Terminal Blend Rubberized Asphalt
Terminal Blend Rubberized Asphalt
Evaluation of Terminal Blend Rubberized Asphalt in Paving Applications Report Number: CP2C- 2010 – 102TM Technical Memo May 14, 2010 California Pavement Preservation Center 25 Main Street, Suite 202 California State University Chico, California 98929-0930 (530) 898-5981 PROJECT SUMMARY PAGE Tech Report: 2010 – 102TM Title: Terminal Blend Rubberized Asphalt Authors: R. Gary Hicks, Ding Cheng, and Tyler Duffy Prepared For: California Integrated Waste Management Board Client Reference No.: Prepared by: CP2 Center Date: May 14, 2010 Abstract: Terminal Blends (TB) are binder materials in the rubberized asphalt concrete that use finely ground (less than 40 mesh) crumb rubber modifier (CRM) and is typically blended at the asphalt refinery. Historically, the primary differences between TB and asphalt rubber (AR) binders were the amount of CRM used in the binder (TB less than 10%; AR 15-20%) and the use of specialized mixing equipment for AR. However, in recent years the rubber content in Terminal Blends has been increased to 15-20 % or more. CIWMB now supports the use of terminal blends for chip seals, but does not yet support the use of Terminal Blends (TB) in hot mixes. This technical memo is the first effort to address this issue. This report includes a literature review and survey of users of TB in various states including California, Texas, Florida, Nevada and Arizona. It contains the review of TB testing projects placed in California including the MB pilot projects place in the late 1990’s, the Firebaugh and Mendocino projects (conducted by Caltrans in partnership with the Board), District 11 Chip Seal project, and the Heavy Vehicle Simulator (HVS) test sections placed at the Richmond Field Station by UC Berkeley. Through this preliminary study, the field testing and laboratory results have shown that TB hot mix is a promising paving material for preventing reflective and fatigue cracking. It performs better than conventional hot mix and chip seal and, in many of the tests is equal to or superior to the performance of asphalt rubber. However, more research needs to be done on determining the amount of rubber in TB, moisture susceptibility of TB binder, and evaluating the long-term performance of existing Terminal Blend projects in California or in other states. Keywords: Terminal blend, Asphalt Rubber, chip seals, hot mixes ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We appreciate the CIWMB for providing the funding for this important and meaningful project. We would like to extend our gratitude to Nate Gauff and Bob Fujii who provided continuous support to this project. We also appreciate the support of Paramount Petroleum and Valero Oil in helping to identify a number of projects in California that have included terminal blend rubberized asphalt. We also appreciate the assistance provided by the states of Arizona, Florida, Nevada, Texas, Oregon, Louisiana, and Kansas. DISCLAIMER The contents of this report reflect the views of the author who is responsible for the facts and accuracy of the data presented herein. The content does not necessarily reflect the official views or polices of the California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) or the State of California. iii Table of Contents List of Figures ..................................................................................................................... v List of Tables ..................................................................................................................... vi 1.0 Introduction ................................................................................................................... 1 2.0 Background ................................................................................................................... 3 2.1 Historic Review ........................................................................................................ 3 2.2 Methods of Rubber Modification.............................................................................. 3 2.3 Terminal Blend Usage .............................................................................................. 5 2.4 Terminology and Specifications ............................................................................... 6 3.0 Terminal Blend Usage in California ........................................................................... 10 3.1 Background ............................................................................................................. 10 3.2 Terminal Blend Usage ............................................................................................ 10 3.3 Terminal Blend Project Survey, 2010 ..................................................................... 20 3.4 Summary ................................................................................................................. 20 4.0 Terminal Blend Used in Other States ..................................................................... 24 4.1 Arizona DOT .......................................................................................................... 25 4.2 Colorado .................................................................................................................. 25 4.3 Florida DOT ............................................................................................................ 26 4.4 Kansas DOT ............................................................................................................ 28 4.5 Louisiana DOT........................................................................................................ 29 4.6 Nevada DOT ........................................................................................................... 29 4.7 Oregon DOT ........................................................................................................... 31 4.8 Texas DOT .............................................................................................................. 31 4.8 Summary ................................................................................................................. 33 5.0 Challenges ............................................................................................................... 34 6.0 Experiences in Comparing Asphalt Rubber with Terminal Blends ........................ 35 6.1 HVS testing at UC Berkeley .................................................................................. 35 6.2 Five Year Warrantee Projects ................................................................................. 39 6.3 Firebaugh Project-SR33 .......................................................................................... 40 6.4 Mendocino County Project-SR 20 .......................................................................... 42 6.4 Modified Binder Chip Seals in Hot Climates with High Truck Traffic Volumes .. 43 6.5 MB Pilot Project ..................................................................................................... 51 6.7 Summary ................................................................................................................. 52 7.0. Summary, Preliminary Conclusions and Recommendations ..................................... 54 8.0 References ................................................................................................................... 56 9.0 Appendices .................................................................................................................. 61 Appendix A: Florida hma Terminal Blend Projects ..................................................... 62 Appendix B- Process used to Certify that the rubber content is good and that the rubber is from California .......................................................................................................... 71 Appendix C-California Contacts................................................................................... 73 Appendix D-Out of State Contacts ............................................................................... 76 iv LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Asphalt Rubber vs. Terminal Blends................................................................. 5 Figure 3.1 Escalona Drive, Santa Cruz ............................................................................. 21 Figure 3.2 Edge Cracking on Swift Lane.......................................................................... 22 Figure 3.3 Reflective Cracking on California Street ........................................................ 22 Figure 3.4: Block Cracking on Delaware Street ............................................................... 23 Figure 3.5 Block Cracking on Plateau Avenue ................................................................. 23 Figure 6.1 Rutting Section after Trafficking..................................................................... 36 Figure 6.2 Cracking Section after Trafficking .................................................................. 37 Figure 6.3 Layout for Hwy 86 Chip Seal Test Sections ................................................... 43 Figure 6.5: Section 7, start of second portion ................................................................... 45 Figure 6.4 Section 7, first portion of test section .............................................................. 45 Figure 6.6 Section 8, considerable rock loss with non-coated aggregate ......................... 46 Figure 6.7 Section 8: Closer look after the initial loss of non- ......................................... 46 precoated aggregates. The performance has been stable thereafter. ................................. 46 Figure 6.8 Section 9, good embedment. ........................................................................... 47 Figure 6.9 Section 9, good embedment but some of reflective cracking .......................... 47 Figure 6.10 Section 10: Closer look at aggregate ............................................................. 48 Figure 6.11 Section 10-good performance........................................................................ 48 Figure 6.12 Section 11B: good performance ................................................................... 49 Figure 6.13 Section 11B: Closer look at aggregate .......................................................... 49 Figure 6.14 Section 11A, overviewe of test section ......................................................... 50 Figure 6.15 Section 11A, high embedment due to small aggregate size. ......................... 50 Figure 6.16 Finish Avenue O (Updyke, 2009) ................................................................. 52 v LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1 MB Specifications for Terminal Blend Asphalt (Reese, 1994) .......................... 7 Table 2.2 PG-TR Specifications for Terminal Blend Asphalt (after the PCCAS) ........... 8 Table 2. 3 Caltrans Designation for Asphalt Rubber Mixes ............................................... 9 Table 3.1 Summary of Terminal Blend Hot Mix Projects in California .......................... 11 Table 3.2 Summary of Terminal Blend Chip Seal projects in California ......................... 14 Table 3.3 Summary of Slurry Seal Projects using Tire modified Slurry Seal in California ................................................................................................... 18 Table 4.1 Other States Using Terminal Blends ............................................................... 24 Table 4.2 Arizona Terminal Blend Projects ..................................................................... 27 Table 4.3 Kansas Terminal Blend Projects ....................................................................... 28 Table 4.5 Oregon Terminal Blend Projects ...................................................................... 31 Table 4.6 Texas Terminal Blend Projects ......................................................................... 32 Table 6.1 Description of materials and application rates uses in the Test Sections ......... 44 *Polymeer Modified asphalt rubber.................................................................................. 44 Table 6.2 Modified Asphalt Chip Seal Binder and aggregates variation ......................... 44 vi 1.0 INTRODUCTION The CIWMB currently supports the use of Terminal Blends for chip seals, but does not yet support the use of Terminal Blends (TB) in hot mixes for the rubberized asphalt concrete (RAC) grant programs at this time. The primary reasons are as follows: The performance benefits of this product and how they compare with the field blended asphalt-rubber (AR) process is not clearly documented. There may be gaps in the technical knowledge that have to be addressed before the product can be used statewide. The assurance that Crumb Rubber Modifier (CRM) is being used in the product. A rapid, economical and simple test or monitoring system needs to be developed to ensure that the CRM usage is properly tracked and verifiable. A full range of potential pavement maintenance applications for which TB can be used as a paving material has not been identified. Terminal Blends are a RAC binder material that uses finely ground (less than 40 mesh) crumb rubber modifier (CRM) and is typically blended at the asphalt refinery or the “terminal”. Historically, the primary differences between TB and asphalt rubber (AR) binders were the amount of CRM used in the binder (TB: <10%; AR: 15-20%) and the use of specialized mixing equipment for AR. However, in recent years the rubber content in Terminal Blends has been increased to 15-20 % or more. This study is the first attempt to address these issues raised above. A series of investigations, studies have been conducted to ensure that there are performance benefits to using TB over conventional (non-modified) binders and to also compare those benefits to those achieved by using the traditional asphalt rubber (AR) products used in California. Also, as a part of this overall study, there was a companion investigation of the emerging technology of warm-mix asphalt, which overall allows asphalt mixes to be batched at lower processing temperatures. This investigation was conducted to determine the possible application of this technology with TB and AR processes. These findings are included in a companion report titled “Assessment of Warm Mix Technologies for Use with Asphalt Rubber Applications” 1.1 Project objectives This project will attempt to answer the questions posed in the background section. It includes the following: Survey of TB users in California, Texas, Florida, and other states Review of Terminal Blend test projects placed in California including the MB pilot projects, the Firebaugh and Mendocino projects (conducted by Caltrans in 1 partnership with the CIWMB), the LA County chip seal project, also finished by the CIWMB, and the Heavy Vehicle Simulator (HVS) test sections placed at the Richmond Field Station by UC Berkeley Recommendations as to whether terminal blends can be included as a part of the HMA and chip seal grant program of the CIWMB 1.2 Work Tasks The work tasks performed in this contract on terminal blends are as follows: Task 1 - Identify and evaluate existing Caltrans and local agency projects placed containing TB. The Caltrans projects include 10 modified binder (MB) pilot projects placed in the late 1990’s, test sections including the District 6 (Firebaugh) and District 1 (Mendocino) projects placed in the early 2000’s, the Heavy Vehicle Simulator (HVS) test sections at the Richmond field station, and the 5-year warranty job on Highway 395 between Reno and Susanville. The performance of these projects along with any supporting lab data (e.g., the percentage of CRM used for each of the projects) will be collected and evaluated. Task 2 - Identify and evaluate the use of Terminal Blends in the other states (e.g. Arizona, Texas, Florida, and others) to see how they perform and in which applications they are used. Task 3 – Identify challenges and gaps in knowledge for TB use. For example, how can an agency ensure that the CRM contents can be tested to quantify the number of tires being used by this process? Other gaps will be identified as a part of this task. Task 4 – Identify other Pavement Maintenance Applications for which Terminal Blends could be used in paving applications and indicate how many waste tires might be diverted by using these new maintenance treatments. 