ISSUE 21-Spring - London Diocesan Board for Schools


ISSUE 21-Spring - London Diocesan Board for Schools
SPRI N G - SU M M E R 2 0 1 3
We hope you enjoy this and future issues which will be printed at the beginning of every term.
“We cannot publish this newsletter without your help!” (More details at the back).
For the first me a London state school will take five students
from a Beijing school this September — following a trend that’s
already strong in the private sector. The London state school is
our very own St Mary Magdalene Academy in Islington! The
students will be sixth formers studying the IB programme over
two years and come from ‘The High School Affiliated to Beijing
University’ – one of the top schools in China.
St Mary Magdalane Academy is in the top ten of the 100 best
performing Sixth Forms in the country and were asked by one of
China’s most presgious schools to help develop their Sixth Form
programme and to take some students into the SMMA Sixth Form.
The Independent newspaper published the ‘Top 100 Comprehensive Schools at A-level’ basing their table on
Average Point Score at A-level and Internaonal Baccalaureate results. With an average of 1022.9 points per
student; SMMA were placed 9th. The only other London school to make the list was Camden School for Girls
who were placed 96th with 891.7 points per student. The Sixth Form is not only on the local map, it is also
on the naonal and global map.
Our sixth Proms Praise for
Schools took place on Tuesday
12th March 2013, at the Royal
Albert Hall supported by All
Souls Orchestra and Langham
Choirs who parcpated were:
All Saints, Fulham; Archdeacon
Cambridge, Twickenham;
Burde Cous & Townshend,
Westminster; Christ Church,
Spitalfields; Dr Triple’s,
Hayes; Holy Trinity,
Northwood; John Keble,
Harlesden; Princess Frederica,
Kensal Rise; Sir John Cass’
Foundaon Primary, City of
London; St George’s,
Freezywater; St Mary’s & St
Peter’s, Teddington; St Paul’s,
Winchmore Hill.
LDBS Schools Newsletter
On Monday 13th May 2013, Burlington Danes Academy
students Michael Y13, Sara Y12, Altan Y13, accompanied
by Into University, aended a talk by Cherie Blair who
gave a firsthand account of the skills needed to become a
successful lawyer. Matrix Chambers, co-founded by
Cherie Blair QC (Queens Council), specialises in human
rights cases, including employment discriminaon based
on race or sexuality. It is also renowned for cases such as
the Abu Qatada extradion case which took the UK
government to the EU court.
She was joined by two trainee
lawyers on the panel and was
asked quesons about her
experience of becoming a
lawyer. It is not widely known
that she came from a working
class background; being the
first to go to university in her
family, she aimed to strive higher by deciding to become a
barrister, a role very few women of her generaon
Issue 21 ~ Spring - Summer 2013
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On 14th March 2012, pupils from St Stephen’s,
Twickenham got to handle toads, snakes, water
dragon and a tarantula as part of their ‘growth
and living things project’.
photo coutesy of rmes
Laura Stone, Head of Humanies at Burlington Danes
Academy, has been shortlisted for the Inspiraonal
Teacher of the Year category in the 2013 Times
Educaonal Supplement’s Schools Awards.
The award is in recognion of teaching excellence and
celebrates schools and individuals whose dedicaon,
passion and hard work make a real difference to
students’ experience of
The shortlists for these
awards are kept secret and
the winners will be
announced at a ceremony at
the Park Plaza Hotel in
London on Friday 5th July
Recepon class at Bishop
Perrin, Whion had some
police officers and their
vehicles visit in February
2013, as part of their
transport themed work.
Lollipop John of Holy Trinity,
Northwood was ushered into the
School Hall where children
celebrated his 80th birthday in late
March and presented him with a
hamper and £180. Annabel
from Y4 read him her ‘Lollipop
John’ poem and children presented
him with cards
along with a birthday cake thanking
him for his commitment to Holy
The Bishop of Willesden, Pete Broadbent, joined Steven Pound MP,
school staff and local councilors for the official foundaon laying at
William Perkin, Ealing which opens in September 2013.
