Explore More. rmpbs.org
Explore More. rmpbs.org
Welcome to Rocky Mountain PBS Rocky Mountain PBS (RMPBS) is constantly evolving and responding to the needs of Coloradans, on-air, online and in our community. Our non-commercial status sets us apart from other television stations because we answer to you directly, and our thought-provoking programming brings out the best in all of us. RMPBS, now 54 years old, has also become an interactive community partner, seeking to engage, entertain and inspire our viewers through community events and activities, blogs, online forums and social networking. 1 RMPBS.ORG Take a look at some of the exciting things we’ve been up to lately. You’ll see that in the past year we’ve been involved in many important, useful and informative initiatives – and some that have been just plain fun! We hope you’ll feel our momentum as you take some time to look through these pages. Perhaps you’ll even decide to become a part of the RMPBS family. Our doors are always open. Come join us as we explore the world together; we are confident you will like what you see. A New Direction Built On Trust Pride in Progress In addition to serving the entire state of Colorado with innovative PBS programming, Rocky Mountain PBS has a unique responsibility in our community. The RMPBS network has dedicated itself to using the power of our airwaves for the betterment of our community – helping viewers deal with everything from accessing health care to fighting foreclosure. We’re more than just a broadcast provider; in keeping with our changing technological and social times, we have become conveyers of information and conveners of people. We strive to engage our community in thoughtful dialogue, built upon the foundation of some of the finest programming in America. We are committed to the importance of lifelong learning and we believe that everyone, from every walk of life, is an explorer. We also believe that with strong communities, life is better for us all. Together we are making a difference. ROCKY MOUNTAIN PBS This is a time of renewal at Rocky Mountain PBS. We have new leadership, new focus, new initiatives and a renewed sense of purpose. Our core purpose, quite simply, is to realize our mission of “enriching the lives of Coloradans through engaging and essential programs, services and community partnerships.” We are ever mindful that we are a public broadcasting network. I underscore the word “public.” Because our audience, our stakeholders, are you, the public. We truly are your broadcasting network in Colorado. And, we are ever vigilant in protecting what you’ve come to expect, what you demand from public broadcasting and Rocky Mountain PBS. That is, respecting your intelligence and your integrity through balanced content delivered across different media platforms that enables you to find your own point of view. That’s right, 2009 COMMUNITY REPORT we empower you to sort it out and make sense of it, whatever your interests may be. In the coming year(s), we want to be an even better media source for you. We want to “be more.” So, management, staff and the Board of Directors are taking several important steps: We are enhancing our content development so we can be a more relevant source of information, entertainment and enlightenment. • We are expanding our touch points so we can be a more accessible media source for more people. • We are building civic, cultural and media partnerships so we can be a more engaged resource for more connections in our communities. • We are further leveraging our statewide system so we can be a more essential service for more communities across the state. RMPBS Board Chair, William Schumacher The Board of Directors values and appreciates the confidence and trust that you have placed in Rocky Mountain PBS. We are committed to fostering and furthering the important role we play in your life and the life of Colorado. Thank you for your viewership and your support. William Schumacher Explore More. rmpbs.org Chairman of the Board of Directors RMPBS.ORG 2 Rocky Mountain PBS: We’re More Than a TV Station While the last ten years have seen unprecedented change in the media landscape, both locally and nationally, we are proud to say that our mission at Rocky Mountain PBS has not wavered. We strive to enrich the lives of all Coloradans through excellent programming and purposeful, thoughtful community engagement – even in the toughest of economic times. We are weathering challenging storms, but our network remains strong. We are charting an innovative course that will make us a leader and community resource for all of Colorado. With the proliferation of cable and the Internet, television permeates American homes more than ever before. What makes us distinct from our commercial media counterparts is that we are single-minded in our goal to be a positive force in peoples’ lives, and we take our obligation to our viewers personally. We work hard 3 RMPBS.ORG to entertain by providing award-winning, commercialfree programming, to educate and, most importantly, to reach out and help, to make a difference in the lives of Coloradans. In this spirit, we have many exciting programs and events coming to you in the next few years: more informative documentaries such as those directed by Ken Burns, more renowned children’s programming, more illuminating content from around the globe. We are much more than a traditional television station. We are also a convener and connector of people – a role we are proud to play – and our services extend far beyond the TV screen or computer monitor. Examples of this abound. As a result of our partnerships with KUSA-TV and KUNC and KUVO public radio Our job is not to get the highest ratings, but to have the highest impact on lives through quality programming and community engagement that focuses on the best we all can be. stations in producing Facing the Mortgage Crisis, we are now one of the top information sources in the state for people seeking to stave off foreclosure. We have conducted many town hall meetings, expert panels, preview screenings, telephone hotlines and blogs regarding health care, the environment and education. We offer a Spanish language ROCKY MOUNTAIN PBS membership of 60,000, our ratings have increased, and our community presence and interaction is unique in broadcasting. Our challenge is to continue to thrive in this economic climate and to convert more of our viewers into active donors. We will RMPBS President and CEO, be focusing our energy Douglas M. Price on this challenge in the coming year: the stronger network known as V-me. We hold our financial foundation, the a free Kids Fun Fest for Colorado better we will serve all Coloradans children and their families each year. in a variety of meaningful and The 2009 theme? “Healthy Children, hands-on ways. Healthy Planet.” We offer these events and activities across our state, What we continue to see from so made possible through our valued many of our viewers, and what keeps affiliates in Colorado Springs/ us energized and committed, are the Pueblo, Grand Junction, Steamboat countless expressions