2 2.0 BACKGROUND 2.1 HISTORIC REVIEW Rubber modification of asphalt has a long history in the United States. In the 1950s, tire manufacturers and polymer suppliers such as Goodyear, Firestone, U.S. Rubber, and DuPont promoted the use of various rubber modifiers or elastomers as a way to improve the performance of asphalt pavements. The products generally came in dry powder or latex form. The rubber additives were normally added to the asphalt binder in concentrations ranging from 2 to 7 percent. Lewis and Welborn reported the results of a laboratory study to evaluate binders made with 14 types of rubber powders and 3 asphalts in a 1954 issue of Public Roads (Lewis et al., 1954). A companion mixture study examined a wide range of rubber materials including tread from scrap tires, styrenebutadiene rubber (SBR), natural rubber, polybutadiene, and reclaimed rubber using both wet and dry methods of adding them to HMA (Rex et al., 1954). Although these rubber modifiers showed promise in reducing the temperature susceptibility of the asphalt binder and conceivably improving the high temperature and low temperature performance of the mix, they never received widespread acceptance. This was likely due to the economics of the time when asphalt was very low cost relative to the rubber modifiers. Many agencies found it difficult to justify the increased cost in light of marginal improvement in pavement performance. Some agencies also concluded that the rubber modified mix was more difficult to apply and had an objectionable odor (Price, 2004). Interest in rubber modified asphalt systems did not surface again until about the mid1960s when Charles McDonald, an engineer for the City of Phoenix, developed a process for blending rubber from waste tires with hot asphalt (McDonald, 1981). His formula produced a binder that contained about 20% tire rubber. Based on positive performance experiences over ensuing years, Arizona DOT adopted the use of this material in pavement interlayers, chip seals, and later as a binder in open and gap graded HMA. Subsequently, these products have been evaluated in roughly forty states in the United States and over 25 countries worldwide. California continues to be a major user of asphalt rubber in chip seals and in HMA 2.2 METHODS OF RUBBER MODIFICATION As concerns over the environmental problem of waste tire disposal grew, various techniques for incorporating rubber into asphalt pavements emerged. The basic methods for modifying asphalt with reclaimed tire rubber are referred to as the wet process, the dry process, and the Terminal Blend process (Epps, 1994). Of these processes, the wet process and the Terminal Blend process are the most widely used. 3 The binder produced from the McDonald process, or wet process, is called Asphalt Rubber (AR). It has been defined by ASTM as: “A blend of asphalt cement, reclaimed tire rubber, and certain additives in which the rubber component is at least 15% by weight of the total blend and has reacted in the hot asphalt cement sufficiently to cause swelling of the rubber particles.”(ASTM, 2005) In the wet process, asphalt is blended with a crumb rubber modifier in a specialized blending unit at elevated temperatures (190-225°C) for a minimum of 45 minutes to promote the chemical and physical bonding of the components. During the blending process, the crumb rubber swells and softens as it reacts with the asphalt. This reaction is influenced by the blending temperature, the time the temperature remains elevated, the type and amount of mechanical mixing, the size and texture of the crumb rubber, and the aromatic component of the asphalt. The rubber modifier ranges, typically, from 18 to 22% by weight of the asphalt. Extender oils are sometimes used to reduce viscosity and promote workability of the Asphalt Rubber, as well as to increase the compatibility between the asphalt and crumb rubber (Rubberized Asphalt Concrete Technology Center 2010). Asphalt Rubber is used primarily in open graded and gap graded HMA. It is also used in spray applications for seal coats, pavement interlayer’s, and as a crack sealant. Where Asphalt Rubber is used as a seal coat, it is commonly referred to as a Stress Absorbing Membrane (SAM). When it is used as an interlayer under HMA surfacing, it is called a Stress Absorbing Membrane Interlayer (SAMI). The overall performance of Asphalt Rubber systems has been good. Benefits include reductions in reflective cracking, improved wet weather safety, and reduced traffic noise. In the dry process, crumb rubber is added to the aggregate in a hot mix plant operation prior to adding the asphalt. There is relatively little reaction between the asphalt and crumb rubber in the dry process. In essence, the crumb rubber replaces a portion of the aggregate. The dry process can be used in open-graded or gap-graded HMA. The most commonly used dry process was developed and patented in the late 1960s in Sweden under the trade name “Rubit”. This technology was later patented for use in the United States in 1978 under the trade name “PlusRide”. The performance of pavements using this process met with mixed reviews and, as a result, the dry process is not widely used for modifying asphalt pavements. However, dry crumb rubber from recycled tires is being used in other applications such as landscaping and light weight backfill for retaining walls and embankments. Terminal Blend is a wet process where a fine mesh crumb rubber is blended with asphalt at a refinery or terminal. Terminal Blend binders contain anywhere from 5 to 18 % or more crumb rubber depending on their final application. Terminal Blends can be held in storage tanks for extended periods of time with proper agitation. The binder produced from Terminal Blends can be used in dense graded, open graded, or gap graded HMA. The manufacturing process for Terminal Blends is similar to that used for polymer modified asphalts. Terminal Blends were initially introduced in the mid 1980s and, 4 hence, have less performance history than Asphalt Rubber. However, they are being successfully used by several states and are being evaluated in trial field applications by other states (Boone et al., 2008; Asphalt Magazine, 2008). Terminal Blends and Asphalt Rubbers are completely different products as illustrated by the photograph in Figure 1. Terminal Blends can have either the same or less rubber than Asphalt Rubber and they can be produced as a finished product at a refinery, or terminal rather than in a specialized blending unit at the hot mix plant. Unlike Asphalt Rubber, Terminal Blends can be used in dense graded mixes which may open a new opportunity for the disposal of additional waste tire rubber. In this regard, Terminal Blends are more likely to compete with polymer modified asphalts rather than Asphalt Rubber. Figure 2.1 Asphalt Rubber vs. Terminal Blends 2.3 TERMINAL BLEND USAGE Terminal Blend asphalt rubber has been used since the mid 1980’s beginning with Florida and Texas. Since then, it has been used in several other states including California, Colorado, Louisiana, Arizona, and Nevada. . Terminal Blends are manufactured at the refinery (or terminal) like any other polymer modified asphalt. The asphalt is heated in a tank to an elevated temperature and crumb rubber is introduced into the tank and is digested into the asphalt. During this process, the operator takes samples and runs a solubility test to ensure the rubber is completely 5 digested. Most manufacturers used a high shear process to make sure the tire rubber is completed digested. The solubility of the finished product is generally above 97.5 %. Terminal Blends can be stored just like other asphalts. According to industry, they are storage stable binders because the tire rubber is fully digested into the asphalt. The material is delivered to the hot mix plant by truck, mixed and shipped to the job just like any other asphalt binder. Terminal Blends have been used in both hot mix and chip seals. They have been used in dense or open graded asphalt mixes as well as gap graded mixes. However, they are the preferred choices for open and dense graded mixes. The field blended AR is usually used in gap-graded or open-graded mixes. They are also routinely used in hot applied chip seals and have been emulsified for use in emulsion chip and slurry seals. More will be discussed on Terminal Blends in later chapters. 2.4 TERMINOLOGY AND SPECIFICATIONS The term “rubberized asphalt” is often used to describe the binder produced by blending crumb rubber, or more specifically, ground tire rubber with hot asphalt. Both Asphalt Rubber and Terminal Blends fall under this general description. Ground tire rubber is produced from ambient and/or cryogenic grinding of waste tires. Ambient grinding at or above room temperature is a process that generates irregularly shaped, torn rubber particles with relatively large surface area, that helps promote interaction with the asphalt. Cryogenic grinding is a process that uses liquid nitrogen to freeze the tire rubber until it becomes brittle and then uses a hammer mill to shatter the rubber into smaller particles. If used, cryogenic grinding is usually followed by ambient grinding. Specifications for rubberized asphalt binders have evolved over the years. The modified binder specifications (MB) developed and used in the 1990’s conformed to the specifications shown in Table 2.1 (Reese, 1994). The MAC-15TR binder is similar to the MAC-10TR binder specified in the Greenbook section 600-5.2.1 (AAPT, 2000), except that it contains 15% tire rubber rather than 10% tire rubber. Caltrans is currently considering performance graded (PG) specifications for terminal blends similar to those adopted for optional use by the Pacific Coast Conference on Asphalt Specifications (PCCAS) in 2008 (NCCAS 2008) and shown in Table 2.2 (Reese, 1994). These specifications are very similar to those adopted by Caltrans for PG polymer modified asphalts in 2007 (Santucci). Terminology used to describe mixes made with rubberized asphalt has also changed over the years. Caltrans, for example, formerly referred to Asphalt Rubber mixes as rubberized asphalt concrete (RAC). In an effort to be more consistent with terminology used nationally, Caltrans now refers to these mixes as rubberized HMA (R-HMA). The mix type is further designated as gap graded (G) or open graded (O). The former and current designations for these Asphalt Rubber mixes are shown in Table 2.3. 6 Table 2.1 MB Specifications for Terminal Blend Asphalt (Reese, 1994) Specification On Original Binder: SSD≥30(.6+SSV)³ @ ºC Test Method CT 381 On Residue from RTFO: AASHTO T240 CT 381 Delta≤97–6(logG*) and G*÷sin(delta) ≥4.0 kPa Both at 10 rad/sec @ ºC On Residue from either: Pressure Aging Vessel1 @ ºC Or Tilt-Oven @ 113 ºC for hrs shown Stiffness: 300 mPa (max.) at 60 sec1 @ ºC, with M-value = .3 min Or 100 mPa (max.) at 10 rad/sec @ ºC, with M-value=.3 min SSD ≥-115 SSV-50.6 @ ºC AASHTO PP1 MB-4 25 ºC MB-5 25 ºC MB-6 25 ºC MB-7 25 ºC 64 ºC 100 ºC 64 ºC 100 ºC 64 ºC 100 ºC 64 ºC 110 ºC 36 hrs 36 hrs 36 hrs 72 hrs -8 ºC -19 ºC -30 ºC -8 ºC 9 ºC 25 ºC -2 ºC 25 ºC -13 ºC 25 ºC 9 ºC 25 ºC CT 374B AASHTO TP1 CT 381 CT 381 Notes: 1Referee method California Test (CT) Shear Susceptibility of Deal (SSD) Shear Susceptibility of Delta (SSD) Rolling Thin Film Oven (RTFO) 7 Table 2.2 PG-TR Specifications for Terminal Blend Asphalt (after the PCCAS) Property AASHTO Test PG 64Method 28 TR Original Binder T 48 230 T 44 97.5 T 316 3.0 Flash Point, minimum ºC Solubility, % minimum Viscosity at 135 ºC, Maximum, pa-s Dynamic Shear, T 315 Test Temp. at 10 rad/s, ºC 64 Minimum G*/sin(delta), kPa 1.00 RTFO Test, T 240 Mass Loss, Maximum, % 1.00 RTFO Test Aged Binder Dynamic shear, T 315 Test Temp. at 10 rad/s, ºC 64 Minimum G*/sin(delta), kPa 2.20 Elastic Recoverye, T 301 Test Temp., ºC 25 Minimum recovery, % 75 Multiple Stress Creep Recov. TP 70 Report Average % Recov. @100 Pa Multiple Stress Creep Recov. TP 70 Report Average % Recov. @3200 Pa Multiple Stress Creep Recov. TP 70 Report Non-Recov. Compliance, Jnr PAVf Aging, R 28 Temperature, ºC 100 RTFO Test and PAV Aged Binder Dynamic Shear Test T 315 Test Temp. at 10 Rad/s, ºC 22 Maximum G*sin(delta), kPa 5000 Creep Stiffness, T 313 Test Temperature, ºC -18 Maximum S-value, mPa 300 Minimum M-value .300 Specification 110PAV 230 97.5 3.0 76 1.00 1.00 76 2.20 25 65 Report Report Report 100 (110)d 31 5000 -12 300 .300 8 Table 2. 3 Caltrans Designation for Asphalt Rubber Mixes Former Designation RAC RAC-G RAC-O RAC-O-HB Current Designation R-HMA R-HMA-G R-HMA-O R-HMA-O-HB General Description Rubberized HMA Gap Graded R-HMA Open Graded R-HMA High Binder Content R-HMA-O Current designation for Terminal Blends includes the following: Caltrans PG 64-28TR PG 70-22TR PG 76-22TR Greenbook MAC-10 TR MAC-15 TR AC Grades AC 15-5TR AC 28-5TR 9 3.0 TERMINAL BLEND USAGE IN CALIFORNIA 3.1 BACKGROUND In California, Terminal Blends are targeted for use in the same applications for which polymer modified asphalt is used, including hot mixes and chip seals. Early work in California was the result of a modified binder (MB) specification developed by Caltrans in the early 90’s (Reese 1994). The MB spec resulted in a number of pilot projects constructed in the late 90’s as well the construction of five warrantee projects constructed in the early 2000’s. Only one of these warrantee projects was constructed with a terminal blend. Perhaps the biggest boost for Terminal Blends was California’s adoption of the SHRP PG specifications in 2006. Since the Terminal Blends are fully SHRP graded materials, they can be easily used by Caltrans and local agencies in California. Typical terminal blend grades are: PG 64-28TR PG 70-22TR PG 76-22TR It should be noted that both the PG64-28TR and PG76-22TR meets the same Caltrans specification for PG64-28PM and PG76-22PM. Virtually any PG grade can be made with Terminal Blend tire rubber These grades can have varying rubber content as high as 25% by weight. Caltrans and the Pacific Coast Conference on Asphalt Specifications (PCCAS) have adopted the PG Terminal Blends as alternatives to PMA materials. This has resulted in increased usage of Terminal Blends for highway preservation and rehabilitation applications. Current producers of terminal blends in California include Paramount Petroleum and Valero Oil. Others are looking into emulsifying terminal blends containing tire rubber including California Pavement Maintenance (CPM) and Roy Allan Slurry Seal, Inc. 3.2 TERMINAL BLEND USAGE Several agencies having made use of Terminal Blends in hot mixes, hot applied chip seals and slurry seals are summarized in Tables 3.1 to 3.3. One of the tasks of this project was to collect information on each of these projects. Industry was extremely helpful in identifying many of these projects. 