03 /2013 © Caffè Moak S.p.A.
03 /2013 © Caffè Moak S.p.A.
EN G 03/2013 © Caffè Moak S.p.A. It may only look like a business choice to many, but as days pass, I feel like certain choices are followed because they belong to a philosophy of life that unwittingly reflects the one of your own company. We decided to present the new project dedicated to Bio Fair, our Organic and Fairtrade certified product, on the occasion of the International Host/Sic Exhibition 2013 months ago. It’s obvious, we looked after the blends, the graphic concept and the contents. Everything is ready now, ready to be packed and shipped to our stand. Then, I see and read these days’ news about the massacre of Lampedusa, or the one even closer to us happened on the shore of Sampieri, and I firmly believe that Moak also wants to give a message of solidarity, of support for the less fortunate people. A message of love I hope you will be able to grasp in “love generaction”. The President Giovanni Spadola Love Generaction, Lanificio Leo for Moak - Article at pag. 5 EN G 03/2013 © Caffè Moak S.p.A. On the cover: Organic meets Fair Trade Partner www.caffemoak.com Mailing poste italiane – cod. sap. nr. 30907349- DCB Central/PT Magazine Subscript. R.O.C. nr. 23325 – valid from 18/03/2013 Aut. Court. Modica nr.218/2013 VG - News nr.2/2013. Responsible Director: Sara di Pietro Editing: Annalisa Spadola, Sara Di Pietro, Corrado Barone, Corrado Passarello Pictures: for[me]moak. Graphic Coordination: for[me]moak Art work: for[me]moak Publisher: Moak Holding S.p.A. Viale delle Industrie - 97015 Modica (RG) tel.0932-904755 www.caffemoak.com, e-mail: sara.dipietro@ caffemoak.com Company with certified quality system by ISO 9001/14001 Exclusive printing for Moak Holding S.p.A. in Soverai Mannelli (CZ) According to the article 7 of the law nr. 196/03 the addressee can have access to his data, ask for changes or cancellation or object writing to: Moak Holding S.p.A. - Viale delle Industrie without number – 97015 Modica (RG) - Italy 04 06 08 12 14 Host 2013. Moak presents the new Bio Fair line Love generaction Winners of the Moak Literary and Short film competitions 2013 proclaimed Bar Vitelli An open air set A Haute Cuisine Cooking School opens in Sicily 16 Moakpeople contest 18 Chefs Mei and Simonato interpret Moak Coffee 20 Cime presents the new line “Composition” 22 Moak at Anuga 2013 23 The style of furnishing The world in one room 24 Coffee meets barley, ginseng and guaranà. 26 28 29 31 Sicily in pink Lucia Sardo, an actress without masks Coffee to read All crazy for ecoformecolours Coffee and surroundings [ the sign moak ] 03 Host 2013. Moak presents the new Bio Fair line by Corrado Passarello M oak Bio Fair coffee protagonist at Host 2013, the international Exhibition of the hospitality industry held from October 18th to 22nd in Milan. Moak wanted to spotlight the new line of Organic and Fairtrade certified products, in support of a fair trade business and in full respect of the environment. Such values fully meet the ones of the company philosophy, which has always been careful to quality and respect for labour, without neglecting the commitment in support of a green economy. There are two Bio Fair blends, made with old process methods: in the first one, the taste of cocoa and hazelnuts predominates and is available in 1 kg and 250 g packages, while the second one, bio fair superior, is distinguished by the higher quantity of Arabica and is offered in the 1 kg tin as well as in pads. Solidarity and sustainability will also be topics of the humanitarian project “love generaction” between Moak and AMREF, which will be promoted on the occasion of the exhibition. AMREF (African Medical and Research Foundation) was established in Nairobi in 1957 thanks to three surgeons. Today, it employs about 900 people and is present in 12 countries between Europe, the United States and Canada, working hard to contribute to increase health in Africa also thanks through active community involvement and reinforcement, local em- ployees and healthcare systems. The values being at the base of AMREF’s activities are aligned with Moak’s ones: respect for the land and local populations, transparency in the communication of all activities and initiatives, accuracy in the use of resources and means, which help to achieve goals that have been set, no forms of discrimination. During the exhibition, visitors will be able to taste the Bio Fair coffee free within the Moak stand (booth 9P-M16P23). Moreover, the “love generaction” project provides gadgets created exclusively by for[me]moak, which proceeds – through free donation - will be allocated by Moak to AMREF, in aid of humanitarian initiatives for Ethiopian people. Host is also going to be the occasion to present the new “take me away” project, the new house line. Coffee and items connected to it, through which the Moak universe takes form. Instead, for restaurateurs and hotel managers, Moak launches the new blends in pods: Aromatik, top blend of the vending line and Bio Fair Pod, certified Organic and Fairtrade coffee. Moak introduces them together with the two-group espressa machine. A solution dedicated to restaurateurs that want to offer their clients aroma, taste and full-bodiness of real Italian