of appreciation Springs and Durango. and gratitude for what we do at RMPBS. It is humbling. This year, one Through careful management and viewer left us a bequest of $100, strategic planning, we have been which represented a significant able this year to accomplish more, portion of her estate. Although it was far more, with less. We have a robust a small amount by some standards, 2009 COMMUNITY REPORT to us it meant everything. It told the world how much we meant to that particular viewer. It was a final expression of thanks. Its true value? Priceless. We at RMPBS believe that we all have certain immutable rights and needs, including the innate desire to know and understand the world around us. We have the ability to help make that happen. Our job is not to get the highest ratings, but to have the highest impact on lives through quality programming and community engagement that focuses on the best we all can be. We strive to be enabling and ennobling, to partner with all Coloradans in our collective responsibility to make the world a better place. Douglas M. Price Rocky Mountain PBS President & CEO Talk To Us! We want to hear what you think about our new direction. E-mail us at leadership@ rmpbs.org. RMPBS.ORG 4 2009 Highlights Our Kids, Our Future The PBS commitment to America’s children has long been lauded, and today’s block of children’s programming is more treasure-laden than ever. Numerous studies have shown that PBS children’s programming helps prepare youngsters for school and build literacy skills. Research has also shown that parents consider the network a “safe haven,” the trusted place where kids can be kids. Renowned programs such as “Sesame Street” and newer programs like “SuperWhy!” continue to captivate our youngest viewers and help them grow and explore the wonder-filled world around them. Children’s Weekday Morning co-host SteveSongs 5 RMPBS.ORG On a local level, Rocky Mountain PBS reaches out to Colorado kids through such innovative programs as StoryMakers, an annual creative writing contest for middle school students, and Super School News, which is celebrating its 30th anniversary season as the awardwinning elementary school news program written and produced by Colorado fifth and sixth graders. We are also proud to offer creditearning professional development opportunities for Colorado teachers through PBS TeacherLine. And, specifically targeting families with young children, we offer Ready To Learn workshops, teaching parents how to maximize the benefits of children’s programming that builds literacy skills and media literacy. We also put on the biggest free party of the year for Colorado families! Our 2009 Kids Fun Fests in Denver and Grand Junction, themed “Healthy Kids, Healthy Planet,” drew more than 6,000 people! Colorado State of Mind: Facing The Mortgage Crisis Today’s financial crisis has hit every economic layer of our state. Many people who are falling behind financially are people who have done everything right. But life events like job loss, divorce or illness – events that in a strong economy might have been surmountable – have left thousands of households at risk of foreclosure. Indeed, foreclosures are at historic highs in our state. Throughout the summer and fall of 2009, Rocky Mountain PBS, in partnership with KUNC-FM, community radio for Northern Colorado, and KUVO-FM, Denver’s jazz and public radio station, joined forces with the Colorado Foreclosure Hotline to direct Coloradans at risk of foreclosure to information and resources in their community. Coloradans by offering a map of sorts that led to a realistic and positive conclusion. We broadcast a special episode of “Colorado State of Mind,” aired public service announcements on-air and on our website, held phone banks partnering with Denver’s KUSA 9News, helped connect people to reliable help and promoted homeownership workshops statewide. The difference we made was clear. According to data collected by the Colorado Foreclosure Hotline, RMPBS has become one of the top five referral sources for the Hotline. Over the past year, hundreds of Colorado families have received help through the Facing the Mortgage Crisis initiative. Our work in this arena reflects precisely what RMPBS strives to be: a community resource and asset, a source for trusted, accurate information, a partner and a friend. We wanted to make a concrete difference in the lives of struggling ROCKY MOUNTAIN PBS 2009 COMMUNITY REPORT Living Streets & Going Green In conjunction with the national PBS program “Blueprint America,” RMPBS took some time in 2009 to explore the concept of what “neighborhood” means in this new millennium. “Blueprint America” focused on the challenges our decaying national infrastructure is facing, and chose Denver as one of four cities to focus on. This led us to take a local look at how Colorado’s cities and towns could be improved, primarily from the standpoints of safety and enhanced “livability.” We partnered with an initiative sponsored by the city of Denver called “Living Streets” and, with their help, produced several on-air pieces introducing our viewers (and perennial explorers) to ways to make neighborhoods safer and more livable – particularly with respect to transportation, public health, sustainability, economic development and pedestrian and bicycle safety issues. We also created a section on our website called “Green Living,” offering blogs, green tips and resources, articles on sustainability and a calendar of green events statewide. Explore More. rmpbs.org “Denver’s Changing Neighborhoods” explored urban growth and infrastructure. rmpbs.org/green RMPBS.ORG 6 Our National Parks One of the highlights for RMPBS in 2009 was the broadcast of Ken Burns’ new six-part documentary, “The National Parks: America’s Best Idea.” This stunning 12-hour film took Americans to the country’s national parks, not only exposing their breathtaking beauty but also detailing their history and what they mean to us today. In the leadup to the September broadcast, Burns came to Denver and, through the outreach efforts of RMPBS, participated in several …the most beautiful program ever to air on American television. –Orlando Sentinel 7 RMPBS.ORG screenings and community events. In addition, fall screenings held at Colorado landmarks such as the Colorado Chautauqua National Historic Landmark in Boulder and Rock Ledge Ranch next to Garden of the Gods in Colorado Springs, as well as the historic Avalon Theatre in Grand Junction, drew thousands of people. Burns also met with Colorado students to impress on them not only the glory of the parks, but also the opportunities they afford for future careers. Rocky Mountain PBS partnered with Environmental Learning for Kids (ELK), a local nonprofit organization, to offer youth service-learning trips to Mesa Verde and Rocky Mountain National Parks. Together we helped dozens of urban high school students experience firsthand the beauty of our national parks and learn the importance of environmental stewardship. This project symbolized to RMPBS the best of what public television has to offer. Not only was the