Newsletter 09-01-16 - Wesley Memorial UMC
Newsletter 09-01-16 - Wesley Memorial UMC
Wesley Memorial United Methodist Church The Wesley Times Volume VIII, Issue X October 1, 2016 I’m sitting in my office looking out over the pumpkin patch (I have the best office view out of all the staff, if I do say so myself), and it’s just started to rain. There are little puddles beginning the form in the hay, and giant Minnie Mouse is starting to lean over with the weight of the rain drops. Rain is a wonderful thing, it’s refreshing and replenishing to the thirsty earth, and a welcome relief from the consistent heat of the past few weeks. But, it’s probably not so pleasant for the few people I can see who are still working in the pumpkin patch. There are a few holdouts, a handful of faithful volunteers who are still sitting under the tent, waiting to help anyone who may happen to want to buy a pumpkin on a rainy Tuesday. Sure, the chances are slim, but they are there just in case. In my short time at Wesley, I have been so encouraged by the culture of service in our congregation. Sometimes it can be hard to fully appreciate the work of volunteers when one has only ever been employed by a church. This was most evident when I started in June, diving right in to Vacation Bible School and planning for Camp Singletary. Without the constant support of a community of volunteers (and the hard work of Mary Frances!), these events would not have happened as successfully as they did. These events are only a piece of a much larger puzzle of volunteers who fit together to help sustain the life and ministry of Wesley Memorial. It is in the work of volunteers that I truly glimpse the Kingdom of God on earth. I glimpse it each Sunday morning in the youth who serve as acolytes, and our ushers help people find their seats. I glimpse it in those who work tirelessly setting up and taking down the chairs for the Lighthouse service. I glimpse it each Wednesday evening in those who prepare and serve dinner. I glimpse it when I see the calendar in the bulletin, filled with the work of our missions volunteers and church committees. I can see the Kingdom of God popping up here, there and everywhere throughout our congregation. You are ushering in God’s Kingdom. You are making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world. You are being the hands and feet of Jesus. Thank you, volunteers, for the work you are doing, and will continue to do for the Kingdom of God. — Kelli Kosuda Tingen Please visit our website! SUNDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2016 Preacher: Rev. Adam Baker SUNDAY, OCTOBER 16, 2016 Preacher: Rev. Beth Hood SUNDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2016 Preacher: Rev. Beth Hood SUNDAY, OCTOBER 23, 2016 Preacher: Rev. Beth Hood SUNDAY, OCTOBER 30, 2016 Preacher: Rev. Adam Baker Deadline for the next newsletter is October 19! V O LU M E V I I I I SS U E X T H E WE S LE Y T I M E S PAGE 2 ANNOUNCEMENTS Electronic Giving - We offer electronic giving as a way to automate your regular weekly offering. Electronic giving offers convenience for individual congregaon members and provides much needed donaon consistency for our congregaon. Just go to or scan the a!ached QR Code to set up an automac donaon plan, change your donaon plan, make a one-me donaon or view your online donaon history. Please contact Loria Frazier at 791-4092 ext. 107 or email her at for more informaon. Meals 5:30 pm Classes 6:30 pm Do you have quesons? If quesons are asked with a seeker's heart, they can lead to faith. Ask: Faith Quesons in a Skepcal Age is a study about difficult quesons and faithful answers. Bishop Sco! Jones and his son, Rev. Arthur Jones, write honestly and though&ully, bringing a Chrisan perspecve to tough quesons of faith. Rev. Beth Hood connues leading this study in Room 306 of the Acvity Building October 5, 12, 19, 26 The Wonder of Christmas wri!en by Rev. Ed Robb and Rev. Rob Renfroe of The Woodlands UMC in Woodlands, Texas. The Christmas season is always filled with wonder, but this year rediscover the true wonder of Christmas by sharing the love of Christ with others. This four-week study centers on looking to the Christmas story and the stories of people today to find inspiraon and ideas for reflecng the light of Jesus at Christmas me and throughout the enre year. This class will be held November 2, 9, 16 & 30 from 6:30-7:30 pm and will be led by Mr. Eston Brinkley. Parcipants