Term 2, 2015-16


Term 2, 2015-16
Term 2 2015
Lord Stanley with
Mike Terry visits WHS
One of America’s Best High Schools
Recognized by U.S. News and World Report
Kennedy Center Schools of
Distinction in Arts Education
Wheeling High School
Township High School District 214
Dear Wildcat Families:
“Preparing students with a
global perspective
through relationships,
rigor, and relevance.”
Angela Sisi
We experienced an exciting start to the school year! We began the school year with a back-to-school
event called Freshman First Day. On this day all freshmen attended various sessions related to high
school success. These sessions included lessons on Google Apps, creating a digital presence, team
building, career conversations, self-advocacy/self care, balancing life in high school/goal setting, and
resources/expectations of high school. This provided a time for the freshmen to become acclimated
with high school, meet their classmates, and better understand expectations. At the end of the day the
entire freshman class went to the stadium for ice cream and a class picture. Just think…the next time
all of these students are together in the stadium as a class will be when they graduate!
As our freshmen were attending their freshman first day sessions, all of the other students were also
participating in team building activities in their classes with their teachers. This allowed students to get
to know their classmates and teachers and develop relationships that will help them be more successful
throughout the school year.
This year, all of our students have been issued iPads, and the students and teachers are learning new
ways to incorporate technology into the various curricula at Wheeling. If you have not done so, please
ask your child to show you the different ways the iPad is being used in his or her classes. It is truly
amazing how quickly everyone has learned to use this technology and how greatly it enhances the
educational experience overall.
On the morning of Friday, September 4, Dr. Mike Terry honored us by bringing the Stanley Cup to
Wheeling High School. Dr. Terry is a Wheeling High School graduate and is the team doctor for the
Chicago Blackhawks. Students were able to touch it and take their pictures with it. Dr. Terry ended
his stay with an assembly where he discussed such things as dedication and perseverance. What a
wonderful day to be a Wildcat!
Wheeling once again hosted The Chicagoland Marching Band Festival this past September. Marching
bands from all over Illinois displayed their musical talents, and field show training, and experience.
Wheeling, as usual, was competitively strong in their showing. We are thankful to our parents,
teachers, students, and community who support and encourage these young musicians and their
In the month of October, we had our Homecoming and Hometown event, which we combined into
one exciting night. On Thursday evening of Homecoming week, we once again followed the old
tradition of the big, blazing bon fire! Local vendors and restaurateurs hosted the Taste of Wheeling
on our lovely grounds. Among foodie favorites at the event were Wa-pa-ghetti’s, Burrito Bronco and
SuperDaug. To complete this party atmosphere, the homecoming DJ gave us a glimpse of the music
selections for the Saturday night dance. Of course, no Homecoming week would be complete without
it’s sporting events and on Friday, October 2 the Wheeling Wildcats’ Football team beat the Prospect
Knights and the Wheeling Wildcats’ soccer team beat the Conant Cougars. What a great athletic
Last year the Literacy Lab took on a new dimension to better meet the needs of our students. This year
this tutoring space continues to flourish. Under the leadership of Erin DeLuga, Associate Principal
for Instruction, Amanda Bhansali, social studies teacher, Cindy Carro, English teacher, and Emily
Rodriquez, math teacher, have collaborated to provide individual tutoring in every subject . The
Literacy Lab is open before and after school as well as throughout the day. Tutors visit classes where
they work with students, differentiating instruction and helping students increase their learning.
Teachers are invested in the literacy initiative, and their professional development provides them
training, which benefits students at all levels of literacy.
On November 18, parents and teachers will meet for parent-teacher conferences. Our PTO once again will provide a delicious dinner for
our staff. This is a long day and evening for our teachers, and we truly appreciate our parents for their contribution to the start of this very
important evening and for their help during the event. Please feel free, however, to contact any of your children’s teachers at anytime. It is
this strong teacher-parent partnership that assures the best possible opportunities for our children.
The rest of the school year promises to be exciting as well. The Jazz Combo has been selected to perform in Chicago at McCormick place
on Wednesday, December 16 at 10:30 am. This annual conference, hosting more than 17,000 participants, is the largest music conference
in the world. In addition to this wonderful opportunity, Wind Symphony has been invited to the Music for All National Concert Band
Festival from March 10-13, 2016, in Indianapolis. This is the fourth year our top concert band has been invited to the National Concert
Band Festival. They also performed in 1997, 2007, 2012. Yes, it feels like the school year has just begun, nevertheless, this is the time of year in which we gear up for choosing courses for the next
school year. Course selection begins on November 12. Counselors meet with each student, and these meetings will continue through late
January of 2016. Please encourage your children to talk with you about their Plans of Study including both their required courses and
their electives. If you have a senior, please discuss post-secondary plans and options. Your child should be actively involved in the college
application process, or at least be having serious discussions about the next steps to take. You will find very helpful information through
Naviance, and “Family Connections.” For additional information, please call John Hammond, our College and Career Counselor at 847
718- 7045.
When discussing course selections with your students, please ask them about the Power of 15 classes that are being offered at district
214 high schools. Next year, seniors can enroll in the following courses that can provide transcripted dual credit at Harper College:
Composition 101, Speech 101, Art 105, Physical Science 101, Math 101, and Math 103. More information will be sent home in the
coming months or, as always, please check out website for further information.
In addition to the Power of 15 courses, starting this year Harper is offering a scholarship program to our freshmen. This program, “The
Harper Promise”, offers a scholarship at Harper College to current freshmen if they apply by December 15 and adhere to the program
standards throughout their high school career. More information can be found on pages 7-10.
Winter sports and activities are gearing up, so please join us at our events, support the Cats, and, of course, stay in touch with your
children’s teachers. . We thank you for all you do. This is a very busy, but fulfilling time of the year. From our families to yours, have a
happy and bountiful Thanksgiving, and our warmest wishes for a joyous and healthy holiday season.
