Come and try “ SEENTO ”


Come and try “ SEENTO ”
Come and try “ SEENTO ”
the innovative bed for multisensory stimulation
SEENTO is the innovative “hi-tech” bed by INNERSSE (a young startup company within the
Innovative Enterprise Incubator of the Politecnico of Torino) designed to perform multisensory
stimulation protocols. The specific sequences of stimuli were developed together with the
researchers from the Center for Cognitive Sciences of the University of Torino, and rely exclusively
on methods of sensory stimulation which were found effective in stress reduction in the scientific
literature on the topic.
SEENTO integrates:
 a visual stimulation system (high-res video projection and LED-based “photic” pulses)
 an immersive 3D auditory system
 a vibration-based tactile system
an aromachology-based olfactory system
Employing a patented technology, SEENTO generates, matches and syncs multiple sensory stimulations
at once, such as:
 High-resolution footage of natural sceneries,
selected and filmed on the basis of the studies on
the restorative qualities of natural landscapes,
along with 3D environmental sound effects
(recorded with an holophonic technique), in order
to generate an immersive experience.
 Auditory stimuli with “binaural beats”: perceptual
effects, generated by specific sound frequencies,
designed to exploit the “Brainwave Entrainment”
principle (the human brain’s natural tendency to
sync its electrical activity with the external sensory
 “Photic” Visual simulation with rhythmic light
pulses emitted by colored LEDs. Those patterns are
programmed to exploit the Brain Entrainment
principle as well, and are perfectly synchronized
with the sound frequencies by Seento.
 Tactile stimulation generated by vibrating devices integrated in Seento’s structure. Such devices can
produce a sensation of “moving waves” along the whole body of the user, or can increase the effect of
auditory stimuli by adding the vibrational component of the sound, perceivable at a bodily level.
 Olfactory fragrancies, accurately selected on the basis of the studies in the field of aromachology (the
scientific study of the influences of the scents on the brain) and matched with the aims of the specific
sensory protocol.
Peculiarity of the Seento experience is the high comfort and ergonomics: the user does not need to wear
any device, so that she can move in complete freedom, since all of the stimulations are directly generated by
the technologies integrated in Seento.
Finally, Seento’s seating surface is composed of six heated water (or gel) pillows, combined with a
chromatic illumination system which can diffuse multiple color hues through the surface.
Multisensory Stimulation Protocols already available on SEENTO:
RELAXING Protocols
Sets of stimuli specifically selected in order to
promote a stress-reduction effect and lower
physiological arousal, on the basis of the scientific
literature on the topic. The protocols include:
Set of stimuli chosen with the aim of promoting a
process of physiological activation when in presence
of hypo-aroused states, or to contrast weariness and
fatigue in the user. The activating protocols include:
 footage of more static natural landscapes, with a
lower grade of movement, capable of generating a
relaxed state, in agreement with the studies on
restorative properties of natural landscapes.
 footage of more dynamic natural sceneries, with a
higher grade of movement, to elicit spontaneous
selective attention in the observer, as specified by
the available studies on the topic.
 Synchronized auditory and visual brainentrainment frequencies of 10 hz, promoting an
increase of “alpha” brain waves, which are
traditionally associated with relaxed states.
 Synchronized auditory & visual brain-entrainment
frequencies of 20 hz, to increase “beta” brain
waves, which are traditionally associated with
active, task-engaged cognitive states.
 olfactory fragrancies found to have a relaxing effect
in aromachology studies
 olfactory fragrancies found to have an activating
effect in aromachology studies
 Relaxing “whole-body” vibrations.
 Activating “whole-body” vibrations.
Future applications of SEENTO’s technology
INNERSEE is constantly developing Seento’s capabilities, in order to expand its offer and
promote a higher grade of psychophysiological well-being1. The forthcoming innovations and
contents will include:
 Specifically-designed features to be applied in Psychotherapy (e.g. alternate bilateral
stimulations on both the visual and tactile domains, to be employed by the practitioner
during EMDR procedures, or as an effective sensory stimulation method to help the patient
manage stress, anxiety or hypo-aroused/numbing states).
 Integration of Biofeedback systems, such as non-invasive heartbeat or breathing sensors, to
give Seento the capability to understand in real time how the physiological values of the user
are changing. This will let SEENTO modify its stimulation, constantly matching the user’s
needs while performing the protocol and thus obtaining a more intense effect. Such system
will be useful to the user as well, making him aware about how his own relaxation processes
are going at the physiological level, e.g. during breathing exercises, autogenic trainings,
“body scan” procedures or meditation techniques.
 Voice-recorded instructions, to guide the user through progressive muscle relaxation and
body-scan procedures, eventually playable along with the immersive natural sceneries
Seento can generate.
 A selection of audio tracks and musical recordings, specifically selected in agreement with
the available studies on the effectiveness of music in reducing state anxiety, and properly
synchronized by Seento with it vibration-based tactile stimulation.
For any further information, do not hesitate to contact:
In addition to designing its products in agreement with the findings by peer-reviewed research papers in the
field of multisensory stimulation, INNERSEE makes continuous efforts in order to test the actual effectiveness of Seento.
A first pilot study, carried on by psychologists and neuroscientists of the University of Torino, already showed how both
self-reported values and physiological indexes supported the claim that Seento’s Activating and Relaxing protocols can
modulate the subjects’ states in opposite directions. A new study with control group is planned to begin in October
Would you like to try SEENTO ?
INNERSEE is glad to invite you
to experience SEENTO
Saturday, September 26thwithin the “ I3P ”
the Innovative Enterprise Incubator
of the Politecnico of Torino
corso Castelfidardo 30/A – 10129 – Torino