The Star of the Ozarks - March/April 2009 - Mercedes
MBCA Ozark Section Newsletter Local Events Regional Events Articles of Interest March/April 2009 The Star of the Ozarks MARCH EVENT APRIL EVENT Event: Member Appreciation Day Barbeque and pot luck at the home of Vern and Oleatha Sutter in Bella Vista, AR. We’ll have burgers and brats on the grill, baked beans and accessories. Please bring hors d’oeuvres, salad or dessert. Date: March 14, Time: 5 pm for cocktails. Program: Mercedes-Benz talk and fun and games. Dress casual and wear your name tags. Event: Detailing Clinic at 3 pm Location: Robin & Kathy Retzlaff’s 3485 Roma Dr Springdale, AR 72762 Date: Saturday, April 18 Program: Steve Litscher, former editor of Guru Reports, will show us all the tricks of detailing our cars. Dinner afterwards Let Robin or Kathy know you’re planning to attend. or 479-248-1442 Directions: Northbound I-540/Hwy 71 get off at exit 98 in Bella Vista. Turn left (West on Hwy 340) and go 4.4 miles to a stop sign. Continue through the stop sign for 0.7 miles. Turn right at Evanton and go up the hill for 0.3 miles. Turn right on Sterling, and follow around 0.3 miles to Kintyre Lane. Kintyre is just past Renfrew. Sutter house is first on the left. #3 Kintyre Lane. See map on page 5. Idea: Meet at Sugar Creek shopping center at 4:30 and car-pool or follow Porfirio to the Sutter’s house. Parking at the house can be a challenge (no shoulders – 4 in the driveway). Reservations by Thursday March 12. Call Vern Sutter at 479-855-6854 or email The Ozark Section is looking for someone with website experience to take over the duties of our website. Call or e-mail Robin Retzlaff at 479248-1442 or email Eagle Watch/Tour On January 24, 2009, Porfirio Gutierrez and Tanny Jones gathered 15 brave souls wrapped in heavy coats, gloves and scarves to seek American Bald Eagles. The eagles have a winter roost west of Hiwasse and in the past have been seen in the hundreds. Unfortunately, although we searched the sky with binoculars and frozen fingers only a few flew into the trees. Gathering at Las Fajitas for a delicious warm meal and wonderful camaraderie made it all worth while! Page 2 March/April 2009 The Star of the Ozarks Who’s Who Welcome New Members Ozark Section MBCA, Inc. P.O. Box 3537 Bella Vista, AR 72715 Officers Charles Lawson, Prescott, AR President Robin Retzlaff Vice-President Tamanda Khanga Secretary David Jones Treasurer Kathy Menold Regional Director Charles L. Boyd New members and prospective members are always welcome at our events. Members – Bring a guest. 479.248.1442 479.290.6033 479.756.6943 479.756.6798 580.255.4040 Directors and Committee Chairs Membership Chair Porfirio Guterriz Events Chair Newsletter Editor Tamanda Khanga Vern Sutter Advertising Chair Vern Sutter Technical Chair Director Director Director Hospitality Chair Roger Shuler Kathy Retzlaff Joel Menold Don Baker Monika McCurdy 479-876-1645 479.855.6854 479.855.6854 479.521.8383 479.248.1442 479-756-6798 479-203-0900 479.925.2170 MBCA Ozark Section Newsletter – published every two months, is the official newsletter of the Ozark Section of the Mercedes-Benz Club or America. Opinions – Opinions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of either MBCA or the Ozark Section. Neither MBCA nor the Ozark Section endorses products or services but may, as part of our informational activities, allow them to be cited in articles and notices. Trademarks – The trade names and trademarks “Mercedes-Benz”, “Mercedes”, and the three-pointed start in a circle are owned by DBAG and are authorized for use by its licensees which include MBCA, exclusively. Reprints – Reprints of any original material herein is permissible with the proper attribution (source, including date of issue). Advertising – We welcome advertisers whose subject matter is relevant to MBCA or of interest to members of the Ozark Section. Advertising runs for one year (six issues) starting with the March /April issue. MBCA members may place a classified ad for free providing that that ad is Mercedes specific. No inference should be made that products or services advertised herein have the approval of the editors of MBCA/Ozark Section Articles and Submissions – Copy should be typed and emailed to the editor by the 10th of the month prior to the next issue. Example, submissions for the July/August issue should arrive to the editor by June 10th. The editor reserves