community notices - Amuri Area School
community notices - Amuri Area School
Published by Amuri Area School – (03) 315 8233 E-mail: Available on the Web Friday 1st August 2014 Issue: 440:28 Weekly Distribution: 586 Advertisements for insertion can be e-mailed to the above address (with a billing address provided) or left at the Amuri Community Library. Closing day and time for both is 4pm on Monday. Regular advertising by arrangement. TICKETS ARE SELLING FAST Emailed classified ads (not businesses/community groups/clubs) will need to be paid IN ADVANCE directly into our bank account by close of bank PURCHASE YOURS TODAY business on a MONDAY for the ad to appear that Friday (20c per word - minimum $2). If there is no payment received the ad WILL NOT appear that week, ie NO PAYMENT, NO AD. Payment in advance does not apply to regular advertisers eg businesses/community groups/clubs who are invoiced Advertising Costs: Classified and Community Ads: 20c per word (minimum of $2) Businesses: Full Page $50, ½ Page $35, ¼ Page $25, ⅛ Page $20, 1/16 Page $15. If you require an ad to be designed this will incur a $10 fee (businesses only). All GST inclusive. Payment made at the Library is cash or cheque only (payable to Amuri Area School) – no EFTPOS. Payments can be made via internet banking to Amuri Area School ANZ Bank 01-0877-0150099-01 Please quote your name as a reference. This account is for PERIL PAYMENTS ONLY Advertisements for insertion can be e-mailed to the above address (with a billing address provided) or left at the Amuri Community Library. Closing day and time for both is 4pm on Monday. Regular advertising by arrangement. Emailed classified ads (not businesses/community groups/clubs) will need to be paid IN ADVANCE directly into our bank account by close of bank business on a MONDAY for the ad to appear that Friday (20c per word - minimum $2). If there is no payment received the ad WILL NOT appear that week, ie NO PAYMENT, NO AD. Payment in advance does not apply to regular advertisers eg businesses/community groups/clubs who are invoiced Advertising Costs: Classified and Community Ads: 20c per word (minimum of $2) Businesses: Full Page $50, ½ Page $35, ¼ Page $25, ⅛ Page $20, 1/16 Page $15. If you require an ad to be designed this will incur a $10 fee (businesses only). All GST inclusive. Payment made at the Library is cash or cheque only (payable to Amuri Area School) – no EFTPOS. Payments can be made via internet banking to Amuri Area School ANZ Bank 01-0877-0150099-01 Please quote your name as a reference. This account is for PERIL PAYMENTS ONLY COMMUNITY NOTICES COMMUNITY NOTICES AMURI COMMUNITY CARE CONTACTS Willowbank Dairy Farm will be moving small mobs of cows across State Highway 7 and up long Plantation Road over the next 3 weeks. A confidential support group of volunteers who can be called on in times of need when families and friends are unavailable to help: Liz 315 8015 Diana 315 8182 Anne 315 6325 Elsie 315 6035 Helen 315 6305 Amuri A & P Association AGM to be held at 7.30pm, Thursday 21st August at the Rotherham Showgrounds. All welcome. Apologies to 314 4673. Hurunui Pony Club- Measuring Day Saturday 30th August, Rotherham Show Grounds 10am - 12pm Friends of Waikari Hospital AGM will be held on th Tuesday 12 August in the Waikari Hall at 1.30pm. Guest speaker will be Jude Baker, Clinical Assessor for Older Persons Health with the DBHB. We encourage you to attend this meeting and hear all that is happening in this sphere of the health sector. th Book Discussion Group meeting Monday 4 August, 7.45pm ‘Old Lodge’, 30 George Street, Rotherham. Enquiries 315 6699. TO RENT ROOM WITH ENSUITE in shared house available for rent. For more information please ring 027 232 4924. ACCOMMODATION - Rooms available in Culverden Township,3 rooms available,2xrooms $75 each per week, 1xdouble room $100 per week. Call or TXT 027 645 4050. Welcoming any new young people to the region to join