What We Do


What We Do
What We Are Committed To,
What We Provide
What We Do
What we are committed to
Our Consultancy Principles
Sincerity & Fairness
Kindness & Understanding
Truth & Truthfulness
Commitment To Loyalty
Who We Are
A Synthesis Of Strengths
What We Provide
Executive Evaluation
Executive Recruiting
Executive Development
What We Do
As a team of independent, internationally active human resources consultants, we
make a significant contribution towards optimising our clients' personnel decisions
and the career development of their personnel on executive level.
As specialists in human resources consulting, we offer our clients tailor-made
solutions in the following areas:
Executive Evaluation
Executive Recruiting
Executive Development
We assist our clients in filling their key positions by supporting them in the systematic identification and evaluation of internal and external candidates at executive level
and ensure their successful integration into their enterprises. In conjunction with our
clients, we design future-oriented strategies, processes and tools for the long-term
career development and retention of their executive staff.
As consulting partners, we provide additional assurance in personnel decisionmaking, thereby contributing to the long-term success of our clients.
What We Are Committed To
Our Consultancy Principles
Both our consultancy activities and our long-standing, successful cooperation with
our clients are based on a number of principles of "Bushido".
"Bushido" (Japanese for "path of the warrior"), the code of honour of the Samurai,
consolidates the Samurai's loyalty towards his master, and its rules ensure his
standard of behaviour and conduct in society. Since the 12th century the Samurais
have lived by the rules of "Bushido" which consist of seven prime values.
We have worked to these values for many years, advising our clients in Switzerland and abroad with common sense, feeling and methods.
We believe that this approach has helped us to attain the successful position and
reputation we enjoy in the market today.
The footnotes to Bushido originate from the book
by Inazô Nitobe "Bushido - the Soul of Japan",
extended version, Angkor, 2003
What We Are Committed To
Sincerity & Fairness
Sincerity means that we keep our promises. We work together with our clients in a
spirit of fairness and partnership and guarantee continuity and stability in our business relationships. Our actions are straightforward and sincere.
Fairness is reflected in our endeavour to offer tailor-made solutions to our clients.
We focus on their requirements and we advise them individually and specifically. At
the same time, our clients benefit from the conscious use of synergies that exist
between the focal points of our consultancy: Executive Evaluation, Executive
Recruiting and Executive Development.
Sincerity is the bone that gives firmness and stature. As without
bones the head cannot rest on the top of the spine, nor hands
move nor feet stand, so without sincerity neither talent nor
learning can make of a human frame a samurai.
What We Are Committed To
The amount of courage needed depends on how strong the head wind is. We work
towards our targets and provide concrete results. We devise concepts and ensure
that they are implemented with consistency, using a variety of tools and methods,
backed at the same time by intuition and long years of experience.
In our business, courage means being open to new ideas and unorthodox ways in an
attempt to find optimal solutions. It also means that we expose ourselves, take a
stand and are stamped with a distinctive entrepreneurial attitude.
We support our clients in their courageous decision to fill a key position with a strong
personality. We encourage our candidates to be their own selves and to tackle all
new challenges wholeheartedly. We build bridges.
Perceiving what is right, and not doing it,
argues lack of courage. (Confucius)
What We Are Committed To
Kindness & Understanding
Kindness is motivated by esteem: for us this means recognizing and appreciating
the value in everyone. Every day we work for and with people, with their strong
and their weak points. We believe in their potential, we coach and support them.
Our clients and their strategic corporate parameters are the keystone of our aims
and objectives in our consultancy work. We put ourselves into our clients' position
and identify with them.
The ability to understand the other party and to gain a firm understanding of the
issue is the foundation of our consultancy work. We are interested in sustained
Love, magnanimity, affection for others, sympathy and
compassion are recognized to be supreme virtues, the
highest of all the attributes of the human soul.
What We Are Committed To
Civility helps us keep the right distance to each person and is based on mutual
respect, tolerance and discretion. We take these qualities for granted in our
consultancy work.
The foundation of our successful and long-term collaboration with our clients is
based on professionalism and discretion in all our doings, and an uncompromising
desire to serve. We look forward to welcoming you in our offices.
Civility, actuated by tender feelings toward the sensibilities of
others, is ever a graceful expression of sympathy. It suffers long,
and is kind, it envies not, vaunts not itself, is not puffed up, is not
easily provoked, it takes not account of evil.
What We Are Committed To
Truth & Truthfulness
The search for the truth is the search for the root of the matter. This applies to the
corporate challenges of our clients as well as to the potential of our candidates.
Our communication is honest and direct. We keep our clients informed at all times
about the current situation of a joint project. We provide the best possible transparency through personal feedbacks and regular professional reporting. We maintain
a frank and fair information policy towards our candidates.
