XIII 02 /2015 © Caffè Moak S.p.A.
XIII 02 /2015 © Caffè Moak S.p.A.
EN G XIII 02/2015 © Caffè Moak S.p.A. Someone says that you have to go on in life without once looking back. This is not always true, as history wouldn’t exist otherwise. Just as you cannot neglect that behind every coffee, behind those coffee beans, there are people, histories and market dynamics you often don’t think about. Men – or better women – working in coffee plantations, who are often paid with alarm clocks, compact mirrors or pens. As if this would help to improve their lives. Since the beginnings, we followed the way of innovation combined with traditional production, firmly believing in such business model and such cultural value that always brings the attention to those people making coffee as well as their environment. With the year 2015, we strengthened this idea and awareness, beginning a direct dialogue process with small producers, whom we started to select excellent monorigins from. So I got to travel again, starting from Africa. I reached the plantations, talked to the farmers, became familiar with their habits, and verified the quality of cherries and beans with my sense of smell and my eyes, while bundled women looked over these big cloth pieces including tons of freshly picked coffee. I just came back from those equatorial places and I am fully convinced – without worrying that it could only be a consequence of nostalgia for Africa – that you have to indeed go on in life, innovate yourself and progress; however, if you stop and observe the world also from other viewpoints, you find out that there is more, that there are other ways to be “ahead”, even if you pass through dirt roads. The President Giovanni Spadola Comment the editorial on Twitter with hashtag #caramoak Follow us on @twitmoak Sicily in pink. Paola Maugeri - Article on page 18 EN G XIII 02/2015 © Caffè Moak S.p.A. On the cover: Music pattern Partners www.caffemoak.com Mailing poste italiane – cod. sap. nr. 30907349- DCB Central/PT Magazine Subscript. R.O.C. nr. 23325 – valid from 18/03/2013 Aut. Court. Modica nr.218/2013 VG - News nr.2/2013. Responsible Director: Sara di Pietro Editing: for[me]moak. Pictures: for[me]moak. Graphic Coordination: for[me]moak Art work: for[me]moak Publisher: Moak Holding S.p.A. Viale delle Industrie - 97015 Modica (RG) tel.0932-904755 www.caffemoak.com, e-mail: sara.dipietro@caffemoak.com Company with certified quality system by ISO 9001/14001 Exclusive printing for Moak Holding S.p.A. in Soverai Mannelli (CZ) According to the article 7 of the law nr. 196/03 the addressee can have access to his data, ask for changes or cancellation or object writing to: Moak Holding S.p.A. - Viale delle Industrie without number – 97015 Modica (RG) - Italy 04 08 10 11 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 27 28 30 Mymusic coffee: Moak reaches “homes” with the new capsule and pad line Here’s who will select finalists of Caffè Letterario and Fuori Fuoco Moak Put your face contest Moak at the Microcosmi Festival Historical places, Grand Hotel Timeo Coffee between sweet and salty Lillo Freni and Tony Lo Cocco Flower bombs, vegetable gardens in the house and pencils sprouting plants, for a grin future Sicily in pink. Paola Maugeri, between centrifuges and vinyl, supporter of zero impact life Farm Cultural Park, from impoverished village to sixth wonder in the world of contemporary art Coffee and health Coffee is good for hair Foodss, businesses and students between food and design Coffee to read Moak people contest The style of furnishing Coffee and healthy surroundings [ the sign moak ] 03 Mymusic coffee: Moak reaches “homes” with the new capsule and pad line I t is called “mymusic coffee”, the new capsule and pad product line Moak launches for the serving market. With the new project, the company turns its attention – besides the bar sector – to the single-dose product world, offering a new range of products that expresses the values, from blends to packaging, which have always been supported by Moak: quality, research and passion for culture. Six blends are available in three different formats – capsule, fap and pad – able to satisfy the different tastes of lovers of the Gift of David, from north to south. As already referred to in the headline and packaging, Mymusic coffee once again ratifies the bond between coffee and culture. With this serving line, Moak, mécène company that has been promoting young writers, filmmakers and photographers for years, 04 [ XIII 02/2015 ] is now bringing the art form to the stage, which connects us to memories, people and places, just like coffee: music. According to the research of Charles Spence from Oxford University, sounds enhance and change flavours of food and beverages: the acute ones amplify the sweet and sour, the lower ones the bitter flavours. To the same extent, a coffee blend can recall a music genre thanks to its aromatic and sensory features. Therefore, to encourage the project Moak created a modular packaging where each blend is represented by the music genre that is closest to its aroma, recognizable by a pantone colour. While each of the six blends in the three different formats is characterized by the iconographic language of the group of musical instruments: wind instruments for capsules, string instruments for pads and percussion instruments for the fap format. Moreover, in order to optimize product presentation and make it easier for consumers to select the six blends in the three different formats, for[me]moak designed a modular furniture system made of mdf – eco-friendly material obtained from wood scraps – and inspired by bookcases of the Fifties by Franco Albini for Cassina. The lines and the sectional feature of the elements – which allow to set shelves and boxes at different heights – turns the structure into a real design piece of furniture for the home sector. The