Lowest Prices in the Industry!
Lowest Prices in the Industry!
Pre-Book Flu Vaccines for 2015/16 Product Name NDC Reimbursement Code Vendor Age Indication Preserv. Free 1 Unit 40 Units FLUVIRIN® TRIVALENT 5ml MDV 66521-118-10 90658 / Q2037 NOVARTIS 4 years and above NO 94.95 89.95 FLUVIRIN® TRIVALENT 10 pre-filled syringes 0.5ml 66521-118-02 90656 NOVARTIS 4 years and above YES 104.95 99.95 FLUZONE® TRIVALENT 5ml MDV 49281-394-15 90658 / Q2038 SANOFI-PASTEUR 6-35 months (0.25ml) 3 yrs and above (0.5ml) NO 104.95 99.95 FLUZONE® TRIVALENT High Dose 10 pre-filled syringes 0.5ml 49281-395-65 90662 SANOFI-PASTEUR 65 years and above YES 359.95 334.95 FLUZONE® QUADRIVALENT 10 pre-filled syringes 0.5ml 49281-414-50 90686 SANOFI-PASTEUR 3 years and above YES 189.95 179.95 FLUZONE® QUADRIVALENT 5ml MDV 49281-621-15 - SANOFI-PASTEUR 6-35 months (0.25ml) 3 yrs and above (0.5ml) YES 179.95 169.95 FLUZONE® QUADRIVALENT Pediatric 10 pre-filled syringes 0.25ml 49281-514-25 90685 SANOFI-PASTEUR 6-35 months YES (Call) (Call) FLUMIST® QUADRIVALENT 10 live intranasal doses 66019-0302-10 90672 MEDIMMUNE 2-49 years YES 290.95 280.95 AFLURIA® TRIVALENT 5ml MDV 33332-115-10 90658 / Q2035 BIOCSL 5 years and above NO 97.95 92.95 AFLURIA® TRIVALENT 10 pre-filled syringes 0.5ml 33332-015-01 90656 BIOCSL 5 years and above YES 116.95 109.95 Twenty Percent (20%) Return Policy 2 Customer must return by 03-01-16. Credit issued can be applied to 2016-17 Flu vaccine orders or other Clint Pharmaceuticals products. Table of Contents Quality Clint Pharmaceuticals is one of the most reliable sources of injectable pharmaceuticals in the United States. We have been recognized as a leader in the distribution of high quality injectable products for many years. Our manufacturers meet or exceed all applicable state and federal regulations and utilize state of the art manufacturing techniques. They employ only highly experienced and qualified scientists and technicians to ensure the highest quality pharmaceutical products. Physician’s Life Reference 2 About Our Company 3 Comparison of Corticosteroids / Illegal Compounding Statement 4 CORTICOSTEROIDS Dexamethasone Solu-Medrol® Depo-Medrol® Methylprednisolone Kenalog® Celestone Soluspan® Betamethasone 5-9 5 5 6 7 8 9 9 ANESTHETICS Xylocaine® / Lidocaine Marcaine® / Bupivacaine Carbocaine® Ethyl Chloride Naropin® 10-12 10 11 12 12 12 PROCEDURAL MEDICATIONS Propofol Contrast Imaging Ondansetron 13 13 13 13 PAIN TREATMENTS Ketorolac Synvisc® 14 14 14 ANTIBIOTICS 15 Experience CLINICAL MEDICATIONS 16 Clint prides itself in its ability to answer all your questions. We have been serving practitioners since 1987, and continually educate our staff on the products we distribute. It is our desire to pass this knowledge on to you to benefit both your practice and your patients. VACCINES 17 APPLICATION & ORDER FORM 18 Product Diversity Our injectable inventory includes over 400 of the most widely-used products in physician offices and surgery centers today. These injectables include Corticosteroids, Anesthetics, Vitamins, Antibiotics, Vaccines, and Antihistamines. We also carry an extensive line of Pain Management Procedural Trays, Specialty Needles, Orthopaedic Soft Goods, Contrast Imaging Agents and Radiation Protection Apparel. Service Clint Pharmaceuticals provides our customers excellence in service. All orders are processed promptly, efficiently, and courteously. It is our goal to be the most dependable source of all your pharmaceutical needs. Value We understand and are very much aware of the current price conscious atmosphere in the medical arena. It is our goal to assure the most competitive pricing, while offering the highest quality pharmaceutical products available. As always, our commitment is to you, our customer. Due to circumstances beyond our control and the number of manufacturers represented, our prices are subject to change without notice. PROCEDURAL TRAYS Nerve Block / Epidural / Safety 19-27 NEEDLES & SYRINGES AccuTIPTM Specialty Needles EXEL Needles & Syringes BD Needles & Syringes 28-32 28-29 30-31 32 MEDICAL / SURGICAL SUPPLIES 33-39 Surgical & Exam Gloves 33 I V Start Kits & I V Solutions 34 I V Administration Sets & Catheters 35 Sutures & Suture Removal Kits 36 Scalpels & Blades 37 Misc. Medical Supplies 38-39 Legacy ORTHOPAEDIC SOFT GOODS 40-46 Traditional Lower Back Braces 41 Upper Body Products 42-43 Lower Body Products 44-45 Decompression for Back & Neck 46 At Clint Pharmaceuticals, we are committed to leave a Christ-centered legacy and a Biblical pattern that future generations can build on. If you would ever want us to pray with you, please call us.“Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and Jesus our Lord.” (2 Peter 1:2 NIV) AccuSHIELDTM X-RAY PROTECTION 47 X-Ray Protective Apparel 48-49 Protective Eyewear 50-51 Clint Pharmaceuticas is VAWD Accreditited and a member of the Heathcare Distribution Management Association. Physician’s Life Reference BACK COVER 3 Comparison of Corticosteroids POTENCY PRODUCT mg/ml Dosage (Chemical Name) (when compared w/ Hydrocortisone mg to mg) Hydrocortisone Equivalency Route of Admin. Type Contains Benzyl Alcohol Tissue Destruction (At injection site) Solu-Cortef® (Hydrocortisone Sodium Succinate) 50 See Insert 1 50 IM or IV Rapid Acting Short Duration NO None Celestone Soluspan® (Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate & Betamethasone Acetate) 3+3 0.25-2 ml 25 150 IM, IA, IL & Soft Tissue Both Rapid & Long Acting NO Very Slight Kenalog®-40 (Triamcinolone Acetonide) 40 0.25-2 ml 5 200 IM, IA & Soft Tissue Long Acting YES Some Depo-Medrol®-40 (Methylprednisolone Acetate) 40 0.25-2 ml 5 200 IM, IA, IL & Soft Tissue Long Acting SDV-NO MDV-YES Some Depo-Medrol®-80 (Methylprednisolone Acetate) 80 0.25-2 ml 5 400 IM, IA, IL & Soft Tissue Long Acting SDV-NO MDV-YES Some Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate 4 See Insert 25 100 IM, IV, IA, IL & Soft Tissue Rapid Acting Short Duration YES None Dexamethasone Sodium Phosphate (Preservative Free) 10 See Insert 25 250 IM or IV Rapid Acting Short Duration NO None Solu-Medrol® (Methylprednisolone Sodium Succinate) 40 See Insert 5 200 IM or IV Rapid Acting Short Duration NO None Data on the chart above was extracted in-part from Goodman & Gillman’s publication “The Pharmacological Basis of Therapeutics”. Formulations are compared to hydrocortisone. Clint Pharmaceuticals Corporate Position Regarding ILLEGAL DRUG COMPOUNDING & COUNTERFEITING Adopted and published July, 2009 Clint Pharmaceuticals, Inc. warns against the use of illegally compounded and/or counterfeited steroid suspensions. The use of such products is very dangerous to the health of your patients. It is our position that illegally compounded and counterfeited drugs are a national health hazard. If you suspect that you are currently using illegally compounded or counterfeited corticosteroids, we strongly urge that you authenticate the manufacturer through your state board of pharmacy and the FDA. All legally manufactured injectables are required to have an NDC (National Drug Code) number listed on each vial. All FDA approved NDA’s (New Drug Applications) and ANDA’s (Abbreviated New Drug Applications) injectables must be registered with the FDA. To easily authenticate all FDA drug approvals, go online to www.clintpharmaceuticals.com and click on the link “FDA Orange Book” located at the bottom of each web page. If you would like to report any suspicious activity or adverse drug reactions, you may contact FDA’s Medwatch at 800-FDA-1088. You may also contact your state board of pharmacy. 4 (p)800.677.5022 • (f)800.341.6440 Particulate-Free Steroids Dexamethasone 1ml Single-Dose Vials Preservative & Particulate Free (25/Box) Order # Description 25 Vials 100 Vials 500 Vials 1000 Vials 3506-01 Dexamethasone 10mg/ml 1ml SDV PF - Box/25 5.09/ea 4.79/ea 4.49/ea 4.19/ea Multi-Dose Vials Quick Onset / Short Duration / Particulate Free (Contains Benzyl Alcohol) Order # Description 1 Vial 10 Vials 50 Vials 100 Vials 200 Vials 29.49/ea 27.99/ea 25.49/ea 23.99/ea 0165-30 Dexamethasone 31.99/ea 4mg/ml 30ml MDV Order # Description 10 Vials 50 Vials 100 Vials 200 Vials 0516-10 Dexamethasone 10mg/ml 10ml MDV 16.19/ea 15.39/ea 13.99/ea 13.19/ea Order # Description 25 Vials 100 Vials 500 Vials 1000 Vials 0165-01 Dexamethasone 4mg/ml 1ml MDV - Box/25 2.49/ea 2.39/ea 2.19/ea 2.09/ea 0165-05 Dexamethasone 4mg/ml 5ml MDV - Box/25 2.99/ea 2.79/ea 2.69/ea 2.49/ea Clint Pharmaceuticals is an Authorized Distributor of Fresenius Kabi. ® Solu-Medrol Particulate Free / Preservative Free Single-Dose Vials Order # Description 1 Box 12 Boxes 0039-28 Solu-Medrol 40mg/ml Act-O-Vial - Box/25 109.95 99.95 0047-22 Solu-Medrol 125mg/ml Act-O-Vial - Box/25 159.95 149.95 Clint Pharmaceuticals is an Authorized Distributor of Pfizer www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com 5 Multi-Dose Single-Dose Depo-Medrol ® Methylprednisolone Acetate Suspension, USP (AB Rated) Multi-Dose Vials DEPO-MEDROL® MULTI-DOSE VIALS Each ml of these preparations contains: Methylprednisolone acetate . . . . . . 40mg 80mg Polyethylene glycol 3350 . . . . . 29.1mg 28.2mg Polysorbate 80 . . . . . . . . . . 1.94mg 1.88mg Monobasic Sodium Phos . . . . . . 6.8mg 6.59mg Dibasic Sodium Phos USP . . . . 1.42mg 1.37mg Benzyl alcohol . . . . . . . . . . 9.16mg 8.88mg (added as a preservative) Order # Description 1 Vial 25 Vials 100 Vials 200 Vials 400 Vials 0280-03 Depo-Medrol® 40mg/ml 10ml MDV 63.99 61.69 59.29 56.89 54.49 0280-02 Depo-Medrol® 40mg/ml 5ml MDV 30.59 29.39 28.29 27.19 25.99 0306-02 Depo-Medrol® 80mg/ml 5ml MDV 60.99 58.79 56.49 54.29 51.99 *J-1030 - 40 mg / J-1040 - 80 mg Depo-Medrol ® Methylprednisolone Acetate Suspension, USP (AB Rated) Single-Dose Vials Does not contain benzyl alcohol DEPO-MEDROL® SINGLE-DOSE VIALS Each ml of these preparations contains: Methylprednisolone acetate . . . . . . 40mg 80mg Polyethylene glycol 3350 . . . . . . . 29mg 28mg Myristyl-gamma-picolinium chloride . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.195mg 0.189mg *J-1030 - 40 mg / J-1040 - 80 mg Order # Description 1 Vial 100 Vials 200 Vials 1000 Vials 2000 Vials 3073-01 Depo-Medrol® 40mg/ml 1ml SDV 8.39 7.89 7.69 6.69 6.19 3475-01 Depo-Medrol® 80mg/ml 1ml SDV 16.09 15.19 14.79 12.89 11.99 Clint Pharmaceuticals is an Authorized Distributor of Pfizer, Inc. 6 (p)800.677.5022 • (f)800.341.6440 Generic for Depo-Medrol FDA Approved ® Methylprednisolone Acetate Suspension, USP (AB Rated) Multi-Dose Vials Order # Description 1 Vial 25 Vials 100 Vials 200 Vials 400 Vials 0045-01 Methylprednisolone 40mg/ml 10ml MDV 45.09 43.59 40.69 39.29 37.79 0043-01 Methylprednisolone 40mg/ml 5ml MDV 22.69 21.99 20.49 19.79 18.99 0063-01 Methylprednisolone 80mg/ml 5ml MDV 43.29 41.89 39.09 37.69 36.29 METHYLPREDNISOLONE MULTI-DOSE VIALS Each ml of these preparations contains: Methylprednisolone acetate . . . . . . . 40mg 80mg Polyethylene glycol 3350 . . . . . . 29.1mg 28.2mg Polysorbate 80 . . . . . . . . . . . 1.94mg 1.88mg Monobasic Sodium Phos . . . . . . . 6.8mg 6.59mg Dibasic Sodium Phos USP . . . . . 1.42mg 1.37mg Benzyl alcohol . . . . . . . . . . . 9.16mg 8.88mg (added as a preservative) LATEX-FREE *J-1030 - 40 mg / J-1040 - 80 mg Generic for Depo-Medrol FDA Approved ® Methylprednisolone Acetate Suspension, USP (AB Rated) Single-Dose Vials Does not contain benzyl alcohol Order # Description 1 Vial 100 Vials 200 Vials 1000 Vials 2000 Vials 0031-01 Methylprednisolone 40mg/ml 1ml SDV 5.19 4.89 4.79 4.49 4.19 0051-01 Methylprednisolone 80mg/ml 1ml SDV 9.59 8.99 8.79 8.19 7.69 DEPO-MEDROL® SINGLE-DOSE VIALS Each ml of these preparations contains: Methylprednisolone acetate . . . . . . . 40mg 80mg Polyethylene glycol 3350 . . . . . . . . 29mg 28mg Myristyl-gamma-picolinium chloride . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.195mg 0.189mg LATEX-FREE *J-1030 - 40 mg / J-1040 - 80 mg Clint Pharmaceuticals is an Authorized Distributor of Teva/Sicor www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com 7 Triamcinolone Acetonide Suspension, USP As $ low as As $ low as 39.10 61.65 As $ low as 10.50 As $ low as Lowest Prices in the Industry! Order # Description 1 Vial 24 Vials 48 Vials 0293-05 Kenalog® 40mg/ml - 1ml MDV 14.00 9.25 8.15 0293-20 Kenalog 40mg/ml - 5ml MDV 50.00 43.00 39.10 0293-28 Kenalog® 40mg/ml - 10ml MDV 73.00 67.00 61.65 0494-20 Kenalog® 10mg/ml - 5ml MDV 18.00 14.00 10.50 ® 8.15 J-3301 1 unit = 10mg Kenalog®-40 Injection, a sterile suspension of 40mg/ml of triamcinolone acetonide suspension consisting of: Sodium Chloride for Isotonicity . . . . . . . . . . . . Polysorbate 80 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Carboxymethylcellulose Sodium . . . . . . . . . . . . Benzyl Alcohol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.65% 0.04% 0.75% 0.99% Sodium Hydroxide or Hydrochloric Acid may be present to adjust pH to 5.0 - 7.5. At time of manufacturing, the air in the container is replaced by nitrogen. Clint Pharmaceuticals is an Authorized Distributor of Bristol-Myers Squibb. Quinckes . .99 As low as 8 (p)800.677.5022 • (f)800.341.6440 C. each (See Page 28) Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate & Betamethasone Acetate • Fast Symptomatic Relief As low as $ 35.95 • Long-Lasting Effect • Benzyl Alcohol Free • Micro Crystaline Suspension J-0702 Per 3mg (1 unit = 0.5ml) • May be mixed with local anesthetics Order # Description 1 Vial 72 Vials 144 Vials 288 Vials 576 Vials 0566-05 Celestone® Soluspan® 6mg/ml - 5ml MDV 39.95 38.95 37.95 36.95 35.95 Celestone® Soluspan® is a sterile, aqueous suspension with a pH between 6.8 and 7.2. Clint Pharmaceuticals is an Authorized Distributor of Merck Sharp and Dome Each mL of CELESTONE® SOLUSPAN® Injectable Suspension contains: Betamethasone as Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0mg Betamethasone Acetate . . . . . . . . . . . 