Huron Valley Eagles Aerie #3732 Newsletter


Huron Valley Eagles Aerie #3732 Newsletter
(734) 782-9215
Huron Valley Eagles
Aerie #3732 Newsletter
Newsletter—November 2010
Volume 1, Issue 5
Aerie #3732
• Past Worthy President
Dale Heiss
• Worthy President
Jeremy Schroeder
• Worthy Vice-President
Robert Vaughan
• Worthy Chaplin
Leona Vaughan
• Worthy Secretary
Dennis Foley
• Treasurer
Sarah Rupert
• Worthy Conductor
Carol Wells
• Inside Guard
Larry Rizzardi
• Outside Guard
Don Donofrio
Aerie #3732
• Cheryl Smith
• Robert Rupert
• Robert Brown Jr
• Robin Brown
Thanks Dinner
Date/Time TBD
Contact Aerie or see
for information
Annual November Food Drive
As the HVE continues
on the Eagles motto of
‘People Helping People’
the annual November
Food Drive has begun.
In past years HVE members have collected nonperishable items to help
those in need during the
holiday season. This
year we are pushing
both our members and guests to step up and
really make a difference by donating nonperishable items every time they visit the Aerie.
Members were given a punch card at the membership meeting on November 2nd. The punch
card is designed remind members to bring items
to the Aerie every time they visit and it offers
them the opportunity earn a free meal after they
receive 10 punches.
Punch cards were also passed out and Monday
and Saturday bingos in order to get guests of the
Aerie involved in the food drive and hopefully
increase the amount of donations so that more
families can receive help that is desperately
needed during the forthcoming holiday season.
Aerie member Joanne Thompson was the first
person to fill her punch card even before the
month of November started, she received her
punch card on Monday October 27th at Bingo
and on Saturday October 30th she walked into
Bingo and asked for some help unloading a large
bag from her car that she could not carry herself.
The bag was full of non-perishables for the food
drive and was a great kick-off for the food drive.
So remember if you are coming to the Aerie
please bring non-perishable food items to donate,
or if you are unable to bring them please email and arrangements can be
made for someone to come by and pick up the
Also we are accepting cash donations to help
needed families during the Holiday season, so if
are interested in donating please contact an Aerie
Officer and they will be glad to accept your donation and give you a receipt if you need one.
HVE Gets Rid Of President And Crowns A King
With the Aerie all decorated for the
Halloween season with pumpkins
and hay bales, the annual Halloween
party was ready to begin and it was
a night filled with fun and fear.
Aerie President Jeremy Schroeder
put on his best white pantsuit full of
sequins and showed up as the King
of Rock and Roll. Overall about 40
members and guests enjoyed the
party which was full of good Halloween treats
and bad Halloween tricks (the karaoke). Thanks
everyone for helping and we hope everyone had
a great evening.
Huron Valley Eagles
Aerie #3732 Newsletter
Newsletter—November 2010
Volume 1, Issue 5
Page 2
Texas Hold’Em Weekend
The 4th and final Texas
Hold’Em Weekend is scheduled for November 5th through
the 7th. There will be a nightly
Texas Hold’Em tournament
starting about 7pm, along with
cash tables for Texas Hold’Em,
Blackjack and maybe some 7
Card Stud if enough players are
interested. All proceeds from
the weekend are going to the
general fund and are slated to
pay the 2010 taxes.
There will also be
Charity Game tickets
available. So come
on out and socialize
with members, bring
a friend, get some
good food from the
kitchen, a drink from
the bar and try your
November Birthdays
• Kittie Lorentz, 1st
• Cheryl Allred, Samantha Foley
Michael Morgan, 5th
• Cynthia Swafford, 7th
Bluegrass Continues 2010-2011 Season
• David Sutyak, 14th
• Wendy Rintz, 19th
• and any others that aren't
The 2010-2011 Bluegrass season continues at the HVE.
Blue grassers have been enjoying music from local favorites and first time bands to the Aerie.
For the latest schedule see
the Bluegrass site for the Aerie.
Summertown Road
November 13th
Kenny Stinson &
Perfect Tym’n
November 27th
Membership Information
Every year the
Grand Aerie assigns each Aerie a
quota of new
members that they
are challenged to
reach. That number is based on
previous year membership and
dropped members. The membership goal for HVE for 2010
is 12 new members and we are
glad to report that on October 5
with the addition of 2 new
members we have reached our
quota. But the news gets better
as it looks now we will have 3
more members joining our
Aerie, bringing our total for the
year to 15.
New Members For 2010
Samantha Foley-January
Wendy Rintz-January
Stephen Miller-March
Aaron Williams-March
Christine Yuna-May
April Edmonson-May
Thomas Heinzeling-May
Cynthia Cardinal-July
Ginger Menser-July
Joe Sutyak-August
Janet Moure-October
David Sutyak-October
President Jeremy Schroeder is
looking for ideas on how we can
increase our membership even
more, including a membership
drive sometime after the start of
the new year.