for[me]moak bookshelves can be also bought online (store.caffemoak.com). Attention to sustainability has also been directed to the use of packaging materials made with FSC®certified paper, the brand that distinguishes products including wood coming from forests managed in a proper and responsible way according to strict environmental, social and economic standards. Song suggested to read this article: Punk Rock Parranda - Gogol Bordello [ the sign moak ] 05 Moak and Feltrinelli Moak chose a special partner to launch mymusic coffee on the market: the LaFeltrinelli group. Connection of the two brands is not only the historical and thousand-year old bond between coffee and literature. There is far more: Italianity, two companies that still enhance the importance of a family-run business, common passion for culture and Bob Noorda, same father of the two brands. A partnership that meets the new market trends and consumers’ habits, who can be nowadays caught 06 [ XIII 02/2015 ] by different impulses in a single space and single time. Twenty bookstores of the Feltrinelli Group, from Milan to Naples, where Moak corners are present. The mymusic coffee blends can be bought also online on store. caffemoak.com, besides in the Feltrinelli retail stores. “Our purpose – explains Alessandro Spadola, General Manager of the Moak Group – is to continuously draw up new business and cultural synergies by choosing partners that share our philosophy, aiming for quality and innovation”. The mymusic project To promote and spread the music projects of bands and young artists, Moak entrusted scouting to someone that knows about music: Paola Maugeri, historical face of MTV and speaker of Virgin Radio, who selected an emerging group of the Italian artistic panorama for each music genre. Each box includes a dynamic “my selec- Song suggested to read this article: Listen, learn, read on - Deep Purple tion” QR-Code pointing at a pre-homepage where Paola Maugeri presents the chosen music group related to the product type. From here, you access automatically to the section of the chosen blend, launching a player that reproduces the whole song of the chosen band. Mymusic is a multisensory trip, where coffee break also becomes “listening break”. [ the sign moak ] 07 Here’s who will select finalists of Caffè Letterario and Fuori Fuoco Moak by Sara Di Pietro Mauro Covacich T he panel of judges for Caffè Letterario Moak has been defined and is proud of having Mauro Covavich as president for this year; Italian writer and journalist and finalist of the Premio Strega 2015 with his novel “La Sposa” (The Bride). He also cooperates with Corriere della Sera, Panorama, Il Gazzettino and Vanity Fair since ’98, writing news reports, travel stories and news stories. Moreover, Covavich made some radio documentaries and the radio-drama Safari for Rai (Italian State Broadcaster). Next to him, we will find again, as in the previous editions, trustworthy Guido Conti e Gianluca Morozzi, both connected by their passion for verses. While the new entry in the panel is Enza Campino, winner of the Mauri Award as “bookseller of the year” and responsible for the section “parola di libraio” (Word of the bookseller), the cultural Sunday insert of Il Sole 24 Ore. Another woman completes 08 [ XIII 02/2015 ] the pool of jury members: Elena Stancanelli, nationally renowned writer and co-operator of several newspapers, among which “Repubblica”, “Il Manifesto”, and “l’Unità”. In 1998, she wins the Giuseppe Berto award with her novel “Benzina” (Petrol), which was filmed by director Monica Strambini in 2001, keeping the same name. The panel of judges is already working and considering the manifold manuscripts, and is again commissioned to award the will of emerging and well-known writers to expose themselves, who will have to show the ability in conciliating passion and art of writing. Info: www.caffe-letterario.it www.facebook.com/letterariomoak www.twitter.com/letterariomoak The identities of the “Fuori Fuoco” commission, international photography contest arrived at its second edition, have been also revealed. In the panel of judges of Denis Curti1, even for the 2015 edition leading celebs of the national artistic panorama are going to evaluate works presented by aspiring and expert photographers. Graphic designer and member of Aiap Ginette Caron2 is the only woman of the panel. Born and raised in Montreal, she is currently living in Milan, where she created different projects of corporate identity, branding and art books for Barilla, Moleskine and Swatch. The third jury member is native of Palermo, Tony Gentile3, author of the famous and multi-awarded picture of judges Falcone and Borsellino, icon of fight against the Mafia. Gentile has been cooperating with the international press agency Reuters since 1992. Photographer of news and political events, he also immortalized Pope John Paul’s trips as well as the elections of Benedict XVI and Pope Francis. Instead, from caput mundi emerges photographer Massimo Siragusa4, already part of the panel in the first edition of Fuori 1 2 Song suggested to read this article: Library pictures - Arctic Monkeys Fuoco; teacher at the renowned IED Academy and creator of many ad campaigns for worldwide known companies, such as Alfa Romeo, Versace and Kartell, he also won four “World Press Photo” awards. As for the “communication” field, the panel is represented by Marco Lentini5, graphic designer and responsible for communication at Caffè Moak. Besides the technical considerations, the Fuori fuoco jury members will direct their glance on those works that are able to communicate an “impulse”, which goes right to one’s heart and offers emotions both to those who take pictures and those who have the honour to admire the result. Appointment for the price-giving evening will be October 10th in Modica. Even for the 2015 edition, Paola Maugeri