3.0mg Dibasic Sodium Phosphate . . . . . . . . . 7.1mg Monobasic Sodium Phosphate . . . . . . . 3.4mg Edetate Disodium . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.1mg Benzalkonium Chloride . . . . . . . . . . 0.2mg FDA APPROVED GENERIC for Celestone® Soluspan® • Fast Symptomatic Relief $ 3095 . As low as • Long-Lasting Effect • Benzyl Alcohol Free • Micro Crystaline Suspension J-0702 Per 3mg (1 unit = 0.5ml) • May be mixed with local anesthetics Order # Description 1 Vial 10 Vials 50 Vials 100 Vials 400 Vials 600 Vials 0720-01 Betamethasone 6mg/ml - 5ml MDV 35.95 34.95 33.95 32.95 31.95 30.95 Betamethasone is a sterile, aqueous suspension with a pH between 6.8 and 7.2. Clint Pharmaceuticals is an Authorized Distributor of American Regent www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com Each mL of BETAMETHASONE SODIUM PHOSPHATE Injectable Suspension contains: Betamethasone as Betamethasone Sodium Phosphate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Betamethasone Acetate . . . . . . . . . . Dibasic Sodium Phosphate . . . . . . . . Monobasic Sodium Phosphate . . . . . . . Edetate Disodium . . . . . . . . . . . . . Benzalkonium Chloride . . . . . . . . . . 3.0mg 3.0mg 7.1mg 3.4mg 0.1mg 0.2mg 9 Xylocaine® Multi-Dose Vials Order # Description 25 Vials 100 Vials 200 Vials 400 Vials 0048457 Xylocaine® 0.5% - 50ml MDV - Box/25 7.99/ea 7.49/ea 6.89/ea 6.39/ea 0485-27 Xylocaine 1% -20ml MDV - Box/25 4.29/ea 3.99/ea 3.69/ea 3.39/ea 0485-57 Xylocaine 1% - 50ml MDV - Box/25 7.19/ea 6.69/ea 6.19/ea 5.69/ea 0486-27 Xylocaine® 2% - 20ml MDV - Box/25 4.89/ea 4.49/ea 4.19/ea 3.89/ea 0486-57 Xylocaine 2% - 50ml MDV - Box/25 8.99/ea 8.29/ea 7.69/ea 7.09/ea ® ® ® Lidocaine Multi-Dose Vials Order # Description 25 Vials 100 Vials 200 Vials 400 Vials 0020110 Lidocaine 1% -10ml MDV - Box/25 2.39/ea 2.19/ea 2.09/ea 1.89/ea 4276-01 Lidocaine 1% -20ml MDV - Box/25 1.49/ea 1.39/ea 1.29/ea 1.19/ea 4276-02 Lidocaine 1% - 50ml MDV - Box/25 2.59/ea 2.49/ea 2.29/ea 2.09/ea 4277-01 Lidocaine 2% - 20ml MDV - Box/25 2.09/ea 1.89/ea 1.79/ea 1.69/ea 4277-02 Lidocaine 2% - 50ml MDV - Box/25 3.39/ea 3.19/ea 2.99/ea 2.69/ea Xylocaine® Single-Dose Vials Order # Description 25 Vials 100 Vials 200 Vials 400 Vials 0491-57 Xylocaine®-MPF 0.5% - 50ml SDV - Box/25 18.19/ea 16.89/ea 15.69/ea 14.49/ea 0492-57 Xylocaine - MPF 1% - 5ml SDV - Box/25 4.89/ea 4.59/ea 4.29/ea 3.89/ea ® Lidocaine Single-Dose Vials & Ampules Order # Description 0427801 Lidocaine 0.5% - 50ml SDV- PF - Box/25 0471332 Lidocaine 1% - 2ml SDA - PF - Box/50 0471302 Lidocaine 1% - 5ml SDA - PF - Box/25 25 Vials 100 Vials 200 Vials 400 Vials 3.69/ea 3.39/ea 3.19/ea 2.99/ea 1.29/ea Box/50 1.19/ea 0.99/ea 0.89/ea 1.49/ea 1.39/ea 1.29/ea 1.09/ea 4279-02 Lidocaine 1% - 30ml SDV - PF - Box/25 2.99/ea 2.79/ea 2.59/ea 2.39/ea 0428201 Lidocaine 2% - 2ml SDA - PF - Box/25 1.59/ea 1.49/ea 1.39/ea 1.19/ea 0206605 Lidocaine 2% - 5ml SDV - PF - Box/10 2.49/ea Box/10 2.29/ea 2.19/ea 1.99/ea 0428202 Lidocaine 2% - 10ml SDA - PF - Box/25 3.19/ea 2.99/ea 2.79/ea 2.59/ea 0428301 Lidocaine 4% - 5ml SDA - PF - Box/25 4.69/ea 4.49/ea 4.09/ea 3.49/ea Lidocaine Multi-Dose Vials ( with EPINEPHRINE ) 10 Order # Description 25 Vials 100 Vials 200 Vials 400 Vials 3178-01 Lidocaine 1% w/EPI - 20ml MDV - Box/25 2.09/ea 1.99/ea 1.79/ea 1.69/ea 3178-02 Lidocaine 1% w/EPI - 30ml MDV - Box/25 4.19/ea 3.89/ea 3.59/ea 3.29/ea 3178-03 Lidocaine 1% w/EPI - 50ml MDV - Box/25 3.89/ea 3.59/ea 3.29/ea 3.09/ea 3182-01 Lidocaine 2% w/EPI - 20ml MDV - Box/25 3.26/ea 3.09/ea 2.79/ea 2.59/ea 3182-02 Lidocaine 2% w/EPI - 30ml MDV - Box/25 4.89/ea 4.59/ea 4.19/ea 3.89/ea 3182-03 Lidocaine 2% w/EPI - 50ml MDV - Box/25 4.49/ea 4.19/ea 3.89/ea 3.59/ea (p)800.677.5022 • (f)800.341.6440 Marcaine® Multi-Dose Vials Order # Description 1 Vial 10 Vials 50 Vials 100 Vials 200 Vials 1587-50 MarcaineTM 0.25% - 50ml MDV 8.95/ea 6.59/ea 6.09/ea 5.69/ea 5.19/ea 1610-50 Marcaine 0.5% - 50ml MDV 6.95/ea 4.89/ea 4.49/ea 4.19/ea 3.89/ea TM Bupivacaine Multi-Dose Vials Order # Description 25 Vials 50 Vials 100 Vials 200 Vials 1160-01 Bupivacaine 0.25% - 50ml MDV - Box/25 3.59/ea 3.29/ea 3.09/ea 2.79/ea 1163-01 Bupivacaine 0.5% - 50ml MDV - Box/25 3.29/ea 3.09/ea 2.79/ea 2.59/ea Marcaine® Single-Dose Vials Order # Description 10 Vials 50 Vials 100 Vials 200 Vials 0155910 MarcaineTM 0.25% -10ml SDV - Box/10 3.79/ea 3.49/ea 3.29/ea 2.99/ea 0155930 Marcaine TM 0.25% - 30ml SDV - Box/10 4.39/ea 4.09/ea 3.79/ea 3.49/ea 0156010 Marcaine TM 0.5% -10ml SDV - Box/10 4.09/ea 3.79/ea 3.49/ea 3.29/ea 1560-29 MarcaineTM 0.5% -30ml SDV - Box/10 4.09/ea 3.79/ea 3.49/ea 3.29/ea 0158210 0158229 Marcaine TM 0.75% - 10ml SDV - Box/10 4.39/ea 4.09/ea 3.79/ea 3.49/ea Marcaine TM 0.75% - 30ml SDV - Box/10 7.09/ea 6.59/ea 6.09/ea 5.59/ea Bupivacaine Single-Dose Vials Order # Description 25 Vials 50 Vials 100 Vials 200 Vials 1159-01 Bupivacaine 0.25% - 10ml SDV - Box/25 2.19/ea 2.09/ea 1.89/ea 1.79/ea 0115902 Bupivacaine 0.25% - 30ml SDV - Box/25 2.29/ea 2.09/ea 1.99/ea 1.79/ea 0116201 Bupivacaine 0.5% -10ml SDV - Box/25 2.59/ea 2.39/ea 2.29/ea 2.09/ea 1162-02 Bupivacaine 0.5% - 30ml SDV - Box/25 3.29/ea 3.09/ea 2.79/ea 2.59/ea 0116501 Bupivacaine 0.75% - 10ml SDV - Box/25 2.59/ea 2.39/ea 2.19/ea 1.99/ea 0116502 Bupivacaine 0.75% - 30ml SDV - Box/25 4.69/ea 4.29/ea 3.99/ea 3.69/ea Marcaine® Multi-Dose Vials ( with EPINEPHRINE ) Order # Description 1 Vial 10 Vials 50 Vials 100 Vials 200 Vials 1752-50 Marcaine 0.25% w/EPI - 50ml MDV 11.95/ea 9.39/ea 8.69/ea 8.09/ea 7.49/ea 1755-50 MarcaineTM 0.5% w/EPI - 50ml MDV 16.95/ea 14.29/ea 13.29/ea 12.29/ea 11.29/ea TM Marcaine® Single-Dose Vials ( with EPINEPHRINE ) Order # Description 10 Vials 50 Vials 100 Vials 200 Vials 0174610 Marcaine 0.25% w/EPI - 10ml SDV - PF - Box/10 4.09/ea 3.89/ea 3.59/ea 3.29/ea 0174630 MarcaineTM 0.25% w/EPI - 30ml SDV - PF - Box/10 10.29/ea 9.59/ea 8.89/ea 8.19/ea 0174910 Marcaine 0.5% w/EPI - 10ml SDV - PF - Box/10 4.39/ea 4.09/ea 3.79/ea 3.49/ea 1749-29 Marcaine 0.5% w/EPI - 30ml SDV - PF - Box/10 5.19/ea 4.79/ea 4.39/ea 4.09/ea TM TM TM Clint Pharmaceuticals is an Authorized Distributor of Hospira and Fresenius Kabi. www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com 11 Ethyl Chloride Order # Description 1 Unit 12 Units 24 Units 0001-03 Ethyl Chloride - Medium Jet - 3.5 Ounce Bottle 35.99 33.09 31.69 0001-04 Ethyl Chloride - Fine Jet - 3.5 Ounce Bottle 39.69 36.49 34.99 0001-11 Ethyl Chloride - Medium Jet - 3.5 Ounce Can 31.89 29.29 28.09 0001-13 Ethyl Chloride - Fine Jet - 3.5 Ounce Can 33.09 30.49 29.19 Carbocaine (MDV & SDV) ® Naropin ® Order # Order # Description 1 Vial 10 Vials 20 Vials 1036-30 Carbocaine 1% - 30ml SDV - PF 7.39 6.89 6.09 1041-30 Carbocaine 1.5% - 30ml SDV - PF 7.49 6.99 6.19 1067-20 Carbocaine 2% - 20ml SDV - PF 6.29 5.89 5.19 Order # Description 1 Vial 10 Vials 20 Vials 1038-50 Carbocaine 1% - 50ml MDV 9.29 8.59 7.59 2047-50 Carbocaine 2% - 50ml MDV 20.29 18.89 16.69 (Single-Dose Vials) 1 Box 5 Boxes 10 Boxes 0285-10 Naropin® 0.2% - 10ml Amp - PF - Box/5 Description 34.95 29.95 27.95 0285-20 Naropin 0.2% - 20ml Amp - PF - Box/5 69.95 59.95 55.95 0286-31 Naropin 0.5% - 30ml SDV - PF - Box/5 157.45 135.95 124.95 0288-20 Naropin® 1% - 20ml SDV - PF - Box/5 164.95 139.95 129.95 Description 1 Box 4 Boxes 8 Boxes ® ® Order # 0287-21 Naropin 0.75% - 20ml SDV - PF - Box/25 684.95 589.95 544.95 0288-11 Naropin® 1% - 10ml SDV - PF - Box/25 409.95 354.95 329.95 0288-21 Naropin 1% - 20ml SDV - PF - Box/25 819.95 709.95 649.95 1 Vial 5 Vials 25 Vials 50 Vials 62.99 58.99 49.99 46.99 - - 34.99 32.49 ® ® Order # Description 0285-65 Naropin® 0.2% - 100ml SDV - PF 0286-35 Naropin 0.5% - 30ml SDV - PF - Box/25 ® Methylprednisolone FDA Approved Generic for Depo-Medrol ® (40mg/ml 1ml SDV - Quantity purchase - Pg. 7) 12 4.19 $ As low as /Vial* Only In Stock Now 3.49 $ / Vial* Propofol Order # Description 1 Box 4 Boxes 16 Boxes 4699-30 Propofol 1% 10mg/ml - 20ml SDV - Box/25 117.25 99.75 87.25 (* When purchased in quantity.) Ondansetron Compare to ZOFRAN® As low as Contrast Imaging Order # Description 1 Box 1411-11 Isovue-M 200 10ml SDV - Box/10 649.90 1411-25 Isovue-M 200 20ml SDV - Box/10 889.90 1412-15 Isovue-M® 300 15ml SDV - Box/10 859.90 1315-30 Isovue® 300 50ml SDV - Box/10 459.90 1315-35 Isovue® 300 100ml SDV - Box/10 889.90 1411-10 Omnipaque™ 180mgI/ml -10ml SDV - Box/10 1411-20 Omnipaque™ 180mgI/ml -20ml SDV - Box/10 1412-10 Omnipaque™ 240mgI/ml -10ml SDV - Box/10 1412-20 1412-30 ® ® 1413-61 Omnipaque™ 300mgI/ml -50ml SDV - Box/10 Order # 4755-03 Order # 4759-01 Description Ondansetron 2mg/ml 2ml SDV - PF - Box/25 Description Ondansetron 2mg/ml 20ml MDV - Vial 1 Box 4 Boxes 16 Boxes 17.25 14.75 12.25 1 Vial 25 Vials 100 Vials 400 Vials 3.95 3.49 3.09 2.59 ® Omnipaque™ 240mgI/ml -50ml SDV - Box/10 Omnipaque™ 300mgI/ml -10ml SDV - Box/10 vial* (* When purchased in quantity.) Heparin Please Omnipaque™ 240mgI/ml -20ml SDV - Box/10 Call for Pricing 1413-10 49 ¢/ Order # Description 1 Box 0058-01 Heparin Sodium 1,000 Units/ml 10ml MDV - Box/25 70.11 0062-01 Heparin Sodium 10,000 Units/ml 1ml MDV - Box/25 79.95 0059-03 Heparin Sodium 5,000 Units/ml 1ml MDV - Box/25 102.05 ® ® ® Heparin Lock Flush ® Order # Description 1 Vial Order # 0188-05 Magnevist 5ml Vial 39.95 545-05 Heparin LF 500 Units/5ml MDV - Box/25 60.89 0333-35 Heparin IV Flush 100 Units/5ml in 12ml syringe - Box/60 39.83 ® Description ® ® www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com 1 Box 13 Ketorolac • • • • Non-Narcotic Analgesic Non-Steroidal Anti-Inflammatory Treats Moderate to Severe Acute Pain Does Not Require a DEA to Prescribe Order # Description 1 Box 4 Boxes 8 Boxes 16 Boxes 3796-01 Ketorolac 60mg/2ml Vial - Box/25 74.75 69.75 64.75 59.75 - 2.39/vial 3795-01 Ketorolac 30mg/1ml Vial - Box/25 67.25 64.75 59.75 54.75 - 2.19/vial Botox / Hylenex Order # 1 Box 10 Boxes 1145-01 Botox Type A - 100 Units/Vial 607.99 - 3921-02 Botox Type A - 200 Units/Vial 1215.99 - 9232-01 Botox Type A - 100 Units/Vial (Cosmetic) 607.99 - 0102-04 Hylenex® 150 Units/1ml SDV - Box/4 254.99 235.99 Order # Description 1 Box 10 Boxes 0724-20 Hyalgan 20mg/2ml Pre-filled Syringe 219.95 209.95 12 Vials 24 Vials ® Order # 0492-50 Description Description 1 Vial 54.00 48.00 45.00 Order # Description 1 Box 3 Boxes 12 Boxes 0090-01 Synvisc® (Hylan G-F 20) - 2ml Syringe - Kit/3 1,280.97 1,223.97 1,169.97 0090-03 Synvisc®-One® 48mg/6ml Syringe Sarapin 50ml MDV ® 1,279.99 1,223.99 1,167.99 Order # Description 1 Vial 5 Vials 25 Vials 100 Vials 200 Vials 400 Vials 0350-38 Methotrexate 25mg/ml - 2ml Vial - Box/5 - 11.59/ea 10.89/ea 10.19/ea 9.49/ea 8.79/ea 3123-10 Methotrexate 250mg/10ml Vial 40.95 38.76 36.18 33.59 31.01 29.72 Clint Pharmaceuticals is an Authorized Distributor of High Chemical, Allergan, Fresenius Kabi, Genzyme, and Hospira. 