10 Table 3.1 Summary of Terminal Blend Hot Mix Projects in California Project ID Year Constructed Responsible Agency Contact Location Performance 2009 10 MB pilot projects 1997-99 Caltrans Terrie Bressette or Don Goss Statewide Good MAC 10 1/10 overlay project November, 1999 San Diego County Bradley Avenue Graves St/1st Ave Stable with reflective cracking MAC-10 1/2 in. gap grd overlay December, 1999 Caltrans District 11 Joe Goldhammer or Larry Horseman, San Diego County Joe Goldhammer, or Art Padilla, Caltrans SR163/I-5 ramp No reflective cracking and no further maintenance MAC-18 May, 2000 CALTRANS Don Goss, Valero Oil Highway 1, Laguna, CA Good MAC 10 project Sept, 2000 City of Oceanside Vandergriff Blvd Good condition over 10 years MAC 10 overlay project March, 2001 San Diego County Joe Goldhammer or Jim Knowlton, City Eng. Joe Goldhammer or Sim J Harris Contractor Julian-Los Coches Road Now covered with chip seal MAC 10 Trench patch/overlay project April, 2001 Oceanside Joe Goldhammer or Sim J Harris Contractor Camp Pendleton Sewer, Oceanside Excellent condition MAC 10 2in overlay June, 2002 San Diego County Joe Goldhammer or Sim J Harris Contractor EncinitasEncinitas Blvd Excellent condition MAC 10 1inch overlay November, 2002 San Diego County Joe Goldhammer or Superior Ready-mix Fairbanks Ranch San Digit Rd Excellent condition 11 Project ID Year Constructed Responsible Agency Contact Location Performance 2009 Mac-10 Emulsion Trial December, 2002 City of Chula Vista Joe Goldhammer or Sim J Harris Trousdale Dr Rubberized emulsion broke too quick unstable MAC 10 1 inch overlay August, 2003 City of Carlsbad Caminito Valentia Still performing well MB-4 PG7022 TR August, 2003 Department of Forestry Joe Goldhammer or John Schauble City PWD Sol Geminez Granite Construction San Luis Reservoir No information on performance Mac-10 overlay November, 2003 City of Carlsbad Joe Goldhammer or Vulcan Materials Southeast section of town Good Condition over 6 years HVS test sections 2003-2008 Caltrans Terrie Bressette Richmond, CA See UCB reports MAC-10 overlay city pilot January, 2004 City of Oceanside Joe Goldhammer or Superior Ready Mix Oceanside pier parking lot Excellent condition #06-385504 15% MB-4 PG70-22TR June, 2004 Caltrans Terrie Bressette Hwy 33, District 6 Firebaugh See Caltrans reports #02-258504 15% MB-4, PG70-22TR July, 2004 Caltrans Terrie Bressette Hwy 395, Hallelujah Junction See Caltrans reports #01-316104 15%, MB-4, PG70-22TR Sept, 2005 Caltrans Michael Stapleton Hwy 20, District 1 Ukiah area See Caltrans reports MAC 10 1.5inch overlay November, 2005 City of El Cajon Joe Goldhammer or Mike Cordoza PW Ballentine St Main to Madison Excellent condition Mac 10 overlay January, 2007 City of El Cajon Joe Goldhammer or Superior Ready Mix East side residential streets 4lane miles Excellent condition 12 Project ID Year Constructed Responsible Agency Contact Location Performance 2009 MAC 10 1.5inch overlay July, 2008 City of El Cajon Joe Goldhammer or Superior Ready Mix Washington Ave from Mollison to Granite Hills 4lane miles Excellent condition MAC 10 1/10overlay August, 2008 San Diego County Joe Goldhammer or Superior Ready Mix Julian Whispering Pines Rd. 10 lane miles Excellent condition MAC 15 overlay January, 2009 San Diego County Joe Goldhammer or Superior Ready Mix Elfin Forrest Rd Questhaven to San Marcos City Limit Excellent condition MAC 15 overlay September-09 City of El Cajon Joe Goldhammer or Superior Ready Mix Cuyamaca Ave Bradley to Santee City limits Excellent condition still new 13 Table 3.2 Summary of Terminal Blend Chip Seal projects in California Project ID Year constructed Responsible agency Contact Location Performance 2009 Chip Seal November, 1995 San Diego County Joe Goldhammer Valley Center. Valley Center Road Still performing well. Corners raveled because released to traffic too soon. PG7622TR 2003 Caltrans Steve Olsen Hwy 183 Exposed Chip Seal still in place. New overlay over part of project and that area of overlay is very good Chip Seal PG7022TR 10% 2006 City of Sacramento Steve Olsen, Granite Construction Sacramento, Various locations Good PG76/7022TR 10% 2006 City of Santa Cruz Edgard Hitti/ Josh Spangrud Delaware Ave. and California Street Pretty good. Transverse cracking returning Chip Seal PG7622TR 10% September, 2007 Kern County Jim Ryan, Dan Chung Manor Dr from Kern River Bridge to China Grade Lane 1 Very well PG7622TR 15% ChipPMCQS slurry seal Project August, 2007 City of Santa Cruz Edgard Hitti or Graham Contractors, Josh Spangrud or Don Milner Various Locations. See map Pretty good. Transverse cracking returning 14 Project ID Year constructed Responsible agency Contact Location Performance 2009 Terminal blend test sections 70-22TR 10% 2007 CALTRANS Shawn Rizzutto Highway 86, Imperial County Experimental work with various spread rates for binder and rock, coated and uncoated rock PG7622TR Chip Seal Spring 2007 and Fall 2007 City of Stockton Steve Olsen, Granite Construction Carter Way, Eastbound Lincoln StreetFrench Camp Road Good PG7022TR Chip Seal PMCQS Slurry PG7622TR Chip seal PMCQS Slurry Chip Seal PG7622TR 10% 2008 City of Carlsbad Dennis Copp City of Carlsbad Performing good. Impeding reflective cracking 2008 City of Diamond Bar Dennis Copp City of Diamond Bar Performing very good. So good they did it more streets in 2009 July, 2008 Contra Costa County Margie Valdez Martinez dump main entrance road Very good, held lock PG6428TR Dense Grade overlay PG7622TR 10% 2008 CALTRANS Edgard Hitti I-40, Essex Overlay on I-40 2008 Rancho Cordova Edgard Hitti, Steve Olsen White Rock Road Good PG7022TR 18.5% Chip Slurry Seal Project PG7622TR 18% chip seal 2008 City of Colusa Edgard Hitti, Steve Olsen Various streets Good 2008 City of Santa Cruz Josh Spangrud Various streets Good July, 2009 LA County Edgard Hitti, Erik Updyke Ave J, Ave O Lancaster Good 15 Project ID Year constructed Responsible agency Contact Location Performance 2009 PG7622TR 18% Cape Seal July, 2009 City of LaFayette, Graham Contractors Edgard Hitti, or Don Milner Stanley Boulevard, Camino Diablo, Moraga Road Good PG7622TR 18% Cape Seal August, 2009 City of Winters Edgard Hitti, or Don Milner Various Locations Good PG7622TR 18.5% September, 2009 City of Elk Grove, Franklin Construction Edgard Hitti, or Roger Maier Various Locations Good PG7622TR 18% 2009 CALTRANS District 2 020E5704 Edgard Hitti Jim Heller HWY 96/36 Chester No report yet PG7622TR 18% 2009 CALTRANS District 2 024C6304 Edgard Hitti Jim Heller HWY 299/36 Whiskeytown No report yet PG7622TR 18.5% 2009 City of Poway Edgard Hitti Ed Dillon Bond Blacktop Santa Ana Ave and Almond No report yet 16 Project ID Year constructed Responsible agency Contact Location Performance 2009 PG7622TR 18% Cape Seal June, 2009 City of Rancho Cordova Intermountain Steven Olsen, Edgard Hitti Various streets Good PG7622TR 18.5% Cape Seal July, 2009 City of Clovis Edgard Hitti, Don Milner Graham Cont. Various streets Good PG7622TR 18% Cape Seal July, 2009 City of Sacramento Edgard Hitti, Steven Olsen Intermountain Various streets Good PG7622TR 18% Cape Seal August, 2009 City of Salinas Edgard Hitti, Ed Dillion Bond Blacktop Salinas Good Chip seal PG7622TR (18.5%) August, 2009 Caltrans District 6 06-0K7104 Tulare County Don Milner Graham Cont. Jim Ryan Tulare/King Cnty Hwy 63 Good Chip seal PG7622TR (18%) August, 2009 Caltrans Dist 6 06OK7104 Kings County Don Milner Graham Cont. Jim Ryan Hwy 198 Good PG7622TR Chip seal PMCQS Slurry PG7622TR Chip seal PMCQS Slurry 2009 City of Diamond Bar Dennis Copp Edgard Hitti City of Diamond Bar Covered Wagon Way No report yet 2009 City of Fontana Dennis Copp Edgard Hitti City of Fontana Asst collectors No report yet 17 Table 3.3 Summary of Slurry Seal Projects using Tire modified Slurry Seal in California Project ID Year constructed Responsible agency Contact Location Performance Slurry Seal December, 2003 City of Buena Ventura Lance Allan, Thang Tran, Dan Frost Petite Ave., from Henderson Rd. and Darling Rd. Good. Lost color and turned gray quickly. Slurry Seal June, 2004 City of Fountain Valley Lance Allan, Bob Callison Foothill St., from Heil Ave. to Azalea Ave. Slurry Seal March,2005 City of Santa Fe Springs Lance Allan Emmens Way Slurry Seal May, 2005 City of West Covina Lance Allan, Vince Mastrosimone Canyon Rd., from Covina Hills to Ranch Creek Slurry Seal June, 2005 City of Laverne Lance Allan, Gene Klatt, L.D. Johnson Pinto Street at Miller Slurry Seal May, 2006 City of Oceanside Lance Allan, Steve Kemp, Peter Schultz Oceanside Blvd. at Corporate Center Dr. Good Slurry Seal November, 2006 City of Dana Point Lance Allan, Rick Rudometkin Grenada, from Selva Rd. to La Cresta Dr. Good. Oxidized quickly and lost color. Slurry Seal December, 2007 City of Oceanside Lance Allan, Ron Purdue Various Streets Needed to reform mix after first attempt. Performing well Slurry Seal July, 2008 City of Rialto Lance Allen, Gene Klatt Various Streets 18 Project ID Year constructed Responsible agency Contact Location Performance Slurry Seal April, 2008 City of Carlsbad Lance Allan, John Schauble Various Streets Good Slurry Seal October, 2008 Calabasas Lance Allen, Tom Kirk Vista Pointe Private Community Good Slurry Seal November, 2008 City of Palm Desert Lance Allan, Ryan Gayler Summit View Dr. Good. Heavier aggregate Slurry Seal November, 2008 City of Oceanside Lance Allan, Ron Perdue, Gary Kelison Various Streets Good Slurry Seal November, 2008 City of La Mirada Lance Allan, Steve Forester Aranza Dr. from Alicanted to Pastrana Good Slurry seal Slurry Seal January, 2009 April, 2009 City of Oceanside Lance Allan Oceanside Good City of Carson Lance Allen, DeWayne Vaughn Various Streets Good. Some issues with drying time. Slurry Seal May, 2009 City of Long Beach Lance Allan, Pat Abadi 2nd Street through Belmont Shores Good Slurry Seal May, 2009 City of Glendora Lance Allen, Illuminado Anacion Woodcroft Ave. Good Slurry Seal May, 2009 County of Los Angeles Lance Allen, Imleda Diaz Sunnybrook Lane, Whittier Good overall. Some reflective cracking. Slurry Seal June,2009 City of San Dimas San Dimas Zone B & D Good Slurry Seal July, 2009 City of Thousand Oaks Lance Allan, John Campbell Lance Allen, Joe Bravo Sagebrush Road Good Slurry Seal July, 2009 City of Yuba City Ben Moody Woodbridge Street Good 19 Project ID Year constructed Responsible agency Contact Location Performance Slurry Seal September, 2009 County of Orange Lance Allen, Buddy Coover Aliso Creek Trail and Upper Newport Bay Native Reserve Bike Trail Good Slurry Seal September, 2009 City of Corona Lance Allan, Nelson Nelson Corona, Various locations Good Slurry Seal December, 2009 City of Lake Forest Lance Allan Lake Forest Slurry Seal November, 2009 City of Indian wells Lance Allan Indian Wells Slurry Seal November, 2009 City of La Quinta Lance Allan La Quinta Slurry Seal January, 2010 City of Oceanside Lance Allan Oceanside 3.3 TERMINAL BLEND PROJECT SURVEY, 2010 In March of 2010, selected chip seal projects from 2006 and 2007 in Santa Cruz were evaluated for performance. Figures 3.1 to 3.5 are photos of this 2010 field survey. California Street and Delaware Street were completed in 2006. Plateau Street, Swift Lane, and Escalona Drive were completed in 2007. Damage to the surface was low in severity. This included some longitudinal cracks, reflective cracks, edge cracks, and block cracks. Some Overall, the performance of these projects has been good and the streets surveyed will last the expected performance life. Note: The photos focus on cracks to surface, but damage was not uniform throughout site locations. 3.4 SUMMARY As can be seen, Terminal Blends are being used for various maintenance applications in California including thin HMA, Chip Seals, and Slurry Seals. Usage started in the late 1990’s with only a few HMA and chip seals projects. In 2009, there were over 20 projects throughout California and there are more projects planned for 2010. Most projects are located in southern California due to location to producers. In most cases, Terminal Blends have performed as well or better than Asphalt Rubber. The increased use is attributed to lower costs and improved performance. The number of projects has 20 decreased over the past two years, which is mostly due to the economy and not performance. The more experience with the product, the less problems have been found. Complaints have been minor and are mostly due to lack of experience with the product or loss of color. Many agencies, including Caltrans, plan to continue using Terminal Blend products. Figure 3.1 Escalona Drive, Santa Cruz 21 Figure 3.2 Edge Cracking on Swift Lane Figure 3.3 Reflective Cracking on California Street 22 Figure 3.4: Block Cracking on Delaware Street Figure 3.5 Block Cracking on Plateau Avenue 23 4.0 TERMINAL BLEND USED IN OTHER STATES In January 2009, a survey of the state materials engineers was conducted to determine which agencies used Terminal Blends. Table 4.1 is a summary of the responses. Table 4.1 Other States Using Terminal Blends State Alabama Alaska Arizona Arkansas California Colorado Connecticut Delaware District of Columbia Response No Florida Georgia Hawaii Idaho Illinois Indiana Iowa Kansas Kentucky Louisiana Yes Yes Yes Yes No No Yes No NO State Maine Maryland Massachusetts Michigan Minnesota Mississippi Missouri Montana Nebraska Response No No Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Mexico New York North Carolina North Dakota Ohio Oklahoma Oregon Yes No Yes No State Pennsylvania Rhode Island South Carolina South Dakota Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia Wisconsin Wyoming Response Yes No No Yes The following summarizes the input provided by these states with respect to Terminal Blends. Questions which were asked as a part of this task included the following: Who are the producers in these states? Who are the contacts in these states? In what applications are Terminal Blends used? How do Terminal Blends used in these states differ from the products used in CA? 24 4.1 ARIZONA DOT ADOT has over 35 years experience with rubberized asphalt, especially the use of Asphalt Rubber (Zareh et al., 2006). In the early 1970s, ADOT placed several SAM and SAMI field experiments. From 1974 until 1989, approximately 1100 km (660 miles) of state highways were built using SAM and SAMI technology. In 1989, ADOT documented in a research report on the history, development, and performance of Asphalt Rubber that “Asphalt Rubber has successfully been used as an encapsulating membrane to control distortion due to expansive soils and to reduce reflective cracking in overlays on both rigid and flexible pavements” (Scofield, 1989). In 1985, ADOT began experiments with open graded and gap graded Asphalt Rubber mixes. The open graded Asphalt Rubber mix, typically 12.5 mm to 25 mm thick, is generally used as the final wearing surface over both concrete and HMA pavements. On badly cracked pavements, a gap graded Asphalt Rubber mix, generally 37.5 mm to 50 mm thick, is often used. This may be followed by an open graded Asphalt Rubber application depending on traffic and type of highway. Pavement performance has been monitored by ADOT since 1972. More than 28,000 lane-km (16,800 lane miles) of very good performing Asphalt Rubber pavements have been built in Arizona since 1988. Arizona DOT has also used rubberized asphalt Terminal Blends for dense and open graded hot mixes since 2000. Typically the percentage of crumb rubber has a minimum content of 8%. Arizona also uses chip seals with a crumb rubber percentage of 5 for low and high volume roads as well as a TR emulsion with 5-10% crumb rubber for fog seals. Wright Asphalt Co. is planning on launching slurry emulsion later in 2010. In 2009, Arizona DOT used 2600 tons of Terminal Blends for hot mixes and 7500 tons is estimated for use in 2010. Paramount Petroleum is the producers of these products and Wright Asphalt Products Co. is the supplier. These projects have performed well over the years producing good or better results than competing binders. Overall Arizona has had no problems to date with Terminal Blends, but there was one complaint regarding compaction difficulties. Table 4.2 summarizes most of the Terminal Blend projects placed in Arizona. 