pasáže - Gandy gallery


pasáže - Gandy gallery
gandy gallery
Hommage à
Walter Benjamin
7|12 |2007
4 | 1| 2008
Panenská ulica
gandy gallery
Last year at Marienbad
opening of new video work by Kota Ezawa (D) at Gandy Gallery Bratislava
December 7 2007 — February 9 2008
LYAM by Kota Ezawa is a translation of Alain Resnais’ 1961 film “Last Year At Marienbad” into
the format of a digital animation. Omitting the narrative elements of the film, the animation
focuses on scenes devoid of actor movement. Resnais’ cinematography is transformed into a
series of subtle shi�s between abstracted figures and architectural spaces. In this multitude of
reductions, LYAM offers a new look at this film-historic document
press release
December 7 2007 — January 4 2008
Weekend event
December 7 and 8, 2007
Exhibitions and meeting
point for discussion
Please join us for 2 openings on
December 7
6 pm
Curated by Nadine Gandy, passages—passagen—pasáže is an exhibition
of video works by international artists that is co-organized by the Goethe
Institute, the French Institute and Gandy gallery. The videos are presented
in Bratislava (Panenska street) and transmitted electronically to the Jeu de
Paume in Paris, the Goethe Institut, New York and g-mk art center, Zagreb.
Featured artists:
Lida Abdul (AF), Zbynek Baladran (CZ), Bodo Sandor (HU),
Pavlina Fichta Čierna (SK), Danica Dakic (BA), David Dempewol (US),
Yang Fudong (CN), Jean Charles Hue (FR), Caporali & Marta Jourdan (BR),
Leopold Kessler (DE), Miro Kohut (SK), Melik Ohanian (FR),
Renata Poljak(HR), Sergio Prego (ES), Katarzyna Skupny (PL),
Song Tao (CN), Adam Vackar (CZ), Akram Zaatari (LB)
Contact us for more information
passages—passagen—pasáže is an exhibition that pays tribute to Walter Benjamin�‘s poetic
t/f +421 254410801
theory about passages amidst a booming postsocialist economy. As a city marked by the
construction of passages in the 19th and 20th centuries, Bratislava is the point of departure
gandy gallery
Panenská 30
811 03 Bratislava
for the exhibition and the videos are featured in the public space of Panenska street. Far from
being historically obsolete, market economy shows itself a historical force of unprecedented
vigor in former Warsaw pact societies and most of all so in Bratislava, capital of the Slovak
Republic, the most advanced �new economy� in eastern Europe.
To bring the concept of passage a step further, Nadine Gandy has invited 3 international art
centers to participate in passages—passagen—pasáže. Concurrently to the presentation
of the videos in Bratislava in December, the works are transmitted electronically to Single
Screens located in the musée du Jeu de Paume (Paris), the Goethe Institut in New York
and g-mk art center in Zagreb. The so�ware employed for the transfer of the videos is
made possible by open-PLAYER (, a new and innovative technology
that ensures playback and transmission online of video content in broadcast quality (high
definition included).
On Saturday December 8th, 11 am you are invited to join us for the
meeting point at the Goethe Institut to engage into discussion with the
following international guests: Thierry Davila (Capc, Bordeaux), Adam
Bzoch, Tilla Rudel (Paris), Marta Gili (musée du Jeu de Paume, Paris),
Marcella Lista (musée du Louvre, Paris), Nathalie Angles (Location One,
New York), Antonia Majaca (g-mk, Zagreb), Roza El-Hassan (Budapest)
gandy gallery
press kit
© gandy gallery 2007
All images and videos are courtesy
of gandy gallery and the artist
Kota Ezawa, Last year at Marienbad, 4‘,2007
Renata Poljak
Danica Dakic
Caporali & Marta Jourdan
Adam Vackar
Song Tao
Sandor Bodo
Leopold Kessler
Zbynek Baladran