14 (p)800.677.5022 • (f)800.341.6440 Ceftriaxone FDA Approved GENERIC Equal to ROCEPHIN Order # Description 1 Box 3208-95 Ceftriaxone 1Gram SDV - Box/10 31.90 29.90 26.90 24.90 3207-95 Ceftriaxone 500mg SDV - Box/10 28.90 27.90 24.90 22.90 3206-95 Ceftriaxone 250mg SDV - Box/10 21.90 19.90 17.90 16.90 ® 20 Boxes 40 Boxes 100 Boxes Cefazolin FDA Approved GENERIC Equal to ANCEF Order # Description 1 Box 4 Boxes 16 Boxes 237-10 Cefazolin 1Gram SDV - Box/25 52.25 44.48 37.25 Order # ® Description 1 Box 20 Boxes 40 Boxes 100 Boxes 3404-95 Ampicillin 1Gram - Box/10 81.90 76.90 68.90 64.90 3407-95 Ampicillin 500mg Vial - Box/10 48.90 45.90 40.90 38.90 3402-95 Ampicillin 250mg Vial - Box/10 31.90 29.90 26.90 25.90 1 Box 4 Boxes 16 Boxes Order # Description 1207-03 Gentamicin 80mg - 2ml SDV - Box/25 39.75 34.75 29.75 0010-02 Gentamicin 80mg - 2ml MDV - Box/25 137.25 122.25 99.75 Order # Description 1 Box 6 Boxes 0130-10 Penicillin 600K Units/1ml - Syringe - Box/10 228.04 213.21 0131-10 Penicillin 1.2M Units/2ml - Syringe - Box/10 379.68 354.98 0602-10 Bicillin CR Ped 900/300 2ml Syringe - Box/10 712.66 666.31 0700-10 Bicillin L-A 600K Units/1ml Vial (Pediatric) - Box/10 495.90 463.65 0701-10 Bicillin L-A 1.2M Units/2ml Vial - Box/10 1066.74 - ® ® ® Lincocin ® Order # Description 1 Vial 25 Vials 50 Vials 100 Vials 0555-02 Lincocin® 300mg/ml - 10ml MDV 124.95 117.95 112.95 109.95 Clint Pharmaceuticals is an Authorized Distributor of Pfizer, Sandoz, Hospira, Sanofi Aventis & Fresenius Kabi. www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com 15 Order # Description 5 Vials 25 Vials 50 Vials 100 Vials 0130-05 Vitamin B-12 (Cyanocobalamin) 1,000mcg/ml - 30ml Vial - Box/5 19.59/ea 18.39/ea 17.29/ea 14.99/ea 0032-25 Vitamin B-12 (Cyanocobalamin) 1,000mcg/ml - 10ml Vial - Box/25 - 8.99/ea 8.49/ea 7.39/ea Order # Description 1 Box 0044-01 Vitamin B-12 (Cyanocobalamin) 1,000mcg/ml MDV - Box/25 122.95 0031-25 Vitamin B-12 (Cyanocobalamin) 1,000mcg/1ml Vial - Box/25 89.95 0928-25 Promethazine (Phenergan ) Hydrochloride 25mg/ml 1ml SDV - Box/25 44.95 0929-25 Promethazine (Phenergan®) Hydrochloride 50mg/ml 1ml SDV - Box/25 85.95 5500-03 Promethazine (Phenergan®) 25mg/ml Amp - Box/25 29.95 1496-35 Promethazine (Phenergan®) 50mg/ml Amp - Box/25 72.95 0376-25 Diphenhydramine (Benadryl®) 50mg/1ml Vial - Box/25 37.95 7241-01 Epinephrine 1:1000 - 1mg/ml Amp - Box/25 57.25 ® Order # Description See Our Comprehensive Selection of Needles & Syringes (Pages 28-32) 1 Vial 10 Vials 0271-01 Depo -Estradiol 5mg/ml - 5ml MDV 64.95 59.95 0124-10 Diphenhydramine (Benadryl ) 50mg/ml - 10ml MDV 16.09 14.99 1501-01 Novarel (Chorionic Gonadotropin) 10,000 USP Unit Vial - w/ Diluent 146-30 Vitamin B-Complex 100 - 30ml MDV Order # ® ® ® Description Call For Pricing 212.39 203.15 1 Box 4 Boxes 16 Boxes 6648-02 Dextrose 50% - 50ml SDV - PF - Box/25 67.25 64.75 57.25 6625-02 Sodium Bicarbonate 8.4% 50ml SDV - PF - Box/25 262.25 244.75 224.75 1966-07 Bacteriostatic Sodium Chloride 0.9% - 30ml MDV - Box/25 37.25 29.75 24.75 4888-10 Sodium Chloride 0.9% - 10ml SDV - Box/25 29.75 24.75 19.75 4888-20 Sodium Chloride 0.9% - 20ml PF SDV - Box/25 39.75 34.75 29.75 4888-50 Sodium Chloride 0.9% - 50ml PF SDV - Box/25 74.75 62.25 52.25 3977-03 Bacteriostatic Water - 30ml MDV - Box/25 42.25 37.25 29.75 4887-10 Sterile Water - 10ml SDV - Box/25 37.25 32.25 24.75 4887-20 Sterile Water - 20ml SDV - Box/25 44.75 37.25 32.25 4887-50 Sterile Water - 50ml SDV - Box/25 82.25 69.75 57.25 Clint Pharmaceuticals is an Authorized Distributor of Bioniche Pharma, USA & Hospira. 16 (p)800.677.5022 • (f)800.341.6440 Call to pre-book your 2015-16 vaccines now! Order # Description ® Reimbursment Age Group 115-10 AFLURIA TRIVALENT 5ml 10 Dose MDV 90658 / Q2035 5 Years & Up 015-01 AFLURIA TRIVALENT 0.5ml Prefilled Syringes - Box/10 90656 5 Years & Up 118-10 FLUVIRIN TRIVALENT 5ml 10 Dose MDV 90658 / Q2037 4 Years & Up 118-02 FLUVIRIN TRIVALENT 0.5ml Prefilled Syringes - Box/10 90656 4 Years & Up 395-65 FLUZONE TRIVALENT High-Dose 0.5ml Prefilled Syringes - Box/10 90662 65 Years & Up 394-15 FLUZONE TRIVALENT 5ml 10 Dose MDV 90658 / Q2038 6 Months & Up 903-52 FLUARIX QUADRIVALENT 0.5ml Prefilled Tip-Lock, No-Needle Syringes - Box/10 90686 3 Years & Up 898-11 FLUARIX QUADRIVALENT 5ml 10 Dose MDV - 3 Years & Up 302-10 FLUMIST QUADRIVALENT 0.2ml Single-Use Nasal Spray 90672 2 - 49 Years 414-50 FLUZONE QUADRIVALENT 0.5ml Prefilled Syringes - Box/10 90686 6 Months & Up 514-25 FLUZONE QUADRIVALENT Pediatric 0.25ml Prefilled Syringes - Box/10 90685 6 - 36 Months 621-15 FLUZONE QUADRIVALENT 5ml MDV - - Order # Description ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® 1 Unit 4837-03 Pneumovax® 23 - Pneumococcal Vaccine 0.5ml Syringe - Box/10 90732 796.20 4943-00 Pneumovax® 23 - Pneumococcal Vaccine 0.5ml Vial - Box/10 90732 796.20 0400-10 Adacel SDV Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis 0.5ml SDV - Box/10 90715 472.99 0400-15 Adacel Prefilled Syringes 0.5ml - Box/5 90715 236.99 0286-10 Daptacel Pediatric - Diphtheria, Tetanus, Acellular Pertussis - 0.5ml SDV - Box/10 90700 312.99 225-10 DT Diphtheria & Tetanus - Pediatric SDV - Box/10 90702 461.76 4045-00 Gardasil 0.5ml SDV 90679 173.38 0820-11 Engerix-B Hepatitis B Pediatric 10mcg/0.5ml - Box/10 90744-3 Dose 261.95 0821-11 Engerix-B Hepatitis B Adult 20mcg/1ml - Box/10 90746 642.71 0825-11 Havrix Hepatitis A Vaccine - 720 E.L.U./0.5ml SDV - PF - Box/10 90633 351.95 0826-11 Havrix Hepatatis A Vaccine - 1440 E.L.U./ml 1ml SDV - PF - Box/10 90632 780.08 0860-10 IPOL Polio Vaccine 10 dose 5ml Vial 90713 316.11 0589-05 Menactra 0.5ml SDV - Box/5 90734 649.99 0489-01 Menomune® A-C-Y-W-135 Combined 5ml SDV - 2 Years and Up 90733 142.99 4681-00 M-M-R® II 0.5ml SDV with Sterile Diluent (4309-00) - Box/10 90707 659.00 0510-05 Pentacel Diphtheria, Tetanus, Acellular Pertussis, Inactivated Polio virus and Haemophilis B - 0.5ml Vial - Box/5 90698 463.04 215-10 TenivacTM Tetanus & Diphtheria SDV - PF - Box/10 90714 279.99 752-21 Tubersol 5TU/0.1ml - 10 Test Vial 86580 52.99 0790-51 Typhim Vi (Typhoid Vaccine) 0.5ml Syringe 90691 86.09 4827-00 Varivax (Chicken Pox Vaccine) 0.5ml SDV - Box/10 90716 1,159.99 4963-00 Zostavax (Shingles Vaccine) SDV 90736 213.82 ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® ® www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com 17 Customer Application & Product Order Form 629 Shute Lane, Old Hickory, TN 37138 • [p] 800.677.5022 • [f] 800.341.6440 COMPANY / PHYSICIAN’S NAME SPECIALTY PURCHASER’S EMAIL ACCOUNTS PAYABLE EMAIL BILL TO ADDRESS CITYSTATEZIP SHIP TO ADDRESS (If different from above) CITYSTATEZIP ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CONTACT TELEPHONE #FAX # PURCHASING CONTACTEXISTING CUSTOMER # TELEPHONEFAX AGREEMENT: This agreement is binding and is made voluntarily by the undersigned customer to purchase products from Clint Pharmaceuticals, Inc. All of the information is true and correct. If Clint Pharmaceuticals, Inc. must turn this account over for collection, customer agrees to pay all costs associated with collection. These costs include, but are not limited to, attorney’s fees, collection agency fees, and court costs. Customer agrees to pay 1-1/2% per month interest on unpaid balances which are past due. Customer agrees that any lawsuit arising from the customer’s account shall be brought and maintained in the State of Tennessee, Davidson County, and shall be subject to the laws of Tennessee. Customer consents to the venue and jurisdiction of Davidson County, Tennessee. The undersigned customer is signing on behalf of the company/physician, and is also personally guaranteeing the payment of this account for the products purchased herein. The undersigned authorizes the use of a facsimile transmission copy of this application to be effective as an original copy. No returns of orthopaedic soft goods. Customer may not cancel Flu Vaccine orders. At the customer’s request, Clint Pharmaceuticals has supplied with select trays, labels for medications (Additional Labels). It shall be the customer’s sole responsibility to ensure that the labels are properly applied to the correct medications. The customer indemnifies and holds Clint Pharmaceuticals harmless against all claims, liability, damages and costs including attorney’s fees that may be incurred as a result of error in product use on the part of the customer. Products purchased from Clint Pharmaceuticals, Inc. are for patient use only and are not to be resold to other drug distributors, wholesalers or retailers. Due to circumstances beyond Clint Pharmaceuticals, Inc.’s control and the number of manufacturers represented, prices and availability of products are subject to change without prior notice. AUTHORIZING SIGNATURE DATE PRINTED NAMETITLE NEW ACCOUNTS REQUIRE A COPY OF CURRENT DEA FAXED TO 800-341-6440 IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS, CALL TOLL FREE - 800-677-5022 / EMAIL - customerservice@clintpharmaceuticals.com Order # Product Name Size Quantity Price Amount N L R - Nurse’s Life Reference Pocket COMPLIMENTARY 0.00 P L R - Physician’s Life Reference Pocket COMPLIMENTARY 0.00 - SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS SHIPPING PAID BY CUSTOMER. AVERAGE GROUND SHIPPING CHARGE FOR PHARMACEUTICALS IS $9.00. REFRIGERATED ITEMS REQUIRE ADDITIONAL SHIPPING FEE. CREDAPPORDFRM062014-01 Are your costs for doing procedures excessively high? Let us help contain your costs with our AccuTIP Needles and AccuTRAY Procedural Trays. TM TM Specialty Needles Tuohy Quincke Chiba (See page 40-41) (Shown: ACL17SPG with Meds) Now Available... ACL11CH Nerve Block Tray with Chloraprep (See page 21) www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com 19 Introducing Nerve Block Trays As low as $4.99 /ea (AccuTRAY #110 - pg.21) With AccuTIP TM QUINCKE Needles All Nerve Block Trays below include the following components: 4 1 3 1 Product # Gauze Sponges Towel Sponge Stick Applicators Iodophor Pack (3/4 oz) 1 1 1 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs Needle Stick Pad 18-G x 1-1/2 Inch Needle 25-G x 1-1/2 Inch Needle Description 1 Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) 2 Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 1 Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) 24 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 221 Tray Contains (1) 22G x 3-1/2 Inch AccuTIPTM Quincke Needle 9.49 8.99 8.49 7.49 222 Tray Contains (2) 22G x 3-1/2 Inch AccuTIPTM Quincke Needles 11.49 10.99 10.49 9.49 223 Tray Contains (3) 22G x 3-1/2 Inch AccuTIPTM Quincke Needles 12.49 11.99 11.49 10.49 225 Tray Contains (1) 22G x 5 Inch AccuTIP Quincke Needle 10.49 9.99 9.49 8.49 226 Tray Contains (1) 22G x 6 Inch AccuTIPTM Quincke Needle 10.49 9.99 9.49 8.49 251 Tray Contains (1) 25G x 3-1/2 Inch AccuTIPTM Quincke Needle 9.49 8.99 8.49 7.49 252 Tray Contains (2) 25G x 3-1/2 Inch AccuTIPTM Quincke Needles 11.49 10.99 10.49 9.49 . C. AccuTIP 99 QUINCKE TM TM COMPARE Product # 22Q35 Description Tray Contains (1) 22G x 3-1/2 Inch Quincke Needle 22QQ35 Tray Contains (2) 22G x 3-1/2 Inch Quincke Needles 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 10.89 10.19 9.59 8.89 12.49 11.99 11.49 10.49 22Q45 Tray Contains (1) 22G x 4-1/2 Inch QUINCKE Needle 13.29 12.49 11.59 10.79 22Q55 Tray Contains (1) 22G x 5-1/2 Inch QUINCKE Needle 13.19 12.39 11.59 10.79 25Q35 Tray Contains (1) 25G x 3-1/2 Inch QUINCKE Needle 10.69 10.09 9.49 8.79 12.49 11.99 11.49 10.49 25QQ35 Tray Contains (2) 25G x 3-1/2 Inch QUINCKE Needles Quantity prices shown are priced PER TRAY. 20 30 Trays TRAYS SOLD IN CASE QUANTITY ONLY. (p)800.677.5022 • (f)800.341.6440 Needles (See page 40) 22Q354 4 Non-Fenestrated Drapes Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor PVP (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 4 Gauze Sponges • (2) 22Gx3.5 Inch Quincke Needles • No LOR Syringe 22Q554 25Q35F • 25Gx3.5 Inch Quincke Needle • No LOR Syringe 11 110 Procedural Components: 4 Non-Fenestrated Drapes w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 27G x 1-1/4 inch Needle 2 1 1 2 1 Prep Components: 1 Iodophor PVP (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 8 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape - 4 inch Round 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 30G x 1 inch Needle 1 QUINCKE 25G x 3.5 inch Spinal Needle 1 Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) 2 Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 12 inch Microbore Extension Tube .2ml QUINCKE 22G x 5.5 inch Spinal Needles Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (3 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (5 mL luer lock) Medication Label Set 113 11KC • No Epidural Needle • No LOR Syringe 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 15.95 14.95 14.49 13.95 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 11.89 11.19 10.49 9.69 1 Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) 1 Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) 2 Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 8.59 7.99 7.49 6.99 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor PVP Swabsticks, 3’s 3 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) 1 Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) 2 Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 24 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 7.49 6.99 6.49 4.99 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor Pack (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 4 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) 1 Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) 2 Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 9.99 9.49 8.99 7.99 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor Pack (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 4 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) 1 Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) 2 Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 24 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 8.99 8.49 7.99 6.99 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 ChloraPrep 1 Step with Tint 3 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 2 1 Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 7in. Flexible Extension Unit .75mL 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 10.09 9.49 8.89 8.29 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor Pack (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 4 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 2 inch Needle 1 1 1 2 30G x 1 inch Needle Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 24 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 10.59 9.99 9.29 8.69 11CH CHLORAPREP 13.69 12.89 11.99 11.19 Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle COMPARE • No Epidural Needle • No LOR Syringe