4.2 COLORADO Colorado began experimenting with Terminal Blend rubberized asphalt in 2006. Due to the extreme climate, which impacts road durability, and limited government spending in road maintenance the city of Colorado Springs began evaluating alternative forms of maintenance. With help from Arizona DOT, one alternative that became a viable option was Terminal Blends. In 2006 four sections on road with different traffic volumes were used as test sections. This included Wooten Road, Chelton Road, Union Boulevard, and Briargate Parkway. These test sections had a crumb rubber percentage of 10% and were 25 open graded. Since 2006, the Terminal Blend projects have performed very well. They are expected to last longer than similar products and are expected to decrease noise, and improve safety. An improvement on safety has also been evaluated due to less splash and back spray along with reduction in ice bulk. 4.3 FLORIDA DOT The Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) began its investigation into the use of Asphalt Rubber as a stress absorbing membrane interlayer and moisture barrier in the late 1970s. In 1988, the Florida legislature passed a bill (Senate Bill 1192) directing the FDOT to determine the feasibility of using ground tire rubber in HMA. FDOT concentrated its efforts on the use of ground tire rubber in open graded friction course mixes. This, in essence, is a hybrid manufacturing approach between that used to produce Asphalt Rubber and Terminal Blends. Ground tire rubber concentrations of 515% by total weight of binder were used. In most cases, extender oil was not added. Based on observations from these test projects, FDOT concluded that the use of rubber significantly improved the cracking resistance of the open graded friction course pavements and that the optimum amount of rubber to add was between 5 and 20 percent. Florida DOT was one of the early users of Terminal Blend; it is currently widely used in dense and open graded hot mixes. For dense mixes, FDOT uses ARB-5 which has a rubber content of 5%; and for open graded mixes, ARB-12 is used with a rubber content of 12%. ARB-20, with a rubber tire content of 20%, is also applied in an ARMI mixture, although use is infrequent. The primary producers in Florida include Blackledge Emulsions, Inc. and Associated Asphalt (Mariani). In 2009, 34,982 tons of Terminal Blend rubberized asphalt binder was used for hot mixes. Overall Terminal Blend projects have performed well, but FDOT has encountered some problems if the binder is not handled correctly. These problems include settlement in asphalt storage tanks and inadequate reaction times. This leads to poor mix volumetrics and mat texture issues. FDOT has completed over 300 projects, which are listed in Appendix A. 26 Table 4.2 Arizona Terminal Blend Projects Project ID Year constructed Responsible agency Contact Location Performance Asphalt Binder H499701C Asphalt Binder H447301C Asphalt Binder H480301C Asphalt Binder H656901C Asphalt Binder H657201C Asphalt Binder H747101C Asphalt Binder H1469901C Asphalt Binder H659201C Asphalt Binder H613601C July, 2000 Arizona DOT Scott Weinland Good March, 2003 Arizona DOT Scott Weinland November, 2007 Arizona DOT Scott Weinland December, 2007 Arizona DOT Scott Weinland March, 2008 Arizona DOT Scott Weinland May, 2008 Arizona DOT Scott Weinland June, 2009 Arizona DOT Scott Weinland July, 2009 Arizona DOT Scott Weinland August, 2009 Arizona DOT Scott Weinland JCT US 60-Lake Pleasant Route SR 74 Kohls Ranch Section Route SR 260 JCT B19 - Palo Parado Route I-19 Lake Havasu TI MP 21 (WB) Route I-40 Pine Springs Switzer Canyon Route 40B SR89A-Chino Valley Route SR 89 Little Green Valley Route SR 260 S Coolidge City Limits-JCT287 Route SR 87 Mcguireville Rest Area To YV C Route I 17 Asphalt Binder H652101C Asphalt Binder H779201C Asphalt Binder H795001C Asphalt Binder H709701C Planned Arizona DOT Scott Weinland Pending Planned Arizona DOT Scott Weinland Planned Arizona DOT Scott Weinland Planned Arizona DOT Scott Weinland The Gap to Cedar Ridge Route US 89 I-8, MP 158.5 to Bianco Rd Route I 9 Riordan RR OP Country Club Route 40B Lower Switchback Rubble Walls Route US 191 Asphalt Binder H679201C Planned Arizona DOT Scott Weinland Pending Asphalt Binder H546001C Planned Arizona DOT Scott Weinland New Four Peaks Rd - Dos S Ranch Rd Route SR 97 SR 77 MP 364 to MP 372 Route SR 77 Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Pending Pending Pending Pending 27 4.4 KANSAS DOT . Kansas DOT currently uses rubberized asphalt Terminal Blends for chip seals and has two HMA projects planned for March 2010. The crumb rubber percentage for high volume roads is specified at a minimum of 5% and for low volume routes it is specified at 2%. Wright Asphalt in Texas has provided the asphalt on recent projects. In 2009, 1,505 tons of rubberized asphalt was used for chip seals. For the most part, the projects have performed well although Kansas DOT had issues with aggregate loss on one of the chip seal projects. Table 4.3 summarizes the terminal projects in Kansas. Table 4.3 Kansas Terminal Blend Projects Project ID Year constructed Responsible agency Contact Location Performance Chip Seal AC-205TR Chip Seal AC-205TR Chip Seal AC-205TR Chip Seal AC-102TR Chip Seal AC-102TR Chip Seal AC-102TR Chip Seal AC-102TR Chip Seal AC-102TR Chip Seal AC-102TR June, 2009 KDOT Greg Schieber Pratt County Good December, 2007 KDOT Greg Schieber Barton County Good December, 2007 KDOT Greg Schieber Johnson County Good April, 2009 KDOT Greg Schieber Russell County Good April, 2009 KDOT Greg Schieber Rawlins County Good April, 2009 KDOT Greg Schieber Decatur County Good April, 2009 KDOT Greg Schieber Multiple Counties Good April, 2009 KDOT Greg Schieber Multiple Counties Good April, 2009 KDOT Greg Schieber Multiple Counties Good 28 4.5 LOUISIANA DOT Louisiana currently does not have any Terminal Blend products, but has used rubberized asphalt. Currently 140,000 tons of rubberized asphalt is used for hot mixes each year. 4.6 NEVADA DOT The Nevada Department of Transportation (NDOT) has used polymer modified asphalt in its mixes very successfully since 1990. NDOT now specifies two PG polymer modified asphalt grades: PG 64-28NV for northern Nevada and PG 76-22NV for southern Nevada. In recent years, NDOT has been evaluating Terminal Blend binders as an alternate to polymer modified asphalt. Specification requirements for the Terminal Blends are very similar to those used for the polymer modified asphalt grades and have been designated as PG 64-28TR and PG 76-22TR (Pavement Preservation Journal, 2008). NDOT has also reported on the use of Asphalt Rubber in a major open graded mix project. This project is located on the I-515 freeway in Henderson Nevada, (near Las Vegas) where the primary objective was to reduce pavement noise (PCCAS Asphalt Paving Committee Minutes, 2007). There have been two notable research projects conducted at the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) involving Asphalt Rubber, Terminal Blends, and polymer modified asphalt mixes. In 1998, UNR evaluated the performance of terminal blend mixes with the performance of Asphalt Rubber mixes (Gopal et al., 1997). This UNR study compared the performance of laboratory prepared gap graded Terminal Blend mixes to gap graded Asphalt Rubber mixes. The study also compared the performance of dense graded Terminal Blend mixes to gap graded Terminal Blend mixes. In addition, the performance of field produced gap graded terminal blend mixes was compared to the performance of the laboratory mixes. The researchers concluded that there was no statistical difference in rutting or fatigue resistance between the gap graded Terminal Blend and Asphalt Rubber mixes, and that the dense graded Terminal Blend mixes were more resistant to rutting but less resistant to fatigue cracking than the gap graded Terminal Blend mixes. The field prepared gap graded Terminal Blend mixes were found to be resistant to moisture damage, thermal cracking, and rutting. The rutting resistance of the field prepared gap graded Terminal Blend mix was similar to that of the laboratory prepared gap graded terminal blend and Asphalt Rubber mixes. In 2006, UNR conducted a research project to evaluate the laboratory performance of HMA mixes made with Terminal Blend binders and polymer modified binders (Sebally et al., 2007). Phase two of the study involved mechanistic-empirical analyses of a pavement structure to access the fatigue resistance of the various mixes under traffic loads. It was concluded from the combined findings of the laboratory evaluations and the mechanistic-empirical analyses that Terminal Blend mixes can perform well regardless of whether they are used in dense or gap graded mixes. 29 NDOT has used rubberized asphalt Terminal Blends for hot mixes and chip seals since 2007 and plans to start using them in slurry seals in 2010. NDOT calls the Asphalt Cement PG64-28NVTR. Typically, a minimum crumb rubber percentage of 10% is required. Paramount Petroleum and Paramount-Nevada are the producers for these projects and Wright Asphalt supplies the rubber. Approximately 4,000 tons of rubberized asphalt Terminal Blends are used for hot mixes and 5,500 tons are used in chip seals each year. Although the product is still in the evaluation period, Terminal Blend projects have performed well for NDOT. A 70-22TR is used for chip seals and in 2009 a 13 mile project was placed at Pyramid Lake. The 76-22TR is specified for use in southern Nevada and project will start in the near future. Table 4.4 summarizes Terminal Blend usage in Nevada. Table 4.4 Nevada Terminal Blend Projects Project ID Year constructed Responsible agency Contact Location Performance PG7022TR, Chip Seal PG6428TR, HMA , PG6428NVTR PG6428TR, HMA 2007 Intermountain Edgard Hitti Gerlach Good 2008 SNC, NDOT Edgard Hitti Rye Patch I-80 Good 2009 Nevada DOT Edgard Hitti 395, Carson/Reno through Washoe City Good PG7622TR, HMA PG7622NVTR DG & OG PG7022TR, Chip Seal PG7622TR Chip Seal PG6428NVTR DG & OG 2009 Nevada DOT, Frehner Edgard Hitti I-15, Moapa, Logadale/Overton I-15 Good 2009 Nevada DOT Edgard Hitti SR445, Pyramid Lake Good 2009 Intermountain Edgard Hitti Arrow Head Good 2009 Granite Co. Edgard Hitti Pogni Lane Good 30 4.7 OREGON DOT Oregon DOT currently uses Terminal Blends for chip seals and has completed hot mixes in the past. The oil used for chip seals is AC-15 5TR with crumb rubber percentage of 5%. PBA-6GR is used for hot mixes, which includes 10 to 12% crumb rubber. The AC15 5TR is produce by Wright Asphalt and the PBA-6GR was produced by US Oil. About 2600 tons of rubberized asphalt Terminal Blends was used in 2009. Oregon DOT is currently monitoring the chip seals to determine their performance. One hot oil chip seal resulted in flying chips that caused damage to a few windshields. Table 4.5 summarizes the terminal blend projects in Oregon. Table 4.5 Oregon Terminal Blend Projects Project ID Year Responsible constructed agency Contact Location Performance HMA: PBA6GR 1994 Oregon DOT Elizabeth Hunt I-5: Azalea-Jump off Joe Good HMA: PBA6GR 1994 Oregon DOT Elizabeth Hunt I-84: StainfieldTower Road Good HMA: PBA6GR 1993 Oregon DOT Elizabeth Hunt US 26: Kah-NeeTah JunctionPelton Dame Good Chip Seal: AC-15 5TR 2009 Oregon DOT Elizabeth Hunt I:84-Woelpern Rd & ArlingtonTower Road Good Chip Seal: AC-15 5TR 2009 Oregon DOT Elizabeth Hunt OR138/US199 Good 4.8 TEXAS DOT The first reported use of Asphalt Rubber in Texas was in 1976 in the Bryan and El Paso Districts of the Texas Department of Transportation (TxDOT) (Rubber Pavements Association). In Texas, Asphalt Rubber has been used in four applications: chip seal coat or SAM, undercoat or SAMI, hot mix, and open graded porous friction course. Asphalt Rubber chip seal is considered to be a routine rehabilitation strategy in several districts of TxDOT. TxDOT made significant changes in mix design procedure and specifications for crumb rubber modified hot mix in 1992, basically replacing dense graded mixes with gap graded mixes. District personnel of TxDOT reported that Asphalt Rubber HMA projects had significantly better resistance to cracking than conventional HMA (Tahmoressi, 2001). Porous friction courses modified with Asphalt Rubber were also reported to have better performance with respect to cracking and raveling than conventional or polymer modified mixes. The improvement in resistance was considered 31 to be due to the high amount of binder in the rubber modified friction courses. Asphalt Rubber seal coats showed excellent resistance to reflective cracking but varied in the degree of bleeding depending on the size of aggregate chip used. Terminal Blends were first used in Texas in the mid-1980s. In a comprehensive study by Texas A&M University in the year 2000 (Glover, et al, 2000) Terminal Blends, referred to