The school is being created in response to local demand, including a
2,000 name peon in support of the project. William Perkin is
being set up under the auspices of Twyford Academies Trust and the
popular Twyford Church of
England High School, which is
heavily oversubscribed. The
ceremony was accompanied by
prayers and a reading of the
poem 'Pied Beauty' by Gerald
Manley Hopkins. The poem and
the disncve line of poplar
trees which mark the south
boundary of the site inspired
the architects, Feilden Clegg
Bradley Studios, to design a
building which will mirror its
natural surroundings.
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Almost 300 schoolchildren from St Mary’s, Finchley were
treated like VIPs when London Underground arranged for
an empty Tube train and a police escort to take them to
their school’s bicentenary celebraons in St Paul’s
Cathedral on Thursday 31st January 2013.
The special carriage passed through all other Northern Line
staons on its way from Finchley Central to Bank, where
the children were walked to the famous cathedral by police
Arcle courtesy of Times Series newspaper
On Thursday 9th May 2013, Y5 and Y6 pupils from Christ Church Bennck, Marylebone
visited the the Premier League who donated £2950 to the school, as a direct result of the
pupils achieving outstanding aendance figures. Mrs Page organised this special trip for
Y5 and Y6.
Pupils and teachers at St Mary's and St John's, Hendon
were joined in May by Mahew Offord, MP for Hendon, to
officially open two new Y1 classrooms. Mr Offord said:
“This is a great opportunity for the children. Good school
buildings mean a beer learning environment for pupils. I
didn’t have a great educaon myself so I want other
people to have one. The new classrooms are bright,
spacious and pleasant.”
The new classrooms are the first stage in the school’s
expansion into Barnet’s first state-maintained school to
provide educaon from the age of 3 to 18. The school will open a second building in Sunningfields Road
for pupils in Y5 to Y8 in September 2014 and will later open a school for pupils from Y9 to 13.
Headteacher Dee Oelman said: “The two old classrooms were dreadful. Now the place where they were
will be transformed into a staff room and assessment area and the staff room will become another
classroom. The increasing populaon in Barnet means new school places are needed. The expansion will
be a huge opportunity to bring the benefits of a Chrisan educaon to the community of Hendon. We're
an inclusive school at the centre of the community and its fantasc we are able to expand."
Arcle courtesy of Times Series newspaper
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18 yr old St Mary Magdalene Academy student
Daniel Bergicourt, an aspiring investment
banker, admits that realizing just what he could
achieve came to him only aer his GCSEs. He
chose SMMA because of the Internaonal
Baccalaureate programme, and hasn’t looked
back – despite his shock at the work involved. ‘I
thought the IB would help me stand out, but I
had no idea what I was leng myself in for! I
don’t think my friends doing ‘A’ levels elsewhere
have anything like the same work ethic, but the
fact that everyone in my year is so movated
really helps.’
Taking English, Psychology, Economics, Italian,
Maths and Biology, Daniel secured an impressive
total of 43/45 (pung him in the top 0.6% of IB
students in the world). He has now secured a
place at Fitzwilliam College, Cambridge to read
Law & Economics. He is spending his gap year
working in the Business Process department of
Daniel’s mum is so
pleased with
SMMA she has
now moved his 14
yr old brother
Jack there.
On Friday 25th January 2013, Members of the
Senior Student Leadership Team at The Urswick
School, Hackney took part in a ceremony at
Hackney Town Hall to mark Holocaust Memorial
Day, an internaonal day of remembrance for the
vicms of the Holocaust and other genocides.
The theme for the event was ‘Communies
Together - Build a Bridge’.
Head Girl Aishat Animashaun and the Speaker of
Hackney, Councillor Jessica Webb lit a memorial
candle as Mr Israel Abelesz, a Holocaust Survivor,
gave a personal account of the me he spent at
Auschwitz concentraon camp. The event
concluded with Aishat and Head Boy Kian Jones
placing a floral tribute next to the Holocaust
Memorial tree, at the front of the Town Hall, with
Mayor of Hackney Jules Pipe and Councillor Webb.
On Sunday 20th January 2013, the Head Boy, Head
& Deputy Head Girl (Jusna Mickute) at St Mary’s
High, Hendon aended The Holocaust Memorial
Day at Middlesex University. The theme of the
service was “Communies Together – Build a
Bridge‟. The speakers focused on modern day
examples of genocide and exploitaon of individual
freedoms in the world we live in.