Where frankness and transparency are determining factors, truthfulness follows
closely behind. We pursue no hidden agenda but are true consulting partners. Our
information flow is crystal clear.
Be faithful to yourself. If in your heart you do not stray
from the truth, the Gods will protect you, even without
your prayer.
What We Are Committed To
A decisive part of our honour is our integrity and trustworthiness on which are
based our professional expertise, many years of consulting experience and a
close personal bond of trust with our clients.
We see ourselves as a loyal consulting partner who maintains long-term and stable client relations. It is a point of honour for us to offer our customers solutions
of the highest quality at a fair price.
We consider that honour opens the gate to all other virtues.
The sense of honour implies a vivid consciousness of personal
dignity and worth. Any infringement upon integrity is felt as
shame, and shame is like a scar on a tree, which time, instead
of effacing, only helps to enlarge.
What We Are Committed To
Commitment To Loyalty
Our commitment to loyalty is reflected in the continuity and faithfulness of our relations with our clients. Our business partnerships are not coincidental, but the result
of conscious, sustained work.
We are loyal to our clients and true to ourselves. We have a commitment to our
clients. Serving their interests is top priority. We take on consultancy mandates on
an exclusive basis only and judge ourselves by the results achieved, and by the
satisfaction of our clients.
We think long-term and act consistently, facilitating a successful collaboration.
We are with our clients all the way.
The duty of loyalty is the cornerstone in the
building of the virtues of Bushido. Loyalty to a
superior is a central characteristic of the
Who We Are
A Synthesis Of Strengths
Our clients find in us a team of experts with more than ten years of consultancy
experience and specialized knowledge, as well as a solid academic background.
Our team combines a wide expertise with regard to people, methods and professional competences, thus offering additional value for our clients, who benefit from
our proven and tested international project experience.
We are a professional consulting partnership dedicated to serve our clients. They
will find us to be a motivated and well-established team, offering reliable advice
and tailor-made solutions.
All this leads to solid craft.
What We Provide
Executive Evaluation
Executive Assessment
We provide our clients with a sound appraisal - specific to the company and the function - of
the potential and aptitude of internal and external executives. The results of the assessment
offer a sound basis for optimizing the selection decision made by our clients, in that we reduce to a minimum the risk of wrong appointment, and provide a systematic basis for the individual career development of an executive.
Management Audit
A management audit becomes relevant in the event of strategic reorientation, of change of
leadership, of restructuring within the company or of a due diligence. We supply our clients
with an evaluation of the management potential of their whole leadership team as well as a
differentiated and individual evaluation of the executives in question. Our appraisals provide
clients with the basis for the focused development of the existing managerial team and the
individual executives, but also for a policy decision regarding a possible new composition of
the leadership team.
We develop customized feedback methods for our clients, and implement a 360°-feedback
process, specific to the company. This provides for a systematic assessment of executives
by various internal and external stakeholders. The results of the evaluation form the basis for
the focused development of the executives, specific to their functions, aiming at improving
their performance in their present managerial positions.
What We Provide
Executive Recruiting
Executive Search
We assume responsibility for successfully filling key positions at executive level. We take on
search mandates on an exclusive basis, using an ideal combination of various search channels.
We take our bearings from the business strategies of our clients, as well as from the challenges relating to the position in question and from the key competences critical to success.
Together with the client, we then decide on the optimal search strategy and procedure.
Thanks to years of experience in executive recruiting and evaluation, our sound business
knowledge and wide network of contacts, we are able to identify and professionally assess
top candidates for our clients.
Market Intelligence Reports
On behalf of our clients, we undertake comprehensive market research, with the emphasis
on human resources management. For this purpose, we analyse a specific organization with
regard to its market positioning, HR strategy and structures, HR processes and tools, as
well as its key people and their management potential.
The results of our market intelligence reports form the basis for a systematic assessment of
our client's competitors or, as a follow-up, offer the groundwork for a selective companyspecific executive search.
What We Provide
Executive Development
Talent Management
Talent Management becomes an increasingly important part of strategic management in
order to ensure a company's long-term success. We devise and implement systematic,
tailor-made programs to set up and establish an internationally orientated, cross-divisional
talent management. In addition to questions of organization, the systematic identification and
evaluation of internal and external candidates are at the forefront of such a program. As a
next step, candidates showing high potential will be groomed and prepared for the assumption of a position at executive level in the near future.
In this way talent management, as part of strategic HR management, makes a significant
contribution to the filling of key positions and to the overall internal succession planning.
And How May We Help You?
xcg executive consulting group ag www.xcg.ch info@xcg.ch
thujastrasse 6 ch-8038 zürich phone +41 44 487 10 00 fax +41 44 487 10 09
xcg executive consulting group ag www.xcg.ch info@xcg.ch
thujastrasse 6 ch-8038 zürich phone +41 44 487 10 00 fax +41 44 487 10 09