as “high-cure crumb rubber modified asphalt”, were shown to perform well in laboratory tests and field evaluations. Among other things, the researchers concluded that Terminal Blends are suitable for dense graded mixes and can be produced through a combination of high temperature and high shear. Production in the presence of oxygen can enhance the breakdown of the rubber and the curing process. They also reported that PG test equipment, such as the dynamic shear rheometer and bending beam rheometer can be used to test and monitor the properties of the Terminal Blend. Field studies were conducted at two Texas locations in 1998 and 2000 that showed Terminal Blends could be used successfully in dense graded mixes with up to 18% rubber added. TxDOT started using rubberized asphalt Terminal Blends in the field for hot mixes and chip seals in 2009. Approximately 120,000 tons of products have been used for chip seals and 90,000 tons is used for hot mixes each year. These projects typically have a crumb rubber percentage of 5. Producers in Texas include Alon Refinery, Martin Asphalt, Nustar, Pelican Refining, Valero, and Corpus Christi. Performance of Terminal Blends has been good and rubberized asphalt Terminal Blends has become the preferred material for chip seals. Table 4.6 summarizes the Terminal Blend projects in Texas in 2009. Table 4.6 Texas Terminal Blend Projects, 2009 Project ID Year constructed Responsible agency Contact Location Performance PFC PG 76-22TR March, 2009 Texas DOT Richard Izzo District: Tyler, County: Smith Good PFC PG 76-22TR April, 2009 Texas DOT Richard Izzo District: Tyler, County: Smith Good PFC PG 76-22TR April, 2009 Texas DOT Richard Izzo District: Tyler, County: Smith Good PFC PG 76-22TR September, 2009 Texas DOT Richard Izzo District: Tyler, County: Smith Good PFC PG 76-22TR November, 2009 Texas DOT Richard Izzo District: Tyler, County: Gregg Good PFC PG 76-22TR December, 2009 Texas DOT Richard Izzo District: Houston, County: Waller Good PFC PG 76-22TR December, 2009 Texas DOT Richard Izzo District: Austin, County: Travis Good 32 It should be noted that in Texas, asphalt rubber (AR) is typically not terminal blended and terminally blended asphalts with crumb rubber are not referred to as asphalt rubber. They are referred to as TR rather than AR. The ASTM definition for AR requires the blend of at least 15% tire rubber. All of the Texas Terminal Blends rubber jobs have about 5% rubber (TR). 4.8 SUMMARY As can be seen, several states use Terminal Blends that contain crumb rubber. They include California, Arizona, Florida, Nevada, Oregon, Kansas, Louisiana and Texas. The product in Arizona and Nevada are similar to that used in California. The products in Kansas, Oregon, Texas, and Florida contain a much lower content of asphalt rubber. 33 5.0 CHALLENGES There are a number of challenges that must be addressed prior to widespread use of Terminal Blends in California. They include the following: Determining crumb rubber content- The first and foremost is the determination of the crumb rubber content in the asphalt binder. Currently, polymer modified asphalt producers supply batch weights to the users. A similar approach could be used for the Terminal Blends since it is a batch process as well. A copy of a proposed process is attached in Appendix B. Direct determination of the rubber content is not an easy process. Tests can be developed to determine rubber content, but it is doubtful that they could be converted into a simple QC test that can be used in the field. Tankage- Some agencies have mentioned that contractors maybe unwilling to change to a Terminal Blend from their workhorse product. The suppliers of terminal blends need to work with the contractors, and if necessary provide the needed tankage to allow the conversion to happen easily. Based on projects to date that used TR products, tankage has not been an issue with the contractors since handling and storage are similar to polymer modified material. Cleanup- Some contractors have indicated that cleanup of the tanks can be an issue. With terminal blends, the storage stability should not be a problem. They have reportedly been stored for several months or more without problems. Climate conditions- Most projects have varying climate conditions. There is a lack of performance information on usage in cold climates or areas that receive snow. Loss of color- Some users have reported Terminal Blend products lose color quickly and turn grey. Lack of a clear definition- There is not a clear universal definition of Terminal Blend between other states. This creates discrepancies when evaluating Terminal Blend usage throughout the United States. Relative performance- The CIWMB would like documented evidence that the Terminal Blends perform as well as the traditional field blended asphalt rubber products and that they are as cost effective. This will be discussed in the next section. Each of these issues are being addressed so the terminal blends can become accepted by the CIWMB for the grant program. At the present time, the use of Terminal Blends is an excellent alternative to asphalt rubber. However, it is a different product and the products cannot be interchanged. 34 6.0 EXPERIENCES IN COMPARING ASPHALT RUBBER WITH TERMINAL BLENDS This section presents a summary of projects constructed by Caltrans where direct comparisons between the terminal blends and AR field blends were available. 6.1 HVS TESTING AT UC BERKELEY This study was sponsored by Caltrans and conducted by the University of California, Berkeley partnered Pavement Research Center (Guada, et. al., 2007).The questions addressed were as follows: The question asked by Caltrans and Industry: Will gap-graded modified binder (MB-G) mixes provide performance equal to gap-graded rubberized asphalt concrete (RAC-G) mixes in half thickness applications? Why was this question asked? MB could offer cost savings, and widen the application range for rubberized binders. Caltrans, industry and academia developed a comprehensive plan for laboratory testing, Heavy Vehicle Simulator (HVS) testing, and full-scale testing on in-service highways. The University of California Pavement Research Center (UCPRC), through the Partnered Pavement Research Center program, performed the laboratory and HVS testing. The HVS was used to apply very high traffic loads to 12 uniform rutting and reflective cracking test sections under controlled, matching conditions. A total of more than 15 million load repetitions (about 400 million equivalent standard axles loads) were applied during the study. This provided reliable data that was used to develop and calibrate mechanistic models to simulate the performance of similar materials not included in the study, and to extrapolate the results from test sections to other conditions such as different traffic levels, pavement structures, and stages of pavement deterioration. Construction of the test road was designed following standard Caltrans procedures and incorporates a 410 mm Class 2 aggregate base (recycled construction waste) on a clay subgrade with a 90 mm dense-graded asphalt concrete (DGAC) surface. Design thickness was based on a subgrade R-value of 5 and a Traffic Index of 7 (~131,000 equivalent standard axle loads, or ESALs). The road was constructed in 2001 by commercial contractor (selected based on low-bid) using conventional equipment. This structure was trafficked with the HVS between February 2002 and April 2003 to induce fatigue cracking. A total of approximately 3.3 million load repetitions (equating to about 17.7 million equivalent standard axles (ESALs) using the Caltrans 4.2 exponent) were applied to six sections to induce a minimum of 2.5 m/m2 fatigue cracking on each section. Upon completion of the HVS tests, the road was overlaid with six different 35 treatments in June 2003. The thickness for the control DGAC overlay was determined according to Caltrans Test Method 356. The other overlay thicknesses were either the same or half of the DGAC overlay thickness. The treatments included: Half-thickness (45 mm) MB4 gap-graded overlay; Full-thickness (90 mm) MB4 gap-graded overlay; Half-thickness MB4 gap-graded overlay with minimum 15 percent recycled tire rubber; Half-thickness MAC15TR gap-graded overlay; Half-thickness rubberized asphalt concrete gap-graded overlay (RAC-G), included as a control for performance comparison purposes, and Full-thickness (90 mm) AR4000 dense-graded asphalt concrete (DGAC) overlay, included as a control for performance comparison purposes. The purpose of the second round of HVS tests was to assess the effectiveness of the overlays in limiting reflective cracking in subsequent HVS testing. The HVS test sections were precisely positioned on top of the sections already trafficked on the underlying pavement. A high-temperature rutting study on sections adjacent to the reflective cracking sections was also carried out to assess the susceptibility of the mixes to early rutting at high pavement temperatures (see Figure 6.1). Figure 6.2 shows the cracking after traffic. . Figure 6.1 Rutting Section after Trafficking 36 Figure 6.2 Cracking Section after Trafficking The overlay rutting sections were trafficked with the HVS between September and December 2003. During this period a total of about 80,000 lb (60 kN) channelized, unidirectional load repetitions with a dual tire (720 kPa pressure) were applied across the sections, equating to approximately 455,000 ESALs. A temperature chamber was used to maintain the pavement temperature at 50°C±4°C. Measurements taken at regular intervals throughout the test included air and pavement temperatures, in-depth elastic deflection, and surface and in-depth permanent deformation. HVS trafficking of the overlay reflective cracking sections took place between January 2004 and June 2007. During this period a total of approximately 12.5 million load repetitions at loads varying between 60 kN and 100 kN, depending on the stage in the test plan, were applied across the sections, which equates to about 385 million ESALs. A temperature chamber was used to maintain the pavement temperature on each section at 20°C±4°C for the first one million repetitions, then at 15°C±4°C for the remainder of the test. A dual tire (720 kPa pressure) in a bidirectional loading pattern with lateral wander was used for all experiments. Measurements taken at regular intervals throughout the test included air and pavement temperatures, surface and in-depth elastic deflection, surface and in-depth permanent deformation, and cracking. A forensic investigation was carried out after HVS testing. The final summary report (UCPRC-SR-2007-03) plus other supporting documents can be found at www.its.berkeley.edu/pavementresearch by clicking the on “publications: and then “reports for clients and agents”. This included excavation and assessment of 18 test pits, coring, density and moisture determination, Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) measurements, and microscope studies of material sampled from the pits. Observations revealed that most of the deformation measured in the rutting study occurred in the underlying DGAC. There was some variation in layer thicknesses over the length of the experiment. DCP measurements and scanning electron microscope studies indicated that 37 the stiffness of the recycled aggregate base varied somewhat between sections due to some re-cementation that occurred after construction. The strongest part of the base was typically between 100 and 250 mm. Studies of the asphalt layers, including fractured cores, showed that cracking in the DGAC and RAC-G overlays had mostly reflected from the underlying DGAC layer. There was no observed cracking on the surface of the MB sections. Laboratory fatigue and shear studies were also conducted in parallel with HVS testing. In the cracking study, flexural frequency sweeps (stiffness at different temperatures and period of loading related to traffic speed and climate) and flexural beam tests were carried out to assess cracking resistance of the overlay mixes. In the shear study, stiffnesses at high temperatures and permanent deformation at high temperatures were used to evaluate rutting resistance. Tests were carried out on field-mixed, fieldcompacted, (shear study only), field-mixed, laboratory-compacted, and laboratory-mixed, laboratory-compacted specimens. Laboratory results were statistically analyzed to identify the significant variables affecting stiffness, fatigue and permanent shear deformation performance. The effects of aggregate gradation, long-term aging, air-void content, mix temperature, and strain/stress level were the focus of the study, with both field- and laboratory-prepared specimens compared. Regression models were developed to portray the effects of the significant variables on the performance-related properties. Test criteria for the shear study included Cycles to 5 Percent Permanent Shear Strain, Permanent Shear Strain at 5,000 Cycles, and Resilient Shear Modulus (G*). In the fatigue study, test criteria included number of cycles to 50 Percent Loss of Stiffness. Analysis of stiffness-versus-strain repetition curves showed differences in crack initiation and propagation between the DGAC and RAC-G mixes and between the RAC-G and MB mixes, with results indicating that damage may slow during the propagation phase of the RAC-G mix, and even more so for the MB mixes, while it accelerates in the DGAC mix. The results indicate that gap-graded mixes with MB4, MB4 with 15% rubber, and MAC15TR binders will provide superior performance in terms of reflective cracking compared to the same half thickness of RAC-G, when used in thin overlays on cracked asphalt pavements. With regard to rutting performance, conventional dense-graded asphalt concrete was clearly superior to all other mixes, followed by the RAC-G, and then the modified binder (MB) mixes. Most of the rutting in the HVS test sections occurred in the DGAC layer below the overlays, and not in the overlay itself. As a result of this study the researchers made the following recommendations: MB-4 with 15 % rubber, and MAC-15TR binders can be used in appropriately designed half-thickness overlay mixes for reflective cracking applications where RAC-G would normally be considered. There is potentially a greater risk of rutting compared to RAC-G if these mixes are used under slow moving, heavy truck traffic in hot climates, hence the current mix designs should not be used in locations with these conditions until proven in pilot projects on in-service highways. 38 The HVS calibrated simulation models should be used to assess the performance of other mixes or changes in binder specifications and to validate future mix and thickness design changes. Long-term performance monitoring (rutting, cracking, forensic coring and assessment of the interactions of underlying pavement and thin overlays) of inservice test sections should be continued to relate long-term performance to the laboratory and HVS findings. 