film beautiful, informative and compelling, but it also provided the perfect springboard to engage Coloradans in active conversation about what our parks mean to us. How the West Was Camped To shine a spotlight on our local natural treasures, Rocky Mountain PBS produced “How the West Was Camped,” an exploration of Colorado’s parks from a car-camper/ RV perspective. RMPBS ran a photo contest seeking snapshots from park lovers with voting by our audience across the state. “How the West Was Camped” developed a strong following of outdoor enthusiasts with a quirky sense of humor and the desire to do it all and see it all on a shoe-string budget. ROCKY MOUNTAIN PBS Examining Health Care While the country has been embroiled in the national health care debate, RMPBS has devoted itself to improving access to health care for all Coloradans. In conjunction with the broadcast of “Sick Around America,” RMPBS held multiple screenings around the state with expert panel discussions around the topic of health care reform. We also held multiple digital storytelling workshops around people’s health care experiences, offering the chance for Coloradans to share their stories about their personal health care journeys and frustrations with the system. Along with education, our troubled economy and the environment, health care is one of the principal ongoing areas of concern for RMPBS, and the network is committed to being a part of the dialogue and furthering the exchange of practical information 2009 COMMUNITY REPORT and innovative ideas in our community. In addition to frequent online and inperson conversations and debate, as well as informational phone banks providing callers with health care resources, we have also dedicated several episodes of our weekly public affairs program, “Colorado State of Mind,” to the topic. We believe it is this dialogue between constituents that will ultimately lead to the creation of meaningful solutions and a sense of community for all. “Critical Condition” explored health care access in America. Our engagement work on health care is made possible by the generous support of The Colorado Trust and The Colorado Health Foundation. Digital Storytelling workshops empowered RMPBS viewers to share their stories. RMPBS.ORG 8 Our Pledge to the Community Explore More. rmpbs.org We have talked a lot in the preceding pages about our awardwinning programming and about our response to some of the difficult issues of our time. We have worked hard to join programming with community engagement to better serve our viewers. In addition to reaching out with help and information, we also take time to celebrate, and to honor the people and programs that set RMPBS apart. Here are just a few examples: Be More Award Recipient Dr. Thomas Sutherland 9 RMPBS.ORG 2009 NewsMakers Luncheon and Be More Award featuring Judy Woodruff and award recipient, Thomas Sutherland Super School News 30th Anniversary Season The longest-running, locally produced program on Channel 6, Super School News exposes fifth and sixth graders to a career in broadcasting. Students take turns in the anchor chair, behind the camera and writing scripts before presenting the finished product to their classmates. The guest of honor at this annual event was PBS NewsHour correspondent and anchor Judy Woodruff. Woodruff wowed the bipartisan crowd by reminding everyone in attendance just what makes PBS the national treasure it is! Professor Thomas Sutherland, best known for enduring years of captivity in Beirut, was honored for his inspiration, courage and service to the community. In addition to serving on the RMPBS Board of Directors, Sutherland is also involved in many community projects, both with his time and his financial support. Sutherland was celebrated at a luncheon attended by hundreds as RMPBS shined a deserving spotlight on one of our state’s most heroic and generous citizens. Matchwits “Matchwits,” produced by Rocky Mountain PBS station KTSC-TV in Pueblo, is a weekly, high school academic quiz program that is hosted by KOAA-TV weatherman Craig Eliot. Colorado State of Mind Community Cinema “Colorado State of Mind” is an Emmy award-winning, 30-minute weekly public affairs program produced entirely by Rocky Mountain PBS. Aimed at a statewide audience, the show consists of a roundtable conversation led by journalist and moderator Cynthia Hessin. Typically, three guests are in the studio and one participates via live remote from one of our affiliated stations across the state. Each week the show focuses on issues of importance to Coloradans, from education and health care to immigration issues, the economy and the environment. In addition, the show is streamed on our website, along with a library of previous editions, and there is always an active online conversation going on about the issues of the week. Join the conversation at rmpbs.org/stateofmind. With its wealth of original documentaries and films, it is only fitting that RMPBS is involved in a community cinema program. Held on college campuses, public libraries and other meeting places, members of our audience have the opportunity to screen upcoming documentaries, sometimes meeting with the films’ directors and/or producers after the screening. These screenings are regularly filled to capacity and have become a popular part of the RMPBS culture. It is our pledge that we will continue to convene Coloradans around all aspects of life in our state; we will celebrate milestones; and we will collaborate on tough decisions and changing times. Deliberative, useful and civil dialogue is our goal. Explore More. rmpbs.org ROCKY MOUNTAIN PBS 2009 COMMUNITY REPORT RMPBS.ORG 10 Your Pledge to Rocky Mountain PBS and Laura Sampson Renew, Join, Pledge & Buzz What Makes Them Do It: Volunteer Now! A Testimonial You can help support what we do at RMPBS by becoming a member, renewing your existing membership and by making a cash or car donation. Visit rmpbs.org/support and connect with our membership department today. When you become a member of Rocky Mountain PBS, you can choose from a number of thank-you gifts. When you pledge without receiving a thank-you gift, 100% of your dollars support Rocky Mountain PBS programs. Pat Hoeft, president of the RMPBS Volunteer Board and volunteer since 1983. Pledge Online» 11 RMPBS.ORG Want to stretch your gift dollars? Join your company’s matching gift program and you can double or even triple your tax deductible contribution to Rocky Mountain PBS. Having served more than 10,000 volunteer hours each, Buzz and Laura Sampson have built a career out of volunteering and, along the way, they helped build a television network, too. In these difficult economic times, Rocky Mountain PBS has been particularly lucky to retain a small army of willing workers, people who donate their time and money because they are passionate about public television. The Sampson family – Buzz, Laura, Matt, Adam and John – are just one family who show the power of putting a belief system into action. For RMPBS, theirs has been the gift that has kept on giving – as critical to the station as electricity and