2015 Fastest Gun Alive! - Cowboy Fast Draw Association


2015 Fastest Gun Alive! - Cowboy Fast Draw Association
cowboy fast draw associations
Official Journal of the
Cowboy Fast Draw Association
~ Honoring the Romance and Legend of the Old West ~
2015 Fastest Gun Alive!
Page 2
Fall 2015
The Choice of Champions
HigHly RegaRded as THe MosT dependable six-gun in THe WoRld
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Fall 2015
Cowboy Fast Draw Association, LLC
Erika Frisk ,“Hannah Calder” #L46
Contributing Editors
Alotta Lead #L37
Mongo #L57
Solicitor Generals
Uncle Willy #2129
Grasshopper #2130
Copy Editor
Erika Frisk, “Hannah Calder”
Life #46
Memberships/Product Orders:
Alotta Lead #L37
www.cowboyfastdraw. com
Regulator Posse Administrator
Mongo #L57
CFDA Shoot For the Stars Scholarship Fund
Windmill Kid & Miss Betty
or 432-202-9558
hannahcalder@cowboyfastdraw. com
Please send Letters to the Editor to:
Tis The Season!
ow, what a great year 2015 was. As the
shooting season winds down for the
year, CFDA headquarters is still in full swing
getting things ready for 2016. As you probably noticed, we have a new Website! Our web
designer spent countless hours creating a new
site and bringing all the info over from the old
site. And we had A LOT of information. As
you can imagine, sometimes things get lost is
the process, such as links. I have been going
through club website links to make sure they
work. Please take a look at your club information on the website, and if your website link
is not there or working. I have went through
all the club website addresses, and many websites are either discontinued, or it was a bad
link. Please email me any changes you may
need. Also, if you would like a pdf of your
club schedule added to your club informa-
tion, please feel free to send that to me as well.
During this winter I will be updating more of
the site, so please bear with me. But if you
happen to notice a link missing, please feel
free to let me know. As you can imagine we
have quite a few links, and its easy to miss one
here and there. I certainly appreciate it!
Thank you to everyone who helped
contribute to this issue. It is chalk full of shoot
articles, and I was full on space well before the
deadline. If you did not see a shoot article in
this issue you were hoping to see, please do
not fret. There were a few articles I had to
push to the next issue due to spacing and I do
print articles on a first come first serve basis.
So if you have an article you would like to submit for the Spring Issue, please let me know
in January so I can reserve room. I usually
have quite a bit of room in that issue, since the
shooting season is just gearing up.
I hope everyone has a wonderful
Holiday Season. See you in 2016!
Best Wishes!
Hannah Calder
Be sure to “LIKE” us on Facebook!
Follow us on Twitter!
Please send all articles and advertising to:
Copyright 2015 by Cowboy Fast Draw Association,
LLC. All rights reserved under international and
Pan American Copyright Conventions. Reproduciton in whole or in part without written permission
of the publisher is strictly prohibited.
(All lower case, no spaces)
Please submit all articles and
pictures to:
Inside CFDA ...............................................4
Membership News .....................................5
Regulator Report........................................6
Shoot for the Stars Recipients...................6
Fastest Gun Alive........................................7
Cowboy Poetry: Texas Joe........................13
Co State & Four Corners.........................14
Wisconsin State.......................................18
Kentucky State..........................................20
Boss T: FGA..............................................21
Nevada State.............................................24
A Turkey Hun Like No Other................24
The Deputies Target Breast Cancer........25
New Member List.....................................26
CFDA General Store................................27
Shooting Schedule....................................28
Affiliated Clubs.........................................29
Membership Information........................30
Current Global Passwords:
February 1st
Printed in the U.S.A.
PO Box 5 - Fernley, NV 89408
Office Hours:
Monday - Thursday 8:30am-4:30pm (pst)
www.cowboyfastdraw. com
e-mail: info@cowboyfastdraw. com
Readers: Be advised that there may be products
represented in this magazine as to which the sale,
possession, or interstate transporation thereof may
be restricted, prohibited, or subject to licensing
Nothing herein is intended to
constitute a manual for the use of any product or the
carrying out of any procedure or process. The CFDA,
its publications, officers, authors, consultants and
employees accept no responsiblity for any liability,
injuries, or damages arising out of any person’s attempt
to rely upon information contained herein.
Deadline to submit articles
for next Gazette is:
Cal Eilrich “Quick Cal” #L9
Marketing and Sales
Erika Frisk, “Hannah Calder” #L46
Page 3
Advertise in The Gunslinger’s Gazette! Articles Wanted!
One Issue Ad Pricing
Full 2/3 1/2 1/3 1/4 Column Inch
Inside L/F Cover $350 $240 $190 $130 $110 N/A
Inside R/F Cover $350 $240 $190 $130 $110 $8.50
Inside Back Cover $325 $230 $180 $120 $100 $7.75
Back Cover $240 All Other Pages $275 $200 $160 $160 $85 $6.50
Business Cards $35
3 Issue Contract Deduct 10% / 5 Issue Contract Deduct 20% - (From Above Prices)
To view our full pricing and sizing guidelines,
visit www.cowboyfastdraw.com
We are always looking for articles
to be submitted in regards to clubs,
contests, historical, aliases, or
anything else that pertains to our
If You Are Interested,
Please Contact:
Hannah Calder at
Page 4
Fall 2015
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Inside The CFDA
By: Quick Cal, Executive Director
appy Holidays To Our Members & Friends!
Happy Thanksgiving! We take pause
to spend a special day with our families and those
dear to our hearts, whether they are there to spend
the day with us or in our spirits. A time to reflect
upon and count our blessings for all that we have to
be thankful for. With all that goes on in the world
around us, we are so fortunate to live in the Land of
the Free! It’s a day for sharing our love and support
for those who may not be as fortunate. I believe
these things are what the first Thanksgiving was
truly all about. Freedom isn’t free, many fought and
died for what we have, we can never forget that.
Merry Christmas! The celebration of
the birth of our savior Jesus Christ. It is a time to
reflect on the meaning of his teachings. A humble
day of giving and thinking of those not only close
to us, but for all mankind. It’s a time for hope and
prayer for not only our own futures, but that of
generations to follow. Our goal should always be
to do our part to leave the world a better place than
how we found it.
Happy New Year! January 1st each
year is a fresh start we are granted once a year.
It’s a time to think ahead to the coming year and
beyond, by assessing experiences from past goals
and policies, then re-affirming what is working,
making adjustments on what is not, and establishing
new goals. Only then can we move forward into the
New Year with a sense of renewed purpose.
What a great year for Cowboy Fast Draw!
While we held our own in the number of CFDA
Titled Championships, we did set a record for the
average number of contestants attending our events.
That’s a good sign, since only a few years ago, we
were worried that there weren’t enough members
in CFDA to support the number of events we had.
Hosts have also learned that our shooters now have
a choice to pick and choose contests they attend and
as a result the general quality of our events have
Our CFDA Membership
We are so proud of our membership, the
positive comments we receive on a daily basis at
CFDA Headquarters never ceases to inspire and
amaze us. Many of our members have told us that
being a member of the CFDA Family has had a life
altering affect on them, our sport has given many
folks a renewed meaning to their lives and the spirit
to live life to its fullest.
Many of our members over the years have
also had life issues to deal with, or for some reason
or another lost interest in our sport. Of course,
Cowboy Fast Draw obviously is not for everyone,
no activity is. But, I do also believe that many of our
past members never really got exposed to what we
are truly all about. Our Motto: “Safety First, Fun
Second, and Competition Third” says much about
who we are, but it is our members that are attracted
to and stay committed to the principles and goals,
including the Cowboy Way that truly defines CFDA.
As a result, as the Executive Director, I listen to our
members in more ways than most people realize. I
listen to both positive and negative, and try to learn
what is on the minds of our members.
Membership Number Facts Can we
do a better job prospecting new members, really
showing them what we stand for, and then working
to retain those members? You bet we can! Here
are the some hard facts... While we currently are
processing new membership numbers in the 4300
range, our actual membership is a little less than
half of that amount, right around 2,000. This
means that folks who were interested enough to
join CFDA at one time found reason not to renew
their membership. Of course, some of our members
have passed away or had life changing experiences.
Some call us years after they have expired and want
to get involved again, we welcome them back with
open arms and renew their membership without
penalty, because we’re just so glad to have them
Do We Want to Grow? You might be
surprised to learn that some of our members feel our
sport is big enough and don’t want to see it grow.
Some feel that the more competitors we have at
contests, the harder it is to win. While that may be
true, I think that attitude puts “competition” ahead
of “fun”, which is the wrong priority. If we as an
organization were to adopt such an attitude, then
we should change the acronym our name from
CFDA to NFL (which would in this case stand for,
Not For Long). The more competitors we have, the
more folks we have to share the fun with. The more
members, the more the opportunity to educate as
many people as possible about the safe and proper
use of firearms. The more members, the more clubs.
The more clubs, the more contests, with bigger and
better titled championships. All of this provides
more competitive opportunities for everyone!
How Many Members Do We Need? As
many as we can get, in my opinion, there is no such
thing as too much Cowboy Fast Draw. But, the real
number that can sustain CFDA independently from
a business standpoint is a base of 5,000 dues paying
members. We are only 40% there and its my job to
get us the rest of the way and beyond, it will only be
then when CFDA can stand on its own two feet and
becomes sustainable. We need all of the help we can
2015 Marshal’s Muster
We did have a very positive and
informative meeting this year at FGA, we always
do. This Round Table discussion with the leaders of
our sport from across the nation, forms the basis for
many decisions made by CFDA Management.
I would like to especially thank Cool
Hand Suz & Wench for keeping track and preparing
notes and initial minutes, from which I prepare
first Draft Minutes, which contain comments and
decisions. I then send them out in emails to U.S.
Marshals for a one week comment period, before
issuing Official Final Minutes. Our membership
can find these minutes posted on the CFDA Website.
9th Edition Gunslinger’s Guidelines...
Due to expense and current inventory, we will be
issuing the 9th Edition Gunslinger Guidelines next
year at this time. So enclosed in this issue of the
Gunslinger’s Gazette there is an updated Addendum,
which actually combines the 2013, 2014, and 2015
Addendum in one easy to use insert that you can
place in your current 8th Edition Guidelines. You
can also print out the 8th Edition Gunslinger’s
Guidelines directly from our website.
Serenity Prayer “God grant me the
serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
Courage to change things which should be
changed, And the wisdom to distinguish the one
from the other.”
in loss of shot for the first violation. It must be
clearly obvious to the judge that the barrel is in
front of the holster pouch.
twist, or dump draw, will result in loss of round.
In 2006, CFDA changed hands, we put
a lot of effort into re-writing and redefining various
rules to reflect what we had learned so far. Our goal
was to clean them up, do away with redundancies
without changing the original intent of the sport.
The 2nd Edition was issued in late 2006 and the
general consensus was that we did a pretty good
job. We did remove #8 (above) at that time, as we
felt the target and distance would “self regulate”
these items. We also updated the Guidelines with a
3rd and 4th and 5th Edition in 2007, 08, 09, and 10
6th Edition Gunslinger’s Guidelines (circa 2010)
ALLOWED. It must be clearly obvious to the
Line Judge that the front end of the barrel is in
front of the holster pouch.
Note: Since this was a Procedural Violation it
resulted in an immediate Loss of Shot.
The Change
In 2011, I had many good reasons to
remove an original CFDA rule. The two primary
reasons were: Test #2 - Necessity. I believed for the
same reasons stated from years before that due to the
target sizes and distances, that firing with a muzzle
behind a holster would provide a “self-regulating”
affect. And also, Test #4. Enforceability, because
we had not been using Line Judges for several years,
that judging whether a shooter had fired with the
muzzle in front of the holster would be a very tough
call for a Hand Judge or Range Master to make.
In an honest attempt to rid our sport
of unnecessary rules and regulations, I made this
decision and announced it to our U.S. Marshals
along with the reasoning for it.
In the first two seasons following this
decision, my first concern was that I noticed an
increase in shooters that had shot the front cut of
their holsters, which did bring up safety concerns.
After all, this issue was originally classified under
the 2004 Safety Rules.
In the past two seasons, my concerns
have grown with the fact that shooters, including
some youth and newer shooters are working very
hard to practice the “Dump Draw”. Dump Draws
are made possible by being able to pull the six-gun
straight back, while pushing the grips down, and
discharging the gun with the front of the muzzle
behind the front of the holster pouch. Some are
even firing the gun with the front of the muzzle
behind the back of the holster pouch. This very
type of draw is in direct conflict with the original
principles that CFDA was founded upon.
I have come to the conclusion that it is
time that I admit I made this mistake and correct this
mistake as soon as possible. I must do this to protect
#3 - Spirit and Integrity of the Game of Cowboy
Fast Draw. It is simply the wrong direction to
take CFDA and we must change back to the right
course immediately before the next shooting season
I acknowledge and sincerely apologize
to those who have practiced and mastered this
technique, because as a long-time competitor
myself, I know what dedicated training and finding
results means. But, I must focus my attention on
what is good for our sport as a whole.
Starting January 1st, 2016, this rule will
go back into effect. It is being placed back into our
rules as a Technical Rule, rather than a Procedural
Rule, which means that there will be one warning
before penalties can be assessed. Once a warning
is issued, the Range Master will be required to post
a Line Judge, if one is already not posted, which
would be the primary judging position that would
have the best vantage point to be able to make this
call. And, as this rule has always said, it must be
clearly obvious to a Line Judge that the end of the
barrel is in fact in front of the holster pouch, the
exact point is clearly defined as follows...
ALLOWED. It must be clearly obvious to the Line
Judge that the front end of the barrel is in front of the
outside of the front holster pouch cut.
See you at a contest next year!
Hite’m Fast,
Quick Cal
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Fall 2015
By: Alotta Lead, CFDA Membership Director
hat a great year the Cowboy Fast
Draw Association had in 2015. A lot
of new members came on board joining the
fastest growing gun sport in the country,
and being part of the best “family” on
the planet. CFDA folks are like no other.
The 2015 Fastest Gun Alive showcased
the camaraderie that is so abundant in our
sport. It’s so common as with all matches
across the country, it’s one big ol’ family
reunion each time we see each other. The
FGA World Championship was a blast
this year, but for 2016, we are already
working hard to put in place a bigger and
better Championship. It was so much fun
this year, our family was sad to see it come
and go by so fast. We’re going to work
getting quality vendors attending, offering
more what the shooters want and need,
as well as the spectators that come to see
the competition. Having the Classic Car
Show was a lot of fun, and they let us know
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Events, as they’ll be asked to show them.
When planning your trophies and awards,
please use the CFDA logo, or the name
on your awards, it identifies that your club
is part of a nationally recognized sport CFDA.
Also please be sure to use your
Full Alias when entering a Titled CFDA
In closing, I want to say thanks to
everyone for another fantastic year in CFDA.
Throughout the year we receive quite a few
emails and notes from the wonderful folks
in our CFDA family. I can’t tell you what it
means to us, to receive such nice comments
and compliments sure makes our day! But
we received the following two letters from
two new members from California who
were competitors at the 2015 Fastest Gun
Alive World Championship in Fallon, NV
in early October. The letters are from
father and son, “Foghorn Leghorn” CFDA
# L 3886 and his great little guy “Chicken
Hawk” CFDA # L4147. I have re- typed
them, word for word, and wanted to share
them with everyone......Please read the
letters below- it’ll make you feel good!