Now Includes 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor PVP Swabsticks, 3’s 3 Gauze Sponges 11SP • No Epidural Needle • No LOR Syringe ACL Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor PVP (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 4 Gauze Sponges COMPARE • No Epidural Needle • No LOR Syringe ACL QUINCKE 22G x 3.5 inch Spinal Needles Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (3 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (5 mL luer lock) Medication Label Set Trays Below Do Not Include LOR or Spinal Needle • No Epidural Needle • No LOR Syringe ACL 2 1 1 2 1 4 Non-Fenestrated Drapes • (2) 22Gx5.5 Inch Quincke Needles • No LOR Syringe ACL Procedural Components: 4 Non-Fenestrated Drapes w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 27G x 1-1/4 inch Needle ® Quantity prices shown are priced PER TRAY. TRAYS SOLD IN CASE QUANTITY ONLY. www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com 21 Compare & Save with ACL 2 • 18Gx3.5 Inch Tuohy • No LOR Syringe ACL 2LM • 18Gx3.5 Inch Tuohy • No LOR Syringe ACL 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 12.09 11.39 10.69 9.89 1 TUOHY 18G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/Wings 1 Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) 2 Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 11.99 11.39 10.59 9.89 Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 2 TUOHY 18G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/Wings Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer slip) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 12.69 11.89 11.09 10.29 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor PVP Swabsticks, 3’s 3 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 2 TUOHY 18G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/Wings B-D® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer slip) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 24 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 10.99 9.99 9.49 8.99 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor Pack (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 5 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 2 TUOHY 18G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/Wings Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer slip) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 12.89 12.19 11.29 10.49 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor PVP Swabsticks, 3’s 5 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 2 TUOHY 18G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/Wings B-D® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer slip) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 24 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 10.99 9.99 9.49 8.99 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor PVP Swabsticks, 3’s 3 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle Prep Components: 1 Towel 4 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1 inch Needle 1 25G x 5/8 inch Needle Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor PVP Swabsticks, 3’s 3 Gauze Sponges 050 • 18Gx3.5 Inch Tuohy • LOR Syringe: PLS TUOHY 18G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/Wings Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) COMPARE 5SP • 18Gx3.5 Inch Tuohy • LOR Syringe: PLS 053 • 18Gx3.5 Inch Tuohy • LOR Syringe: PLS COMPARE Quantity prices shown are priced PER TRAY. 22 1 1 1 2 5 • 18Gx3.5 Inch Tuohy • LOR Syringe: PLS ACL The following trays include Tuohy Epidural Needles TRAYS SOLD IN CASE QUANTITY ONLY. (p)800.677.5022 • (f)800.341.6440 ACL 5LL • 18Gx3.5 Inch Tuohy • LOR Syringe: PLL ACL 6 • 20Gx3.5 Inch Tuohy • LOR Syringe: PLS 060 • 20Gx3.5 Inch Tuohy • LOR Syringe: PLS ACL 063 • 20Gx3.5 Inch Tuohy • LOR Syringe: PLS 6SP45 • 20Gx4.5 Inch Tuohy • LOR Syringe: PLS ACL 7 • 20Gx3.5 Inch Tuohy • LOR Syringe: PLL ACL TUOHY 18G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/Wings Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 13.19 12.39 11.59 10.69 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor PVP Swabsticks, 3’s 3 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 2 TUOHY 20G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/Wings Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer slip) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 13.09 12.19 11.39 10.59 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor PVP Swabsticks, 3’s 3 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 2 TUOHY 20G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/Wings Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer slip) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 24 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 10.99 9.99 9.49 8.99 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor Pack (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 4 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 2 TUOHY 20G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/Wings Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer slip) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 13.39 12.59 11.69 10.89 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor Pack (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 4 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 2 TUOHY 20G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/Wings B-D® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer slip) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 24 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 11.49 10.99 10.49 9.49 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor Pack (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 4 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 2 TUOHY 20G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/Wings Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer slip) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 13.59 12.69 11.89 10.99 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor Pack (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 4 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 2 TUOHY 20G x 4.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/Wings Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer slip) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 12.79 11.99 11.19 10.39 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor PVP Swabsticks, 3’s 3 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 2 TUOHY 20G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/Wings Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 13.19 12.39 11.59 10.69 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor Pack (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 3 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 2 TUOHY 20G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/Wings Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 12.89 12.39 11.89 10.99 COMPARE COMPARE 6TG Steel Stylet • 20Gx3.5 Inch Tuohy • LOR Syringe: PLS ACL 1 1 1 1 2 6SP • 20Gx3.5 Inch Tuohy • LOR Syringe: PLS ACL Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor PVP Swabsticks, 3’s 3 Gauze Sponges 7SP • 20Gx3.5 Inch Tuohy • LOR Syringe: PLL Quantity prices shown are priced PER TRAY TRAYS SOLD IN CASE QUANTITY ONLY. www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com 23 Trays Below Include ACL Steel Stylet 1 • 20G x 3.5 Inch Hustead • LOR: NONE ACL Steel Stylet 3 • 20G x 3.5 Inch Hustead • LOR: PLS ACL Steel Stylet 4 • 20G x 3.5 Inch Hustead • LOR: PLL ACL Steel Stylet 4SP • 20G x 3.5 Inch Hustead • LOR: PLL ACL Steel Stylet 4EX • 20G x 3.5 Inch Hustead • LOR: PLL ACL Steel Stylet Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor PVP Swabsticks, 3’s 3 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 2 HUSTEAD 20G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle w/Wings Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 12.99 12.29 11.49 10.69 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor PVP Swabsticks, 3’s 3 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 2 HUSTEAD 20G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle w/Wings Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer slip) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 12.09 11.59 11.19 10.69 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor PVP Swabsticks, 3’s 3 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 2 HUSTEAD 20G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/Wings Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 11.99 11.49 10.99 10.59 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor Pack (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 4 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 2 HUSTEAD 20G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/Wings Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 12.19 11.79 11.29 10.89 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor PVP Swabsticks, 3’s 3 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 30G x 1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 1 2 Extension Tube, 6 inch, 4ml HUSTEAD 20G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/Wings Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 12.99 12.49 11.99 11.49 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor Pack (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 4 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 22G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 1 25G x 1 inch Needle HUSTEAD 18G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle GLASS L.O.R. Syringe (5mL luer slip) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 16.39 15.79 15.19 14.59 20 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 7.49 6.95 6.49 5.95 13KC • 18G x 3.5 Inch Hustead • LOR: GLS ACL HUSTEAD Needles with Steel Stylet 12 • No Epidural Needle • No LOR Syringe Procedural Prep Tray Prep Components: 1 Iodophor PVP Swabsticks, 3’s 4 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Tray 1 Towel Quantity prices shown are priced PER TRAY 24 (p)800.677.5022 • (f)800.341.6440 TRAYS SOLD IN CASE QUANTITY ONLY. As low as $8.49 * Procedural Trays Below Include TUOHY Epidural Needles Pulsator LOR & Medications ® ACL *Quantity price - See ACL10AT below - ACL11RX does not include LOR syringe 11RX MEDICATIONS: 1 - 5ml 1% Lidocaine Ampule / 1 - 10ml 0.9% Sodium Chloride Ampule • No Epidural Needle • No LOR Syringe ACL 10AT 18S 18L ACL 20S ACL 13.99 13.09 12.29 11.39 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor Pack (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 3 3x3 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 21G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 1 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 10.69 10.09 9.39 8.79 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 13.89 13.39 12.89 11.79 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 13.89 13.39 12.89 11.79 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 14.69 14.09 13.59 12.49 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 14.69 14.09 13.59 12.49 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 27G x 1-1/4 inch Needle Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (3 mL luer lock) Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor Pack (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 3 3x3 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 27G x 1-1/4 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 1 1 TUOHY 18G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/Wings Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer slip) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (3 mL luer lock) Medication Label Set Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor Pack (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 3 3x3 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 27G x 1-1/4 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 1 1 TUOHY 18G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/Wings Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (3 mL luer lock) Medication Label Set Trays Below Include Tuohy Needle with Steel Stylet • 20G x 3.5 Inch Tuohy • LOR Syringe: PLS Steel Stylet 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays MEDICATIONS: 1 - 5ml 1% Lidocaine Ampule / 1 - 10ml 0.9% Sodium Chloride Ampule • 18G x 3.5 Inch Tuohy • LOR Syringe: PLL Steel Stylet 3 18G x 1-1/2 inch Blunt-Fill Needles 2 Plastic Syringes (5 mL luer lock) 1 Plastic Syringe (3 mL luer lock) 12 inch Microbore Extension Tube MEDICATIONS: 1 - 5ml 1% Lidocaine Ampule / 1 - 10ml 0.9% Sodium Chloride Ampule • 18G x 3.5 Inch Tuohy • LOR Syringe: PLS ACL Procedural Components: 1 Clear Fenestrated Drape 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1 1/2 inch Needle MEDICATIONS: 1 - 5ml 1% Lidocaine Ampule • No Epidural Needle • LOR Syringe: PLL ACL Prep Components: 4 3x3 Gauze Sponges 20L • 20G x 3.5 Inch Tuohy • LOR Syringe: PLL MEDICATIONS: 1 - 5ml 1% Lidocaine Ampule / 1 - 10ml 0.9% Sodium Chloride Ampule Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor Pack (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 