can obtain a book through or your favorite online bookstore. Mike Slaughter has just published a new Advent study, called Down to Earth. We will be discussing what the miracle of Christ’s birth means to each of us. He challenges us to respond during Advent with down to earth Love, Humility, Lifestyle and Obedience. Please note this is only a 4-week study and will be held October 26, November 2, 9, & 16. If you are interested, please contact George Pidot via email at or call 352 2038). V O LU M E V I I I I SS U E X T H E WE S LE Y T I M E S PAGE 3 ANNOUNCEMENTS The YOUNG AT HEART group will have their monthly luncheon on Thursday, October 27, 11:30 am in the Acvity Building Gym. Come and enjoy hearing about the historic Wilmington walking tours offered by Ms. Robin Triple!. A rered New Hanover County History teacher, Robin is a local expert and dynamic presenter on the history of historic Wilmington. ALer a!ending this program, you will want to join Robin on a future walking tour! CHRISTMAS SENIOR ADULT TRIP – Young @ Heart invites anyone interested in joining them for The South’s Grandest Christmas Show at the Alabama Theatre in N. Myrtle Beach, SC on Tuesday, December 6. We will be leaving from the church at 9:45 a.m. by motor coach and returning at approximately 8:00 p.m. We will stop in Supply, NC for breakfast/lunch and in Calabash, NC for dinner. Cost is $40 per person which includes transportaon and a cket to the 2:00 manee show. Reservaon and payment must be made at the church office by November 1. Please make checks payable to WMUMC and reference Alabama Christmas Show in the memo. Thank you so much for the connued support to our school. We realize how lucky we are to have volunteers from the church. The Spring Fling was a huge success, the children had a great me and we were able to raise much needed fund to help pay for field trips and supplies for students. Thank you again for your support. — Winter Park Elementary PTA Thank you for the kindness, prayers, concern and comfort you provided for Joyce and my father, Jack during the past two-half years. Joyce bravely fought for two years and we now know she is at peace in God’s presence now. — Thankfully, the Bragg Family A FINANCIAL MOMENT REVENUE and EXPENDITURES SUMMARY January through August 2016 Other General Missions Revenue Accounts Operations $ This Year $ 667,609 31,563 $ 5,197 Member giving & $ other revenue Last Year $ 663,594 37,182 $ 14,394 This year % of last year 100.6% 84.9% 36.1% We have under collected our budgeted giving by $ (60,464) Expenditures This Year Net Operating Expenses Last Year This year % of last year We have over spent our budgeted expenses by $ 742,002 $ 671,243 110.5% $ 13,929 $ 28,830 $ 59,543 48.4% 52.5% $ 6,966 $ 18,226 38.2% CHARGE CONFERENCE - On Saturday, October 15 at 10:00 am members of Wesley Memorial are encouraged to attend the annual Harbor District Charge Conference being held this year at Hampstead UMC. While members of our Church Leadership Team are expected to attend, everyone is welcome! Go Green! Did you know you can choose to receive the Wesley Times electronically? If you would like to receive the Wesley Times via email instead of the U.S. Mail, please contact the church office at 791-4092 or We will gladly add you to the newsletter email list. CALLING ALL 3RD GRADERS! You’re invited to the annual 3rd Grade Bible Bash on Friday, October 14 from 6-9pm in the gym for games, food, crafts, and FUN as we learn about how to use this important book called the BIBLE! This will prepare our 3rd grade class to receive their Bibles on October 16 during our Children’s Sabbath service. Be sure to RSVP to Kelli by October 10. Join us on Sunday October 30th from 5-7pm for our Trunk or Treat and Fall Carnival! Bring your friends and family for a fun night of “trunk or treang” outside the Acvity Building, then head indoor for hot dogs and carnival fun! We are in need of lots of volunteers to decorate their trunks and pass out candy, as well as candy donaons. Please see Kelli or Mary Frances if you’re able to help out. October 14: 3rd Grade Bible Bash October 16: Children’s Sabbath October 30: Trunk or Treat and Fall Carnival Please join us for Children’s Sabbath on Sunday, October 16 as our K-5th grade children lead us in worship in our 11:00 tradional service. During this service our 3rd graders will also receive their Bibles. For more informaon about our Children’s Ministry at Wesley