espresso. Caffè Moak – Host/Sic 2013 Milan – booth 9P-M16P23 Recommended song for the reading of the present article: You are the sunshine of my life - Ella Fitzgerald [ the sign moak ] 05 Love generaction I n the DNA of Moak Generaction, there’s who loves to invent and improve himself, who respects and supports the environment, who seeks justice and abolishes wars and violence, who acts with tenacity and who strives for peace. It’s the ring of a chain for[me]moak makes emerge in the new “love generaction” project. The graphic concept is summarized in six symbols and uses the language of ideograms, which represents an immediate meeting point between people of different languages. African tradition gives us back many of these ideograms that don’t literacy in order to be understood and go straight to the meaning of basic values of everyone’s life: friendship, love, solidarity. They are valid in the West as well as in Ethiopia or in Ghana. Examining them, they strike up for their strong ability to synthesize, the pronounced symmetry and above all the interpenetration of the double (where the sign consists of two units). The recovery and use of these signs makes us get in touch with a culturally distant, but emotionally very close world. It’s not just by chance that the project is thought for the bio fair product line in support of a fair trade business and in full respect of the environment and working rights. Love generaction includes the 100 g bio fair blend – the packaging in ecological paper made with by-products of agroindustrial materials clearly shows its line and personality. 06 [ 03/2013 ] Instead, the love cup package is cylindrical. Item with versatile core, declinable in multiple uses (vase, glove box, candle). The best ideas come while sipping a good coffee; ideas to tell on a white book, without lines, limits and boundaries, suitable to freely welcome any thought and emotion or simple travel notes. Love generaction also signs the bracelet, a twine of refined and selected fabrics, produced by Lanificio Leo, one of the oldest textile factories in Italy. An accessory representing the ideal completion of a combination of products that are so different from each other, but bound by a common purpose, just like the new moak generation. There are people that don’t need to speak in friendship and those who would shout out their love to the four winds. There’s who loves preparing coffee and who wants it to be served. There are people that lay down their arms and those who ask for justice with a look. There’s who believes in fantasy and who swings into action. There’s who wishes a good morning even if it’s raining outside. There’s who lives on dreams and who realizes his/her dreams with commitment. There are people who always choose the same coffee with steadfastness. There are people who love without wanting something in return. There’s a different generation. love generaction. Recommended song for the reading of the present article: I’m still in love with you - Al Green Winners of the Moak Literary and Short film competitions 2013 proclaimed by Sara Di Pietro “Coffee falls into your stomach, and straightway there is a general commotion: ideas begin to move like the battalions of the Grand Army of the battlefield” (Honorè de Balzac) H onorè de Balzac considered it great ally of mind. And it might have also been so for the authors who took part in the 2013 editions of Caffè Letterario and Corto Moak. The winners of the two contests, whose names were revealed on October 5th during the prize-giving evening, certainly quoted it or made it be protagonist. Frame of the event, presented by a lively Giuliana Ubertini, was the soul of Moak production in the new office district. The best short stories of the 12th edition of Caffè Letterario Moak were chosen by a careful jury presided by columnist Gianni Rotta, assisted by Gianni Casone (scriptwriter), Guido Conti 08 [ 03/2013 ] (writer), Gianluca Morozzi (writer) and Susanna Tartaro (redactor of Fahrenheit Radio 3 Rai). Instead the 8th edition of Corto Moak, international Short film competition, boasted eclectic Enrico Ghezzi as president of the panel, who was able to catch the attention of the present audience with his “non pre-recorded” intervention. Next to him were journalist Cristina Borsatti, director Francesco Calogero and film producer Giannandrea Pecorelli. Even this year, room was given to young writers and filmmakers, who had the chance to express their creativeness, maybe between one coffee and the other, some with words, some with images. And this is and will be main purpose of the competitions promoted by Caffè Moak in cooperation with Archinet: give young people the opportunity to popularize their works. PRIZE “BEST DIRECTION” Pentole & Coperchi (Pots & Lids) by Giulio Poidomani (Modica) Italy 2013, 15’45’’, HD, English/ with Italian subtitles CAFFÈ CORTO MOAK 2013 Synopsis. Nick loses his dog Catullo and searches it in the neighbourhood. He lives in a surreal world where every woman carries a pot with her, and every man a lid. When pot and lid perfectly correspond, man and woman fall in love. Giannandrea Pecorelli gives the award “for how the suspect that the little cinema devil could make both pots and lids is crept into the