3 3x3 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 27G x 1-1/4 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 1 1 TUOHY 20G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/Wings Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer slip) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (3 mL luer lock) Medication Label Set MEDICATIONS: 1 - 5ml 1% Lidocaine Ampule / 1 - 10ml 0.9% Sodium Chloride Ampule Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor Pack (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 3 3x3 Gauze Sponges Quantity prices shown are priced PER TRAY Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 27G x 1-1/4 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 1 1 TUOHY 20G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/Wings Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (3 mL luer lock) Medication Label Set TRAYS SOLD IN CASE QUANTITY ONLY. www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com 25 As low as $12.49 (Quantity Price - See Below) 5SPG ACL • 18G x 3.5 Inch Tuohy • GLASS LOR : Luer Slip* 6SPG ACL • 20G x 3.5 Inch Tuohy • Glass LOR: Luer Slip* 7SPG ACL Steel Stylet • 20G x 3.5 Inch Tuohy • Glass LOR: Luer Lock* ACL 17SPG • 17G x 3.5 Inch Tuohy • Glass LOR: Luer Slip* ACL 10 • No Epidural Needle • LOR Syringe: PLS 100 • No Epidural Needle • LOR Syringe: PLS ACL 10SP • No Epidural Needle • LOR Syringe: PLS 103 • No Epidural Needle • LOR Syringe: PLS Select Trays Below Include Glass LOR & Medications (1-5ml 1% Lidocaine Amp. & 1-10ml 0.9% Sodium Chloride Amp.) MEDICATIONS: 1 - 5ml 1% Lidocaine Ampule / 1 - 10ml 0.9% Sodium Chloride Ampule Prep Components: 1 Iodophor Pack (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 4 Gauze Sponges 1 1 1 1 1 Clear Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs TUOHY 18G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/ Wings GLASS L.O.R. Syringe (5mL luer slip) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (3 mL luer lock) 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 15.69 15.09 14.49 13.39 24 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 15.69 15.09 14.49 13.39 24 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 15.69 15.09 14.49 13.39 24 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 15.39 14.79 14.19 13.09 MEDICATIONS: 1 - 5ml 1% Lidocaine Ampule / 1 - 10ml 0.9% Sodium Chloride Ampule Prep Components: 1 Iodophor Pack (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 4 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 22G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 1 Clear Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs TUOHY 20G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/ Wings GLASS L.O.R. Syringe (5mL luer slip) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (3 mL luer lock) MEDICATIONS: 1 - 5ml 1% Lidocaine Ampule / 1 - 10ml 0.9% Sodium Chloride Ampule Prep Components: 1 Iodophor Pack (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 4 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 22G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 1 1 Clear Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs TUOHY 20G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/ Wings GLASS L.O.R. Syringe (5mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (3 mL luer lock) MEDICATIONS: 1 - 5ml 1% Lidocaine Ampule / 1 - 10ml 0.9% Sodium Chloride Ampule Prep Components: 1 Iodophor Pack (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 4 Gauze Sponges 1 Towel 12” x 13-1/2” 1 Medication Label Set Procedural Components: 1 Filter Straw, 5u 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 Medicine Cup, 50ml 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 22G x 1-1/2 Needle 18 inchx 26 inch Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs TUOHY 17G x 3.5 inch Epidural Needle Cal.w/ Wings GLASS L.O.R. Syringe (5mL luer slip) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (3 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Trays Below Do Not Include Epidural Needles or Medications Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 2 Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer slip) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 9.49 8.99 8.49 7.99 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor PVP Swabsticks, 3’s 3 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 2 B-D L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer slip) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 24 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 8.49 7.99 7.49 6.99 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor Pack (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 4 Gauze Sponges Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 2 Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer slip) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 30 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 10.49 9.99 9.49 8.99 Procedural Components: 1 Fenestrated Drape w/ 2 tabs 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 1 1 2 B-D L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer slip) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 24 Trays 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays 9.49 8.99 8.49 7.99 Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor PVP Swabsticks, 3’s 3 Gauze Sponges COMPARE COMPARE Prep Components: 1 Towel 1 Iodophor Pack (3/4oz) 3 Sponge Stick Applicators 4 Gauze Sponges Quantity prices shown are priced PER TRAY 26 Procedural Components: 1 Needle Stick Pad 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 22G x 1-1/2 inch Needle 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch Needle TRAYS SOLD IN CASE QUANTITY ONLY. (p)800.677.5022 • (f)800.341.6440 OSHA Compliant Safety Trays Safely disarm sharps... in a single motion. • Designed with the Interventionalist in Mind • Helps Reduce Practice Liability & Legal Exposure Transparent drape allows for view of important anatomical markers. As low as $8.49 ( See ACL11SPS ) NEW Safety Trays Include These Components: Labels reduce chance for medication errors. PROCEDURAL 1 18G x 1-1/2 inch NeedlePro® 1 25G x 1-1/2 inch NeedlePro® SAFETY COMPONENTS: 1 Viscot Medication Label Set longer tubing helps to avoid 1 Clear Fenestrated Drape w/ Tape * 1 Microbore Extension Tube .2ml Choose from 12 inch or 36 inch x-ray exposure and unnecessary needle movement. Safety Trays Product # * See table below for size of extension tubing provided with each tray. *Includes L.O.R. Syringe PREP COMPONENTS: PROCEDURAL COMPONENTS: 4 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 Gauze Sponges Sponge Stick Applicators Iodophor Pack (3/4 oz) Towel Ext. Tube 30 Trays Needle Stick Pad (Detachable) Plastic Syringe (10 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringe (5 mL luer lock) Plastic Syringes (3 mL luer lock) 120 Trays 240 Trays 480 Trays ACL11SPS No L.O.R. 36 Inch 10.99 10.29 9.59 8.99 ACL11SPS12 No L.O.R. 12 Inch 10.69 10.09 9.39 8.79 ACL10SPSL* 1 Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer LOCK) 36 Inch 11.09 10.39 9.79 9.09 ACL10SPSL12* 1 Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer LOCK) 12 Inch 10.99 10.29 9.69 8.99 ACL10SPS* 1 Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer SLIP) 36 Inch 11.39 10.79 10.09 9.39 ACL10SPS12* 1 Pulsator® L.O.R. Syringe (7mL luer SLIP) 12 Inch 10.99 10.29 9.69 8.99 ACL5SPS* 18G 3.5 inch Tuohy w/Pulsator LOR (7ml luer SLIP) 36 Inch 13.79 12.99 12.19 11.29 ACL5SPS12* 18G 3.5 inch Tuohy w/Pulsator LOR (7ml luer SLIP) 12 Inch 13.79 12.99 12.19 11.29 Quantity prices shown are priced PER TRAY TRAYS SOLD IN CASE QUANTITY ONLY. www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com 27 Spe • • • • • 23G x 3.5” Quincke As low as 99 . C. /ea Polycarbonate hub allows for clear view of flash-back. Wide variety of gauge and length configurations. Stylet hub color-coded to identify gauge size. Large hubs for superior tactile feel and ease of placement. Manufactured using the highest quality stainless steel. Description 1 Box 4 Boxes 12 Boxes 24 Boxes AT1835Q AccuTIP 18Gx3.5 Inch Quincke - Box/25 64.75 44.75 37.25 34.75 AT1860Q AccuTIP 18GX6.0 Inch Quincke - Box/25 164.75 114.75 97.25 87.25 AT2035Q AccuTIP 20GX3.5 Inch Quincke - Box/25 64.75 44.75 37.25 34.75 AT2060Q AccuTIP 20GX6.0 Inch Quincke - Box/25 164.75 114.75 97.25 87.25 AT2225Q AccuTIP 22GX2.5 Inch Quincke - Box/25 79.75 57.25 47.25 42.25 AT2230Q AccuTIP 22GX3.0 Inch Quincke - Box/25 82.25 57.25 49.75 44.75 AT2235Q AccuTIP 22GX3.5 Inch Quincke - Box/25 64.75 44.75 37.25 34.75 AT2250Q AccuTIPTM 22GX5.0 Inch Quincke - Box/25 124.75 104.75 97.25 89.75 AT2260Q AccuTIPTM 22GX6.0 Inch Quincke - Box/25 137.25 117.25 109.75 104.75 AT2270Q AccuTIPTM 22GX7.0 Inch Quincke - Box/25 149.75 129.75 122.25 114.75 AT2280Q AccuTIP 22GX8.0 Inch Quincke - Box/25 164.75 114.75 97.25 87.25 AT2335Q AccuTIP 23GX3.5 Inch Quincke - Box/25 24.75 24.75 24.75 24.75 (.99/ea) AT2350Q AccuTIP 23GX5.0 Inch Quincke - Box/25 119.75 99.75 92.25 84.75 AT2360Q AccuTIP 23GX6.0 Inch Quincke - Box/25 132.25 112.25 104.75 97.25 AT2370Q AccuTIP 23GX7.0 Inch Quincke - Box/25 164.75 114.75 97.25 87.25 AT2525Q AccuTIPTM 25GX2.5 Inch Quincke - Box/25 82.25 57.25 47.25 42.25 AT2535Q AccuTIPTM 25GX3.5 Inch Quincke - Box/25 67.25 47.25 39.75 34.75 AT2550Q AccuTIPTM 25GX5.0 Inch Quincke - Box/25 164.75 114.75 97.25 87.25 AT2560Q AccuTIP 25GX6.0 Inch Quincke - Box/25 164.75 114.75 97.25 87.25 AT2570Q AccuTIP 25GX7.0 Inch Quincke - Box/25 164.75 114.75 97.25 87.25 AT2580Q TM AccuTIP 25GX8.0 Inch Quincke - Box/25 164.75 114.75 97.25 87.25 Description 1 Box 10 Boxes 30 Boxes 60 Boxes Order # TM TM TM TM TM TM TM TM TM TM TM TM TM TM 7704 22Gx4.5 Inch Quincke - Box/10 57.90 50.90 46.90 42.90 7705 22Gx5.5 Inch Quincke - Box/10 68.90 60.90 55.90 51.90 Close-up: Quincke Tip 28 QUINCKE Order # (p)800.677.5022 • (f)800.341.6440 eciailty Needles • • • • • Point geometry Tuohy enhances tactile feel. Metric markings identify depth of insertion. Bevel orientation for easy identification. Precision molded stylet ensures smooth insertion & removal. Integrated polycarbonate wing for ease of placement. TUOHY Order # Description 18G x 3.5” Tuohy 1 Box 10 Boxes 30 Boxes 60 Boxes 18T35 18Gx3.5 Inch Tuohy - Detachable Wing - Box/10 58.90 51.90 47.90 43.90 20T35 20Gx3.5 Inch Tuohy - Fixed Wing - Box/10 56.90 49.90 45.90 42.90 22T35 22Gx3.5 Inch Tuohy - Detachable Wing - Box/10 71.90 62.90 57.90 53.90 1 Box 4 Boxes 12 Boxes 24 Boxes AT1735T Order # AccuTIPTM 17Gx3.5 Inch Tuohy - Fixed Wing - Box/25 Description 132.25 92.25 77.25 69.75 AT1760T AccuTIPTM 17Gx6.0 Inch Tuohy - Fixed Wing - Box/25 274.75 244.75 227.25 202.25 AT1825T AccuTIP 18Gx2.5 Inch Tuohy - Detachable Wing - Box/25 182.25 127.25 107.25 97.25 AT1835T AccuTIPTM 18Gx3.5 Inch Tuohy - Fixed Wing - Box/25 132.25 92.25 77.25 74.75 (2.99 /ea) AT1845T AccuTIP 18Gx4.5 Inch Tuohy - Fixed Wing - Box/25 294.75 259.75 242.25 215.75 AT18G60T AccuTIP 18Gx6.0 Inch Tuohy - Fixed Wing - Box/25 277.25 244.75 229.75 204.75 AT2035T TM TM TM 132.25 92.25 77.25 74.75 AT2035TDS AccuTIPTM 20Gx3.5 Inch Tuohy - Detachable Wing - Box/25 147.25 102.25 87.25 77.25 AT2045T AccuTIPTM 20Gx4.5 Inch Tuohy - Fixed Wing - Box/25 277.25 244.75 227.25 202.25 AT2060T AccuTIP 20Gx6.0 Inch Tuohy - Fixed Wing - Box/25 277.25 244.75 227.25 202.25 1 Box 10 Boxes 30 Boxes 60 Boxes AccuTIP 20Gx3.5 Inch Tuohy - Fixed Wing - Box/25 TM TM Order # Description 7701 20Gx4.5 Inch Tuohy - Detachable Wing - Box/10 57.90 50.90 46.90 42.90 7702 20Gx6 Inch Tuohy - Detachable Wing - Box/10 102.90 94.90 91.90 87.90 1 Box 4 Boxes 12 Boxes 24 Boxes 129.75 109.75 97.25 CHIBA Description Order # AT2260C AccuTIP 22Gx6.0 Inch Chiba - Calibrated - Box/25 182.25 AT2035C AccuTIP 20Gx3.5 Inch Chiba - Calibrated - Box/25 74.75 AT1835C AccuTIPTM 18Gx3.5 Inch Chiba - Calibrated - Box/25 49.75 AT1860C AccuTIPTM 18Gx6.0 Inch Chiba - Calibrated - Box/25 42.23 TM TM HUSTEAD Order # Description $ As low as 2. 