talent. From the beginning, in 1974, there was little that Buzz and Laura weren’t willing to sink their teeth into. When there was a need, they stepped up, regardless of whether the task was big or small. And, as they said in a recent interview, they were always inspired and challenged by the level of responsibility with which they were entrusted. One of the biggest jobs Laura accepted was running the station’s annual fundraising auction for three years. This was a monumental undertaking, overseeing 5,000 volunteers each year and thousands of donations – including homes and automobiles – during nine days of live television. Laura also served as Volunteer Board President for three years and held a seat on the station’s governing board of directors for six years. Laura is a member of the Cornerstone Cabinet and she and Buzz have been members of the Cornerstone Society for 12 years. The Sampson Family Foundation is a financial underwriter for Super School News, the station’s longestrunning, locally produced program ROCKY MOUNTAIN PBS Its biggest value is in its truthfulness, its lack of bias. We, as a society, have to appreciate this and support it as a national treasure. We can’t just let it go away. which exposes fifth and sixth graders to careers in television. Laura is also a trustee of the National Friends of Public Broadcasting (NFPB) and says this work has further heightened her appreciation for our local effort. “It’s amazing to see what a star we are in the skies of national PBS.” Although Laura is proud of these many volunteer accomplishments, she says she is most gratified by the creation of Station Archived Memories (SAM), 2009 COMMUNITY REPORT a system she built, with Buzz’s help, to preserve the station’s history. “I am an ideas person and he makes it work,” she noted with a smile. The complex process, which was funded by a $120,000 grant from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting based on a proposal she wrote, took years to implement and continues today. To date, more than 10,000 documents, pieces of memorabilia and 30,000 photos have been scanned and archived, in addition to nearly 150 oral histories. Laura has received awards for SAM’s innovation and it has been duplicated in PBS stations across the country. When asked where this passion for public television stems from, both are quick to reply. Says Buzz, “This is television without bias.” He adds, “It goes right down the middle. There are shows on this network that don’t exist anywhere else. From “Nova” to the news, you learn from this network. It’s built for learners of all ages.” Laura agrees. “Its biggest value is in its truthfulness, its lack of bias,” she says. “We, as a society, have to appreciate this and support it as a national treasure. We can’t just let it go away.” Pledge Online» RMPBS has long realized that the work of our generous volunteer force is the backbone of the station – and that has never been truer than now. The Sampsons are but one example of how volunteer dedication and/or financial support can literally shape and expand what goes out over the airwaves. They have helped build this station block by block and, in so doing, they have shined their own bright light on the cultural and educational landscape of Colorado. Buzz and Laura Samspon clowning around! RMPBS.ORG 12 Thank You For Your Support We are proud and honored to say that more than 67,000 individuals donated to RMPBS in 2009. While we are unable to list every name, we want to thank each and every person and organization who contributed to RMPBS. No gift is too small, each gift is appreciated and it is not an exaggeration to say we could not do it without your support. Thank you! Executive Producers Club: $5,000-$9,999 President’s Club: $10,000-$24,999 Ms. Raydean Acevedo Mrs. G. Diane Adams Mr. Heman Adams Mrs. Patricia Adams Ms. Michelle Alford Mrs. Joan Alyea Mr. Keith Andrews Mrs. Debra Andrews Ms. Eleanor Annable Apple Foundation Inc Mr. Wayne Ardinger Mrs. Naomi Ardinger Ms. Elizabeth Armstrong Mr. Jim Atkinson Mr. James Foster Mr. Harley Higbie Mrs. Lorraine Higbie Singer Family Foundation Mr. Frank Walsh Mrs. Gloria Walsh Dr. Edna Webster Mrs. Elizabeth Wiegers Mr. George Wiegers 13 RMPBS.ORG Dr. William Bernstein Dr. Paula Bernstein Billie B Gaskill Irrevocable Trust Mr. Peter Grant Mrs. Rhondda Grant Hewit Family Foundation Mrs. Amy Lawton Mr. John Lawton Mr. John Lohre Mrs. Mary Lohre Louis & Harold Price Foundation Mrs. Betsy Luce Mr. Peter Luce Mrs. Joyce Luff Mr. Kenneth Luff Mr. J. Douglas Shand Cornerstone Society: $1,000-$4,999 Mr. H. Gregory Austin Mrs. Deanna Austin Mr. Gary Autrey Ms. Cynthia Babish Mr. Herbert Bacon Mrs. Laura May Bacon Mr. Wolfgang Baeck Mrs. Janet Baeck Dr. Richard Bakemeier Mrs. Alice Bakemeier Col. Boyd Baldauf Mrs. Ethyl Baldauf Mr. Dennis Baldwin Mrs. Barbara Baldwin Mr. Jeff Baldwin Mr. Michael Baldwin Mrs. Priscilla Baldwin Mr. Michael Barish Mrs. Joyce Barish Ms. Harriet Barker Mr. Paul Barru Mrs. Sara Jane Barru Mr. Mary Bates Mrs. Nathaniel Bates Mrs. Karen Beauvais Ms. Barbara Benedict Mr. James Benedict Mrs. Audrey Benedict Ms. Carolyn Benoit Dr. Barry Berlin Ms. LaFawn Biddle Billie B Gaskill Irrevocable Trust Mrs. Elise Billingsly Mr. Lawrence Black Mr. Peter Blair Mr. Dennis Blum Mrs. Lynn Blum Mr. Fred Blume Mrs. Gullvi Blume Mr. Mike Bock Mrs. Julie Bock Mr. Patrick Bolick Mrs. Nicole Bolick Mr. Robert Bond Mrs. Kathy Bond Mr. Paul Bortz Mrs. Judith Bortz Mr. Donald Boyd Mrs. Margaret Boyd Ms. Margaret Bozarth Mrs. Diana Braden Mr. Clarence Bremmer Mrs. Lise Brinton Mrs. Veda Brophy Mr. Maurice Brown Dr. Elaine Brush Mr. John Brush Mr. Art Bryant Ms. Barbara Bryant Dr. Robert Buchanan Ms. Patricia Butler Ms. Eileen Byrne Mrs. Kathleen Campbell Ms. Amy Carder Mr. James Cargill Mrs. Susan Cargill Mr. Henry Catto Mrs. Jessica Catto Centimark Ceres Foundation Mr. Blake Chambliss The Charles Schwab Corporation Foundation Ms. Barbara Cheney Mrs. Mimi Chenoweth Ms. Sharon Clarkson Mr. Montgomery Cleworth Mr. Bruce Clinton Mrs. Martha Clinton Mr. James Cohig Mrs. Toni Cohig Ms. Erin Colcannon The Colorado Trust Mr. Thomas Congdon Mrs. Noel Congdon Mr. Bobby Conley Mrs. Jacqueline Conley Connie Burwell White & William White Foundation Mr. Jerry Conover Cook Street Consulting, Inc. Dr. David Cordes Mrs. Diane Cordes Ms. Martha Davis Ms. Stasia Davison Mr. David Dawson Ms. Karen Dawson Denver Foundation Mr. Bruce Dickinson Mrs. Donna Dickinson Mr. Mark Dickson Mrs. Katharine Dickson Donnell-Kay Foundation Mr. Michael Dowling Mr. Mancourt Downing Mrs. Sybil Downing Mr. James Downton Mrs. Mary Downton Mr. Jack Draman Mrs. Joann Draman Ms. Carol Dreselly Mr. Gary Drews Ms. Maud Duke Ms. Katherine Duncan Mr. Walter Duncan Mrs. Mary Ruth Duncan Mr. Lammot duPont Mrs. Mary Ebrahimi Ms. Jeannie Eckenrode Mrs. Nancy Eicher Dr. Theodore Eickhoff Mrs. Margaret Eickhoff Mr. Sherwood Elkind Mrs. Sandy Elliott Mr. Andee Erickson Mrs. Margaret Erickson Mr. Robert Fanch Mrs. Suzanne Fanch Mr. Walter Farnham Mr. Robert Fergus Mrs. Elizabeth Fergus Ms. Lois Ferguson ROCKY MOUNTAIN PBS Mr. David Ferguson Mr. Michael Flannery