a great bunch of people at our Amuri Young Farmers meeting on Wednesday the 6th of August at 7:00pm @ the Culverden pub. Hope to see you there. Leslie Hills - Amuri Garden Club meeting Monday 4th August 1.30pm, Culverden Golf Club. Speaker Mrs J McLachlan - "What I Know". Three Bored Housewives are looking for volunteers to help run their craft co-operative which operates from 10-4pm, 7 days a week. We are also looking for new crafts to put in our shop. If you have time to spare call us now on 027 406 3331 or 03 314 6877. FOR SALE BARLEY STRAW conventional bales suitable for calf rearing. Pea Straw for gardens - $6/bale. Phone Dalley 315 6292/027 201 2088. GARAGE SALE – Saturday 2nd August, 21 Balmoral Street, Culverden. WANTED WE ARE LOOKING for a 3 bedroom house in Rotherham/Culverden area please phone 03 315 6626. WANTED old wire rope, needing approx 400 metres of thick wire rope. Please call Deirdre 03 315 8332. COMMUNITY NOTICES COMMUNITY NOTICES Amuri Speakers’ Group: First Tuesday of every month… Have you been looking at this ad for months now & really meaning to make the effort to come along?? JUST DO IT!!! You will learn to feel more confident about the way you speak. RESULTS FROM SATURDAY 26 TH JULY MIKE GREER HOMES NTH CANTY DIV 2 CHAMPIONSHIP Hurunui 69 v Kaiapoi 0 MIKE GREER HOMES NTH CANTY U18 Kaiapoi 19 v Hurunui 27 MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY U14½ Hurunui v Kaiapoi Hurunui win by default MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY U13 PLAY-OFF Hurunui 22 v Ashley Blue 15 MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY LTD U11½ Hurunui 24 v Amberley 19 MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY LTD U10 Hurunui Black 25 v Amberley 60 Hurunui Blue 75 v Glenmark-Cheviot 40 MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY LTD U9 Hurunui 50 v Glenmark-Cheviot 5 MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY LTD U8 Hurunui Black 80 v Glenmark-Cheviot 50 Hurunui Blue 60 v Ohoka Red 45 MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY LTD U7 Hurunui 60 v Glenmark-Cheviot 60 MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY LTD U6 Hurunui 35 v Glenmark-Cheviot 35 DRAW FOR SATURDAY 2ND AUGUST MIKE GREER HOMES NTH CANTY DIV 2 – SEMI FINALS Hurunui v Saracens 2.30pm Culv 1 J Archer MIKE GREER HOMES NTH CANTY U18 RHS v Hurunui 2.30pm RHS 1 A Stead MIKE GREER HOMES NTH CANTERBURY U14½ - SEMI FINALS Saracens v Hurunui 1.00pm Sbk 3 N Te Puni MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY U13 – SEMI FINALS Ohoka v Hurunui 11.45am Mand 1 L Beine MIKE GREER HOMES NTH CANTERBURY LTD U11½ CUP SECT Hurunui v Woodend 10.30am Culv 1 B Blackler NORTH CANTERBURY JUNIOR UNDER 10 AND BELOW GRADES LAST DAY FOR NON-COMP GRADES AMBERLEY SUNDAY 3 RD AUGUST ALL PLAYERS PLEASE BRING A PLATE OF COLD FOOD MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY LTD U10 Hurunui Black v Ohoka Red 12.55pm Amb B D Topp Ohoka Black v Hurunui Blue 12.55pm Amb C A Reeve MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY LTD U9 Kaiapoi v Hurunui 11.55am Amb C A Reeve MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY LTD U8 Ohoka Red v Hurunui Black 10.55am Amb C Hurunui Blue v Saracens Red 10.55am Amb F MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY LTD U7 Hurunui v Woodend 10.05am Amb G MIKE GREER HOMES NORTH CANTERBURY LTD U6 Oxford Black v Hurunui 9.15am Amb D Are you new to our area? Join a friendly, enthusiastic bunch of people who are motivated to improve our speaking skills in an encouraging, supportive and fun environment. Join us for a fun night listening to informative and entertaining speaking. The impromptu topics always bring a smile and a laugh. We welcome new faces and would love to see you there. Not sure if it's for you. No problem, visitors are welcome (no obligation to get up and speak until you are ready). Thank you to those who came to see our debate, “Girls Can Do Anything” – an entertaining evening was had by all. Next meeting 5th August at 7.30pm in the supper room of the Rotherham Hotel. $5 to cover costs please. Any queries can be directed to Nicky Anderson 315 6330 or Sarah Williams 315 6376 Make the effort and you’ll be glad you came, we promise!!! 