99 /ea Don’t Forget Your Pulsator ® LORs • 7ml Luer Slip • 7ml Luer Lock (See pg 27) Close-Out 1 Box 10 Boxes 30 Boxes 60 Boxes 20H35 20Gx3.5 Inch Hustead - Cal. w/ Detachable Wing - Box/10 70.90 61.90 57.90 52.90 22H35 22Gx3.5 Inch Hustead - Cal. w/ Detachable Wing - Box/10 71.90 62.90 57.90 53.90 www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com Close-up: Tuohy Tip 29 EXEL Needles & Syringes Hypodermic Needles Order # Description 1 Box 20 Boxes 40 Boxes 26400 27Gx1/2 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 26427 27Gx1-1/4 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 26426 27Gx1-1/2 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 26402 26Gx1/2 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 26403 25Gx5/8 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 26405 25Gx1 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 26406 25Gx1-1/2 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 26407 23Gx3/4 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 26408 23Gx1 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 26410 22Gx3/4 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 26411 22Gx1 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 26412 22Gx1-1/2 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 26414 21Gx1 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 26415 21Gx1-1/4 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 26416 21Gx1-1/2 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 26431 20Gx1/2 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 26430 20Gx3/4 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 26417 20Gx1 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 26418 20Gx1-1/2 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 26424 19Gx1 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 26438 19Gx1-1/2 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 26419 18Gx1 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 26420 18Gx1-1/2 Inch - Box/100 (20 Boxes/Case) 6.09 4.59 4.09 Standard & LOR Syringes Order # Description 1 Box 8 Box 10 Boxes 40 Boxes 26048 1cc TB Syringe (Luer-Slip) - Box/100 (10 Boxes/Case) 13.29 - 10.59 9.39 26050 1cc TB Syringe (Luer-Lock) - Box/100 (10 Boxes/Case) 18.59 - 14.79 13.09 26200 3cc Syringe (Luer-Lock) - Box/100 (10 Boxes/Case) 9.29 - 7.39 6.59 26230 5-6cc Syringe (Luer-Lock) - Box/100 (8 Boxes/Case) 16.79 13.39 - 11.89 26265 10-12cc Syringe (Luer-Lock) - Box/100 (8 Boxes/Case) 12.49 11.29 - 9.99 26280 20-25cc Syringe (Luer-Lock) - Box/50 (10 Boxes/Case) 23.89 - 18.99 16.89 26290 30-35cc Syringe (Luer-Lock) - Box/50 (10 Boxes/Case) 29.29 - 23.19 20.59 Description Individual 50 100 300 Order # ACL490 Pulsator 7ml Plastic LOR Syringe (Luer-Slip) - Box/50 3.39 2.99 2.59 2.29 ACL495 Pulsator® 7ml Plastic LOR Syringe (Luer-Lock) - Box/50 3.39 2.99 2.59 2.29 ® (See BD Syringes & Needles - Page 32) 30 (p)800.677.5022 • (f)800.341.6440 Your Most Comprehen Selection of Needles & S nsive Syringes. EXEL Needles & Syringes Syringes with Needles Order # Description 1 Box 10 Boxes 40 Boxes 26040 Allergy Tray 1cc Syringe w/ 27Gx1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 14.19 11.29 9.99 26044 1cc Syringe w/ 25Gx5/8 Inch Needle - Box/100 14.19 11.29 9.99 26129 3cc Syringe w/ Syringe w/ 27Gx1-1/4 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.59 8.49 7.49 26100 3cc Syringe w/ Syringe w/ 25Gx5/8 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.59 8.49 7.49 26111 3cc Syringe w/ 25Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.59 8.49 7.49 26112 3cc Syringe w/ 25Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.59 8.49 7.49 26101 3cc Syringe w/ 23Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.59 8.49 7.49 26117 3cc Syringe w/ 23Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.59 8.49 7.49 26115 3cc Syringe w/ 22Gx3/4 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.59 8.49 7.49 26102 3cc Syringe w/ 22Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.59 8.49 7.49 26103 3cc Syringe w/ 22Gx1-1/4 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.59 8.49 7.49 26104 3cc Syringe w/ 22Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.59 8.49 7.49 26105 3cc Syringe w/ 21Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.59 8.49 7.49 26127 3cc Syringe w/ 21Gx1-1/4 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.59 8.49 7.49 26107 3cc Syringe w/ 21Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.59 8.49 7.49 26611 3cc Syringe w/ 20Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 - Luer Slip 12.29 9.69 8.69 26108 3cc Syringe w/ 20Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.59 8.49 7.49 26109 3cc Syringe w/ 20Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.59 8.49 7.49 26110 3cc Syringe w/ 18Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.59 8.49 7.49 26613 3cc Syringe w/ 18Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 - Luer Slip 12.29 9.69 8.69 1 Box 8 Boxes 40 Boxes Order # Description 26210 5-6cc Syringe w/ 22Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 22.09 17.59 15.59 26219 5-6cc Syringe w/ 22Gx1-1/4 Inch Needle - Box/100 22.09 17.59 15.59 26211 5-6cc Syringe w/ 22Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 22.09 17.59 15.59 26212 5-6cc Syringe w/ 21Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 22.09 17.59 15.59 26218 5-6cc Syringe w/ 21Gx1-1/4 Inch Needle - Box/100 22.09 17.59 15.59 26213 5-6cc Syringe w/ 21Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 22.79 17.59 15.59 26214 5-6cc Syringe w/ 20Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 22.09 17.59 15.59 26250 10-12cc Syringe w/ 22Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 24.79 19.69 17.49 26251 10-12cc Syringe w/ 22Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 24.79 19.69 17.49 26252 10-12cc Syringe w/ 21Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 24.79 19.69 17.49 26253 10-12cc Syringe w/ 21Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 24.79 19.69 17.49 26254 10-12cc Syringe w/ 20Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 24.79 19.69 17.49 26255 10-12cc Syringe w/ 20Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 24.79 19.69 17.49 26257 10-12cc Syringe w/ 18Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 24.79 19.69 17.49 (See BD Syringes & Needles - Page 32) www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com 31 BD Needles & Syringes Hypodermic Needles Order# Description 1 Box 10 Boxes 305125 25Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 12.37 9.77 305145 23Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.56 8.37 305155 22Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.56 8.37 305156 22Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.56 8.37 305165 21Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.56 8.37 305167 21Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.56 8.37 305175 20Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.56 8.37 305176 20Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.56 8.37 305195 18Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.56 8.37 305196 18Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 10.56 8.37 Syringes Order# Description 1 Box 4 Boxes 8 Boxes 309659 1cc TB Syringe (Luer-Slip) - 200/Box 38.59 - 33.08 309657 3cc Syringe (Luer-Lock) - 200/Box 27.90 21.76 - 309646 5cc Syringe (Luer-Lock) - 125/Box 25.00 20.00 - 309604 10cc Syringe (Luer-Lock) - 100/Box 28.00 21.60 - 302830 20cc Syringe (Luer-Lock) - 48/Box 22.93 19.75 - 302832 30cc Syringe (Luer-Lock) - 56/Box 30.54 26.18 - 1 Box 4 Boxes 8 Boxes Syringes with Needles Order# 32 Description 309581 3cc Syringe w/ 25Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 17.14 - 13.45 309571 3cc Syringe w/ 23Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 17.14 - 13.45 309572 3cc Syringe w/ 22Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 17.14 - 13.45 309574 3cc Syringe w/ 22Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 17.14 - 13.45 309575 3cc Syringe w/ 21Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 17.14 - 13.45 309577 3cc Syringe w/ 21Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 17.14 - 13.45 309578 3cc Syringe w/ 20Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 17.14 - 13.45 309579 3cc Syringe w/ 20Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 17.14 - 13.45 309580 3cc Syringe w/ 18Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 17.14 - 13.45 309630 5cc Syringe w/ 22Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 26.61 22.18 - 309631 5cc Syringe w/ 22Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 29.23 25.05 - 309632 5cc Syringe w/ 21Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 26.61 22.18 - 309633 5cc Syringe w/ 21Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 28.44 24.38 - 309634 5cc Syringe w/ 20Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 30.19 25.88 - 309644 10cc Syringe w/ 20Gx1 Inch Needle - Box/100 33.08 28.35 - 309645 10cc Syringe w/ 20Gx1-1/2 Inch Needle - Box/100 33.08 28.35 - (p)800.677.5022 • (f)800.341.6440 Exam and Surgical Gloves Twice the Gloves Per Box ALOE ICE® SensiCare Silk® Nitrile Exam Gloves (Powder-Free) Order # Description Size 1 Box Nitrile Exam Gloves (Powder-Free) 10 Boxes 50 Boxes Order # Description Size 1 Box 10 Boxes 50 Boxes MDS195283 Nitrile PF - Box/200 XS 17.39 15.29 14.29 MDS7583 Nitrile PF - Box/200 XS 16.29 14.39 13.39 MDS195284 Nitrile PF - Box/200 SM 17.39 15.29 14.29 MDS7584 Nitrile PF - Box/200 SM 16.29 14.39 13.39 MDS195285 Nitrile PF - Box/200 MED 17.39 15.29 14.29 MDS7585 Nitrile PF - Box/200 MED 16.29 14.39 13.39 MDS195286 Nitrile PF - Box/200 LG 17.39 15.29 14.29 MDS7586 Nitrile PF - Box/200 LG 16.29 14.39 13.39 MDS195287 Nitrile PF - Box/200 XL 17.39 15.29 14.29 MDS7587 Nitrile PF - Box/200 XL 16.29 14.39 13.39 CURAD ® MEDIGUARD® Latex Exam Gloves (Powder & Powder-Free) Order # CUR8104 Description Latex PF - Box/100 Size 1 Box SM 10.49 10 Boxes 50 Boxes 9.29 Vinyl Exam Gloves (Powder-Free) Order # Description Size 1 Box 8.09 MSV511 Vinyl PF - Box/150 SM 8.29 10 Boxes 50 Boxes 7.39 6.69 Vinyl PF - Box/150 MED 8.29 7.39 6.69 CUR8105 Latex PF - Box/100 MED 10.49 9.29 8.09 MSV512 CUR8106 Latex PF - Box/100 LG 10.49 9.29 8.09 MSV513 Vinyl PF - Box/150 LG 8.29 7.39 6.69 CUR8107 Latex PF - Box/90 XL 10.49 9.29 8.09 MSV514 Vinyl PF - Box/150 XLG 8.49 7.49 6.79 MG1204 Latex P - Box/100 SM 9.79 8.69 7.69 MG1205 Latex P - Box/100 MED 9.79 8.69 7.69 MG1206 Latex P - Box/100 LG 9.79 8.69 7.69 MG1207 Latex P - Box/100 XL 9.79 8.69 7.69 TRADITION® Surgical Gloves (Powder or Powder-Free • Latex or Latex-Free) Size 1 Box MSG4055 Surgical P - Box/50 5.5 40.63 35.55 30.47 MSG4060 Surgical P - Box/50 6.0 40.63 35.55 30.47 MSG4065 Surgical P - Box/50 6.5 40.63 35.55 30.47 MSG4070 Surgical P - Box/50 7.0 40.63 35.55 30.47 MSG4075 Surgical P - Box/50 7.5 40.63 35.55 30.47 MSG4080 Surgical P - Box/50 8.0 40.63 35.55 30.47 MSG4085 Surgical P - Box/50 8.5 40.63 35.55 30.47 MSG4090 Surgical P - Box/50 9.0 40.63 35.55 30.47 MSG1055 Surgical PF NL - Box/25 5.5 75.69 64.49 57.89 MSG1060 Surgical PF NL - Box/25 6.0 75.69 64.49 57.89 MSG1065 Surgical PF NL - Box/25 6.5 75.69 64.49 57.89 MSG1070 Surgical PF NL - Box/25 7.0 75.69 64.49 57.89 MSG1075 Surgical PF NL - Box/25 7.5 75.69 64.49 57.89 MSG1080 Surgical PF NL - Box/25 8.0 75.69 64.49 57.89 MSG1085 Surgical PF NL - Box/25 8.5 75.69 64.49 57.89 Order # Description www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com 4 Boxes 20 Boxes 33 IV Start Kits Order # Description TegadermTM Chloraprep® Tourniquet 50 Sets 100 Sets 200 Sets 267004 IV Start Kit w/ Change & Tegaderm Box/100 2-3/8 Inch x 2-3/4 Inch SEPP® .75 Inch x 18 Inch 1.29 1.09 0.99 267014 IV Start Kit w/ Chloraprep® - Box/100 2-3/8 Inch x 2-3/4 Inch FREPP® .75 Inch x 18 Inch 1.49 1.29 1.19 71121 IV Start Kit w/ .67ml Chloraprep SEPP® & TegadermTM - Box/100 2-1/2 Inch x 2-3/4 Inch SEPP® 1 Inch x 18 Inch 2.09 1.79 1.69 TM Port Access Kits Order # Description 1 Unit 20 Units 40 Units 80 Units 59406 Port Access Kit 16.1 x 13.1 x 10.0 - Box/20 9.49 8.29 7.69 7.09 59429 Port Access Kit 13.9 x 12.1 x 10.5 - Box/20 7.69 6.79 6.39 5.89 70347 Port Access Kit with BioPatch & Tegaderm 1650 Dressing - Box/20 21.99 19.19 17.89 16.49 ® Diluents / Solutions Please Call for Availability & Pricing Sodium Chloride IV Bags Order # 7101-02 Sodium Chloride 0.9% 250ml - Box/24 7922-02 5% Dextrose 250ml - Box/24 7983-02 Sodium Chloride 0.9% 250ml - Box/24 7922-03 5% Dextrose 500ml - Box/24 7983-03 Sodium Chloride 0.9% 500ml - Box/24 7922-09 5% Dextrose 1000ml - Box/12 7983-09 Sodium Chloride 0.9% 1000ml - PF - Box/12 7922-25 5% Dextrose 250ml - Box/24 7983-25 Sodium Chloride 0.9% 250ml - Box/24 7922-55 5% Dextrose 500ml 2pt - Box/18 7983-53 Sodium Chloride 0.9% 250ml - Box/24 Order # 7983-55 Sodium Chloride 0.9% 500ml - Box/18 7953-02 Lactated Ringers 250ml - Box/24 7985-25 Sodium Chloride 0.45% 250ml - Box/24 7953-03 Lactated Ringers 500ml - Box/24 Order # Sodium Chloride IV Bags 7953-09 Lactated Ringers1000ml - Box/12 7984-37 Sodium Chloride 0.9% 100ml - Box/80 7983-61 Sodium Chloride 0.9% 150ml - Box/32 7984-23 Sodium Chloride 0.9% 100ml - Box/48 FDA Approved Generic for Depo-Medrol $4.19 * As low as ® (40mg/ml 1ml SDV - Quantity purchase - Pg. 7) 34 5% Dextrose IV Bags Order # (p)800.677.5022 Lactated Ringers Exel IV Administration Sets All Sets are Sterile, Non-Toxic & Latex Free with non Pyrogenic Fluid Paths - Y-Injection Site, Vented/Non Vented, with Clamp - 78 Inch Tubing Priming Volume 23mL/Approximate - Inside Diameter 3.0 +- Order # Description 50 Sets 100 Sets 200 Sets 400 Sets 27086 IV Admin Set - 15 Drops/ml Option Lock 2.03 1.83 1.69 1.56 29081 IV Administration Set - 15 Drop/ml - Luer Slip 1.23 1.11 1.03 0.95 29082 IV Administration Set - 15 Drop/ml - Luer Lock 1.23 1.11 1.03 0.95 29083 IV Administration Set - 60 Drop/ml - Luer Slip 1.64 1.48 1.37 1.26 29085 IV Administration Set - 60 Drop/ml - Luer Lock 1.64 1.48 1.37 1.26 29086 IV Administration Set - 15 Drop/ml - Luer Lock/Luer Slip Needle-Free Injection Site 1.25 1.13 1.04 0.96 29088 IV Administration Set w/ 2 Injection Sites - 105 Inch 15 Drop/ml - Luer Lock/Luer Slip 1.40 1.27 1.17 1.08 Exel Filtered IV Administration Sets All Sets contain a 0.2 Micron IV Filter constructed with materials that pass USP