Merry Christmas to one and all, and may
What if I like it?
We believe you’re
going to LOVE it!
See if you notice any of these...
Page 5
you all have a safe, happy and healthy New
Tell next time- See you all in
2016 and remember “Ride for the CFDA
Alotta Lead
Membership News and Announcements
they’ll be back again for 2016, bigger than
ever. A BIG THANKS to all that attended
and hope to see everyone and more back
in 2016
Looking back on 2015, Quick
Cal, Dead Eye Kid, Sheriff Rango and I
were so blessed to be able to travel to some
fantastic CFDA Championships around the
country, places we had never been before.
What a treat! There’s so many areas we’d
like to hit in 2016, we’re working on our
travel agenda and plan on attending areas
we’ve never been to or haven’t been back
to for many years. It’s going to be a lot of
The CFDA New Membership list
grows longer and longer, as you can see in
every issue of the Gunslinger’s Gazette
which is very exciting. We have to try to
keep the sport fun and exciting for members
so they want to continue to be part of all the
excitement that CFDA clubs have to offer.
Supporting the sport of COWBOY FAST
DRAW, the 2nd Amendment, and keeping
the Spirit of the Old West alive and well, it
all goes hand in hand. Also a reminder to
heads of clubs, make sure all the members
in your club renew on time and keep their
CFDA I.D. Card handy at all Titled CFDA
“ Quick Cal and Crew,
Can’t say enough how much my
family & I appreciate all the hard work
and dedication it takes to put on a
Championship shoot. From the minute
we showed up we were taken in like family.
A special Thank you to your Grandson,
Sheriff Rango for taking my son under his
wing and treating him like he had known
him for years. Your entire family are
great role models in every fashion, show
class, integrity and wholesome family
values. It’s a rare thing to be around over
200 diverse people and not a bad one in
the bunch, let alone a competition where
everyone enjoys helping each other out.
It’s great to see Grandparents all the way
to Grandchildren enjoying the same sport
Look forward to seeing everyone again
God Bless,
Foghorn Leghorn & Chicken Hawk
***From Chicken Hawk (age 8)
“Thank you everybody for all the help at
my first competition. I had lots of fun and
made some new great friends. Can not
wait to see everyone again!
Thank You
Chicken Hawk
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Page 6
Fall 2015
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Regulator Report
owdy all y’all.
The Regulator Posse held our
annual meeting during the FGA World
Championships in Fallon Nevada. Several
things were discussed. I’ll list them here.
I have retired as the Regulator
Posse Sheriff. I took the position and
the title to help get the Posse up and
running when it was formed. I believe
that task has been accomplished.
Posse also voted that we don’t really
need a Sheriff. We will continue to
cover our territories. I will become the
Posse Administrator and continue to
maintain the Range Master training
program and the Range Master database.
The Range Master training
program officially began at the beginning
of the 2015 season. After its first year
the Regulator Posse has decided to tweak
it a little. We still believe that CFDA
members should learn the rules at the
club level from the club’s US Marshal
or the club’s appointed safety/training
officer. We also believe that all club
members should go through the club
level Range Officer class. The Regulator
in your territory will be glad to help.
A CFDA member that wants to be
a Range Master must have been a CFDA
member for six months before taking the
Range Master class.
There is still a twostep process to complete
the Rage Master Requirements.
Satisfactorily complete the Range
Master class and test.
Successfully perform the duties
of a Range Master at a CFDA
match while being observed by a
Range Master classes are
conducted by a Regulator or an authorized
RM Instructor known as the Trainer. When
you attend a RM class you will need to bring
a copy of the Range Master class materials
with you. These materials will stay with
you through the process. The test can be
taken before the class or during the class.
Regulator’s & Territories
Regulators at Large (not assigned to a territory)
Mongo & Wench - mongo.wench@hotmail.com
Curley Calhoun - quickcurley@aol.com
Mississippi Marshall- mississippimarshall@yahoo.com
1.Great Northwest TerritoryBounty Hunter & Legally Loaded
PG Taylor pgtaylor@pmt.org
2. WesternWild Shot
3. Four CornersThirsty
4. High Plains TerritoryBoulder Vaquero & Boulder’s Babe
Lucky Lady
5. Great PlainsDeacon & Angel Lady
6. SouthernWindmill Kid
Gentleman George & Texas Rose
7. Eastern USRingo
High Country Drifter
8. Great LakesBoothill Bryce & Miss Christy
The Range Master Trainer will go over the
material and the test with you in class. The
Trainer will then review your test and sign
off on it if it is completed satisfactorily.
When you are ready to run the
range at a CFDA match you will notify a
Regulator at the match that you are ready
and give your materials to the Regulator
known as the Examiner. The Examiner
will be a different Regulator than your
Trainer was. The Examiner will observe
you running the range long enough to
make a determination on whether or not
you are approved as a Range Master. This
process may take several match rounds
to complete. If you are approved the
Examiner will sign off on your paperwork.
It will be your responsibility to make
sure that your completed paperwork is
sent to the Regulator Administrator so
a RM card and pin can be sent to you.
If you are not approved by the
Examiner then the Examiner will go
over the issues with you in a constructive
manner and offer coaching and ideas on
how to improve. When you are ready to try
again, notify the Examiner and give it a go.
We believe that having two
different Regulators involved, the
Trainer and the Examiner, we can
provide better quality training and
assessment to a Range Master Candidate.
The Regulator Posse is looking for
a qualified CFDA member to be a Regulator
in the Great Lakes Territory. Boothill
Bryce is currently the Regulator in that
Territory. We would like to have a CFDA
member that lives that territory become the
Regulator for the territory. Please contact
Boothill Bryce or me if you are interested.
Our contact information is listed below.
We look forward to seeing all
y’all on the line soon. Safe travels to all.
CFDA Life #57
Regulator Posse Administrator
What a year!! Hard to believe it is almost over.
At the Fastest Gun Alive banquet and auction the shooters were very generous. Red
Ryder paid $2550.00 for a Mernickle Custom Holster and Bob Mernickle said he would
double the value. I hope we all get to see it. Quick Cal threw in a revolver with a Dead
eye Kid action job. A special thank you to Boss of Comanche Moon Renegade from
Odessa, TX. He donated a CFDA Rugger and sold squares. He drew the winner at the
banquet. Congratulations to Buffalo Bill for taking that beautiful gun home with him.
Total raised at the auction was $4,445.00 which included Boulder Vaquero’s custom
made leather baseball. Windmill Kid paid $1,000.00 for that beauty. Plus the $2,000.00
that Boss donated from the Ruger. Thank you all who donated the items and hung
around to bid on them. Thank you to Bob and Sherrie Mernickle, all tips they received
at the bar were graciously donated to Shoot for the Stars.
$ 7,873.35 previous balance
6,445.00 FGA 2015 (Auction and Gun Raffle)
1,400.00 Triple Crown (Powder Horn Ranch Regulators)
600.00 The Association of Arizona Gunslingers, INC.
405.00 Sparks Cowboy Fast Draw (Nebraska State and Territorial)
$16,723.55 Balance as of 11/3/2015
The club recognized for the Top Donor for 2015 was the San Juan Shootist from Pagosa
Springs Colorado which donated a total of $1554.00. In second place was the Powder
Horn Ranch Regulators from Mitchell South Dakota with a donation of $ 1400.00. In
third place with a donation of $1200.00, which was raised at a one day shoot was The
Sundowners from California. I will get your plaques and banners to you so you can
display them.
Application for the 2016-2017 school year will be available January 1, 2016. Email
your request to cfdashootforthestars@gmail.com.
Have a great Holiday Season and see you in 2016!
Windmill Kid and Miss Betty
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Fall 2015
2015 Fastest Gun Alive
World Championship of Cowboy Fast Draw
Page 7
By: CFDA Staff
allon, NV- The 2015 Fastest Gun
Alive, also known to CFDA members
as the “Super Bowl” of Cowboy Fast Draw.
It’s where the best of the best competitors
gather each year from across the country,
as well as other countries, to compete in
the annual World Championship for the
crown-jewel of titles, “The Fastest Gun
Alive”TM. This tournament is designed
to provide a number of competitive
opportunities. Starting with the U.S.
Marshal’s Cup, the Quick and the Dead,
several side matches, World Category
Championships, Main Match, Blast for
Cash - Bracket Matches, and of course
the Magnificent 7 World Championship
Shootoffs. There are also numerous
gun drawings, prize drawings, and best
costume contests. The ultimate goal is
to provide a non-stop fun atmosphere,
where Cowboy Fast Draw enthusiasts
have a chance to win at every level.
From the Friday Opening
Ceremonies, throughout all of our
daytime and evening events, and right
down to the Final Award Ceremony,
our CFDA Family is just excited to be
here and part of it all! There’s plenty of
smiling, laughing and just getting lost
in the spirit of our amazing sport. No
matter whether you’re 8 or 80 you have
something in common with everyone
FGA Is A Team Effort!
This year’s key administrative
staff included: Quick Cal, Match
Director; Mongo, Chief Range Master
& Assistant Match Director; Wild Shot,
Head Scorekeeper & Top Gun Points;
The Librarian, Ubet, and Nevada Belle,
starting at High Noon on Wednesday,
just for U.S. Marshals, Appointed
Deputies, and CFDA Regulators. There
is a special revolving trophy and in 2013
Boulder Vaquero won the inaugural
Marshal’s Cup, last year Beaver Creek
Kid won it, this year we are proud to
announce the Short Keg won it and will
proudly display and be the caretaker of
the revolving trophy!
Scorekeepers; Curley Calhoun, Prime
Time Announcer; Chisum, Quarter Master,
Ammo and Awards; Cody, RV Spots and
Security; Grasshopper & Uncle Willy,
Solicitor Generals; Dead Eye Kid, Event
Coordinator, Head Wrangler, Setup and
Tear Down Supervisor; Alotta Lead, Event
Coordinator, General Store, Decorations,
and Awards; Hannah Calder, Event
Coordinator, General Store, Paymaster; Bill
Lane, Photographer; Nitro Kid, Preacher;
Cool Hand Suz & Curley Calhoun, Best
Dressed Contest.
The FGA is a team effort that
extends way beyond the administrative
staff. CFDA members pitch into helping
run this event in so many ways. From our
volunteer set up crew, to those who pitch
in and help at registration, scorekeeping,
range masters, posse marshals, all of
the shooters who are members of the
posses that “show up and do their part” in
assisting their fellow competitors through
each round, to those who stay and help out
tear down and load up on Sunday.
Anyone who has been part of
putting on a large match knows that it takes
months of behind the scenes planning,
building, loading, and general work. This
effort by CFDA Management has already
begun for the 2016 FGA. We also would
like to specifically acknowledge Chisum
and Dead Eye Kid for their ongoing
physical effort to bring this all together
year after year. Also, special mention to
Stormie Weather for working over 20
hours on stitching the fabric for our new
We would also like to thank our
Nevada shooters who do so much behind
the scenes and also help run our Town Folk
Alley on the weekend and often don’t shoot
the Second Chance Match, just so that they
can help out.
We feel that when done correctly
that joining the fun of putting on a match,
should be as fun and rewarding as shooting
the match itself. And, it has to be fun for
everyone involved!
New Park Location Was a Hit!
Last year we had to move to the
park location at the last minute, due to the
rodeo arena being flooded. We liked the
park location so much that we planned
the event there this year. It was a big hit
for the shooters and we got many positive
comments from every one who came to
watch and participate in the FGA in other
ways. We were able to plan the layout
better this year and the new venue was
even better than last year. We will return
to this same place next year and will make
some more adjustments that will improve it
even more.
U.S. Marshal’s Cup
CFDA hosts the annual Marshal’s
Muster at the FGA. In 2013, we began a
tradition of hosting a special competition
Quick and the Dead
Our first official open shooting
event on Thursday is the Quick and
the Dead. It’s the closest thing that
you can ever experience to a real old
west gunfight. It’s a “luck of the draw
- shoot until hit - single elimination”
format competition. The rounds go
quickly and in the end, there is only
one winner. You’re
either quick or you are
dead! It raises money
for Shoot for the Stars
with 50% of all entries,
the other 50% goes to
the winner. This year
Oregon Ranger started
off a great week by
winning almost $300!
World Championship Category Shoot
Just under 200 shooters shot
the Category World Championships
on Thursday. With the use of multiple
ranges and the CFDA Scoring Program
it was all done in about 4 hours. A good
thing too, we got quite a rain storm just
as it was finishing! Having the shooting
ranges in close proximity to the huge
pavilion structure sure is nice! We
awarded over 120 Top 10 Category
FGA Main Match
The Opening Ceremonies on
Friday morning are always a special
time, you can just feel the electricity
in the air! We began with our National
Anthem, our Pledge and a Prayer. Then
Match Director, Quick Cal, welcomed
everyone, explained last minute details
and introduced match officials and posse
marshals. Mongo, Chief Range Master,
conducted the shooter’s safety meeting
and we were off to one of the five 6-lane
ranges. That’s right! 30 lanes (6 lanes
on 5 Ranges A through E). We fired the
Page 8
first shots at 9:30 a.m., the rounds moved
quickly, with 7 complete rounds with 232
main match shooters by 3:45 p.m.! We
set another FGA attendance record this
Then it was off for some dinner
and then to the Fallon Convention Center
for the Category & Side Match Awards
Ceremony. It was a fun evening where
we presented awards and took pictures of
the winners for the Gazette. Attendance
at this ceremony seemed better than last
year, apparently word got out that The
Stud was on “stand-in duty” again for the
photos! Great Fun was had by All!
FGA Saturday
The main match continued with
Round 8 on Saturday morning at 9:00
a.m.. We started with over 230 shooters
Friday morning, after Round 9 we only
had about 40% remaining. We then
condensed the Main Match to Ranges A &
B. Since, the FGA is committed to always
having non-stop fun, the Resurrection
Match began at 10 a.m. on Ranges C &
D, for all those who ended up with their
4th X through Round 8. The Town Folk
Alley started on Saturday on Range E. A
number of our local members pitch in to
help promote our sport to the public, plus
a number of visiting members came over
to join in the fun of a 6 Lane Town Folk
Alley as they received their 4th X in the
Main Match or 2nd X in the Resurrection
The Main Match rounds
continued hot and heavy, with the Top
20 Ladies now recognized with awards
shootoffs to break ties began after Round
9. The Men’s Division was expanded
this year to the Top 25, their placement
shootoffs began after Round 11. Check
the CFDA Website (Results) where all
Main Match score sheets are now posted
for the entire match.
2015 Shootist World Championship
At the FGA, the Shootists have
their Top 5 Championship Shootoff on
Fall 2015
Saturday right after
the Magnificent 7
Finals have been
We had 3
Lady Shootists this
year with Snickers
(CA) placing 3rd,
2nd Place - Wench
(CO), with June
Bug (TX) coming
from Youth Division
the 2015 Ladies
Men’s Shootist we had over 22 Men
competing in the main match for 5 shootoff
spots. Red Lead Slinger (ID) worked his
way from the 4th & 5th seed match all of
the way to the Top Seed and last year’s
champion Omaha Outlaw (CA). He
sent Omaha Outlaw to the 1-X Bracket,
where Omaha Outlaw won the next round
sending Possum (CO) to a very strong
3rd Place finish! Omaha Outlaw, who
was shooting his long-gun in the low 4’s,
returned to challenge Red Lead Slinger for
the championship. But Red Lead Slinger
was on the target hitting 3 in a row to win
his 1st Shootist World Championship!