2014/15 Rate Rebate Scheme Waikari Hall Wednesday, 27 August 2014 9.00-4.00pm By appointment only To make your appointment contact: Denise Sutherland 03 3148816 Ext 2 or email COMMUNITY NOTICES COMMUNITY NOTICES “Alcoholics Anonymous" Is your drinking out of control? Do people comment on your drinking? Do you lose parts of the evening i.e.: Black Outs? Do you do things drunk that you wouldn’t do sober? Do you ever try to stop your drinking and find that you can’t? Have you ever switched from one kind of drink to another in the hope that this would keep you from getting drunk? Have you ever gone out with one drink and came home drunk? Have you ever felt that your life would be better if you did not drink? AA can help. Meetings on Tuesdays at Rotherham Church Hall 7.30pm and Sundays at St Andrews Church Hall, Hanmer Springs 7pm. For contact with an AA member ph 315 6425. WORKPLACE FIRST AID REFRESHER COURSE 9.00AM – 4.30PM Monday 11th August St JOHN ROOMS 23 MONTROSE AVENUE CULVERDEN DAIRY FARMERS Is it time to REFRESH the FIRST AID QUALIFICATIONS of your staff and The contents of your FIRST AID KITS? To Enquire or Enrol Phone 03 315 8306 or 03 315 8272 or email 2 DAY WORKPLACE FIRST AID COURSE 8.30 am – 5.30 pm Monday 18th August & 8.30am – 12.45pm Monday 25th August Ambulance Station 23 Montrose Avenue Culverden PHONE 03 315 8306 or 03 315 8272 or email Isn’t it time you Restocked your First Aid Kits? CLASSIFIEDS SITUATIONS VACANT HOMEKILL SERVICE: Beef, pork and all game processed into smallgoods, bacon, salamis etc. Mobile service now in your area. Call Chris Carthy, Artisan Butcher, 0274 887 401. Wild South – Assistant Manager/2IC TREVOR DEVINE CONTRACTING Now operating a digger + tractor and 10 ton tip trailer. Also tractor tree trimmer. Ph 03 3156389 0274359493” If you love meeting people and have energy to burn then we have the role for you. We require an energetic and outgoing individual to join our team in Hanmer Springs. With 16 stores nation-wide, Wild South is a New Zealand owned and operated business, retailing high quality men’s and women’s casual fashion with a particular focus on natural fabrics creating natural style. Pure merino wool, the finest Italian wool fleece, pure cotton and super soft bamboo cottons are just the beginning. Our range of OSTEOPATH Kate Metcalfe OCNZ DO (UK) crafted clothing is specifically designed for a relaxed natural lifestyle. For everything that hurts! We require a high energy sales achiever that shares our passion for Phone 03 315 6324 quality and natural style coupled with an outstanding but relaxed ability with our customers. WORK WANTED Need support for your dairy team? This role will involve assisting the store manager to successfully run the store and on occasions manage it in their absence. Fijian Indian, 33 years, fit and motivated, farming background, love the outdoors. Please call 021 1559 909. Currently the position is approximately 30 hours per week, but can We have just returned to the Culverden area and are looking for work, cleaning, gardening etc. Local references. Phone Lyn Rowe 021 199 0202. Experienced Farm Manager available for farm sitting or casual tractor driving, fencing etc. NOT available for milking or calf rearing. Local references. Phone Kevin Rowe 027 418 4911. You will be rewarded with a highly competitive remuneration fluctuate a little with seasonal requirements, so someone with a bit of flexibility would be great. package commensurate with your skills and experience as well as staff purchasing privileges and clothing vouchers. Please apply in person at Wild South, Conical Hill Rd Hanmer Springs or online at CHURCH NOTICES REDEFINE