November Chicane - Madison Sports Car Club
November Chicane - Madison Sports Car Club
Chicane Newsletter of the Madison Sports Car Club November 2012 NEWSLETTER OF THE MADISON SPORTS CAR CLUB, LTD. Chicane Editor Email Web Site In This Issue…….. November, 2012 Polly Linden – 355 Adams Street, Waterloo, WI 53594 SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 10TH DAY OF EACH MONTH Mailing Address Madison Sports Car Club P.O. Box 14376 Madison, WI 53708-0376 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Vice President Secretary Treasurer DDirectors at Large Erik Hutchins 608.843.5732 Bruce Szczech 608.223.9549 Polly Linden 608.279.3792 Gary Schneider 608.271.2686 Joe Thornton 608.345.3182 Ray Jackson 608.839.5481 Andy Schmiechen 608.225.7741 Devin Anderson 608.846.1095 Pete Wood 608.271.4623 COORDINATORS Membership Gary Schneider & Loren Ziglin Race Steward Devin Anderson Autocross Steward Joe Thornton High Speed Autocross Steward Joe Thornton Librarian & Historian Pete Wood Social and PR Coordinator Bruce Szczech Rally Cross Tom Hille Web Site Jorden Kleier MEETINGS Membership Board of Directors Autocross Committee 608.271.2686 608.828.5126 608.846.1095 608.345.3182 608.345.3182 608.271.4623 608.223.9549 715.347-1772 608.963 2771 1st Thursday of Each Month Bourbon Street Grill 7:30 p.m. 3rd Thursday of Each Month Bourbon Street Grill 7:30 p.m. 3rd Wednesday Nov-April Tamarack Trails 7:30 p.m. Calendar of Events Flyer for November Mtg Banquet Reservation Form BOD Minutes Activity Form Membership Form Classifieds On The Cover Pete Wood Chicane Articles The Chicane is made up of articles submitted by our membership. Every one of you, our members, has a story to tell. Please take a few moments to share it with the club. Submissions can be sent by email or snail mail to the Editor. Thank you. Madison Sports Car Club, Ltd. – Organized in 1954 for the participation in motor sports, and the enjoyment of sports cars. Madison Sports Car Club, Ltd., is affiliated with the Midwestern Council of Sports Car Clubs. AD RATES: Full Page ½ Page ¼ Page Annual $300 $200 $100 Business Card $ 50 WEB Ad Rates: $300 annual All meetings will be starting at the time posted. 2 Monthly $30 $20 $10 n/a $200 6 months Calendar of Events MSCC October 27, 2012 - Rallye for the Rest of Us November 1, 2012 – Social/ Meeting – Bourbon Street Grill – Yves Boode (speaker) December 8, 2012 – Annual Banquet – Candlewood Suites See the full calendar on the MSCC Web Site ----- Council events are listed later in the newsletter. Important Notes ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Anyone retiring their old helmet, please donate it to the club for the autocross group as a loaner helmet at events. Thank you. Contact Joe Thornton. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please visit the club website to view merchandise available with our club logo. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Council gear can be found on the council website at: Members: Please tell us what you would like for meetings this year. Call any board member with your suggestions. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PassingofBrianKetterer ItiswithsadnessthatwesaygoodͲbyetoBrianKettereronSundayeveningofOctober14,2012.Brian wasthebrotherofmemberMarkKettererandwaswithusattheMillerParkAutocrossonSundaythe 14th.Helosthisbattleagainstcancerbutwillalwaysberememberedforhisamazingsmile,generosity, andselflessness.HeissurvivedbyhiswifeBronwyn;hisstepson,Riley;hismotherMarilynKetterer;his brotherMark(Jennifer)Ketterer;nephewHudsonKetterer;hismotherandfather–inlawKathieand DavidBaldwinandmanyaunts,uncles,cousinsandfriends. 3 The Rallye for the Rest of Us What You Need to Know… Free Beer Free Food Date:Saturday,October27th Firstcar(motorcycle,bike,?