will proclaim the winners. Info: www.fuori-fuoco.com FB [fuori fuoco moak] TW [@fuorifuocomoak] 3 4 5 [ the sign moak ] 09 @simone_trita | Ap ril 2015 @lavienro se29 | M ay 2015 @mamiter | June 2015 Become protagonist of Moak Generaction around the world. #Putyourfacemoak, the most voted faces of the month by users on Instagram Moak at the Microcosmi Festival by Francesca Puglisi M oak partner of Microcosmi. Seventy-two hours of music, taste, art and culture as protagonist of the third edition of the festival held last June in Comerio, small gem in the area of Varese. The event organized by Vittorio Cosmo – musician and music-industry executive – managed to attract about seven thousand people like a magnet coming from all over the world. Common purpose, where Moak identified itself, always is to ratify the strong connection between music, food and different art forms. A magical atmosphere and good intentions have livened up the three evenings, which turned unique thanks to the participation of different names of the music panorama, such as Pacifico, Enrico Ruggeri and Renato Pozzetto. In the wonderful natural landscape of the park belonging to Villa Tatti Talacchini, Moak could not but be present with the new “mymusic coffee” project, the serving line promoting young bands. Six ways of interpreting coffee and music through blend tasting, which allowed more than 1500 visitors of the Moak corner to “listen to” a good coffee. And while true that culture is within everyone’s means, the three-day schedule gave the chance even to the youngest ones to express their creativeness. Moak arranged a Latte Art Junior lab, the art of cappuccino decoration, for them. The many children welcomed the course with enthusiasm and brought out their creativity by means of brushes and colours, giving vent to imagination on numerous milk clouds. “Attending Microcosmi” – explains Annalisa Spadola, Caffè Moak Marketing Director – has been a further pleasant opportunity to spread art and culture through coffee, and we could not but take the chance to introduce the new mymusic coffee bands selected by Paola Maugeri in an event where coffee is protagonist”. Song suggested to read this article: Cosmos Rockin’ - Queen, Paul Rodgers [ the sign moak ] 11 Historical places, Grand Hotel Timeo by Francesca Puglisi I n Taormina, in an oasis of natural beauty surrounded by the crystal-clear and blue Ionian Sea, a building of hundred-year old importance rises, the Grand Hotel Timeo. In the post-war period, this amazing destination of the Sicilian Island was reduced to a simple and empty seaside resort unable to welcome visitors properly, who used to stay there even in the wintertime. It was thanks to Francesco la Floresta – belonging to the namesake noble family from Taormina – that the town managed to be part again of the most visited tourist destinations. In 12 [ XIII 02/2015 ] 1850, La Floresta – already manager of the “Fondaco” along the main road – decided to invest his energies and passion for this paradisiac corner in the construction of the first Hotel in Taormina. It was baptized with the name of Grand Hotel Timeo to pay homage to two eminent personalities that contributed to the history of the “Pearl of the Ionian Sea”, i.e. Timaeus, famous historian born in Taormina in 356 B.C. and his father Andromachus, founder of the town in 358 B.C. Nowadays, the Timeo is a cultural and artistic heritage that allows those who visit this place to enjoy enchanting feelings. To make this location even more appealing is the landscape offered by the large panoramic terrace boasting views over the majestic Greek Theatre, besides the Ionian coast. Hence not simply a hotel, but a modus vivendi. In fact, Hotel Timeo represents an excellent sensory path. The large space dedicated to psychophysical wellness is an essential moment of guests’ stays; nothing is comparable to that locus amoenus of the antique garden for those who love allowing themselves moments of silence. This place inspired very many writers and well-known people who stepped on this small remnant of the world. Among all of them, it is dutiful to remember the English writer Lawrence, who got the inspiration to compose his novel “Lady Chatterley’s Lover” along these windows overlooking the sea. Even the filmmaking world becomes part of such spectacle made of lights and colours, including Sophia Loren, Elizabeth Taylor and Burt Lancaster, who used to sleep on the pillows of the Timeo more than once, managing to steal glimpses of incomparable sunsets over the sea. Song suggested to read this article: La lunga estate di Taormina - Johnny Dorelli [ the sign moak ] 13 Coffee between sweet and salty Lillo Freni and Tony Lo Cocco by Sara Di Pietro Whether espresso, in powder or in beans – between sweet and salty notes – it will be Lillo Freni of pastry shop Freni of Messina and Tony Lo Coco of Restaurant I Pupi in Bageria (Palermo) to turn it into a protagonist. I n the northeast point of Sicily, precisely in Messina, an old gem of traditional Sicilian confectionery rises up, which has been livening up the greediest palates for more than 60 years. Founder of this workshop was Giuseppe Freni, who decided to give life to a project that would taste of excellence and professionalism, creating the namesake pastry shop in 1968. The father leaves an inheritance in the hands of Lillo, his son, which is symbol for passion for one’s own region and the scents that distinguish it. Thanks to his father’s experience, grand master of arts and life, Lillo manages to learn the techniques, which turn a simple pastry into a mix of goodness and passion. In 2011, he graduates in “Science of Mediterranean Enogastronomy and Health”. Famous face of Alice TV, Lillo Freni also is member of the Ducezio Association that gathers the best Master pastry chefs of Sicily. He could not but offer a summery, fresh and delicious