water, odd odor, and the fact
that I had no trouble getting the fish
out of the skillet after searing it over
high heat. It also explains why the
fish and asparagus tasted worse than
cheap gasoline. Yep – that secret
Advertise in The Gunslingers Gazette!
One Issue Ad Pricing
Full 2/3 1/2 1/3 1/4 Column Inch
Inside L/F Cover $350 $240 $190 $130 $110 N/A
Inside R/F Cover $350 $240 $190 $130 $110 $8.50
Inside Back Cover$325 $230 $180 $120 $100 $7.75
Back Cover $400 $260 $220 $150 N/A N/A
All Other Pages $275 $200 $160 $160 $85 $6.50
Business Cards $35
3 Issue Contract Deduct 10% / 6 Issue Contract Deduct 20% (From Above Prices)
To view our full pricing and sizing guidelines,
If you are interested in advertising in the Gunslingers Gazette,
please contact Hannah Calder at:
Page 8
August/September 2010
(Nationals cont. from pg 1)
place to eat and me, I sat back and had Shootout in the record books and the
for Birdcage Theatre. We hosted a cold drink and a little shot of sippin’ Magnificent 7 established it was time
this unique talent show last year and liquor (just one).
to call it a day cause we needed to
folks were chomping at the bit to do There were 61 shooters in the get ready for the banquet. A special
it again. The evening started out with Second Chance Shootout which was thanks to the girls who helped get the
a debt pay-off that was owed from the a 15 ft. 2 X, 2 out of 3 match. That community hall ready for the banquet
Idaho Shootists Charity match in May. thing goes quick and it finished up just and to Holly Call of Diamond Lil’s
13 year old Texas had made a wager about the time we
for another great
of hair for the “Locks of Love” with were down to the
dinner. Ruger has
the notorious Curley Calhoun. Well Magnificent 7 men
always sponsored
Texas lost although those of us who and women. Once
the US National
witnessed the challenge match twixed we
Cowboy Fast Draw
the two saw a nervous Curley win the Magnificent 7
with a real careful shot as Texas was the top 5 in each
and this year
only one shot away from winning his category was also
was no different.
hair. This set the stage for the first skit established. The
Ruger sponsored
resulting in Texas’ hair being taken. new Magnificent 7
4 Stainless New
There were a few more skits featuring format allows for
Cactus and Honey Bear, we had sing more competitors
.45 Colt for the
alongs, cowboy poetry, a little blues to qualify for the
match, 2 of which
pickin and the big finale featuring the category
2010 National Champions
Idaho City Rengades in a comedic offs because the
to the Overall
Alotta Lead and Omaha Outlaw
cowboy shootout.
Magnificent 7 do
Friday morning Idaho City not shoot in the category shoot offs. gave the other two away from a random
was a bustle with folks arriving in town Many of those competitors who made draw of the registered shooters. Idaho
for the Gunfighter Rendezvous and the shoot off who wouldn’t have under Belle and C.A. Thibodeaux Esq. won
the Gold Dust Rodeo. Vendors were the old format have expressed their the Rugers and wouldn’t you know it,
setting up on Main Street ranging from approval. This format will also be used they is sweet on
gunsmiths to candle makers, to knife at Beretta’s Fastest Gun Alive Cowboy one another too.
makers, clothiers, and artisans. Idaho Fast Draw World Championship Colt Firearms
City Frontier Days was in full swing. in Fallon, Nevada September 30 – also sponsored a
Some one hundred October 3, 2010.
.45 Colt. We sold
twelve shooters The
within raffle tickets for
converged onto the Second Chance Shootout was a brand new Colt
Idaho City for unbelievable. These boys and girls Firearms .45 that
the Gunfighter were grippin and rippin it I tell ya. was donated by
Rendezvous. 78 B K Gunner was certainly the guy to Happy
men, 28 ladies, beat as he was deadly accurate and C h i l d r e n ’ s
and 6 younguns if’n you didn’t know it, he’s fast, he’s F o u n d a t i o n .
were ready to get real fast. Curley Calhoun was slinging B e t w e e n
the match started. that 7 ½ inch Cimarron in the lower the raffle and
As always, the 4’s so was Thirsty. Heck, the girls was some other items we were able to
Idaho Shootists just as deadly. Semi-Sweet was fast raise $2,018.00 for HTCF Cooper
Spirit of the Game
Mississippi Marshal got things kicked and accurate just edging out Calamity Home in Apple Valley, California.
off right on and Legally Loaded.