PERSONAL TRAINING Amuri Co-operating Parish Upcoming services and events Sunday August 3rd Culverden @ 9.15 a.m. Waiau @ 11.00 a.m. This service looks at the Last Supper as recorded in Matthew chapter 26 along with its origin in the Jewish Passover. Communion will be celebrated at both services. Sunday August 10th Waiau @ 9.15 a.m. Culverden @ 11.00 a.m. We are starting a new series from the book of Ruth. In this service we will examine the background that lead to Naomi’s decision to leave home for a better life. While the setting may be 3000 years old there are timeless themes operating and the characters of Naomi, Ruth and Boaz have much to teach us. General and Pastoral All our services are open to visitors and newcomers are welcome. A time of fellowship over morning tea follows the earlier service each week. If there are any pastoral concerns please contact Colin Price (315 8210) in the first instance. Sick of feeling blahh? Want to have more energy to spend with your family but don’t have time to exercise? Now is the time to get in shape for that summer body you have always dreamed of. Fully qualified Fitness Professional available now to help you achieve your goals. Offering: High/Low Intensity Classes: only takes 20minutes! (both men and woman) 10 wk programmes – New class starting soon Mums n Bubs Stroller sessions Group and couple sessions One on One personal training All sessions located in Rotherham Children welcome to ALL sessions – Babysitter available on site during Class sessions. For more information on any of the above please contact Zoe Devine 315 6334 027 464 4084 CATHOLIC PARISH of the GOOD SHEPHERD MASS TIMES: SATURDAY 2nd August : 5:00pm Hanmer 7:00pm Culverden ** SUNDAY 3rd August : 8:00am Amberley 10:00am Cheviot Jesus Christ the Rock Christian Ministries Culverden Chapter “A Filipino Christian Ministry’ Would like to invite everyone to our regular church service every Saturday 7:30pm at the Amuri Community Room. There will be a youth service this Saturday. *Service starts at 8pm after the shared dinner. HURUNUI VILLAGE WINERY, CAFÉ & FUNCTION CENTRE Ph 03 314 4162 For all your Probus Clubs ** Social Clubs ** Family Gatherings Weddings *** Corporate Functions Before you book your next venue check us out! Casual Dining Open from 9.30 – 4pm Thursday – Monday Late night Friday & Saturday Wood-fired pizza Friday nights Bookings appreciated Athena Auto Services 164 Mackenzies Road, Waipara Patrick Merry Cell 021 149 7712 Business 03 314 6774 WOF, All makes Serviced & repaired Cars, motorcycles, light trucks, lawnmowers & plant European makes welcomed Tyres & punctures Courtesy cars available Qualified Mechanic 30 years experience Quality service at a price you can afford Ph: 03 315 6328 Fax: 03 315 6592 40 Wilkin Street Email: In an emergency dial 111 Hours of Business: 8.30am – 5pm Appointments available: 9am-12pm & 2pm-4.30pm Monday-Friday After Hours: 5pm-9am Monday to Friday, Public holidays & weekends Picato Skin Treatment Personnel Availability: Dr Graeme Scrivener recently attended a course using a new treatment to New Zealand called PICATO, at the Sunspot Clinic in Tauranga. Dr Graeme Scrivener: July:, 29th, 31st August: 4th, 5th, 7th, 11th, 12th, 14th, 18th, 19th, 21st, 25th, 26th September: 1st, 2nd, 8th, 9th, 15th, 16th, 22nd, 23rd, 29th, 30th Picato gel is a prescription medicine used topically (on the skin) to treat actinic/solar keratosis (sun damage) and very superficial skin cancers on the face and body. Dr Richard McCubbin: September: 10th, 11th, 12th, 17th, 18th, 19th, 24th, 25th, 26th Picato attacks the sun damaged areas from the outside of the skin and uses your immune system as well. Treating the face only takes 3 days and treating areas of the body takes 2 days. The reaction of Picato treatment is very quick and starts on day one of treatment. Phone our practice anytime, day or night for immediate assistance. Our after hours phone is answered by a