With Warmest Regards,
Wheeling High School
Estimadas Familias Wi ldcat:
Hemos empezado el año escolar con mucho entusiasmo. Este año lo comenzamos con un nuevo evento llamado Freshman FirstDay. En
este día todos los estudiantes en el noveno grado asistieron a varias sesiones relacionadas a como ser exitoso en la escuela secundaria.
Estas sesiones incluyeron lecciones en Google Apps, creando una presencia digital, trabajo en equipo, conversaciones sobre carreras,
autodefensa, cuidado personal, armonía en la escuela secundaría, estableciendo metas y recursos, expectativas de la escuela secundaria.
Este evento les dio la oportunidad de aclimatarse con la escuela secundaria, conocer a sus compañeros, y comprender mejor las
expectativas. Al final del día todos los estudiantes en el noveno grado se reunieron en el estadio para tomar una foto de grupo y comer
helados. ¡Imaginense, la próxima vez que todos estos estudiantes estén juntos en el estadio como promoción será cuando se gradúen!
Mientras los estudiantes en el noveno grado estaban asistiendo a sus sesiones, todos los otros estudiantes también estaban participando
en actividades de trabajo en equipo en sus clases con sus maestros. Estas actividades les permitió conocer a sus compañeros y maestros y
desarrollar relaciones que los ayudarán a tener más éxito en el año escolar.
Este año, todos nuestros alumnos han recibido un iPad, tanto los estudiantes como los maestros están aprendiendo nuevas maneras de
incorporar tecnología en los diferentes planes de estudio en la escuela Wheeling. Si no lo ha hecho, por favor pídale a su hijo que le
muestre las diferentes formas en que están utilizando el iPad en sus clases. Es realmente increíble lo rápido que todos los estudiantes han
aprendido a usar esta tecnología y como mejora la experiencia educativa en general.
El día 4 de setiembre el Dr. Michael Terry nos hizo el honor de traer el trofeo Copa Stanley a la escuela Wheeling High. El Doctor Terry es
graduado de la escuela Wheeling High y es el doctor del equipo de hockey Chicago Blackhawks. Los estudiantes pudieron tocar el trofeo
y tomarse fotos con el. El Dr. Terry también discutió el significado de dedicación y perseverancia con los estudiantes durante la asamblea al
final de su visita. ¡Fue un gran día para ser un Wildcat!
En setiembre la escuela Wheeling High fue una vez más el escenario para la competencia Chicagoland Marching Band Festival. Bandas de
música de todas partes de Illinois mostraron su talento musical, y experiencia de marcha en el campo. Wheeling, como de costumbre, se
destacó con en su excelente actuación. Estamos muy agradecidos a nuestros padres, maestros, estudiantes y a la comunidad que apoyan y
alientan a estos jóvenes músicos y sus instructores.
En el mes de octubre, tuvimos los eventos de Homecoming y Hometown Celebration que combinamos en una noche inolvidable. La
tradición de la Gran Fogata regreso el jueves en la noche de la semana de Homecoming, Vendedores y restaurantes locales participaron
en el Taste of Wheeling en nuestro campo escolar. Entre los favoritos este año fueron Wa-pa-ghetti’s, Burrito Bronco y Superdawg. Para
completar la atmósfera, el DJ tocó una selección de la música planeada para el baile de Homecoming. Por supuesto, Homecoming no
estaría completo sin los eventos deportivos. El viernes 2 de octubre nuestro equipo de Football Americano triunfó contra el equipo de la
escuela Prospect High y el equipo de fútbol triunfó contra la escuela Conant. ¡Una gran proeza atlética!
El año pasado el Laboratorio de Alfabetización (Literacy Lab) tomó una nueva dimensión para satisfacer mejor las necesidades de nuestros
estudiates. Este año este laboratorio de tutoría continúa prosperando. Bajo la dirección de Erin DeLuga, Sub-Directora de Instrucción,
Amanda Bhansali, maestra de Estudios Sociales, Cindy Carro, maestra de Inglés, y Emily Rodriguez, maestra de Matemática, han
colaborado para proporcionar tutoría en cada materia. El Laboratorio de Alfabetización está abierto antes y después la escuela así como
durante el día. Los tutores visitan clases en donde trabajan con los estudiantes, diferenciando la instrucción y ayudándolos a aumentar su
aprendizaje. Los maestros se dedican a la iniciativa de alfabetización y reciben entrenamiento durante su desarrollo profesional, lo que
beneficia a estudiantes en todos los niveles.
El 18 de noviembre, los padres de familia tendrán la oportunidad de reunirse con los maestros. Nuestra Asociación de Padres de Familia
(PTO) una vez más proveerá una deliciosa merienda para la facultad. Este es un día arduo para los maestros y realmente apreciamos a
nuestros padres por su contribución al inicio de esta importante noche y por su ayuda durante el evento. Por favor, no dude en ponerse en
contacto con los maestros de su estudiante en cualquier momento. Esta fuerte asociación entre maestros y padres hacen posible mejores
oportunidades para nuestros hijos.
El resto del año escolar promete estar lleno de actividades. El Combo de Jazz ha sido seleccionado para interpretar en McCormick Place,
en Chicago el día miércoles, 16 de diciembre a las 10:30 am. Esta conferencia anual, con más de 17,00 participantes, es la conferencia de
música mas grande en el mundo. Además de esta maravillosa oportunidad, la Sinfónica ha sido invitada al festival Music for All National
Concert Band en Indianapolis que se llevará a cabo del 10 al 13 de marzo, 2016. Este es el cuarto año (1997, 2007, 2012) que nuestra
banda ha sido invitada a este festival.