apparent dramaturgical platitude”. PRIZE BEST SHORT FILM 2013 La comediè d’un jour by Emanuele Gaetano Forte (Latina) Italy, 2011, 14’, Italian PRIZE “BEST SCRIPT” Ce l’hai un minuto (Do you have a minute) by Alessandro Bardani (Rome) Italy 2012-2013, 8’30’’ Synopsis. Matteo’s town is nice but badly lived in. Bars rise like mushrooms. All good-looking, fashionable, with barmen experts at doing cocktails, but no longer able to make a coffee. And Matteo, who is a great coffee drinker, decides to go away. Where? Matteo says to go far away, in a nicer town where coffee tastes better! President Enrico Ghezzi gives the award “for the great intensity and passion the film is projected beyond a profile of Vitellonismo, changing colours in a crooked melancholy among landscapes of the heart and hearts without landscapes”. Synopsis. ”Do you have a minute?” this is what Oreste, a Roman man, asks Madhi, a young Palestinian guy, before providing him with the necessary directions to arrive from the Roman suburb to Palestine. A long trip enriched by funny anecdotes and gloomy memories; the escape from loneliness turning into a surreal and ironic encounter of the two protagonists. Francesco Calogero gives the prize “For the naturalness the play of the actors becomes screenplay, in the misunderstanding between words and space of commonplace”. [ the sign moak ] 09 CAFFÈ LETTERARIO MOAK 2013 2° PLACE Il centro del mondo (Centre of the world) by Norma Rosso (Genoa) A serious, sincere short story on a contemporary topic, such as the new emigration and the lacerations of those who leave, no one knows where, and those who stay in an asphyctic province, well narrated and without rhetoric. From Murder, she Wrote Jessica Fletcher to grandmother’s coffee, you go to the other side of the ocean. It is also awarded for the proper use of the topic of coffee and the simple and modern style, never sweetish or captivating at all costs. Awarded by Gianluca Morozzi 1° PLACE Un caffè dell’altro mondo (A coffee of the other world) by Francesco Randazzo (Catania) 3° PLACE Le femmine come me restano sole (Women like me stay alone) by Marta Riccobono (Palermo) Awarded for the original structure, with hilarious bright ideas, such as the tap-dancing alien, the picture of circles in the wheat in erotic-ironic key that is more Sicilian than American, and the protagonists’ ability to even absorb the scent of things he loves. Successful ambiguity, excellently kept and unsolvable, between the visionarity of the contact of the child with aliens and the reality of childhood meningitis. Awarded by Giovanni Spadola Livia Spadola The short story is forceful, with coffee becoming a love potion including some drops of menstrual blood and with the intense solution of suicide as tragic consequence of a horrible violence: despite the retro and almost realist setting, the subject of intolerance stand out for its newness. Considerations on social gossipy and prig hypocrisy are not predicted. The profiles of Chichì, homosexual shop boy of the brothel and unhappy affectionate Rosellina are done very well. Awarded by Gianni Cascone 10 [ 03/2013 ] III EDITION BELGIORNO AWARD COFFEE, A SHORT STORY Norma Rosso also wins the Belgiorno Award, in memory of writer Franco Antonio Belgiorno and dedicated to the youngest and most skilful writer of the contest. Prize awarded by Enrico Maria Belgiorno, nephew of the famous writer of Modica. For the 2013 edition, Caffè Moak wanted to involve also young students, promoting a lab of creative writing “Coffee, a short story”, guided by writer Gianni Cascone. “Nicholas”, the composition written with several hands, was read out by the captivating voice of actress Lucia Sardo. The ten short stories chosen by the Caffè Letterario panel will be published, as every year, in the anthology “Stories about coffee”. www.caffe-letterario.it Recommended song for the reading of the present article: In un palco della Scala - Pavarotti & Mancini [ the sign moak ] 11 Bar Vitelli An open air set by Sara Di Pietro I n Savoca, few kilometres from Taormina, one of the most beautiful villages of Italy, you cannot but visit the historical Bar Vitelli. From the picturesque Fossia square, you look out onto the Palazzo Trimarchi from the 17th century, which hosts the shop that shaped the history of the Sicilian village since 1963. After a long series of hairpin turns, we feel almost out of context, catapulted in a place where time stopped. No cars, semi-desert roads and a brushed wooden sign shining on the building’s façade: Bar Vitelli, while the gaze at our back gets lost in the valley cut by the glimpse of the Gulf of Taormina. Lorenzo Motta, nephew of Mrs 12 [ 03/2013 ] Maria, who is known as the one that made the history of Savoca, welcomes us in the small veranda under a pergola. He talks with great admiration about her and tells us some of her anecdotes. The one that strikes me most is the anecdote about coffee: she also served the sugar bowl and asked every guest “how much sugar?”, pouring and mixing the coffee in cup. During our chat, he makes us serve lemon granite, with the citrus fruits tasting like pulled out “rà maccia” (from the tree), accompanied by “zuccarate”, typical local biscuits. While he’s telling me about the