Flowe Foundation Mrs. Margaret Evans Foster Mr. Wayne Fowler Mrs. Trudy Fowler Mr. George Fritz Mrs. Alice Fritz Ms. Sasha Galbraith Dr. John Gallagher Mr. Jo Garrett Mrs. Josephine Garrett Ms. Elvira Gart Mr. Allan Gerrish Mrs. Gail Gerrish Mr. Thomas Gibson Mrs. Shirley Gibson Mr. Henry Gilbert Mrs. Patricia Giles Mr. John Gill Mrs. Mildred Gill Mr. Paul Gillis Ms. JoAnn Gillis Mr. J. Thomas Gilmore Ms. Patrice Gilmore Mr. Philip Golberg Mr. Art Gonzales Ms. Lorraine Gonzales Ms. Carolyn Grant Mrs. Helen Grant Mr. Joseph Graziano Mr. Leon Greos Mrs. Jean Greos Mr. Dennis Groeger Mr. Frederick Groth Mrs. Janice Groth Mr. Kenneth Gust Mr. James Hagen Mrs. Mary Hagen Mrs. Margaret Hainey Dr. Charles Hamlin Mrs. Linda Hamlin Mr. William Hankinson Mr. William Hardardt Mrs. Judith Hardardt Mr. Jeff Harding Mr. Martin Hart Ms. Doris Hass Mr. Eugene Hawkins Mr. Thomas Healy Mr. Michael Heitzmann Mr. Al Helmstaedter 2009 COMMUNITY REPORT Ms. Sherry Helmstaedter Mr. Donald Hembre Mrs. Carol Hembre Ms. Nancy Henderson Ms. Cynthia Herndon Mrs. Catherine Hess Hewit Family Foundation Mr. Robert Hickler Mrs. Verna Hildebrand Ms. Barbara Hirth Dr. Richard Hoffman Mr. James Holyfield Mrs. Martha Holyfield Mr. John Hudson Mrs. Helen Hudson Mrs. Rebecca Hudson Ms. Nancy Huff Mr. Alexander Hunter Mr. Richard Hutte Mr. Julian Huzyk Ms. Sandra Huzyk The Jackson H. Fenner Foundation Mr. William Jackson Ms. Jacqueline Jensen Ms. Karen Jensen Mr. Donald Johnson Mrs. Joan Johnson Ms. Jan Jones Ms. Nancy Joslyn Dr. Eleanore Judd Mr. E. James Judd Mrs. Beverly Kahn Mr. Jerry Kehle Mrs. Jacqueline Kehle Mr. Richard Kelly Ms. Bev Kerr Ms. Ethel Kessler Mr. Mike Kessler Mr. Jeremy Kinney Mrs. Holly Kinney Mr. Richard Kipper Mrs. Marianne Kipper Mrs. Phyllis Klein Mr. Philip Kleinsmith Mrs. Margaret Kleinsmith Ms. Sheila Kowal Mr. Robert Krenz Mrs. Katalin Krisch Mrs. Naomi Kuhlman Ms. Virginia Kuzemchak Mr. Farzin Lalezari Ms. Victoria Lamb Mr. Mick Laurita Mrs. Rosemary Laurita Ms. Michelle Laylor Ms. Ann Lederer Mr. Fred Lees Mrs. Marilyn Lees Ms. Carole Leight Mr. Bernard Levinger Mrs. Lory Levinger Ms. Nancy Levinger Ms. Nanci Limbach Mr. Ronald Loser Mrs. Jeri Loser Louis & Harold Price Foundation Mrs. Anne Lungerhausen Mr. H. John Lyke Mr. Harley Lyons Mrs. Gail Lyons Dr. Gladys Martin Mr. Harry Massey Ms. Kathlien Massey Mr. J Neil McLagan Mrs. Evelyn McLagen Mr. Michael McLaughlin Mrs. Michael McLaughlin Mrs. Ellen McQuillan Ms. Louise McWilliams Mr. Paul Mesard Mr. Steven Meyer Mrs. Anne Meyer Mr. Patrick Meyers The Miller Foundation Ms. C. J. Moore Mr. Bryan Morgan Ms. Axson Morgan Mr. David Mosberger Ms. Ning Mosberger-Tang Mr. Willis Moss Ms. Evelyn Moss Mrs. Jean Muirhead Mr. Neil Mulholland Mrs. Feona Mulholland Mr. Robert Musgraves Mr. Darcy Myers Mr. Richard Nash Dr. Ruth Nauts Mrs. Virginia Newton Ms. Lois Niemann Mrs. Faye O’Brien Mr. Bill Ohs Ms. Patricia Palmer Ms. Allison Palmer Ms. Barbara Parry Ms. Susan Paulien Mr. Max Peeters Mrs. Lilian Peeters Ms. Debra Perry Mr. Ben Peternell Mrs. Pam Peternell Petrie Family Foundation The Pioneer Fund Mr. Douglas Price Mrs. Hazel Stevens Price Mr. John Price Mrs. Brenda Price Mrs. Carolyn Prinster Ms. Joan Prusse Mrs. Jane Rainbolt Raphael Levy Memorial Foundation Mr. Robert Rawlings Dr. Tom Reiley Mrs. Linda Cobb Reiley Mrs. Mary Reisher Mr. Robert Rich Mrs. Myra Rich Mr. Michael Roads Mrs. Debra Roads Ms. Gay Roane Robert E. & Anne T. Sneed Family Foundation Mrs. Marlene Roberts Mr. David Robertson Mrs. Janet Robertson Mr. Richard Robinson Mrs. Marcia Robinson Mr. Frank Robinson Mrs. Suzie Robinson Ms. Anne Ross Lyon Mr. Phil Rothblum Mrs. Marcia Rothblum Mr. George Arthur Rudeseal Ms. Mary Ann Rudeseal Ms. Carol Rudolph Mr. Buzz Sampson Mrs. Laura Sampson Dr. Richard Sanders Mrs. Jo Ann Sanders Mrs. Suzanne Sanderson Ms. Laura Saye Ms. Mary Schadler The Schlessman Family Foundation Mr. Pete Schmid Mr. Hubert Schmidt Mrs. Margot Schmidt Dr. Ron Schmiermund Mr. Owen Schooler Mrs. Joan Schooler Mr. Jim Schumacher Ms. Carolyn Sears Mr. Jeremy Shamos Mrs. Susan Shamos Mr. Samuel Sharp Mrs. Michelin Sharp Mr. Warren Sheridan Mrs. Susan Sheridan Mr. Moras Shubert Mrs. Erne Shubert Mrs. Ruth Silver Singer Family Foundation Mr. George Sissel Mrs. Mary Sissel Mr. Sidney Skirvin Mrs. Shirley Skirvin Ms. Enid Slack Mr. Rod Slifer Mrs. Beth Slifer Ms. Melony Smith Mr. Mayo Sommermeyer Mrs. Barbara Sommermeyer Mr. Joseph Sprague Mrs. Gretchen Sprague Ms. Esther Starrels Mr. Peter Stevenson Mrs. P. Stillman Mr. George Stone Ms. Mary Beth Susman Mr. Dennis Swanson Ms. Joyleen Swanson Mr. Jim Swanson Ms. Sue Swanson Mr. Joe Talty Mrs. Eileen Talty Mr. Peter Taylor Mrs. Marilyn Taylor Mrs. Lillian Thompson Ms. Nancy Thompson Ms. Charlotte Timme Mr. Dennis Trescott Mrs. Joanna Trescott Mr. James Turner Mrs. Lula Turner Mr. Kyle Turner Mrs. Bev Turner Mr. Jane Tuttle Mr. Arthur Tyrrell Ms. Rhoda Ushida RMPBS.ORG 14 Mr. Kevin Vollmer Ms. Maeve Vollmer Sis. Monique Vredeveld Mrs. Ilene Wagner Mr. Joe Wagner Mrs. Judi Wagner Mr. Eldo Wall Mrs. Ardythe Wall Mr. James Wallace Mrs. Lucy Wallace Mr. Frank Walsh Mrs. Gloria Walsh Mr. Robert Wandel Mrs. Margie Wandel Mr. John Wasserman Mr. Larned Waterman Mr. Steve Watson Mrs. Lenna Watson Mr. Howard Weatherhead Mr. John Welles Mrs. Barbara Welles Ms. Teresa Whelan Mr. David Wilhelm Williams Family Foundation Ms. Margaret Williamson Ms. Nancy Wilson Ms. Mary Wingate Winograd Family Fund Dr. Thomas Winter Mr. Richard Winton Mr. Edwin Wolff Mrs. Mary Wolff Ms. Jacquelyn Wonder Mrs. Sue Wooding Mr. Steve Wrestler Dr. John Wright Ms. Helen Wyatt Mr. Alan Zacharias Mrs. Joyce Zeff Mr. H. Rolan Zick Broadcaster’s Circle: $500- $999 Mr. Perry Abbott Mr. Jack Achatz Mrs. Helen Achatz Ms. Jami Andy Acker Mr. Ethan Acosta Mr. Bernard Adams 15 RMPBS.ORG Mrs. Natalie Adams Mr. Michael Altenberg Ms. Joanne Amter Roll Ms. Christine Anderson Mr. David Anderson Mrs. Carol Anderson Mr. Mark Anderson Mr. Robert Anderson Mr. John Andrews Ms. Maryann Andrews Dr. David Arnett Dr. Andy Arnold Mrs. Rebecca Arnold Mr. Robert Arnold Mr. Allen Auten Ms. Mary Auten Mrs. Mary Ayers Ms. Mary Bachran Mrs. Dorothy Baker Mrs. Rosemary Baring Mrs. Izorah Barrett Mr. Gary Bartlett Mr. David Baswell Mrs. Bonnie Baswell Mr. James Beall Mrs. Dara Beall Mr. George Becker Mrs. Irene Becker Ms. Daphne Behlen Mr. Robert Belcher Ms. Olive Belcher Mr. Monroe Bell Mrs. Sonja Bell Mr. Richard Belt Mr. David Bernardic Mrs. Esther Beynon Mr. Kreighton Bieger Mr. Richard Billings Mrs. Judy Billings Ms. Betty Bingham Mr. Peter Birkeland Mrs. Suzanne Birkeland Mr. Paul Blanchette Mrs. Jean Blanchette Mr. William Blazek Mr. Robert Blizard Mrs. Frances Blizard Mr. William Boast Mrs. Mary Boast Mr. Stephen Boelter Mr. Dwight Bogan Mr. John Bollenbacher Mrs. Martha Bollenbacher Ms. Libby Bortz Dr. Thomas Boschen Mrs. Ginny Boschen Ms. Phillis Bowers Mr. Richard Bradley Mrs. Dorothy Bradley Mrs. Marjorie Braisted Ms. Marjorie Braisted Mr. Everett Brent Ms. Ellen Brettell Ms. Herbert Brettell Mr. Victor Bridgman Mrs. Suzan Bridgman Mr. Norman Brinkhaus Mrs. Paula Brodin Mrs. Bonnie Brown Mr. Hugh Brown Mrs. Joyce