January 2011 Chicane - Madison Sports Car Club
January 2011 Chicane - Madison Sports Car Club
Chicane Newsletter of the Madison Sports Car Club January 2011 Gary Schneider – Most Valuable Member Award NEWSLETTER OF THE MADISON SPORTS CAR CLUB, LTD. Chicane Editor Email Web Site In This Issue…….. January, 2011 Polly Linden –pannlin@yahoo.com 710 McKay Way #A, Waterloo, WI 53594 pannlin@yahoo.com http://madisonsportscarclub.com SUBMISSION DEADLINE: 10TH DAY OF EACH MONTH Mailing Address Madison Sports Car Club P.O. Box 14376 Madison, WI 53708-0376 BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Vice President Secretary Treasurer DDirectors at Large BOD@madisonsportscarclub.com Devin Anderson 608.846.1095 Erik Hutchins 608.843.5732 Polly Linden 608.279.3792 Gary Schneider 608.271.2686 Joe Thornton 608.345.3182 Ray Jackson 608.839.5481 John Krebs 608.712.2655 Bruce Szczech 608.223-9549 Pete Wood 608.271.4623 COORDINATORS Membership Gary Schneider & Loren Ziglin Race Steward Devin Anderson Autocross Steward Joe Thornton High Speed Autocross Steward Tom Hille Librarian & Historian Pete Wood Social and PR Coordinator Bruce Szczech Rally Cross Tom Hille Web Site Jorden Kleier MEETINGS Membership Board of Directors Autocross Committee 608.271.2686 608.828.5126 608.846.1095 608.345.3182 715.347-1772 608.271.4623 608.223.9549 715.347-1772 608.963 2771 1st Thursday of Each Month Bourbon Street Grill 7:30 p.m. 3rd Thursday of Each Month Bourbon Street Grill 7:30 p.m. 3rd Wednesday Nov-April Tamarack Trails 7:30 p.m. Calendar of Events BOD Minutes Membership Form Classifieds Pictures by Pete Wood On The Cover Gary Schneider receiving the Most Valuable Member Award Chicane Articles The Chicane is made up of articles submitted by our membership. Every one of you, our members, has a story to tell. Please take a few moments to share it with the club. Submissions can be sent by email or snail mail to the Editor. Thank you. Madison Sports Car Club, Ltd. – Organized in 1954 for the participation in motor sports, and the enjoyment of sports cars. Madison Sports Car Club, Ltd., is affiliated with the Midwestern Council of Sports Car Clubs. AD RATES: Full Page ½ Page ¼ Page Annual $300 $200 $100 Business Card $ 50 WEB Ad Rates: $300 annual All meetings will be starting at the time posted. 2 Monthly $30 $20 $10 n/a $200 6 months Calendar of Events January 6, 2011- Meeting/Social Please join us at Bourbon Street Grill for our monthly get together at 7:30 pm. Just off Bridge Road in Monona. See the full calendar on the MSCC Web Site ----- www.MadisonSportsCarClub.com ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Important Notes Anyone retiring their old helmet, please donate it to the club for the autocross group as a loaner helmet at events. Thank you. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please consider opting out for mail delivery of the Chicane. Contact Gary Schneider if you would like to be added to the list. 608-271-2686. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Please visit the club website to view merchandise available with our club logo. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Council gear can be found on the council website at: www.mcscc.org. Art Jahn receiving W2W Driver of the Year Award 3 Madison Sports Car Club Board of Directors Minutes October 21, 2010 Present:Polly, Ray, Erik, John, Peter, Bruce, Joe Absent: Gary, Devin Call to Order:7:37 pm I). Minutes from September BOD Meeting. Motion by John, second by Pete. Passed. II). Treasurers Report –none III). Membership – A). Membership #’s Same as last month B). Socials - Bruce 1.) 