history of Bar Vitelli, there’s the soundtrack of “The Godfather” by Francis Ford Coppola in the background. Actually, the American director turned this small gem into a going and coming of tourists and visitors from all over the world. Indeed, the bar is the emblem of the small hamlet hosting only 700 inhabitants, above all for its cinematographic meaning. In 1971, Ford Coppola comes to Sicily, to Corleone, to shoot a movie. After having put together the set, he is asked to pay out a fee. Production does not accept this diktat and decides to move the location. It happens to be that one of the producers of the film “Godfather Part I” actually is a cousin of Mrs Maria, who asks Coppola to greet her on his behalf. The director of the Godfather keeps his promise and as soon as he arrives in Savoca and at the Bar Vitelli, he falls in love with those places, where he stays for about two months to shoot the film that made the history of international cinema. Many object and also pictures of the film production as well as many small items and ornaments that recall proof of past traditions are exposed in the bar. Palazzo Trimarchi is in restoration stage and thus, those places will soon have even a hotel and a wine cellar, where Sicilian sparkling wine can be tasted. Recommended song for the reading of the present article: Godfather theme - Slash [ the sign moak ] 13 A Haute Cuisine Cooking School opens in Sicily by sa.di.pi I n the Divine Comedy, Dante punishes the greed, putting them in the third circle of hell. Cicero had a different opinion, defining “hunger the best spice of food”. And maybe even the Church doesn’t consider “indulgence” as such any longer, having instituted a Haute Cuisine School for the first time. In Ragusa Ibla, overlooking onto the green valley of the Irminio river, the Antico Convento dei Cappuccini (Old Capuchin Convent), which hosts the Mediterranean School of Wine and Food “Nosco”, was inaugurated few months ago. The project rises from a strong will of the bishop of Ragusa Monsignor Paolo Durso, who wanted to value a cultural good of the 16th century rare testimony surviving the 1693 earthquake, together with the Saint John Baptist Foundation. However, main purpose is the social 14 [ 03/2013 ] one, promoting the place as bridge of Mediterranean meetings and intercultural exchanges. The completely restored building also hosts 16 rooms (once 40 cells) and a restaurant “Il Cenobio”, where one can taste seasonal cuisine with local products and a special attention to organic farming. This is where the young apprentices coming from all over Italy have the chance to access the didactic restaurant kitchen, going from the training room to the use of acquired knowledge during the courses. Chef Giuseppe Barone manages the School and also runs the hall’s and hotel’s direction, besides organising Haute Cuisine and Haute Patisserie courses. “It’s a great satisfaction – says the Sicilian Chef – having the chance to guide this ambitions project. We pay much attention to the respect for nature and for what the land offers us; that’s why, compared to other Italian schools, I wanted to add new teaching methods, choosing distinguishing modules. You start with the module of sensorial memories, meant as research on enogastronomic knowledge of the territory. The other course relates to the sensorial analysis for a proper gastronomic interpretation, and the wine-tasting and oil-tasting module”. On the other hand, the “simple vegetable garden”, where students will be able to experiment and get to know the origins of raw materials, is in completing stage. Among the works to be restored, there’s also the old Library of the Capuchin Friars, which will be converted not only into reading and tasting place, but also research centre for the recovery of recipes of monastic tradition. The chef Giuseppe Barone Recommended song for the reading of the present article: Bad Luck Blues - Joy of cooking [ the sign moak ] 15 ple cont o e ple conte eo #moakp t es Share a coffee per day with us. The best pictures and funniest faces chosen among the sent ones. @moakp st Chefs Mei and Simonato interpret Moak Coffee by Sara Di Pietro B ehind the Navigli quarter, in Via Villoresi, only 24 seats welcome guests of the Restaurant Tano Passami l’Olio. The name says it all about the cooking philosophy of Chef Gaetano Simonato: extra virgin olive oil considered as best seasoning both while cooking and after it. Butter and margarine are banished, while space is given to a cupboard containing more than fifty types of extra virgin olive oil. Awarded with a Michelin star, his dishes are sometimes pulled out of the air, other times recalled from tradition and then reinterpreted. Preparation: Clean the prawns by removing the shell, but leaving the head. Peel the potatoes and stew them very tender. Whisk the potatoes and add 4 sprigs of wild fennel, season to taste with salt and sugar. Put the compound into a feeding bottle. Cook extra virgin olive oil with 2 star anises in a pan and sear the prawns for 1 ½ minutes. Add a hint of white wine and some Ouzo to flambé, season to taste with salt, sugar and pepper. Flambé prawns with scents of anise and coffee powder ingredients for 4 people: 12 big prawns; Star anise; Coffee