New Email Addresses
• Jeremy Schroder
• Dennis Foley
• RSVP for Events
• Web Comments
• Questions
Huron Valley Eagles
Aerie #3732 Newsletter
Newsletter—November 2010
Volume 1, Issue 5
Page 3
Grand Aerie News
Our international conventions
are always a stirring panoply of
pageantry and fraternal spirit,
but driving the 2010 Grand
Convention in Louisville was a
deeper than usual current of
dynamism wider and stronger
than the mighty Ohio River
churning next to The Galt
House Hotel & Suites where
thousands of Eagles gathered
August 16-20. It was most obvious during the installation of
2010-11 Grand Presidents Phil
Tice of West Virginia and Mary
Myers of Michigan on the final
night of the convention, and the
reason for it was the compelling
indomitability of Grand Worthy President Phil and the
sparkling magnetism of
Grand Madam President
“The ‘Energy Bus’ made it to
Louisville,” said Phil, who
entered the ballroom to a
standing ovation and the
strains of John Denver’s
“Thank God, I’m a Country
Boy!” “It’s time to get on the
‘Can-Do Bus’ and continue
our journey!”
“LaBamba” was the entrance
song of Mary Myers, Eagledom’s first Latino Grand
Madam President.
“Nothing can take away the
pride I feel,” she said. “We are
Brothers and Sisters and together we stand united. We
will leave a legacy that will
shine for a lifetime!”
It’s a fact. Yes, some of the
debates during convention
sessions were contentious, but
in the end it was the attitude
and determination of our new
international Presidents that
stamped the 112th Grand Aerie
and 59th Grand Auxiliary…
For the complete story see or your Eagle
Michigan Aerie News
Port Huron, Mich. - Blue Water Aerie #3702 of Port Huron,
Mich., completed their fourth
year of raising money for Project Roof-Sit benefiting the St.
Clair County Child Abuse/
Neglect Council, Inc., which
provides child abuse services to
St. Clair Country families in
need. This year the Aerie donated $3,500 to the cause.
Fundraisers included a golf/
horseshoes tournament, shuffleboard tournament, Christmas
raffle, Valentine’s Day raffle,
several 50/50 drawings, grab
bags, a craft show and NCAA
Final Four squares. The total
donation over four years sits at
Spruce, Mich. - Ossineke Auxiliary # 3762 recently donated
$8,712 to the Alcona Health
Center as part of their Yellow
Brick Road Project to help with
the furnishing of a child
friendly room for the evaluation
of abused children or children
of domestic violence. The
money was raised throughout
the summer with the help of the
Aerie, community service clubs
and area retail stores. The presentation was held Oct. 2 at the
Ossineke Aerie with officers
and members present.
Lawton, Mich. - Auxiliary
#4310 recently held a benefit
for Alzheimer’s disease, raising
$750 for Care Trak to purchase
bracelets that keep patients safe
should they wander from home.
The benefit included a classic
car show, dessert auction, pig
roast and dance.
“The Fraternal Order of
Eagles, an international
non-profit organization,
unites fraternally in the
spirit of liberty, truth,
justice, and equality, to
make human life more
desirable by lessening its
ills, and by promoting
peace, prosperity,
gladness and hope.“
Amendments To The Constitution and Statutes
Effective at the 2010 Grand
Aerie International Convention,
Louisville, Kentucky
To the officers and members of
each Local Aerie, Provincial
Aerie, State Aerie and the
Grand Aerie: Re: Promulgation
Of Amendments To The
“Constitution And Statutes Of
The Fraternal Order Of Eagles
For The 2007 Edition:” This
official Publication is issued
under the provisions of Article
V, Section 7, Constitution; and
Section 5.1 Statutes, Fraternal
Order of Eagles, to promulgate
the Amendments to the Constitution and Statutes, as adopted
by the Grand Aerie convention
at Louisville, Kentucky, August
16 – 19, 2010,, and which become law under Article IX,
Section 1. Special attention is
called here to the following
Amendments and additions
made to the Constitution and
Statutes. Article IV-Section 2,
Article, Section 8, Section 7.2,
Section 37.6, Section 39.4(a),
39.4(b), Section 61.4, Section
62.1, Section 63.1(b), Section
64.2(e), Section 74.2(a), Section 74.2(b), Section 85.1, Section 89.2, and Section 102.1.
For a complete description of
the changes see
or your Eagle Magazine.
Please submit questions,
comments, story ideas
and articles to
Dennis Foley
Newsletter—November 2010
Volume 1, Issue 5
(734) 782-9215
November Calendar
Monday Bingo (weekly)
Membership Meetings
Bluegrass Schedule
—Doors Open at 3:30pm
November 8th & 22nd-7pm
See Page 2
—Bingo Starts at 5:45pm
Long Shot Band
Thanks Dinner
Saturday Bingo (weekly)
November 12th-7pm
—Doors Open at 9:30am
Live country music
November 27th
Details To Follow
—Bingo Starts at 11:00am
All You Can Eat Breakfast
November 14th-10am-2pm
Millionaire Weekend
November 5th, 6th & 7th
5pm until 2am daily
December Calendar
Contact the Aerie if you
are interested in
Monday Bingo (weekly)
Bluegrass Schedule
scheduling an event or
—Doors Open at 3:30pm
All You Can Eat Breakfast
December 12th-10am-2pm
Details To Follow
renting the hall.
—Bingo Starts at 5:45pm
Membership Meetings
New Years Eve Party
(734) 782-9215
Saturday Bingo (weekly)
December 7th & 21st-7pm
—Doors Open at 9:30am
Christmas Party
Details To Follow In
December Newsletter
—Bingo Starts at 11:00am
December 19th-Time TBD
Calendar subject to
change without written