Jusna said “The speeches created a sense of
appreciaon for the country we live in, that has
freedom of speech and where the free pracsing of
religion prevails. The Memorial Day has truly
opened our
perspecves about the
horrors of the
Holocaust, and made
us more proud of the
mul-cultural, mulfaith community we
live in”.
On 30th January 2013, twelve Burlington Danes
students from 7B experienced a behind the
scenes look at the magical world of children’s TV.
They were selected as official games testers for
the upcoming CBBC show, Gary Games, a spinoff
of the popular educaonal franchise, Horrible
Histories. They tested prototypes for the series
and gave their feedback to the producers, who
then decided on whether adjustments were
Some games
rescuing a
Knight from a
Saracen cesspit;
a jousng
launching giant
warts at Oliver
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On Friday 22nd March 2013, St Clement
Danes, Drury Lane had a special visitor to
assembly. The American author Mo Willems
who wrote 'Don't let the Pigeon Drive the Bus'.
Y4 had won a compeon - using ICT to draw a
pigeon like Mo's in different scenes around
London. Mo read two stories to the school and
took a workshop with KS2 classes where he
taught them how to draw the pigeon from his
stories. Then, the compeon winning class
went on a bus ride around London with Mo
and his family.
Soho Parish launched a £150k project to
redevelop their playground, the only one in
Soho. As part of the publicity for the project, Y5
worked with the Architects in charge of the
Crown Estate’s Burlington Place development to
design future buildings and playgrounds. Their
artwork will be on display on a 33m hoarding
around the site from the middle of May 2013
unl 2014.
The English Department at Burlington Danes
Academy enjoyed the company of literary
Y6 children from St Paul’s, Whitechapel
royalty in March 2013. Members of the faculty
visited Billingsgate Market near Canary
went to see Carol Ann Duffy.
Wharf on Thursday 24th January
She is Professor of Contemporary
2013 and had a fantasc
Poetry at Manchester
me. They learnt how to
Metropolitan University and
fillet fish and cooked up
in 2009 Carol Ann joined
some delicious recipes.
Friendship, oh friendship, where are you?
the esteemed ranks of
One child, Michael
Please help the people to learn to be friends and
William Wordsworth, Ted
noted that his favourite
Hughes and other huge
part was preparing a
Friendship oh friendship where were you to
names from the world of
squid and making a sr
help in dark moments?
literature as she was
fry with the pieces.
by Eddie Y1
appointed to the posion of
Holy Trinity, East Finchley
Poet Laureate.
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Y5 & Y6 pupils of St Mahew’s, Westminster and
Burde-Cous & Townshend Foundaon, Westminster
joined together to celebrate the Eucharist.
Holy Trinity, East Finchley
had a pyjama or onesie
day. Headteacher, Tim
Bowden, joined in the fun
with his Tiger Tim onesie!
Christ Church, Chelsea had a themed day ‘Hilarious Hair’ and raised £425. They also held
a Red Nose Disco at 8.30am for half an hour to
start the day! There were cake sales and other
stalls on the Piazza at the end of the day where
parents, children and staffed braved the
horrendous weather.
Soho Parish raised £1330.64 by dressing up as a Book
Character, a fiercely-contested cake-baking compeon and
sponsored swims, runs and silences. The children also raised
£167 through the “Be the Headteacher-for-the-day”
compeon, won by Y3 Thomas Cheung
St Stephen’s, Westbourne Park raised
£422.17 by selling red noses and
dressing up in pyjamas
St Paul’s, Whitechapel raised over £400.
Every child and staff member wore red
and in the aernoon they held a Talent
Show with rap arsts, DJs, dancers,
singers, magic, poem recitals and, of
course, jokes.
St Paul’s, Primrose Hill raised £437.57. Y3 raised £261.38 of
this figure through their very tasty cake sale; the gastronomy
on show was exceponal, Mary Berry herself would have
been proud. A further
£352.38 was raised through
a non-uniform day, this
money is being split 50/50
with their on-going support
of Bowa school in Malawi.
St George’s,
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Two teams represenng St John's, Walham Green took part in
the annual Fulham and Hammersmith Skileball Championships.