powder; 1 bunch of wild fennel; 2 medium-size potatoes; White wine; Ouzo (Greek anise liqueur); Salt, pepper and sugar; Medium extra virgin olive oil (Sicily, Sardinia) For the presentation Put some stripes of potatoe and fennel cream on the platter, place the prawns on top of them and spread with coffee powder and previously minced wild fennel. Pin a sprig of wild fennel on one of the prawns and finish with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil. 18 [ 03/2013 ] I n via Gesù, in the heart of Milan’s high-fashion district, the Four Seasons Hotel is situated. The fragments of frescoes decorating its walls purposely recall the past of this building, an old convent of the 15th century, which hosts the Four Seasons Hotel. Over the course of the years, it has been standing out as the place par excellence of hospitality and impeccable service in the collective imagination of the city; also thanks to the Restaurant La Veranda, where guests are delighted with dishes prepared by Executive Chef Sergio Mei Tomasi and his brigade of 28 cooks. Recognized as one of the most appreciated Chefs of his generation, honoured with the aspired “Cook of the Year” award in 1998, Sergio Mei fully performs his cooking concept in creating simple dishes based on fresh and selected ingredients that are not necessarily foie gras and caviar. Tortelli made with coffee dough Ingredients for 4 people: for the pasta: 350 g durum wheat flour, 150 g dark rice flour, 25 g espresso coffee, 10 g coffee powder, 150 g water, 50 g white wine; for the filling: 250 g potatoes, 100 g pink Montoro onion, 150 g oil, ½ g of lemon shaving, 10 g grated parmesan, salt and pepper to taste; for the dressing: 100 g Malga butter (butter from Alpine dairy farm), 1 sprig of lemon thyme. Procedure: for the dough: sift durum wheat flour with rice flour in a mixing bowl, knead with water, white wine and cold coffee at a temperature of 35°. Leave the dough to rest for 15 minutes in a plastic wrap. For the filling: wash the potatoes and boil them unpeeled in salted water including the herbs. Peel and sieve them, put the pulp back into a mixing bowl. Peel the onion, cut it into small cubes and make it mature in a pan with oil and some water; add it to the potatoes including salt, pepper and grated parmesan. For the Tortelli: stretch the dough to a thin sheet and spread with coffee powder; fill with stuffing and wrap the Tortelli or ravioli in the desired form, as required. Once cooked, spice the Tortelli with butter, emulsified with cooking water and scented with lemon thyme. For the presentation Serve the Tortelli on a plate with sprinkled coffee powder mixed with grated parmesan. Recommended song for the reading of the present article: Black Coffee - St. Germain & Patricia Kass [ the sign moak ] 19 Cime presents the new line “Composition” editorial S ince its beginnings, CIME has been started a development process both in the technological and planning field. In 2013, the young and dynamic company launches a new project that aims at strengthening its brand’s identity, maintaining the quality of its products to a high standard as for reliability, durability and performances. The new line “Composition” has been created. The choice for its new identity is expressed through a universal language, such as the musical one, which is well combined to design and functions of the new prod- 20 [ 03/2013 ] uct range. A composition is represented by a pentagram where notes, rhythms and harmonies are inserted and enclosed by two brackets. In the project of the new CIME machines, pauses are represented by the lateral abutments, while their content is featured by the single internal pieces that are put together harmoniously, in order to create the final product: an espresso. A project where design and innovation are combined with research and technology, highlighting the manual skill and art of being able to make a real Italian espresso. Starting from the coming models, the Composition product range will be identified with the acronym CO, while each model will be recognized by a two-figure number that specifies the grading position within the series. The first new model coming on the market will be the CO-05. This new Composition machine will be protagonist at the Host 2013 Exhibition, held from October 18th to 22nd in Milan (booth 18/stand C70), where it will bring colour and innovation. Not noticing it is impossible. Aesthetically a leap ahead, a bound towards modernity. The new CO-05 will be enclosed by lateral abutments made of innovative polyurethane that puts creativeness and functionality in perfect tune. The “brackets” will be available in ten different colours, with the possibility to assemble the two abutments with two different tonalities, making the machine adaptable for every space. The real innovation begins with the distinctive features, the details. Starting from the ergonomic push-button pan- el and the strong graphic impact that has been exclusively designed for the CO-05, which makes the machine be in harmony with who prepares the coffee. Each button has a diameter of two centimetres and perfectly keys to the machine’s linearity; the backlight and front design make the desired choice easily deducible. Even the design of the drawer