the right to edit any material; submissions of any materials constitutes permission to edit and publish that material. No authentication is implied by the editor of MBCA.. For Sale 1991 350 SDL Beautiful Mercedes, silver/grey, ready to go, everything works 253K 2005 E55 AMG Brilliant Silver, loaded 48K Call Robin Retzlaff at 479-248-1442 or email at for information on these two beauties. Share-the-Ride With fuel prices high there may be opportunities to share a ride to our events. If you want a contact in your area please call Rob Retzlaff 479-248-1442 or Vern Sutter 479-855-6854 to find a member that would share the ride. Special Note: You may access the Star of the Ozarks Newsletter by going to and click on the tab marked “NEWSLETTER”. Notify the newsletter editor if you would be unable to receive it by email or in that format or prefer not to. Tulsa International Auto Show March 19 to March 22 Location: Quick Trip Center at the Tulsa Fair Grounds. Contact Bruce Smith at 918-296-3732 for more details. HOSPITALITY The Ozark Section has a Hospitality Host. She is Monika McCurdy. Anyone aware of a member in need, has sickness or is hospitalized should call Monika at 479-925-2170. Also send Monika your birthdates and anniversary date to receive recognition from the Ozark Section! Email Page 3 March/April 2009 The Star of the Ozarks 2009 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Ozark Section MBCA Date Sat., Mar. 14 Sat. Apr. 18 Sat. May 9 Event Social/Dinner Technical Vehicle Detailing Dealership Tour Sat. Jun 20 Track time Location Bella Vista, AR Retzlaff’s Springdale, AR Fletcher Mercedes Joplin, MO Hallett MotorSpeedway West of Tulsa, OK Contact Vern Sutter Robin Retzlaff Phone 479-855-6854 479-248-1442 TBA Roger Shuler 479-521-8383 Regional (South Central) April 11 July Technical Seminar Tri-Section Picnic Oklahoma City, OK Tulsa, OK Ed Hoag Bruce Smith See page 4 918-296-3732 National May 2-3 Date: TBA StarTech 2009 International Rally Indianapolis, IN Hamilton, New Zealand National Business Office 800-637-2360 Clip this page and put it on your refrigerator. OZARK SECTION BOARD of DIRECTORS Your board of directors is working on several items that will affect the way our Section operates. The directors meet every 3 months to plan activities and make operational rules. The last meeting was December 10. The next meeting will be Wednesday, March 11 at 6:30 pm., location: Joel and Kathy Menolds home. In addition to the event planning a Guide for Section Leaders is being prepared. All members are welcome at the board meetings. Call the President, Robin Retzlaff for directions to the place of the meeting. Future Board of Director’s Meetings will be held on June 10, September 9 and December 9. Page 4 March/April 2009 The Star of the Ozarks NEW COALITION AIMS TO PROMOTE DIESEL CARS Chrissie Automotive Thompson News BorgWarner Inc. and Robert Bosch LLC have founded the U.S. Coalition for Advanced Diesel Cars as an attempt to promote the fuel efficiency and environmental friendliness of clean diesel cars. The coalition, organized last week, hopes to encourage government officials to promote multiple solutions to issues of fuel economy and emissions, Jeffrey Breneman, the coalition's executive director, said in a statement. Clean diesel vehicles often provide better fuel economy and torque than gasoline cars, the statement said. "Some public policies are steering consumers, and the auto industry as a whole, into specific technologies," Breneman said. Automakers with clean diesel offerings, usually German companies, have complained that gasoline is undertaxed compared with diesel fuel. The average gallon of U.S. diesel costs $2.37 today, compared with $1.88 for a gallon of regular unleaded gasoline, according to the AAA Fuel Gauge Report. Federal taxes account for 24.4 cents of that cost for diesel and 18.4 cents for gasoline, according to the American Petroleum Institute, a trade organization of oil and natural-gas companies. Federal tax credits like the one available on Volkswagen's Jetta TDI clean diesel sedan aren't enough, Stefan Jacoby, Volkswagen Group of America CEO, said last month at the Detroit auto show. He supports raising fuel taxes -- to levels similar to those seen in Europe, or four to six times higher than U.S. levels. "You have to encourage consumers to buy these products," Jacoby said. The Jetta TDI, this year's Green Car Journal Green