Congratulations to “She Who Must be
schedule. The match ammo featured With the Second Chance Obeyed” on winning the Colt raffle.
a Wolfbrand large pistol primer, 3.5
gr. by weight
Triple 7 ffg
black powder
topped by a
good and hot,
the weather was
Spirit of the Game
excellent and the
Muddy Draws
competition was
as fierce as ever. By 4:00pm we were
finishing up round 6 and we decided
to take the rest of the day off. The
best way to finish a day early is for
all the competitors to be in the right
place at the right time and folks were
doing an excellent job of being where
they should when they should so we
took off early. This gave the shooters
a chance to do some shopping with the
vendors, some eased on down to the
rodeo grounds, some found a goods
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Bob James aka Arizona
Thumber also sponsored a few
Cimarron .45s with Bob James action
jobs already in place. They too were
also given away by random draw
with Quick Cal winning one and
Catfish Slim the other. This is where
the evening turned serious. One of
our family, Oregon Cowboy, had to
have emergency surgery a few weeks
prior and Legally Loaded along with
the Treasure Valley Gunslingers had
decided to hold a fundraiser at the
Crazy Woman Range in Caldwell to
help offset some of the costs. That’s
where that donated Colt came into
play. The Idaho Shootists decided to
auction the Colt to the highest bidder
and would donate half of the money
to Oregon Cowboy. The bidding was
fast and ole Cactus put on a show to
get the bid to $1,200.00. Thank you
Hazen Vigilante for your huge heart
and of course the big check. The Idaho
Shootists donated $600.00 as promised
at the fundraiser match. Also Quick Cal
put his gun up for auction for the same
cause. I believe the gun
went for about $450.00
bringing the total raised
that night to $1,050.00
all going to Oregon
Cowboy and as Quick
Cal said with a tear
in his eye and a lump
in his throat- “this is
about family”. Thanks
Skinner. We had to call
it a night cause we had
finals tomorrow.
S u n d a y
morning, Shooters were filing in for
what was to be a day of crowning
Champions. Folks were there early so
we started early. Category finals were
(Continued on page 9)
Gunslinger’s Gazette
August/September 2010
Page 9
being shot on both ranges and it went Cool Hand Suz sewed up 6th overall. the first round and Quick Cal moved Omaha Outlaw knew it. He watched
pretty fast. The Younguns always steal Stormie Weather took lane one but over to await another competitor. as Buzzard Cooper turned a .395, .393
the show when they get to compete in never found the target and Misty Few Buzzard Cooper is rumored to be one and a .435 to hand Cowboy Up 3rd
front of the crowd and this year was no laid down a .601, .608, and a .631 to of the most consistent competitors on place.
different. The Billy the Kid category get the win sending Stormie Weather the circuit and today that would be Down to the last bout and
featured 3 young men who are no to the loser bracket. Magnolia lost the put to the test. The first shots between Buzzard Cooper came out gunfighting.
stranger to one another and it is truly target and nine shots later Miss B Haven Buzzard Cooper and Short Keg were a He cranked a .403 and a.405 while
a treat to watch them boys work out. handed Magnolia Blu the loss and 5th .418 and .437 with Buzzard winning Omaha Outlaw missed twice but he
Spud, Cactus Kid and Speedy Bullfrog place overall. Alotta Lead definitely the first shot. He would lose the target was not to be denied as he settled in
are going to be force to
after that and Short Keg easily took with .397 while Buzzard turned in
be reckoned with when
the bout with a .395, .396 and a .422. another.405. Omaha Outlaw matched
they get a little age on
Master Gunfighter stepped up to face the .405 on the next shot and Buzzard
em. The same goes
Short Keg as Buzzard Cooper and missed. – 2-2 Omaha Outlaw won his
Quick Cal squared off for 7th place. Both first US National Championship with
for the Annie Oakley
girls. Annie B. Goode,
Quick Cal and Short Keg jumped out a .393 as Buzzard missed again and
Texas and Lil Miss
with winning shots but kinda lost the was handed 2nd place overall. What a
target after that as Master Gunfighter finale. The ladies and men put on as
Sweetwater are best of
friends but when they
would get the win over Short Keg and fine a show as there is in Cowboy Fast
are on the line – it’s all
Buzzard Cooper cranking out 3 low Draw.