respects the Composition machine’s elegant line as well as the concept of functionality and minimalism. The upper part features a rollaway cup holder plate, while the back of the machine shows an elegant lighting adaptable to the logo. On one hand, the new Composition line considers espresso machines as the balanced combination of reliable and solid elements that form the pulsating heart; on the other side, it enhances the product’s funny side that allows matching different colours of the resistant abutments respecting one’s own needs and turning the machine into a personalised item. Recommended song for the reading of the present article: Nona sinfonia di Beethoven, secondo movimento [ the sign moak ] 21 Moak at Anuga 2013 by Corrado Passarello A mong the events on the 2013 calendar, Moak could not miss the Anuga fair, leading trade fair for the global food and drink industry, held in Cologne from October 5th to 9th. Absolute protagonist in the Moak space was the Bio Fair product range, the line of Organic and Fairtrade certified products, a further testimony of how the Moak policy is oriented towards the eco-friendly market with more and more attention. Even this year’s Anuga edition dedicated to food & beverage has been a great success, involving about 150 thousand visitors coming from more than 100 countries. It has been a tasty occasion not only for Moak, but also for the Ital- 22 [ 03/2013 ] ian market, since Germany is the first destination market of Italian agroindustrial exports. Moreover, Italy is the fourth supplier of Germany, holding a market share of more than 7% of German imports. It has been a very important even for Moak, both on a European and Global level. “Anuga – explains Giuseppe Ventura, Caffè Moak sales manager – offered the opportunity to establish new contacts, discover current trends, benefit from the entire Kölnmesse infrastructure, among the four biggest exhibition complexes worldwide, shaking the perilously static European market that offers space and gives confidence only to those who show their virtues, like Moak does”. Recommended song for the reading of the present article: German Clap - Modeselektor The style of furnishing m The world in one roo by the editorial staff * Conference table base created with two flap frames of the “Beech 18” from 1937. Measurements 310 x 140 cm. By Arteinmotion Love for beautiful things, without space and time. Becoming fond of flights without being flyers. Experiencing spaces where harmony of design, heat of leather and wood joined by the strength of steel give life to atmospheres able to make you feel immediately at ease, as if in an imaginary world. Keen about things intended for a long duration, Arteinmotion invents the “aeronautics” line, unique pieces and art objects created with disused parts of historical planes. [ the sign moak ] 23 Coffee meets barley, ginseng and guaranà. by Corrado Passarello M oak’s aim is to offer an increasingly wide range of high quality products, managing to successfully meet the need of more and more people. With an eye on quality, taste and health. Thus, Moak appeals to three products and ingredients featuring high benefit aspects: Barley, Ginseng and Guaranà. They can be seen as alternative options to coffee, which can be tasted several times a day and are ready to give an instant dose of wellbeing and energy. The Moak instant coffee line enriches the offer on products, allowing a wide range and a solution for any time of the day. Barley The barley blend, oldest grain in the world, is available in 250 g packages and in handy pads, which 24 [ 03/2013 ] hold all of its healthy features; indeed, barley is a very useful substance to guarantee the wellbeing of an organism. Highly digestible and rich in silicon and phosphor, it represents a support for the nervous system and for those who practice intellectual activities. Ginseng For a revitalizing charge and for restorative features, Ginseng coffee is the right choice, recommended for the health of the immune defence system. Available in 1 kg packages that can be immediately used, the preparation for drinks with coffee and ginseng taste is suitable both for a manual preparation in cup and for the automatic bar distributor. Out of curiosity: its botanical name is Panax Ginseng and says it all about its features; in fact, the word comes from Greek pan-axos and literally means “which heals everything”. Guaranà The special trio finishes with the 500 g package of the instant preparation to get a particular drink with taste of coffee and guaranà, a plant considered sacred by the various Amazonian tribes, who used it regularly considering it responsible for vitality and longevity. Indeed, guaranà is known as the “fruto da juventude” in Brazil. It is usually used to solve intestinal problems, headache, circulation problems, since it keeps arteries clean and toned. However, also a slimming function is attributed to it. A drink ready to give us wellbeing and energy each time we want it. The soluble machine proposed by Moak will be the means that will make the pleasure to sip these three drinks concrete and real. An easy-to-use dispenser of reduced dimensions, easily adaptable even to small spaces. Its basic automatism allows a quick maintenance