Parece que fue ayer que empezaron las clases, sin embargo, esta es la época en que nos preparamos para la elección de cursos para el
próximo año escolar. El día 12 de noviembre los consejeros comenzarán a reunirse con los estudiantes, este proceso concluirá en enero
del 2016. Por favor converse con su hijo/hija acerca de sus planes de estudio, incluyendo los cursos obligatorios y opcionales. Si su
estudiante está en el grado 12 converse con él/ella sobre sus planes y opciones para después de la graduación, ellos deben de participar
activamente en el proceso de postular a la universidad, o por lo menos tener discusiones serias acerca de sus próximos pasos. Usted puede
encontrar información útil a través de Naviance, y Family Connections. Para obtener información adicional por favor llame al Sr. John
Hammond, nuestro consejero de Universidad y Carreras al teléfono (847) 718-7045.
Cuando converse con su estudiante acerca de la selección de cursos, por favor pregúntele acerca de las clases Power of 15 que se ofrecen
en todas las escuelas del Distrito 214. El próximo año, estudiantes en el grado 12 tendrán la oportunidad de inscribirse en los siguientes
cursos los cuales pueden proporcionar doble crédito, en su registro escolar y en Harper College: Composición 101, Discurso 101, Art 105,
Ciencias Físicas 101, Matemáticas 101, y Matemáticas 103. Más información será enviada a casa en los próximos meses y también estará
disponible en nuestra página web.
Además del Power of 15, a partir de este año Harper College está ofreciendo un programa de becas, “The Harper Promise”, a nuestros
estudiantes actualmente en el noveno grado si aplican antes del día 15 de diciembre y se adhieren a los estándares del programa a lo
largo de su carrera en la escuela secundaria. Puede encontrar más información entre las páginas 7 a 10 de este boletín.
Los Deportes de la temporada de invierno ya han empezado, así que le pedimos que venga cuando sea posible a animar a nuestros gatos,
y por supuesto manténganse en contacto con los maestros de sus hijos. Les agradecemos por todo su apoyo.
Esta es una temporada muy activa pero llena de gozo. De nuestras familias a la suya les deseamos una feliz y abundante Acción de Gracias
y nuestros mejores deseos para una temporada de fiestas feliz y saludable.
Saludos Cordiales.
Angela Sisi
Mr. Tom Scotese
Assistant Principal
of Student Services
Nurse’s Corner
Ramon Williams
Dean of Students
Student Services
Derrick Williamson
Dean of Students
Lori Leska RN, MSN
Certified School Nurse
(847) 718-7075 (phone)
(847) 718-7076 (fax)
Chronic Health Conditions in School
School achievement is dependent upon effectively meeting the health needs of all the students enrolled
in District 214 schools. If your student has a chronic health condition like Asthma, Allergies, Diabetes,
Seizures or Autism it is important for the school, doctor and family to work together to provide the best
educational experience possible.
In an effort to provide your student an opportunity for a successful school year a number of health care
plans are available on the d214.org website. The care plan is designed to help the school collaborate
with the student’s family and medical doctor to insure student needs are met. Care plans can be found
under the District Information tab and sliding down to Health Services. Once you have printed the
Care Plan please review it with your doctor and return it to your school’s Health Office prior to the
beginning of each school year.
If your student requires medication or an inhaler during the school day these requests are also available
to complete and bring to the school. If you do choose to send medication for your student it should
always be sent in the original container and should be labeled with your students name.
The school nurse is available to meet with you and your student to discuss the care plan or any
concerns you may have regarding your students health needs at school. If you would like to schedule a
meeting or have any questions, please call me.
If you have any questions please call L. Leska, school nurse at 847-718-7075.
Lori Leska RN, MSN
Certified School Nurse
Wheeling High School
Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
State law requires the Illinois High School Association to post a hands-only cardiopulmonary resuscitation and automated external defibrillators training video on its website. The law also requires the
District to notify staff members and parents/guardians about the video. You are encouraged to view the
video, which will take less than 15 minutes of your time, at
Deans’ Corner
New security vestibules
We are excited to announce that our new security vestibules have been installed at both the front and back entrances of our school. All
visitors will be required to present a form of identification at the vestibule before entering the building. Access into the building will
flow much smoother if you call ahead to make an appointment before you arrive and bring a valid I.D. with you. Thank you for your
cooperation! The hours of operation for the vestibules are 7:00 to 2:50 pm during normal school days.
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Electronic course registration now available for
the 2016-17 school year
Current Freshman, Sophomores and Juniors students will make their ELECTIVE class choices though the website this year (Incoming Freshman will still meet with their future counselor at the middle schools). When the Student Registration window is opened on the website,
current 9th, 10th and 11th graders and their family will see the CORE class recommendations that their current teachers will have already
made. They will then have several days to choose their ELECTIVE classes. Instructions on how to do this will be emailed to the student and
Look for the Student Window for Electronic Course Selection to be open
November 12 - November 16, 2015. It is important that you make your ELECTIVE course selections during that time. Once the window is
closed, families will no longer have access to this electronic process. After ELECTIVE course selections have been entered for your student,
all students will meet with their counselor individually to finalize class requests for the 2016/2017 school year. This process will be happening through the end of January 2016.
Class of 2019 Harper Promise Scholarship
What if we could remove financial barriers for every hard-working high school student who wanted to go to college? Think of the possibilities for students, parents and our local workforce. Two years of college. Tuition free.
Under the Harper College Promise Scholarship Program every freshmen student in the district can earn up to two years of tuition if they’re
willing to do the things in high school that will make them successful in college and in the workplace – maintain solid grades, have good
attendance, don’t repeat classes and provide service to their community.
The criteria for the Promise scholarship was developed by Harper College, area high schools and northwest suburban business leaders to
develop skills and habits that will help students succeed in college and provide businesses with smart, skilled and motivated employees.
