Latest Edition - Wesley United Methodist Church, Greenville TX


Latest Edition - Wesley United Methodist Church, Greenville TX
The Hunt County Clothe – A – Child project
is a local effort that enables needy children
to have some new clothes each year. Each
child, with the help of a parent and a
volunteer, is allowed to choose $50 worth of
new clothing from Wal-Mart. New clothes
can be a real boost for a child’s self
confidence and feeling of self-worth.
In 2015, because of many generous people
in our Church, we were able to provide new
clothes to over 80 children from our Church
alone. With your help, we can support that
many or more this year.
On October 2 and October 9, we will be in
the narthex collecting money for the Hunt
County Clothe - A – Child project. Because
of our all volunteer work force, there are NO
the money collected to go directly to the
children. We feel that this is a very worthy
project that deserves our support.
We need volunteers to help the children
shop. This year our shopping days will be
December 6 & 7. For more information or
903-456-2803 or Danata Wright 903-4569226. Please make your check payable to
Wesley United Methodist Church and notate
Clothe-A-Child. Thank you for your support.
More to come!
Please keep
checking back to see what is
coming up next for the Supremes!
Wesley Exercise
Wesley Exercise has begun.
Classes will be held every Monday, Wednesday and Friday
9:30 AM in Meeting Rooms 1 &
2. The cost will be $30 for the
session or $1 per class. This is
a class designed to increase
flexibility, range of motion and
Game Days
The next Game Days will be
held on the 1st & 3rd Tuesday,
of every month. Bridge starts at
12:30 PM in Meeting Rooms 1 &
2. Mexican Train starts at 1:00
PM in
Meeting Room #4. If
you are interested in joining the
Bridge group, contact Donna to
be scheduled at 903-455-1594.
September Lunch Bunch
There will not be a September
Lunch Bunch trip scheduled due to
the Fredericksburg trip.
The United Methodist Women’s
meet on the first Tuesday, of each
month at 10:00 AM in the UMW
classroom #12. All women are
welcome to share in the fellowship
and ministry.
Practice continues every
Sunday Night. 5pm in
Meeting Room #4
Annual Charge Conference
Last year our District Superintendent, Reverend Vic
Casad, made a bold decision to hold one Charge
Conference for all the churches in the East District
at Wesley. The sanctuary was packed, Bishop
addressed the gathering, we sang great
hymns, and learned together how the best ways to
offer hospitality. And, oh, yes, we conducted the
business of approving reports. I don't know all the
agenda but it is again at Wesley on Sunday,
November 13th at 3:00 p.m. You are invited to join
the gathering for a wonderful celebration of
Methodist ministries.
Life Groups
The first of our Life Groups will begin meeting this
week. Those who have signed up will serve as
guides for other groups in January. We'll include
for the curious several updates on what is
happening so put it on your calendars for this
coming January when you will be given an
opportunity to be part of this exciting ministry.
If you have a busy schedule but would still like
to support our Carver ministry, you can do so
by joining their PTA (Parent Teacher
Association.) Jane Goulding is Carver's PTA
membership chairperson this year and while
you might be thinking you are not a parent or
a teacher at Carver, one membership category
is "community" members. There is a great
deal of promotion work and education needed
to grow Carver's PTA membership.
Many Carver parents from other cultural
backgrounds do not even know what "PTA"
stands for or that the organization is there "to
make every child's potential a reality by
engaging and empowering families and
children." There is power in numbers and by
joining, your $6 .00 membership fee will help
promote various Carver PTA programs such
as students assemblies, music programs, field
day and field trips.
Applications will be left at each church
envelope. You can leave your membership in
the office or get it directly to Jane
Goulding. Thank you for showing you are
invested in the students and staff of Carver.
If anyone knows the address for
the following members, or a way
to contact them, please contact
Jenifer Hines in the church office at
Joseph Bandy
Monty & Bonita Cooper – Bonita
Rebecca Cooper
Jack & Marcia Dickerson
Jacqueline Dickerson
Don & Terri Johnson
Weston Regan-Blomquist
Jim Gudgel
Morgan Gudgel
Lynn Keys
Trisha Martinez
Christopher Valenzuela
Laura Kelly
Cyrus Griffin
Bryce Griffin
Matthew Griffin
Jody Kanazawa
Eric Elrod
Jean Click (Mrs. Albert Click)
Tammi King
Cari King
Donald Nutt, Jr.
Darrell Detter
Debbie Detter
Dennis & Jeraldyne Smith
Ray & Linda Nash
Paula Shelton
Craig Shelton
Chris Shelton
Brock Treece
Matthew Stromberg
Chris Stromberg
Nyal Stromberg
This year instead of trunk-or-treat we will be
hosting a fall carnival for Carver students. This
will give the students an opportunity to have
lots of fun while dressing up in costumes,
playing games, and enjoying a variety of
treats. Please mark your calendars for
Thursday, October 27. We will need help
during the day making bags of popcorn and
cotton candy. Then right after school we will
need help setting up the games and of course
we will need workers to sponsor the games.
Finally we will need LOTS of candy!
The carnival is 5:30-7:30 p.m.
Kristen Stromberg
Allison Stromberg
Taylor Jennison
Misty Wallace
Mariah Martinez
Kenny Wainwright
Jody Kanazawa
Keith Petty
W.S. Smith
Wendy Smith
Pam Surovik
Nelson Surovik
Stephanie Surovik
Jennifer Surovik
Larry & Audrey Bellah
Amie Holloway
Helen Wendt
Travis Holmes
Kenneth St. John
information and to sign up to be a part of this
event. This is such a great way to connect and
reach out across our community.