Special Note: At 4:30 p.m. on Saturday
a 70 mph wind gust hit the fairgrounds,
with rain following. Most everyone was
already getting ready for the Saturday
Night event, but the cowboys who were
still on the range formed a posse and saved
several vendor tents. For the vendor tents
they couldn’t save, they gathered up all
of the vendor’s merchandise and placed it
under cover. Now that’s what it means to
Cowboy Up! Thank You!
Saturday Night CFDA Annual Awards
This year we were back again
at the Fallon Convention Center for our
annual awards ceremony, this is a great
facility and we have it booked through
2018. We presented the
2015 Top Hand Awards,
Deacon & Angel Lady
were presented the True
Grit Award.
The inscription reads:
presented each year to
the CFDA member(s)
who represent those
who no matter what
challenges life throws
their way, face them and
never lose faith
in the Cowboy
Way; and serve
as examples for
the rest of their
CFDA family to
Spirit of the
was presented to
Curley Calhoun.
better half Cool
Hand Suz, travel
offer a helping hand wherever they go.
Curley Calhoun is not only popular, but
has distinguished himself as the most
entertaining and colorful announcer in
Our highest Recognition Award
each year is called the Sundowner “CFDA
All the Way” Award. This prestigious
award recognizes members who go above
and beyond in promoting Cowboy Fast
Draw on a regional and national basis. Past
winners include: Sundowner (2008), for
whom the award was named in honor of,
Mongo & Wench (2009), Boulder Vaquero
& Boulder’s Babe (2010), Noah Chance
(2011), Mississippi Marshal (2012), Ringo
(2013), Windmill Kid & Miss Betty (2014),
this year another team couple won this
award Gentleman George & Texas Rose,
Congratulations to both of you!
We also held the annual CFDA
Shoot for the Stars Scholarship Fund
Auction. Thanks to professional auctioneer
Rodeo Romeo for taking the microphone!
We raised thousands of dollars again for
this charity that is so dear to our hearts! The
auction items of the night were Boulder
Vaquero’s handmade CFDA collector’s
baseball that fetched about $1,000! Then
Bob Mernickle stepped up and made a
generous offer. He put up a custom holster,
but here’s the catch... Talkalot Bob would
make the winner a holster worth TWICE
the value of whatever the winning bid was.
The bidding went on for a little while and
was approaching $1,000, then Quick Cal
sweetened the pot and provided a Stainless
Ruger Vaquero for the winner to put in
that holster! Red Ryder (CA) ended up
bidding $2,250, he will receive not only
the Ruger Vaquero, but a custom holster
worth $4,500! Red Ryder will receive this
holster at the 2016 FGA.
Sunday Morning...
Normally, this time of year is the
most beautiful time of the year in Northern
Nevada for weather, but this year rained all
night with a record setting rainfall for this
date in Fallon, NV. Quick Cal was there
Gunslinger’s Gazette
to assess the entire range at first light.
Range A was nearly flooded, Range D
was totally flooded and the other 3 ranges
were in reasonably good shape. We are
sure glad that we moved to the park, as
the rodeo arena where we used to shoot
resembled a lake! We needed to get
Range A operational, a hole was dug, a
bucket brigade was formed, 3 squeegees
were used to push water to the hole, and
within 20 minutes the range was bailed
out. Within about another 1/2 hour it
was in good shape! Thanks to all of the
volunteers who cowboyed up again and
bailed us out!!!
Blast for Cash!
The Blast for Cash Shootoffs
were started almost on-time. These
Bracket Shoots are four separate matches
that are based upon how fast competitors
fired shots in the main match. The
brackets are formed on a curve-scale
which places approximately 25% of
the shooters in each bracket. It sets up
very competitive matches at all levels.
Over $4,000 in cash and prizes is split
up evenly among the brackets, with 1st
Place winning $250, a plaque and a Pietta
SAA in each bracket, while 2nd Place
wins $150 and a plaque and 3rd wins
$100 and a plaque. Congratulations to all
of our winners!
The World Championship Magnificent
7 Shootoffs
This event is the main show for
the FGA! It usually starts at high noon
on Sunday, but due to some short delays
caused by the weather, we got it started at
about 1:00 p.m.. All of the score sheets
for the Main Match, including the Final
Shootoffs can be found on the CFDA
Website under Results. Having a copy of
especially the finals will help you follow
the action described here even better.
Youth World Champion Shootff
It’s always a pleasure to watch our young
guns compete, they display honor, respect
and safe gun handling skills. All of the
kids were great, with Prickly Pear (AZ)
hearts and the
show working
her way all the
way from 4th
Seed to the finals
National Youth
(NV), while Tank
in the “Catbird
Seat”. Prickly
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Pear came back from the 1-Bracket and
won her first round against Tank, they
switched sides for the final bout. Tank
then hit 3 in a row in the 5’s to win his
first Youth World Championship!
Ladies Fastest Gun Alive Finals
The Ladies Magnificent 7 Shootoff began
with Miss Shotwell (VA) and Sagebrush
Sal (ID). Miss Shotwell won the round,
and then moved on in the Winner’s
Bracket to face 5th Seed Legally Loaded
(Idaho). They
both hit three in
a row, Legally
a little faster
Then 4th Seed
Wild (CA) put
Legally Loaded
into the 1-X
Bracket. Next
up was 3rd
Seed, National
Champion Lefty Lipscomb (CA), who hit
three out of four and winning the round.
Lefty Lipscomb then defeated
2nd Seed Miss Kitty (AZ) with three hits
in a row, starting with a .486. Then our
Top Seed, Ricochet Rose (CA) stepped to
the winner’s bracket, but Lefty Lipscomb
seemed to be on a mission shooting
nothing but 4’s, winning the round and
the coveted “Catbird Seat”.
Over in the 1-X Bracket Miss
Kitty found the target hitting six out of
seven shots, over two rounds, sending
Legally Loaded to 4th Place and Ricochet
Rose to 3rd.
Miss Kitty came back to
challenge for the title and was on her own
mission hitting four in a row with her first
shot at a .420. So the ladies switched
sides and shot for all of the marbles.
Lefty Lipscomb hit two out of three in the
4’s, but Miss Kitty hit three in a row even
faster. Congratulations to Miss Kitty for
winning her first Fastest Gun Alive Title!
Also, congratulations to Lefty
Lipscomb as this great finish along with
her outstanding shooting all year won
her CFDA Top Gun of the Year, for the
second year in a row!
Men’s Fastest Gun Alive Finals
Two-time National Champion,
The Draw (AZ) was paired with
Oklahoma State Champion, Old West
(AZ), with the Draw winning the round
shooting nothing but .38s. He then faced
5th Seed Moon Shadow (KS) hitting three
more .3’s in a row.
Next, The Draw took on 4th
Fall 2015 Seed, and our (16 year old) 2015 Junior
Boy’s Champion, Spud (ID), but The Draw
and hit three more in a row. This was nine
out of ten shots all averaging in the 3’s, not
too bad considering The Draw also won our
Old Timers Category World Championship
on Thursday.
The Draw’s next opponent
was our 3rd Seed, 2009 FGA, Master
Gunfighter (CA), the Draw hit five out
of six in the mid 3’s to bring it to a 2-2
“sudden victory”, but Master Gunfighter
was shooting solid .310s to win the round.
Master Gunfighter took over the
Winner’s Bracket now and next faced our
2nd Seed, Tin Bender (ID), but Master
Gunfighter nailed three in a row sending
Tin Bender to the 1-X Bracket to face our
still hot The Draw.
Our Top Seed, 2011 FGA, 18-Year
Old, Oregon Ranger (OR) was next to take
on Master Gunfighter who was on a roll in
the very low .3’s. But, Oregon Ranger had
shot a clean match up to now (No Main
match X’s) and found the target with two
.32’s and a .33. Master Gunfighter missed
one too many, and now had to face The
Draw, to see who would have the honor
of returning for the FGA Championship
against Oregon Ranger.
The Semi-Final bout was
another close “2-2 sudden victory”,
two .30s and a .31! The Draw ended
a fantastic finals run in 3rd Place!
Now for the Finals between
Oregon Ranger and Master Gunfighter.
This is CFDA history! There will finally
be the first person to win a second Men’s
Fastest Gun Alive - World Championship!
So here goes! Oregon Ranger hit
three of three
two .33s and a
.32, not good
enough! Master
Gunfighter hit
his first two
shots out of
.31’s, taking it
to 2-2, then he
hit a .34 to win
the round! But
now it was time
to trade places,
as the Outdoor
Channel cameraman shooting an episode
for Shooting USA angled his camera for
the final bout. Master Gunfighter led with
a .30, then Oregon Ranger tied it with a .32,
1-1! Master Gunfighter then made it 2-1
with a .32, with “The Kid” tying the bout
at 2-2 with a .34 on the next shot. So it was
down to sudden victory, one winning shot
would decide everything! Curley Calhoun
called the commands, the light came on, a
.333 for Oregon
Ranger, Master
missed by about 1
inch at 7 o’clock,
and it was over!!!
What an exciting
was only 14
when he won
his first World
became the first
man to win two
Gun Alive Titles
and is once again
the reigning Men’s World Champion of
Cowboy Fast Draw!!!
Don’t miss the 2016 Fastest Gun Alive,
September 29th - October 2nd! Same
location in Fallon, Nevada!
Special Thank You to Bill Lane of BJ Lanes
Images for being our event photographer
and providing the photos for this issue.
You can view and purchase photos from
the 2015 FGA at www.bjlanes.smugmug.
Director’s Note: Alotta Lead and I were
working in our office, a few days after this
year’s event reflecting and recovering,
it takes us several days to get caught
up. I noticed that someone posted on a
Page 9
Facebook page, “There’s only 359 days
until the 2016 FGA!!!” I can’t actually
remember the exact number of days in the
post, it doesn’t matter, what really does
matter is how that comment made our
entire family feel. We were blown away,
because the only time we’ve ever heard
that term used is when it’s associated
with the anticipation of Christmas! We
are determined to do our best to make it
even better. THANK YOU!
Don’t miss coverage of the 2015
Fastest Gun Alive on Outdoor
Channel’s Shooting USA airing
December 23rd!
your artiCle
Call ChuCky at (208)629-8967
SubSCription - $12 per year - 3 iSSueS
Page 10
Fall 2015
1st Oregon Ranger OR - 2015 Fastest Gun Alive World Champion
2nd Master Gunfighter CA, 3rd The Draw AZ, 4th Tin Bender ID,
5th Spud ID, 6th Moon Shadow KS, 7th Old West AZ
8th The Gunslinger WA, 9th Shady Mike AZ, 10th Omaha Outlaw CA,
11th Mongo CO, 12th Powder Keg AZ, 13th Skinner ID
14th Rodeo Romeo AZ, 15th Ol Gun NV, 16th Sweetwater Kid NV,
17th Deerslayer FL, 18th Vic Torious AR, 19th Hondo ID
20th Buzzard Cooper ID, 21th Gentleman Jim OR
22th Alleluia Ruah AZ, 23th Quickstrike TX
24th Smokin Gun FL, 25th Possum CO
Men’s Shootist
1st Red Lead Slinger , 2nd Omaha Outlaw 3rd
Possum, 4th Muletrain , 5th Two Bit Pat
1st June Bug,
2nd Wench, 3rd Snickers
Gunslinger’s Gazette
1st Miss Kitty AZ - 2015 Fastest Gun Alive World Champion
2nd Lefty Lipscomb ID, 3rd Ricochet Rose CA
4th Legally Loaded ID, 5th Lacy Gone Wild CA
6th Miss Shotwell VA, 7th Sagbrush Sal ID
8th Mustang Annie ID, 9th Jess CA, 10th Connecticut Cat FL
11th Kansas Belle KS, 12th Texas Rose TX, 13th Dakota Rose WI
14th Snake Charmer AR, 15th Little Lady ID, 16th Huckleberry Honey CA
17th Two Talker ID, 18th Grasshopper NV, 19th K K Kid TX
20th Cool Hand Suz ID
Ladies Shootist
1st Tank WA - 2015 Youth World Champion
2nd Prickly Pear AZ, 3rd Sheriff Rango NV
4th Willy The Kid ID, 5th Chicken Hawk CA
6th Shotgun Diva WA, 7th June Bug TX
Ladies Resurrection
1st Lady Drifter
2nd Viper 3rd Kiss N Tell
Men’s Resurrection
1st Bonnie Ringo
2nd Sprayin Lead Ned
3rd Shenandoah
Overall Junior Boy
1st - Spud ID
2nd - Texas Marshal CO
3rd - Buckskin NV
Fastest TimesLadies: K.K. Kid .360
Men’s: Master Gunfighter .299
Bracket Matches
Master Gunfighter- 1st The Gunslinger,
2nd Oregon Outlaw, 3rd Buzzard Cooper
Gunfighter- 1st Lash,
2nd Dangerous Dave, 3rd High Strung
Sheriff- 1st Sheriff Rango,
2nd Noah Chance, 3rd No Name
Deputy- 1st Two Talker,
2nd Possum, 3rd Aces & Eights
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Sundowner AwardGentleman George & Texas Rose
True Grit AwardDeacon & Angel Lady
Fall 2015
Spirit of the GameCurley Calhoun
2015 Golden Spike Awards
1st place
Lone Star Gunslingers
Richmond, Texas
2nd place
Virginia Peacemakers
Powhatan, Virginia
Top CoupleSkinner & Sagebrush Sal
Page 11
Team Shoot- Cool Hand Suz, Curley Calhoun,
Tin Bender, Buzzard Cooper, Trinity
Additional Awards:
Side Matches
Quick & the Dead- Oregon Ranger
Double Trouble- 1st Swifty, 2nd Two Bit Pat, 3rd Grasshopper
Marshal’s Cup- Short Keg
Farthest Distance Traveled- Honcho
3rd place
Early Entry Prize Gun Winners – Granny Annie & Josey Wales
Assoc. of Arizona Gunslingers
Phoenix, Arizona
Best Dressed Awards
Best Dressed CoupleTin Bender
& Diamond Rio
FamilyAces & Eights, The Gray Fox,
and Legend Hunter
Men’s Period CorrectSmokin’ Gun
Overall ManOverall LadyAnnie Oakley- June Bug
Holli Day
Billy the Kid- Chicken Hawk
Not Pictured:
Working Cowboy- Alleluia Ruah and Working Cowgirl- Ambosia
Ladies Period CorrectKurley Kue
2015 Fastest Gun Alive Category Results
Men’s Traditional
Men’s 49’r
1st Marshal Cooper
2nd Nuff Said
3rd Sprayin Lead Ned
4th Rodeo Romeo
5th Rossow
6th Trinity
7th Dry Gulcher
8th Fast Company
9th Smokin Gun
10th Shenandoah
1st Muletrain
2nd Half Cock Willie
3rd Kodiak
4th Rooster Cogburn
5th Lash
6th Skinner
7th Uncle Willy
8th The Stud
9th Ringo
10th Red Ryder
1st Shady Mike
2nd Cob
3rd Gentleman George
4th Moon Shadow
5th Mongo
6th Sweetwater Kid
7th Bad Boy
8th Capn Jack
9th Omaha Outlaw
10th Chisum
1st The Draw
2nd Short Keg
3rd Old West
4th Brassada Spur
5th Stanislaus
6th Alleluia Ruah
7th Buzzard Cooper
8th Jimmie O
9th California Thumber
10th Deacon
Ladies Traditional
Ladies 49’r
Ladies Senior
Ladies Super Senior
Ladies Grand Dame
1st Oregon Ranger
2nd Oregon Outlaw
3rd Powder Keg
4th The Gunslinger
5th Rainy
6th Shots B Wanderin
7th Spud
8th Witlock
9th Fowl Shot
10th The Irishman
1st Stormie Weather
2nd Huckleberry Honey
3rd Smokin Gun
4th Sassy Cowgirl
5th Miss B Haven
6th Lady J
7th Lacy Gone Wild
8th Miss Lola Belle
T9th Honey Badger
T9th Holli Day
1st Ricochet Rose
2nd Lefty Lipscomb
3rd Marshal’s Daughter
4th Little Lady
5th Corkey
6th Yowee
7th Sassy Mustang
8th Sagebrush
9th Ms Nellie
10th Star of Africa
Men’s Senior
1st Gunpowder Puff
2nd Snake Charmer
3rd Sagebrush Sal
4th Buckwheat
5th Blondie
6th Grasshopper
7th Two Talker
8th Six Iron Butterfly
9th Miss Shotwell
10th Ambrosia
Men’s Super Senior
1st Aces & Eights
2nd Lavender Lady
3rd Texas Rose
4th Granny Oakley
5th Grannie Annie
6th Mustang Annie
7th Legally Loaded
8th Wench
9th Nara
10th Miss Kitty
Men’s Old Timer
1st Lady Drifter
2nd Angel Lady
3rd Blue Pony
Men’s Golden Gun
1st Frontier Bob
2nd Wild Onion Willie
3rd Red Lead Slinger
4th Sundance Kid
5th Tennessee Hustler
6th Shane
7th Cody
8th Sundowner
9th Horse Thief
10th Ol Gun
Billy the Kid
1st Sheriff Rango
2nd Tank
Annie Oakley
1st Shotgun Diva
2nd Prickly Pear
3rd June Bug
Full Results from the 2015 Fastest Gun Alive
can be viewed at www.cowboyfastdraw.com
Page 12
Fall 2015
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Action Jobs stArting At $85*
on All types of
single Action revolvers
18 Years Experience!
RefeRences Upon ReqUest
Quick Turn
Around Time!