6.2 FIVE YEAR WARRANTEE PROJECTS Background In 2002, Caltrans initiated a program that would require contractors to provide warranties for Rubberized Asphalt Concrete (RAC) pavements. In order to find out if such requirements are viable and cost effective for both Caltrans and industry, five pilot projects were constructed at various locations across the state to evaluate not only the performance of RAC but also the effectiveness of the warranty specifications associated with it. All five proposed RAC warranty pilot projects are complete. Highway 395 in Lassen County was the last of five pilot projects and was completed on August 2004 and the only project with a Terminal Blend binder. Lassen 395 is located on Highway 395 between the town of Doyle and Hallelujah Junction in Lassen County. It is a high desert area with an elevation of approximately 1280 meters above sea level. The project consisted of overlaying a 2-lane undivided highway with 60 mm of Dense Graded AC (DGAC) using a Terminal Blend asphalt rubber binder (MB-D) with 15 % rubber. Project limits are from KP 19.0 to KP 39.91. An 8-kilometer gap (KP28.3 to KP 36.21) exists within the project limit that is not part of the warranty. This particular section was paved with the same RAC material by means of a Contract Change Order (CCO). Surface preparation for the warranty section, included a PASS scrub seal and a thin blanket asphalt concrete (AC) overlay. The prime contractor for this project was Teichert Construction Company. The Lassen 395 RAC warranty pilot project is unique in two areas, the environmental zone and the type of binder used in the hot mix. The contractor opted to use the “Terminal Blend” binder rather than the typical “wet process” method employed by the other four RAC warranty pilot projects mentioned above. The “wet process” is typically specified through Caltrans special provisions whenever RAC is used in a project. The “wet process” method blends Crumb Rubber Modifier (CRM) with the asphalt cement at the production site before incorporating the crumb rubber modified binder with the aggregate and can only be used with a gap-graded aggregate. The “Terminal Blend” is also a form of a wet process where CRM is blended with hot asphalt binder at the refinery or at an asphalt binder storage unit and can be used with a dense graded aggregate. 39 Findings After 5 years of service (Caltrans 2009) most test sections are in good to very good condition with minor distress noted. Based on the performance history, thickness and deflection information, most of the pavement evaluation sections should perform their expected life of 10 years with minor maintenance and pavement preservation treatments. However, there are reported concerns about the low severity raveling noted along the length of the project in the wheel paths. This is attributed to tire chains, studded tires or heavy loads. These conditions need to be monitored regularly. More details on the study can be found at the Caltrans website: www.dot.ca.gov/hq/esc/translab/ofpm/deliverable.htm. 6.3 FIREBAUGH PROJECT-SR33 Background The Fresno Highway 33 experimental overlay project is located near the town of Firebaugh in the central valley of California. It consists of nine pavement test sections with a variety of rubber-modified asphalt concrete mixes and a control section of a Type A dense-graded asphalt concrete (DGAC). The rubber-modified sections include a rubberized asphalt concrete (RAC) Type-G (wet process), a Rubber Modified Asphalt Concrete – Gap Graded (RUMAC, dry process), a Type-G Modified Binder (MB-G), and a Type-D Modified Binder (MB-D). Both the MB-G and MB-D are Terminal Blended wet process binders. All rubber-modified pavement test sections include two thicknesses: 45 mm and 90 mm. The DGAC section is 90 mm thick. Pre-construction, construction and performance information for the Highway 33 project is described in three separate volumes: Volume 1 (March 2005) describes the design and construction of the experimental section Volume 2 (November 2005) includes results of laboratory tests on samples obtained from the field and prepared in the laboratory. The laboratory testing program consisted of rutting and fatigue measurements as well as wheel tracking to assess moisture sensitivity Volume 3 describes the results of recent evaluations of the nine experimental sections (PES) in terms of visual distress surveys, deflection testing and limited pavement coring Volume 4-Final Report (September 2008) which summarizes the findings from the study All of these reports can be found on the Caltrans website: www.dot.ca.gov/hq/esc/Translab/ofpm/deliverables.htm 40 Findings In terms of field performance, the MB-D mix performed best, followed by MB-G and DGAC at about the same level of performance, followed by the RAC-G and RUMACGG sections. While MB-D, MB-G and DGAC appear to meet or exceed the performance requirements for the projected 10-year design life, the RAC-G and RUMAC-GG sections are already in poor condition after only four years of service. In other words, the RAC-G and RUMAC-GG overlays did not perform as expected and appear to be inferior to the DGAC mix. Higher deflections, existing moisture damage and/or poor pavement condition prior to overlay cannot be blamed for the inferior performance of these two mixes. Similar pre-overlay conditions were noted on some of the PES that performed well. Based on review of the available data from the mix designs, the construction and laboratory reports, it appears that construction factors (particularly compaction) may have had the most impact on the performance of the RAC-G materials. Laboratory tests indicated that RAC-G with in-place air void contents of greater than 6.0% may exhibit poor performance, particularly with respect to rutting. A higher AR binder content would likely have increased this relatively low threshold air void content somewhat. For this reason, consideration should be given to optimizing AR binder content during mix design, rather than simply meeting minimum specification requirements. Since only 1 of 12 cores exhibited less than 6% air voids, it appears that most of the RAC-G placed for this experimental project was not sufficiently compacted to provide the desired performance, although it has not rutted. The new Section 39 of the Caltrans Standard Specifications includes compaction requirements for RAC-G mixes that should help to address this issue. However, for this project, corresponding penalties would probably have been limited to the half-thick RAC-G. The relative performance of the MB-D and MB-G mixes indicates that Modified Binders (or Terminal Blends) are better suited for use in dense-graded mixes than in gap-graded mixes. Although highly modified, these no-agitation rubberized binders do not build viscosity like the high viscosity asphalt rubber binders and should not be used to try to mimic RAC-G mixes. Other field observations and conclusions include: The primary failure mechanism at work on all nine PES is reflective cracking which was confirmed by comparison of pre-overlay and post-overlay distress maps as well as by the fact that cracking, in many instances, started on the shoulders where traffic is minimal. The loss of coarse and fine aggregate on the RAC-G sections (pop-outs and raveling) was also observed in other Caltrans RAC-G projects (Caltrans RAC Warranty Projects in San Diego, Ventura, Merced, Fresno and Mendocino Counties). During construction of the Fresno Highway 33 project, the paving crew mentioned that, in comparison with the other rubber asphalt mixes, 41 RAC-G is less workable and more difficult to compact once the mix temperature drops below a certain value. The surface of the overlay will be the first to cool down and therefore compaction at the surface may not be achieved as desired. As a result, coarse and fine aggregate will be lost from the mix under the action of traffic loading and the elements. It is important to note that pop-outs and loss of fines occurred not only in the wheel paths but throughout the entire overlay area including the shoulder. Aggregate properties were not evaluated to determine if there were related causes. Bleeding was observed on both MB-G sections and it was worse on the thicker MB-G section. The mix design and construction data indicate that the MB-G materials were likely “over-asphalted” with low VMA and in-place air void contents. Unlike high-viscosity asphalt rubber binder, Modified Binders can’t develop high enough viscosity to prevent drain-down of the binder from the gap-graded aggregate blend at normal mixing and compaction temperatures. The relatively high design binder content selected in an attempt to conform to the requirements for RAC-G is a primary reason that bleeding occurred on the MB-G sections. The heavy agricultural truck traffic was also a contributor. In comparison, no bleeding was found on the MB-D sections where a dense-graded aggregate gradation was used, which appears to be a much more suitable use of MB materials. 6.4 MENDOCINO COUNTY PROJECT-SR 20 Background The Mendocino Highway 20 experimental overlay project is located near the town of Ukiah about 120 miles north of San Francisco. It consists of three pavement test sections with a variety of rubber-modified asphalt concrete mixes and a control section of a Type A dense-graded asphalt concrete (DGAC). The rubber-modified sections include a rubberized asphalt concrete (RAC) Type-G (wet process), a Rubber Modified Asphalt Concrete – Gap Graded (RUMAC, dry process), and a Type-D Modified Binder (MB-D). The MB-D is a Terminal Blended wet process binder. All rubberized asphalt concrete overlays are 60 mm thick. The DGAC overlay is 105 mm thick. The work plan, pre-construction, construction and performance information for the Highway 20 project is described in several separate volumes: Volume 1 (July 2005) describes the proposed monitoring, sampling and testing plan for the experiment Volume 2 (July 2005) describes pre-construction conditions in terms of distress surveys and deflection testing Volume 3 (December 2005) describes the design and construction of the experimental section 42 Volume 4 (September 2008) describes the results of recent evaluations of the four experimental sections (PES) in terms of visual distress surveys, deflection testing and limited pavement coring. All of these reports can be found on the Caltrans www.dot.ca.gov/hq/esc/Translab/ofpm/deliverables.htm. website located at Findings After 3 years of service, the rubberized asphalt concrete overlays as well as the control DGAC overlay are in very good condition and will likely meet or exceed the performance requirements for the projected 10-year design life. It is recommended that the project is visited again in a two-three years time frame to monitor the initiation and development of distress and to evaluate the relative performance of the four different rubberized asphalt products. 6.4 MODIFIED BINDER CHIP SEALS VOLUMES IN HOT CLIMATES WITH HIGH TRUCK TRAFFIC Background Five rubberized asphalt chip seal test sections (section 7-11) were placed in November 2008 in California District 11 on Highway 86 in southern California near Westmoreland. The average high temperature in the summer is around 120oF with an average low of 15oF at night in the in the winter. The average daily traffic is in excess of 9,500 vehicles, with over 3,300 vehicles being trucks. The layouts of the test sections are shown in Figure 1 while the description of the materials used in the test sections are given in Table 6.1 and 6.2. Sections 1-6 included asphalt rubber test sections. Sections 7-11 included several materials including terminal blend rubberized asphalt. This article will address only the sections 7-11. 9 8 NB 7 6 10 11B 5 4 3 2 1 11A SB Figure 6.3 Layout for Hwy 86 Chip Seal Test Sections 43 Table 6.1 Description of materials and application rates uses in the Test Sections 7 – PG82-16 (8%TR + 3%SBS, 100PAV, 1/2”precoated, 0.42gl/syd) field blend. 8 - PG70-22 (5.5%TR + 3%SBS, 110PAV, 1/2”non-precoated, 0.39gl/syd) terminal blend 9 – PMAR*(15.5%TR, 2% SBS, 1/2”precoated, 0.48gl/syd) field blend 10 – PG76-22 (8%TR + 3%SBS, 100PAV, 1/2”precoated, 0.52gl/syd) field blend 11A – PG70-22 (5.5%TR + 3%SBS, 110PAV, 3/8”precoated, 0.36gl/syd) terminal blend 11B – PG70-22 (5.5%TR + 3%SBS, 110PAV, 1/2”precoated, 0.44gl/syd) terminal blend *Polymeer Modified asphalt rubber Table 6.2 Modified Asphalt Chip Seal Binder and aggregates variation Section Actual P G grade PAV % Tire ½” ½” non 3/8” content Precoated Precoated Precoated 7 8 9 10 11A 11B 82-16 70-22 Unknown 76-22 70-22 70-22 100 110 N/A 100 110 110 8.0 5.5 15.5 8.0 5.5 5.5 Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes - Yes - In accordance to the final NSSP binder 76-22TR No No No No No No The test section construction consisted of a combination of field blended and terminal blended products and the main purposes were to validate the NSSP specification that was written without specifying a process and is based on end-result specifications. Variations in aggregate size, with or without pre-coating, were included to check for construction variability and effect of aggregates on performance of the section based traffic loading. Binders in all sections exhibited good adhesion properties after two years of construction. In these specific test sections, the pre-coated aggregated performed better in retention than the non-pre-coated one, but on closer look, section 8 shows that loss of the non precoated aggregates was during the initial life of the section but slowed down thereafter. In the section that used the 3/8” pre-coated aggregates, the embedment was much greater than the ½” and for these specific conditions the ½” is the preferable size to consider. Section 7 was constructed in the north bound direction. The start of the section had less embedment of the rock than near the end of it which might be due to change of spray 44 rate. A change in appearance between the first half and the second half was noted. (See Figures 6.4 and 6.5) Figure 6.5: Section 7, start of second portion Figure 6.4 Section 7, first portion of test section For section 8, a non-precoated aggregate was used. The loss of aggregate was noted during the initial stage of the construction. This section was placed to evaluate the effect of the precoated in chip seal application especially if it is not caped. This emphasizes the requirement for aggregates to be pre-coated in the NSSP. (See Figures 6.6 and 6.7) 45 Figure 6.6 Section 8, considerable rock loss with non-coated aggregate Figure 6.7 Section 8: Closer look after the initial loss of nonprecoated aggregates. The performance has been stable thereafter. Section 9 was constructed at a later date and wasn’t included in the original scope of the test sections since it has a higher content of tire rubber in comparison to the other sections. Nevertheless, the performance, when it comes to aggregate embedment, was similar to the other sections, but was too stiff to mitigate reflective cracking. (See Figures 6.8 and 6.9) This finding has triggered a change in the NSSP specification to have an upper limit on DSR in addition to the minimum value. 