4’s to beat Quick Cal and handing him We finished right on schedule and
As we finished
the 7th place overall position.
immediately started handing out the
the category finals the
Bounty Hunter stepped up to awards. As in the past few years, all
Magnificent 7 Men
plate with a game plan and cranked category National Champions were
chairs started moving
in closer and closer as folks were came to play as she bested all of Misty off 3 low 5’s in a row to give Master awarded a medium sized bronze eagle
here to see a gunfight. First up were Few’s hits and was working her way Gunfighter a loss while Buzzard for their respective category. The
the Magnificent 7 Ladies Division into the low 5’s. Miss B Haven and Copper and Short Keg
that featured past World Champions, Stormie Weather put on a show in the played hit and miss in
National Champions, Top Guns, 4s with Stormie Weather besting Miss the low 4’s but Buzzard
Cooper won the battle
Territorial Champions and State B Haven who took 4th place overall.
Champions. The current CFDA Now Alotta lead was in the with .520 to stay
Ladies World Champion, Alotta Lead cat bird seat waiting to see who she alive relegating Short
of Nevada was seeded 1st with Stormie would face in the finals. Misty Few Keg to the 6th overall
Weather also of Nevada 2nd, Misty started the contest between herself and placing. Cowboy Up,
Few from Idaho 3rd, Miss B Haven of Stormie Weather out with 2 mid 5’s a new shooter from
Idaho 4th, Cool Hand Suz of Idaho 5th, and Stormie missed both but Stormie over in California
Dakota Star of Idaho 6th and Magnolia slowed a little and took the win with a sure impressed folks
Overall Billy the Kid and Annie Oakley
Blu also form Idaho 7th. This was ,514, .500, and a .506. Misty Few took this weekend with his
surely going to be a gunfight. All of 3 Overall. As Alotta lead and Stormie solid performance in the main match Overall winners were awarded a large
the ladies have met one another on Weather approached the line these two but we were in the finals now . Him bronze eagle, a custom gun rig from
many occasions so the strategies were were putting it all on the line. Alotta and Bounty Hunter went to work Ted Blocker Holsters, a Ruger New
set. First up was Magnolia Blu and Lead came out quick with .503 and swapping mid to low 4’s with Cowboy Vaquero, championship buckles, a
Dakota Star. Dakota came out quick Stormie missed. Stormie Weather had Up winning the bout with .487 over a pocket full of cash and entry into the
with a .598 and Magnolia Blu missed, one more mid 4 in her but it was too .517. Master Gunfighter and Buzzard 2011 Gunfighter Rendezvous. While
Magnolia slowed down a little to get little too late as Alotta Lead won the Cooper battled over some ‘4 but ole 2nd through 15th place for the men
back on target and quickly went up next shot giving Stormie Weather 2nd Buzzard Cooper laid in a .418, .408 in the main match received plaques
2-1 but Dakota came back to even the place overall and the
and cash as well as did the ladies 2nd
score Magnolia hit with a .697 to get crowd went bazooky
through 10th place.
the win and send Dakota to the losoers c o n g r a t u l a t i n g
This next year (2011)
bracket. Next up was Cool hand Suz. Alotta Lead on her
the US National Cowboy Fast
She made short work of Magnolia Blu 2nd consecutive U S
Draw Championship (Gunfighter
with three mid 5’s for the win. Miss B National Championship
Rendezvous) will be contested in
Haven and Cool Hand Suz squared off title.
Pendleton, Oregon over Labor Day
in the winners bracket while Magnolia The
Weekend and will be contested indoors
Blu and Dakota Star headlined the Magnificent 7 stepped
at the Pendleton Convention Center.
loser bracket. Miss B Haven quickly up on the podium as
Watch for more information soon on
won the round over Cool Hand and they were announced
the match as we will be scheduling
Magnolia Blu hit three in a row to get by seed. Omaha Outlaw
Cowboy Fast Draw classes, Range
the win over Dakota Star who placed of California was
Officer classes, setting up opportunities
Magnificent 7 Women
7th overall. Up seeded 1st, Cowboy
for vending and so on. On behalf of
stepped Misty Up also of California was seeded 2nd. and .408 to hand Master Gunfighter the folks in Idaho City, we truly thank
Few and hit Idaho’s Bounty Hunter seeded 3rd, 5th place overall.
each of you who support our little town
3 upper 5’s and the current CFDA Men’s World This brought the 1st seed into with your making it a destination in
to send Miss Champion, Master Gunfighter of the game and Omaha Outlaw was here your shooting schedule. We will still
B Haven to California seeded 4th. Seeded 5th from to make a statement. He cranked out 3 host the Idaho State Championship in
losers Idaho – Buzzard Cooper, CFDA’s own high 3’s and Cowboy Up was trying Idaho City and in 2011 it will be held
bracket while Quick Cal of Nevada qualified 6th and to find the target. Buzzard Cooper the last full weekend in June along
Magnolia Blu Short Keg from Nevada filled the 7th did the same only in the low 4’s to with Idaho City Frontier days and the
did the same slot.
eliminate Bounty Hunter and handing Gold Dust Rodeo. – God bless
Cool Quick Cal and Short keg set the him 4th place overall.