Gunsmith: Brent White aka "West Creek"
CFDA Life #3253 & SASS Life #33394
Contact info: (605)662-7468(SHOT) gunvault@goldenwest.net
500 2nd Ave., P.O. Box 493, Edgemont, SD 57735
Open 7 Days a Week, Mon.- Sat. 10am - 6pm, Sun. 11am - 6pm MST
*Return shipping and/or additional parts (if needed) not included*
For our Full Line of Firearms Inventory
Gunslinger’s Gazette
by TEXAS JOE aka/ Joe Royer
His spurs don’t shine and jingle like they use to.
Him and them old spurs have had their day.
He still talks about the rodeo and the ladies he once knew,
but ain’t that what ol cowboys are suppose to do.
It was back in sixty nine he took his final fall.
if he’d rode that rank ol bull he could’ve had it all.
But there comes a time to move along, I guess that day he knew.
But ain’t that what old cowboys are suppose to do.
Even though he’s gettin old and only half his dream came true,cause in his
heart he knows he didn’t lose.
He always held his head up high and did what he had to do.
But ain’t that what old cowboys are suppose to do.
His spurs don’t shine and jingle like they use to.
But he’s still every bit the man he use to be.
He’d love to be back in his prime but he know those days are through.
But ain’t that what old cowboys are suppose to do.
copyright 1990 Joe Royer All Rights Reserved
Submit your Cowboy Poetry to hannahcalder@cowboyfastdraw.com
Fall 2015
Page 13
Cowboy Fast Draw
Six-Gun Set-Up
Dead Eye Kid
CFDA Life #49 & SASS Life #15865
a Cowboy Fast DRaw six-gun set-up
MuCh MoRe than Just
aCtion Job!
Cowboy Fast Draw Basic Action Job staRts at $99*
Cowboy Fast Draw Six-Gun Set-Up
RugeRs staRt at $135*
& Colt Clones staRt at $145*
*Return Shipping or Extra Parts (if needed), Are Not Included Call for Time-Line Reservation & Shipping Instructions
FoR MoRe inFoRMation ContaCt:
C.J. eilRiCh aka “DeaD eye kiD”
(775)980-5163 oR CJeilRiCh@gMail.CoM
Four Corners Territorial
March 18th-20th, 2016
Pioneer living hiStory MuSeuM
3901 w Pioneer rd
Phoenix, Arizona
Proudly Hosted by the Association of Arizona Gunslingers
$7,500 in Cash & Prizes
Awards to Top 10 MEn and Top 10 Ladies
Main MatCh 4X - MagnifiCent 5
early entry fee $85 (after february 28th $100)
All CFDA Rules Apply, Must Be A CFDA Member to Participate
ContaCt Shady Mike (602)770-1430 or M_holzer@yahoo.CoM
or viSit azgunSlingerS.CoM or www.CowboyfaStdraw.CoM
Page 14
Fall 2015
Gunslinger’s Gazette
2015 Colorado State
By Mongo
agosa Springs, CO - We had
about 124 shooters sign up for each
match plus their guests ascend on our
small mountain town of Pagosa Springs
Colorado to participate in the CFDA titled
matches and other events from Wednesday
July 29th through Sunday August 2rd. We
held the matches in a new venue this year;
Town Park in the heart of Pagosa Springs.
We certainly hope all y’all had a great
time in our small community. The town
sure gets a kick out of having you here!
We set up two six target ranges in
Town Park for the Championship matches.
Each range was equipped with audience
displays. The San Juan Shootists want
to thank all who turned out to help set up
and take down, as well as everyone else
who pitched in to help with scorekeeping,
announcing, range mastering and
everything else that needed to be done and
got done.
Practice Match (Wednesday)
We began with a practice match
on Wednesday afternoon after the ranges
were set up. We had around 35 to 40 early
arrivals that wanted to shoot some, so we
organized a little match for them. Men,
Ladies and Youth all shot together. After
the smoke had cleared The Gunslinger took
home first place. That kinda set the tone
for the rest of the weekend. Wednesday’s
jackpot match winner was Marshal Cooper
2015 Colorado State Championship
(Thursday & Friday)
The CFDA Colorado State
Championship has been held continuously
since 2007. There are four shooters that
have attended every one of them. Curley
Calhoun – our first State Champion,
Buzzard Cooper, Mongo and Wench. The
State Championship has been held here
in Pagosa Springs during the Archuleta
County Fair since 2012.
However this year the
town of Pagosa Springs
offered us the use of
Town Park in the heart
of Pagosa Springs. What
a great venue! Nice soft
grass that also absorbed
the rain during the brief
showers that the monsoon
season brought.
We began on Thursday
morning with check
in and registration and
equipment checks. We
did the Pledge and
Shooter’s meeting
and we were off. We
added a little twist to
the competition. If
you hit the post or a
solid hit in the light
you were rewarded
with a dollar. We
after round of the
elimination match.
We got seven rounds
in by about 3:30pm
so we stopped for
the day to get ready
for the welcome
dinner at the Rockin’
K Ranch where our local range is located.
That evening with the ranch as our dining
room and the San Juan Mountains as the
background our club put on a spread of
locally raised ground beef hamburgers,
brats, beans, salad and all the trimmings
for our competitors and their guests. With
Cruiser and Curley Calhoun manning the
grills and our Ladies making sure things
were running smoothly, we served a lot of
burgers and brats. Nobody had a reason to
go away hungry!
Friday morning the main match
continued with round eight and the shooting
was fast and furious. We also held a “We
came to Shoot” second chance match for
those that went out after round eight of the
main match. Men, Ladies and Youth all
shot together. All proceeds were donated
to the Shoot for the Stars Foundation. We
raised $900.00 for
the foundation and
a check was given
to Windmill Kid
during the closing
ceremonies. First
top three in the
Second Chance
match were: 1st
The Gunslinger,
2nd Old West, and
3rd Shady Mike
Everything ran
smoothly and we
got down to the
Fabulous Five Men, Ladies and Youth by
The top Man and Lady received
a CFDA buckle and a San Juan Shootists
custom first place buckle. Second through
Fifth places received custom designed
badges with the Colorado State emblem
in the center and prize money. Men’s and
Ladies places six through ten received
custom made plaques with a six gun
mounted on it along with the State emblem
and a cash prize. Men’s and Ladies places
11 through 15 received a certificate.
Friday evening the San Juan
Shootists sponsored a “meet and greet” at
the host hotel The Quality Inn downtown
for our shooters and their guests. We had
over 100 folks show up and eat finger food
and mingle.
…And a good time was had by all!
Colorado State Championship Results
MenLadiesBilly the Kid & Annie Oakly
1. Marshal Cooper, CA
Alotta Lead, NV
Good Deal Lucille, TX
2. Short Keg, NV
K. K. Kid, TX
Prickly Pear, AZ
3. Gentleman Jim, OR
Grasshopper, NV
Texas Marshal, TX
4. Lawless Speed, AZ
Corkey, TX
Wild Child, TX
5. Quick Cal, NV
Silver Fox, CO
Tank, WA
Junior Shooter: Buckskin
Other State awards were:
Top Couple: Quick Cal and Allota Lead
Resident Champion – Men: Bonnie Ringo
Resident Champion – Men: Silver Fox
Fast Time – Men: Marshal Cooper - .318
Fast Time – Ladies: K. K. Kid - .316
For Full Results go to: www.cowboyfastdraw.com
Colorado State Champions
Alotta Lead and Marshal Cooper
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Fall 2015
Page 15
Four Corners Championships
We began the Territorial match on Saturday
morning with check in and registration.
We did the equipment checks for those
shooters who did not shoot in the State
Championship. Grasshopper once again
sang our National Anthem and Caleb said
the prayer for us. We recited the Pledge of
Allegiance and had our shooter’s meeting.
First shot down range was at 9:00am.
We over 124 registered shooters in three
CFDA divisions shooting on two ranges
with six targets each. Our registration fee
was the same the day of the match as it
was six months early. We had 32 shooters
that were not pre-registered signed up
on the day of the match to compete. We
wanted to complete at least seven rounds
on Saturday. The match needed to run
efficiently for us to get done in time for the
banquet at 6:00pm Saturday evening. We
spent Saturday shooting round after round
of the elimination match. Everything
ran very smoothly. We finished shooting
round seven by midafternoon so our folks
could explore our small town and get ready
for the banquet that evening.
The banquet was held at our host
hotel, the Quality Resort. Entrees were
prime rib, chicken or fish served to you at
your table by the wait staff. There were
166 meals served to the folks who attend
the banquet.
Sunday morning the main match
continued as we worked our way towards
the Fabulous Five shoot offs. We held
another “We came to Shoot” second
chance match on Sunday morning for
those that were out of the main match
after round eight. Men, Ladies and Youth
all shot together. All proceeds from this
match were donated to the Happy Trails
Foundation. Second Chance match Top
Three were 1st Vic Torious, AR, 2nd
Chisum, NV, 3rd Yowee, AZ. Everything ran smoothly and we
got down to the Fabulous Five Men, Ladies
and Youth by late morning.
When the smoke cleared from
each division’s shoot offs after some
amazing shooting and really fast times the
final standings were complete.
New Ladies CFDA World Record:
Additionally, a new Ladies CFDA World
record was set during the match. Honey
Badger of the San Juan Shootists set the
new record at .359. She shot the .359
during a bout. She backed it up after the
bout with the crowd watching. After the
backup shot the crowd went wild and we
thought her husband, Cruiser was going
to completely loose it! Congratulations
Honey Badger!
The top Man and Lady received a
CFDA buckle and a custom Four Corners
Territorial buckle from the San Juan
Shootists and a cash prize. Places second
through fifth received custom designed
Four Corners Territorial buckles and a cash
prize. Men’s and Ladies places six through
ten received custom made Four Corners
Territorial badges and a cash prize. Men’s
and Ladies places 11 through 15 received a
Lucite engraved plaque.
The top Billy the Kid – Tank
and Annie Oakley – Good Deal Lucille
received Red Ryder BB Guns. Good Deal
Lucille’s was pink.
The complete 2015 Four Corners
Territorial final match standings are posted
on the CFDA site.
All Men, Ladies and Youth
Division Champions from both matches
will get free entry to next year’s
Championships in hopes that you will
return to defend your title.
So, after 5 days of shooting
including two titled matches, the ranges
were declared “cold”. The awards had
been handed out and by about 1:30 Sunday
afternoon it was time to wish everyone
safe travels home. We had a total of 124
registered shooters representing 14 states
and 16 CFDA clubs.
The San Juan Shootists say a big
“THANK YOU” ! to all who came to our
Honey Badger breaking
the Ladies World
Record for fastest shot
little town in the mountains to support our
event and we hope all y’all had a great
time here. We hope to see you again next
In 2016 the San Juan Shootists
will be hosting the Tenth Annual Colorado
State Championship and the 2016 CFDA
National Championships here in Pagosa
Springs. It will be part of the 125
anniversary celebration of Pagosa Springs.
Check the CFDA site and our web site for
the schedule. We hope to see you here in
Pagosa Springs next year!
*Photos provided courtesy
Blest of the West Photogrpahy
Four Corners Territorial Championship Results
Top 5 Men
Four Corners Territorial Champions
Tank (Youth), Miss Kitty (Ladies),
Quick Cal (Men’s), and Texas Marshal
1. Quick Cal, NV
2. Part Time, TX
3. Old West, AZ
4. Short Keg, NV
5. Bonnie Ringo, CO
Junior Boy: Texas Marshal
Miss Kitty, AZ Texas Rose, TX
K.K. Kid, TX
Grasshopper, NV
Holli Day, AZ
Top 5 Ladies (not in order)
Tank, WA (BK)
Trigger Happy, TX (BK)
Good Deal Lucille, TX (AO)
Jack Swift, CO
Lighting Sparks, CO (AO)
Top 5 Youth (not in order)
Other Territorial awards were:
Top Couple: Quick Cal and Allota Lead
Resident Champion – Men: Old West
Resident Champion – Lady: Miss Kitty
Fast Time – Men: Part Time .308
Fast Time – Lady: Honey Badger (New World Record)
Spirit of the Game: Honey Badger
Page 16
Fall 2015
Gunslinger’s Gazette
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Gunslinger’s Gazette
Fall 2015
Page 17
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Page 18
Fall 2015
Gunslinger’s Gazette
2015 Wisconsin State
uperrior, WI - Superior, nestled on
the western end of Lake Superior in
northwestern Wisconsin, has incredible
scenery; a rich history in fur trading, water
and rail shipping, and manufacturing;
and fantastic year-round recreational
opportunities. Bordered by Saint Louis,
Superior, and Allouez bays, the city is
framed by two rivers: the Nemadji and
the Saint Louis. Superior and the
neighboring city across the bay, Duluth,
Minnesota, form a single metropolitan area
called the Twin Ports. They share a harbor
that is one of the most important ports on
the Great Lakes. Both cities have museum
ships (SS William A Irvin in Duluth
and SS Meteor in Superior) devoted to
the local maritime heritage. Superior
was the last port of call for the Edmund
Fitzgerald before its sinking in 1975.