Memorial Please contact Kelli Kosuda Tingen at 910-791-4092 or Children ages K-2nd grade are invited to Kid’s Worship each Sunday aLer the Children’s Sermon, excluding the first Sunday of each month when they are encouraged to parcipate in communion. Children may be picked up aLer the service in Room 105. Our Nursery is available each Sunday for children ages birth through 3 years in Room 101. Please label all belongings and sign-in upon arrival. Pagers are available for parents. New Shirts! Every youth and adult who participate with Wesley Youth gets a 2016 Edition Youth Shirt! If you want a long sleeve shirt, a different color shirt, or a hoodie, please fill out this online form: Register for Wesley Youth today! tPCReg1617 TPCCounselor Calendar1617 PUMPKINS We need help unloading! • October 1 @ 8:00 am • October 8 @ 8:00 am • October 15 @ 8:00 am • October 19 @5:00 pm • October 22 @8:00 am • October 23 @5:00 pm Sign up to help in the Patch : Pumpkin training video: PumpkinTraining2016 Pilgrimage 2016 Every year Wesley Youth travels to Fayetteville, NC to join 5,000 other youth to worship and have fun! Friends are welcome! Join us! Please register online: Youth Registration: Adult Registration: We had a blast serving at Camp Don Lee! Moe’s for Malawi To raise money for the trip to Malawi in Africa, youth and adults in the congregation invite you to eat at Moe’s once a month! They donate a percentage of their proceeds to our project! October 16th 11:00-9:00 pm! Important Dates: October 1, 8, 15, & 23 Pumpkin Trucks at 8:00 am on Saturday October 19 & 23 Pumpkin Trucks at 5:00 pm October 21 Gathering Place needs volunteers 6:30-9:00 pm October 23 Last Pumpkin Delivery with Dinner following at 5:00 pm October 30 Set up Fall Carnival 11:30 am-2:00 pm Fall Carnival 5:00-7:00 pm including Trunk or Treat! V O LU M E V I I I I SS U E X T H E WE S LE Y T I M E S PAGE 6 HEART OF MISSIONS October Mission Opportunies Date and Time October 2, 9, 16, 23 & 30 6:15-7:15 am Event Early Bread: Provide hot breakfast for over 100 people. Meet at St. Peter the Fisherman Church located at 314 South Carolina Avenue, Wilmington NC 28401 Contact Stacey Nemec 910-470-6640 October 6, 13, 20 & 27 9:00-9:30 am Backpack Ministry: Partnership with Nourish NC where Wesley Memorial provides weekend food for Winter Park Elementary students Lynn Weaver October 8 8:00 am 18th Annual Son Run 5k at Wrightsville Beach Park Kids Fun Run starts at 8am $5 entry fee, Adult Run starts at 8:30am, early registration through September 30th $25, After Sept. 30th $30 Go online to register at Neil Clark 910 297 5201 October 19 & 22 1:00-3:00 pm Mother Hubbard's Cupboard: A food pantry where we help restock and organize the pantry as well as serve the individuals who are in need of assistance. October 21 6:30-9:30 pm Daily Gathering Place: Once a month people from all over the community provide a safe and fun night in for our friends with special needs. Coupons for Christ Shopping: Be able to go on a shopping trip to Harris Teeter, buying items listed and using coupons and funds provided. All you need is a VIC card! Jane Harshbarger George Pidot Adam Wayne 240-882-6472 Josie Barnhart 850-499-3797 KAIROS PRISON MINISTRY is held once in the spring and once in the fall at Pender Correconal Instute in Burgaw. Volunteers spend 4 days inside the prison guiding 42 prison residents on a spiritual journey. The next Kairos weekend is October 13 -16. To show agape love, each and every prison resident as well as officers and administrave staff receive a dozen cookies. That's about 2400 dozen cookies. Each volunteer is asked to bring 100 dozen cookies to the weekend. Wesley Memorial has 3 volunteers parcipang in the weekend and they are asking cookie bakers for some help with this. If you would like to help, contact Cliff Lewis ( or Dave Weaver ( for the specifics on baking cookies to go into the prison and when they are due. Also, if you are interested in going to the Closing ceremony on Sunday, October 16th, let Cliff or Dave know and they will send you an applicaon form. "I was in prison and you visited me." Thank you for your support of this ministry. UMW NEWS ANNUAL UMW BAZAAR SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 5 8:00-2:00 CraLs, White and Red Elephant, Bake Sale biscuit breakfast and chicken salad lunch WHITE ELEPHANT - Make sure you save those gently used household items, toys, jewelry, linens, tools, books, and Christmas