If the student meets attendance, rigor, quality, persistence and community service requirements they can earn up to two years tuition at
Harper College. There is a December 15, 2015 application deadline. All freshman students have been given a paper copy of the application. Emails have been sent to students and parents with an electronic copy. Freshman families, don’t miss this great opportunity!
WHS students meet author Luis Alberto Urrea
On October 6th, 15 WHS students attended some highly engaging sessions in both Spanish and English at Forest View Educational Center
with author Luis Alberto Urrea. Together with Indian Trails Public Library, District 214 was awarded the Big Read Grant surrounding the
book Into the Beautiful North. Students listened to an hour-long presentation on the author and the making of this book, as well a 45-minute question and answer session in Spanish. Student’s left energized and inspired to read this book and subsequent books by this author.
Following this visit, students shared their insights with classmates, and some attended Wildcat Talks on the topic of immigration- a theme
of this novel- in which many staff members shared their personal stories of immigration. Both students and staff were impressed with the
fact that so many staff members at our school are immigrants or children of immigrants themselves. Thank you to all who participated!
What if we could promise every public high school student
in the northwest suburbs two years of college tuitionfree if they’re willing to earn it? Think of the possibilities
for students, parents and our local workforce. Two years of
college. Tuition free.
Under the Harper College Promise Scholarship Program
every eligible incoming public high school student in
Harper’s district can earn up to two years of tuition at Harper
College if they maintain solid grades, have good attendance,
don’t repeat classes, graduate on time and provide service
to their community.
Completion: 65% vs. 31%
Generational Impact
Students in a similar promise
program in Peoria, IL graduated or
transferred at a rate of 65% compared
to 31% for students who did not
participate in the program.
4.1% for people with a college
credential vs. 9.4% for people with
only a high school education.
Children raised in a household of
a college degree holder are 75% more
likely to earn a degree. This trend can
close the household economic
gap for years to come.
Source: U.S. Department of Labor
Source: Natl. Center for Education Statistics
Beca de estudio ofrecida a cada
estudiante de escuela secundaria
púBlica en el distrito de Harper
college que financia Hasta dos años
de universidad.
¿Qué pasaría si pudiéramos prometer a cada estudiante de
escuela secundaria pública de los suburbios del noroeste dos
años de universidad sin matrícula si están dispuestos
a obtener ese beneficio? Piense en las posibilidades para
estudiantes, padres o nuestra fuerza de trabajo local. Dos
años de universidad. Sin matrícula.
Gracias al programa Promesa de becas de estudio de Harper
College (Harper College Promise Scholarship Program)
cada estudiante de escuela secundaria pública que recién
ingresa y que sea elegible puede obtener hasta dos años de
matrícula en Harper College si mantiene buenas notas, asiste
regularmente a clase, no repite asignaturas, se gradúa a
tiempo y proporciona servicios a su comunidad.
65 %
4.1 %
Finalización: 65 %
frente a 31 %
del desempleo
Estudiantes en un programa
de promesa similar en Peoria, IL se
graduaron o fueron transferidos en
un índice del 65 % en comparación
con un 31 % para estudiantes que no
participaron en el programa.
4.1 % de las personas que tienen
un título universitario frente a un
9.4 % de personas que solo tienen
educación de escuela secundaria.
Fuente: Departamento de Trabajo de
75 %
Impacto generacional
La probabilidad de que los hijos
que crecen en un hogar donde una
persona tiene un título universitario,
obtengan también un título es 75 %
mayor. En los años venideros esta
tendencia podría cerrar la brecha
económica de los hogares.
Fuente: Centro Nacional de
Estadísticas Educativas
Mr. Tom Scotese, Assistant Principal Student Services, 847-718-7021
Use (718) prefix with extensions below.
Student’s Last Name Begins With:
Class of
Class of
Class of
Social Worker
Social Worker
Social Worker
College & AVID Counselor
Career Advisor
Speech-Language Pathologist
Omni Youth Services
RTI Coordinator
Counselor Alignment
Class of
Ms. Joyce Brewer (JAB)
Mr. Robert Scarpino (RMS)
Mr. Robert Sochowski (RAS)
Ms. Grace Alderson (GSA)
Mr. Michael O’Keeffe
Ms. Sheila Rudden-Shorey (SRS)
Ms. Brandi Rojas (BR)
Mr. John Hammond (JMH)
Counseling Alignment
Ms. Lauren Manola
Mr. Raymundo Galarza
(Rudden-Shorey/Rojas (ELL)
Ms. Svetlana Fastovskaya
Mr. Mark Menich
Ms. Andrea Mugler
(Hammond & Rojas-AVID)
Ms. Lori Leska
Mr. John Hammond
Mr. Ted Jackowski (Wednesday & Friday)
Ms. Julie Semerau
Mr. Mark Wong
Mr. Derek Swierczek
Counseling Lilia Ramirez (JAB)
Counseling Danielle Herrndobler (RAS)
Counseling Fernando Gonzalez (SRS)
Social Worker Intern Sabrina Massey
Mr. Derrick Williamson (7005) - A-K
Officer Brittany Vore (7125) Police Liason
Counseling Stephany Newton(GSA)
Counseling Gerardo Wence-Munozz (BR)
Social Worker Intern Alaina Argianas
Dean Alignment
Mr. Ramon Williams (7006) -
Additional Resources