2010 November- SAE Club at 7:30 pm in the Engineering Building Motion to donate $200 to SAE Club by Pete, second by Bruce. Passed. December – Banquet C.) Website – Jorden – D). Chicane – Polly- done except for pictures E). MC BOD/Contest Board Meeting – John - see Klaxon for details F). AX Committee Report – Joe Some discussion on awards G). Old Business H.) New Business A. Nominations for Board to start in October Outgoing Boards members are Polly, Pete, Devin and Bruce – all agreed to run \ again. Continuing are Ray, Gary, Joe, John, Erik Motion to close nominations by Devin, second by Gary. Passed. Adjourned: 8:56 pm Motion to adjourn by Joe, second by Pete. Passed. ========================================================================================= Madison Sports Car Club Board of Directors Minutes November 18, 2010 Present: Polly, Pete, Ray, John, Devin, Erik, Bruce, Gary, Joe Absent: none Call to Order:7:36 PM I). Minutes from October BOD Meeting. Motion by Pete, second by John, passed. II). Treasurers Report – Gary Balance of $20,716.32 III). Membership - Gary A). Membership #’s 4 new members B). Socials - Bruce 4 C.) D). E). F). G). 1.) 2010 December – Banquet is set for 12-4-10 Website – Jorden – Chicane – Polly- done MC BOD/Contest Board Meeting – Devin 1. membership dues to remain the same. 2. letter from Chuck in regards to Council Treasurer AX Committee Report – Joe 1.) AX Awards 2.) next mtg Dec. 15th Old Business 1. Nominations to BOD Polly, Pete, Devin, Bruce 2. Awards – see list H.) New Business 1. Sprite-Midget - check with Rob for details 2. Bob Roth emailed Chuck Cassaro in regards about creating an ITR class in September. Adjourned: Motion to adjourn at 9:30 PM by Joe, second by Bruce. Passed. ######################################################################### Ray and Bonnie Jackson accepting the Caribou Cup award for son Kyle 5 Madison Sports Car Club Membership Form □ Full - $50 □ Spousal - $25 □ Junior Competition - $25 □ Dual - $25 □ Family - $5 Please check your membership type Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Spouse Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________ City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone: ________________________________ Work Phone: ____________________________ Cell Phone: ________________________________ Email: ________________________________ Occupation, Company Name: ______________________________________________________ Vehicles Owned (year, make, model): (limit of 4 please) ______________________________________________________ Autocross or Race Car (please specify): (car type and class) ______________________________________________________ Help us Celebrate! Birthday of Member: ______________ (We don’t use or publish the year, honest!) All members who provide emails receive a link each month to the Chicane newsletter in PDF format. □ Please mail me the printed Chicane newsletter. New Members – Where did you hear about us? ______________________________________ Please check any activities you would be interested in Social Committees Race Planning Autocross Membership Publicity Rally Newsletter Board of Directors Driving School Picnic Special Meetings Annual Banquet Newsletter Articles Tours W2W Racing Parking Lot Autocross Event Chair Registrar Tech Steward Starter Corner Worker Timing & Scoring Pit & Grid Course Setup Registrar Tech Starter Timing & Scoring Equipment Storage High Speed Autocross Steward Registrar Tech Starter Corner Worker Timing & Scoring HPDE Registrar Tech Starter Corner Worker Please complete this form and mail along with a check payable to MSCC to: Gary Schneider, MSCC Membership, 6 Knollwood Ct, Madison WI 53713-3479 www.madisonsportscarclub.com membership@madisonsportscarclub.com 6 It’s Only Money “IT’S ONLY MONEY” ads are FREE TO MADISON SPORTS CAR CLUB MEMBERS; $5.00 per insertion for nonmembers. DEADLINE: 10th of each month. Send your ad to CHICANE AD, 710 McKay Way #A, Waterloo, WI 53594. Email: pannlin@yahoo.com Member ads are run for three months; nonmember insertions for one month. Please let us know if your ad gets results! For Sale: AMB Tran X260 Rechargeable Transponder 11/2009 Comes complete with both AC cord and Car plug in cord. Hardly used but has been charged regularly. $250 cash or cashiers check. Cell 952-334-0179 or Work 651-393-2730. billp@weekesforest.com For Sale: 1999 Boxster 7/2010 I am the “Original Owner” of this custom ordered 2.5l (201Hp) Boxster with Factory Equipped Sport Suspension; this car really handles well. The ride is a little firm, and my old bones are starting to feel it, hence it’s for sale. Those familiar