While not Old West gunfighters, famous
Superior residents include WWII flying
ace Richard Ira Bong, Minnesota Viking
head coach Bud Grant, actor Arnold
Schwarzenegger, and NASA astronaut
Jeffrey Williams. So Superior, Wisconsin,
is an interesting and scenic place for
Cowboy Fast Draw Competition!
The 10th annual Wisconsin
State “Smokin’ Gun” Championship
this year was hosted by the Black River
Bandits and sponsored by Benna Ford.
Other business and organization financial
contributors included Superior Shooters
Supply (donated a black powder gun), the
Wrenshall Minnesota Fire Department,
American Family Insurance Nick
Korhonen Agency, United Northern
Sportsmen, and Sportsmans Choice. The
shoot was held at the Head of the Lakes
Fairgrounds on July 17, 18, and 19 and
was a huge success. The set up is a huge
two day undertaking and a big thank you
goes out to Lone Wolf and his helpers,
who were members and friends of the
gave the State
Shoot Range
that “Old West”
feel! It takes
time and effort
and attention
to detail in
and decoration.
The weekend
started with a
2015 Wisconsin State Champions
Lucky Lady & Josey Wales
“Celebrity and Charity Shoot” on Friday.
The shooting fees that day went totally
to charity, and the Bandits raised almost
300 dollars for the Challenge Center of
Superior. The celebrities included various
business owners who were instrumental
in making the shoot happen and several
local television news personalities. Other
shooters were clients and staff from the
Challenge Center, some of the Black River
Bandits, and other clubs’ members who
came to join the fun and shoot for a good
cause. Congratulations to CFDA members
Marshal BK Gunnar and Lightnin for
winning this year’s Charity Shoot. Friday
night we gathered at Vintage Italian Pizza
in downtown Superior for a meet and greet.
Shooters were able to register there and
socialize over a variety of tasty appetizers.
From the Black River Bandits, each shooter
also received a 12-1/2 oz glass boot mug
and a shooter’s bag of many goodies.
On Saturday, fifty seven shooters –
33 men, 18 women, and 6 youth – came for
an Old West gunfight, and the competition
was hot! Weather for the Duluth/Superior
area is always tricky and this year was
no exception. With the forecast calling
for possible rain, we decided to run the
championship off completely on Saturday.
The day began with a gun check, a review
of the safety rules, the roll call of shooters,
the Pledge of Allegiance, and lastly the
National Anthem beautifully sung “a
cappella” by the Bandit’s very own Hanny
Oakley, whose 13th birthday just happened
to have been on Friday. Her voice sure
tingled the spine!
Shooting started right on schedule
and it did not take long for the competition
to heat up. The shoot was conducted in
the traditional 4-X elimination, last man
standing format; and as each shooter X’ed
out of the competition, he or she chose
an item from the X-Out “Prize” Table for
participating, shooting his or her best,
and being a good sport. The prizes, all
donated by members and friends of the
Black River Bandits, were numerous,
varied, and fabulous, from a hand-knit
blanket , homemade leather CFDA-Badge
holders, and handcrafted wood boot jacks
to western picture frames, camping pie
irons, and a 12 pound picnic watermelon!
After 15 rounds, the top five men were
Josey Wales, Marshal BK Gunnar, Lefty,
Gray Ghost, and Lucky O’Riley. The top
five women shooters also after 15 rounds
were Lucky Lady, Dame Quick, Swootz,
Dakota Rose, and Schoolmarm Kate. First
Place winners in the men’s and women’s
categories were each awarded an engraved
36 cal. Uberti Navy black powder pistol
in a beautiful wood presentation box. In
the Youth Division, the top Billy the Kid
standings after 13 rounds were White
Wolf, Dangerous Dylan, Fast N Furious,
Shotgun Slade, and Mad Max. Finally,
the Annie Oakley category was won by
Hanny Oakley. Congratulations to Josey
Wales, Lucky Lady, White Wolf, and
Hanny Oakley for winning the Wisconsin
State Championship Titles. As the top
overall youth shooter, White Wolf was
also awarded a Remington 870 pump
youth model 20 gauge shotgun.
Saturday night’s Banquet at the
Elk’s Lodge on Belknap Street was a hoot!
The dinner catered by Rich Cuisine was
excellent, and attendees bid fiercely but
all in fun during the Silent Auction. Items
included hand knit blankets, locally made
holsters, western jewelry, hand painted
landscape bricks, western dinner serving
pieces, porcelain figurines, western wall
hangings, scented wax warmer & refill
wax, and themed gift baskets , such as
“Pasta Night,” “I Love Fall Best of All,”
and “Man Cave Snacks.” Another almost
200 dollars was raised for the Challenge
Center from the Silent Auction. After
dinner, Black Eyed Susan conducted the
Beard and Mustache Contest. Although
there were only seven entries, the
presentations and stories of their facial
hair origin were immensely entertaining
and laughter-inducing! The three judges
awarded 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place trophies to
JW Tracker, Scrap Iron, and Killer Kylie.
Trophies, awards, and payouts were then
presented at the Banquet to Saturday’s
Wisconsin State Cowboy Fast Draw
winners. The raffle winner of the new 45
caliber Uberti revolver, for which tickets
were sold to CFDA member all day
Saturday, was the Black River Bandit’s
own youth member, White Wolf! His
absolute joy, shown all over his face, was
completely heart-warming to all present!
Sunday’s contest , begun after
a safety meeting, roll call, Pledge of
Wisconsin State
Overall Youth Champion
White Wolf
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Allegiance, and prayer by
the Black River Bandits’
Eagleman, was a 15 foot fun
shoot with the youth shooting
in the Men’s and Women’s
Categories. The top placing
man and woman were
Boulder Vaquero and Dame
Quick. Again, as each shooter
X’ed out, the shooter chose a
prize from the X-Out Prize
Table. Also, all participants’
names for Sunday’s shoot
were placed in a bucket and
10 were randomly drawn
for a 10 dollar prize each, much to their
surprise and delight.
Congratulations again to all
our Champions! All shooters, their
“cheerleaders,” and spectators extend
a huge amount of appreciation to
Chaingang, his wife Vicky, and Black
Eyed Susan – with help from Lightnin
and Lucky Lady – for efficiently running
the CFDA scoring program, including
announcing each shooting lineup and
writing down the times accurately. Also
praiseful cheers and applause to Papa Bear
for maintaining order as Range Master for
the majority of the time all three days!
He was knowledgeable, authoritative,
fair, easily heard, and efficient. Thanks
Fall 2015
worked so hard and put in too-numerousto-count hours to make the 2015 “Smokin’
Gun” such a great success. Without you,
our efforts to promote and conduct events
in our great sport of Cowboy Fast Draw
would be difficult. And thank you to all of
our Cowboy Fast Draw Family and Friends
who made the trip to Superior and shared
three days of fun and camaraderie with
us. We are honored you gave us another
opportunity to be your host and do our
best to show you Wisconsin style Northern
hospitality. We look forward to seeing all
of you again in 2016!
Page 19
2015 Wisconsin State Results
Top 15 Men
5 Lucky Oriley SD
6 Marvin Slinger MN
8 Wa Hoo WI
9 Thumbzee McMuffin WI
14 Swan River Kid WI
Top 10 Ladies
2 Dame Quick MN
7 Tequila Rose WI
8 Candy Cane WI
again to Fossilman for making the great
trophies. In addition, special thanks to the
Take Down/Clean Up Crew for staying
after the competition was done and in the
hot sun to dismantle the range and pack
away the components: Lone Wolf, Kurt,
Lauri, and Cloey Callaway, White Wolf,
ThumbZee McMuffin, Black Eyed Susan,
Lightnin, Fossilman, Swan River Kid,
Broken Thumb, Wild Hair, Anton LeBear,
Bobcat Jones, LouMae, Piker Jones, Little
Trooper, Papa Bear, Sunshine Annie,
Lobo, Boulder Vacquero, Boulder’sBabe,
Marshal BK Gunner, and Pistol Patty.
The Black River Bandits are
greatly beholden to our many sponsors
and supporters, to all of the folks who
1 White Wolf WI
2 Dangerous Dylan WI
3 Fast N Furious WI
4 Hanny Oakley WI
5 Shotgun Slade WI
6 Mad Max WI
Full Results at:
at a nd
FoRt woRth, tX
CFDA Rules Apply, must be a CFDA
member to participate
Texas State
Southern Territorial
Hosted By The Big
Thicket Bushwackers
Hosted By The
West Texas Rangers
April 21st-22nd
April 23rd-24th
Main Match 21’ 4 X
Main Match 21’ 4 X
$5,000 in Cash & Prizes
$7,500 in Cash & Prizes
For More Information, Contact:
Gentleman GeorGe • 409-385-6367 • gkdez@campwaluta.com or Texas Rose • 214-507-0346
RegistRation FoRm and event
details available at:
Page 20
Fall 2015
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Second Annual “Showdown in the Bluegrass”
Kentucky State Championship
By Allen Russell
artford, KY - It was
early in September
when, once again, the
ramparts of old Fort Hartford
in Ohio County Kentucky
echoed with the sound of
gunshots and conversation
as the Blue Grass Cowboy
Fast Draw Club hosted the
Second Annual, Kentucky
Cowboy Fast Draw.
The four day event
was a time for catching up
with family, renewing old
friendships and making
brand new ones as sixtysix shooters representing
fourteen states gathered at
the Ohio County Fairgrounds
near Hartford, Kentucky.
The weather was
cloudy and cool for the Early
Bird shoot on Thursday
afternoon, but the light drizzle didn’t seem
to dampen anyone’s spirit. Slowpoke,
from VA made her presence known right
from the get-go by taking first place in the
ladies division, followed by Billie Sioux:
VA in second and No Spring Chicken: KY
in third. First place in the men’s division
was won by Cool Hand Dan from KY,
followed by our good friends Bob Ed
Pain: VA in second and Diamond Back
Billy: AR in third.
The weather improved for
Friday’s category matches. Wild Horse:
KY won the Billy the Kid category. No
Spring Chicken: KY won the Ladies
Super Senior. The Ladies Senior was
won by Snake Charmer: AR, followed by
Miss Shotwell: VA in second and Fancy
Shootist category was
won by BA, followed
by Lucky 45, and Hoot
Gibson: SC.
After a full day
of preliminary matches
gunfighters and their
significant others, took
time out to dress up
in their finest western
attire and attend the
Cowboy Ball held in
the seniors building at
the Ohio County Park.
A great meal featuring
was enjoyed by all.
After dinner,
2015 Kentucky State Champions
Joyce Casteel from
Shenandoah (Men’s Overall),
Texas was honored as
Wild Horse (Billy the Kid),
the best dressed lady.
and Slowpoke (Ladies Overall)
Tall Pines Kid from
North Carolina was
Nancy: OK in third. Ladies 49ers was best dressed on the men’s side. Lucky 45
won by Yankee: NY, with Schoolmarm: and his wife, Linda were the best dressed
KY in second. The Ladies Traditional couple. Thanks to our many sponsors and
match found Traveler: MO in first place, supporters, there was a great selection of
followed by Billie Sioux: VA in second, door prizes handed out over the course of
and Wildfire: KY in third. Slowpoke won the evening.
After the top seven finalist were
the Ladies Shootist category, followed by decided, the Resurrection Match was
Yankee: NY and Billie Sioux.
The winners in the men’s category held on Sunday morning. The top three
shoots were (Golden Gun), Sundance: IL, finishers in the men’s division were The
Shane: KY, Shiloh: IL. (Old Timer), Little Counselor: KY, Lucky 45: TX, and Hoot
Kazzy: TX, Maverick: OK, Yusta B Fast: Gibson: SC. The ladies division was won
FL. (Super Senior) Bob Ed Pain: VA, Lucky by Schoolmarm: KY in first followed by
45: TX, Skagway Sam: TX. (Senior) Gray Prairie Blossom: VA.
A good sized crowd was gathered
Ghost: WI, K.J. Kwik: IL, Silas Ledbetter: FL. (49ers) Shenandoah: VA, Okie Ed: as the final matches got underway. Tension
OK, One Shot: KY. (Traditional) Big Ugly: and excitement were hanging thick in the
VA, Cool Hand Dan: KY, and BA: VA. The gun smoke as one by one, a lot of great
Top Ten Men overall
1st Shenandoah, 2nd Green River, 3rd Cool Hand Dan, 4th Wishbone
5th Little Kazzy, 6th Shenandoah Drifter, 7th Sundance
8th Gray Ghost, 9th Jayhawker, 10th Stainless Steel
shooters collected their X’s and were
The final matchup for the ladies
was between Slowpoke from Virginia,
shooting against Corky from Texas. When
all was said and done, Slowpoke emerged
as the ladies Kentucky State Champion
for 2015.
The men’s final match was
between Shenandoah of Virginia and
Green River from the Blue Grass Club
here in Kentucky. It was a well-fought
battle that ended with Shenandoah being
declared the Kentucky State Champion
for 2015.
Congratulations also go out to
Wild Horse, also from the Blue Grass
Club for winning the Billy the Kid
division championship.
Fastest time for the meet went
to the men’s state champion, Shenandoah
with a 0.356. Fastest time for the ladies
went to state champion, Slowpoke with a
Green River and Wild Horse
are father and son. They have been
participating in Cowboy Fast Draw for
less than a year. The Kentucky State
Championship was their first major
competition. We are glad to have them in
the Blue Grass Cowboy Fast Draw Club.
The 2015 Kentucky State
Championship turned out to be a
tremendous success. It was a great
weekend of fellowship, fun and
competition thanks to the hard work of
our club president, James Casteel (Shane)
and many of the dedicated members of the
Blue Grass Fast Draw Club. Rumor has it
that will do it again in 2016 on September
8th-11th. Hope to see you there!
Top Ten Ladies Overall
1st Slowpoke, 2nd Corky, 3rd Snake Charmer, 4th Billie Sioux
5th Miss Shotwell, 6th No Spring Chicken, 7th Yankee, 8th Traveler
9th Dixie Gal, 10th Fancy Nancy
Gunslinger’s Gazette
from 8 to 82!
By Boss T
his was my second attempt at becoming
the Fastest Gun Alive but alas 233 other
cowhands showed up, on a rainy weekend in
Fallon NV, to shoot for the same gold trophy.
Some were young as eight while others we
well up there in cowboy years.
After a somber opening (morning
after the Oregon college shooting) Quick Cal
reminded all of us that more than often than
not, our guns save a way of life and help keep
us all free. Quick Cal then turned the mike
over to Old West. He shared a personal story
of how his friend, while in an Oregon match,
shot two bullets and then expired. His spirit
moved out of his body while he was doing
what he loved. Old West’s friend went out
living the cowboy dream. The story left me
saying a short prayer for him and myself. My
mind is always ready to play but sometimes
Fall 2015
my body has to catch up with the idea.
These stories are shared with you
in order to help you better understand why
this four day event is much more than just
someone shooting fast. It is really about
returning to yesterday and the freedom sought
out by all those who ventured out West. In
those days, all you needed to maintain life
was a good horse, rust free guns and Slim
Jim holsters. Now return with me to those
thrilling days of yester year.
FGA is a 4-day event that is started
off with the Quick and the Dead match. This
was my first attempt at this style of match
and my hammer fanning skills helped me
make it to the third round. You basically draw
and empty your gun hoping to hit the target
first against the cowpoke next to you. Only
hits count, not misses. After the 3rd round,
the announcer yelled out…Boss T...you are
dead! It was true, I was done in by a pretty
girl like in the name sake’s movie starring
Sharon Stone. Those pretty girls with guns
are always dangerous.