Car of the Year, gets 41 mpg highway fuel economy, better than several hybrid competitors. The sticker price of $21,990 is cheaper than most hybrids. Robert Bosch LLC is the U.S. subsidiary of Germany's Robert Bosch GmbH, the top global parts supplier to automakers. Bosch supplies common-rail fuel injectors for diesel engines. BorgWarner, of suburban Detroit, produces turbochargers, which are used on most of today's advanced diesels. BorgWarner ranks No. 30 on the Automotive News list of top 100 global suppliers with worldwide sales to automakers of $5.33 billion in 2007. Page 5 March/April 2009 The Star of the Ozarks Charles Boyd speaks to the Ozark Section The Ozark Section invited our Regional Director, Charles Boyd and his wife, Fran, to speak at our January 10th event. We had 14 members attending at the Jones Center for Families in Springdale. Following a wonderful pot luck dinner, Mr. Boyd talked to us about the agenda that was on the table at the Fall National Board Meeting. Some of the high lights of the evening were discussion about the Loyalty Rewards Program, the Presidents meeting on April 30th, the Spring National Board meeting on May 1st, Startech on May 2nd and 3rd and membership recruitment. If you have been an MBCA member for at least one year, and purchase a new or used Mercedes from a qualifying dealer, you are entitled to a gift card valued at up to $1500.00. This card can be used at any Mercedes dealership towards service, parts or merchandise. He also spoke on membership recruitment. If each of us recruits only one new member, our section would double in size! This is not rocket science math but if you don’t think that you can make a difference, that one person that you happen to visit with at the gas station about his Mercedes might be your contribution to the Ozark Section. One does not sound like much but it is twice as many as you! Start with one but do not stop there. Always promote your Ozark Section and the MBCA. The majority of Mercedes Benz owners do not realize that there is a club out there just for them! The other thing that we can’t forget is that you do not have to own a Mercedes to be in the Ozark Section. We are about fun and friends and promoting our marque but we won’t keep anyone from joining because they do not have a Mercedes! We will win them over once they see the quality of our cars. Charles concluded his program by telling us about some of his experiences in restoring automobiles. He has restored many beautiful cars but the story that touched us all the most was how he met two brothers that did not have much of anything but a lot of talent. He nurtured that talent, taught them how to be good businessmen and has become an adopted father to those two men who now have a very successful restoration business. It is too bad that there are not more people like the Boyd’s that take time to care about those in need. Charles also brought some very nice gifts for our trivia quiz. Kathy Retzlaff awarded Joel Menold a very beautiful Mercedes Pen for making the top score in the trivia quiz. Way to go, Joel and thank you Charles and Fran for making our event a very enjoyable time! Page 6 March/April 2009 The Star of the Ozarks Shuler Autohaus Draws Crowd! At least once each year Roger & Cindy Shuler and their family and staff draw a crowd of enthusiastic Mercedes Benz owners to their shop for a high powered tech session. This one was no exception as there were 23 members in attendance to learn how our cars work and what to look for when they don’t. If anyone knows the answers, it is Roger Shuler and his staff and if Roger has any questions, he asks his father Frank who was in the business before Roger. Between Frank Shuler and his son, Roger, there are many years of Mercedes Benz experience. The main topic that Roger covered was the common question of “why is it more expensive to have my car serviced at a dealership than at Joe’s Lube Joint down the street”. We were shown different oil filters, fuel filters and air filters. The ones that Shuler Autohaus uses are designed to work with our cars and the inferior ones might fit but do not do the job that our cars engines need. Our engines are built to very high tolerances and if dirt is allowed to stay in the oil or fuel or if dirt is passing through our air filters, our cars will fail us when we need them the most. When is that, you ask? Each and every time we turn the key is