–basically,“runwhatya’brung”departsat2:00pm MeetatQuaker,Steak&LubeinMiddleton ThewinnerWILLNOTberequiredtoputonnextyear’sHalloweenRallye Skillsyoualreadyhavewillbeincorporatedintothisrallye Drinkingbeerisnotaskill,buttherewillbesomeofthat OriginalMiniCoopersnotallowed–wekinda’wanteverybodytofinishinoneday Whereveryourrelationshipisheaded,you’llgettherequickerbydoingthisrallye Beingapinballwizardcouldbeuseful Youwillbedrivingonsomeseriouslygreatroads 47%ofyouwillhaveagreattime Therewillbeprizesthatcanbeeatenandconsumed Thedarnthingisfreesowhat’sholdingyouback? LastyearsomekidfromDenmarkwon,buthegotsenthomeforeatingtoomuch ParticipantsknowntobeSpecMiatadriverswillbeassessedapenaltyjustbecause AldecisionsandrulesshallbearbitraryandarethesolepurviewoftheRallyeMaster Need more Information? Call or email Loren Ziglin (608) 219-0870 4 This Rallye Is FREE! MadisonSportsCarClub PresentsonNovember1,2012 YvesBoode Around1965Iwasintroducedtoautoracingfromthepaddocksideofthefence,bymyFrenchbrotherinlaw.Hewasmighty interestingforayoungimpressionablefellow,withhisDauphinesandrallyprepared4CVwith5speedgearboxes.Ourneighbors hateditandwhentheFrenchcame;theneighborkidswerenotallowedtoplayoutside.Thingsdidn'tgetbetterwhenacoupleofhis friendsrolledtheircars,onekilometerfromourhouse.Quitetheexcitement,butthelittleBoodeboydidn'tmind.ThiswasCOOL! ItbecameevenbetterwhenmysisterandherhusbandcametoliveintheNetherlandsforayear.Thiswasatimeintheirliveswhen theyownedanAlpineRenaultA110.Stillmyfavoritecar. WhentheymovedbacktoFrance,mybrotherinlawstartedracingingroup1and3withR8Gordinis.DuringmyvacationsIwentto France,stayedwithmyfamily,andworkedinshopsaroundtheSouthWestofParis.Sweepingandcleaningpartsatfirst,andfinallya coupleofyearslatertheyletmestartwrenching.Themanwhotaughtmethebasics(BernardMange)becamelatertheengine builderforallRenaultraceandrallyengines(exceptF1)andalsobuildtheenginesfortheDTMMercedesteamforseveralyears. AftermovingtotheUnitedStatesandaseveralyear’sofbattlingimmigrationtoobtainagreencard,Ifinallysucceededandwasable tostartmybusiness.Firstoutofmygarage,andabitlaterImovedtoCrystallake.Always,myfocuswasvintageracecars.Iamnota fanofcarsthatthinkforthedriver,andIhavenopleasurediggingintoelectronics. In2009ImovedtoWoodstock,wheremybusinesshasgrownsteadily. Iworkwithmymechanics,onlyonvintagecars.NoECU'sandnochipsinourshop!Thereareplentyofgoodmechanicsforthose available.Wedopoints,carburetors,hydrolasticsuspensions,andmore! OneofmyAlpinecustomers,fromTennessee,boughtacarinBelgiumsohecouldparticipateintheMilleMiglia.Hesentthecarto O'Hareandtoldmetopickitupandprepfortherally.TwicewehavedonetheMMwiththiscarnow,mechasingthelittleSiataina PeugeotDiesel.Greatfun! Mypresentation,ItisallaboutthemindbogglingMilleMigliaadventuresof2011and2012t.Andperhapsevenmoreimportant,I willbringaprettydecentslideshowofmanyofthe“outofthisworld"carswhichparticipated,rangingfrom4CV'stoOM,Ferraris andotherFiats,Bugatti,Jaguarandoh,yes,alsoMercedel . Hopetoseeyousoon, yves PleasejoinusatBourbonStreetGrillat7:30pm 5 2012 Annual Awards Banquet And Meeting At the banquet, the 2012 Club Award winners will be honored; autocross season champions; the Board of Directors will be appointed; and door prizes will be won. Surrounding all of this activity is a fabulous buffet dinner, great social conversation and bench-racing. Date: Saturday, December 8, 2012 Place: Candlewood Suites, 5421 Caddis Bend, Fitchburg, WI Cost: $25/ per person for the buffet meal ( Beef Tips with Mushroom Demi Glaze, Baked Tilapia with Spinach Cream Sauce,Whipped Garlic Mashed Potatoes, Green Bean Almondine, Mixed Green Salad & Pasta Salad. Appetizers: Barbecue Meatballs, Brushetta, Fruit Tray, Cheese & Sausage Tray & Mixed Nuts Cash bar for mixed drinks and soda, ½ barrel of Spotted Cow beer on tap. (activity points* can be exchanged for tickets to use at the bar (1 ticket =$1) Registration: 6:00 to 7:00 PM - Bring your activity point sheet with you. Dinner: 7:00 PM, a short business meeting, awards and door prizes to follow. Please confirm your dinner reservations before Nov 30th . Any are welcome to attend the awards, but you must reserve your dinner by November 30th with your payment for the meal. Send confirmation and money to: Polly Linden 355 Adams Street Waterloo, WI 53594 Number attending: ____________________ Total Amount Enclosed $______________ Names ________________________________ _________________________________ ________________________________ __________________________________ *What are Activity Points? For each club event you attend you get a certain number of points. Each point is worth $.25. It doesn’t take many events to earn a few bucks off your drinks. 6 2012 Madison Sports Car Club Activity Points Instructions: For every event you participated in, enter the number from the Points column into Your Points column. Add up all of Your Points in the last line of each table. Add First Half points to Second Half points for Total Points. Activity – 1st Half of Season January Social February Social - Rocky’s March Social - John Haydon April Social - Season Kickoff April 15 Park Lot AX - 151 April 21 Drivers School - BHF April 22 Race - BHF Apr 29 Park Lot AX School-151 May Social - Kelly Moss May 5 HS AX - BHF May 6 Race - BHF May 20 Park Lot AX - Jefferson May 26 HPDE - BHF May 27 Race - BHF May 28 HS AX - BHF June Social June 2 Club Night - Sugar River June 10 P. Lot AX-Dells Rcwy June 16 VSCDA Staffing - BHF June 17 VSCDA Staffing - BHF June 24 Park Lot AX-Sugar Riv July 7 Social/Picnic - Botham July 8 Park Lot AX - MIS Total 1st Half Season Points Points 1 1 1 1 4 2 2 4 1 2 2 4 4 4 4 1 1 4 1 1 4 1 4 54 NOTE: Chief Steward & Race Chairs for High Speed AX and Race awarded 10 points for each day (instead of the regular 2 or 4 point award). Your Points July 14 HS AX – BHF July 15 Race - BHF July 22 P. Lot AX-Dells Rcwy August Social - Quaker Steak Aug 5 Park Lot AX - Jefferson Aug 11 Race - R/A Aug 12 Race - R/A Aug 19 Park Lot AX-Sugar Riv Aug 25 HS AX - BHF Aug 26 Race - BHF September Social Sept 15 HS AX - BHF Sept 16 Race - BHF Sept 28 Sugar River 100 Enduro Oct Social - Stauffer Classics Oct 6 HS AX - Autobahn Oct 7 Race - Autobahn Oct 14 Park Lot AX - Miller Pk Oct 20 Loong Race Day 1 -BHF Oct 21 Loong Race Day 2 - BHF Oct 27 Halloween Rally November Social - Yves Boode December Banquet Total 2nd Half Season Points Points 2 2 4 1 4 2 2 4 2 2 1 4 4 1 1 2 2 4 2 2 1 1 1 51 Total 1st + 2nd Half Season Points (105 possible Season points) 7 Your Points _______ MSCC Board of Directors Meeting September 20, 2012 Present: Pete, Devin, Bruce, Polly, Gary, Erik, Ray, Andy Absent: Joe Guest: John Eberhardt, Nate Bukoski, Sheryl Rawkowski Call to order: 7:36 PM Minutes from August- Motion by Andy and second by Devin to approve minutes from August. Passed. Taper Pro – Nate presented samples of lug nuts that Taper Pro sells. Handed out a pricing sheet. Would like to advertise on website and in Chicane and offer a discount to club members. Treasurers Report- Gary -- The balance in the account is $28,233.04. Membership- Gary -- We have 214 members with 200 reported to Council. Socials- Bruce October –Stauffer’s Classics November – Yves Boode as speaker December – Banquet is the 8th at Candlewood Suites Website- Polly- Flyers to be posted and send ad for website to Jorden. Chicane- Polly - Ready to go to the printers. Will add flyer for Halloween Rallye and Taper Pro. MC BOD/Contest Board Meeting- Devin - See the Klaxon or council website for minutes and any other details. Nominations for council will be in the next Chicane. AX CommitteeNext AX meeting should be 10/10 to determine AX awards. Miller Park is the 14th. Old BusinessBlackhawkWe broke even. HSAX – timing & scoring done by Erik. Delays were due to oil spills. Saturday night food was a combination of 2 problems – small portions, put out too early and no one to hand out. Motion to send out $10 gift to all workers by Gary, second by Ray. Passed. Sheryl volunteered to send out cards. W2W portion went well. Pete will provide a race report. 