During breaks in the action and the
rain, I spent time people (cowboy) watching
and asking folks “why are you here?” The
answers varied as much as the period cowboy
clothing. Lots of the cowpokes were there
for the best dressed contest being ran by one
of the CFDA staff. They secretly voted and
the best dressed awards were given out on
Saturday night. I watched one couple carry
their western clothes upstairs to their motel
room. They had so many that they needed a
toy hauler. These two were definitely major
players in the best dressed contest.
Some of the lady gowns proved
dysfunctional in the mud and wet weather.
My hat is off to those woman who added this
complication to an already tough sport. Over
the weekend, there were numerous wardrobe
malfunctions including one red corset clad
short shirted cowgirl. She tripped over the
stage wire fence and fell into my lap while I
was guarding my lawn chair. It made my day.
Sorry, may I help you up…ever so slowly.
Inside the big tin shed, I was in awe
of all of the club banners. State after state is
represented with really creative names. On
Saturday morning, the “Sundowners” proudly
escorted one of their member’s tin pan award
for 2nd place to their area. Each club has a
small secure space under the shed area in order
to regroup and store shooting gear. These
folks were very proud of COB’s award and
they were guarding with their lives. He had
missed the category match awards ceremony.
By the way, an entertainment feature
of the awards ceremony is when someone is
missing, Stud takes their place in the group
photo. So when you look at the photos of
the event you will see Stud in almost every
photo. What you do not get to see or feel is
all the cheers that go up when someone does
not come up to get their award and Stud gets
to make his way up to the stage to accept it.
Stud is a great spokesman for the company
and is fun to watch around the kids. You have
to laugh with all of his one liners. Check out
the pictures. He is the one with the studded
stove pipe hat.
I had a long conversation with a
cowboy who is suffering from the effects of
a long term illness. He has been fighting his
disability for over a dozen years. I saw him
last year in a wheel chair with braces. This
year he was proudly walking on his own even
on the soft ground and mud. We talked about
how this sport accommodates those with
Page 21
physical problems and they almost become
transparent to the members because of the
“cowboy spirit.” We help each other and
would never let any of our aches and pains
throw us out of the game. He was very proud
to be there and definitely in the contest.
In the end, I got to hand judge for
Quick Cal, shoot against Chisum, then Mongo
and win a half dozen matches against some
very fast shooters including my mentor. I am
what is called a “hitter” and not a fast draw.
But the game is designed to come out even
in the end. I had the 192nd fastest time but
finished the main match in 116th place. My
desire to hit out weights some cowboys desire
to draw fast and then miss. Unlike other
shooting events, the fastest does not always
come away as the big winner.
So when someone ask you why are
you here? I would say simply so that the
“West” can come alive again! Without a mix
of competitors and towns people, the sport
would die off. Five or ten fast guns do not
make the spirit come alive. It is the children,
teenagers, adults and seniors that walk around
with that John Wayne slow leg drag and
period clothing. You can close your eyes and
almost hear: “the stage is late again today!”
We need a crowd to keep the spirit alive. We
need “you and your gun” to show up. There
were families there with three generations
of shooters. They are doing what everyone
is trying to do…saving the cowboy dream.
Monte Walsh was not wrong. Just like Monte,
we are still here and strong long after the
steam railroad and horseless carriages have
disappeared. So, come on out next year and
get that happy feeling that comes from being
in the “Old West” one more time.
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Hollywood High Ride
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Shaniko Holsters, Inc. 21111 S. Springwater Rd, Estacada, Or 97023 (503) 631-7459
Page 22
Fall 2015
Gunslinger’s Gazette
2015 Nevada State Championship
& Western Territorial Championship
enoa, NV- The Nevada State and
Western Territorial were held in
historic Genoa, NV. It being the Oldest
Town in Nevada, on the old Pony
Express route, and having the oldest bar
in the State, seems entirely appropriate
for having a gunfight. In case you were
unaware the Dake House property back in
the 1870’s was the home of the Justice of
the Peace, who was also the Undertaker.
It was the site of a couple Movies & TV
documentaries, books have been written
about the house, and photos have been
taken of the house by Ansel Adams. I’m
sure some of you who visited the bar met
some of the Spirits still hanging around the
Wench, Sparrow Hawk and Short
Keg did a fantastic job keeping everything
running smoothly. The plan was to be
finished early every day in order to get
everyone back into air conditioning or to
a thirst parlor before the heat of the day
hit. There was the unusual possibility that
we would get rained on – but my wife
(Martha) did her “no rain dance” so that
didn’t happen. Club members Blondie,
By Genoa Maverick
2015 Nevada State & Western Territorial Champions
Lefty Lipscomb & Master Gunfighter
Badboy, Ambrosia, & Mighty Mouse did
most of the work getting donations that
were given away. Cal’s donation of the
War Wagon was appreciated along with
Dead Eye Kid & Chisum supervising the
set up and breakdown, Club members of
the Genoa Mavericks & Sundowners were
a big help also.
On to the Championships’. We
had a very good turnout for both. There
were 81 shooters for the State and 95 for
the Territorial. Ten thousand six hundred
shots were fired during the four day event.
We had a new CFDA Record Fast Time
on the last day of the Territorial by the
He was pretty much in the zone all four
days. K.K. Kid had the fastest Ladies
time of the four days (.392). The photos
tell a far better story than I could possibly
put to paper. Seventy three attended the
dinner on Saturday. The wine given out at
dinner was donated by No Daisy, Six Iron
Butterfly, & Stanislaus. There were so
many who either donated items, their time,
or stepped up to help run the Gunfights
that I couldn’t Thank You all personally so
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Western Territorial Championship
Top 15 Men (pictured left to right)
Fall 2015
Page 23
Western Territorial Championship
Top 15 Ladies (pictured left to right)
NV State Championship
Western Territorial Championship
Men’s Magnificent Seven
Men’s Magnificent Seven
State Championship
Western Territorial Championship
Women’s Magnificent Seven
Women’s Magnificent Seven
Nevada State Championship & Western Territorial
Top Youth - Prickly Pear & Tank
Full Results Available at:
Nevada State Championship
Top Men (Pictured Right to Left)
Nevada State Championship
Top 10 Ladies (Pictured Right to Left)
Page 24
Fall 2015
A Hero Turkey Hunt Like No Other
By Brett Bastian
his amazing journey began on a cold
winter night in Hartford, South Dakota
when two non-profit organizations, Warriors
Never Give Up (WNGU) and The Central
Valley Struttin’ Gobblers (CVSG) of the National Wild Turkey Federation (NWTF) met
to discuss a potential sponsorship for their
upcoming banquet. CVSG board member,
Byron Dietsch, a former Marine, and myself
had each arrived early for the meeting. After
sharing brief introductions, we soon realized
that not only did we share a common bond
of prior military service but also a similar
vision and passion of wanting to give back
to those who have sacrificed so much. I remember smiling as I left that evening, realizing that a bigger picture was unfolding
right before my very eyes. God’s intentional
plan of placing Byron and I together that
evening set in motion a unique chance one
and a half years later for two organizations
to work together to offer “a hero turkey hunt
like no other.”
After excitedly packing my hunting gear and gathering my thoughts about
this special day, I picked up my good friend,
23 year Retired Army veteran and WNGU
board member, Todd Stone. The two of us
eagerly headed out to pick up our hero participant, WWII veteran and Purple Heart
winner, Ordell Winterton from Garretson,
SD. This would be Ordell’s first turkey hunt
and to say the least, he was also excited. As
the three of us began the long drive to rural
Winner, SD, Ordell shared stories of his 90
years of life including his military service
that began at the young age of 17, when he
proudly entered the Air Force to serve his
country. After his dream of becoming a pilot was halted due to being red/green color
blind, this rural South Dakota farm boy took
his tenacious passion to defend his country
and entered the United States Army. Al-
though he was initially trained as an Intelligence Observer in the Infantry, the US Army
called him up to the “big leagues” as a rifleman after his drill sergeant witnessed him
hitting nine bulls eyes at 500 yards, earning
him the nickname “crack shot”.
He, along with his M1 Grande rifle, were sent to Scotland/Belgium where
he joined up with the 99th “Checker board”
Army Division as a “replacement soldier”
for those who were injured or killed during
the infamous “Battle of the Bulge.” On April
27, 1945, five days prior to Hitler ending his
life, Ordell and his squad of fifteen men,
crossed the Danube River in a wooden boat.
Immediately overcome with small and large
arms fire, Odell recalls hearing the whizzing
sound of bullets and witnessing the splintering of the wooden boat during the skirmish.
Feeling like a “sledge hammer” had hit him,
Ordell woke up hours later on the other side
of the Danube in his own pool of blood.
Realizing that he was the only survivor and
understanding the urgency of the situation,
he began walking for help, stumbling upon
a bedded down fellow American soldier in a
foxhole who took him to a medic.
Three months following recovery
from his near death experience and with
shrapnel still lodged in his lungs and spine,
the “crack shot” from South Dakota was sent
to occupied Germany to finish out his military duty as a company clerk. After completing his Army career, Ordell settled back into
rural Garretson, SD where he enrolled at
Augustana College for one year before pursuing his true passion and love— farming.
As he continued speaking, a smile spread
across his face and he finished hid the story with how he’d met his bride, Madeline,
at a wedding. The two of them had shared
67 wonderful years of marriage, creating a
legacy for future generations, raising seven
children prior to her passing in 2014.
After a few more stops to stretch
and gas up we, followed by Byron and
Greg Boddicker (4 year Navy veteran and
Past President and current Board member
of CVSG), arrived at the family ranch of
our hosts, Dean and Nancy Storms. Pulling
into the yard, my eyes went immediately to
“old glory” flying high above us gently reminding me of the sacrifices of those who
have served. The five of us unpacked our
gear as we settled into the refurbished old
school house, appropriately named “Beaver Creek”— which had been inspired
by Dean’s alias, “Beaver Creek Kid,” the
2013 Cowboy Fast Draw Association World
Champion. Following lunch and a short
break, Byron, Todd, Greg, and myself set
up the ground blinds and decoys in a small
thicket of trees on the edge of Dean’s pasture land giving our hero the best opportunity to hunt that ever elusive and coy North
American Wild Turkey. As we patiently
waited and anticipated the opportunity for
our hero to get a glimpse of the majestic
bird, Greg’s expert calling proved worthy
as he coaxed a mature tom toward us. The
volume of the gobbles increased as the tom
bellowed near the trees, soon coming within
sight of our setup where we witnessed his
territorial display of strutting and fanning
out his fluorescent feathers. As if showing
off, his grand finale included a “spit and
drum” show leaving each of us in amazement. As our WWII hero hunter anticipated
our feathered friends’ next move, rays of sun
broke through the clouds as the stubborn tur-
Gunslinger’s Gazette
key advanced excitedly toward the decoys
giving our hero the close encounter and opportunity we all had hoped for. Following a
gun malfunction and perhaps a case of turkey fever, our frightened, but alive, roughed
up turkey escaped down the tree line like an
Olympic runner shooting out of the blocks.
Weary of what just took place and suffering
from a case of short-term memory loss; the
inviting sounds of Greg’s yelps and clucks
proved worthy enough to soothe the mature
tom back for a closer look giving our hero a
second chance to harvest our long-bearded
friend. Back at the lodge, we shared stories of the hunt as well as how thankful we
are to those who have sacrificed so much
and served before us. Feeling a sense of satisfaction in accomplishing our God-inspired
mission during the weekend activities, we
realized that “the turkey hunt like no other” had as much or more of an impact than
imaginable on those who hosted and volunteered as on the life of our hero. The lasting memories of two organizations coming
together to share their passion of changing
the lives of one of our nations heroes and
the generous donation from Dean and Nancy Storms will forever connect each of us
together. Visit www.warriorsnevergiceup.
org to learn more about Warrior Never Give
Up and their mission of changing the lives
of our nations heroes and their families, one
outdoor adventure at a time. Gunslinger’s Gazette
“Hooters on the Line…”
Deputies Target Breast
Cancer Awareness
By Rainy
ast year, the Deputies set the bar high
in their tradition of supporting Breast
Cancer Awareness Month during their October club competitions. This year, the Deputies exceeded expectations again during
the event held at Bass Pro Shops in Rancho Cucamonga, California on October 18.
Our own Mrs. Cuss, a tireless,
long-time advocate, was instrumental in
the coordination of festivities. The plan
Fall 2015
included all proceeds from entry fees and
a 50-50 drawing being donated to the
cause, but it turned into so much more.
Virtually all shooters wore
special pink Deputies logo t-shirts or
other forms of pink, which got everyone in an appropriately perky mood.
Everyone also received swag
bags of pink candy and Mardi Gras-style
necklaces, adding to the fun atmosphere.
Bags of pink wax bullets and
Victoria’s Secret gift cards were just some
of the themed prizes awarded during the
event augmented by special shooting contests. More than just a handful of shooters stuffed collection cups in order to
Fast Draw Timer
be included in the contests, pushing-up
the total donations to nearly $1,100.
Ornery Cuss also donated a nice
set of leather saddlebags he made, which
were auctioned off to the highest bidder.
Of course, there was some great
shooting going on as well. Master Gunfighter took the top spot among the men,
finishing with no x’s, while Cowboy Up
finished second. On the ladies’ side, it
came down to Sassy Mustang Gal and
Lacy Gone Wild bouncing back and forth,
before Lacy got the last flashing light.
By the end of the day, the most impressive result was how everyone came together for fun and sportsmanship in support
Page 25
of breast cancer awareness and research.
Speaking on behalf of the club,
one member said, “Our support for causes like this feels really natural.” Getting
everyone involved was as easy as A-BC...D…DD… (Yeah, o.k., nobody actually
said that, but we all had a great time!)
“We have used our timers every Tuesday night and the first
and third Sundays of each month since 2009 with no
malfunctions. They are rugged and never fail.”
Dave Perry “Boss” President-Comanche Moon Renegades
“We take our competition system all over the country.
Setup is quick and easy. The PC score logging Software
Add on is an invaluable tool”
Randy Smith “Windmill Kid” President-West Texas Rangers
Quick Draw Electronics
Complete Two Lane System $549
Rugged 18 gauge 2 wire cables connect Timer to Targets
Comes Standard with the Brightest Target Lights in the Industry
High Quality Connectors
Includes Built in Practice Mode and 2-5 Sec Random Start Delay
Simple to Setup and Use
CFDA Approved
Two Lanes in One Small Rugged Metal Box
1 Timer
2 Sensors
2 Lights
1 AC Power Supply
1 Start Button
All Cables
WWW.QuickDrawElectronics.com 406-591-0506 “Quick Draw Montana” CFDA Member #2201
Page 26
Fall 2015
Gunslinger’s Gazette
New CFDA Members
e are happy to announce our newest members into the CFDA Family. When you see these folks, give them a big “CFDA Hee-Yaa Howdy”. We’re all glad to have you!
**Note: Life Members and New CFDA Members that missed the deadline for this issue will be listed in the next issue of the Gunslinger’s Gazette.