Brown Mr. William Brown Mrs. Margie Brown Mr. Tim Bryan Mr. Anthony Burczyk Ms. Arlene Bush Mr. Richard Bush Ms. Jean Butler Mr. Joe Butler Mrs. Wanee Butler Mr. Mary Butz Mr. Ronald Butz Mrs. Marilyn Caduff Mr. Charles Cairns Ms. Deborah Cairns Mr. Grady Caraway Ms. Debora Cardinelli Mr. Frank Cardoza Mr. Laurent Carrier Mr. Charles Carroll Mrs. Trish Carroll Ms. Marcalee Carroll Mr. John Carter Mr. John Chambers Mr. Dean Cinocco Dr. Henry Claman Ms. Janet Claman Mr. Donald Clarke Mr. Darren Cloud Mr. Pete Coggan Mrs. Caroline Coggan Ms. Helga Cole Mr. Trent Cole Mrs. Kathy Cole Mr. Malcolm Collier Ms. Karen Combs Mr. Jesse Conti Mr. Richard Cooke Ms. Marcia Corbin Mrs. Virginia Cortes Mr. Ryan Cottle Ms. Heidi Cottle Mr. Tom Cousins Ms. Diane Cousins Mrs. Lucille Cowell Ms. Pauline Cowell Mrs. Laura Cowles Mr. Frank Cox Mr. J. Lester Crain Mrs. Brenda Crain Mr. William Crain Ms. Ellie Crain Dr. Ann Crampton Mrs. Virgina Cranor Ms. Caroline Crawford Ms. Constance Crocker Mr. Michael Crocker Ms. Susan Crocker Mrs. Sara Crowner Ms. Diane Cunningham Mr. Ivan Curley Mrs. Phyllis Curley Mr. Henry Curtis Ms. Kimberly Curtis Mr. John Czingula Mrs. Jane Dahlstrom-Quinn Ms. Kathleen Daily Mr. Frank Daniel Mrs. Ilse Daniel Mr. Tom Darrah Ms. Jill Darrah Ms. Mary Ellen Davidson Ms. Agnes Davis Ms. Julia Davis Mr. Peter Debrunner Mrs. Sigrid Debrunner Ms. Mary Deen Mr. Jack Deeter Ms. Judith Defusco Mr. Arthur Delaney Mr. Joel Dembinsky Mrs. Janet Dembinsky Mr. Mark Dembosky Ms. Doris Dembosky Mr. Bob Denning Mrs. Kate Denning Mr. James Denoo Mr. Eli Diamant Ms. Adil Diamant Mrs. Kathryn Dieterich-Rirup Mr. James Dikeou Mrs. Joann Dikeou Mr. Bruce Dines Mrs. Dorothy Dines Ms. Carolyn Djernes Mr. Richard Doucette Ms. Christine Doucette Ms. Sheila Draper Mr. Frederic Duboc Mrs. Susan Duboc Ms. Merle Dullieen Ms. Sylvia Dunham-Polinski Mr. John Dunsmoor Mr. Loyal Durand Mrs. Bernice Durand Ms. Betty Jean Durke Mr. Ken Dvorak Mr. David Earnshaw Mrs. Jean Earnshaw Mr. Glen Eash Ms. Betty Ela Mr. Clarence Ellebracht Mrs. Sharron Ellebracht Mr. Dan Ellison Mrs. Dan Ellison Ms. Susan Elmore Mr. J. Enyeart Mrs. Kathy Enyeart Mr. Dean Ericson Mrs. Judy Ericson Mr. Stephen Erkenbrack Mrs. Tiffany Ernemann Mr. Peter Ewing Mrs. Maryjean Ewing Mr. Dean Farringer Mrs. Julia Farringer Mr. Harley Ferguson Mrs. Joan Ferguson Mrs. Vicee Ficklin Ms. Beverly Fields Ms. Patricia Forbes Ms. Sheila Fortune Mr. Lloyd Fosdick Mrs. Phyllis Fosdick Ms. Jennifer Fowler Ms. Jan Francis Ms. Sue Frank Mr. Peter Frechette ROCKY MOUNTAIN PBS Mr. Don Frederick Ms. Pat Frederick Mr. Nolan Frederick Mrs. Gwen Frederick Freeman Family Foundation Mr. Charles Freise Ms. Becky Friend Mr. James Fugere Mrs. Marlene Fugere Ms. Leslie Gadd Mr. Robert Gair Mrs. Helen Gair Mr. James Gallagher Ms. Joan Gantzel Ms. Debra Gardner Mr. George Gastis Mrs. Laura Gastis Ms. Suzann Gavlin-Cluff Ms. Jeannette George Mrs. Anne Gibson Mr. Gary Giles Mr. Roy Gill Mrs. Betsy Gill Mrs. Diana Gillanders Mr. David Gillespie Mrs. Betty Gillespie Ms. Emily Girault Mr. Steve Golden Mrs. Mona Goodwin Mr. John Gorman Mrs. Susan Gorman Ms. Louise Grauer Mr. Barbara Graves Ms. Carol Grever Ms. Alice Grey Mrs. Mary Griffith Mrs. Barbara Grimes Mr. Martin Gross Mr. Eric Grossman Mrs. Eric Grossman Mrs. Janis Grubb Mr. William Grunerwald Mrs. Dorothea Grunerwald Mr. Marvin Grusing Mrs. Georganna Grusing Ms. Elizabeth Hall Mr. Sam Hallett Mrs. Kathy Hallett Ms. Hilda Haman Mr. Kenneth Hammond Mr. Christopher Hanks Mrs. Nancy Hanks 2009 COMMUNITY REPORT Mr. Earl Hanna Mrs. Rhonda Hanna Mr. Gary Hansen Ms. Karen Hansen Mr. Robert Hansen Mrs. Lois Hansen Mr. Bob Hargis Mr. David Harper Ms. Sara Harper Dr. Hill Hastings Mrs. Bettie Hastings Ms. Louise Hausburg Ms. Thelma Haydon Mr. John Hayes Mrs. Carolee Hayes Mr. Charles Hazelrigg Mrs. Luanne Hazelrigg Ms. Denise Hebert Mr. Don Hefty Mr. Joe Heit Ms. Bobbie Heit Mr. John Henry Mr. Lawrence Herrington Mrs. P. Herrington Ms. Karen Hester Mr. Michael Hill Mrs. Ann Hill Dr. Mary Hill Mr. Richard Hiller Ms. Susan Hiller Ms. Joy Hilliard Mr. Harry Hinman Mr. Howard Hinshaw Dr. Howard Hobbs Mrs. Patricia Hobbs Ms. Nancy Hodges Ms. Virginia Hoeckele Mr. John Holt Ms. Marcia Holt Mr. Steve Holtze Mrs. Elizabeth Holtze Mrs. Pearl Holub Mr. Clifford Honda Ms. Christine Honnen Mr. John Horan Mrs. Joy Horan Ms. Carole Hottle Ms. Kaye Howe Dr. Margaret Howe Ms. Joanie Howland Mrs. Merry Jo Howland Mr. Charlie Huang Mrs. Patti Hueni Mr. R. Milton Huffaker Mr. Kent Hughes Ms. Janice Hughes Mr. Kirby Hughes Ms. Norma Hurd Ms. Jennifer Inge Mr. Thomas Isbell Ms. Marnette Isbell Mrs. Eleanor Isbill Mr. Frank Jackson Mr. David Jamieson Mr. Torsten Jess Mr. Grafton Jhung Mrs. Sue Jhung Ms. Gina Jiannetti Ms. Kelli Johnsen Mr. Chuck Johnson Mrs. Beverly Johnson Mr. Dale Johnson Mrs. Frandee Johnson Mr. Robert Johnson Mrs. Vicki Johnson Mr. Thomas Johnson Mr. Tom Johnson Mrs. Tom Johnson Ms. Virginia Johnson Mr. Thomas Johnston Ms. Allison Jones Mr. John Jones Ms. Evelyn Jones Mr. Peter Jones Mrs. Tandy Jones Dr. Don Jorgensen Ms. Jan Jorgensen Mrs. Robert Jorgensen Ms. Carla Joy Ms. Nancy Juday Mr. Herbert Kaplan Ms. Beatrice Kaplan Ms. Nancy Kearney Ms. Elizabeth Keay Ms. Iva Kelly Mr. Jack Kelly Mrs. Charlene Kelly Dr. Leon Kelly Ms. Lori Kelly Mr. Joseph Kelso Mrs. Francine Kelso Mr. Jay Kershaw Mr. Leo Kleiber Mr. James Kloverstrom Mr. Edward Knight Mrs. Sheryle Knight Dr. Albert Knott Mrs. Roberta Knott Ms. Joan Koch Mr. William Koopmann Mrs. Lauretta Koopmann Ms. Midge Korczak Mr. Charles Kovac Ms. Laura Kovac Mr. William Kreidler Ms. Kathy Kreidler Ms. Nancy Kremer Mr. Max Krey Mrs. Max Krey Mr. Jack Kring Mr. Hubert Krug Mrs. Laura Kuehster Mr. Thomas Kuhlman Dr. Robert Kulp Mrs. Arlene Kulp Mrs. Mary Ann Kundtz Ms. Elizabeth Labrot Ms. Kathleen Lance Mr. Terry Larrington Mrs. Melinda Larrington Mr. C. Nicholas Lee Mrs. Marian Leonard Mr. Rex Leonard Mrs. Mary Lewis Ms. Sandra Lillie Mrs. Donita Lindamood Mrs. Mary Liou-Caraway Mrs. Elizabeth Lock Mr. Vincent Loerich Mr. Hal Logan Mrs. Ann Logan Mrs. Kathy Loo Mrs. Theresa Lopez Ms. Marjorie Lord Mrs. Jane Love Mr. John Lowe Mrs. Carol Lowe Ms. Hope Lowry Ms. Ann Luce Mr. Daniel Lucy Mrs. Pat Lucy Mrs. Corda Maasdam Ms. Jill Mally Mr. Scott Manke Ms. Amy Martin Mr. Doug Marts Ms. Melissa Marts Mr. Bernard Matta Mr. James Mattoon Ms. Judith Mattoon Mrs. Alicia Matzinger Mr. Elwin Mauer Mrs. Shirley Mauer Mr. Ray May Mr. Wayne May Mrs. Wayne May Mr. Douglas Mayes Mr. John McCabe Mrs. Catherine McCabe Mrs. Cheryl McCallister Mr. Paul McCarthy Mr. James McCotter Ms. Carole McCotter Mr. Donald McCourt Mrs. Purnee McCourt Mr. Charles McDaniel Mr. Robert McIntyre Mrs. Joan McKenna Mrs. Heather McLaren Mr. Bruce McLaughlin Mrs. Taffy McLaughlin Mr. Francis McLean Mr. Mike McMillan Mrs. Laurie McMillan Mr. George Mead Ms. Cary Mead Ms. Lara Medley Mr. Louis Meister Mr. Thomas Meitzler Mrs. Lois Meitzler Mr. John Melby Mr. Albert Melcher Mrs. Rosemary Melcher Mr. Frank Melsheimer Mrs. Kathryn Melsheimer Mr. Michael Merriam Mrs. Pamela Meyers Merrill Mr. Alfred Metzger Mr. Roger Metzler Ms. Sarita Metzler Mr. George Miller