Class VI - Latex Free Y-Injection Sites, Vented/Non Vented, with Roller Clamp - Occlusion Clamp - 84 Inch DEHP Free Tubing / Priming Volume 57mL/ApproximateInside Diameter 3.0 +- 0.05mm - Outside Diameter 4.2 +- 0.05 Order # Description 50 Sets 100 Sets 200 Sets 26085 Filtered IV Administration Set - 20 Drops/ml Luer Lock Needle Injection Site 4.99 4.19 3.89 27085 Filtered IV Administration Set - 20 Drops/ml Luer Lock Needle-Free Injection Site 3.49 2.99 2.69 Exel IV Catheters Order # Description 1 Box 4 Boxes 8 Boxes 26716 IV Catheter - 14G x 1-1/4 Inch - Box/50 46.99 38.99 35.99 26729 IV Catheter - 14G x 2 Inch - Box/50 46.99 38.99 35.99 26730 IV Catheter - 16G x 1-1/4 Inch - Box/50 46.99 38.99 35.99 26731 IV Catheter - 16G x 2 Inch - Box/50 46.99 38.99 35.99 26735 IV Catheter - 18G x 1-1/4 Inch - Box/50 46.99 38.99 35.99 26736 IV Catheter - 18G x 1-1/2 Inch - Box/50 46.99 38.99 35.99 26738 IV Catheter - 18G x 2 Inch - Box/50 46.99 38.99 35.99 26741 IV Catheter - 20G x 1 Inch - Box/50 46.99 38.99 35.99 26742 IV Catheter - 20G x 1-1/4 Inch - Box/50 46.99 38.99 35.99 26743 IV Catheter - 20G x 2 Inch - Box/50 46.99 38.99 35.99 26746 IV Catheter - 22G x 1 Inch - Black - Box/50 46.99 38.99 35.99 26751 IV Catheter - 24G x 3/4 Inch - Red - Box/50 46.99 38.99 35.99 www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com 35 Sutures and Removal Kits Premium Absorbable Sutures Reli PGA Coated Sutures TM Reli®# Ethicon®# Size VU493 VU494 VU496 VU497 J493G J494G J496G J497G 5-0 4-0 4-0 3-0 Suture 3/8 RC Undyed 18 Inch Undyed 18 Inch Undyed 18 Inch Undyed 18 Inch 13mm PP* 13mm PP* 19mm PP* 19mm PP* Box/12 Box/12 Box/12 Box/12 1 Box 4 Boxes 50.28 (4.19/ea) 50.28 (4.19/ea) 38.28 (3.19/ea) 38.28 (3.19/ea) 38.28 (3.19/ea) 38.28 (3.19/ea) 29.88 (2.49/ea) 29.88 (2.49/ea) (*Precision Point) Reli Gut Chromic Sutures TM Reli # Ethicon # Size Suture 3/8 RC 1 Box 4 Boxes GC635 635H 4-0 Undyed 27 Inch 19mm Box/12 26.28 (2.19/ea) 20.28 (1.69/ea) GC636 636H 3-0 Undyed 27 Inch 19mm Box/12 26.28 (2.19/ea) 20.28 (1.69/ea) ® ® (*Precision Point) Premium Non-Absorbable Sutures REDILON Nylon Sutures TM REDI# Ethicon®# Size Suture 3/8 RC 1 Box 4 Boxes N661 661G 5-0 Black 18 Inch 19mm PP* Box/12 26.28 (2.19/ea) 20.28 (1.69/ea) N662 N663 N697 N698 662G 663G 697G 698G 4-0 3-0 6-0 5-0 Black 18 Inch Black 18 Inch Black 18 Inch Black 18 Inch 19mm PP* 24mm PP* 11mm PP* 13mm PP* Box/12 Box/12 Box/12 Box/12 26.28 (2.19/ea) 23.28 (1.99/ea) 32.28 (2.69/ea) 31.08 (2.59/ea) 20.28 (1.69/ea) 19.08 (1.59/ea) 25.08 (2.09/ea) 23.88 (1.99/ea) (*Precision Point) Reli Silk Sutures TM Reli # Ethicon # Size ® SK683 Suture 3/8 RC Black 18 Inch 19mm ® 683G 4-0 Box/12 1 Box 4 Boxes 22.68 (1.89/ea) 16.68 (1.39/ea) Reli Polypropolene Sutures TM Reli®# Ethicon®# Size P8683 P8684 P8698 8683G 8684G 8698G 4-0 3-0 5-0 Suture 3/8 RC Black 18 Inch Black 18 Inch Blue 18 Inch 19mm 24mm 13mm PP* Box/12 Box/12 Box/12 1 Box 4 Boxes 35.70 (2.98/ea) 38.70 (3.23/ea) 38.70 (3.23/ea) 26.70 (2.23/ea) 29.70 (2.48/ea) 29.70 (2.48/ea) (*Precision Point) Suture Removal Kits Order # Description Scissors Forceps Gauze 1 Kit 61108 Suture Removal Kit 50 Kits/Box 4.5 Inch Wire 5 Inch Plastic 3x3 12 ply 0.79 - 0.69 0.59 61531 Suture Removal Kit 50 Kits/Box 4.5 Inch 4 Inch 3x3 Wire Thumb Wire 12 ply 0.79 - 0.69 0.59 4131 Suture Removal Kit 50 Kits/Box 4.5 Inch 5 Inch 2x2 Wire Thumb Wire 8 ply 0.79 - 0.69 0.59 3.19 2.89 - 2.59 72538 36 Suture Removal Kit 4.5 Inch (Ortho) w/ Benzoin Tincture Iris Blue Swab - 20 Kits/Box Adson Sat Blue 3x3 4 ply 20 Kits 50 Kits 100 Kits (p)800.677.5022 • (f)800.341.6440 Technocut ® Premium Scalpels DISPOSABLE SCALPELS $5.79 (Box/10) $4.99 (2 Boxes) $4.39 (4 Boxes) Size 10 $5.79 (Box/10) $5.79 (Box/10) $4.99 (2 Boxes) $4.39 (4 Boxes) Order# Order# 6008T-10 371610 Technocut ® Aspen® Order# Order# 6008T-11 371611 $11.99 (Box/10) $4.99 (2 Boxes) $4.39 (4 Boxes) Size 11 Technocut ® Aspen® SAFETY SCALPELS Size 15 Technocut ® Aspen® Order# Order# Glassvan Size 10 Order# $16.39 (Box/100) $14.29 (2 Boxes) $12.59 (4 Boxes) Size 10 Technocut ® Aspen® Order# Order# 371615 3001T-10 371210 $16.39 (Box/100) $14.29 (2 Boxes) $12.59 (4 Boxes) Size 11 Technocut ® Aspen® Order# Order# 3001T-11 371211 $11.99 (Box/10) $10.39 (2 Boxes) $9.19 (4 Boxes) Size 11 Technocut ® Aspen® Size 15 Technocut ® Aspen® Order# Order# Order# 6008TR-10 372610 STAINLESS STEEL BLADES $14.29 (2 Boxes) $12.59 (4 Boxes) $10.39 (2 Boxes) $9.19 (4 Boxes) Technocut ® Aspen® Order# Order# Premium Blades 6008T-15 ® $16.39 (Box/100) $11.99 (Box/10) $10.39 (2 Boxes) $9.19 (4 Boxes) Order# Order# 3001T-15 371215 6008TR-15 372615 CARBON STEEL BLADES $13.59 (Box/100) $13.59 (Box/100) $11.79 (2 Boxes) $10.39 (4 Boxes) Size 15 Technocut ® Aspen® 6008TR-11 372611 Size 10 Technocut ® Aspen® Order# Order# 2001T-10 371110 $13.59 (Box/100) $11.79 (2 Boxes) $10.39 (4 Boxes) $11.79 (2 Boxes) $10.39 (4 Boxes) Size 11 Size 15 Technocut ® Aspen® Technocut ® Aspen® Order# Order# 2001T-11 371111 Order# Order# 2001T-15 371115 Ask about FREE Surgical Blades when ordering your Blade Removal Flask Stainless Steel Blade Handles Order # Description Each 6001-03 #3 Stainless Blade Handle 6.29/ea 6001-04 #4 Stainless Blade Handle 6.29/ea www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com 37 Medical/Surgical Supplies Viscot Surgical Markers TM 0145020 Order # 0145620 01-0145020 Mini XL Pre-Surgical Skin Marker - Sterile (Chloroprep Resistant) - Fine Tip - Box/100 115.00 01- 0145620 Mini XL Pre-Surgical Skin Marker - Sterile (Chloroprep Resistant) - Ultra Fine Tip - Box/100 120.00 0143720 Description 1 Box 01- 0143720 Viscot Value Surgical Skin Marker - Sterile Fine Tip - Box/100 65.00 Gelfoam ® Absorbable Gelatin Sponge Order # Description 1 Box 12 Boxes 0323-01 Gelfoam® Sponge - Size 50 - Box/4 109.95 99.95 0315-08 Gelfoam Sponge - 12-7mm - Box/12 126.22 - 0342-01 Gelfoam Sponge - Size 100 - Box/6 219.95 199.95 ® ® Table Paper Order # Description 12 Rolls 23322 Exam Table Paper - Smooth - White - 18 x 225 Inch 37.95 (3.16/ea) 23326 Exam Table Paper - Smooth - White - 21 x 225 Inch 39.95 (3.30/ea) Vaculet Blood Collection Sets TM Order # Description 1 Box 4 Boxes 8 Boxes 26764 Blood Collection Set - 21G x 3/4 Inch - Box/50 27.99 22.99 20.99 26766 Blood Collection Set - 23G x 3/4 x 12 Inch - Box/50 27.99 22.99 20.99 26768 Blood Collection Set - 25G x 3/4 x 12 Inch - Box/50 27.99 22.99 20.99 Secure Touch® Safety Blood Collection Sets Order # 38 Description 1 Box 4 Boxes 8 Boxes 27764 Safety Blood Collection Set - 21G x 3/4 Inch Thin Wall - Box/50 54.99 45.99 41.99 27766 Safety Blood Collection Set - 23G x 3/4 Inch Thin Wall - Box/50 54.99 45.99 41.99 27768 Safety Blood Collection Set - 25G x 3/4 Inch Thin Wall - Box/50 54.99 45.99 41.99 (p)800.677.5022 • (f)800.341.6440 Medical/Surgical Supplies Wound Care Order # Order # 1 Box 12 Boxes 25 Boxes 60 Boxes NON25660 Curad® 1x3 Inch Flexible Bandages - Box/100 3.69 3.29 - 2.79 PRM21208C Gauze Sponge (NS) - 2x2 Inch - 8 Ply - Box/200 2.99 - 2.39 - PRM21408C Gauze Sponge (NS) - 4x4 Inch - 8 Ply - Box/200 8.89 - - 5.09 PRM2208 Gauze Pad (Sterile) 2x2 Inch - 8 Ply - Box/100 3.79 - - 2.19 PRM4408 Gauze Pad (Sterile) 4x4 Inch - 8 Ply - Box/100 8.99 6.99 - 5.09 Surgical Prep Solutions 1 Unit 12 Units 24 Units 48 Units MDS093944 Betadine Solution - 4 Ounce Bottle 1.39 - - 1.09 MDS093943 Betadine® Solution - 8 Ounce Bottle 2.29 - 1.99 1.79 MDS093941 Betadine Solution - 32 Ounce Bottle 8.69 7.59 7.59 6.49 0575-16 Hibiclens Liquid - 16 Ounce Bottle 14.95 - - - 0575-32 Order # Hibiclens® Liquid - 32 Ounce Bottle 18.95 1 Unit ® ® ® Skin Prep Applicators 30 Units 100 Units MDS090670 Alcohol Prep Pads (Sterile) 2-Ply - LG - Box/100 3.09 2.69 2.29 MDS090735 Alcohol Prep Pads (Sterile) 2-Ply - MD - Box/200 4.29 3.69 3.09 MDS093810 Alcohol Swabsticks Triplets (3’s) - Box/25 10.29 8.89 7.49 2604-00 239.99 - - 304.95 - - 7.69 6.69 5.59 12.95 - Chloraprep® Sterile Applicators 3ml - Box/100 ® MDF260415 Chloraprep Applicator - 3ml (w/Orange Tint) - Box/100 MMM8635H DuraPrep™ Surgical Solutions - 6ml Applicator 0001-05 Povidone PVP Prep Pad - Box/200 MDS093902 Povidone Iodine Swabsticks (3’s) - Box/25 7.19 6.19 5.19 MDS093901 Povidone Iodine Swabsticks (Singles) - Box/50 7.89 6.79 5.69 As low as Pulsator LORs ® Pulsator® Plastic LORs Order # 2.29 $ (When purchased in quantity.) Individual 50 100 300 2.99 2.59 2.29 2.59 2.29 ACL490 Pulsator 7ml Plastic LOR Syringe (Luer-Slip) - Box/50 3.39 ACL495 Pulsator 7ml Plastic LOR Syringe (Luer-Lock) - Box/50 3.39 Order # MX452FL MX448L MX448HL 6457-28 533640 Order # ® ® Extension Tubing Extension Tubing - 6 Inch (M Luer-Lock) 0.8ml - Box/50 Extension Tubing - 6 Inch (M Luer-Lock) 0.3ml - Box/50 Extension Tubing - 6 Inch (M/F Luer-Lock) 0.3ml - Box/50 Extension Tubing - 12 Inch (M Luer-Lock) 0.5ml - Box/50 Extension Tubing - 36 Inch (M Luer-Lock) 0.2ml - Box/50 X-Ray C-Arm Drapes 2.99 1 Box 2 Boxes 4 Boxes 49.50 79.50 104.50 134.50 134.50 39.50 69.50 84.50 114.50 109.50 1 Box 4 Boxes 20 Boxes 34.50 64.50 79.50 104.50 99.50 001-3630 C-Arm Drape - 36 x 30 Inch - Universal Sterile Bandbag - Box/20 35.80 31.80 27.80 001-2820 C-Arm Drape - 28 x 20 Inch - Universal Sterile Bandbag - Box/20 37.80 33.80 31.80 www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com 39 Physicians’ First Choice for High Quality • Affordable Orthopaedic Products • Upper & Lower Body Soft Goods for Injury and Post-Op Rehabilitation • Air Traction for Low Back and Neck 40 (p)800.677.5022 • (f)800.341.6440 Traditional Bracing for the Lower Back Industrial Back Support • Lightweight & durable. • Extra wide velcro contacts. • Adjustable side straps. • Breathable vented pad and mesh belt. Order# Size 5090431 5090452 5090473 5090485 5090496 5090507 SM MED LG XL 2XL 3XL $ Only 15.59 /ea (Order of 15) $18.89 (each) *L0625 MAC PLUS MAC Low Profile Mechanical Back Brace Mechanical Back Brace Removable Anterior & Posterior Panels • Lightweight breathable mesh over wicking material allows for unmatched comfort. • Posterior spine elements curve to the body for excellent support and control. • Up to 6 inches of closure for maximum abdominal compression. • As thin as a belt, easily worn under clothing. Low Profile Size L0626B-S L0626B-M L0626B-L L0626B-XL L0626B-XXL SM MED LG XL 2XL* • 3:1 ratio pulley provides powerful compression and support. • Quick, one-hand adjustment controls support level and comfort for standing or sitting. • Thin, lightweight, breathable design with contouring panels. • Posterior and anterior panels areeasily removed. Circum. 25 30 35 40 45 - 30 35 40 45 50 MAC Plus Inches Inches Inches Inches Inches EMAC-NB-1 EMAC-NB-2 EMAC-NB-3 EMAC-NB-4 EMAC-NB-5 (*Add $10 for 2XL) $ Only 32.49 /ea (Order of 15) $ Only 52.99 /ea (Order of 15) $35.49 (each) $56.89 (each) *L0626 *L0630 * Clint Pharmaceuticals does not warrant the appropriateness of reimbursement codes. The provider is solely responsible for billing products under the correct reimbursement code. www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com 41 Soft Goods for Upper Body • An excellent choice for long-term immobilization and protection. 8” Wrist Brace • Each are fully adjustable for a custom fit. 8” LEFT 8” RIGHT Size Length Only 0017101 5092711 XS (5 1/4 - 6 1/4 Inches) 0017202 5092722 SM (6 1/4 - 7 1/4 Inches) /ea (Order of 15) 0017303 5092733 MED (7 1/4 - 8 Inches) 0017404 5092744 LG (8 - 9 Inches) $9.99 (each) 0017505 5092755 XL (9 - 10 Inches) $ 7. 19 *L3908 10” Wrist Brace 10” LEFT 10” RIGHT Size Length Only 0070101 5097011 XS (5 1/4 - 6 1/4 Inches) 0070102 5097012 SM (6 1/4 - 7 1/4 Inches) /ea (Order of 15) 0070103 5097033 MED (7 1/4 - 8 Inches) 0070104 5097044 LG (8 - 9 Inches) $12.09 (each) 0070105 5097055 XL (9 - 10 Inches) $ 8.79 *L3908 Thumb Spica LEFT RIGHT Size Length 0010101 5092011 XS (5 1/4 - 6 1/4 Inches) 0010202 5092022 SM (6 1/4 - 7 1/4 Inches) /ea (Order of 15) 0010303 5092032 MED (7 1/4 - 8 Inches) 0010404 5092044 LG (8 - 9 Inches) $18.69 (each) 0010505 5092055 XL (9 - 10 Inches) $ Only 13. 59 *L3809 Tennis Elbow Order# Each 15 5051030 7.99 6.39/ea As low as $ 6.39 *Clint Pharmaceuticals does not warrant the appropriateness of reimbursement codes. The provider is solely responsible for billing products under the correct reimbursement code. 42 (p)800.677.5022 • (f)800.341.6440 Universal Foam Cervical Collar • Medium density foam collar with cotton stockinette cover. • Ideal for post-op rehab, cervical sprains and strains. • Serpentine contour. As low as Order# Size Each 15 5053020 2 Inches 8.99 5.99 $ 5.99 5053000 3 Inches 9.79 6.49 *L0120 5053010 4 Inches 10.49 6.99 Universal Universal Shoulder Envelope Arm Sling • Shoulder strap has foam pad. • Universal - Right / Left • Contact closure with D-rings for easy adjustment. *Reimb. Code: A4565 $ Immobilizer • Immobilizes shoulder and elbow joint. • Padded waist / 2 inch shoulder straps. • Universal - Right / Left • Contact closure. Only 5. 