Twin-Art Show - By V S Ramana


Twin-Art Show - By V S Ramana
Charity Show Brought by:
Savera Hotel, is landmark of Chennai city. A fusion of modernity
and tradition, Savera Hotel has evolved with Chennai history.
Savera Hotel hallmark remains the grandeur cherished for
decades by its guests. Savera Hotel management believes in the
philosophy of contributing and giving back to the community it
exists in. Savera Hotel management actively participates in the
Government of India initiatives such as the HUNAR SE ROZGAR
programme for skill development in Hotel services. The other
active CSR programmes include providing the platform for the
marginalized sections of society and the less privileged. Savera
Hotel is closely associated with National Association for Blind and
organizes several programs throughout the year like Blind Car
Rally and fund raising campaigns.
Ms Nina Reddy (Joint Managing Director, Savera Hotel), who in
her own ways has helped Narasimhalu and the Andhra Mahila
Sabha has been instrumental in braining the show to Savera.
HeART Beat Foundation is an initiative of the family of V S Ramana.
The Foundation aims to help the specially abled young artists in
art education/Training/appreciation, promoting their artistic works
by organizing art education/Training/appreciation, exhibitions,
shows and online events. In November 2014, the Foundation
held a successful Charity Art Show to support Udhaykumar and
promote his works of art. Visit contact on / 9940198135.
Gallery Sri Parvati was inaugurated in December 2005. It is located
on the first floor of a 77 year old heritage house ‘Sri Parvati’
on Eldams Road, Chennai. Gallery Sri Parvati is managed by
Ms. Lakshmi Venkatraman. She is an art critic/writer for ‘the
Hindu’ Newspaper for nearly two decades.
Udhay’s right Thumb and
Index finger alone move to
make this magic.
Coats India is the thread division of Madura Coats Private Limited,
a subsidiary of Coats Ltd, the only truly global thread and zip
supplier operating out of 65 countries. Coats India manufactures
and markets a complete range of cotton, synthetic and cores spun
threads for the Indian and export markets. Narasimhalu who has
been using their Anchor Stitch Kits for his embroidery gets the much
required backing and support from them.
Embroidery & Art
Narasimhalu uses his
two deft feet!
K Narasimhalu
 Narasimhalu is a man who has overcome
many hurdles in life. He was affected by
Cerebral Palsy in his childhood.
 Narasimhalu now 39 years of age.
 He was abandoned as an infant and later
came under the care of Andhra Mahila Sabha,
 He cannot walk and talk properly. Unable to
use his hands, he manages to achieve doing
everything deftly with his two feet …. although
it does not aid him to walk. He is mobile by
pushing himself on a wheeled wooden board.
 Narasimhalu – who is severely Orthopaedic
impaired is adept at his Embroidery and
Painting with his foot!
 He was a topper in class X and XII.
 He has accomplished basic Computerapplication in HTML, operating the keys/mouse
using his feet/toes!
 Despite all disorders he has taken life as a
challenge and uses his legs to do all his work,
right from knitting to eating, drinking, operating
the computer, hand embroidery and the cell
phone as well.
 This Charity Show is brought to you with the
backing and support of many like-minded
friends, art-lovers and organizations that have
a passion for ART and has the HEART to go out
and touch the lives of many needy as well as
Specially - abled.
 Be a part of this movement by buying the
works of art, appreciating, backing the artist
and sharing the news about the artist and his
works/and this show.
h t t p s : / / w w w. f a c e b o o k . c o m / p r o f i l e .
R Udhayakumar
As a part of
the Madras Day Celebrations
 His life is an inspirational journey – of Art ….
and fight against Spinal Muscular Atrophy
‘Twin-Art Show’
Foot Embroidery Artist
Artist R Udhayakumar
We salute their spirit and
Showcase their works of art
Pine Banquet Hall, Savera Hotel,
146, Dr. Radhakrishnan Road,
Chennai - 600 004
Inauguration: Friday 28th August 2015 at 6.30 pm
Shri Sivakumar Actor and Noted Painter
with Director Vasant Sai
Show continues on 29th [Saturday] and 30th August [Sunday] 2015
between 11.00 am and 8.00 pm
 Udhayakumar has thrived on the fringes of art.
His paintings are inspired by his imagination
and dreams. Udhayakumar developed his
artistic ideas and concept by watching art/
culture on television.
 He lives challenging life and ensuring he didn’t
succumb to the ailment which made his whole
body static.
 He was born a normal child. At tender 10
month, he was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular
Atrophy (SMA) - an ailment that affect the
neurons of spinal cord and brain stem. It
slowly arrested his whole bodily movement.
 However he completed his secondary
schooling from St. John’s School, Villivakkam.
 He was awarded best student for receiving
high marks in board exam by the then Judge
of High court, Madras.
 His parents and teachers discovered his
inclination towards painting/art when he was
in 2nd grade. He discontinued his studies after
10th due to ailment and since then, painting has
been his only passion & goal.
 At the age of seven, he participated in an
exhibition organized by Victoria Technical Institute
in 1982. Since then, he has conducted several
solo exhibitions at Lalit Kala Academy, Amethyst,
Gallery Sri Parvati and Ambassador Pallava.
 Noted art & film celebrity Mr. Sivakumar was
in all praise for his commitment and dedication
towards art.
 Lakshmi Venkatraman’s help and backing
encouraged him to paint more.
 Painting is his oxygen - and once he starts
a portrait he makes sure he completes his
canvas at one stretch. He is more passionate
about painting Horses. He visualizes Horse as
a symbol of Power and Energy.
 His attitude towards life is commendable
and his inspiring journey defeating all odds
continues - with art as a solace and the moral
support of his parents and sister.