John Wills aka “Long Ranger” L2571 Goodview, VA
Tina Whittington aka “Little Lady” L1695 Caldwell, ID
Amy Malone aka “Prairie Blossom” L3508 Moneta, VA
Scott Malone aka “ Big Ugly” L3510 Moneta, VA
Edward Hack aka “Trinity” L2700 Star, ID
Jeremiah Cummons aka “ Jeremiah” L 1654 Pagosa Springs, CO
Mark Lier aka “ Rambunctious Red” L3737 Canton, GA
The “primary member” cost is $600, and the Spouse or dependent is $400. We divide it up
into 3 equal monthly payments that are deducted from your credit card each month until paid. Real
Once the first payment is made, your new Gold CFDA Life Membership Badge is ordered,
which takes about 6-8 weeks to receive. All Gold Life Member Badges are custom made, and have your
alias and “CFDA Life Number” on it. Upon receiving the 3rd and final payment, you’ll receive your
badge, new CFDA Life ID card, CFDA “Life Member” hat, and a certificate to proudly hang on your
wall. It would also make a great gift for someone special.
So call the CFDA office today at 775-575-1802, ask for Alotta Lead and we’ll get you going
with your new CFDA Life Membership. You’ll be happy you did.
Susie Geisser aka “ Copper Sue” Hallwil, Aargau, Switzerland
Ryan Gunnerson aka “ Lil’ Gunny” Indio, CA
Rit Kennedy aka “Vagodesilla” Woodbridge, VA
Todd Parker aka “HooYah” Post Falls, ID
Kerry Rowell aka “Silver Dollar” Satsuma, FL
Chris Armstrong aka “California Chris” Paradise, CA
Gary Culbertson aka “ Culby” Fallon, NV
Jerry Wersal aka “Shakey Jake” Mapleton, MN
Rhonda Bridgewater aka “ Copperhead Red” Tulsa, OK
Derrick Deatherage aka “ Double D” Chico, CA
Dan House aka “Shadow Walker” Fallon, NV
Nicholas Borghesani aka “Wade Havoc” Fairfield, CA
Jean Durfey aka “Little Hawk” Fallon, NV
Michael Baker aka “ Elmer J. Fudd” Moseley, VA
Andrew Parker aka “Selkirk Rambler” Post Falls, ID
Deb Holzer aka “ Lakota Lady” Aberdeen, SD
Robert S. Edmonds aka “Wisco Kid” Saint Francis, WI
Jason Watson aka “J. Gunslick” Cummings, GA
Rich Hoffman aka “Cliffhanger” Hamilton, OH
Jerome Price aka “Sundance Kid Amarillo” Amarillo, TX
Kathy Price aka “Etta Place” Amarillo, TX
Tony Castro aka “Big Hat” Carlsbad, CA
Belinda Guerra aka “Pistol Packin’ Poogie” Carlsbad, CA
Patty Waddington aka “Diablo Daisy” Concord, CA
James Thomas Birkel aka “Lil’ James” Anthem, AZ
Todd Arnold aka “Midnight Justice” Harrisburg, PA
Joseph C. Brown aka “Idaho Joe” Boise, ID
Jon K. Hawke aka “ The Restless Gun Vint Bonner” Vander, NC
Steve Morrill aka “Teko” Pagosa Spring, CO
Doug Kinsey aka “Idaho Kidd” Jerome, ID
Mark Chavez aka “ Chavez E. Chavez” Canyon Lake, TX
Annabell Edmondson aka “La Bella Rebelle” Edgemont, SD
Julie Smith aka “Troublemaker” Buckeye, AZ
Virgil Moore aka “Grayson Sodbuster” Fries, VA
Dave Bischoff aka “Bish” Gardnerville, NV
Andrew West aka “Cullen Bohannon” Owensboro, KY
Judd Allen aka “Jackhammer Judd” Sugarland, TX
Noah Smith aka “Young Gun” Richmond, TX
Rickey Thibodeaux aka “Reiner” Eunice, LA
Stephen Ball aka “Tanner Wright” Richmond, TX
James Glenn aka “Three Fingers” Fulshear, TX
Matthew Lewis aka “The Lone Wanderer” Missouri City, TX
Sebastian Johnson aka “Arizona Kid” Cypress, TX
Brian Woolery aka “Tuco” Cypress, TX
Thomas Nelson aka “ I’m Your Huckleberry” Houston, TX
CFDA Life Membership Payment Plan Available
Vicki Turner aka “ Etta Platt” Houston, TX
Leroy Anderson aka “Cosmic Kid” Duluth, MN
John W. Anderson Jr. aka “Scruffy McDuffy” Chester, VA
Elizabeth Anderson aka “Esmerelda” Chester, VA
Richard Rose aka “Red Moon” Amelia, VA
Nathan Stanley aka “The Prodigy” Lacey, WA
John Krutsinger aka “Gunrunner” Pocahontas, AR
Doris Krutsinger aka “Silver Wings” Pocahontas, AR
Jerry Christiansen aka “Houndman” Powhatan, VA
Coy Tallman II aka “High Plains Drifter” Hartford, KY
Arthur Meel aka “ Bashful” Deming, NM
Dave Stafford aka “Crazy Dave” Copperolios, CA
Jeffrey Ehlert aka “El Jeffe” Katy, TX
Lori Ehlert aka “ Suzy Q “ Katy, TX
Hunter Bevill aka “ Sgt. Buck” Richmond, TX
Kassi Bevill aka “Madame K “ Richmond, TX
Andrew Mendolia II aka “Bronco” Newport, NC
Richard Borba aka “Tricky Rick” Oakdale, CA
Robert McMillen aka “Young Buck” Hughson, CA
Eusebio J. Fernandez aka “ El Pistolero” Chino, CA
Adam Hefner aka “Joker” Onterio, CA
Harvey Grass aka “Don Antonio” St. Amant, LA
Philip Gutzman aka “Hell Hammer” Nampa, ID
Darren Brittain aka “ Morgan Earp” Rock Hill, SC
Linda Hausman aka “ Lovely Little Linda” Auburn, CA
Bud Hausman aka “ Big Bad Bud” Auburn, CA
Frank Wallace aka “Stoney Brooke” Sacramento, CA
Dan Bennett aka “Kentucky Law Dog” Owensboro, KY
Tom McNeely aka “Bootlegger” Hickory, NC
Jim Snoap aka “ Snoopdog” Wyoming, MI
Richard Arenz aka “ I.M. Nobody” Delavan, WI
Rebecca Sailors aka “Harley Quinn” Upland, CA
Dickman W. Lum aka “ The Enforcer” Auburn, CA
Macayla Dorman aka “Shotgun Diva” Snohomish, WA
Roger Wiles aka “Stepdog” Gardnerville, NV
Trevor Everson aka “Terrible T “ Notus, ID
Daniel Joslin aka “Curly Dan” Pagosa Springs, CO
Mark Fransen aka “Homeless Joe” Superior, WI
Joyce Thompson aka “Silver Slipper” Forest, VA
Enrico Del Barrio aka “ Gun Hand” Victorville, CA
George Leezy aka “Choctaw Kid” Sparks, NV
Marianne Helliwell aka “Dragonfly” Cypress, TX
Luciano “Lou” Mega aka “Old Drifter” Rio Linda, CA
87. Blake Keyse aka “Dark Shooter” Caldwell, ID
88. Draken Keyse aka “Lil’ Bender” Caldwell, ID
89. Scott Merrow aka “ Sheriff Red Powder” Wheeling, MO
90. Desiree Sparks aka “Deadeye Desiree” Aurora, CO
91. Matthew Burgess aka “Sam Hell” Boise, ID
92. John Sulser aka “Jack-A- Lope Jack” Flagler Beach, FL
93. Les Knobbs aka “ Yuma Grizzley” Yuma, AZ
94. Jack Dixon aka “Slowpoke Jack” Dover, FL
95. Lori Candad aka “Slowpoke’s Darlin’ “ Dover, FL
96. Ron Pike aka “ Nevada Wrangler” Reno, NV
97. Jeff Wright aka “Chuckwagon” Creston, CA
98. Daniel Stone aka “ Iron Sight” Max Meadows, VA
99. Tim Moutardier aka “Lawdog 45” Leitchfield, KY
100.George Quick aka “Concho” Sparks, NV
101. Barbie Porter aka “Barbie Doll” Beaver Dam, KY
102. Ralph Porter aka “ Born Runabout” Beaver Dam, KY
103. Scott Klinger aka “ Doc Larsson” Bennington, NE
104. Clelia A. Hill aka “ Diamon’ Lil” Osteen, FL
105. William G. Hill aka “Wild Bill Hill” Osteen, FL.
106. Jill Dempsey aka “ Facesoblue” Palm Coast, FL
107. Bob Hood aka “ Reaper” Thonotosassa, FL.
108. Paul Robert Wood aka “Ben Rumson” Tempe, AZ
109. Derick Gudowski aka “ Shady Duins” Superior, WI
110. Jerry Sell aka “Concho Kid” Markle, IN
111. Frank Brennan aka “ Kansas Jayhawker” Silver Lake, KS
112. Jake Hartley aka “ Diamondback Gun Slayer” Fernley, NV
113. Philip Marlin aka “ Grizzly Adams” Tucson, AZ
114. Toby V. Barnett aka “Trouble” Kingston, GA
115. Shelby Magallanes aka “Shell Shock” Odessa, TX
116. Rylee Smith aka “Rhinestone” Odessa, TX
117. Owen Fabel aka “ Alameda Slim” Fallon, NV
118. Kathy Hubbard aka “ Miss Kat” Christiansburg, VA
119. Annette Hackworth aka “ Thunder Bolt” Browns Valley, CA
120. Randell Hackworth aka “ Lightning Jack” Browns Valley, CA
121. Howard K. Rogers aka “Florida Cracker Country Boy” Brunnell, FL
122. Dan DeRooy aka “ Dodge City DeRoy” Simi Valley, CA
123. Jon Day aka “Clay Boy” Glendale, AZ
124. Leslie Johnson aka “ Swamp Walker” Hayward, WI
125. Peter Birch aka “Popcorn Pete” Superior, WI
126. Ben Kuiper aka “ Benny the Kid” Addison, TX
127. Hallie Michaels aka “Crazy Hal” Addison, TX
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Fall 2015
CFDA General Store
Page 27
CFDA Custom
Membership Badge
Dead Eye E-Z Loader
Wax Bullets - .38 or .45
Starting at $14.99 (Available in
500ct, 1000ct, 4000ct, & 6000ct)
Cowboy Fast Draw Timer
.45 Shotgun Primer Nickel
50ct $40.00 - .38 or .45
100ct $75.00 - only .45
Timer Price $199.99 + S&H
(Base Price - Timer Only)
Additional components are required to
operate timer
Components Sold Seperately or in packages
We Have Several Packages Without Targets Available:
• One Lane Complete Timer Package
- $349
• Two Lane Complete Timer Package
• Four Lane Complete Timer Package
• Six Lane Complete Timer Package
(Each package has the option of adding targets)
CFDA Holsters
NOW AVAILABLE in the CFDA Mercantile!
Be sure to check our our new “Holster” section in the
Mercantile online. Choose from a selection of
Mernickle Holsters CFD5, CFD3 (canted), or CFD15
.45 Wax Bullet Brass
(Large Pistol Primer Drop-In)
This brass is customized for large pistol
primers so that they will drop in and
out just like shotgun primers do in our
standard CFDA Brass.
Sold in a Bag of 12 - $14.99
a Box of 50
Be Sure to
Check Out
Our Variety
of Target
and Timer
CFDA 4 Piece Target
$189.99+ s/h
EZ Loader Speed Press
Available in .38 or .45
Installing Dead Eye EZ Loaders into CFDA Brass
is no problem, but getting them set to a consistent depth can take time. Reducing casing capacity is a key component of achieving both maximum and consistent velocity. The EZ Loader
Speed Press is the fastest way to set any brand of
wax bullet at a consistent depth.
Gunslinger Reaction Trainer
The Gunslinger Reaction Trainer is a ground breaking training tool not only for the sport of Cowboy
Fast Draw, but for any activity which requires the honing of reactions and conditioned reflexes. I’m no
doctor, but I have have been studying human reactions for over 40 years and I believe that training one’s
reactions through a conditioned reflex offers many benefits. Tuning your mind to be in better sinc with
your body, promotes a younger and quicker thought process which enhances all kinds of activities,
even making you a more alert and reactive driver. Cal Eilrich a.k.a. Quick Cal, Director of CFDA
Hit’em Fast
Instructional Video
This device is designed to work exclusively with the Gunslinger Cowboy Fast Draw Timing System.(Sold Seperately)
How It Works!
Ready for Random Start
LED Start Signal On!
Lucas Oil - White
Lithium Grease
$7.99 (8 oz. Tube)
Time Recorded
Just plug the Gunslinger Reaction Trainer into the “Blue Port” of the Gunslinger Timer, it completely replaces the need for a target light and sensor.
Operate the timer according to normal instructions. Contest and Practice Modes work the same, plus it will display times on both the timers and
audience displays. Great for Reaction Contests!
Order Yours Today! - www.CowboyFastDraw.com - CFDA General Store - $59.99
After years of searching for
factory-made white lithium grease, that was really
WHITE, we finally found
a good one! We now carry
it in convenient 8 oz. tubes
for easier applications to targets. Manufactured by Lucas Oil, we’re proud to stock
this product, as one of their
$7.99 each
$69.99 per case of 12 (5.83 each)
Catalogs Available Upon Request
To Order Go To: WWW.COWBOYFASTDRAW.COM Or Call (775)575-1802
Page 28
Fall 2015
Gunslinger’s Gazette
2016 CFDA Shooting Schedule
Four Corners Territorial Championship*March 18th-20thPhoenixAZ
Leather & Lace March 19thIdaho CityID
Ides of March (Jackpot Shoot)March 26th-27thFernleyNV
Cowboys & AngelsApril 16thIadho CityID
Texas State Championship*April 21st-22ndFort WorthTX
Southern Territorial Championship*April 23rd-24thFort WorthTX
Oklahoma State Championship*May 13th-15thCollinsvilleOK
Great Northwest Territorial Championship*May 27th-29thCaldwellID
Kansas State Championship*June 3rd-5thPhillipsburgKS
South Dakota State Championship*June 17thMitchellS.D.
High Plains Territorial Championship*June 18th-19thMitchellS.D.