dessert from the land kissed from the sun. Lillo Freni 14 [ XIII 02/2015 ] Delicious cup with figs Ingredients (x 6): 1 kg of whole figs, 100 g orange liqueur, 500 g cream to be whipped, 100 g granulated sugar (for the cream), 10 g coffee powder, 30 g cocoa powder, 10 g Sicilian pistachio flour. Preparation: peel the figs and cut them in bigger pieces, put them into a bowl and blend them with liqueur; cover with wrap and put in the fridge to macerate for about half an hour. Whip the cold cream by adding granulated sugar from the beginning until a smooth and solid cream is obtained. Pour into the cup (Martini type), a spoonful of figs, coffee powder, a spoonful of whipped cream, repeating the three ingredients for a second layer. Finish the cup with whipped cream, sprinkle with cocoa and decorate with Sicilian pistachio flour. Tony Lo Coco W e are still in the northern part of the island, but moving some kilometre further west, to Bagheria. In this town full of history and traditions, chosen by Tornatore as set for his film Baaria, Tony Pupi opens his I Pupi in 2009, cosy design restaurant, where he fulfils his dream together with his wife Laura: cooking in a pleasant context, with the same love one cooks at home for friends and guests. Tony shows his passion for culinary art since he’s little, when his mother and grandmother had a hard time in keeping him away from the cooker. The continuous research of new combinations of raw materials from Sicily’s soil and sea that are always treated with simplicity and respect, award him with a Michelin star, 1 hat of the Espresso guide and two Gambero Rosso forks. Arancino roulade with black swine of the Nebrodi area and coffee powder Ingredients (for 4 people): 500 g carnaroli rice, 1 Giarratana onion, 40 g butter, 2 g turmeric, pepper and salt to taste; for the ragout: 500 g Song suggested to read this article: I left my sugar in Salt Lake City - Peggy Lee Nebrodi black swine, 100 ml espresso, star anise, black pepper and fennel in grains to taste, 100 g tomato concentrate, 300 g tomato datterino type, 100 g celery, 100 g onion, 100 g carrot, nutmeg to taste, 200 g caramelized bread crumbs. Procedure: marinate the swine for 24 hours with 1 l of water, espresso and spices. Put celery, carrot and onion in a pan, add water and bring to the boil. Pan-roast the rice with chopped onions in a copper saucepan, spume and cook by adding vegetable broth. Leave to cold. Once marinated, cook the swine in a wood oven at a temperature of 64 degrees for 5 hours. Once cooked, cut a piece by hand, put in a pan together with celery, carrots, onion and tomato concentrate, and finish cooking. Take the rice and form some nighiri with ragout filling with the help of a sushi cap, then put it in caramelized breadcrumbs; cut the rest of the leg in small strips. Melt the dammuso in warm water until creamy. Lay down out roulade decorating it with swine strips, mixed herbs and coffee powder. [ the sign moak ] 15 Flower bombs, vegetable gardens in the house and pencils sprouting plants, for a grin future by Sara Di Pietro “M ake love, not war”. They don’t wear shirts and flower necklaces, but promote guerrilla warfare of plants and flowers. The idea comes from two Sicilian start uppers who made their dream come true, producing and distributing pencils sprouting calendula and pomegranate, which give (new) life to plants and aromatic herbs when bombed on a plot of land. Salvatore Martorina and Claudio Pitrolo, both in their thirties, love to research and experiment. Their project is called Grin (italianized word of green), because their mission is to show how to make nature arise anytime and anywhere by turning urban and non-urban spaces more and more green and eco-friendly. We like their idea, the way of thinking and communicating it, the fact of being revolutionary and innovative. We invited them to bomb our small courtyard with an explosive mix made of recycled paper and a selection of flower seeds and aromatic herbs. Rain, light and soil will do their work and we can’t wait to see our lawn/vegetable garden exploding and blooming. Salvatore Martorina and Claudio Pitrolo 16 [ XIII 02/2015 ] Why Grin and where does the idea come from? The business idea comes from the need to experiment a new green concept, which is easy and within everyone’s means, trying to implement the knowledge gained through our university studies. The English term “Grin” literally means “big smile”, reason why we made capital of this wordplay to express our green concept and our relationship with nature in general at best. What is your mission? The mission of Grin is to try and spread the culture of green urban spaces, as well as the pleasure of self-production. In fact, our initiatives and our products, supported by careful research, selection and testing activity, intend to renew the connection between nature and urban world, continuing the idea of salvaged materials, sustainability and fight against environmental degradation. Planting pencils or throwing bombs of seeds and flowers is a strong marketing action plan. Simplicity awards even if the market of ideas is overstocked? The market of ecological gadgets is in continuous evolution; both small producers and big brands are constantly searching for more and more innovative and eco-friendly products. In this perspective, our products represent the best thing the market has to offer at present, and this feature has been also confirmed by the numerous prizes and acknowledgements received over the years. For example the pencil-plant Sprout – a normal pencil that you plant in the soil once used up, which sprouts giving life to aromatic herbs or vegetables – has been nominated “Best green product 2013” and “Best promotional gadget 2014”. You also take on this challenge for those young people that leave their hometowns discouraged. You think you will succeed even from