procedure to be done occasionally, in order to always keep your device in excellent shape. Advice for the barman: – Start cleaning every evening by pressing the specific button 2/3 times – Wash the doser accessories once a week – Replace the water softener once a month – Use purified water Recommended song for the reading of the present article: Three Fingers - Buckethead [ the sign moak ] 25 Sicily in pink Lucia Sardo, an actress without masks by Sara Di Pietro H er face, her curious character full of passion reveal her real soul; the one of a woman, who believes that being a real actress means expressing oneself, without necessarily having an excellent elocution. Lucia Sardo is one of those Sicilian artists that chose roles to interpret following the principle of quality of the characters’ nature. After fifteen years of theatrical activity, she arrives at the cinema with “La discesa di Aclà a Floristella” by Aurelio Grimaldi. One of the roles that made her famous is the one of Felicia Impastato, mother of Peppino Impastato in the film “I Cento Passi” (The hundred Steps) by Marco Tullio Giordana. In the last few years, she is also been working in TV serials. Since 2008, she 26 [ 03/2013 ] has been organising drama acting classes centred on contemporary theatre from the 20th century to our times. She arrives to our meeting wrapped in a black dress, which is of the same colour of her thick head of hair and her strongly communicative eyes. Eyes that light up while she talks about herself in this interview. How did cinema change from your debuts to today? Maybe it’s better to say how it got worse. Unfortunately, compared to the past, only a quarter of the films are produced now. This brought to the point that the culture of cinema, one of the riches of our country, has fewer possibilities to be valued and exported. Among the characters you interpreted, which is the one that most scarred you? Clearly, Felicia Impastato. Not only from a professional point of view; I Cento Passi (The hundred steps) is a film that nearly lead me to the Oscar. I fell in love with Felicia, because I interpreted a real, not invented character. I met her, we became friends and it is years that I perform a play dedicated to her - “Mother of the guys”. When Do you think one can be a good actor though skipping the fact to rise through the ranks, as recently happening to young people, or is sacrifice the road to success? Actually, I believe that a real actor expresses himself with his body. You don’t need proper elocution (she makes a close “o”). I never studied it. People need real stories that can be interpreted by real people, not fake ones, with their dialect, their way of communicating. Just as you don’t talking about Felicia, I don’t want to refer to Mafia, but to a strong woman and to the strength of women, those with no alibies and fears. need to be handsome and stereotypical to succeed. What is behind the face is more important than the face itself. What was the incitement that made you come closer to the world of politics? I come from a family of politicians. My father was a serviceperson, but also passionate about politics. Even I have been it since times of the student committees. When Rita Borsellino asked me to take the field, I did it, because I used to believe and still believe in her as woman and in her ideals. However, nowadays I’m not interested in politics as I used to be. Long-cherished dream? I’ve been dedicating my time to writing and screenwriting. My dream (which may not stay unrealized for long time) is seeing a film created with one my characters. Compulsory question: your relationship with coffee? My dynamic and impetuous character prevents me from misusing it. That’s why I drink decaffeinated and barley coffee. However, what I can’t and I don’t want to renounce is the scent a coffeemaker emanates. Recommended song for the reading of the present article: Summertime - Janis Joplin [ the sign moak ] 27 Coffee to read in cooperation with Coffee bringing together populations and opportunity to spread cultures and traditions, insomuch that it deserves a praise. Invitation to read a timeless manuscript from the Eighteenth century with reference to our beloved drink. Il caffé sospeso Saggezza quotidiana in piccoli sorsi by Luciano De Crescenzo Coffee is not only a liquid, but also a means to make friends. This is how the book “Il caffè sospeso” (Suspended coffee), a collection of thoughts and anecdotes by Neapolitan writer Luciano De Crescenzo, starts. Master of the art to mix pieces of everyday life with noble thoughts, the author will reveal philosophy even in places you never thought it could be. Book series: I libri di Luciano De Crescenzo Edition: Mondadori Year: 2008 Number of pages: 200 Price: 15 euros ISBN: 9788804577744 “When a Neapolitan is happy for whatever reason, he pays two cups of coffee; instead of just the one he’s going to drink, he pays for himself and for the customer coming after. It’s like offering a coffee to the rest of the world…” A suspended coffee is a Neapolitan custom, but also a philosophy of life. This book collects the best of the articles written by the writer and journalist, issued on newspapers and magazines from 1977 to 2007 and never published in