On Tuesday 12th February, the Y3 team competed against 12
other schools from the area. During the tournament Y3 played
with great skill and accuracy and progressed to the final and
eventually won the silver
medal. On Wednesday 13th,
the Y4 team showed great
improvement during each
game and they too played
magnificently to reach the
final of the 15 team event.
Eventually they were
victorious 5-4 and were
crowned Champions.
St James, Enfield Highway beginners
gymnascs team won the Enfield
compeon and have been asked to
represent Enfield in the London Youth
Games in July.
Delanne from
Y6 won the
Open advanced
compeon in
Enfield pictured with
the Major of
All Saints, Fulham boys team, for
the first me ever, won the LBHF
swimming gala, gaining the most
points overall.
St Paul’s, Primrose Hill boys and girls
football teams both got through to
the Talacre football finals in March
2013, and won! The girls are the
champions of Camden and as such
they have been chosen to represent
Camden in the Balfour Beay London
Youth Games at Crystal Palace,
where they will compete against all
the other London borough
champions. Fantasc goal keeper, Saskia, kept a clean sheet all
season and didn’t let a single goal in during the finals, even with
the Final decided by a penalty shoot out. The boys gave an
excellent performance finishing in 3rd place .
Children at Holy Trinity, Northwood
filled the playground with a variety of
bright, colourful
costumes/clothes for
their Internaonal
Day on Friday 25th
January 2013. They
raised £192.32
towards the shipping
costs of a container
to Malawi which
already has boxes of
donated clothes
collected the week
Christ Church Bennck, Marylebone held an Internaonal Evening
on Friday 8th March 2013. Parents dressed up in Naonal
costumes celebrang the cultural diversity of pupils at the school.
A dance teacher was brought in for the day to teach a special
roune to the pupils which they performed that evening. Around
£1500 was raised which will be used to fund various trips and
improve ICT facilies.
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EASTER 2013...
St Mary's, Twickenham
asked the Y2 and 3 pupils to design and decorate their own
Easter eggs. They had been preparing for the Easter service
in church and thought about how Easter eggs are an
important symbol at this me of year. They enjoyed an
eggshibion in the school hall showing off the “eggscellent”
creaons that the children brought in.
St Mahew’s, Westminster
Passionde Community Service in St Mahew's Church
Holy Trinity, East Finchley
Visit from the Archdeacon of
Hampstead, Fr Luke Miller.
Christ Church, Chelsea
Re-enactments of the Easter Story
Holy Trinity,
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Bishop Perrin, Whion - Easter Gardens
St George’s, Freezywater
Easter bonnet parade
(made out of food! ↑)
John Keble, Harlesden
Easter Prayer and Easter
hat compeon
St Mary’s,
held an Easter Service
and raised £403.39 which
has been sent to Water
Aid and Compassion.
St Paul’s, Winchmore Hill ~ Mad Haers compeon
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Here are just a few of the highlights and magnificent photos taken on the trip in March.
For more photos and informaon see the LDBS website:
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Shakespeare’s romanc tale of Romeo and Juliet was brought to life by pupils from St
John the Bapst, Hampton Wick at Hampton Court Palace, where the playwright made
his debut performance in front of Royalty. The children, aged from 7 to 11, dressed in
authenc style costumes of vibrant gold, silks and velvets and wore Venean masks for
the show on Wednesday 30th January 2013.
The palace’s great hall, adorned with historic tapestries, was the ideal stage for the
acrobats, dancers, musicians and swordsmen and the minstrel
gallery the perfect place for Juliet to speak to Romeo.
Headteacher Susan Sawyer leads the school drama club and said
the children spent a lot of me working
on dicon and understanding the plot.
“Our school moo is, ‘Go for it’ and
these wonderful young people certainly
live by that code. I feel honoured to be
their headteacher.”
The school has worked with the palace
for the past two years on various
history, arts, maths and science projects.