46 Figure 6.8 Section 9, good embedment. Figure 6.9 Section 9, good embedment but some of reflective cracking Section 10 was constructed on the south bound with ½” pre-coated chip and exhibit good performance in aggregate retention, embedment and reflective cracking. (See Figures 6.10 and 6.11) 47 Figure 6.10 Section 10: Closer look at aggregate Figure 6.11 Section 10-good performance Section 11B was constructed on the south bound with ½” pre-coated chip and exhibit good performance in aggregate retention, embedment and reflective cracking. (See Figures 6.12 and 6.13) it did exhibit some minor reflection cracking. 48 Figure 6.12 Section 11B: good performance Figure 6.13 Section 11B: Closer look at aggregate Section 11A was constructed on the south bound but with 3/8” pre-coated aggregates to check the impact of aggregates size. The chip used was too small for the traffic level, yielding a flushing appearance. In these specific location and traffic volume the embedment of aggregates was too high but NSSP had three different aggregates size to accommodate for different traffic level. 49 Figure 6.14 Section 11A, overviewe of test section Figure 6.15 Section 11A, high embedment due to small aggregate size. Findings The findings of this study after 2 years of performance in a harsh southern California desert climate with high truck traffic are as follows: 50 Field and terminal blended products made at similar rubber content had similar performance. Consistent spray rate is important across the pavement with similar distress level to achieve good results. For chip seal application an appropriate stiffness is needed to medicate reflective cracking and embedment level, so a maximum and minimum DSR has been set in the NSSP Non-precoated aggregate has been used successfully in several projects and other states, but pre-coated aggregates increases the change of performance of the chip seal since less dust and better bonding will occur especially if the surface treatment is not caped. A ½ inch maximum size pre-coated chip needs to be used for the best performance under similar traffic and environment condition. QC/QA testing frequencies has been included in the NSSP to insure materials such as the binders and aggregates materials are in compliance with the specification. 6.5 MB PILOT PROJECT The Modified Binder (MB) pilot projects consisted of ten projects constructed to the Caltrans MB specifications (Holleran et al., 2002). These projects were constructed during the period of 1997 to 2000 in coastal locations. The minimum CRM of 10% was used and projects were both gap-graded and dense-graded mixtures over a range of structural section designs. They Included both Rubber Asphalt produced by the fieldblended process and Terminal Blend method. The projects were evaluated in 2001 by Caltrans and given a rating of good, fair, or poor. A good rating meant the project is expected to achieve its design life and exhibits little to no premature distress. Fair meant the project is expected to achieve its design life, however, it exhibits a moderate level of premature distress. A poor rating meant the project would not achieve the expected design life due to moderate to severe distress. Based on Caltrans’ evaluations, eight of the ten projects performed good after 1-4 years of service. One project was rated as fair due to alligator crack reflecting on the surface. Another project was rated as poor due to base failure and pumping. Based on these results, “hot mix employing MB binders used in RAC type G and RAC type D mixes as CAPM overlays have the ability to meet performance requirements when correctly constructed” (Holleran et al. 2002). However, more documentation was needed on the preconstruction and construction of MB projects. Also the project did not have sufficient documentation to allow the conclusion for all climate conditions or traffic loading. The MB pilot project did establish a good starting point for research and more projects in the future. 51 6.6 Terminal Blend Chip Seal Demonstration Project In 2008 CIWMB offered LA county Department of Public Works a grant to construct chip seals using a performance graded paving asphalt containing Terminal Blend. The location of the site was avenue O between 120th street east and 170th street east and avenue J between 150th street east to 170th street east. Avenue J is an arterial route between the community of Lake, LA and city of Palmdale. Avenue J is an arterial route between Lancaster and western San Bernardino. There are large amounts of traffic and both streets. The PCI rating of avenue O is 60 and it is 52 for avenue J. The test sections were in poor to fair conditions and below the typical threshold for consideration of a Chip Seal treatment. Paramount Petroleum supplied PG 76-22 TR with a CRM of 15%. Construction started in early July, 2009 without any problems. As of April 2010, the chip seal projects have performed well with no evidence of rock loss however, some underlying cracks are reflecting through. This study found that PG 76-22TR is an appropriate binder for use in chip seal applications on roadways with moderate distresses. Figure 6.6 displays the Avenue O after construction. Figure 6.16 Finish Avenue O (Updyke, 2009) 6.7 SUMMARY Caltrans has performed a variety of projects throughout California to compare the performance of Terminal Blends and field blends. These projects include lab tests and 52 field studies that offer a direct comparison between different test sections, more experience with construction of Terminal Blend, and increased data on different mix designs. The Terminal Blend tests and projects have sparked increased interest and recognition of TR products as a viable alternative to conventional methods. Terminal Blends have performed as well or better than traditional mixes and field blends. Very few problems with Terminal Blend have been observed in tests. 53 7.0. SUMMARY, PRELIMINARY CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 7.1 Summary Although many techniques have been used to combine rubber and asphalt over the years, two major technologies have emerged for blending ground tire rubber into hot asphalt: the Asphalt Rubber process and the Terminal Blend process. Both technologies are described as wet processes. The Asphalt Rubber process involves blending ground tire rubber and asphalt in a specialized blending unit on site at the hot mix plant and then adding the binder to the selected aggregate gradation to produce the final mix. In the Terminal Blend process, a finer mesh ground tire rubber is blended with the asphalt at a refinery or terminal into a homogeneous binder that is delivered to the hot mix plant for production of the final mix. By their very nature, Asphalt Rubber and Terminal Blend binders are different products with a different appearance and different properties. Both Asphalt Rubber and Terminal Blends can be used in chip seal applications and interlayers. Both binders can be used to produce gap graded and open graded mixes. Terminal Blend binders are also suitable for dense graded mixes. Asphalt Rubber technology has a longer proven performance history and uses a higher percentage of rubber than terminal blend technology while Terminal Blend technology may have manufacturing benefits over Asphalt Rubber technology. Yet, both technologies serve a valuable role in providing highway agencies with useful pavement preservation strategies and, at the same time, addressing the environmental problem of waste tire disposal. Based on numerous laboratory studies, field installations, and accelerated pavement testing programs, it has been shown that both Asphalt Rubber and Terminal Blend systems, properly designed and constructed, can perform well in resisting crack reflection, improving driving safety, and reducing pavement noise. Despite the many advantages of these systems, there are situations where these technologies may not be the best choice. For example, Asphalt Rubber and Terminal Blend mixes should not be used: During cold or rainy weather with ambient temperatures below 13°C. Over pavements with severe cracks. Where considerable handwork is required. Where traffic and deflection data are unknown. Where haul distances are too long to maintain sufficient mix temperature for placement and compaction. (Warm Mix technology may eventually alleviate this problem.) 54 Performance history is important in the use of Asphalt Rubber and Terminal Blend mixes. Terminal Blend systems appear to be a good alternative to polymer modified asphalt applications and based on the HVS accelerated pavement testing study and studies at UNR, and field test section in California. Terminal Blend mix performance also compare favorably with that of Asphalt Rubber for gap graded mixes. 7.2 Conclusions Based on the results presented, the following conclusions appear warranted: Terminal Blends have a long history of use, but not as long as asphalt rubber The results of tests in California would suggest that both Terminal Blends and asphalt rubber are superior products when compared to conventional HMA The results of the HVS testing and field tests at Firebaugh and Mendocino would suggest they terminal blends and asphalt rubber performance in a comparable manner Terminal Blends contain at least 15% asphalt rubber for use in chip seals and in hot mixes. As a result, they should qualify for Grants offered by the CIWMB Terminal Blends have not yet been used in warm mixes There is no simple test procedure to determine CRB content in Terminal Blends. 7.3 Recommendations Recommendations for this study include at least the following: Terminal Blends are recommend for the grant program of the CIWMB as long as they contain at least 15% crumb rubber Terminal Blends should be evaluated for use with warm mix technologies 55 8.0 REFERENCES 1. 36th Pacific Coast Conference on Asphalt Specifications, Portland, Oregon, May 20-21, 2008. 2. ASTM International Annual Book of Standards, D 8 Definitions, 2005. 3. “Asphalt-rubber or rubberized asphalt: clearing up the confusion.” International Surfacing Systems, Modesto CA. 4. Blankenship, P. B. (2009) “Summary report for paramount petroleum.” Asphalt Institute, Lexington, Kentucky, October 26, 2009. 5. Boone, T. 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(2005) “Environmental effects in pavement mix and structural design systems”, NCHRP, Project 9-23 part 1, September, 2005. 57 24. “How RAC is made. 2010” Rubberized Asphalt Concrete Technology Center, www.rubberizedasphalt.org. 25. Humer, R. P. (2009) “Testing the equivalency of PG 64-28TR and PG64-28PM” Asphalt Institute, Westlake Village, California, May 15, 2009. 26. Jones, D., Harvey, J., and Monismith, C., (2007) “Reflective cracking study: summary report.” University of California Pavement Research Center, Report UCPRC-SR-2007-01, December 2007. 27. Khattack, S., “Testing terminal blend tire rubber asphalt performance for safety, ride quality and cost in Colorado Springs, Colorado” City of Colorado Springs, Colorado Springs, CO. 28. Lewis, R.H. and Welborn, J.Y. (1954) “The effect of various rubbers on the properties of petroleum asphalts.” Public Roads, Vol. 28, No. 4, October, 1954, p. 64. 29. McDonald, C.H. (1981). “Recollections of early asphalt-rubber history.”, National Seminar on Asphalt-Rubber, October 1981. 30. “Methods for testing of material production plants.” California Department of Transportation, California Test 109, Sacramento, California, May 2004. 31. “Nevada-grinding or green paving to restore the ride of old concrete freeways.” Rubber Pavement News, Volume 12, No. 1, Spring 2009. 32. “Old tires to protect baggage screeners.” The Orange County Register, Orange County, California, February 15, 2008. 33. Overley, J. (2008) “Old tires could take a load off John Wayne.” The Orange County Register, Orange County, California, February 16, 2008. 34. PCCAS Asphalt Paving Committee Minutes, September 25, 2007. 35. Price, Mark L. (2004) “That stretch of road.” Akron Beacon Journal, September 13, 2004. 36. Qi, Xicheng, Shenoy, Aroon, Al-Khateeb, Ghazi, Arnold, Terry, Gibson, Nelson, Youtcheff, Jack, and Harman, Tom, (2006) “Laboratory characterization and fullscale accelerated performance testing of crumb rubber asphalts and other modified asphalt systems”, Proceedings, Asphalt Rubber 2006 Conference, Palm Springs, California, October 2006. 37. Reese, R. (1994) “Development of a physical property specification for asphalt- 58 rubber binder.” Journal of the Association of Asphalt Paving Technologists, Volume 64, 1994. 38. Rex, H.M. and Peck, R.A. (1954) “A laboratory study of rubber-asphalt paving mixtures.” Public Roads, Vol. 28, No. 4, October, 1954, p. 91. 39. “Rubberized asphalt concrete warranty pilot projects volume 2 – Interim performance monitoring report.” Caltrans, Sacramento California, November 15, 2009 www.dot.ca.gov/hq/esc/Translab/ofpm/deliverables.htm. 40. Rubber World, Those Amazing Rubber Roads, March-April, 1967. 41. Santucci, L. “Performance graded (PG) polymer modified asphalts in California.” Technical Topic No.7, Technology Transfer Program, Institute of Transportation Studies, University of California, Berkeley. 42. Santucci, L. (2000) “Rubber roads: waste tires find a home.” UCPRC Pavement Technology Update, Volume 1, NO. 2 Berkeley California, September, 2009. 43. Scofield, L.A. (1989) “The history, development, and performance of asphalt rubber at ADOT.” Report Number AZ-SP-8902, Arizona Department of Transportation, December 1989. 44. Sebaaly, P.E., Sebaaly, H., and Hajj, E., (2007) “Evaluation of Nevada’s HMA mixtures manufactured with terminal blend rubber modified binders.” Western Regional Superpave Center, University of Nevada, Reno, May 2007. 45. Sebally, P.E., Sebaaly, H., Haijj, E., and Hitti, E. “Fatigue properties of rubber modified asphalt mixtures.” 46. Shatnawi, S., Stonex, A., and Hicks, R.G. (2006) “An update on the asphalt rubber pavement preservation strategies used in California.” Proceedings, Asphalt Rubber 2006 Conference, Palm Springs, California, October 2006. 47. Shatnawi, S. and Long, B. (2000) “Performance of asphalt rubber vs. thin overlays.” Proceedings, Asphalt Rubber 2000 Conference, Vilamoura, Portugal, November 2000. 48. “Standard specifications for tire rubber modified slurry seal.” Pacific Emulsions, Inc., Santa Fe Springs, CA, July, 2008. 49. Tahmoressi, M. (2001) “Evaluation of asphalt rubber pavements in Texas”, PaveTex Engineering and Testing, Inc. Report prepared for Rubber Pavements Association, January 2001. 50. “Terminal blended rubberized asphalt goes mainstream-now PG Graded”, Asphalt 59 Magazine, Asphalt Institute, November 2008. 51. “Terminal blend rubberized asphalt binders.” Pavement Preservation Journal, Winter 2008, www.pavementpreservation.org. 52. Texas Asphalt Rubber Survey, Rubber Pavements Association. 53. “Where the rubber meets the slurry” Better Roads, Volume 79, Number 6, June 2009. 54. Zareh, Ali and Way, G.B. (2006) “35 years of asphalt-rubber in Arizona.” Proceedings, Asphalt Rubber 2006 Conference, Palm Springs, California, October 2006. 