Division Heads
English and Fine Arts
Mr. Tim Piatek
Social Science, Foreign Language and ELL/Bilingual
Dr. Alan Wahlert
Math and Science
Ms. Nancy Heintz
Business, Technology, Life Science, P.E./Health
Mr. Kevin Muck
Special Education Division Head – Angela Ginnan ext. 7014
Special Education Coordinator
Ms. Jacqueline Meo
Case Managers
Case Manager Ms. Janet Aschenbrener 7080
Case Manager Mr. Tim Nowicki
Case Manager Ms. Stacey Drennan
Case Manager Ms. Donna Caponigro
Case Manager Ms. Deb Jasin
Case Manager Ms. Erin O’Keefe
Case Manager Ms. Ania Juszczyk
Case Manager Mr. Rick Carlson
Case Manager Mr. Joe Rupslauk
Case Manager Ms. Carol Levin
Case Manager Mr. Mike Theodosakis 7177
Case Manager Mr. Marcus Thomas
Mrs. Erin Deluga
Associate Principal
of Instruction
Tim Piatek
English/Fine Arts Division Head
Alan Wahlert
Social Science, Foreign Language,
and ELL/Bilingual Division Head
Final Exams January 21 & 22, 2016
Thursday, January 21
1 - 7:30 - 8:20
50 minutes
A - 7:30 - 9:15
105 minutes
2 - 8:25 - 9:15
55 minutes
C1 - 9:25 - 11:10
105 minutes
5 - 9:30 - 10:15
50 minutes
Nancy Heintz
Math/Science Division Head
C2 - 10:20 - 12:05 105 minutes
6 - 10:20 - 11:10
50 minutes
Kevin Muck
Career Technology Education
Division Head
**Exam Make-Up**
12:10 - 1:40
50 minutes
1:45 - 2:35
50 minutes
7 - 11:15 - 12:05
50 minutes
Busses leave at 12:20
Friday, January 22
**Exam Make-Up**
12:10 - 1:40
50 minutes
1:45 - 2:35
50 minutes
3 - 7:30 - 8:20
50 minutes
B - 7:30 - 9:15
105 minutes
4 - 8:25 - 9:15
50 minutes
D - 9:25 - 11:10
105 minutes
8 - 9:25 - 10:15
50 minutes
9 - 10:20 - 11:10
50 minutes
** Exam Make-Up**
11:15 - 12:45
90 minutes
12:55 - 2:35
90 minutes
Busses leave at 11:30
** Exam Make-Up**
11:15 - 12:45
90 minutes
12:55 - 2:35
90 minutes
Preparing for your finals? Come to the library!
The library is open until 5:30 p.m. before final
exam days.
*Tutoring for you - take advantage*
Lit Lab Tutoring Center Hours
Lit Lab Tutoring Center is Open Monday-Thursday 7:30 am-4 pm and
Friday 7:30am-3pm. We tutor all subjects.
WHS Blue/Gold Dates
Term 2
Institute Day
Blue Late Arrival
Thursday- Gold Seminar (F)
Thursday - Professional Dev.
Thursday - Gold Seminar (Soph)
Thursday - Gold Seminar (Soph)
Thursday 8:25 Start No Seminar
Thursday - Gold Seminar (Soph)
Thursday - Gold Seminar (J) &
Thursday - Term 2 Exams
Friday- Term 2 Exams
F = Seminar for Freshmen
Soph = Seminar for Sophomores
J = Seminar for Juniors
Sen = Seminar for Seniors
Term 4
Term 3
Institute Day
Thursday - Gold Seminar (Soph)
& (J)
2/4/16 - Thursday - Professional Dev
2/11/16 Thursday - Gold Seminar (Soph)
& (J).
2/18/16 Thursday - Gold Seminar (F) (J)
2/25/16 Thursday - Gold Seminar (F) (J)
Thursday- Blue Late Arrival
3/10/16 Thursday - Gold Seminar (F)
3/17/16 Thursday - Professional Dev.
Thursday - Term 3 Exams
Friday- Term 3 Exams
F = Seminar for Freshmen
Soph = Seminar for Sophomores
J = Seminar for Juniors
Sen = Seminar for Seniors
4/4/16 - Institute Day
Thursday - Gold Seminar (J)
4/14/16 Thursday - Gold Seminar (J)
4/21/16 Thursday - Gold Seminar
4/28/16 Thursday Gold Seminar
Thursday- Peer Mentoring
5/12/16 Thursday - Senior Survey
5/19/16 Thursday- Blue Late Arrival
5/26/16 Thursday- Gold Day
Scholarship Breakfast
Thursday - Term 4 Exams
Friday- Term 4 Exams
F = Seminar for Freshmen
Soph = Seminar for Sophomores
J = Seminar for Juniors
Sen = Seminar for Seniors
Controversial Issues in the classroom
Township High School District 214’s primary mission is to enable all students to learn the skills, acquire the knowledge,
and develop the behaviors necessary for them to reach their full potential as citizens who can meet the challenges of a
changing society. In a democracy that openly confronts acute and pressing political, social, economic, and moral problems,
it is likely that such issues will be evident in classrooms. Discussions about these issues provide students with the type of
learning experience that will help prepare them to meet the challenges of a global changing society.
District 214 provides its parents/guardians an opportunity to grant or refuse permission for their son or daughter to
participate in a class activity or to request an alternative assignment when study materials are deemed controversial.
Parents/guardians with concerns regarding controversial issues, materials, and curricula should contact the school’s
principal/designee. The administration has established guidelines, procedures, and safeguards for an unbiased, impartial
handling of controversial issues in the classroom.
NCLB information
NCLB information
Circus fundraiser 11/14/15
WHS’s Circus literary magazine will host its 9th annual fundraiser at Barnes & Noble in Arlington Heights at Rand and Arlington Heights
Roads on Saturday, November 14 for early holiday shoppers. All day on November 14, Barnes & Noble will contribute a percentage of
every sale made with the bookfair voucher.
Circus literary magazine showcases WHS student poetry, prose, and art. This fundraiser allows Circus to continue printing a free copy of the
magazine for every student and to include more color art pages.
Circus staff is also pleased to work with the WHS social workers to gather wish lists from less fortunate kids within the Wheeling
area. Shoppers may use these lists to donate items to this holiday drive.