Mrs. Jean Miller Mrs. Rhea Miller Ms. Anne Mitchell Mr. Gilbert Mochel Mr. Yank Mojo Mrs. Anne Mojo Mr. Eddie Montoya RMPBS.ORG 16 Mr. Charles Moore Mr. Marty Moore Ms. Pat Moore Dr. Taft Moore Ms. Margaret Moore Dr. Janet Morales Mr. Stanton Morrison Mrs. Maggie Morrissey Ms. Ana Morrow Mr. Troy Mortimer Mrs. Judith Morton Mountain Chalet-Aspen Mr. Jim Mountain Mrs. Joyce Mountain Mr. James Moylan Mr. Phillip Stcloud Ms. Linda Mulka Mr. Thomas Murawski Mrs. Emily Murawski Mr. James Murtha Mrs. Janice Myers Mr. Robert Nagel Ms. Jane Nagel Ms. Laura Najarian Mr. Charles Nash Mr. David Necker Ms. Anne Necker Mr. Charles Neinas Mr. Greg Nelson Mr. Pete Nelson Ms. Pete Nelson Nicholson Foundation, Inc Mr. Steven Oboler Mrs. Sylvia Oboler Ms. Peggy O’Brien Ms. Sally O’Brien Ms. Orla O’Callaghan Mr. Michael O’Connell Mr. Alan Ogden Mrs. Cecile Ogden Mr. John Oliphint Mrs. Ruth Oliphint Mr. Ed Oliver Ms. Martha Oliver Ms. Priscilla O’Neil Ms. Susan O’Neill Mr. Richard Osman Mrs. Jacqueline Osman Mr. Hal Osteen Oxy USA Inc Mrs. Patricia Pacey Ms. Hedy Page 17 RMPBS.ORG Mr. John Paige Mrs. Susan Paige Ms. Sandra Parker Ms. Carol Parsctich Ms. Gladys Parsons Mr. Ira Pasternack Mrs. Joanne Paterson Ms. Darlene Patterson Pearlstone Fund, Inc. Ms. Kirsten Peck Mrs. Marge Petersen Mr. Harvey Phelps Mrs. Adah Phelps Ms. Mary Phelps Mr. Kerry Phillips Mr. Richard Pillmore Mr. Ben Piper Ms. Bonnie Piper Dr. Frederick Plapp Mrs. Shirley Plapp Mr. Gene Plue Mrs. Martha Plue Mr. John Polinski Mr. John Popovich Mr. Walter Pounds Ms. Linda Pounds Mr. Joseph Prinser Mrs. Delia Prinster Mrs. Katie Propst Mr. Will Quinby Ms. Deb Quinby Mr. Donald Quinn Mr. Scott Rabinowitz Mr. Charles Rahe Mr. David Rainey Mrs. Jane Ramsey Ms. Judith Ramsey Mrs. Celia Rasor Mr. Omer Raup Ms. Phyllis Raup Mr. W. Nevell Razak Mrs. Ludelle Read Mr. Stephen Rector Mr. Robert Redwine Mr. Shannon Reed Mrs. Vivian Reed Ms. Nancy Regnier Mr. Jeff Reid Mrs. Mary Reid Mr. Thomas Reid Ms. Johanna Renouf Mrs. Jeanne Reporter Mrs. Margaret Ribbing Mr. Gene Rickard Mrs. Eloise Rickard Mr. Ray Rider Mrs. Susan Rider Rifkin Foundation Mr. Michael Roberts Mr. Philip Robertson Mrs. Marlys Robertson Mrs. Lois Robinson Ms. Susan Rocheleau Mr. David Roeder Mrs. Bea Roeder Mrs. Gayle Rogers Mrs. Diane Rohlman Mr. Donald Roll Mrs. Elna Romano Mr. Peter Romanyshyn Mrs. Betty Roos Mr. Walter Roth Mr. Gerald Rudolph Ms. Mary Runge Mrs. Clarice Rutherford Mr. Richard Rutz Mrs. Mary Rutz Mr. Arthur Sakakura Mr. Harry Salzberg Ms. Hedy Salzberg Mr. Duane Sanders Mr. Stephen Saul Mrs. Janie Saul Ms. Delores Schaffer Mr. Gordon Schieman Ms. Vreda Schieman Ms. Marian Schmid Mr. Dwight Schmidt Ms. Carol Schmidt Mr. Richard Schroeder Mrs. Marilyn Schroeder Mr. William Schumacher Mr. Ford Schumann Mrs. Susan Schumann Mr. Ron Searle Mrs. Sharon Searle Mr. Randall Secrest Mrs. Teri Secrest Mr. John Seman Ms. Pamela Seman Mr. Jerome Shain Ms. Kathryne Shannon Mr. Williams Sheets Mrs. Lara Sheets Mr. Kermit Shields Mrs. Elizabeth Shields Dr. Charles Shopfner Dr. Pearl Shopfner Mr. David Simmon Mrs. Joann Simmon Mr. Edward Simon Mrs. Jean Simon Mr. Gerald Simonson Mrs. C. Skinner Ms. Libby Skipper Ms. Barbara Slater Dr. J. Dungan Smith Ms. Loraine Smith Mrs. Marjorie Smith Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Smith Mr. Peter Smith Mrs. Pat Smith Mr. Ross Smith Mr. Walter Smith Ms. Doris Snell Ms. Virginia Snow Ms. Patricia Somerville Ms. Phyllis Sordelet Mr. John Spidell Mrs. Ruthann Spidell Ms. Eva Spitz Mr. John Springer Mrs. Karen Springer Ms. Tricia Springer Mr. Thomas Stanley Ms. Amenda Stanley Mr. John Stegner Mr. Richard Stenmark Mr. Jeffrey Stephenson Mrs. Wendy Stephenson Mr. Robert Sterrett Mrs. Renate Sterrett Ms. Nancy Stetson Mr. Robert Stollard Mr. Roger Stolz Mr. Dan Straley Dr. Wallace Sullivan Mrs. Wynona Sullivan Mr. John Suter Mrs. Effie Suter Mr. James Swenson Mr. Tim Swope Mrs. Patti Swope Mr. John Tafoya Mrs. Reyes Tafoya Mr. John Tarabino Mr. Joseph Tarabino Mr. James Taylor Mr. Norman Taylor Mr. Roy Teter Mr. John Tiernan Mr. Roy Tobias Mrs. Gunvor Tobias Mr. Michael Toughill Mrs. Paule Traylor Mrs. Kelli Tregemba Ms. Christine Treiber Mrs. Margaret Trible Dr. Andrzej Triebling Mr. John Trigg Mrs. Wendy Trigg Ms. Josefina Tuason Mr. Clyde Tucker Mrs. Clyde Tucker Mrs. Mona Tully Mrs. Diane Tunnell Ms. Christian Tupa Mr. Joanne Tyree Mr. William Tyree Mr. Leo Valdez Ms. Millye Van Dover Mrs. Mary Van Norman Mr. John Vance Mrs. Marion Vance Ms. Martha Vander Plaats Mrs. Katharine Varnes Mr. Walter Vieregg Ms. Betty Vieregg Ms. Joan Vislay Ms. Kallen Vonrenkl Mr. Dwayne Walker Mrs. Lori Walker Ms. Laura Wallenfels Mrs. Jane Wallower Mr. Jim War Mr. John Watson Ms. Carol Weale Mr. Russ Wehner Mrs. Margaret Wehner Mr. Wayne Wendell Mrs. Ilene Wendell Mr. William Wengert Mrs. Nancy Westland Mr. Eugene Wich Mrs. Maxine Wich Mr. James Wight Mrs. Ila Wight Mr. Bill Williams Mr. Earl Williams Ms. Phyllis Winnett Mr. Robert Witherington Mr. Dave Wollard Mr. Donald Wollenzien Ms. Jay Wollenzien Mr. Benjamin Wood Mrs. June Wood Mr. Willis Wood Mr. Ray Woodbury Mr. Phillip Woods Ms. Chris Woods Mr. King Woodward Mr. Dale Wright Ms. Debbie Writer Ms. Esther Wyatt Ms. Jody Wyatt Mr. Lou Wyman Mrs. Margie Yevara Mr. Gary Young Mrs. Grace Zabel Mrs. Wilma Zellitti Mrs. Anna Zielinski Ms. Linda Zinn Mr. Martin Zinn Ms. Mary Zinn 2009 COMMUNITY REPORT 2009 Network Underwriters and Program Supporters Acura AEG LIVE Alexander Dawson Alpine Bank Alzheimer’s Assoc. Colo. Chap American National Bank Amica Anschutz Family Foundation Arthur Murray Dance Studio Better Business Bureau Bonfils-Stanton Foundation Boulder Potter’s Guild Bright Horizons Business Incubator Center Butterfly Pavilion Caboose Hobbies Carrier Financial Services Cedars Edge Gallery Central City Opera Centura Chadwick, Steinkirchner, Davis Childrens Hospital Children’s Museum CO Home Finder College Outreach Arapahoe Comm. Colo. West Otolaryngolotist Colorado Academy Colorado Coalition for Homeless Colorado Division of Wildlife Colorado Housing & Finance Authority Colorado Railroad Museum Colorado Shakespeare Festival Colorado State University Colorado State University-Pueblo Colorado West Cosmetic & Plastic Comfort Dental Corporation of Public Broadcasting Creative Needle CSU-Pueblo Continuing Education Davis Partnership Architects Denver Antiques & Art Show Sale Denver Center Attractions Denver Water Denver Zoo Dex Media, Inc. Downtown Grand Junction Edward Jones – Dee Dee Robillard EKS & H El Pomar Encana/Energy Outreach Erickson Retirement Community Evraz Rocky Mountain Steel Excelsior Exempla/St. Josephs Fine Arts Foundation First National Bank of the Rockies Fort/Tesoro Foundation Gates Family Foundation Gateway Canyons Gay & Lesbian Fund for Colorado Glacier Club Grand Junction Economic Partnership Grand Junction Symphony Hart Music High Desert Opera Independent Television Service (ITVS) IMA/I have a dream Janus Capital Group JP Morgan Chase Foundation KAFM Radio Kaiser Permanente Kazoo & Company Keybank Light Full Foods Lil’ Biggs Manitou Springs Economic Development Marillac Clinic Midas Miller Financial