On Wednesday 20th March 2013, two pupils from
St Clement Danes, Drury Lane were chosen for a
very special job! Lueol Workneh in Y6 and Ursula
Bachelor in Y5 went to Baker Street tube staon
for a special 150 years celebraon of the London
Underground. Other very important guests there
were: The Queen, Prince Philip and the Duchess of
Cambridge. Lueol said: 'The Queen was just like a
normal lady - but she was very small. Kate was so
tall. It was such an amazing opportunity to meet
Ursula said: “I was chosen to give the Queen her
flowers. I was quite nervous - she asked us why
our school was chosen and I said it was because
we are next to the London Transport Museum and
we go there for trips a lot”.
LDBS Schools Newsletter
St Paul’s, Primrose Hill finished off a very
successful book week and raised
£1332.17 (they receive 60% back
in books for classes) with a
character day. Children, and
adults, got to dress up as their
favourite ficon or non-ficon
character. The idea of the day
was to inspire reading at all levels
and ages and to explore the fun
and joys of reading. They also had
a very special surprise guest join
in....the Gruffalo!
Issue 21 ~ Spring - Summer 2013
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On 11th January 2013, parents from Christ Church
Bennck, Marylebone donated clothes for the charity
“Phil the Bag” and raised was £198.56.
On Thursday 21st March 2013,
St Clement Danes, Drury Lane held their
annual Oranges and Lemons service at St
Clement Danes Church. The theme was Fairy
Tales because they had been doing lots of
projects in classes about fairy tales during the
year. Nursery and Recepon children
performed the tradional Oranges and
Lemons song and dance, Y1 did a Teddy
Bear's Picnic dance, Y3 were the Three Lile
Pigs with a very BAD wolf!, Y4 did Yeh Sheng the Chinese Cinderella, Y5 were at the Ball
and Y6 performed a song and dance to
Beauty and the Beast.
Soho Parish were visited by Prince Andrew in
February 2013 to launch his patronage of Code
Club, which has been piloted at the school. The
Duke met with the headteacher, Joffy Conolly,
then aended a Code Club session where he got
involved in animang on-screen sprites. He
concluded his visit with a school assembly.
Code Club is a voluntary iniave in the U.K.
aimed at inspiring school pupils aged 9-11 to
learn computer
skills. As of
February 2013,
535 schools had
established a
Code Club
A new aer school club was started in
January 2013, at Princess Frederica, Kensal
Rise to teach sewing and kning skills to
both boys and girls and the school were
fortunate to have 15 sewing machines which
the children learnt how to use. Their first
project was to make a bag....
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St James, Enfield Highway Y5 learnt to play a musical
instrument and perform a termly concert at the Big
Band Project with Enfield Arts Support Service.
Y6 took part
in the Enfield
Fesval “A
Night at the
Movies” with their
version of
Singin' in the
Pupils at Princess Frederica, Kensal
Rise were the proud recipients of the
first 'Love thy neighbour' award for
giving back to their class and school.
This special award is received by one
child per year group each half term
recognising kindness, care and
compassion. Those receiving the award
aended a special tea party in the staff
room with homemade cakes, juice, tea
and biscuits.
In March 2013, Y4 pupils Riva, Saniya and Hanifa of St
Paul’s, Whitechapel were victorious in the Number
Partners Challenge Grand Final which took place in
Bishopsgate. Number Partners was launched by
Tower Hamlets Educaon Business Partnership in
1999 to build on the charity’s successful Reading
Partners programme.
Forty nine teams entered and St Paul’s were joint
winners of the compeon. Saniya said “It was very
tricky but we kept trying.” The team won a trophy,
some board games that will be used in breakfast club,
cerficates and a trip to Cambridge University next
term to visit the Maths Department and play some
number games.
LDBS Schools Newsletter
Bishop Ramsey, Ruislip held their annual
Lent Appeal which
involved the enre
school over a week in
March 2013 and raised
£3,400 in tradional
and bizarre ways.
Each day during
lunchme students
took part in fun
challenges: egg and spoon race, a space
hopper race, a basketball and a golf
challenge, themed fancy dress, raffles,
sponsored bike rides, sponsored silence,
sponsored swim,
penalty shoot outs,
cake sales, guess the
number of sweets
/name the teddy bear
and ending with a Staff
v Sixth Form football
match .
The money will go to
Charies – Cancer Research UK and Malosa
School Malawi.