To encourage the community to attend the event, Circus students are hosting a variety of events.
10:00-11:00 Spanish & English Marcel the Shell story time with pet rock project
11:00-12:00 Beans Baker, Number Five story time with puppet show & puppet craft
12:00-1:00 Stellaluna story time with paper bat craft
1:00-2:00 Dr. Seuss story hour with hot air balloon craft & balloon animals
10:00-2:00 gift wrapping
All day holiday book drive
Ms. Angela Ginnan
Associate Principal
of Operations
Mr. Tom Scotese
Student Services
Dr. Stephan May
Student Activities
Roel Acevedo
Custodial /Maintenance
Maureen Mullane
Food Services Supervisor
Emergency Contact Information
In the unfortunate event that an emergency or crisis situation occurs in our area during
the school day, we want you to know that Wheeling High School is prepared. With the
help of the Wheeling Fire and Police Departments, we have designed a Standardized
School Crisis Plan that will assist us in effectively responding to these types of situations.
While your natural instinct as a parent in an emergency is to go to your child’s school to
safeguard him/her, please understand that doing so may significantly impede our
response capabilities as well as those of our local emergency responders. It is vital that
school officials and the Police and Fire Departments have access to our buildings to
manage the situation and give care to students. In addition, it may be necessary to
evacuate students to another location if there is immediate danger.
In an emergency or crisis situation, we need your cooperation and assistance and ask
that you please follow the guidelines below:
In the event of a crisis that requires an evacuation/relocation of students, contact
(847) 718-7605 for information. In all other emergency situations, contact (847)
Tune to major local television and radio stations for information on the situation
and instructions on how to reunite with your child. In some emergency or crisis
situations, it may be necessary to relocate to another facility for safety reasons.
Your designated reunification site is Forest View Educational Center located at
2121 S. Goebbert Road in Arlington Heights.
When you travel to the reunification site, please be sure to bring picture
identification. We will only release students to their legal guardians, or the
authorized individuals as listed on your child’s emergency forms.
We thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Our ultimate goal is to keep your children safe while they are under our care. 21
Información de contacto de emergencia
En el lamentable caso de que ocurra una emergencia o una situación de crisis en nuestra
área durante el día escolar, queremos que sepa que Wheeling High School está
preparada. Con la ayuda de los Departamentos de Policía y de Bomberos de Wheeling,
hemos diseñado un Plan Estandarizado ante Crisis en la Escuela que nos ayudará a
responder de manera eficaz ante estos tipos de situaciones.
Si bien el instinto natural como padre ante una emergencia es dirigirse a la escuela de su
hijo para protegerlo, entienda que hacer eso puede obstaculizar de forma significativa
nuestras capacidades de respuesta, así como la de los socorristas locales. Es
imprescindible que los funcionarios escolares y los Departamentos de Policía y
Bomberos tengan acceso a nuestros edificios para manejar la situación y brindar
atención a los alumnos. Además, puede ser necesario evacuar a los alumnos a otra
ubicación si existe peligro inmediato.
Ante una emergencia o situación de crisis, necesitamos su cooperación y asistencia, y le
solicitamos que siga las siguientes pautas:
En caso de una crisis que requiera la evacuación/reubicación de los alumnos,
llame al (847) 718-7605 para obtener información. En todas las demás situaciones
de emergencia, llame al (847) 718-7000.
Sintonice la televisión local y las estaciones de radio más importantes para obtener
información sobre la situación e instrucciones acerca de cómo reencontrarse con
su hijo. En algunas situaciones de emergencia o crisis, puede ser necesaria la
reubicación a otra instalación por motivos de seguridad. El lugar designado
para la reunificación es Forest View Educational Center ubicado en 2121 S
Goebbert Rd en Arlington Heights.
Cuando vaya al lugar de reunificación, asegúrese de traer una identificación con
fotografía. Sólo permitiremos que los tutores legales o las personas autorizadas
recojan a los alumnos conforme a lo indicado en los formularios de emergencia de
su hijo.
Gracias por su colaboración en este asunto. Nuestro objetivo máximo es mantener a sus hijos a salvo mientras se encuentren bajo nuestro cuidado. 22
Emergency call cards
Dr. Steve May
Assistant Principal
of Student Activities
Musicians at their best
The Wheeling High School Jazz Band 1 recently won the 2015 Mark of Excellence award. The Foundation of Music Education sponsors this competition with around 230 middle school and high school
ensembles from 36 states competing for this prestigious award. Wheeling’s Jazz Band 1 submitted
recordings of 3 songs; and after submitting the material Wheeling was recognized for their high musical
achievement. Wheeling’s Bands have been named national winners in the Mark of Excellence competition four other times in the recent years.
Jazz Combo Performance at Midwest National Band and Orchestra Clinic
The Jazz Combo has been selected to perform at this year’s Midwest National Band and Orchestra
Clinic. In addition to performing for an audience of band directors, educators, and musicians, the Jazz
Combo will receive a clinic from Javon Jackson, former Tenor Saxophonist with Art Blakey and the
Jazz Messengers. The Jazz Combo has also performed this year at Schaumburg Days, Potbelly’s and
the Stanley Cup appearance at Wheeling High School. We look forward to performing at Midwest on
Wednesday, December 16th at 10:30 am. This has been an exciting year for our Jazz Bands and Combo
at Wheeling High school! Thank you for your continuous support.
Wheeling Marching Band has Success in Competition Season
The Wheeling “Wildcat” Marching Band is wrapping up yet another successful competition season!