Advisors Montgomery & Steward Funeral Dir. Munson’s Main Street Gallery Music in the Mountains Myers Sewing Machine CO. New Frontier Financial New Space Entertainment Opera Colorado David and Lucile Packard Foundation Palmer House Gallery Panera Bread Parkview Medical Center Power Credit Union PPI-MANA Primrose Schools Pueblo Bank & Trust Purl & Pottery Quality Custom Woodwork Queenslander International Tours Quilter’s Corner Ralph Schomp Automotive Rocky Mountain Orthodontics Rocky Mountain Orthopaedics Rocky Mountiain Cancer Centers S&S Optika San Isabel Electric Association Sangre de Cristo Arts Center Security Service Federal Credit Union Galen and Ada Belle Spencer Foundation St. Mary Land & Exploration Standard Renewable Energy Starr’s Guitars Sturm Family Foundation Sylvan Learning Centers Tagawa Gardens Tattered Cover Book Store Temple Family Private Foundation The AppleShed The Tennyson Center for Children Toyota Regional United Sales and Services University Park Care Center US Bank Foundation Virginia Hill Charitable Foundation Wells Fargo Western Chapter of COGA Western Rockies Federal Credit Union Wildlife Experience Wine Country Inn World Arena Xcel Energy Foundation Zephyr Of Grand Junction “Western Bounty” explores the art, culture and recreational opportunities of Western Colorado in this 1 1/2 minute interstitial format, underwritten by the Grand Junction Commission on Arts and Culture. RMPBS.ORG 18 Rocky Mountain Public Broadcasting Assets Network, Inc. Balance Sheet June 30 The financial statements have been audited by Ehrhardt Keefe Steiner & Hottman. Operating Expense Summary Personnel Program Acquisition Printing & Mail Building & Distribution Depreciation & Amortization Professional Services Premiums & Promotions Other 19 RMPBS.ORG 2009 Cash and Cash Equivalents $ 275,086 $ Accounts Receivable 804,884 Program Inventory 154,905 Prepaid and Other Expenses 189,673 Investments 10,518,888 Property and Equipment, Net 9,219,268 Goodwill, Net of Amortization 219,295 Other Assets 151,029 Total Assets $ 21,533,028 $ 2008 335,219 1,076,092 131,818 181,659 15,665,812 8,962,973 434,295 111,029 26,898,897 Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities Accounts Payable $ 525,393 $ 428,079 Accrued Expenses 375,007 250,321 Deferred Revenue 18,256 107,658 Obligation Under Charitable Gift Annuities 23,448 30,404 Obligation Under Capital Lease 121,728 167,593 Total Liabilities 1,063,832 984,055 Net Assets Unrestricted Undesignated 3,219,807 4,114,518 Board Designated 7,428,489 12,150,719 Investment in Property, Equipment and Goodwill 9,438,563 9,397,268 Total Unrestricted 20,086,859 25,662,505 Temporarily Restricted 210,000 80,000 Permanently Restricted 172,337 172,337 Total Net Assets 20,469,196 25,914,842 Total Liabilities and Net Assets $ 21,533,028 $ 26,898,897 ROCKY MOUNTAIN PBS 2009 Revenues and Support Contributions Membership $ 5,565,729 $ Underwriting 870,134 Other Gifts 500,817 Grants Community Service Grant-Corp. for Public Broadcasting 1,137,738 Other Grants 1,381,942 In-kind Donations 257,411 Auction 444,464 Service Fees and Rental 745,458 Other 124,494 Total Revenues and Support $ 11,028,187 $ 2008 5,695,927 782,376 359,270 1,020,438 1,492,668 206,223 574,690 442,166 164,386 10,738,144 Rocky Mountain Public Broadcasting Network, Inc. Statement of Activities For the Year Ended June 30 Sources of Support Operating Expenses Program Services Programming and Production $ 3,916,350 $ Broadcasting 3,381,845 Public Information 814,111 Total Program Services 8,112,306 Supporting Services Management and General 1,169,742 Fundraising and Development 2,601,974 Underwriting 261,761 Total Supporting Services 4,033,477 Depreciation and Amortization and Loss on Asset Disposal 1,481,866 Net Loss on Investments 2,846,184 Change in Net Assets (5,445,646) 699,476 (3,899,957) Net Assets, Beginning of Year 25,914,842 29,814,799 Net Assets, End of Year 20,469,196 $ 25,914,842 2009 COMMUNITY REPORT $ 4,684,677 3,122,147 720,788 8,527,612 904,297 2,760,353 330,297 3,994,947 1,416,066 Individuals Foundations & Non-Profits Corporation for Public Broadcasting Federal Government Other RMPBS.ORG 20 RMPBS Mission Statement & Nondiscrimination Policy Rocky Mountain PBS Management Board of Directors 2009-2010 Chairman of the Board William C. Schumacher President & Chief Executive Officer Douglas M. Price Vice Chairman Paul I. Bortz Secretary H. Gregory Austin Treasurer Gary Drews Directors James H. Foster Tim Foster Joseph A. Garcia Thomas H. Kenning Sheila S. Kowal C.J. Moore James J. Moylan Roger L. Ogden Rob Redwine Patricia Barela Rivera J. Douglas Shand George A. Sissel Dr. Tom Sutherland Landri C. Taylor Brian M. Turner Steve Watson Lynn Woellhof Senior Management Valerie Appelbaum Director of Corporate Underwriting Tom Craig Director of Engineering Deanna Haas Director of Individual Giving Patricia Laverty Manager of Philanthropic Giving Scott Long Chief Financial Officer Penny Mitchell Director of Development, KRMJ Pam Osborne Director of Marketing Harris Ravine Chief Operating Officer Donna Sanford Director of Network Programming and Production Wynona Sullivan Station Manager, KTSC The RMPBS staff cheers on a successful 2010! 21 RMPBS.ORG ROCKY MOUNTAIN PBS Rocky Mountain PBS Mission Statement KRMA-6 1089 Bannock St. Denver, CO 80204 800-274-6666 303-892-6666 fax: 303-620-5600 viewer@rmpbs.org To enrich the lives of Coloradans through engaging and essential programs, services and community partnerships that inform, enlighten and entertain. KTSC-8 Nondiscrimination Policy This policy states Rocky Mountain PBS’ position on discrimination. This policy applies to all Rocky Mountain PBS employees, volunteers, members, clients, and contractors. Rocky Mountain PBS follows an equal opportunity employment policy and employs personnel without regard to race, creed, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender expression, age, physical or mental ability, veteran status, military obligations, and marital status or any other status protected by law. 2009 COMMUNITY REPORT This policy also applies to internal promotions, training, opportunities for advancement, terminations, outside vendors, organization members and customers, service clients, use of contractors and consultants, and dealings with the general public. Approved by the Rocky Mountain PBS board of directors on February 27, 2008. Pueblo, CO 719-543-8800 fax: 719-549-2208 viewer@rmpbs.org KRMJ-18 Grand Junction, CO 970-245-1818 fax: 970-255-2900 viewer@rmpbs.org KRMU-20 Durango, CO 970-245-1818 viewer@rmpbs.org Rocky Mountain PBS now offers three digital channels. Along with our signature programming channel, you can now find Create and V-me in our line-up. V-me Enjoy PBS quality programming on V-me. Phonetic for “see me” in Spanish, V-me is our Spanish language multicast channel. Create This multicast channel invites viewers to explore their interests in travel, cooking and do-ityourself programs. KRMZ-24 Steamboat Springs, CO viewer@rmpbs.org RMPBS.ORG 22 rmpbs.org Special thanks to Station Archived Memories (SAM) for providing the photos in this report.