decorations PLEASE no TVs, computers, clothing, or shoes. Items may be brought to the church no earlier than Monday, October 31 during office hours. We are looking forward to another great event with generous support from our church family and friends. T H E WE S LE Y T I M E S V O LU M E V I I I I SS U E X PAGE 7 October Traditional Worship Music October 2 - I Am the Bread of Heaven - Chancel Choir October 9 - Be Still and Know - Chancel Choir October 16 - This Little Light of Mine - Wesley Ringers God-Shaped Space - Children’s Choirs October 23 - God Has Forgiven Us - Chancel Choir October 30 - Down in the River to Pray - New Song Choir Our first concert of the season, Romantic Works for the Harp will be October 2, at 5:00 pm and will feature the Coastal Carolina Chapter of the American Harp Society. They will be performing works by Dvorak, Smetana, Borodin, and Holst arranged for harp ensembles of varying sizes. Concerts on College admission is free but donations would be appreciated and will go to benefit the UNCW Choral Scholar fund and the music ministry of the church. Dear Church Family, For over 16 years I have served on the staff at Wesley Memorial UMC. For the last 8 years my primary role has been the worship leader of the Lighthouse service. I remember with great joy the people who have served with me these many years and I am grateful for their ministry. As I look back on the individuals who have participated in our youth and adult bands I am still amazed at the impact our ministry is having in so many places. We have musicians who are leading worship in Macon Ga., Roanoke Va., Nashville Tenn., and Wilmington. Others are serving in multimedia ministry in Houston Tx., and Wilmington. We have college students leading worship on campuses and churches from Wilmington to Chapel Hill and beyond. Still others are touring in bands across our country. Some have become teachers and lawyers while others are in the medical profession or are serving in the business community. We are blessed by such a great cloud of witnesses. I am also grateful for the many volunteers who have worked behind the scenes in the area of sound, multimedia and technology. You can hear and see their gifts and talents every day when you look at our screens, videos and signs or listen to the music and preaching. Since the age of 18 I have served in some capacity on a church staff, 9 churches in all. For those of you counting, that’s 37 years of ministry in the local church. As Judy and I take this adventure to Dallas, I remember the first time we went to Texas just after being married over 30 years ago. Then it was seminary calling us, and today it is our longing to be near our children. Our home remains in Wilmington along with pieces of our hearts. So we hope to return soon to the beautiful people here. We are both feeling a range of emotions from sadness and grief to joy and excitement to fear and uncertainty. Yet we believe in a God who cares and shows us the way. Thank you, friends, for helping to raise our children, and for supporting our ministry. You will always be in our thoughts and prayers. — Steve and Judy UMM NEWS The October UMM Breakfast will be held Saturday, October 8, 7:30 am in the Acvity Building. This month’s speaker will be rered FBI Agent John Kelso. All men of the church are encouraged to a!end. Come out and enjoy the food and fellowship of other men in the church. WESLEY MEMORIAL UNITED METHODIST CHURCH 1401 South College Road Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Phone: 910-791-4092 Fax: 910-791-2329 E-mail: Address Service Requested This comes with a prayer to ….. Live Generously Love Completely Serve Joyfully STAFF CONTACT INFORMATION October 2016 OUR STAFF 910-791-4092 Rev. Beth Hood , Senior Pastor Rev. Adam Baker, Associate Pastor Rev. Mary Frances McClure, Youth/Campus Minister Rev. Steve Jeremias, Contemporary Worship Minister Dr. Bettsy Curtis, Music Ministries Director Mrs. Kelli Kosuda Tingen, Children Ministries Director Mrs. Loria Frazier, Office and Financial Manager Mrs. Janie Allen , Church Secretary Mr. Mike Barricella, Facilities Manger EMERGENCIES If an emergency arises and you need to reach a pastor after office hours, please call the church office at 791-4092 and press 4-0-0 to leave a message. This message will immediately be forwarded to the pastor on call and someone will contact you shortly. Extension 101 102 123 103 119 105 107 106 118 Email Address