49 /ea (Order of 15) *Reimb. Code: L3650 $6.89 (each) *A4565 $ Only 7.09 /ea (Order of 15) $8.89 (each) *L3650 Arm Sling Size Immobilizer 0205101 SM 0325101 0205102 MED 0325102 0205103 LG 0325103 0205104 XL 0325104 www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com 43 Soft Goods for Lower Body Hinged / Wrap-Around Knee Support • Neoprene hinged knee support with front contact closures for quick application. Only • Universal - Right / Left. $ 95 /ea • Take measurement (Order of 15) 6 inches above mid-patella. *Reimbursement Code: L1820 $21.95 (each) 19. *L1820 Universal Quick-Lace 13. $ Only 12. 95 /ea (Order of 15) Size Circumference 0500001 0500002 0500003 0500004 0500005 0500006 0500007 SM MED LG XL 2XL 3XL 4XL 15 - 17.5 Inches 17.5 - 19.5 Inches 19.5 - 22.5 Inches 22.5 - 24.5 Inches 24.5 - 27 Inches 27 - 29.5 Inches 29 - 31.5 Inches Ankle Brace • Made with lightweight, breathable fabric. • Slim fit design laces up in Only seconds and fitseasily into a shoe. $ 95 /ea • Measurement is taken (Order of 15) diagonally over the base of the heel and across $14.95 (each) the ankle bone. *L1902 Universal Air or Foam Order# Order# Size Circumference 0316001 0316002 0316003 0316004 0316005 XS SM MED LG XL 10 - 11 Inches 11 - 12 Inches 12 - 13 Inches 13 - 14 Inches 14 - 15 Inches *Reimbursement Code: L1902 Ankle Stirrups FOAM Stirrup # Size AIR Stirrup # 0002181 0002182 0002183 SM MED LG 0021701 0021702 0021703 $14.95 (each) *L4350 Knee Immobilizer 44 Order # Length Each 15 5051200 5051300 5051400 5051500 16 Inches 18 Inches 20 Inches 24 Inches 18.95 19.95 20.95 21.95 16.95 17.95 18.95 19.95 • Rigid lightweight posterior with loop / lock closure straps. • 3-piece design for a precise fit. • Universal right / left. (p)800.677.5022 • (f)800.341.6440 $ As low as 16.95 *L1830 * Clint Pharmaceuticals does not warrant the appropriateness of reimbursement codes. The provider is solely responsible for billing products under the correct reimbursement code. $ 21.89 • Anatomically correct / An affordable alternative to the short leg cast. • Shock absorption feature in the heel for extra patient comfort. • Easily inflatable for superior support and comfort. /ea (Order of 15) $24.49 (each) *L4386 / L4387 $ Air Walker 3249 . /ea (Order of 15) $36.39 (each) *L4360 / L4361 Standard # Air # 5099101 5099102 5099103 5099104 5099105 Standard # 5041301 5041302 5041303 5041304 5041305 Air # XS 2 to 4 3 to 5 SM 4-1/2 to 6 5-1/2 to 7 MED 6-1/2 to 10 7-1/2 to 11 LG 10-1/2 to 12 11-1/2 to 13 XL 12 to 15 13 & Up Size Men’s Women’s 5099201 5099202 5099203 5099204 5099205 5041401 5041402 5041403 5041404 5041405 XS 2 to 4 3 to 5 SM 4-1/2 to 6 5-1/2 to 7 MED 6-1/2 to 10 7-1/2 to 11 LG 10-1/2 to 12 11-1/2 to 13 XL 12 to 15 13 & Up Universal Posterior & Dorsal Night Splints POSTERIOR • Adjustable from 90°-10° dorsi-flexion with center-release buckles for ease of application. • 3-Dimensional molded technology allows for variable padding thickness in strategic locations for superior comfort and fit. DORSAL • Light-weight, low profile design for increased comfort and compliance. • Slips on and adjusts easily. POSTERIOR # Size 5050601 5050602 5050606 SM MED LG DORSAL # Size 5050607 5081234 Men’s Men’s SM-MED 5 to 9 LG-XL 9-1/2 to 14 Only Only $ Women’s Only 16.89 /ea (Order of 15) Women’s Women’s 6 to 10 10-1/2 & up Posterior *L4396 / L4397 *Reimbursement Codes: Dorsal - L4398 / Posterior - L4396 Soft Top /ea (Order of 15) Men’s Up to 7 Up to 7-1/2 7-1/2 to 9 8 to 9-1/2 9-1/2 to 11-1/2 10 & Up Square Toe 7.99 $ Size $18.89 (each) Post-Op Shoes $ Walkers HIGH Profile Standard Universal Standard & Air LOW Profile Same Low Price for High or Low Profile! 5.09 /ea (Order of 15) $9.59 (each) $6.19 (each) *L3260 *L3260 Dorsal *L4398 SOFT TOP # Size SQUARE TOE # 5080130 5080150 5080170 5080180 Men’s SM (6 - 8) Men’s MED (8.5 - 10) Men’s LG (10.5 - 12) Men’s XL (12.5 - 14) 5053082 5053083 5053084 5053088 5080131 5080151 5080171 Women’s SM (4 - 6) Women’s MED (6.5 - 8) Women’s LG (8.5 - 10) 5053085 5053086 5053087 Pediatric (Square Toe Only) 5053081 www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com 45 Decompression Bracing for the Lower Back & Neck DDS 500 Inflatable Excellent Reimbursement Air Traction for Low Back Disc Disease Solutions (DDS) is a revolutionary approach to treating PDAC / MediCare Approved for Reimbursement Average: $960 (DDS 500) / $1,100 (DDS Double) lower back and neck pain, featuring “Vertical Air Pressure Technology (VAPTM)” that expands vertically and decompresses the lower back as it is inflated. This patented air traction design increases intervertebral disc space relieving pressure on the nerve root, eliminating pain while assisting active rehabilitation. *Check with your insurance company for actual reimbursement. Measuring for DDS Back Braces Measure patients at the most protruding part of the patients torso, usually located at the navel (not waistline). 8 inch belt extensions available for the DDS 500 & DDS Double back braces to provide versatility for weight fluctions and/or weight loss. Sizes Measurement DDS 500 DDS Double SM 26 - 28 inches 5495010 5495030 MED 29 - 32 inches 5495011 5495031 LG 33 - 35 inches 5495012 5495032 XL 36 - 38 inches 5495013 5495033 2XL 39 - 41 inches 5495014 5495034 3XL 42 - 44 inches 5495015 5495035 4XL 45 - 48 inches 5495016 5495036 5XL 49 - 51 inches 5495017 5495037 6XL 52 - 55 inches 5495018 N/A 7XL 56 - 59 inches 5495019 N/A Only L-Code: L0631/L0648 $235 DDS 500 DDS DOUBLE is available for patients over 6 feet 3 inches inch height. Only $195 DDS MAX Cervical Air Traction Collar As with our DDS 500, the DDS MAX Cervical Collar also expands vertically as it is inflated, increasing disc space to bring much-needed relief while assisting rehabilitation. One size fits most patients. E-Code: E0856 46 (p)800.677.5022 • (f)800.341.6440 DDS MAX Cervical Price 5495000 195.00 Providing Protection Against Radiation Injury for Doctors • Nurses • Staff With the rising concern of prolonged exposure to direct-beam and scatter radiation, Clint Pharmaceuticals offers premium protective apparel for radiologists, physicians, and their staff. AccuSHIELD lead-free vests, skirts and aprons feature the most lightweight protective material available in the industry today. AccuSHIELD LT Premium LEAD-FREE Apparel • Available in assorted colors • Custom Monogramming Available (See page 49) www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com 47 Full Wrap Front Apron Skirt/Vest • The lightest LEAD-FREE radiation protection in the Industry with interior made of Cool WearTM Moisture-Wicking Fabric. • Core material protects against both direct beam and more importantly, against dangerous scatter radiation. • Provides 20% greater protection against absorbed dose when compared to standard lead products and 40% greater protection when compared to lead-free or low-lead composites. • 2-tone design / Choose from 7 colors (see table on right). / Custom monogramming available (specify script or block). $ Only 770 $ MEN 48 445 $ each each Full Wrap Only Front Apron Only 750 each Specify Color & Waist / Chest Sizes When Ordering Skirt Vest WOMEN Full Wrap Front Apron Skirt Vest - - - - X-Small 5303010 5304010 5302110 5302010 5303031 5304031 5302131 5302031 Small 5303011 5304011 5302111 5302011 5303032 5304032 5302132 5302032 Medium 5303012 5304012 5302112 5302012 5303033 5304033 5302133 5302033 Large 5303013 5304013 5302113 5302013 5303034 5304034 5302134 5302034 X-Large 5303014 5304014 5302114 5302014 5303035 5304035 5302135 5302035 XX-Large 5303015 5304015 5302115 5302015 (p)800.677.5022 • (f)800.341.6440 “It’s not lead...it’s AccuSHIELD!” Comfortable • Lightweight • Fashionable Select Color & Size Monogramming Available on all apparel shown. • Specify BLOCK or Script when ordering. Red 5950 Pink 5953 Taupe 5952 Black 5900 APRON SIZING Men Chest Fuchsia 5951 Blue 5954 Teal 5955 Women Waist Chest Waist n/a n/a X-Small 30-32 25-27 34-36 28-30 Small 33-36 28-30 38-40 32-35 Medium 37-39 31-33 42-44 36-38 Large 40-42 34-36 46-48 40-42 X-Large 43-45 37-39 50-52 44-46 XX-Large 46-48 40-42 APRON LENGTHS: Vest Front-24 Inches / Vest Back-28 Inches Skirt-22 Inches / Full Apron-38 Inches $35/ea - 5300200 $375 Case/12 $ Available in white only. Apron and vest monogram placed over upper pocket. Skirt monogram positioned on bottom to match vest. Thyroid collar monogram placement upon request. One or two lines of text / Up to 17 characters per line. Only $25.00 per line. Requirements • Email your NAME & TITLE exactly as it will appear on each piece of apparel. Specify COLOR & LOCATION. • We cannot accept returns on monogrammed apparel. Email customerservice@clintpharmaceuticals.com or contact customer service at 800-677-5022. Thyroid Collars Apron Cleaner • Cleans radiation apparel of barium, blood and other common radiology related stains. • Helps maintain original appearance. • • • • • • $ Standard 35 /Bottle 95 each • Fits All Sizes • Choose from 7 colors Only Only (Premium collar only) Premium • Custom Monogramming - Add $25 (See Monogram Instructions Above) Standard $95 - 5306001 Premium $115 - 5306002 $ Only 115 each Radiation Protective Gloves $ Only 34 /Pair • • • • • • STERILE & Resterilizable with EO Gas LATEX-FREE & Powder-Free Leaded Rubber Tactile Grip with Maximum Sensitivity Anatomical Grip for Long Use, Less Stress Available in LIGHT or MEDIUM thickness Light Medium Size 5307065 5307165 6.5 5307070 5307170 7.0 5307075 5307175 7.5 5307080 5307180 8.0 5307085 5307185 8.5 5307090 5307190 9.0 www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com 49 Matte Crystal Brown / Volt Matte Black / Military Blue Brazen $ Protective Eyewear From 249 (Non RX) • Glasses combine protective leaded lenses (.75mm Lead equivalency) with streamlined style. • 6-base nylon frame is light weight and durable, with a relaxed, comfortable fit. • Ventilated nose bridge for improved airflow with reduced fogging and better grip. • Waffle tread pattern on temple arms for a snug, secure fit. Order # Description Color Price 5301200 AccuSHIELD Radiation Protective GLASSES - Brazen Plano Matte Black / Military Blue $249.00 5301201 AccuSHIELD Radiation Protective GLASSES - Brazen (Limited Single Vision Prescription) Matte Black / Military Blue $599.00 5301210 AccuSHIELD Radiation Protective GLASSES - Brazen Plano Matte Crystal Brown $249.00 5301211 AccuSHIELD Radiation Protective GLASSES - Brazen (Limited Single Vision Prescription) Matte Crystal Brown $599.00 Limited prescription strength available (Max. Script +/- 3.00 sphere and +/- 2.50 cylinder) Call for special order prescriptions. Navigator Fit-Over Fluoroscopy Comparison The x-ray comparison below shows the effectiveness of radiation protective eyewear (top) vs. standard optical lenses. $ Only 350 (Non RX) • .75mm Lead Equivalency. • Prescriptions not available. • Wrap-around radiation protection. • Fit over most medium to large prescription eyeglasses. Order # 5001600 Description AccuSHIELD Protective GLASSES Navigator Fit-Over Photo by Michael Furman 50 677.5022 • (f)800.341.6440 Color Price Matte Black $350.00 Microlite MAXX 30 TM • Universal fit / unisex shape & temple bars • Lightweight & comfortable with padded nose bridge • Meets ANSI Z87 1+ standards along with ASTM F803 impact resistance standards • All lenses standard with .75mm Lead equivalency Order # $ From 225 (Non RX) Description Color Price 5301100 AccuSHIELD Protective GLASSES - Maxx 30 .75mm Pb, Plano Black $225.00 5301101 AccuSHIELD Protective GLASSES - Maxx 30 .75mm Pb, Single Vision Black $520.00 5301102 AccuSHIELD Protective GLASSES - Maxx 30 .75mm Pb, Bi-Focal Black $610.00 5301103 AccuSHIELD Protective GLASSES - Maxx 30 .75mm Pb, Bi-Focal Progressive Black $700.00 Protective Eyewear for Men & Women • Unique styling with rich metal accents, available in white and black • Small and lightweight, yet durable frame design with relaxed fit • Ventilated nose bridge improves comfort and reduces fogging • .75mm Lead equivalency Order # Description $ From 249 (Non RX) Color Price 5001700 AccuSHIELD Radiation Protective GLASSES - Siren Plano Black $249.00 5001701 AccuSHIELD Radiation Protective GLASSES - Siren (Limited Single Vision Prescription) Black $599.00 5001710 AccuSHIELD Radiation Protective GLASSES - Siren Plano White $249.00 5001711 AccuSHIELD Radiation Protective GLASSES - Siren (Limited Single Vision Prescription) White $599.00 Limited prescription strength available (Max. Script +/- 3.00 sphere and +/- 2.50 cylinder). Call for special order prescriptions. X-ray comparison photo of protective eyewear (left) courtesy of Michael Furman, author of “Image-Guided Spinal Procedures”. Available at ElsevierHealth.com or Amazon.com Ordering Prescription Eye Wear Bi-Focal / Bi-Focal Progressive Single Vision Provide your prescription with your order to include the following: Provide your prescription with your order to include the following: - Right & Left Sphere, Cylinder and Axis measurements - Bi-Focal/Progressive ADD ( Right & Left) - Pupillary Distance Measurement (PD); Right, Left & Total - Segment Height Measurement (Seg. Height) - Right & Left Sphere, Cylinder & Axis measurements - Pupillary Distance Measurement (PD); Right, Left & Total www.ClintPharmaceuticals.com 51 “When Treating the Pain just isn’t Enough.” Pocket Sized • 1,700+ References • More than 180 Topics Please call to order as many complimentary copies as needed • 800.677.5022 • www.LifeReferenceManual.com