8 New Business9/28 is karting event at Sugar River Raceway. Need more entries. Halloween Rally - Loren is the Rally Master. Date is 10/27. Awards to be determined at the October meeting – Bruce will bring list of previous winners. Banquet entertainment - A slide show montage. Banquet menu @ October meeting. Board terms expiring – Polly, Pete, Devin & Bruce. Polly, Pete & Devin are retiring from the board. Discussion ensued on possible nominees. Motion to adjourn at 9:47 pm by Ray, seconded by Devin. Passed. Ballot for the Board of Directors will be available on the web site and at the banquet. 9 Madison Sports Car Club Membership Form Ƒ Full - $50 Ƒ Spousal - $25 Ƒ Junior Competition - $25 Ƒ Dual - $25 Ƒ Family - $5 Please check your membership type Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Spouse Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ________________________________ Work Phone: ____________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________________ Email: ________________________________ Occupation, Company Name: ______________________________________________________ Vehicles Owned (year, make, model): (limit of 4 please) ______________________________________________________ Autocross or Race Car (please specify): (car type and class) ______________________________________________________ Help us Celebrate! Birthday of Member: ______________ (We don’t use or publish the year, honest!) All members who provide emails receive a link each month to the Chicane newsletter in PDF format. Ƒ Please mail me the printed Chicane newsletter. New Members – Where did you hear about us? ______________________________________ Please check any activities you would be interested in Committees Race Planning Autocross Membership Publicity Rally Newsletter Board of Directors Driving School Social Picnic Special Meetings Annual Banquet Newsletter Articles Tours W2W Racing Parking Lot Autocross Event Chair Registrar Tech Steward Starter Corner Worker Timing & Scoring Pit & Grid Course Setup Registrar Tech Starter Timing & Scoring Equipment Storage High Speed Autocross Steward Registrar Tech Starter Corner Worker Timing & Scoring HPDE Registrar Tech Starter Corner Worker Please complete this form and mail along with a check payable to MSCC to: Gary Schneider, MSCC Membership, 6 Knollwood Ct, Madison WI 53713-3479 10 It’s Only Money “IT’S ONLY MONEY” ads are FREE TO MADISON SPORTS CAR CLUB MEMBERS; $5.00 per insertion for nonmembers. DEADLINE: 10th of each month. Send your ad to CHICANE AD, 355 Adams Street, Waterloo, WI 53594. Email: Member ads are run for three months; nonmember insertions for one month. Please let us know if your ad gets results! For Sale by Shane Patza 9/12 01' 2.5RS sedan forsale! Sedona red pearl in color. Super fun little car. 170K on chassis 80k on engine. Kyb agx struts, prodrive springs, kartboy short shift, Cobb intake. I also have an un painted, undrilled RallyBar that will come with it. This car will get almost 30mpg's and is fun as hell to drive! Comes with wrx rims and 2 sets of all seasons, will include 17" rims with 225 starspecs I bought new this summer for an extra $500. Looking to get $5500 obo, I wanna buy a house so a couple cars need to go. hit me up if you want to come check it out. Thanks for looking! Contact @ "Shane Patza" < 11 For Sale By Brad Paschke 2011 WRX STI Satin White Pearl, 6 speed manual, 305 HP, 4 door, 18K miles and is in excellent shape. Asking $30,600. Cobb Stage 2 w/Invidia downpipe available for $600 installed. Send me a message if interested: 12 Madison Sports Car Club P.O. Box 14376 Madison, WI 53714-0376 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED
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Mailing Address
Madison Sports Car Club
P.O. Box 14376
Madison, WI 53708-0376
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