Hand Suz with tone as 3’s were the norm with these That cat bird seat is a great
Top Couple
4 straight hits two. Quick Cal kinda got in front of the place to be because whom ever
Quick Cal & Alotta Lead
and the win. light to score a PV giving Short Keg comes back has to beat ya twice and
(See Results on Page 10)
Page 10
August/September 2010
Gunslinger’s Gazette
2010 Gunfighter Rendezvous
CFDA U.S. National Cowboy Fast Draw Championship Results
Top 15 Men
Top 15 Ladies
1. Omaha Outlaw –Champion -CA 1. Alotta Lead – Champion- NV
2. Buzzard Cooper – ID
2. Stormie Weather – NV
3. Cowboy Up – CA
3. Misty Few – ID
4. Bounty Hunter – ID
4. Miss B Haven – ID
5. Master Gunfighter – CA
5. Magnolia Blu – ID
6. Short Keg – NV
6. Cool Hand Suz – ID
7. Quick Cal – NV
7. Dakota Star – ID
8. Boothill Bryce – SD
8. Wench – CO
Men’s Traditional Category
9. Oregon Drifter – OR
9. Sparrow Hawk – ID
Bryce- Champion- SD
10. Arizona Thumber – AZ
10. Mustang Annie – ID
3. Dangerous Dave- ID
11. Jimmie “O”- CA
11. Boulder’s Babe - SD
4. Flatfoot- CA 5. Drill M Quick- ID
12. Dangerous Dave – ID
12. Little Lady – ID
13. The Draw – AZ 13. Semi-Sweet – CA
14. Deerslayer – WI
14. Calamity – ID
15. Arizona Ranger – AZ
15. Connecticut Cat – WI
Billie the Kid/Annie Oakley Division Overall
1. Cactus Kid – Champion - ID
4. Speedy Bullfrog- ID
2. Spud – ID
5. Lil Miss Sweetwater- ID
3. Annie B Goode – ID
6. Texas- ID
Ladies Traditional Category
1. Connecticut Cat- Champion- WI
2. Semi-Sweet- CA 3. Fannie Mae- ID
4. Calamity- ID 5. Miss Christy- SD
Men’s Second Chance Shootout Ladies Second Chance Shootout
Ladies Senior Category
1. Marshal B K Gunner- WI
1. Semi- Sweet- CA
1. Legally Loaded- Champion- ID
2. Curley Calhoun- ID
2. Calamity- ID
2. Wench- CO 3. Pistol Patty- WI
3. Thirsty- AZ
3. Legally Loaded- ID
4. Mustang Annie- ID 5. Outlaw Mama- ID
~ For Complete Results go to ~
Men’s 49er Category
1. Straight Shot- Champion- ID
2. Nevada Slim- ID 3. Arizona Ranger- AZ
4. Mongo- CO 5. Hyde Hunter- CA
Ladies 49er Category
1. Sparrow Hawk- Champion- ID
2. Idaho Belle- ID 3. Boulder’s Babe- SD
4. Little Lady- ID 5. Mighty Munchkin- CA
Men’s Super Senior Category
1. Arizona Thumber- Champion- AZ
2. Jimmie “O”- CA 3. Old West- OR
4. The Draw- AZ 5. Cisco Kid- AZ
Men’s Old Timer Category
1. Bad Eye Lefty- Champion- OR
2. Oregon Drifter- OR 3. Peacemaker- NV
4. Red Lead Slinger- ID 5. PG Taylor- ID
Junior Girl Category
1. SweetpeaChampion- ID
Junior Boy Category
1. CockeyeChampion- NV
2. Oregon Ranger- OR
Men’s Senior Category
1. Gentleman Jim- Champion- OR
2. Hazen Vigilante- NV 3. California
Thumber- CA 4. Venom- AZ
5. Utah Slim- UT
Ladies Shootist Category
1. Lucky LeatherChampion- ID
Ladies Super Senior
1. She Who Must
Be ObeyedChampion
Men’s Shootist Category
1. Yellowhand- Champion- ID 2. Rossow- ID
3. Buckshot Luther- ID 4. Curley Calhoun- ID
5. The Rev. Marshall O’Sites- ID
Annie Oakley Category
1. Annie B Goode- Champion- ID
2. Texas- ID
#. Lil Miss SweetWater
Billy the Kid Category
1. Spud- Champion- ID
2. Speedy Bullfrog- ID
3. Cactus Kid- ID