registered nurse, who will assess your needs, offer advice or arrange immediate assistance from the on-call doctor or rural nurse. (She may take up to two minutes to answer.) Please refer to the article below for more information on Picato Skin Treatment and Graeme’s personal experience with the treatment. Dr Ian Holding: July: 30th August: 1st, 6th, 8th, 13th, 15th, 20th, 22nd, 27th, 29th September: 3rd, 5th Nurses: Each week day Healthworks Pharmacy: 0800 347 7367 Amberley Pharmacy: 0800 924 5274 Physio, Corry Scrivener: 03 315 6328 Podiatry Clinic Gaye Stenning from Merivale Podiatry will be holding a clinic at the Health Centre on Thursday 14th August – 10am-1pm. Please ring the Health Centre to make an appointment Amuri Community Health Skin Cancer Clinic As the skin ages with sun exposure there is increasing damage to all skin cells. This often leads to the appearance of scaly red lesions called actinic keratosis and brownish skin spots called lentingos. These are often most noticeable on the face and the back of arms and hands. Particularly in members of the farming industry. Any one of the actinic keratosis can eventually change into a basal or squamous cell carcinoma . These are the most common skin cancers in New Zealand. It is difficult to predict where the change will occur. There are now skin treatments called field treatments that remove large areas of damaged skin cells and so reduce the chances of skin cancer developing. The face is a common area for treatment. I recently attended a course in using a new treatment to New Zealand called PICATO (ingenol mebutate) at the Sunspot Clinic in Tauranga. This clinic has 40 or more people taking this treatment at any one time. Picato gel is a prescription medicine used topically (on the skin) to treat actinic/solar keratosis (sun damage) and very superficial skin cancers on the face and body. It is similar to other topical treatments such as Efudix and Aldara. All three treatments give approximately 80% cure rate. The main purpose of using these treatments is to cure extensive sun damage and prevent this damage from progressing into possible skin cancers that would require surgical removal. The main difference between using Picato compared to Efudix and Aldara is treatment time and cost. Efudix attacks the sun damaged areas from the outside of the skin and takes 3-6 weeks of treatment to get a good reaction and a further 2-3 weeks to heal. It is funded by the government so only a small cost of the script is involved. Aldara uses your immune system to attack the sun damaged area and takes 6-16 weeks of treatment to get a good reaction and a further 2-3 weeks to heal. Because Aldara uses the immune system to destroy bad cells, some people can feel unwell with flu like symptoms. This treatment is also funded by the government. Picato attacks the sun damaged areas from the outside of the skin and uses your immune system as well. Treating the face only takes 3 days and treating areas of the body takes 2 days. The reaction of Picato treatment is very quick and starts on day one of treatment. This is a great advantage as your skin will be recovered and new within 10-14 days. With Efudix and Aldara on the face you can look unsightly with the reaction for many weeks. An added benefit appreciated by those who have used it is the good cosmetic result. Because the treatment is so quick and the reaction so sudden it is required that your health care professionals apply this treatment and monitor your reaction on a daily basis. Picato has been used for years worldwide but only new to New Zealand so is not yet funded by the government, a higher cost is involved. This should measure against the cost and time of possibly having to have developing skin cancers removed surgically. I was so impressed with the results in Tauranga that I under took the treatment myself and am very pleased with the results! I am keen to promote this treatment particularly