when we need our cars the most, right? That is why we need the experts to service our cars. Do you think that the employees at Joe’s Lube Joint will perform any checks under your car while the oil is draining out---if they drain the oil out? Do you ever wonder? Well, you don’t have to if you have the specialists at Shuler’s do the work. Roger’s daughter, Christie put a car up on the rack and showed us first hand all the service points that she checks while changing the oil. She looks for leaks from the engine to the rear axle, checks tire pressures and if one is low looks for the reason, checks brake pad and rotor wear, windshield wiper blade condition and of course all fluid levels. This all takes more time and effort and you get a major benefit called “PEACE OF MIND” knowing your car is ready for the road! The Ozark Section would like to thank Rick & Patti Siefert from the Gateway Section in St. Louis for contributing door prizes from their section. Rick was the president of that section for 6 years and now is the newsletter editor and is on the National Leadership Committee. Roger and his staff not only hosted this event but his daughter, Misty, presented each of us with the proper oil filter for our vehicle! Call Misty and schedule your next appointment to have your service work done right! Thanks for another great event, Roger, family and staff at Shuler Autohaus! The Ozark Section and Mercedes owners all over the state are fortunate you are here taking care of our cars! After Roger’s presentation, we crossed the street to Hot Rod Mike’s Bar & Grille for a wonderful lunch. The owners, Mike and Christina Gall, surprised all the ladies with a beautiful red rose for Valentine’s Day! Thanks, Mike and Christina for the perfect finishing touch to another great Ozark event! Page 7 March/April 2009 The Star of the Ozarks Technical Seminar Sat., April 11, Oklahoma City Mercedes-Benz Club of America’s National Technical Director, George Murphy, will be in Oklahoma City Saturday, April 11, to conduct an all-day Technical Seminar on a variety of MB subjects. Members from Neighboring Sections are invited to attend. There will also be Q & A opportunities. Mercedes-Benz of Oklahoma City, 1225 North Broadway, down town OKC is providing the meeting facilities and Central Oklahoma Section is organizing the event. A Prepaid Registration Fee of $20 per attendee includes lunch. Workshop topics and class times will be provided after March 1 to all registrants and will also be posted on Central Oklahoma Section’s Website, at Send your Name, Address, Section affiliation and check (payable to MBCA Central OK Section) to: Edward Hoag, 6012 Chestnut Court, Edmond, OK 73025-2537. ADVERTISING IN THE NEWSLETTER Members and their friends are encouraged to advertise in the Newsletter – Star of the Ozarks. The newsletter is on the web at and gets about 2,000 hits per month. Average publication is 70 in each of the odd numbered months. Call any of the board members listed on page 2 or contact the editor – Vern Sutter at RATES: Calling-card size - $60.00 per year ¼ page - $120.00 per year ½ page - $240.00 per year Full page - $350.00 per year Price of one-time ads may be negotiated with the newsletter editor. Page 8 March/April 2009 The Star of the Ozarks Ozark Section MBCA, Inc. P.O. Box 3537 Bella Vista, AR 72715-3537 Change of Address? Contact: Mercedes-Benz Club of America 800.637.2360 MBCA Membership Application Please enroll me as a member of the Mercedes-Benz Club of America for the following term: U.S. and possessions Name One year - $45 Two years - $87 Three years $127 Make check payable to MBCA; U.S. funds only please. Associate Member (spouse or dependent) VISA Two years - $67 MasterCard Three years - $98 Address Account Number City State Zip Signature Home Phone Exp. date Date Business Phone Active member’s signature & member number if sponsored E-mail address - ___________________________ Occupation Mercedes-Benz vehicle(s) now owned (model and year) 1) 2) 3) Interests Driving Events Car Shows Social Events Car Care Technical The Star Membership dues include six issues of The Star magazine yearly. Send application to address below. Or use our toll-free number to enroll by phone: 1.800.637.2360 For office use only: Date Processed MPD MBCA, 1907 Lelaray St, Colorado Springs, CO 80909 719.633.6427, 8AM to 5 PM (Mountain Time)
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