60 9.0 APPENDICES 61 APPENDIX A: FLORIDA HMA TERMINAL BLEND PROJECTS Contract ID Year constructed Responsible agency Contact Location Performance 19426 21059 21561 21586 21663 February, 1996 April, 2002 May, 2002 June, 2002 September, 2002 January, 2003 February, 2003 February, 2003 March, 2003 April, 2003 May, 2003 June, 2002 June, 2003 July, 2003 July, 2003 August, 2003 August, 2003 August, 2003 August, 2003 August, 2003 September, 2003 September, 2003 September, 2003 September, 2003 September, 2003 October, 2003 October, 2003 October, 2003 October, 2003 October, 2003 October, 2003 October, 2003 Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb District 2 District 2 District 6 District 4 District 3 Good Good Good Good Good Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb District 2 District 4 District 2 District 5 District 5 District 2 District 1 District 2 District 4 District 2 District 4 District 2 District 2 District 3 District 3 District 2 Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Florida DOT David Webb District 2 Good Florida DOT David Webb District 3 Good Florida DOT David Webb District 2 Good Florida DOT David Webb District 3 Good Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb District 5 District 4 District 2 District 5 District 2 District 3 District 3 Good Good Good Good Good Good Good T2000 T4011 T2031 T5143 T5024 T2018 21575 E2F70 T4018 T2043 T4024 T2054 T2049 T3027 T1098 T2041 T2061 T3022 T2057 T3032 T5040 T4038 E2F81 T5041 T2034 T3023 T3031 62 E2G54 E2F85 T6024 T3039 T7033 T3034 T2055 T2027 T2065 T5047 T4039 T3025 E7B70 T2068 T3045 T2030 T1051 T2064 T2060 T2059 E4G54 T5036 E2F94 E2F99 T3030 T3152 T4054 T3049 T4052 T1060 E2G06 T6023 T3152 T6038 T3123 T1075 T7052 T4026 E2H22 November, 2003 November, 2003 November, 2003 December, 2003 December, 2003 December, 2003 December, 2003 December, 2003 December, 2003 December, 2003 December, 2003 January, 2004 January, 2004 January, 2004 January, 2004 January, 2004 January, 2004 January, 2004 January, 2004 January, 2004 January, 2004 January, 2004 February, 2004 February, 2004 March, 2004 March, 2004 March, 2004 March, 2004 March, 2004 March, 2004 March, 2004 March, 2004 March, 2004 April, 2004 April, 2004 April, 2004 April, 2004 April, 2004 April, 2004 Florida DOT David Webb District 2 Good Florida DOT David Webb District 2 Good 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Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Florida DOT David Webb District 2 Good Florida DOT David Webb District 1 Good Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb District 5 District 6 District 1 District 1 District 1 District 5 District 8 District 1 District 6 District 1 Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Florida DOT David Webb District 1 Good Florida DOT David Webb District 2 Good 64 T1093 T5070 T6051 T4034 T1092 T5082 E4H21 T4063 E2G95 T2100 E2G90 T1109 T2080 T5084 T1110 E2H01 T6063 T6050 T6064 T5089 T2110 T2086 E4H22 T5095 T5094 E2G94 T4075 T2087 E2H07 T6066 T6057 T2123 T4079 T5106 T1135 E1E90 T6065 T1132 November, 2004 November, 2004 November, 2004 November, 2004 December, 2004 January, 2005 January, 2005 January, 2005 January, 2005 January, 2005 January, 2005 January, 2005 January, 2005 February, 2005 February, 2005 February, 2005 February, 2005 March, 2005 March, 2005 March, 2005 March, 2005 March, 2005 March, 2005 April, 2005 April, 2005 April, 2005 April, 2005 April, 2005 April, 2005 April, 2005 April, 2005 May, 2005 May, 2005 June, 2005 June, 2005 June, 2005 June, 2005 June, 2005 Florida DOT David Webb District 1 Good Florida DOT David Webb District 5 Good Florida DOT David Webb District 6 Good Florida DOT David Webb District 4 Good Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David 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July, 2005 July, 2005 July, 2005 July, 2005 July, 2005 July, 2005 August, 2005 August, 2005 August, 2005 August, 2005 August, 2005 September, 2005 September, 2005 September, 2005 September, 2005 October, 2005 November, 2005 November, 2005 November, 2005 November, 2005 November, 2005 December, 2005 December, 2005 December, 2005 December, 2005 December, 2005 December, 2005 January, 2006 January, 2006 January, 2006 January, 2006 February, 2006 February, 2006 February, 2006 Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb District 7 District 5 District 5 District 2 District 2 District 6 District 5 District 5 District 5 District 4 District 1 District 5 Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Florida DOT David Webb District 1 Good Florida DOT David 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E8H03 T6110 E7D72 T1216 T2147 T6105 E7D81 T4108 February, 2006 February, 2006 February, 2006 February, 2006 March, 2006 March, 2006 March, 2006 March, 2006 March, 2006 March, 2006 April, 2006 April, 2006 April, 2006 April, 2006 April, 2006 April, 2006 May, 2006 May, 2006 May, 2006 May, 2006 May, 2006 May, 2006 June, 2006 June, 2006 June, 2006 June, 2006 June, 2006 July, 2006 July, 2006 July, 2006 July, 2006 July, 2006 August, 2006 September, 2006 September, 2006 October, 2006 October, 2006 October, 2006 October, 2006 October, 2006 Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb 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Webb David Webb District 1 District 2 District 6 District 7 District 4 Good Good Good Good Good 67 T4139 T4134 T5174 T2200 T4122 T6107 T7154 T4148 T4130 T1219 T1195 T6113 T6118 E4I76 E7D73 T4152 T1223 T5172 T5184 E1F80 T2203 T6134 T6112 T1228 T4160 E7D91 T4147 T4149 T5201 T5191 T4161 T3244 T1236 T7166 T6135 T7159 T1198 E7E09 T1190 T1243 T2129 October, 2006 October, 2006 October, 2006 December, 2006 December, 2006 December, 2006 December, 2006 December, 2006 December, 2006 December, 2006 December, 2006 December, 2006 December, 2006 January, 2007 January, 2007 January, 2007 January, 2007 January, 2007 January, 2007 January, 2007 March, 2007 March, 2007 March, 2007 March, 2007 April, 2007 April, 2007 April, 2007 May, 2007 May, 2007 May, 2007 May, 2007 May, 2007 May, 2007 June, 2007 June, 2007 June, 2007 July, 2007 July, 2007 July, 2007 July, 2007 July, 2007 Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT 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2008 January, 2008 January, 2008 January, 2008 January, 2008 January, 2008 January, 2008 March, 2008 May, 2008 May, 2008 July, 2008 August, 2008 August, 2008 August, 2008 August, 2008 Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb District 2 District 3 District 6 District 6 District 3 District 4 District 7 District 1 District 6 District 6 District 5 District 2 Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Florida DOT David Webb District 2 Good Florida DOT David Webb District 3 Good Florida DOT David Webb District 6 Good Florida DOT David Webb District 6 Good Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT Florida DOT David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb David Webb District 2 District 2 District 6 District 1 District 6 District 5 District 1 District 4 District 5 District 5 District 2 District 2 District 1 District 1 District 2 District 4 District 2 District 2 District 2 District 3 District 5 Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good Good 69 T6173 E2L79 August, 2008 February, 2009 Florida DOT Florida DOT David Webb David Webb District 6 District 2 Good Good 70 APPENDIX B- PROCESS USED TO CERTIFY THAT THE RUBBER CONTENT IS GOOD AND THAT THE RUBBER IS FROM CALIFORNIA Performance Graded Ground Tire Rubber Asphalt Production (PG-TR) A- Tire Rubber Modified Asphalt Concentrate Production (TRMAC): 1- Batch report prepared by QA/QC manger for production formula. This includes asphalt base stock, % of components (asphalt and rubber) to produce a specific TRMAC for example 15%, 20%, 25%. 2- Batch report is communicated to Operations manger for production of materials. 3- 30-40 mesh ground tire rubber ordered and scheduled for delivery to plant. Truck is scaled and weighed at the certified scale before entering the facility for weight verification. In case of short load communicate back to operations manager for formula production adjustment. 4- Each crumb rubber load will have a certificate from the supplier stating that the material is derived from whole scrap tires generated within the State of California. 5- Once verified, the truck enters production facility. B- TRMAC production: 1- Base asphalt is charged and metered into the process unit; all the controls are verified by instrumentation at the control room. 2- Re-check volume injected by hand gauging and compare to instrumentation, log volume of asphalt injected on production report. 3- Inject rubber load into the process unit. 4- Induce small volume of air to ensure mixing of rubber and asphalt (this process help the wetting of rubber particles). 5- Complete base asphalt injection into process unit. 6- Verify all components volumes and weight before starting the process, by instrumentation at control room and hand gauging. 7- Verify that the % of components meets the batch report. In case of any errors communicate back to operations manager for formula adjustment. 8- Begin blending process. Set temperature at the production set point and turn on high speed mixing. 9- Monitor tank level, pressure of vessel, and temperature from control room. 10- Once proper temperature is reached start the QC process on material. 71 C- QC process: 1- After 4 hours of mixing and temperature start the sampling process each 2 hours to check solubility. Target solubility is >98.5%. 2- Lab will be checking solubility on samples and communicating back to operations. 3- When solubility target is reached notify operations. 4- Stop process and transfer TRMAC to storage tank (concentrate tank). 5- TRMAC is stored for further process to produce the targeted PG grades. D- Blending: 1- Batch report prepared by QA/QC manger for PG grades production. (PG64-28TR, PG70-22TR, PG76-22TR) with specific Tire rubber targets. (5, 10, 15, 20%). 2- Batch report is communicated back to operations manager for production. 3- Base asphalt and TRMAC are blended based on % by volumes specified by batch report. 4- After blending samples are taken per QA/QC plan and sent to lab for testing and certification. 5- Testing and certification are done by PPC lab (AMRL, ASTM certified). 6- Split samples are taken from each batch per CalTrans COC program. 7- A certificate of compliance is published for each batch by lab and handed to scale house. 8- Each truck load of material shipped is certified. 72 APPENDIX C-CALIFORNIA CONTACTS Name Joe Goldhammer Number 619-286-0624 Email jcgoldhammer@gmail.com Company San Diego County Sol Geminez 559-275-2437, Cell: 559-318-6366 sol.jimenez@gcinc.com Granite Construction-Fresno Mike Stapleton 707-498-9621 michael.stapleton@dot.ca.gov Caltrans Steve Olsen Edgard Hitti 916-439-3129 775-690-7424 Cell: 775-835-6344 steve.olsen@gcinc.com ehitti@ppcla.com Intermountain paramount Petroleum Don Barrett Shawn Rizzutto 408-672-8110 760-355-0430 dbarrett@granitrock.com Granite Rock Caltrans District 11 Margie Valdez 925-335-3665 mvald@pw.cccounty.us Contra Costa County Jim Ryan 661-978-9357 jim.ryan@alonusa.com Paramount Petroleum roadcon@earthlink.net jazoury@ppcla.com Copp Construction Paramount Petroleum papathib@cox.net, lee@leethibadeau.com Consultant Dennis Copp Jean Azoury office: 562-5312060 ext:2832 Cell: 562-233-4767 Lee Thibadeau Dan Chung office:661-8625188, Cell: 661345-0597 danc@co.kern.ca.us Kern County Roads Dept 831-420-5178 jspangrud@ci.santa-cruz.ca.us City of Santa Cruz 408-293-9516 310-518-4000 (562) 903-8989 che@grahamcontractors.com Don.Goss@valero.com Graham Contractors Valero lance@raslurry.com Roy Allan Slurry Seal, Inc grayner@cpmamerica.com CPM Josh Spangrud Che Corlett Don Goss Lance Allen Gordon Rayner 916-381-8033 ext: 123 73 Erik Updyke 626-458-4914 eupdyke@dpw.lacounty.gov LA county Don Milner cell: 408-218-0669 Office: 209-9842460 chipperdon@msn.com Graham Construction Jim Heller 530-246-4388 Northwest Paving/ Caltrans District 2 Roger Maier Jim Farnell Ryan Bengal 530-343-9600 562-903-8989 916-869-2497 Franklin Construction Pacific Emulsions CPM Rbangle@cpmamerica.com 714-567-7844 Materials Lab Supervisor County of Orange 951-817-5765 Assistant Director of Public Works, City of Corona Joe Bravo 805-449-2499 x382 Street Maintenance Supervisor, Thousand Oaks John Campbell 909-394-6200 Project Manager, San Dimas llluminado Anacion 626-914-8258 Project Manager, Glendora Pat Abadi 562-570-6383 Senior Engineer, Long Beach 626-458-4923 County of Los Angeles Geotechnical & Materials Engineering DeWayne Vaughn 310-952-1700 Inspector City of Carson Steve Forester 562-943-0131 Director of Public Works, La Mirada Ron Perdue 760-435-5119 Cell: 760-535-0111 City of Oceanside, Project Engineer Gary Kellison 760-435-5112 Senior Engineer, City of Oceanside Buddy Coover Nelson Nelson Imelda Diaz 74 Ryan Gayler 760-776-6393 Engineer, Palm Desert 714-978-8228 Engineer, Wildan Vista Pointe Gene Klatt 909-820-2602 Project Manager, (Wildan) Rialto and Laverne John Schauble 760-602-2762 City Engineer, Carslbad Rick Rudometkin 949-248-3589 Public Works Manager, Dana Point Tom Kirk Steve Kemp Inspector, City of Oceanside Peter Schultz 619-571-1271 Superintendent, Hazard Construction Co. Oceanside 909-596-8741 Maintenance Superintendent, Laverne L.D. Johnson Vince Mastrosimone 626-858-7253 Street Superintendent, West Covina Bob Callison 714-593-4601 Senior Inspector, Fountain Valley Thang Tran 805-658-4789 Associate Civil Engineer, Buena Ventura Dan Frost 805-654-7884 Senior Inspector, Buena Ventura Ted Pittman 949-923-3782 Rick Burtiss Matt Luttrop 310-952-1700 925-299-3247 ted.pittman@ocparks.com Orange County Parks Engineer, City of Carson City of Lafayette 75 APPENDIX D-OUT OF STATE CONTACTS State Name Phone number phone: 775-8887520, cell: 775720-4532 775-690-7424 Email Agency Nevada Arizona Reid g. Kaiser Edgard Hitti Jim Delton Florida Jim Musselmen 352-955-2905 jim.musselmen@dot.state.fl.us Florida DOT Arizona and Texas Jon Vincent 602-541-1369 jvincentwright@cox.net Wright Asphalt Louisiana Oregon Texas Chris Abadie Liz Hunt Dale Rand 225-767-9109 503-986-3115 512-506-5836 chris.abadie@la.gov elizabeth.a.hunt@state.or.us drand@dot.state.tx.us Louisiana DOT Oregon DOT Texas DOT Texas Richard Izzo 512-506-5832 rizzo@dot.state.tx.us Texas DOT Arizona Scott Weinland 602-712-8131 sweinland@azdot.gov Arizona DOT Nevada Harold Stone 775-240-2654 hstone@washoecounty.us Washoe County, NV Nevada Greg Belancio 775-328-2052 Kansas Greg schieber 785-296-1198 gregs@ksdot.org Kansas Dot Florida David Webb 352-955-2907 david.webb@dot.state.fl.us Florida DOT Kansas Rick Kreider 785-296-1195 rickk@ksdot.org Kansas DOT Texas Jerry Peterson 512-506-5821 Nevada Florida Glen Roberts Pat Upshaw Florida Jim Warren Florida rkaiser@dot.state.nv.us ehitti@ppcla.com NDOT Paramount Arizona DOT 602-712-8094 Washoe County, for Harold Texas DOT 352-955-2908 glenn.roberts@dot.state.fl.us Florida DOT 352 955-2906 patrick.upshaw@dot.state.fl.us Florida DOT Asphalt Contractors Association http://www.acaf.org 76