southern Sicily? Grin represents our challenge, a bet we believe we can win day after day. We achieved unexpected results in the last year or so, creating a commercial net that launched our products from north to south. Our project can be an example for young graduates who intend to rise up against a critical working situation forcing them to move. Besides green articles, whom you are sole distributors of in Italy, did you create also items you produce yourself? Between the different project and works in progress, the one with major success has been “PUF”, vegetable garden a handy box, a pocket-sized kit ideal for those who have limited space and time, but would like to take a stab at gardening comfortably in the city, on one’s own balcony or terrace. Your scope also is the green design for public places. Which project aroused your enthusiasm most? Green design is growing intensely, and even if it doesn’t specifically fall within our area of expertise, it already happened several times that we acted as “consultants” in order to bring a touch of nature into buildings or public places. We like recreating green scenarios by means of led lamps specifically used for indoor cultivations or covering entire walls with moss, a natural lichen that can be personalised as for colour and composition, which allows creating simple, low-maintenance vertical indoor gardens. Your philosophy is local products and self-production. Is it really that easy to recreate a small organic garden in the office or at home, even for those not having a green thumb? We believe in the importance of local agriculture, direct sale and self-production since ever. There are definitely many good reasons for cultivating, but you also have to consider the difficulties to be faced. Taking care of plants takes indeed time to manure, re-pot, irrigate, shelter from cold or extreme heat. Therefore, it is better to foresee these difficulties before taking on a vegetable garden on the balcony. What kind of green ideas do you have in the pipeline? A new series of completely “plantable” products is on its way, from memo books to greeting cards, from sugared almonds to fortune cookies, up to a fish tank where you can cultivate flowers and plants, besides having fish. Another interesting project is the eco-graffiti, mural paintings in cohabitation with the existing green or completely ecological, where the use of spray or paint has been entirely replaced by a natural and living element, such as musk. A creative art form against urban degradation, in order to redevelop facades or neighbourhoods where green has no space. Song suggested to read this article: Proposta - I giganti [ the sign moak ] 17 Sicily in pink. Paola Maugeri, between centrifuges and vinyl, supporter of zero impact life by Francesca Puglisi A couple of vegetables instead of earphones to maybe listen to nature more closely and learn to respecting it. It’s the picture present on the web and on social networks, the icon of a woman that turned music and healthy diet into her raison d’étre. Paola Maugeri, multifaceted Sicilian VJ, is the reference point for music journalism insomuch that she’s been nicknamed Wikipaola, having interviewed more than 1200 of the greatest rock stars worldwide. She hosts Longplaying Stories on radio Virgin, but is also very into environment and healthy diet. Being vegetarian for the last 32 years, and vegan for 16 – as you can read in her facebook profile – she’s the author of successful books written for Mondadori: “La mia vita a impatto zero” (My zero impact life), “Las Vegans” and the last one, just published, “Alla Salute” (To one’s health), in which she acts as spokeswoman and promoter of green topics. I loved to listen to jazz music together with my father as a child, and knowing how a melody could be created in the head of great musicians just intrigued me. This curiosity, as well as the wish to getting to know the big bands closely, made me choose my job. The passion for the rock genre arose somehow immediately after, as I was growing up and used to listen to Velvet Underground. In those years, Catania was an extremely rock city, musically compared to Seattle. I knew right away that rock would be my path. Let’s start with music, your great passion. When did it start, and why the rock genre more than others? The interview that is still in your heart? Definitely the one with U2, one of the most clicked on 18 [ XIII 02/2015 ] Music is also a means of protest, a tool some artists use to arouse consciousness. Some rock bands did it and it seems like rap is taking this over now. What do you think? And how much of a “fashionable” trend is included? Rap music is appropriate for these days; it’s quick and immediate. I don’t think it’s a fashionable choice, but an absolutely pertinent cultural trend. Chris Martin and Paola Maugeri Paola Maugeri and Moby the internet. A beautiful experience and an interview that even they still remember with affection. I reply that it’s exactly the other way. Vegan diet is the best one for children, in order for them to grow in a healthy, sensitive and conscious way. One obviously has to be informed about a healthy diet, so that it is balanced. Above all children need essential nutrients for their development. Therefore, it is parents’ duty avoiding to be superficial – whether vegan or not – and pay particular attention to their children’s diet. In the 90ies, you left Sicily to live in Milan. What did you take with you from the volcanic region, and what would you have preferred not to leave behind? Actually, the desire to change city and life was so strong that I didn’t think about what I would have left, but rather what I would have found in a city like Milan, capital of music. You don’t look back when you are 25. I definitely brought the blue Mediterranean with me, insomuch that I dyed my hair blue, colour of the sea of the Etna