with the car know it is primarily driven on Sundays’; at Autocross events! But don’t let that worry you, this is what Porsches are meant to do; drive and enjoy! Only 53k miles, and well cared for. Stored winters, no salty road driving! The color is Ocean Blue, original options list included full beige leather, chrome and stainless trim accessories, traction control, and windscreen. Also, a custom fitting car cover from Performance Products. Included in the deal are 2 extra sets of original Boxster S Twist wheels with well worn tires, a tire trailer, and custom designed hitch for towing your new set of “sticky” tires to events (not included, but I can make recommendations!). You will not find a nicer early Boxster for the money; $15,000 firm. Dean Podevels d986p@netzero.net or 608/524-2524 7 Low Mileage 2003 MINI Cooper - $13000 (Madison, WI) Cooper S--the 1.6 liter 163 hp supercharged one! Six speed Getrag manual transmission Sharp car--black body with white wheels, roof, bonnet stripes, and mirrors Sport package: 17? rims, Xenon lights Fun to look at, fun to drive! Only 43,250 miles Driven in Spring, Summer and Fall by its little old lady (me!) Has never seen snow or salt or smoke, never tracked, all winters spent covered in heated shop. Clear title, ready to go to a good home. I've found a Cooper S convertible. $13,000 Contact Gretchen Patey at gretshops@sbcglobal.net 8 Loren Ziglin getting the Late Braker Award for his wonderful job of melting the pads to the rotars. Awards and nominations for 2010 Longevity – 20 years Marc Blanc Rich Carlson Bonnie Jackson Gail Woelfle Loren Ziglin 10 years Scott Adler Andre Boeder Keith Dalsing Carl Fausett Becky Griesser Bob Kowalke John Krebs John Malmquist Todd Montgomery Allyn Slang Chris Steffes Esther Streit 9 Autocross Worker of the Year Autcross Rookie of the Year Autocross Driver of the Year Nominees Jason Campbell Chris Mellenberger Polly Linden Mark Ketterer Erik Hutchins Recipient Jason Campbell Nominees Jeremy Salenies Sam Scott Recipient Jeremy Salenies Nominees Mike Leeder-Nautigal Matt Wagner Sam Scott Greg Schoeller Recipient Greg Schoeller Autocross Hardluck Driver of the Year Nominees Jorden Klierer Michael Bridge Autocross Black Cone Autocross Class Champions Recipient Michael Bridge Nominee Nathan Zach Recipient Nathan Zach Gehren Rall Erik Hutchins Matt Wagner Patrick Motiff Jeremy Salenius Mark Ketterer Sam Scott Justin Tlapa Nathan Mellom Dan Richardson B Stock C Stock D Stock G Stock H Stock B Prepared D Prepared E Prepared G Prepared H Prepared Shawn Olson Greg Schoeller Jason Campbell Jeremy Maas D Modified G Modified H Modified E Race 10 Late Braker of the Year Sportsman of the Year Nominee Loren Ziglin Recipient Loren Ziglin Nominees Bill Snively Art Jahn Recipient Bill Snively Mo Moseng Hardluck Driver of the Year Nominees Dewey Reeder Pete Wood Gary Schneider John Whitney Recipient Dewey Reeder Wheel to Wheel Worker of the Year Nominees Sheryl Rakowski Gary Schneider Gail Woefle Ray Jackson Recipient Wheel to Wheel Driver of the Year Nominees James Brundish Jim Vogel Art Jahn Recipient Caribou Cup Sheryl Rakowski Art Jahn Nominees Marc Blanc Kyle Jackson Recipient Kyle Jackson Most Active Member ( from points) Recipient Gary Schneider Most Active Spouse ( from points) Recipient Gretchen Patey 11 Outhouse Award Most Valuable New Member Most Valuable Member Chicane Editor Nominees Scott Baltes Loren Ziglin Chris McNicol Recipient Scott Baltes Nominee none Recipient none Nominees Gary Schneider Bruce Sczech Joe Thornton John Krebs Recipient Gary Schneider Nominee Polly Linden Recipient Polly Linden Dewey holding court at the banquet 12 5900 Haase Rd DeForest, WI 53532 (608) 244-4784 1SJOUJOHt$PQZJOHt#JOEFSZt.BJMJOH 4FJGFSUI3Et.BEJTPO 8* 'BY QBSUT!OPTJNQPSUDPN IUUQXXXOPTJNQPSU Now a Redline Distributor 608.277. 7500 GBY TQSJOUQSJOUDPN 4PVUI'JTI)BUDIFSZ3PBE.BEJTPO8* Madison Sports Car Club P.O. Box 14376 Madison, WI 53714-0376 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED
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Madison, WI 53708-0376
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