among men who have obvious facial skin damage from years of exposure to the sun (farmers/ agricultural workers) . Females, in general, take more care with their skin. Men have tended to hope for the best. The extended time with previous treatment has put people off. My aim is to offer a significant reduction in the chances of getting skin cancer with a tolerable short duration treatment Please feel free to contact me at the clinic to discuss the suitability and cost of Picato . I will show a small presentation of what to expect and provide detailed information on how the treatment proceeds. Are you planning any farm or garden plantings? We can offer the following to help you achieve a successful result. Access to funding for native plantings. We have helped landowners obtain over $100,000 for native bush, stream & wetland plantings. Funding currently available. Knowledge of what grows locally. Some Leyland/conifer species are prone to dieback in the Amuri Basin. Others are high maintenance. Our extensive trial work with poplars revealed which species handle the wind & dry summers. Which Pittosporum varieties handle Amuri winters? With 15 years planting experience in the Amuri area we can ensure you get the right varieties of plants for your site. Site visits, basic plans, quotes & funding applications all available at no charge. Native plant nursery based in Cheviot & an experienced planting team available. Over the past 15 years Hurunui Natives has & continues to support a range of community organisations, local shows & fundraisers in the Amuri area. We can do plans, source funding, deliver & lay out plants at no cost for any community plantings. We would like to thank the following who are happy to be contacted as referees for our work or to look at their plantings. 1] Amuri Transport - Debbie – 03 3153 033 2] Peter & Jocelyn Kinney - 0272280975 [plantings along SH7 & Dry Stream] 3] Amuri Area School - Neil Wilkinson - 03 3158 233 Jamie McFadden & Linda Dodds Phone : [03] 3198152 or 0273218747 MAIN ROAD, CULVERDEN COMMERCIAL SHOP FRONT For LEASE and COMMERCIAL STORAGE UNITS For RENT / LEASE Central Culverden 12 of 24 Units Already Gone Get in Quick Phone 027 631 7228 Unleash your inner STAR!! Performing Arts Tuition with Rosalind Wilton Originally from Christchurch, Rosalind has decided to fulfill her dream of living and working in Hanmer Springs! She has spent the last 4 years as Manager and Singing/ Piano/ Drama teacher at ENCORE Performing Arts Studio in Tasmania and she LOVES to perform on stage too, having recently performed in Les Miserables and Chicago. Her passion is in empowering people to develop confidence through music and drama. Students can work towards performing at the End of Term Concerts. Whether you were born to be onstage or you simply want a boost of confidence, Rosalind's fun, supportive environment is a fantastic place to step out of your comfort zone! Lessons/ classes @ Hanmer Springs School from 3pm Monday - Friday during School Terms. Classes, 1 hour - $9 each class Contemporary Singing All the funky cool stuff off the radio! 5-8 yrs Tuesday 4pm 9-13yrs Tuesday 5pm Musical Theatre - Combines singing, dancing and acting; a taste of well-known musicals 8-13yrs Wednesday 4pm 13yrs+ Thursdays 4pm Drama - Acting only; focusing on characterisation, improvising, theatre sports and vocal work 10yrs+ Wednesday 5pm Private lessons, 30 mins $15 individual, $10 each for 2 or more students Singing, Piano, Drama/ Speech Adults Choir! We just want to SING! All welcome, no experience necessary Tuesdays (during school term) 7pm - 8.30pm At Hanmer Springs School Cost $6 per session / $50 for 10 week term Teen Glee - Amazingly animated 'Glee' style singing and dancing; create your own choreography! 12yrs+ Thursdays 5pm Book now! 0277 334405 or
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community notices - Amuri Area School
Published by Amuri Area School – (03) 315 8233