area, shortly after I moved. Today you are ambassadress not only of good music, but also of good values, such as those connected to sustainability. How is “zero impact” life? “La mia vita a impatto zero” (My zero impact life) is a beautiful title I even dedicated to my first book; however, it is impossible in everyday life. “My life towards zero impact” would have been more accurate, a life based on awareness rather than wastefulness. You are mother of a child, Timo, who is also vegan. After the recent incident of the child in Florence, what do you say to those who believe vegan diet is not appropriate to children’s’ needs? Song suggested to read this article: Gratitude feat. Will Oldham - Bjork How is music compared to a dish or a drink? It’s nice listening to it while preparing. It’s amazing how music can inspire the choice of ingredients and the success of a dish. Tell us about your last book and why is it worth reading it? “Alla Salute” (To one’s health) is a book worth reading, because it faces every aspect of our lives, starting from food. Samuel Johnson, English poet of the 18th century, said “who does not mind his belly, will hardly mind anything else”. Such reflection is three centuries old, but very topical. We eat three times a day and that’s all human beings do, besides breathing and sleeping. Food can change our lives, our relations, our work, the relationships with our children completely. What we introduce in our body feeds our blood, our cells and therefore our thoughts. [ the sign moak ] 19 Farm Cultural Park, from impoverished village to sixth wonder in the world of contemporary art by Francesca Puglisi U ntil recently, it was only a small village living nearly in total anonymity. Even authorities had abandoned it to its fate: just a geographical point situated in our wonderful island. However, Favara, few steps from the Valle dei Templi, forgotten and excluded from tourist itineraries, has redeemed itself, or better, Andrea Bartoli and his wife Florinda Saieva redeemed it as “deus ex machina”. He’s a notary and she’s a lawyer, connected by a great passion for contemporary art and above all for their region. In 2010, they decide to bravely and determined do something not only for themselves, but also for the community by shaking (positively) the boring days of the inhabitants. They decide to convert the impoverished centre of Favara into a touristic cultural park. Today “Farm Cultural Park” is the payback of the small village included in the six international tourist destinations to visit. Admiring and infected by those who still believe in being able to create a better world and Andrea Bartoli and Florinda Saieva 20 [ XIII 02/2015 ] inventing new ways of thinking and doing culture, we interviewed Andrea Bartoli, the creator of such beautiful project. Where does the idea of creating a project named farm cultural park come from? My wife Flò and I had a sound wish: living in Sicily and being able to be fine. Together with this wish, there was the need to create a fertile and stimulating environment for out two girls, but also the awareness to taking a responsibility towards the small piece of world we live in. What does the Arab Kasba has in common with the seven Bentivegna courtyards of Favara? Place Jamaa el Fna, the main square of Marrakech, around which Medina is developed, is the main place of inspiration of the Farm Cultural Park project. The Seven Courtyards are a Sicilian Kasba where small white archi- tectures are spaced out by seven small courts hiding two wonderful gardens. Last June we inaugurated Riad Farm in one of these, a place intended to be used as relax and hospitality area. The London blog Purple Travel placed you in sixth position to be visited among the international destinations for contemporary art lovers. Did you expect such acknowledgement? They have been very generous to compare us with the most important capitals of the contemporary art world. However, what in my opinion really makes our experience unique is the power of transformation this project affected the whole town with, as well as the effects it is causing all over Sicily. I would like to highlight that the experience of Farm gave life to Boom-Urban Lungs; a project that will award three Sicilian cities by means of a contest over the next few months, in order to make Urban Lungs that have the power to change identity of the hosting towns, just like Farm with Favara, and that can give a future dimension to such towns. Song suggested to read this article: You’re an artist - Morphine What are the artistic-cultural events you promote, and whom are they directed to? We mainly promote appointments connected to contemporary culture, but are very interested in topics as low-definition architecture, public design, urban agriculture. Culture is a noble tool here, which gave life to a small community of dreamers who didn’t give up the idea of living in a nicer, more ethical and cosmopolite Sicily yet. What changed in the tourist sector of your town since 2010 and how did the inhabitants of Favara react? Until five years ago, Favara was a place excluded from any tourist itinerary. Today, it’s a small capital of culture, Lonely Planet gave us such an important review that we are actually embarrassed, just about every newspaper around the world talked about Farm and we welcome tourists every day. In a town that had nothing to offer now B&B’s and restaurants increase a hundredfold, and there is no property in the historical centre that is not in restoration stage with touristic-cultural purpose. [ the sign moak ] 21 Coffee and health Coffee is good for hair by Francesca Puglisi T he old false belief stating that coffee has negative effects on our body has now waned. A research carried out by the University of Jena (Germany), published in the renowned magazine “International journal of dermatology” shows it once