Virginia State & Eastern Territorial Championships*
July 7th-10th
Amelia Courthouse
Grand Teton Gunfights
July 16th-17th
Idaho Falls
U.S. National Championship*July 30th-31stPagosa SpringsCO
Kentucky State Championship*September 8th-11thHorse BranchKY
Lonesome LowmanSeptember 17th-18thLowmanID
Fastest Gun Alive World Championship*September 29th-October 2nd
Aces & EightsOctober 15thIdaho CityID
* Indicates Titled Championship Match (Qualifies for Top Gun Points) Go to www.cowboyfastdraw.com for full details amd registration information
If You have a CFDA shooting event you would like listed, please email information to Hannah Calder at hannahcalder@cowboyfastdraw.com
Phone: 888/364-5253 Web: ChronicleoftheOldWest.com
P.O. Box 2859 Show Low, Arizona Territory 85902
To get the discount use offer code: CFD
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Fall 2015
Page 29
CFDA Affiliated Clubs and Clubs in the Works
Club NameRegular ScheduleContactPhoneWebsite
or emailCityState
Assoc. of Arizona Gunslingers
4th Saturday of the Month
Mike Holzer “Shady Mike” 602-770-1430
m_holzer@yahoo.com www.azgunslingers.com
Eric Casteel “Hankerin Hank”
Old Pueblo Gunfighters
1st & 3rd Saturday
Cactus Patch Posse
1st & 3rd Saturday
Mike Williams “Rattler”
Bart Carr “Mule Train”
Rio Salado Vaqueros
2nd Saturday
Diamond Hog Leg ShootersScott Banks “Diamond Jack”
Randolph County Rangers
James Alphin “Diamond Back Billy”
Bob Meyers “Marshal Cooper” 559-259-8673
The Sierra Gun Hawks
4th Saturday
Mike Karsten “Cowboy Up”
Rancho CucamongaCA
The Deputies3rd Sunday
Kent Sandhagen “The Undertaker” 209-587-0572
www.goldenstategunslingers.com Los Banos
Golden State Gunslinger’s
Every Saturday
George Narasaki “Sundowner” 510-233-2256
nnarrow@aol.com www.gunfightergulch.com Oakdale
Sundowners CFD Club
2nd Saturday
Canyon Oak Rangers
2 SaturdayGuy Crawford818-489-2729
1st Saturday of month
Johnnie Jones “Rooster Cogburn”
oldracer53@yahoo.com or www.goldcountryoutriders.com
Gold Country Out Riders
Darin Wagner “Dag Nabit”
dagnabitcfda@aol.com or www.bartgunfighters.com
San Diego
The Bar T Gunfighters
2 Sunday of Month
Central Valley Posse
4th Sunday Eric Vierra
Los Banos
California RangersChris Feeback “Colt McCoy”
Dave Miller “Mongo”
Pagosa Springs
San Jaun Shootists
3rd Saturday
Colorado Pistoleros2nd SaturdayRobert Cummings “Nitro Kid”
John Heltzel “Von Zipper”
Saint Augustine
Ancient City Conquistadors
1 Sunday of Month
Flatlanders Shootist Society
Don Lester “Yusta B Fast”
St. Petersburg
Cracker Cowboys
2nd Sunday
Martin Brabham “Smokin Gun 386-931-5613
Sunshine State Shootist
3rd Sunday
DJ Kirby “Outlaw Ike”
Trigger Time Gunslingers
Every Tuesday
Rich Whitlock “Crazy Rick”
Flowery Branch
Hickory Flats Shootists SocietySteelman Borden “Stainless Steel”
Idaho Shootists1st & 5th SaturdayRoger Randolph “Smoke Wagon”
pgtaylor@q.comTwin FallsID
Snake River Gunslingers
2nd TuesdayP.G. Taylor208-732-6123
Treasure Valley Gunslingers
4 SaturdaySkinner208-484-4493
eaglerockoutlaws@hotmail.comIdaho FallsID
Eagle Rock Outlaws
1st SaturdayBrett Gyorfy208-881-8229
Larry Lansdowne “Curley Calhoun”
Sawtooth Shootist Society
Wednesdays & 3 Saturday
Clearwater Country ShootersMonthlySandi Worthington “Blue Pony”
Big Iron Shooting ClubGary Adrian785-562-6395
kfdadeacon@hotmail.com MarysvilleKS
Deercreek RegulatorsEvery SaturdayPaul Wisinger “Lawdawg”
James Casteel “Shane”
bsjwcast@aol.com or www.facebook.com/BluegrassFastDraw Horse Branch
Blue Grass Fast Draw
3rd Saturday
Thorn Valley Shootist Society
Every Saturday
Mark Markley “Big Mark
Orrington Bounty Hunters
1st Saturday
George Sullival “Derby George” 207-825-3888
North Star Bandits
Thursday & Sunday pm
Mark Burnham “Snake Shooter” 507-528-2376
Mahtowa GunslingersMonday & Wednesdays
Greg Jones218-389-6213
The Missouri RuffiansDarrel Gibbs “Missourian”
Last Saturday of the Month
Jeff Holland “Uncle Jeffro”
Buccaneer Spurs
Sparks Nebraska Spurs
Thursdays 7pm & Last Sunday “Beaver Creek Kid”
“Auburn Angel”
Sandhill Outlaws & Angels
2nd Sunday each Month
Cotton Cattle CO.Will Cotton “Last Will”
cowboy1862@yahoo.comRed CloudNE
Great Basin Gun Hawks
1st Mon.. & 3rd Saturday“Chisum”775-742-0015
Bob Williams ‘Genoa Maverick” 775-782-4716
Genoa Mavericks
EveryTues night & 4 Sat.
Antelope Valley GrizzliesRick Schneider “Kodiak”
Green Country Gunslingers
3 SundaySteve Mills “Wishbone”918-274-2930
Oregon Gunfighters1st & 3rd SaturdayCoho Kid503-670-7972
Rod Bish “Dusty Trail”
Jackson Center
Keystone Gunslingers1st Sunday
1st Sunday/ Last Sat. Night Troy Bollock “Boulder Vaquero” 605-996-6889
Powder Horn Ranch Regulators
Darrell Ronnfeldt “Dead Eye Darrell”
Snake Creek Boys
Wednesdays 7pm
Cheyenne River Regulators
4th Sunday/month
Brent White aka West Creek
Dakota GunslingersTBDRichard & Donna Trautman
Chad Briley “Lightnin Jesse”
N. Texas Society of Gunfighters
1 & 3 Sunday
Comanche Moon Renegades
1st & 3rd Sunday
David Perry “Boss”
Randy Smith “Windmill Kid
West Texas Rangers
2nd &4th Sunday
George Dezendorf “Gentleman George”
Big Thicket Bushwackers
4th Sunday
Texas Peacekeepers2nd SaturdayKen Oliver “Knockout Ken”
Lone Star Gunslingers
2nd 7 4th Sunday
Guy Gist “Texas Boer”
Jeff Duncan “Ringo”
Old Dominion Fast Draw
3 Suday
spanky0290@hotmail.com www.virginiapeacemakers.com Amelia Court House VA
Virginia Peacemakers
1st Sunday
Tim Duncan “Spanky”
James Monroe “High Country Drifter”
New River Fast Draw Club
4th Sunday
Grand View Gunslingers
3rd Sunday
Ken Hurt “Shenandoah
info@pnwbandits.com SnohomishWA
Pacific Northwest BanditsMonty Dorman “The Gunslinger” 206-209-8688
Ron Nyhouse “Mule Skinner”
Marion WI
Wisconsin Peace Keepers
2nd & 4th Saturday
Black River Bandits
Every Sunday
Debbie Stadin “Lightnin”
mrstadin@frontiernet.net www.blackriverbandits.org Superior
Wisconsin 6 ShootersJerry Kirschling715-341-1311
jerrykirschling@sbcglobal.netStevens Point
Yellow River Bandits1st Saturday/Month“Ragbag”952-270-3894
regrueschow@frontiernet.net WebsterWI
Prairieville DesperadosJeanne, Frank, or Nick Vincze
Copper Creek RangersDick Gudowski “Scrap Iron”
Jerry Baker “FightnJoe Baker”
Cheyenne Shootists1 Saturday
CFDA “Clubs in the Works”
Spring Creek GunslingersJim Reed “The Law Maker”
Ozark Drifters Fast Draw Club
Darin Liles “Dead Eye Dagwood”501-757-2454
Colusa Glenn Fast Draw Club
Bob Hamilton “Dapper Dan”
Great Valley 6 Shooters
Doug Crawford “Nickem Badley”530-945-7437
4 Town Regulators
Dane Simmons “Crazy Dane”
Sand Pine Trail
Boarder MaraudersBill Sills “Mud Marine”208-627-8377
whs3@yahoo.comEast PortID
Prairie State PosseGary Stevens “The Rossiman”
Kansas MarshalsDavid Meeks “Kansas Kid”
Kentucky Hillbilly GunslingersBill Bruner “Kentucky Sourdough”
Bay State GunslingersDavid Polcari617-921-7942
Blue Hill Shootist SocietyDaniel Koch207-667-3586
dankoch@roadrunner.comBlue HillME
York County RangersJohn Riemenschneider207-457-9105
jbriemen@metrocast.netNorth Berwick
Montana Vigilante Fast DrawEd Fisher406-208-9314
colt45saa@q.comPark CityMT
Yellow Stone Rough Riders
Rex Portmann “Moose Man”
West Yellowstone
Carolina Fast GunsHarold French “Red Cent”
Alligator River Regulators
Fred Massie “Ranger Fred”
Manns Harbor
Pine Hall Fast Draw
Floyd Short “Stokes County Kid” 336-686-4976
Pine Hall
Lumber Bridge City NC
7 Branch ShootistBuddy Blackman “Quickshot McCrae” 910-813-7881
Lost River RangerJason Walker “highlander”
York County GunslingersWilliam Cutlip803-327-7388
butch_cutlip@hotmail.comRock HillS.C.
Tennessee Fast Draw ClubLarry Fouse “Gunsmith”
larry.fouse07@gmail.comSavannah TN
Tall City GunslingersOmar Carrasco “Dinero”
Texas Panhandle Pistoleros
4th Sunday
“Sundance Kid Amarillo”
quickshootingcowboy@gmail.com www.texasfastdraw.com Amarillo
Southfork RangersDean Walters “Southfork Slim”
Lake Valley Argovia Gunfighters
International Clubs
Ueli Bracher “Honcho”
We are committed to building the foundation of CFDA through Affiliated Clubs. The existing clubs can always rely on CFDA for a helping hand in dealing with any issues that need to resolved. Alotta Lead is the Membership Director, Quick Cal is always available to work with existing clubs or “club in the works”. If you
are new or existing member of CFDA and want to get a club started in your area give Alotta Lead a call and he can get you posted on the “Club in the Works” section. The Regulator Posse can also be a great resource for new clubs. To update information, please send information to hannahcalder@cowboyfastdraw.com.
Join the Fast Growing Sport of Cowboy Fast Draw
Dedicated to the Romance & Legend of the Old West
A Friendly Sport that promotes Firearm Safety,
Integrity, Sportsmanship, and The Cowboy Way.
The Guns
Single-action revolvers, factory chambered for .45 Colt caliber,
with non-adjustable rear sights such as: SAA Colt, Colt Bisley,
1858 Remington conversions, 1875 Remington, S&W Schofield
and faithful reproductions thereof, plus most Ruger Vaquero
models. The external parts of the revolver must match factory
stock contours and made of original type material: i.e. hammers
must not be bent in any way. No trigger shoes, no mods to the
trigger guard or grip frame, etc. Front sights are optional and barrels must be a minimum length of 4-1/2”, except in the Shootist
Category (7-1/2”). Hammer knurling may be smoothed.
The Holsters & Gun Belts
1800’s-style Mexican Loop, Slim Jim, and California Pattern
holsters or leather rawhide construction. The over the belt-style
holster will be worn on the side of the leg only. No cross-draw,
shoulder, buscadero, contemporary Hollywood or steel lined holsters are allowed.
95% of ammunition used in Cowboy Fast Draw is .45 colt casings that are specially modified to accept 209 shotgun primers
and no gun powder. Velocities reach about 650 fps. Only in major competitions Cowboy Fast Draw Cartridges are used, they
must be loaded by CFDA approved reloaders.
The standard Cowboy Fast Draw target is a 24” round disc with
a start light in the center. The target will measure 50” from the
ground. White lithium grease is applied to the target to track all
wax bullet hits.
Competition Timers
Digital timers must time to the thousandth of a second. Sanctioned contests must use target with impact sensors.
Shooting Style
Most folks use a thumb-cocking method, but fanning is allowed.
Trigger finger must be out of the trigger guard. If used to cock
the hammer the off-hand must not be placed in front of the body
before the start light comes on.
Contests are shot elimination style, best 2 out of 3, or 3 out of 5
shots per round. The standard contest is luck of the draw man vs.
man elimination.
Gunslinger – 15 ft.
Gunfighter – 18 ft.
Master Gunfighter – 21 ft. (Titled Championship Distance)
There are Men’s, Ladies and Youth Divisions
1800’s period clothing is strongly recommended. Western cowboy, including working cowboy clothing is acceptable. Western
boots or moccasins are acceptable footwear. Western-style blue
and black jeans are acceptable.
“Safety First, Fun Second, Competition Third!”
One of our primary goals is to educate as many people as possible in the safe and proper use of firearms. Even though we use
wax bullet ammunition, we treat them as they were live ammunition and observe all established range safety rules.
venues. To promote spirit of the American Old West and the
Cowboy Way.
Contact Us
Cowboy Fast Draw Association
Director’s Office
P.O. Box 5
Fernley, NV 89408 (775) 575-1802
Cowboy Fast Draw Association - Membership Services & Sales
P.O. Box 5
Fernley, NV 89408 • (775)575-1802
Website: www.cowboyfastdraw.com
What You Get When You Join
Membership Card
Gunslinger’s Guidelines (Rulebook)
Membership Number
Badge with Membership Number
CFDA Decal
Subscription Gunslinger’s Gazette (North America)
A Whole Bunch of New Friends
Some of our Goals
To keep our clothing & equipment such as guns and holsters
true to form of the time period that we represent (1873-1899).
1873 is the year that the Colt Peacemaker was introduced.
To promote a positive public image of our sport and gun sports
in general, since Cowboy Fast Draw is commonly held in public
Cowboy Fast Draw Association
Membership Application
Name: _____________________________________ Alias: _______________________________ Alias: ________________________________
(First Choice)(Second Choice)
Address: ________________________________________________ City: ____________________________ State: ________ ZIP: ___________
Country: ___________ Date of Birth:_________ Club (If any):_____________________________________ NRA# (If any): _______________
Phone: (____) ________________ Email: ______________________________________ Share Email with CFDA Members? ____ Yes _____ No
North America
1- Year
Annual Membership Dues
-Spouse or S.O.
-Dependents (17 & under)
Annual International
(Optional Mailed Gazette + $20) Life Membership (Includes Life Member’s Badge)
$59.50 or$79.50 w/Gazette
$39.50 or$59.50 w/Gazette
$39.50 or$59.50 w/Gazette
Payment Method: Check Money Order
Annual Membership Renewal
$49.50 or$69.50 w/Gazette
-Spouse or S.O.
$29.50 or$49.50 w/Gazette
TOTAL AMOUNT: $_______________ EXP. DATE _________
-Dependents (17 & under)
$29.50 or$49.50 w/Gazette
Note- International Members same fees apply as North America without mailed Gunslinger’s Gazette
Credit Card #: ________________________________________
Note- Gunslinger’s Gazette may be viewed in PDF at www.cowboyfastdraw.com (Free)
Referral Club for New Members:_____________________________________________
(If Any)
Signature: ___________________________________________
Cowboy Fast Draw Association – Membership Services - P.O. Box 5 • Fernley, NV 89408 • 775-575-1802 • www.cowboyfastdraw.com • info@cowboyfastdraw.com
PG L262x355.6h mm.indd 1
21-10-2011 14:47:23
Cowboy Fast Draw Systems
Starting at $289.95
Mernickle Holsters
Designer Series
Email: sales@mernickleholsters.com
Internet: www.mernickleholsters.com
1875 View Court
Fernley, Nevada 89408
Phone: [775-575-3166]
FAX: [775-575-3188]
Cowboy Fast Draw Association’s
Gunslinger’s Gazette
Fall 2015
In This Issue:
• 2015 Fastest Gun Alive - pg 7
• Colorado State &
Four Courners Territorial pg 14
Cowboy Fast Draw Association
PO Box 5
Fernley, NV 89408
• Wisconsin State
Championship - pg 18
• Kentucky State
Championship pg 20
Todd VonFeldt Jr
aka “Oregon Ranger”
2015 Fastest Gun Alive
Men’s World Champion
• Nevada State
Championship pg 22
Shoot This To:

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