This year, the band participated in the Lake Park Lancer Joust, Wheaton North Falcon Fest, and hosted
the 49th Annual Chicagoland Marching Band Festival. At the Lake Park Lancer Joust, the band took
2nd place in Class AA, Best Music Performance, and 4th Place Overall in Finals Performance. At the
Wheaton North Falcon Fest, the band took 1st Place in Class AA, Best Music Performance, Best General
Effect, and 2nd Place Overall. This year, the Chicagoland Marching Band Festival hosted 21 marching bands for an extremely entertaining event! We thank all of the students, parents, and staff for their
tremendous hard work in keeping our marching program a success. The band will finish competition
season at the Marengo Settlers Days Festival.
Wheeling Wind Symphony to Perform at National Concert Band Festival
This year, the Wheeling High School Wind Symphony has been selected to play at the prestigious Music
For All National Concert Band Festival. This event takes place in Indianapolis, Indiana from March
10th-12th. Only 18 bands in the nation are selected to perform at this event each year. Wheeling High
School has had the honor of performing at this event three times prior to this year. The event will be a
unique learning opportunity and memorable event for our students.
Music for All festival
Wheeling High School Wind Symphony Invited to
Perform in Music for All National Festival
Music for All National Festival brings together the nation’s finest school music ensembles.
INDIANAPOLIS – The Wheeling High School Wind Symphony from Wheeling, IL has been
invited to perform at the 2016 Music for All National Festival, presented by Yamaha, the
nation’s most prestigious festival for school instrumental music ensemble. The 25th annual
Festival will take place in Indianapolis, March 10-12.
The Wheeling High School Wind Symphony is under the direction of Brain Logan and was
selected to perform by a panel of esteemed music educators by recorded audition.
Music for All is one of the nation’s largest and most influential organizations advocating in
support of music education. The Music for All National Festival is comprised of the
National Concert Band Festival, Sandy Feldstein National Percussion Festival, Middle
School National Music Festival, Chamber Music National Festival and three national honor
ensembles: the Honor Band of America, the Jazz Band of America, and the Honor
Orchestra of America.
This is the Fourth invitation for the Wheeling High School Wind Symphony. This
outstanding group performed at the 1997, 2007, 2012, and soon the 2016 Festival.
The Wheeling High School Wind Symphony is one of 18 high school concert bands from
invited for a feature performance at the 2016 Festival. They will perform be evaluated by
renowned music educators and participate in master classes and special events.
Performing ensembles for the 2016 Festival come from Alabama, California, Colorado,
Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Kansas, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississippi, New Jersey, Ohio,
Oklahoma, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin.
Festival and ticket information will be available at www.musicforall.org or by calling
About Music for All
Music for All (MFA) is one of the nation’s largest and most influential organizations in
support of active music making. Since 1975, MFA, through its Bands of America and
Orchestra America programs, has been a destination and set the standard for scholastic
music ensemble performance and music education advocacy.
Parent Name(s):_____________________________________________________________
Students Name(s):____________________________________________Grade(s): 9 10 11 12
City: ___________________________________________ Zip: ______________________
Email: ____________________________________________ Cell Phone: _______________
2015-2016 School Year Membership Drive
Select One Fee Membership Type Regular Season Home Games LIFETIME $1000.00-­1 time ** GOLD** $100.00-­ annual WILDCATS $50.00-­ annual 12 Individual Passes plus Athletic Decal STANDARD $25.00-­ annual 8 Individual Passes plus Athletic Decal Best Value Membership!!!!
Family Pass + Athletic Decal 1 Year Family Pass covers All Football & Basketball games+Decal Total $ Owed ______________
Total $ Collected____________
Wheeling Athletic Booster Spirit Gear
Stadium Chair
Lawn Sign (limited quantity)
# Ordered
Total $
Name of Sport(s) for Lawn Sign _____________________________________________________________
Total $ Owed __________
Total $ Collected ________ Checks Payable to: WHS Spur Club Mail to: Wheeling High School Spur Club P.O. Box 124 Wheeling, IL 60090 Questions, please e-­‐mail us: whsspurclub@gmail.com 29
WELCOME to the 2015-2016 Wheeling Athletic Boosters (Spur Club) and THANK YOU for
assisting us in supporting our Wildcat Athletes! The WHS Spur Club Boosters are committed to
raising funds, not only through our membership drive, but also through different fundraising
efforts during the year. To be able to truly benefit the Athletic Department, the Spur Club
Boosters needs YOUR help. Listed below are some areas we are looking for Volunteers to assist us
throughout the upcoming school year. Please take the time to review our volunteer opportunities
I would like to help with: (Check any area you would be interested in volunteering)
SPUR Club Board
Annual Golf Outing (summer)
Home Sporting Events 50/50 Raffles ____ Football Games
_____ Basketball Games
Spirit Wear Sales
Hardwood Classic Basketball Tournament (winter break)
____ Hospitality Room/ ____Concessions
Casino Night
Flower Sale (spring)
wherever you need help!
Parent Name(s):
If you have any questions, please email us: whsspurclub@gmail.com
Mail to: Wheeling High School- Spur Club
P.O. Box 124
Wheeling, IL 60090
Mark your calendars, the Spur Club meets every Third Wednesday of the month @ 7:00 pm in the Teachers Lounge 30
Order Your WHS Lawn Stake Sign
Your School Sport, Activity, or Club sign Only 1 per SIGN These 18x24 lawn stake single sided signs are avaible!! You can
customize your sign for a WHS Sport, Activity or Club. Please return
all order forms to the A thletic O ffice (Spur Club). Checks may be
made out to WHS Spur Club. Limited quantity.
Student Name:_________________________________ ID#______________
Home Phone # ________________________Email:__________________________
1 for $15.00___________ 2 for $28.00________ 3 for $40.00________
Please make checks out to W HS Spur C lub
Q uestions Contact: whsspurclub@gmail.com
You will be notified when your sign(s) are available for pick-up 31
Outstanding academics, congrats!