again, and explains how coffee facilitates hair growth. A further and efficient confirmation ratifying the positive connection between coffee and hair comes from Charitè University of Berlin as well as from the study by Peter and Seeber from Hamburg. According to this study, which was carried out on a sample of thirty-nine volunteers with severe hair loss, caffeine would penetrate into the air follicle in a quick 22 [ XIII 02/2015 ] and efficient way, and would reduce baldness in 79% of the cases. Doctor Paolo Gigli, surgeon specialising in dermatology and President of Sitri (Italian Trichology Association) gives us answers that are more detailed. How does coffee reduce the risk of hair loss? There are different studies on caffeine features seen as stimulant for hair growth in vitro. This presupposes that it can be used in the treatment against baldness. Moreover, it was proven that the scalp absorbs caffeine through hair follicles significantly, and this allows considering it an excellent alley against hair loss. In general, what kind of effects has coffee on the scalp? According to researches by some scientists, caffeine turn out to be a potential molecule to be used in the treatment of baldness. Indeed, coffee not only improves the aesthetic aspect of the scalp, if employed by means of lotions or compresses, but also helps the scalp effectively by making it stronger from the inside. How much coffee would a person with propensity for baldness need to drink per day in order to reduce hair loss? Currently, we cannot determine how much coffee, seen as a drink, a person with baldness problems may assume Song suggested to read this article: Long Haired Child - Devendra Banhart to obtain results against hair loss. You obviously need to consider also different factor affecting a patient’s health, such as for example possible cardiovascular or hypertension issues. Are there supplements or cosmetic products made with caffeine that can improve the look of our hair? On the market, there are different products in the form of lotions and shampoo made with caffeine, which can be used on a regular basis on hair. Such products not only try to solve baldness problems, but also have healthy effects on hair that tends to exhaust or mat. Coffee can also be used together with other natural ingredients as compress to strengthen and freshen the scalp. [ the sign moak ] 23 Foodss, businesses and students between food and design section by di ADI Sicilia D esign as quality guarantee for everyone’s daily life. This is the leitmotiv of the Golden Compass, the most important design award worldwide, which ADI (Association of Industrial Design) has been assigning for more than fifty years to projects and products standing out for their level of innovation and functionality. However, quality of life also means food, respect and valorisation for the area we live in. Out of this premise, the Foodss project is set up; a didactic laboratory with the aim of analysing and revealing the complex relations regarding production and food. End purpose is to give life to a material or intangible product – considering variables of the course conception/re- 24 [ XIII 02/2015 ] alization/sale/consumption – able to enhance the resources of an area and improve everyone’s living conditions. Authors of this ambitious spin-off – created and developed by Vincenzo Castellana, professor of Design System in the degree course Design and Visual Communication at Abadir – are universities, students and Sicilian businesses of the food sector, among which Moak. The thread bases on the Expo Milan 2015 topic: Feed the Planet, Energy for Life. The project has been divided into four stages and already started last December, when the ADI Food Design commission for Expo introduced the Manifest of food design in the presence of chosen Sicilian companies. The third stage, which just finished, included students and partner companies in a workshop at Palazzo Cafisi (Favara) during the event “It’s a wonderful time, Summer Design Fest” of ADI Sicilia. The last stage will be finalised in September in Milan with the presentation and exhibition of the final Foodss projects at the Design House for Expo that ADI Nazionale set up in the period of the universal exposition. A dialogue between students and businesses that generated expendable and feasible proposals for the real market, at a time where there is need to recognize the innate attitude for taste and creativeness, which turned our region into model of style not only made of food but also design, more than ever. Song suggested to read this article: I’m designer - Queens of the Stone Age [ the sign moak ] 25 Caffè to read in cooperation with Thousands of titles between shelves, books of all kinds. You can also see titles of films, music and much more. Areas, sitting rooms and corridors where to exhibit paintings and art works. We are taking about the laFeltrinelli bookstores, where a new way of understanding and experiencing reading comes alive, where those who come in with the sole scope to take a book discover new inspiration and interest. Their directors will tell us these fascinating places, from north to south, from Milan to Catania. Indeed who better than them to suggest, between some sip of coffee, which book to read and which music to listen to. Enrica Cavallari, director of laFeltrinelli Duomo Milano F ew weeks ago, two important cultural stores in Milan became as one once for all: laFeltrinelli Duomo. It used to be two until beginning of the year: the glorious bookstore Feltrinelli Duomo and the RicordiMediaStores of Vittorio Emanuele Gallery. Two entrances connected by a direct way, with different signs but one director, Enrica Cavallari. A woman that is proudly looking at this wonderful place today, which has literally revived, where the vastness of 2,500 sq m full of 70,000 book titles, 18,000 music titles, 26 [ XIII 02/2015 ] 8,000 DVD’s and 6,500 music scores stands out even more. Since it’s inauguration, many have already taken possession of the armchairs in the reading areas, of the study table, of the comfortable couch in the laEffe sitting room or of the ottoman occupying the centre of the exhibition area. Once the bewildered jubilation with the crowd at the inauguration, the hustle and cheerful astonishment of habitués is over, Enrica attempts to get used to such new space she knows very well and keeps on discovering. I suggest a book and a film It’s not time for heavy readings: the rehash of a bookstore, such as Milano Duomo, doesn’t leave time or mental energies for hardly anything. This is how I got myself into reading La promessa (The pledge) (Feltrinelli) by Friedrich Dürrenmatt. I thought I would relax by reading a crime novel. I had a masterpiece in front of me: the event of police commissioner Matthäi, aloof and infallible, who gives his word to a mother he would find the killer of her child and thus changes the rest of his life, is one of those readings you cannot get away from once you finish the book. It stays inside, and works. And if it has to be a crime thriller, one of the films that convinced end moved me most in the last few years is Il segreto dei suoi occhi (The secret in their eyes) by Juan José Campanella from Argentina, Academy Award as best foreign film in 2010. The story of a murder investigation lasting twenty-five years, a love story lasting even longer, and the tragic history of Argentina that invades all aspects of this private and criminal event. The best meeting point between Raymond Chandler’s painful human nature and Jorge Luis Borges’ geometric metaphysics. by Enrica Cavallari Book series: Universale economica Edition: La Feltrinelli Autor: Friedrich Durrenmatt Year: 1991 Number of pages: 160 Price: € 7,50 euro ISBN: 9788807811425 Year: 2009 Genre: Drammatico Direction: Juan José Campanella Actors: Ricardo Darín, Soledad Villamil, Pablo Rago, Javier Godino, Guillermo Francella Distribution: Lucky Red Country: Spain, Argentina Duration: 129 Min [ the sign moak ] 27 ©ska_cii | Krahulčí - Czech Republic Italy odica razia | M ig d e s o ©lec x | Huuto ©hannefo land tario - Canada meki - Fin ©cigarnstuff | On #moakpeople contest Share a coffee per day with us. The best pictures and funniest faces chosen among the sent ones. rnishing. The style of fu laxing setting Recreating a re ntext within an urban co torial staff Section edited by the edi You can create a relaxing setting with Mediterranean taste even in an urban context. An example is the Bronda Restaurant in Helsinki, Finland. The bright and welcoming interior spaces are divided into three main areas: the cocktail bar, the spacious dining room boasting ceilings that are 7 metres high, and the more intimate and reserved area. The Italian touch and design is granted by the two hundred Malmö chair seats by Pedrali. A wooden collection with strong Nordic sense, deriving from an imaginary excursion along the shores of a Scandinavian lake, which perfectly harmonises within the restaurant’s atmosphere and creates an elegant but at the same time homey environment. photo © baraBild Sverige AB [ the sign moak ] 29 Coffee and healthy surroundings edited by the editorial staff Approaching sustainable cuisine means preferring ingredients coming from natural agriculture that has not been forced with the aim to produce aesthetically captivating food, but low in sustenance for body and soul. Roberta Tribastone created the Singola project in Modica, a restaurant within a structure including wood and straw, where she is in assiduous search of ingredients, methods and processing procedures that respect people, the planet and our surrounding environment. And she does it by focusing on sharing certification, creating a trustworthy relationship with the producer and following him step by step. Such choice is not only connected to health, but also ethics. With her recipes and suggestions, Roberta will help us find out how – despite those who affirm the contrary – vegan cooking is pleasantly delicious, easy to prepare and within everyone’s means. Roberta Tribastone Strawberry ice cream with coffee beans Ingredients for 5 people: - 200 g strawberries - 100 g bananas - 180 g rice malt - 1 g lemon juice - 20 g cane sugar - 8 g squeezed corn oil - 1 grain of salt - 20 coffee beans - 20 g dark chocolate mixed, pour the mixture into the ice-cream freezer and wait until it becomes thick and creamy; as an alternative, if you don’t have an ice-cream freezer, pour the mixture into a wide and low terrine and put it in the freezer. Take the terrine out after about an hour, blend the mixture again and put again in the freezer; repeat it at least three times until thick. Meanwhile, melt the chocolate separately in bain-marie and dunk each coffee bean with the help of kitchen pliers. Leave them to cool on a tray with baking paper. Once finished, put the tray in the fridge. The beans will be ready once the chocolate used as glaze is hard. Serve the ice cream decorated with coffee beans. Procedure: Blend fruit, malt, lemon juice, sugar and oil, and the grain of salt. Once all ingredients are well You may add fresh fruit, flowers or aromatic leaves of your choosing. 30 [ XIII 02/2015 ] Song suggested to read this article: Green Onions - Booker T & the MG’s Download pdf versions on:: www.caffemoak.com/the-sign-moak - www.caffemoak.com/en/the-sign-moak 32 [ XIII 02/2015 ] G XIII 022015 EN XIII 02/2015 © Caffè Moak S.p.A. XII 012015 XI 032014 XI 03/2014 © Caffè Moak S.p.A. X 02/2014 © Caffè Moak S.p.A. X 022014 IX 01/2014 © Caffè Moak S.p.A. 03/2013 © Caffè Moak S.p.A. IX 012014 IT A IT A 032013 02/2013 © Caffè Moak S.p.A. 022013 IT A 01/2013 © Caffè Moak S.p.A. 012013 042012 02/2012 © Caffè Moak S.p.A. 032012
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