bookshops. Greek philosophy employed to everyday life, anecdotes full of uncommon sense, Italy passed through an irony lens: piece after piece, the book forms a perfect summa of Luciano De Crescenzo’s thinking. And while imaginary and imaginative conversations between Empedocles, Aristotle, Galileo, Newton and Einstein make us giddy, it happens that one wonders about calendars – from the one of Gregory XIII to the one of Sabrina Ferilli -, about Big Brother according to Aunt Carmela’s perspective, about homosexuality from Socrates to Storace. Suspended coffee is a rich and tasty book, a heap of sparks to laugh and think. Everything always flavoured with irony, like a right amount of sugar to be put in coffee, so to make it even more enjoyable. The author Born in Naples on August 20th, 1928, Luciano De Crescenzo is a writer, director, actor and presenter. Before dedicating his time to fiction, essay writing and the show business, he practised engineering. He has always placed the activity as populariser parallel to the one of writer, able to introduce even the most inexperienced reader to the problems raised by antique philosophy. 28 [ 03/2013 ] All crazy for ecoformecolours by Corrado Passarello I t’s a game, a philosophy, it’s colour, but above all taste. After the success of the Paper Ball project, the original packaging with eco-friendly design respecting the environment, Moak launches ecoformecolours on the market: the new packaging including 120 pads turns into coloured spheres useful to furnish, ideal to collect and to be hung on the Christmas tree. You can obtain a sphere from each single box, and each of them is created by putting together the twelve forms extracted directly from the die cut package. The new ecoformecolours project will be available in four different colours, casually or in yellow, blue, violet or grey. Between a coffee and the other, even creativity of chil- dren, families and friends comes to play, since they will give life to unique, personalised and exclusive three-dimensional items by cutting off and wedging in the twelve two-dimensional elements. Treasure hunt is getting started; the hunt to own all four packages with the different colours and combine them in a multi-coloured sphere or with one’s favourite shades. The same packages can be also used as glove box to neaten your house or as decorative elements to be placed on shelves or closets. The original packaging with eco-friendly design respecting the environment is a valuable project and item, full of purports, such as sustainability, reuse and attention for the environment. PANTONE 321 c PANTONE 7439 c PANTONE 130 c PANTONE Cool Gray 9 c x12 x12 x12 x12 Recommended song for the reading of the present article: I used to be color blind - Fred Astaire [ the sign moak ] 29 Coffee and surroundings by Carmelo Chiaramonte “Coffee and side dishes” is the new The Sign Moak section that will tickle your fancy and disclose how coffee can be combined with innumerable foodstuffs, from citrus fruits to fish and pasta. Chef Carmelo Chiaramonte will accompany us through this trip full of surprises foe eyes and palate. Culinary scenographer, television writer for Gambero Rosso Channel, he also published a book “A tutto tonno” (word play of a tutto tondo = all around, and tonno= tuna). He defines himself “ramble cook”, though with a strong sense of identity towards his region, Sicily, rich of history and sayings he loves to recall in his cooking. Durum wheat Fusilli, green and black coffee P ure taste is a matter of movements, it does not arrive into our homes without a reason. Not even or by simply going to an excellent gastronomy shop can help to complete the varied and complex outline of flavours. A good habit is to follow sources of things and you would just need to visit coffee roasting plants to be acquainted with certain coffee shades. Huge homes that smell like thousand bars put together, steamy nectar of roasted coffee everywhere. Only a few push themselves to try the green coffee beans, pure nitty-gritty seeds: delicate and curious taste of the red coffee cherries. Let’s try it fresh-ground matched with the roasted one, in order to taste all shades from raw to taste of ember. How to prepare it It is very important to get oneself pasta from handmade factories, since the recipe only includes few flavours and each of these has to be strong. Once the fusilli have been cooked in salted water, put them on a plate: a sprinkle of green coffee on one side, of dark coffee on the other side. Some drops of olive oil, basil, freshly chopped chives and grated cacio cheese. This light and strong dish is well combined with a glass of wheat beer or a cup of steaming green tea. Doses and ingredients for 4 people: - 300 g durum wheat fusilli - 40 g raw coffee powder - 40 g roasted coffee powder - 90 g cow’s milk half-seasoned cacio cheese - 1 tuft of chives - 8 leaves of fresh basil - 2 tablespoons of scented olive oil Recommended song for the reading of the present article: From green to brown - Twerk [ the sign moak ] 31 Download pdf versions on:: www.caffemoak.com/the-sign-moak - www.caffemoak.com/en/the-sign-moak 32 [ 03/2013 ] G 042013 EN 032013 03/2013 © Caffè Moak S.p.A. 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