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The Urswick, Hackney
to the following for their valuable years:
Liz Veitch (7 years) ~ LDBS governor at St Paul
w/St Michael’s, Haggerston. 01.13
Nesta Murray (14 years) ~ LDBS governor at
The Green, Toenham. 02.13
Albert Ryder (17 years) ~ LDBS governor at
The Green, Toenham. 02.13
Anne Power (2 years) ~ LDBS governor at St
Ann’s, Toenham. 03.13
Simon Buckley (3 years) ~ LDBS governor at St
Mary Magdalene, Paddington. 03.13
‘Valenne’ by Rebecca Baeza, Y10.
Maria Jennings (3 years) ~ LDBS governor at
St Paul’s and All Hallows, Toenham. 03.13
Ian Howick (4½ years) ~ LDBS governor at
Lileton, Surrey. 03.13
Peter Smith (13 years) ~ LDBS governor at
Lileton, Surrey. 03.13
Mr Pope ~ site manager at St George’s,
Freezywater rered aer 20 years of service.
Daniel Usman (2 years) ~ LDBS governor at All
Saints, Fulham. 04.13
‘The Garden of Paradise’ by Cenk Ozyoruk, Y11
‘Entwined’ by Tamia Leigh Fowler-Gocul, Y12.
Holy Trinity, Swiss Coage recepon children in
Alban Class created amazing art on large
canvases which were then displayed in St
Michael’s Church, Camden Town in March 2013.
The picture (below le) shows Sirine, Aadam,
Khadiza and Shay with special guest Simon
Atkinson, the Head of Hampstead Parochial
School who opened
the show and
the canvas which was displayed next
to the High Altar.
The picture (right) shows Aadam and
Nuan Yu in front of their artwork
which was displayed at the entrance
to the church.
The children not only created the art
but also designed a programme for
visitors with informaon about each
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St Mary & St Pancras, Somers Town have 7
maternity leaves this year!
Bela Martyke-Lau Nursery Class Teacher ~
Tallulah on 22nd February 2013.
Kalpna Assani Year 1 Class Teacher ~ Holli on
24th February 2013.
Aga Russell Recepon Class Teacher ~ Anton.
Sam Adcock Head at
St Peter’s, Paddington
~ twin girls Alayna
May & Chiara Anne
on 11th May 2013.
Lindsay Brasecke
Recepon teacher at
St John’s, Walham
Green ~ Zoe Kate on
12th January 2013.
Louise Russell Y1
class teacher at St
Paul’s, Primrose Hill ~ Teddy
Sherwood on Tuesday19th
March 2013 weighing
8lbs 3oz.
Waing paently:
Alice Aharon - Head of School
Laura Jablowski - Assistant Headteacher
Laura Johnson - Learning Support Assistant
Amy Waterston - Recepon Class Teacher
June Pipe died on 5th February 2013. June was a
long standing and very devoted LDBS governor at St
John of Jerusalem, South Hackney for 17½ years.
Phyllis Manning, died suddenly in
February 2013 aged 82. Phyllis was a
long standing governor at The Urswick
School and rered from the GB in July
Mary McLarnon, died during the Easter
holidays; she rered from the Blue
School 18 months ago aer having
taught there for 37 years.
Actual prayers of children.
Help me to keep my mind on one thing ... oh,
If any scho
look, a bird ... at a me.
ols would li
nd any piec
s items - in
Keep me open to others' ideas, misguided though
cluding re
es of work,
ents, births
ges of staff
they may be.
, or picture
sent back to
s/photos (t
Help me slow down andnotrushthroughwhado.
you), artwo
hese will b
rk or poem
parcular e
A Sunday School teacher asked his class, "Where
s which illu
vent or on-g
ate a
oing projec
Schools Ne
is Jesus today?" Lile Johnny, waving his hand
t for the ne
wsleer ~
MMER eve
furiously, blurted out, "I know, I know! He's in our to:
nts, please
Mitch Galla
bathroom!!!" The teacher asked Lile Johnny
cher, LDBS
, Diocesan
Street, Lon
House, 36
how he knew this, "Well...every morning, my
don, SW1P
E-mail: mit
Fax : 020 7
father gets up, bangs on the bathroom door,
932 1111
and yells, "Good Lord, are you sll in there?!"
by 29th J
uly 2
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