Managing Persistent Organic Pollutants
Managing Persistent Organic Pollutants
Managing Persistent Organic Pollutants With the entering into force of the Stockholm Convention in 2001, more than 140 countries committed themselves to take measures on protecting human health and the environment from persistent organic pollutants (POPs). A global challenge POPs circulate globally and con-tribute to the transboundary nature of pollution. That is why taking measures to eliminate or reduce them from the environment is a common global challenge. 0232-1341-MOP-GMB-Marts07a National plans in place Today, many Parties to the Convention have finalised their National Implementation Plans. They have also outlined the actions to be taken for further reducing and eliminating POP’s in their countries. Stepping up to the POPs The next step is realising the Convention. That includes: • Developing the legal framework for POPs management • Strengthening the capacity for POPs management • Identification, collection and elimination of POPs pesticides and PCBs • Identification and remediation of POPs contaminated sites • Investigating releases of unin-tentionally produced POPs and implementing cost-effective re-duction measures • Reducing and eliminating re-maining intentional uses of POPs Managing POPs for decades COWI has worked with many aspects of POPs Management for more than two decades. As the lead consultant on POPs issues in Denmark, COWI has assisted the Danish Government preparing the Danish National Implementation Plan (NIP) for the Stockholm Convention. As an internationally recognised consultant in this field COWI has assisted a number of developing countries and countries with economies in transition in their POPs management efforts. Sustainable solutions COWI’s work on POPs is based on the principles of social, environmental, economical and legal sustainability. Our company consider developing responsive and well-functioning institutions at all levels a key to sustainable development. Selected references Preparation of a draft Guidance Document for the development of National Implementation Plans (NIP) for the Stockholm Convention for the World Bank and UNEP (DANCED) Assistance in the preparation of Denmark’s NIP, including legal gap analysis, country baseline and devel-opment of action plans (Danish EPA) Assistance in the development of legal framework and capacity building for POPs management in Moldova (World Bank) Supervision of removal of PCB-containing equipment and contaminated soil in Zambia (World Bank) 500 green-collar workers COWI employ more than 500 consultants working on environmental issues on both strategic and operational levels. The company’s experts target the environmental issues with a multidisciplinary approach and use the inhouse expertise within natural science, social science, engineering, health and economics to meet new challenges. Variety of services COWI provide the following services on POPs: • Development of legal frameworks • Strengthening capacity for POPs management • Identification, collection and disposal of POPs • Identification and remediation of POPs contaminated sites • Reduction of releases of unintentionally produced POPs Assistance in PCB phase-out in Russia, including development of least cost strategy for PCB elimination, assessment of alternatives to PCB and development of collection and storage schemes for PCB (DANCEE) Supervision of pesticides disposal in Albania (European CommissionPHARE) PCB in electrical equipment and development of draft legislation (DANCEE) Investigation of dioxins/furans emissions from the metallurgical sector in Poland including measurements of dioxins emissions from 20 plants and proposals for reduction measures (DANCEE) Management of obsolete pesticides in Russia, Belarus and Ukraine (DANCEE) Detailed technical, environmental and economic review of POPs elimination by nonincineration and incineration technologies (DANCEE) Development of collection system for PCB in waste building materials in Norway. Contact COWI A/S Mr. Carsten Lassen Senior Project Manager Assessment and feasibility study of methods for destruction of PCBs from transformer liquids in Russia (NEFCO) Assistance in the preparation of GEF Project Document, ToR and technical specifications for POPs stockpiles management project in Moldova (World Bank) Preparation of inventories of dioxins/ furans emissions in Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Poland (DANCEE) Environment and Chemicals Phone: +45 7642 6412 E-mail: Havneparken 1 DK-7100 Vejle, Denmark COWI A/S Ms. Helle Husum Senior Legal Advisor Public Administration and Law Phone: +45 4597 2325 E-mail: Parallelvej 2 Assistance in the approximation of the EU PCB/PCT Directive in Estonia and Lithuania, including surveys of DK-2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark
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