National Merit Semifinalist
Brian Dardon
Zalman Faltushanskiy
National Merit Commended
Jacob Sweetow
National Hispanic Recognition
2015 September
Student of the Month
Nayelli De Los Santos - Little Wildcats Care
Daniel Flores - World Literature
Kyle Glass - Reading for Success Educator
Aide Hernandez - Literacy Lab Tutor
Jessica Marquez - World History
Ismar Martinez - AVID
Miriam Mendoza - English Composition
Jean Pabon-Ayala - Law and the Individual
Mehul Shukla - Spanish 2
John Smith - Physical Education
Sarah Valladares - Prep World Literature
Paul Wagner - Band/Jazz Band
Brian Dardon
Awesome donation for Snap Clips
The Snap Clips Team received
a $2,500 donation from the
Barrington Education Foundation. This money will be used to
help the students launch their
2015 Homecoming royalty
Anti-bullying messages take flight
Amazing, it’s the “Cup”
WHS Distinguished Alumni Dr. Michael Terry, orthopedic surgeon and Chicago Blackhawks team physician graciously shared
some time out of his day with the Stanley Cup here at WHS. Dr. Terry has always shared his time with his former high school.
Every year WHS hosts a Career Day. Dr. Terry dedicates time to attend many of these career days and speaks to our students
about his chosen profession and how his educational journey has led to him to where he is today. He encourages students
to work hard, set goals, and to never be afraid to pursue their dreams. Needless to say, when he showed up with Lord Stanley
it was absolute bedlam. Students and staff alike were so excited to experience this once in a lifetime opportunity to see “the
Cup” up close.
We thank Dr. Terry for his generosity and thoughtfulness. This is one experience that everyone here, on that very special day,
will never forget. The pictures say it all.
Lenny Walker
WHS Parent Teacher Organization Wendy Hart
Nancy Parra
Our Mission Statement The WHS PTO works to link teachers, staff, families and students together to provide a communication platform for the enrichment of the school community. *All membership and fundraising monies get reinvested back into WHS. Together, we can continue to have a positive impact within our community-­‐ we awarded nearly $3000 this year that impacted nearly 40% of the students. We will award Five-­‐ $500 Scholarships to Outstanding Seniors. Your PTO hosts the Teacher Appreciation Dinner and distributes healthy snacks to students on State Testing Days Please Join Your PTO at Wheeling High School 2015-­‐2016 -­‐8pm (start/end promptly) Join us September 8, 2015 Oct 13th Nov 10th Jan 12th Feb 8th March 8th April 5th May11th*Wednesday WHS room 102. Enter front of the school & turn Rt. at 2nd corridor. PARENT(s): ________________________________________________________________________________ (First name) (Last name) ADDRESS: _____________________________________________________________________________ (Street address) (City) (Zip) TELEPHONE: __________________________ @214whspto E-­‐MAIL ADDRESS _____________________________ (e -­‐mail for PTO USE ONLY) PTO
Membership Fee of $20.00 helps all WHS students, plus receive WHS phone directory. 38
Gives -­ Wheeling HS Gets! Shopping at Target helps support Wheeling High School without spending anything extra! Everytime you shop with your REDcard at Target or Target.com, their Take Charge of Education Program will donate 1% of your total purchases directly to the Wheeling High School PTO. This is in addition to the 5% discount you already earn by using your REDcard when you shop at Target Stores or online. how it works! If you already have a REDcard, (a Target Credit Card, a Target Visa Credit Card or a Target Debit Card), click here. Select Manage My Red Card Enter Target School ID #45070 to choose Wheeling. Choose "Select This School" Enter your Name and Target REDcard account number. How Can I Get a REDcard? If you do not have a REDcard through Target, you may apply online or in the store. Make sure to select School ID #45070 when you enroll. 39
Follow D214 on facebook
Stay up to date on the latest news from High School District 214 and its schools
by following and liking our Twitter and Facebook accounts.
NO Firearms
As required by law, signs were posted at the entrances of our schools to alert the public that firearms are prohibited within our buildings.
The Illinois State Police provided these signs, depicting a crossed-out gun –the “No Firearms” symbol. Under the Firearm Concealed Carry
Act, which went into effect January 5, Illinois firearm owners can apply for a license to carry a concealed gun, but firearms are still prohibited entirely in our schools. This means even those with the license cannot carry guns into our buildings. These signs reflect that.
Please know that the installation of these signs is in accordance with Illinois state law. The same signage has been posted at elementary,
middle and high schools statewide.
As always, the safety of our students and staff is our foremost priority.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your school principal.
Download D214 free app
Want on-the-go information from District 214? There’s an app for that!
The District has officially launched a free iPhone- and Android-supported app that gives you mobile-friendly access to District news and
school information.
Among other features, the new app offers a password-activated Contact Manager feature that lets parents, students and staff opt in to receive text messages in the case of closings or school emergency situations.
To set up the text service, visit www.d214.org/cm.pdf. You’ll need your student’s school ID number and one of the phone numbers on
record in order to opt in.
The app also features easy access to District 214’s growing social media presence through clickable links to official Twitter, Flickr and Facebook feeds; maps; links to the Board of Education and employee contact pages of District 214’s website; and links to all District 214 school
and alternative program pages.
The goal is to provide even better communication through the use of innovative technology – already a staple in our classrooms. This new
app allows us to meet you where you’re at and deliver relevant information as it’s needed.
The District 214 app is available for free download through Google Play and iTunes by searching for High School District 214.
2015-16 District 214 budget information
Our vision statement:
Wheeling High School is a
nationally and internationally
recognized comprehensive
high school with a STEM focus
that incorporates LITERACY
across all disciplines while
simultaneously providing all
students with co-curricular
opportunities and postsecondary experiences, thus
preparing them to be
productive, healthy citizens in
a global society.
Township High School District 214
Wheeling High School
900 S. Elmhurst Rd.
Wheeling, IL 60090